Spiritual Decrees
Tools for Spiritual Acceleration and Manifestation
A decree is not a prayer. Prayers are often ineffective supplications, lacking in energy and focusing on what is not desired instead of what is. A decree follows a specific formulation, and the absence of any part of the formula will lead to ineffectiveness:
Spoken intention + focus + visualization + emotional energy or breath energy = Decreed Manifestation
The what, how and why of Decrees is taught in the 1st and 2nd Grand Secrets of Spiritual Mysteries:
Spoken intention + focus + visualization + emotional energy or breath energy = Decreed Manifestation
The what, how and why of Decrees is taught in the 1st and 2nd Grand Secrets of Spiritual Mysteries:
Demonstration of Decrees from Ascended Lady Master Natasha
Decrees June 2016
Decrees from Lady Master Natasha
I, the Beloved God of my being, request the universe and all that is beneficial within it
that resonates from the heart and mind of God,
that has as its purpose growth, divinity, beauty, wisdom and protection
to surround me now in the area where I find myself,
that I might resonate within these energies that ebb and flow with the light of God
and the good of God and only that which is the light and the good of God;
that I might resonate with this harmony.
As the being that I AM resonates with this harmony,
I AM safe to open up my energy field to receive that which I seek.
that resonates from the heart and mind of God,
that has as its purpose growth, divinity, beauty, wisdom and protection
to surround me now in the area where I find myself,
that I might resonate within these energies that ebb and flow with the light of God
and the good of God and only that which is the light and the good of God;
that I might resonate with this harmony.
As the being that I AM resonates with this harmony,
I AM safe to open up my energy field to receive that which I seek.
Use before driving a vehicle and before meditation
Wings of silver light enfold and protect me now.
As these wings of silver light enfold and protect me now,
they expand throughout all of my home and my property, building a shield of impenetrable protection.
I AM protected from all harm, negativity, evil, and the unexpected.
I fill myself with the vibration of white fire
so that all who come into contact with me on other realms match the equivalent of this white fire.
I allow only that which is of good and of God to enter my consciousness and my awareness.
I am surrounded by wings of silver light and shields of impenetrable protection.
As these wings of silver light enfold and protect me now,
they expand throughout all of my home and my property, building a shield of impenetrable protection.
I AM protected from all harm, negativity, evil, and the unexpected.
I fill myself with the vibration of white fire
so that all who come into contact with me on other realms match the equivalent of this white fire.
I allow only that which is of good and of God to enter my consciousness and my awareness.
I am surrounded by wings of silver light and shields of impenetrable protection.
Today I am filled with light,
and the power of that light which fills me is exactly the power that
is the God Intelligence Energy that is in all things,
and in this moment, that God Intelligence Energy
builds around me a shield of protection,
for I separate myself from the confusion that is on planet earth,
and I align myself succinctly and 100% with my Higher Wisdom
and the Higher Wisdom of Mother Earth herself,
for united in our wisdom together,
I shall proceed through this day
and know that each and every person,
each and every element,
each and every idea,
each and every feeling that I come in contact with
is given unto me for a specific reason,
and I will bless that reason,
even if it is not clear to my conscious mind.
and the power of that light which fills me is exactly the power that
is the God Intelligence Energy that is in all things,
and in this moment, that God Intelligence Energy
builds around me a shield of protection,
for I separate myself from the confusion that is on planet earth,
and I align myself succinctly and 100% with my Higher Wisdom
and the Higher Wisdom of Mother Earth herself,
for united in our wisdom together,
I shall proceed through this day
and know that each and every person,
each and every element,
each and every idea,
each and every feeling that I come in contact with
is given unto me for a specific reason,
and I will bless that reason,
even if it is not clear to my conscious mind.
Beloved Mighty I AM Presence, I call you forth to fill me now:
that you fill me with your love and your understanding,
that you fill me with your wisdom and your guidance,
that it neutralizes within me all doubt and concerns that try to pull me away in any shape or form
from that centered part of my being that knows and recognizes and understands my personal power.
For in you, MIghty I AM, I AM that light and that energy,
I AM that love and that wisdom,
I AM that knowing and that compassion
that allows that which I desire to create in this moment to be so,
for you know and understand, Mighty I AM, that what I desire and seek to create
is nothing less than total success.
For I AM that success.
