from Lady Master Natasha and The Council of 8
Pearls 12-15
Pearl 12
My energy field, my Song of Self, attracts to me those of like mind, and is the key that opens dimensions of expanded consciousness.
3rd Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: Radical Self Love, Lesson 2, Pearl 12 (apologies for the condition of the recording)
When you are born onto planet Earth, you immediately begin experiencing the beaming of a death ray into the energy fields of your tiny beings. Those who are fortunate realize there is another melody playing on this planet at the same time and that is the melody of love for your arrival and love for your Being. It is an emotion that fills every sense that is acute because the infant you is just unveiling them, and so the fortunate know they are loved from the beginning, one might say.
However, when we speak of Radical Self Love, we are not speaking of this emotion that wells up within an individual who loves another, either as a friend or an intimate other. We are not speaking of the love that wells up within the being for the Godhead, for the spiritual teachers and guides. We are speaking instead of a state of being.
Love is a state of being, and when you have removed yourself from the traumas, from the limitations in thinking and thought, from the genetic memories, and from the old vows that serve you no longer, when you have removed yourself from these kinds of limitations you open yourself up to the state of Radical Self Love, to the state of Being Self. One might compare the concept of self-love:
- to worthiness of the Self
- to knowing who you are, what you are and why you are
- to knowing the core center - the aspect of Self no matter what anyone else says to you or about you.
You can each look over your life in this moment and see if that rings true for your being. Are you in the place where if someone says something hurtful or harmful to your consciousness or your being that you will believe it or that you will resonate with it? Or, are you in a place where you stand true to knowing that this is God speaking also, but a God that is wearing a different set of glasses than you are; consciousness that sees the world differently because of its experiences not only of this lifetime but in many, many lifetimes?
In this series, Beloveds, we are working towards owning the Self’s beingness and the state of being that we are calling love.
We have spoken before of the scent of God or the song of universe and that each of you has your own scent and your own song that you contribute to all of humanity, to the earth herself. It is the vibration of your own personal song that opens, one might say, the doors to Shamballa, should you discover or stumble upon the portal that leads to the home of the Ascended Masters who have mastered and overcome the change or the bad habit called death.
If your Song of Self is inharmonious, you will not find an opening. Your Song of Self is the key that opens you into all dimensions. It is the vibration that you manifest that attracts to you those of like mind. It is the vibration you manifest, your state of being, that determines whether you are safe, whether your home is safe, whether your thinking is open and receptive your teachers and guides, to the guidance and the wisdom itself. It is always there for you when you are ready to hear it and to perceive it.
Let us begin this evening by opening the floor for questions about self-worth or the state of being called love. Once again words tend to limit one’s understanding, but we will do our best to come to a group consensus so that we are in accord with one another as we speak about this state of being you are seeking to achieve, to manifest, and to unfold in yourself. Are there questions about a state of being or questions about self-worth or comments?
Protecting Your Personal Energy Field
Student 1: Well, I start off my day strong with a sense of self-worth, and I go through my day enjoying whatever I AM doing. I find myself being pulled out of that state by Mass consciousness or by things going on in the world. I’m trying to use our new little technique of the diamonds to pull myself back out of that state.
LMN: Beloved, you have recognized through mastery of understanding that you feel yourself pulled out of the state you feel yourself in so strongly in the morning, yes? It is an awareness that we are calling the Steps of Mastery because for the many there is not that awareness. There is simply the day as it unfolds and the things that must be done, the lists that must be achieved, the places that must be attended to and the people that must be spoken to. There is a focus on life itself.
If, however, in that focus two things are occurring, you are working on the mastery of self:
- You are noticing you are being pulled away from your center and
- You are noticing reactions to the outer world that tend to pull you away from your center. Would you understand?
The reactions come, for the most part, because humans have a sensory recognition in the physical form they wear. So the earth suit that you have has a sensory apparatus: it is able to detect thoughts and feelings and energies that are emitted from others. For the most part, people are open books. They have not learned to shield their energy field. What sneaks right in are another person’s thought forms.
For instance, that you are in a group of people, and your job is to interact with as many people as you can within that group: getting to know them, interacting with them.
You begin to notice:
- that you are feeling less than your normal self, or
- you are noticing that you are thinking that some person is particularly attractive, or
- you are noticing that you like the way this person has done their hair but not the colors of clothing that this person has put together.
Many times the thought forms that come into your being are what that other person is thinking and feeling regarding you. This is an easy example, but this is where you are able, if you are not aware and practicing and alert, to be knocked off of your inner peace center, or knocked out of it, we might say, because you are taking on the thoughts and feelings of others as though they were your own.
What we are adding in this lesson is protecting the energy field that you own. You all have your own energy field. You emanate the energy you have acquired during your sleep, during your rest cycles. You emanate the energy you have acquired from eating or from perhaps meditating or doing something that has thrilled your emotional body. You emanate this energy from yourself.
This emanation might be thought of as your song, if indeed it is one that does not have references to yourself as not being good enough in some way.
To cover the outer self, the spiritual energy self of your beingness, is not as simple as just putting on a dress or pants or clothing of some sort. Because your clothing, woven as it is in your third dimensional materials that are sturdier and less gossamer than the energies on other dimensions, is designed to take long wear and tear because you live in Time and you need to have things last over Time.
On the energetic level there is an ebb and flow of the atoms and molecules that resonate in your energy field, and they are constantly shifting. To protect this energy field, one must constantly be aware, in the background of one’s mind, as well as speaking it forward, whatever it is that you are using to protect yourself.
We, The Council of 8, subscribe to the decrees also used by The Brotherhood of Light:
Golden armor and silver light
Surround and protect me now.
You may add the qualification to the light to explain to the energy what you expect of it. Energy is like a child: it must be told what to do, it must be directed, it must be given purpose in its existence.
Golden armor and silver light
Surround and protect me now
From all harm, negativity, evil and the unexpected.
Now what do we mean by evil? We mean:
- Consciousness that is not awakened
- Consciousness that has not realized that “Do no harm” is a mandate for the Christ consciousness, for the Ascension consciousness.
Golden armor and silver light
Surround and protect the home where I live.
Golden armor and silver light surround and protect my family members.
In speaking this, you must have the energy flow within your being. It must be IN you, and it must be a KNOWING. It must be a truth within you, for your subconscious is an integral part of making this truth. It is not just because you yourself speak the words. It is because that inner wisdom that is there within you also knows how to make this happen and is responsible for lifting to the Higher Wisdom to create the energy field around you.
You must feel it. You must know it. You must believe it, and doing it once, Beloveds, just like you put your shoes on once, perhaps, in a day, is not sufficient. The more you concentrate on anything, the more focus on anything, the more you create it into beingness.
This becomes a mantra not only in the back of your mind, but that comes out of your mouth as well. When you sit in your car, “Golden armor and silver light surround and protect me in my vehicle and all the vehicles around me from harm, negativity, evil, and the unexpected".
That is protection: Golden light. Silver light. Protection is what their energetic vibrational frequency produces unless directed otherwise, but they are particularly called upon for protection.
The Golden light, of course, you understand from your other classes, is used for wisdom as well. In this example of oving the Self, you must love the Self enough to clothe your Self energetically. To clothe the Humanity that you are, energetically, and to clothe your loved ones energetically, for what you are doing Beloveds? You are busy creating the world, if you return to it.
You are busy leaving a Legacy. You are leaving imprints in the ethers. All that you think, all that you say, all that you feel and all that you do emanates from your beingness. There are no secrets in the world of energy. It is all visible. It is all real, and it is all readable. There is no hiding your consciousness of what you think. There is no hiding how you really feel about an issue, or a person, or event, or a thing because you are a compendium of color and sound.
What you are doing is observing your center of peace. You are coating yourself in an energetic field of protection. You are noticing if you are moved away from this field and what reactions are present.
Reactions, Judgments, and Hidden Emotions
What is it you will do, Beloveds, if a reaction is present? You notice you have reacted to someone or something? What will you do?
Student 2: We set our boundaries?
LMN: In what way?
Student 2: Using the tools given us. Knowing we have the right to exist here.
LMN: You must also look at what caused your reaction. You must also notice what it is you reacted to.
Life is a gift to you. You have all been creators, and you have created very, very interesting plays which you are living; interesting paradigms in which you live, and yet all of it, until you awaken, is habitual. All of it is something you have already done, already seen, already experienced until you awaken to the consciousness of each moment, making a conscious choice without reacting to the life around you.
Student 2: We are looking at the reactions to see what triggers it so that we can clear that with Thought Karate or however we do our clearings.
LMN: Indeed. You are looking for why you reacted.
If you find the portal, as we spoke of earlier, to Shamballa, let us say, but you still have anger at the taxi driver who overcharged you, your anger will not be allowed in even if it is buried within your being. There must be a peace, like the stillness of the waters. That is your peace. It is suggested unto the hearts and the minds of your beings that you being renewing and reviewing the peace meditations.
Student 3: Would you say, then, that judgment is a reaction and a habit?
LMN: It depends, Beloved, upon the kind of judgment. There is that which is called a moral judgment, where you, as the growing master-to-be, are learning to make a decision in some cases where there seems to be no choice, as in your upcoming elections, yes? With choice, you must ask yourself the question: What is the lesser of two evils? That is a moral judgment. You are recognizing you have choices neither of which you are in love with, and neither of which you can see will produce the greater good. You must decide which will produce the least amount of harm. That is a moral judgment, just the same as choosing the greater of two goods. Which is the greater of two goods? One must make a moral judgment of it. One is having an opinion and making a decision. However, there is no emotion that particularly floods the system in a way that produces hatred or anger or revenge. If you are in the place where the judgment within you is producing these emotions, then you have something within you that you are not at peace with and it is time to become detective and find its source. Are you complete with that answer?
Student 3: Yes and no. I’m finding that judgment is coming up quite a bit recently: either people judging me or me judging them. And it’s little things. It’s things that really aren’t very important. I’m not sure if that’s a habit or something that I’ve learned. I just know I don’t like it and I don’t want it there anymore. I don’t want to judge anyone else by what they are wearing or what they are saying. I want them to be who they feel comfortable being and me being comfortable looking at them and accepting them as they are.
LMN: Indeed. What do you feel it will take for you to accomplish this truth?
Student 3: I’m not sure.
LMN: Let us go back into your life, yes? We see at the age of three that you, for the first time in your tender young life were found fault with. Not only did the finding of the fault wound your very being, for until that moment, all was good, but the moment fault was found you began to believe that was how life functions here on planet earth. That is what is expected. You are expected to find fault, and others are expected to find fault with you. It is how you decided life is.
When a child is born and all the way up to around the ages of seven or eight, the child is run primarily by its subconscious. It is looking to authority figures of all kinds for its guidance. The caretakers, the ones who are in authority, are teaching the children how to interact on planet Earth. It (the subconscious) has nothing to measure the truth by; it only has its experience in terms of this lifetime, this moment, this now.
If you choose to remove this thought form from your being, there are many ways you can do it. You can imagine yourself at age three and recognize that someone said something that hurt your feelings and decide in that moment that that is not a power you will give away. They can try all they like, but you remember where you came from, and you know you are of God and of good. You know you are of the light that seeks to do God’s will and so you forgive them. For you recognize that you are on a planet where many are asleep, and you have come in fresh, and you are still partially awake.
That is one way.
Another way is to allow the violet fire of transmutation to sweep in and through the atoms and molecules of our being, commanding it to release traumas, beliefs of limitations regarding how humans are ‘supposed to react’ to one another, or interact with one another. As you let this violet fire flood your being past, present, and future, every level and every one of your seven bodies, you give yourself permission to release the original erroneous idea and fill yourself up with the white fire that gives you permission to have new realities and new possibilities. You choose your truth in that moment.
Student 2: sighs
LMN: The sigh?
Student 2: The sigh is like, “Oh my gosh, I’ve been working on that judgment thing for the 13 years that I’ve been coming here, and I do feel that I kind of have meandered through that, but I was just thinking ‘How many more things to meander through to get Radical Self Love?"
LMN: Would you understand, Beloved, that what you are living under now is the Authority Paradigm, and all of these issues you have been attempting to master are just the little pieces of a bigger picture called “What is Expected of the One Who Is in Authority”? It is coupled in your world with the Mommy Paradigm. Someone must make the decision, and that resonates with your being, does it not? You see so many times it appears to you that no one will. It falls on your shoulders.
Your programming is that it is essential that you make the decision, and in your world the decision-making must come firmly and with authority since no one wants the authority. They want to be told what to do.
You are judging yourself, truly, for fulfilling the needs of others, for where there is a need, the Master steps in to fulfill it if possible. In these needs, there are those who are leaderless.
You have found yourself feeling inadequate because you find yourself speaking perhaps in harsh tones that take you away from an inner place of peace, yes?
Student 2: Yes, and frustrated, like, “just someone step up to the plate”. Yes, I do feel that way.
LMN: There the idea within you that is no one will, you must. It is the must that you are finding irritating, because sometimes you would like someone else to be the leader so that you could follow. It would be like having a vacation for you, yes?
Student 2: Yes. I was talking with L about mindset versus clearing in a different way. Is this a mindset or is this also something I can clear through the violet fire like you just did?