I AM that wisdom made manifest,
and I AM the ability to teach and multiply myself so that this knowledge,
these aspects of self
are reproduced in such a way as to bring great glory and great good to the face of this planet.
I know the outer world has no power over me,
nor does it have power over that which I give my blessings to.
In this moment, I give my blessings to those endeavors I have chosen.
They are successful, and I AM successful.
And you are that light that activates me and moves through me,
propelling me into such success, Mighty I AM,
that gratitude fills my every moment.
I AM that full manifestation of that which I set forth to manifest.
My atoms and molecules light themselves up in such radiance that it is
impossible to put out the light that I AM.
So be it.
that you fill me with your love and your understanding,
that you fill me with your wisdom and your guidance,
that it neutralizes within me all doubt and concerns that try to pull me away in any shape or form
from that centered part of my being that knows and recognizes and understands my personal power.
For in you, MIghty I AM, I AM that light and that energy,
I AM that love and that wisdom,
I AM that knowing and that compassion
that allows that which I desire to create in this moment to be so,
for you know and understand, Mighty I AM, that what I desire and seek to create
is nothing less than total success.
For I AM that success.
I AM that wisdom made manifest,
and I AM the ability to teach and multiply myself so that this knowledge,
these aspects of self
are reproduced in such a way as to bring great glory and great good to the face of this planet.
I know the outer world has no power over me,
nor does it have power over that which I give my blessings to.
In this moment, I give my blessings to those endeavors I have chosen.
They are successful, and I AM successful.
And you are that light that activates me and moves through me,
propelling me into such success, Mighty I AM,
that gratitude fills my every moment.
I AM that full manifestation of that which I set forth to manifest.
My atoms and molecules light themselves up in such radiance that it is
impossible to put out the light that I AM.
So be it.
I claim my personal power.
I unveil my divine and blessed entity that I AM.
I set myself free from all the impositions this planet sets upon me.
I AM far grander than any limitations.
I AM full of joy.
Nothing has power over me.
I AM that vessel of light that reaches out to all who come into contact with me,
and for those who wish to awaken, I AM that energy that replenishes itself
minute by minute and second by second
so that every cell and molecule in my body is awake and enlightened,
every part of me reaches into Higher consciousness so that I may assist all on this planet
to resist the frequencies that cause us to be asleep.
I unveil my divine and blessed entity that I AM.
I set myself free from all the impositions this planet sets upon me.
I AM far grander than any limitations.
I AM full of joy.
Nothing has power over me.
I AM that vessel of light that reaches out to all who come into contact with me,
and for those who wish to awaken, I AM that energy that replenishes itself
minute by minute and second by second
so that every cell and molecule in my body is awake and enlightened,
every part of me reaches into Higher consciousness so that I may assist all on this planet
to resist the frequencies that cause us to be asleep.
I invite courage into my life.
I invite faith into my life.
They stand beside me and make me even stronger.
I AM strong and capable and fully able to accomplish what I wish to accomplish,
to withstand what I need to withstand,
to face life on my own terms and to prevail.
I believe in myself and my abilities.
I believe in the help which is there for me,
the kind and benevolent universe which flows around me,
the spirits and angels who help and guide me.
I find my strength in love.
I find my strength in peace.
I find my strength in connection with all that is.
I AM love and peace.
I AM strong and full of light and power.
I invite faith into my life.
They stand beside me and make me even stronger.
I AM strong and capable and fully able to accomplish what I wish to accomplish,
to withstand what I need to withstand,
to face life on my own terms and to prevail.
I believe in myself and my abilities.
I believe in the help which is there for me,
the kind and benevolent universe which flows around me,
the spirits and angels who help and guide me.
I find my strength in love.
I find my strength in peace.
I find my strength in connection with all that is.
I AM love and peace.
I AM strong and full of light and power.
I AM the God of all things,
and the God energy that I AM flows through me now uninterrupted,
for I AM the God of all things
and because I AM.
This infinity intelligent radiant energy that is
is alive in each and everyone of my cells
and it magnifies myself;
it magnifies me physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually,
and I AM that radiant essence in its wholeness, its glory and its wisdom.
I AM that energy increased and multiplied,
and as that energy flows through me
It is Fire of Life,
and the Fire of Life leaves these openings in my being that it may bless those
who I AM loving in this moment,
so that it may focus upon the cellular energy
and remind the atoms and molecules of that energy that they, too, are God,
and therefore they are limitless.