LMN: It is both. What you have been doing for the most part with your violet fire is you have been finding a compendium of feelings and associating them with thought forms and clearing them out together, as in a handful. It would be like going to a garden and pulling up a handful of weeds. That is truly what has only been possible because of the collective level of consciousness on your planet. What you have been doing is slowly weeding your own garden in order to make for a grander community garden that was weed free.
It is the leader who usually takes on the heavier load in order to make an easier path for others to follow. They are called the Way-Showers. Now a Way-Shower is indeed also a paradigm: “The Way-Showers are the ones who_______ (and you can fill in the blank". You are living within that concept as well.
It does not mean that a paradigm has to be a collection of stories and plays that are non-beneficial to your life. It can be that you set them up as the theme.
The issue for you here that you are truly working on is not that you are trying to not react. It is that you are seeking to love what you are doing.
There is a responsibility within you, and so because as a manager or a boss or an authority or a mom you will step up to the plate. You feel it your responsibility.
In your world, responsibilities feel hard. They feel heavy, and you feel long overdue for someone to take the yoke, because in the Mommy Paradigm you have already raised your due. They have gone on, but because these paradigms are blending with one another, the Mom is finished; the Boss is not. Would you understand?
Student 2: Yes, so what do I do?
LMN: What do you say that you do, Beloved?
Student 2: I understand it is the "must" that is causing my reaction. I just want my kids to take over and deal with it, but at this point that’s not going to happen. What do I do to get back into my peace? I really am a little perplexed, because like you said, I am weeding one or two or three weeds at a time, and I feel like I have so many to go through that there’s got to be a better way for me to do this.
LMN: The overview would be to look at your life, to rise above it as you observe it: not be in your life but rise above it and observe it. Observe all of these things you are speaking of:
- Observe your time at the lake or the ocean
- Observe your time in the mountains
- Observe your time with your children
- Observe your time at work
- Observe your time at home
- Observe your time with your children
- Observe your time with groups.
Within all of that, notice for yourself what you feel in each situation, because it is what you are feeling in each situation that is keeping you anchored in the issues you are seeking to be freed from.
You have your technique from last week’s lesson for shifting and altering emotions, and this is one of the most amazing aspects of mastery on planet Earth:
- to be able to move in and out of emotions
- to be able to allow them to be as you choose them to be
- and if you are in a negative aspect of an emotion to shift it to a positive.
It is not about banishing your emotions. It is not about treating your emotions like they were recalcitrant children who must be coaxed into doing what you ask of them. It is about deciding in the mental body how you are going to choose to feel, and then doing so.
It is choice.
You have gotten so accustomed to clearing you have forgotten the greater power is choice. So be it.
Beloveds, you are understanding that what you are working on this week is what might be called self-worth. You are working on the reactions that you have in your day or your evening towards self or others or all that has been mentioned. You are continuing to work on mastering rapid emotional alterations, and as always, you are focusing on the Self and your love for the Self that you are.
Prayer of Unfoldment
Pearl 13
I AM the eternal peace of compassionate indifference.
I AM the eternal peace of compassionate indifference.
3rd Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: Radical Self Love, Lesson 3, Pearl 13 (apologies for recording quality....quality DOES IMPROVE in later Grand Secrets!!!)
Beloved Ones, you are all learning the Great Secrets of Spiritual Mysteries because you are living them. You have come to Earth as Spirits who have a human form in order to manifest the greater good of Christed Consciousness within yourself, within your life and within the greater good upon the planet. However, you are striving to do so on a planet that has been lacking, for the most part, in the information that would lead you there.
There is an abundance of confusing information, and yet in every Age an Avatar of some sort presents itself to lead consciousness back into the awareness of who it is, why it is, and where it has come from. The destiny of all Spirits in human form is to awaken to the knowledge of the truth of their being, and one of the ways, Beloveds, to awaken to this knowledge is to learn the process of Radical Self Love.
You are creatures of seven bodies. For the most part, those who live asleep and in the world of illusion on your planet believe they are simply a physical self. Some may believe they are something vague, like a spirit or a soul that animates them somehow, somewhere, but they do not realize that they are a composite of seven separate body forms, each with its own agenda. Each with its own purpose.
You understand the physical because you see it every day
You look in the mirror when you brush your teeth or comb your hair, or check out your clothes
You know the physical
You feel its pain
You feel its strength
You know the physical.
It is not an illusory aspect of your life here on planet Earth. It is very real in that all of the atoms and molecules have coalesced to design this vehicle for you to inhabit that you might enjoy the planet and be able to do things in a sensory modality that you cannot do without the physical.
Your physical, however, is made up of other bodies. It has an emotional body, and that body is about feelings. The emotional body is about interpretation of sensory stimuli. You are able to feel the sun on a hot day at the beach. You are able to feel the anger or the love coming from someone interacting with you. You are able to feel the peace and the quiet within a nature retreat. You are able to feel the fury of the elements when a storm is whipping itself up. The emotional body is about feeling. It does not try to logicize or give understanding to what it feels. That is what your mental body is for.
You have a mental body to think with, and all of you are great thinkers. The mental body likes to rule the other bodies, many times. It likes to decide it is right and which feelings are correct or wrong. It likes to decide it is right, and the physical body’s ailments are wrong. The mental body is perhaps the trickiest of all of your bodies to learn to, what we are going to call ‘subdue’: not to make a slave of it but not to let it control all of your being either.
The astral body you use to travel when you are asleep so that the physical body may repair itself, but the rest of you may continue learning, traveling. Some of you remember where you have been. Some of you can lift out of your physical body with your astral body and take off on planned journeys with conscious awareness.
This is part of mastery, Beloveds. It is a skill that you can acquire.
You also have a vibrational body. On your planet it has many names. Some call it causal; some call it intuitive. It is the body that is The Interpreter. It receives the information from the Mother/Father/God aspect/Soul/Spirit self of your being and then filters it and translates it, if you will, into what each of your bodies can understand. It takes a higher frequency and alters it in the ways needed so that the other bodies receive the message and the understanding.
We bring attention to these seven bodies, Beloveds, so that in this process of Radical Self Love you will begin to recognize it is communal Self Love. You are not just learning to love the way your physical self behaves or looks; you are not just learning to love the way your voice sounds, or the way your body moves and sways. You are not just learning to love the feel of life on your skin. You are not just learning to love the sound of life in any of its many splendors. You are learning that each of the seven bodies has requirements that must be fulfilled.
The Eternal Peace of Compassionate Indifference
One body does not take over for all of the seven bodies. One body does not decide the health, the well-being of all of the seven bodies, unless you are an Awakened Master in awakened consciousness where you have learned the center in your being where peace is eternal and where you can live with what might be called compassionate indifference: you love life and you love to let life have its life, but you have mastered indifference in the sense that love is ‘allowing’. It allows a child who is not really your child to understand, to grow, to experience, to decide for him or herself, with your guidance.
It allows you freedom from being a label, for you all wear many labels, and in the journey for Radical Self Love, you are learning to shed them like a dog sheds it fur when it the climate gets to hot; like a tree sheds its leaves and grows new ones. You are learning to shed that which no longer serves you. For that which no longer serves you is that which you have thought and done and felt and believed and lived and acted upon life after life after life after life after life.
You are looking into your being now to see, “What is it that is so comfortable to you that it feels like that is all you wish to do?” THAT is a sign that most likely you are living a repetitive pattern of that which you have done before that did not serve your others bodies or fully serve the growth of the Spirit and Soul.
Humans tend to put off letting go of that which they do not want to let go of, and hold on to it tighter and try to make excuses why it is important that be their truth. For most of you, listening to these words, you have traveled on this path to awakening for some time, and so you noticed that you have been letting go. You have been altering and shifting, and you have been dedicated to recognizing what it is you are so attached to that it pulls you back to life on earth without choice.
Choice is the big issue, Beloveds. To have choice to be here (Earth) rather than it being an energetic requirement, and not because someone is shaking the finger at you, or even because you are shaking your finger at yourself, and saying, “Off to Earth with you". It is more because you are seeking to develop within yourself a vibrational state of being that is so in harmony with the God song of the universe and of God consciousness and of Christed Consciousness, and Ascension Awareness, the harmony within that is harmonious. You are seeking this harmony because it is the key that unlocks the dimensions where you truly wish to experience life.
Taking Care of Your Seven Bodies
If we were to take all that has just been said and put it into a form that was simple and easy, humans like catch phrases, yes? KISS, Keep It Simple Soul or Spirit, we shall say. It would be this word: ACTION
- When you recognize what needs to be done, you must take action.
- When you understand what the physical needs, you must take action.
- When you understand what the emotional body needs, you must take action.
- When you understand what the mental body needs, you must take action.
What could the mental possibly need?
Food for the brain. It needs to understand. It needs to learn. It needs to hear and to participate. It needs to read. It needs to feed itself.
What could the emotional possibly need?
It needs to let go of. It needs to be freed of the reaction that the mental body causes it, either from memories of this or another lifetime, whenever some experience happens. The emotional body needs to be free to savor God, to love life, to focus on the beauty, the harmony, the energy of the Universe and its beautiful song of life.
What does the physical need?
The physical needs what a car needs, not that it needs oil and gas, you understand, it needs the proper fuel in order for it to reproduce its cells properly; in order for it to be youthful, alert, and alive. Your physical body was originally designed to live forever.
Your planet does a good job of polluting your foreverness, but there are ways around this. To know the body was designed with a blueprint of foreverness, automatically, if you accept and love and live this truth for yourself, gives the emotional body a sweet peace, a sweet peace to know that it is needed for the physical body to run smoothly. The emotional body is necessary for the physical body to be healthy, for if you allow your emotional body to be stressed, if you allow it to be angry, if you allow it to be traumatized, if you allow it to be depressed and full of despair, the physical body must respond to those frequencies. That is what emotions are, after all, Beloveds. They are just frequencies.
The food you eat is a frequency. You would not go to the grocery store and in your cart put a box of despair, and a carton of trauma. You would not look for a six pack of sadness to take to the counter and take home with you. That is what happens, though, when the mind does not let the feelings own the truth of peace and patience and stillness and joy and inner bliss. The mind can insist in its ways of judging “how things ought to be”. When “ought to be” gets into the mix, then all of a sudden there is a scale of comparison that occurs and you start measuring yourself. (and not the kind of measuring of your physical body when you are little, and every birthday you are measure against the wall and a mark is made there to see how tall you have grown. That is physical measurement from nourishment and maturation. That is the kind of growing that matters to the physical body.)
Would you understand the basic necessities of these three bodies, and as we have explained, it would you have a deeper understanding or feeling or knowing within yourself of what you might do in your own being now, today, in this moment and from this moment forward to take action for these three bodies?
We are not going to say, “Let’s do all seven all at once". We are feeding the spirit and the soul even as we speak. Your teachers and guides, as well as your transitional tools, are feeding your vibrational body as well. The astral body is for an entirely different discussion some evening.
The three that are the loudest, that get your attention the most, that you most identify with when you forget that you are spirit having a human experience (physical, mental, emotional). These are the three about which we ask, “Would you have a plan and a knowing within yourself from this moment forward for Your Self?”
Reminder: Lesson 2 of Radical Self Love teaches how to shift the emotional body at will , so that you can leave behind that which you choose not to feel and attract to you that which you choose to feel.
Beloveds, we leave you now with this word, ACTION, and with this command, TAKE ACTION, and with this direction, TAKE ACTION ON THE NEEDS OF YOUR PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL, AND MENTAL BODIES from now until we meet again.
So be it.
Pearl 14
My only challenge is with myself: to rise to my personal heights of achievement, to manifest my own unassailable truth.
My only challenge is with myself: to rise to my personal heights of achievement, to manifest my own unassailable truth.
3rd Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: Radical Self Love, Lesson 4, Pearl 14
In this 4th lesson on Radical Self Love, we speak about the concepts of
We speak of these because, when a human on your planet embarks upon the path of awakening, there is a nebulous concept within the consciousness that “being awakened must mean perfection”, and that “I must be perfect". Often, encoded within your subconscious is information about the pitfalls of perfection or about what perfection means, and whether it is even reachable. If you find yourself striving for “perfection”, (you may term it awakening, Christ consciousness, being the best, or being the one everyone turns to for information, understanding, healing or to point the way), you may unknowingly have within you, for example, the idea that being “the one and only” is perfection.
Perfection is none of these things.
Perfection can be found in a body that is crippled, mangled, and distorted either from birth or from a life journey. It does not always look like the glossy magazine adds where there are no wrinkles and the hair is pristine and lustrous and the teeth are pearly white. We are not saying this is not a form of perfection. It is perhaps the physical body buffed and polished to its most beautiful, but that does not mean that a body that is incapable of being straightened and illustrious is not in its own perfection.
Perfection, to a human consciousness, is often outlined by the society in which you find yourself living. Perfection in the days of the old artistic masters, Reuben, for instance, was a body that was rotund. Perfection was a body full of fat, curves, fullness and heaviness. In your culture as we speak in this moment, perfection is often denoted as slender, with no extra fat upon the body.