I call them to their majesty now,
to remember who they are and why they are, and what they are,
and I call them into peak efficiency,
and I call them into self-mastery,
and I call them into the coalescence of energy that allows for
the perfected state of functioning in the physical representation of the Spirit.
So be it.
and the God energy that I AM flows through me now uninterrupted,
for I AM the God of all things
and because I AM.
This infinity intelligent radiant energy that is
is alive in each and everyone of my cells
and it magnifies myself;
it magnifies me physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually,
and I AM that radiant essence in its wholeness, its glory and its wisdom.
I AM that energy increased and multiplied,
and as that energy flows through me
It is Fire of Life,
and the Fire of Life leaves these openings in my being that it may bless those
who I AM loving in this moment,
so that it may focus upon the cellular energy
and remind the atoms and molecules of that energy that they, too, are God,
and therefore they are limitless.
I call them to their majesty now,
to remember who they are and why they are, and what they are,
and I call them into peak efficiency,
and I call them into self-mastery,
and I call them into the coalescence of energy that allows for
the perfected state of functioning in the physical representation of the Spirit.
So be it.
Beloved Mighty I AM Presence,
rain down upon me now in this moment.
I give thanks.
I hold gratitude for your willingness to bestow upon me wisdom---as I have never been wise before;
and health---as I have never been healthier before;
and glory, dedicated unto your being, Beloved Might I AM---as I have never dedicated it before,
For I AM that stream of wisdom,
and I AM that stream of beauty,
and I Am that stream of love and immortality as it come to life in me now,
and awakens every atom and molecule of my being,
that I move forward each moment in my existence singing your praises
and full of your love and full of your light.
and each and every moment I Am in gratitude for the glory that you create and the life that I live,
and in the awareness that I AM.
Reach out from me, Beloved I AM, into the hearts and the minds of those with whom I come in contact,
that your beauty and your love,
your strength and your wisdom,
your healing and your protection
infuse their atoms and molecules as well,
that you answer the prayers of their heart,
that you awaken within them their longing to know home,
and to know light and to know life and to know love.
Multiply within them, Beloved Mighty I AM Presence, their awakening,
that together we unite in the beauty and the love and the song of the Universe
as it runs through us,
that Earth herself is born again and born anew,
for we, the love of the light of the universe bestow this energy within her very center,
and call to the atoms and molecules of all creation of earth and the universe to awaken to this joy,
that the song of life flow through them too.
For Beloved Mighty I AM,
I Am that light and the song,and I sing it in every moment of my existence.
As I give praise unto your being---
for the love that you are, the joy that you grant me in my life, the abundance and wealth,
for the opportunities to give this light and this love to others,
and to awaken darkness wherever it is,
and to assist the planet in awakening, to sleep no more.
For there is no illusion within me, Beloved Mighty I AM,
that says I am separate from God in any way, if I Am all that is.
So be it.
rain down upon me now in this moment.
I give thanks.
I hold gratitude for your willingness to bestow upon me wisdom---as I have never been wise before;
and health---as I have never been healthier before;
and glory, dedicated unto your being, Beloved Might I AM---as I have never dedicated it before,
For I AM that stream of wisdom,
and I AM that stream of beauty,
and I Am that stream of love and immortality as it come to life in me now,
and awakens every atom and molecule of my being,
that I move forward each moment in my existence singing your praises
and full of your love and full of your light.
and each and every moment I Am in gratitude for the glory that you create and the life that I live,
and in the awareness that I AM.
Reach out from me, Beloved I AM, into the hearts and the minds of those with whom I come in contact,
that your beauty and your love,
your strength and your wisdom,
your healing and your protection
infuse their atoms and molecules as well,
that you answer the prayers of their heart,
that you awaken within them their longing to know home,
and to know light and to know life and to know love.
Multiply within them, Beloved Mighty I AM Presence, their awakening,
that together we unite in the beauty and the love and the song of the Universe
as it runs through us,
that Earth herself is born again and born anew,
for we, the love of the light of the universe bestow this energy within her very center,
and call to the atoms and molecules of all creation of earth and the universe to awaken to this joy,
that the song of life flow through them too.
For Beloved Mighty I AM,
I Am that light and the song,and I sing it in every moment of my existence.