You can go intellectually, if you wish, into what science says is perfection in the body. You can turn to the ‘experts’ in your society who have perfected every ounce of flesh upon their body and have muscular definition and seem to have endless robust energy and a tanned glistening skin. That is a body buffed and polished. It is potential that has been reached in the physical form. Potential is different than perfection. What you have the potential to become physically does not mean you have to reach that defined potential in order to be perfect in your physical skin.
Perfection, Beloveds, is when there is love for God consciousness in every atom and molecule of your beingness, every atom and molecule of your consciousness. Perfection is when there is harmony, the song of harmony in your physical self. Perfection in the emotional body is when you are so in love with God consciousness and with life itself that there is a constant song of praise and glory and gratitude in the background of your life, much as there would be white noise in the background, perhaps, if you were trying to go to sleep at night and nullify some of the sounds in your environment. Perfection in your mental self is when you are so acutely aware of your speech that each word adds to the edification and upliftment of Spirit and of the perfect plan of harmony and unity that is God’s plan of Love and Light on Planet Earth.
Vibration, Beloveds, is perfection: the frequency and the vibrations at which you are allowing yourself to vibrate bring perfection. You get there by loving God consciousness. You get there by adoring the patterns of perfection and their orderly manifestations in all of the consciousness that you are. You get there by being totally aware of what words and thoughts and thinking leaves your mouth and what emotions live within you and permeate the world around you, and how well your physical body allows you to do both of these things.
We have mentioned “the best” and “being your best”. For young girls, the best is often seen as having a figure like some of the dolls that have been created in the past or that some of the movie stars post themselves as having. There is a lusting or crying out for something that is not the form which you have been born with. To love the physical, to love your best, is to be able to look into a mirror. Not the mirror that you see when you brush your teeth or put on your makeup, but to look into the mirror of the face and the eyes of all those with whom you come in contact with and to be able to see in them yourself, your own love of God, your own journey as a human being, where you have been in your consciousness, or where you are going. It is to love the life that is in front of you.
This is not to say, Beloveds, that you must love those who harm others. This is not to say that you must love those who wish to war or wish to do what we will call “immoral things” to life itself, because there is what is called “moral judgment” placed upon life that helps you uplift from what you term in your culture the word “evil”. “Evil” means those who are unawakened to who they are, the harm they are do, and the cosmic and karmic consequences of their choices.
“Evil” is a little boy pulling off the wings of a dragonfly, for instance. That seems innocuous. Oh, that is a little boy. How can you call him evil? We are not using the terminology of evil as it is used in your horror stories and movies. We are using the terminology of ignorance as:
When you speak of becoming your best, define your best for yourself. Each one of you in this room has a judgment against yourself and the word best. Each one of you here feels you have not reached your best; that you have not achieved your best. Some of you feel you are definitely on the road to being and becoming your best but that you are not there yet. Beloveds, if you own that kind of thinking, you may never arrive at your best.
Your best is each moment that you are aware that you are striving. Each moment that you are aware of your speech, that is your best. Each moment that you are aware of how you are contributing to the greater good, to life, to God consciousness, to your own growth, that is your best.
You understand, perhaps, that you might do better, but that is a judgment and a comparison upon yourself. If you will bring yourself into the love of Self so strongly that you can forgive yourself for not being whatever this image of perfect is or whatever this image of best is, but know that you love yourself and the atoms and molecules of yourself that make up who you are, then you will be able to move out of judgment and into loving life and loving Self. As we all know and understand, love is contagious.
When you are loving yourself, you will be able to attract others unto your being who do the same. You will begin to create pockets of lovingness everywhere that you go, and you will be able to infect the planet, one might say, with love. For is not that a wonderful energy and vibration to spread?
Infection on your world is thought of as something that is dangerous. It is thought of as something that only belongs to bad bacteria and viruses and that which is not of Self. If your culture could expand its view of the word ‘infection’ and let infection be something similar to when you say “infectious laughter”, you would be balancing out the fear that you can catch something contagious that is harmful. You would be balancing out the idea that that which spreads rapidly, which in your culture is called infection, is that which is harmful or negative. In shifting this idea about ‘infection’, you alter mass consciousness, and in altering mass consciousness you alter cultures, and in altering cultures you alter the earth herself, and in altering the earth you alter, through a number of stage, the omniverse itself.
Some of you will have had the concept or the idea that others whom you adore, or worship or look up to are placed on a pedestal in your mind. They can do no wrong. When you think of the statues, the gods and goddesses of mythology that have been placed upon pedestals, most of the ones that have survived to this day are broken, missing an arm or a leg or a head or some part of a torso. The gazer upon the ancient statue may have a vague memory about what is being seen, but no real knowing about why this person was carved in marble and looked up to.
You have a saying in your world, “The higher they rise, the harder they fall”. That, Beloveds, has been a concept to keep you from achieving your best. We have spoken to you tonight about what your best would look like, sound like, feel like. To be afraid of falling because you have reached the pinnacle is to live history on your planet. On your planet there has been the rise and fall of civilizations. Civilizations reach their pinnacle and then someone swoops in and changes all of that. Conquering and overcoming has become the pattern, over and over on your planet, creating a mass consciousness thought-field that "to rise to the pinnacle, to the best, to the heights, is to be undercut eventually, to have the rug pulled out from underneath, to have your feet cut off, so to speak, so that you are less than”. There is a fear within almost every human on your planet of rising to their best, or becoming the pinnacle in their own consciousness or in life because of this old idea that reaching the pinnacle means someone is going to challenge you for your place in time.
Beloveds, the only challenge that you have is with yourself. That is the only challenge that there is. To reach the pinnacle within yourself is to own the new knowing that to rise to your personal heights of achievement, whether physical or metaphysical, is to own a space that is your unassailable truth. That is the gift of this lesson: to recognize unassailability in achieving your highest truth whatever that may become, look like, sound like, or be like.
This week, until your next lesson, practice owning the truth that the best within you is now and improves. On your planet the best has a definition that limits improvement. If you are the best, you cannot get better for you are already the best. However, your best is every moment, as we have discussed. Own your best each moment this week:
Move through the inner worlds of your consciousness. Be the detective this week to discover what comes up in your inner reality that has held you back all along that you did not realize: That being the best, or the one, or reaching the pinnacle of life or reaching perfection were all dead ends in your consciousness and from which you could achieve no further.
There is always further. Life is infinite and it is eternal. There is always more. So be it.
Class discussion about Common Phrases containing “Best”:
1. Recognize what perfection is NOT.
2. Perfection is love for God consciousness in every atom and molecule of my beingness, every atom and molecule of my consciousness.
3. Being “my best” is loving all of the mirrors that people in my life are.
4. Forgive myself for the “evil” I may have done, THE IGNORANCE I MAY HAVE LIVED.
5. Recognize what I think "my best" is. Remembering my best is each moment that I AM aware I AM striving.
6. Find the ways I may have limited myself with old memories of falling from grace (off the pedestal, fired from work, unemployable, low grades in school, divorce, or other “failures” from which I have not recovered).
7. Seek my highest truth and make it irrefutable until I achieve it and am ready for my next highest truth.
- Perfection
- The Best
- Being Your Best and
- Being The One
We speak of these because, when a human on your planet embarks upon the path of awakening, there is a nebulous concept within the consciousness that “being awakened must mean perfection”, and that “I must be perfect". Often, encoded within your subconscious is information about the pitfalls of perfection or about what perfection means, and whether it is even reachable. If you find yourself striving for “perfection”, (you may term it awakening, Christ consciousness, being the best, or being the one everyone turns to for information, understanding, healing or to point the way), you may unknowingly have within you, for example, the idea that being “the one and only” is perfection.
Perfection is none of these things.
Perfection can be found in a body that is crippled, mangled, and distorted either from birth or from a life journey. It does not always look like the glossy magazine adds where there are no wrinkles and the hair is pristine and lustrous and the teeth are pearly white. We are not saying this is not a form of perfection. It is perhaps the physical body buffed and polished to its most beautiful, but that does not mean that a body that is incapable of being straightened and illustrious is not in its own perfection.
Perfection, to a human consciousness, is often outlined by the society in which you find yourself living. Perfection in the days of the old artistic masters, Reuben, for instance, was a body that was rotund. Perfection was a body full of fat, curves, fullness and heaviness. In your culture as we speak in this moment, perfection is often denoted as slender, with no extra fat upon the body.
You can go intellectually, if you wish, into what science says is perfection in the body. You can turn to the ‘experts’ in your society who have perfected every ounce of flesh upon their body and have muscular definition and seem to have endless robust energy and a tanned glistening skin. That is a body buffed and polished. It is potential that has been reached in the physical form. Potential is different than perfection. What you have the potential to become physically does not mean you have to reach that defined potential in order to be perfect in your physical skin.
Perfection, Beloveds, is when there is love for God consciousness in every atom and molecule of your beingness, every atom and molecule of your consciousness. Perfection is when there is harmony, the song of harmony in your physical self. Perfection in the emotional body is when you are so in love with God consciousness and with life itself that there is a constant song of praise and glory and gratitude in the background of your life, much as there would be white noise in the background, perhaps, if you were trying to go to sleep at night and nullify some of the sounds in your environment. Perfection in your mental self is when you are so acutely aware of your speech that each word adds to the edification and upliftment of Spirit and of the perfect plan of harmony and unity that is God’s plan of Love and Light on Planet Earth.
Vibration, Beloveds, is perfection: the frequency and the vibrations at which you are allowing yourself to vibrate bring perfection. You get there by loving God consciousness. You get there by adoring the patterns of perfection and their orderly manifestations in all of the consciousness that you are. You get there by being totally aware of what words and thoughts and thinking leaves your mouth and what emotions live within you and permeate the world around you, and how well your physical body allows you to do both of these things.
We have mentioned “the best” and “being your best”. For young girls, the best is often seen as having a figure like some of the dolls that have been created in the past or that some of the movie stars post themselves as having. There is a lusting or crying out for something that is not the form which you have been born with. To love the physical, to love your best, is to be able to look into a mirror. Not the mirror that you see when you brush your teeth or put on your makeup, but to look into the mirror of the face and the eyes of all those with whom you come in contact with and to be able to see in them yourself, your own love of God, your own journey as a human being, where you have been in your consciousness, or where you are going. It is to love the life that is in front of you.
This is not to say, Beloveds, that you must love those who harm others. This is not to say that you must love those who wish to war or wish to do what we will call “immoral things” to life itself, because there is what is called “moral judgment” placed upon life that helps you uplift from what you term in your culture the word “evil”. “Evil” means those who are unawakened to who they are, the harm they are do, and the cosmic and karmic consequences of their choices.
“Evil” is a little boy pulling off the wings of a dragonfly, for instance. That seems innocuous. Oh, that is a little boy. How can you call him evil? We are not using the terminology of evil as it is used in your horror stories and movies. We are using the terminology of ignorance as:
- one who is ignorant of the law of life
- one who is ignorant of the consciousness that lives within all creatures
- one who is ignorant of inflicting disability upon one of these creatures who are often seen as pests, at the very least, to an unawakened consciousness.
When you speak of becoming your best, define your best for yourself. Each one of you in this room has a judgment against yourself and the word best. Each one of you here feels you have not reached your best; that you have not achieved your best. Some of you feel you are definitely on the road to being and becoming your best but that you are not there yet. Beloveds, if you own that kind of thinking, you may never arrive at your best.
Your best is each moment that you are aware that you are striving. Each moment that you are aware of your speech, that is your best. Each moment that you are aware of how you are contributing to the greater good, to life, to God consciousness, to your own growth, that is your best.
You understand, perhaps, that you might do better, but that is a judgment and a comparison upon yourself. If you will bring yourself into the love of Self so strongly that you can forgive yourself for not being whatever this image of perfect is or whatever this image of best is, but know that you love yourself and the atoms and molecules of yourself that make up who you are, then you will be able to move out of judgment and into loving life and loving Self. As we all know and understand, love is contagious.
When you are loving yourself, you will be able to attract others unto your being who do the same. You will begin to create pockets of lovingness everywhere that you go, and you will be able to infect the planet, one might say, with love. For is not that a wonderful energy and vibration to spread?
Infection on your world is thought of as something that is dangerous. It is thought of as something that only belongs to bad bacteria and viruses and that which is not of Self. If your culture could expand its view of the word ‘infection’ and let infection be something similar to when you say “infectious laughter”, you would be balancing out the fear that you can catch something contagious that is harmful. You would be balancing out the idea that that which spreads rapidly, which in your culture is called infection, is that which is harmful or negative. In shifting this idea about ‘infection’, you alter mass consciousness, and in altering mass consciousness you alter cultures, and in altering cultures you alter the earth herself, and in altering the earth you alter, through a number of stage, the omniverse itself.
Some of you will have had the concept or the idea that others whom you adore, or worship or look up to are placed on a pedestal in your mind. They can do no wrong. When you think of the statues, the gods and goddesses of mythology that have been placed upon pedestals, most of the ones that have survived to this day are broken, missing an arm or a leg or a head or some part of a torso. The gazer upon the ancient statue may have a vague memory about what is being seen, but no real knowing about why this person was carved in marble and looked up to.