As I give praise unto your being---
for the love that you are, the joy that you grant me in my life, the abundance and wealth,
for the opportunities to give this light and this love to others,
and to awaken darkness wherever it is,
and to assist the planet in awakening, to sleep no more.
For there is no illusion within me, Beloved Mighty I AM,
that says I am separate from God in any way, if I Am all that is.
So be it.
I AM that which is whole, that which is perfect,
for I AM beauty and I AM love,
and I AM harmony and I am unity.
I AM compassion. I AM understanding,
and I AM that physical radiation of all these tings.
I AM all things at all times that are in balance and harmony with one another,
for I am the universe, and the universe that lives within me
is the universe that manifests itself in my physical perfection,
for I Am that spark of divinity that has chosen to manifest itself into this experience,
and the experience uniquely mine is one in which
I claim beauty
and I claim health
and I claim unlimited energy
and I claim compassion, unity and harmony,
for I AM that which is life,
and life is that which I AM.
So be it.
for I AM beauty and I AM love,
and I AM harmony and I am unity.
I AM compassion. I AM understanding,
and I AM that physical radiation of all these tings.
I AM all things at all times that are in balance and harmony with one another,
for I am the universe, and the universe that lives within me
is the universe that manifests itself in my physical perfection,
for I Am that spark of divinity that has chosen to manifest itself into this experience,
and the experience uniquely mine is one in which
I claim beauty
and I claim health
and I claim unlimited energy
and I claim compassion, unity and harmony,
for I AM that which is life,
and life is that which I AM.
So be it.
(by Shugala of The Council of 8)
I AM the peace that is in the world now.
I AM the energy that creates the peace that is in the world now.
I AM the representation of the peace that exists in the world now.
I Am the anchor for this peace.
I AM the truth and the reality for this peace.
I AM that perfect place of ownership that allows all to exist
but is mine at the same time,
without judgment, without fear,
and certainly without anger or resentment or emotional turmoil of any kind.
I AM the energy that creates the peace that is in the world now.
I AM the representation of the peace that exists in the world now.
I Am the anchor for this peace.
I AM the truth and the reality for this peace.
I AM that perfect place of ownership that allows all to exist
but is mine at the same time,
without judgment, without fear,
and certainly without anger or resentment or emotional turmoil of any kind.
Beloved Heart and Mind of God, I call unto you now, to bathe planet earth in awakening light,
that is diamond-like White Fire,
that is prismatic Cosmic Flame,
that fills the heart, the mind, the soul and the elements of creation with
your beauty, your wisdom, your alignment and your awakeness,
with your understanding and your love for even the least of your creatures, as it were.
Beloved Light and Love of all life,
flow through this planet and flow through every thought form now
that seeks to have awakening
that seeks to have awareness,
that seeks to rise above self-imposed limitations that have kept the self from knowing its grandness,
its beauty, its perfection, and its power.
Beloved God that lives in the heart and the mind of all atoms and molecules of existence,
make yourself known in this moment and all moments
that a planet such as Earth might rise in its beauty,
might rise in its harmony,
might rise in its perfections, as love permeates all aspects of consciousness
and moves into the laws and the cultures and the lifestyles
of all who live upon that planet,
that it awaken in a blaze of glory,
understanding its connection with you, Beloved Light of All Things,
Beloved Power Within All Things.
I call unto the heart and mind of your Being to ignite within me/us All That You Are.
So Be It.
that is diamond-like White Fire,
that is prismatic Cosmic Flame,
that fills the heart, the mind, the soul and the elements of creation with
your beauty, your wisdom, your alignment and your awakeness,
with your understanding and your love for even the least of your creatures, as it were.
Beloved Light and Love of all life,
flow through this planet and flow through every thought form now
that seeks to have awakening
that seeks to have awareness,
that seeks to rise above self-imposed limitations that have kept the self from knowing its grandness,
its beauty, its perfection, and its power.
Beloved God that lives in the heart and the mind of all atoms and molecules of existence,
make yourself known in this moment and all moments
that a planet such as Earth might rise in its beauty,
might rise in its harmony,
might rise in its perfections, as love permeates all aspects of consciousness
and moves into the laws and the cultures and the lifestyles
of all who live upon that planet,
that it awaken in a blaze of glory,
understanding its connection with you, Beloved Light of All Things,
Beloved Power Within All Things.
I call unto the heart and mind of your Being to ignite within me/us All That You Are.
So Be It.