You have a saying in your world, “The higher they rise, the harder they fall”. That, Beloveds, has been a concept to keep you from achieving your best. We have spoken to you tonight about what your best would look like, sound like, feel like. To be afraid of falling because you have reached the pinnacle is to live history on your planet. On your planet there has been the rise and fall of civilizations. Civilizations reach their pinnacle and then someone swoops in and changes all of that. Conquering and overcoming has become the pattern, over and over on your planet, creating a mass consciousness thought-field that "to rise to the pinnacle, to the best, to the heights, is to be undercut eventually, to have the rug pulled out from underneath, to have your feet cut off, so to speak, so that you are less than”. There is a fear within almost every human on your planet of rising to their best, or becoming the pinnacle in their own consciousness or in life because of this old idea that reaching the pinnacle means someone is going to challenge you for your place in time.
Beloveds, the only challenge that you have is with yourself. That is the only challenge that there is. To reach the pinnacle within yourself is to own the new knowing that to rise to your personal heights of achievement, whether physical or metaphysical, is to own a space that is your unassailable truth. That is the gift of this lesson: to recognize unassailability in achieving your highest truth whatever that may become, look like, sound like, or be like.
This week, until your next lesson, practice owning the truth that the best within you is now and improves. On your planet the best has a definition that limits improvement. If you are the best, you cannot get better for you are already the best. However, your best is every moment, as we have discussed. Own your best each moment this week:
- Thank yourself for being your best.
- Thank your inner world for remembering to beat your heart and pump your blood, move your arms and your legs, move your mouth and digest your food. And so on.
- Thank your self for remembering to call whomever you need to call and to do whatever you need to do.
- Thank your self for being your best, for loving the God that is within you, the God that you are.
Move through the inner worlds of your consciousness. Be the detective this week to discover what comes up in your inner reality that has held you back all along that you did not realize: That being the best, or the one, or reaching the pinnacle of life or reaching perfection were all dead ends in your consciousness and from which you could achieve no further.
There is always further. Life is infinite and it is eternal. There is always more. So be it.
Class discussion about Common Phrases containing “Best”:
- The best is yet to come
- Be your best
- Marines looking for a few good men: there’s only a few
- Only one best. So if you’re the best, it can’t be win win
- I’ve been bested. Competition
- You’re the best.
- Good better best
- Bestor (a student's mom's last name)
- Best friends…can have lots of them…EVERYBODY is my best friend
- Best is exclusive which is the opposite of love which is inclusive
- Our country’s the best
- Hierarchical thinking produces only one at the top
- Giving it all you’ve got…giving it your all.
1. Recognize what perfection is NOT.
2. Perfection is love for God consciousness in every atom and molecule of my beingness, every atom and molecule of my consciousness.
3. Being “my best” is loving all of the mirrors that people in my life are.
4. Forgive myself for the “evil” I may have done, THE IGNORANCE I MAY HAVE LIVED.
5. Recognize what I think "my best" is. Remembering my best is each moment that I AM aware I AM striving.
6. Find the ways I may have limited myself with old memories of falling from grace (off the pedestal, fired from work, unemployable, low grades in school, divorce, or other “failures” from which I have not recovered).
7. Seek my highest truth and make it irrefutable until I achieve it and am ready for my next highest truth.
Pearl 15
The universe supplies all I require,
so I allow myself to attract what I request.
The universe supplies all I require,
so I allow myself to attract what I request.
3rd Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: Radical Self Love, Lesson 5, Pearl 15
We now speak of a concept some of you have already experienced, and it is the concept of allowing, the concept of what we will call “Allow-ness”. It is one thing, Beloveds, to speak a decree and to be certain within your conscious mind, and perhaps even your feeling state, that what you speak is so and will continue to be so as long as you desire it. What is not so readily obvious is what is living within the darkness of The Self that has not revealed itself.
We use the term “darkness” not in terms of evil, but in terms of what is hidden. Many of you will have played the game Hide-and-Seek when you were young. You will remember that some of the dark places were some of the best places to not be found. This is true of beliefs and feelings and old lives, and attachments. Many things, many feelings hide within the darkness of the being, escaping your attention simply because they are not quite powerful enough to manifest a reality for you, but they are powerful enough to prevent a reality for you.
In the manifestation within that you seek, you work on, you desire, you dream forth, begin by asking yourself, “Do I allow this for myself?” or “Do I allow this for others?”
If you think about growing up, when some of you were young you had an allowance. You were allowed a certain amount of money, often in exchange for little chores that were done or perhaps things that were not done that your caregivers wanted to make sure you would refrain from doing; but the term "allowance" went into your consciousness as not just a gift but also a limitation. It was a gift given to you simply because in some cases you exist, or in some cases you did work that was requested of you, or in some cases you refrained from doing something requested of you.
Whichever is true for your inner world, an allowance became a restriction. It was a set amount. Either you had to earn it or you had to refrain from doing something, so that became written in your inner world as a truth. Thus, “allowing” and “allowance” mean the same thing in your subconscious, the aspect of The Self that is your watchdog, your computer that keeps all of your records, your Hall of Fame or your Hall of Shame, holding on to all that ever has been within the consciousness known as You.
Before you begin any desires or manifestations, ask of yourself, “Do I allow this?” You will be able to find some of the little hidden things within the darkness of The Self that prevent Ascension Consciousness from fully taking root and blowing itself up, one might say, into the beautiful light that you were born to be and that will extend in your consciousness eternally and infinitely.
Another aspect that we wish to speak of for helping you fine tune and hone your consciousness, for you are all Masters in The Making and Masters in The Made (already made), is about owning the moment in your now, but owning it in a form of gratitude: owning each second in a form of gratitude.
You had an example this evening of what could have been in some circles a disaster. It could have been something that created hard feelings. There could have been judgments about not being prepared. (For those who are listening/reading this recording, we are speaking of the difficulty achieving the recording this evening: the difficulty of the microphone not working; the difficulty of the group trying to band together to record on their cell phones collectively; to be able to record and allow the words so that they might be heard over and over again.) It turned into a joy. It turned into infinity as the group rearranged itself from a cluster to the infinity sign, which in itself represents consciousness willing to be where it needs to be in order to bring about the greatest good for all concerned.
This evening is a way for you to look at yourselves and how you participated, how you were urged to do what you did, how the end results turned out, which is that all are recording and all are happy and all have participated as one mind with a common goal to achieve a reality that was important to everyone.
You did not, as could have been done in some groups, ‘point the finger’. You did not hold thoughts of “Why is someone not ready?” or “Why have they not taken care of this sooner?” Instead what came up in each of you was ‘How might I solve this dilemma?” You turned into Detectives of the Light, one might say: seeking solutions; solution-oriented. That describes the consciousness of all who are listening this lesson. You are solution-oriented.
We will take this a little further, because each of you here hearing these words has within your being, in terms of solution orientation, the conflict of “I can do it” and “I cannot do it”. What this means is that when you are in the “I can do it”, you are connected to your Higher Intelligence in such a way that you are certain the information will flow to you from somewhere, somehow. It may come from another person. It may come from a book, from experience, a dream, it matters not. What matters is that your consciousness is keyed towards “I AM solution-oriented, and what I need to know will come to me.”
This is essential, for when you Ascend, and you are without your physical body and without all that is familiar. It is essential that you know how to think this way: “I AM solution-oriented, and what I need to know will come to me to solve any questions that I have".
The other aspect, which is also within each one here present and others who will hear these words is the “I cannot do it” and within this “I cannot do it” are many different streams of reasons why, in your consciousness, when some dilemma comes up you cannot do it:
- You are the wrong gender
- You do not have enough education
- You do not have enough funds/money.
The bottom common denominator of why you cannot do it is the energy field of ‘lack’. You ‘lack’ something; but Beloveds, the truth is, you lack nothing. There is no thing you lack, for you are God/Goddesses of the Universe, and simply by focusing your attention
- upon that which you desire to be known to your being, or
- the experience that must come about because it is an answer that is required for your growth, your development
- or to simply solve an issue,
If you choose to hold the thought form of “I can’t do it”, whatever the ‘it’ is, make sure for yourself that what you are really saying when you say the word can’t is that you are choosing not to, that it is a choice and not a limitation.
Student 1: Years ago you told us to ask ourselves, “Is there anything preventing our desired outcome?” Is that the same as checking in to see if we allow something, or is there a difference?
LMN: Indeed it is the same.
The next aspect we wish to bring to your attention in your progress of Radical Self Love is what you would call journaling on the radicalness of your Self Love. We are not requiring, we are simply requesting a cumulative focus thus far, here in Lesson 5, of what you might write down for yourself, what you are in gratitude for about your Self:
- about who you are
- what you are learning
- what you are doing
- how you are living
- what you are thinking
- what you are expressing
- how you are interacting in life.
We wish you, if you wish to develop further, to take this week between now and the next discussion, and finalize for yourself some of the truths about yourself from the questions mentioned.
- I am in love with my readiness to live life.
- I appreciate my willingness to expand my horizons on every level of my existence.
- I thrill to the life I am living in the moment, for each moment provides me with an opportunity to choose joy or something else.
- And I choose the joy, for that is what I love the most in this current experience.
- I love that I am open.
- And I love that I allow myself to receive, to understand, to expand, to contemplate, to better myself in many ways, but in each moment to always be appreciative for me in that moment, not seeing myself as needing improve, but knowing that I may choose to anyway for the experience.
- I love that this body supports me and allows me freedoms of movement and freedoms of sensation, and freedoms that are the sensory neurons it is made up of.
- I love that I enjoy my moments, each moment, and that I can look at myself: If I think I am unhappy and enjoy that anyway, for I am experiencing life.
This is basically “Loving Your Self in Many Ways”. It is focusing on your Self, and the moments of your Self: Who are you in this moment? What is “right” about your life? What is beautiful about your life? What is thrilling about your life? What do you love about who is in your life and what your life is like? What do you appreciate? What do you allow?
You may come up with your own questions. This is not a solid formatted exercise. The point is to help you become more fully focused on attracting into your world that which opens your heart and allows you to keep loving The Self, for that is THE MOST IMPORTANT PART of your journey here on planet Earth.
As you learn to love and fully embrace yourself, your beauty in all of its aspects, your stumbles and your perfections, all of it, you will attract to you those who are similar. As you begin appreciating all that there is to appreciate about who you are, you will expand the affirmation, “I AM Humanity” to mean, in your heart:
" I AM a love that exudes so powerfully from my being that the virtue alone of my energetic stance
and emanation feeds the kingdoms around me and touches in a positive way the hearts and minds
of all that pass through my aura and auric field."
Student 2: I want to thank you for this. It is my biggest challenge.
Student 3: I agree.
LMN: Indeed. We radiate it back to you in the moment, Beloveds, for we could not be here in your presence if you did not have within your Self, a love for the Divine, a love for the awakened and aware, a love for growth, a love for expanded consciousness. We are your mirror. So be it.
Adorn your life with the PEARLS of RADICAL SELF LOVE
Pearl 11: I AM a Vibration Machine. My feelings are contagious.
Pearl 12: My energy field, my Song of Self, attracts to me those of like mind. and is the key that opens dimensions of expanded consciousness.
Pearl 13: I AM the eternal peace of compassionate indifference.
Pearl 14: My only challenge is with myself: to rise to my personal heights of achievement; to manifest my own unassailable truth.
Pearl 15: The universe supplies all I require, so I allow myself to attract what I request.
Pearl 12: My energy field, my Song of Self, attracts to me those of like mind. and is the key that opens dimensions of expanded consciousness.
Pearl 13: I AM the eternal peace of compassionate indifference.
Pearl 14: My only challenge is with myself: to rise to my personal heights of achievement; to manifest my own unassailable truth.
Pearl 15: The universe supplies all I require, so I allow myself to attract what I request.
You have completed the
Third Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries:
Radical Self Love
This Spiritual Development Course is
an organic process of learning.
Repetition is important to your success.
Continue to practice the decrees and review the information,
even while you are learning new Secrets and their Pearls,
so that it all becomes second nature to you.
Third Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries:
Radical Self Love
This Spiritual Development Course is
an organic process of learning.
Repetition is important to your success.
Continue to practice the decrees and review the information,
even while you are learning new Secrets and their Pearls,
so that it all becomes second nature to you.
You have now completed the first 3 Grand Secrets of Spiritual Mysteries.
From this point on, you have continuing access to all of the Grand Secrets from 1-20 and their Pearls of Enlightenment.
The Vibrational Grand Secrets from 21-33 are password protected. You may contact us for that password when you have completed the prior lessons.
CONGRATULATIONS to the SOUL of your being for seeking to:
The Vibrational Grand Secrets from 21-33 are password protected. You may contact us for that password when you have completed the prior lessons.
CONGRATULATIONS to the SOUL of your being for seeking to:
This path reveals the Grand Secrets in the order they were given by Lady Master Natasha and The Council of 8. Each webpage will lead you to the next Pearl and the next Secret. To begin this Path, Enter the 4th Grand Secret. |
This path allows you to choose the Grand Secret you are drawn to learning about next. You may choose them in any order. To begin this Path, Enter the Grand Secrets of Spiritual Mysteries Gallery |