Spiritual Mysteries
Pearl 37
I must overcome all programming
that limits the manifestation of my believable truth.
8th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: Choice, Lesson 1, Pearl 37

This evening we speak of choice, for that Beloveds, is what is “on the plate”, as it were. Before each and every one of you, in your lives in this moment, is choice. Not that choice has not always been present and not that every moment of your life you are not engaged in choice of some sort, but that the process of choice has perhaps never been more important than in this moment for your country and for your planet.
Choice involves making a decision. On your planet you normally make a decision with your mind. There are some who make a decision with their feelings. There are some who make a decision based on information received in a knowing sensory pattern within the self. There are some who avoid making a decision and by avoiding, choose. There are some who seek the dream state from which to receive the information for decision.
The how of decision making is not what this is about. You already know how to make a decision, a choice. It is the why that we speak of this evening. The "why" of a choice.
In the world that you live in, when you are living programming and you are living illusion, the why of your choice is invisible. Most believe they are making a choice, but they are following instead choices from the past that have been made already, and they are reiterating those choices, believing the choice to be something new, believing the choice to be something that stems from _________ (and you can fill in the blank, whether it is a place, a person, a news event, an encyclopedia, something on you tube, wherever it comes from).
This kind of decision-making, this kind of choice, Beloveds, keeps you stagnant. It keeps you in a place that might be thought of as a personal prison. It keeps you living a repetitive live or repetitive lifestyle.
The human mind and its ego self being egocentric, the human thinks that “because it thinks”, it is deciding. It thinks that “because it has listened and weighed advantages”, it is deciding. It thinks that “because it has read it from an expert”, it is deciding. It thinks that “because it has received information from someone from the other side”, it is deciding.
We take a moment here for each of you to look deep within yourself, asking yourself without answering how it is that you choose.
How is it you choose?
Do you choose because you are you choosing pleasure over pain?
Do you choose because you are choosing peace over quiet?
Do you choose because you are choosing fullness over emptiness or you are choosing camaraderie over loneliness?
Do you choose because you are choosing what you think of as that which will bring the greatest joy and the greatest pleasure either to yourself or to another, rather than bringing something non-pleasurable?
The Ascended Masters who have spoken through one of your world’s greatest adepts have said, “When you are choosing, choose the greater good over the lesser good. Choose the lesser bad over the greater bad. Choose that which will enlighten the truth seeker, if indeed there is one seeking a truth. Choose that which will comfort the mourner, if indeed one is in mourning over anything.”
While these are excellent internal infrastructures upon which to use a guidance system, we wish to add to this in this moment of your life, for that which we are bringing to your consciousness in this moment does not fit with any of those categories.
At this moment in your life, each one of you is choosing whether to be repetitive and ignorant or whether to be awake and aware. You are choosing whether to live that which has already been or experience that which is new. You are choosing whether to stay with the mindset of the collective or to branch out and be your own world, your own thought form.
You have heard it said, over and over again, that what you focus on you become. This does not mean that if you focus upon a fish, you will become a fish. This means that the mindset you focus upon, you will adopt that mindset and live it, act from it, think from it, teach from it, feel from it. It means that whatever emotional state you adopt, you are focusing upon that, and you will become it.
You are loving, or you are angry.
One can argue the point that in making these choices we have just suggested you are choosing a greater good over a lesser good or a lesser evil over a greater evil. We are taking, Beloveds, the measuring stick away. This is not about goodness. This is not about evilness or harming another. This is about you, the God Self of your being, stepping forth. This is the moment you have waited for in your lives. It is not coming far in your future; it is here now…here now, this moment in your life, where you must decide what it is that will be your truth.
Are you to hold within your being that which resonates as the truth you wish to be?
If someone were to carve an epitaph to you in this moment about you and your life and who you are and what you have been, what would you chose it to say? What in this moment?
She chose her own way? She heard the good and followed? He felt the need and stood forth? What would you have it say?
Once you know, it does not matter within your being, Beloveds, if you know how to make this come about. When one chooses, knowing how to bring about the choice is not a part of the choosing.
That is where Human Beings make their errors. That is where they make a mistake. They believe that in order to choose a reality that they wish to create for themselves, to feel a certain way, believe a certain way, act a certain way, develop a certain talent, help in a certain way, in order to do this, they must know the how. If they do not know the how, they think in their minds and their feeling state, “I cannot. If I do not know how, then I cannot”.
This is all programming, Beloveds. This is how you were trained in your schools on this planet. You were trained that if you did not color correctly, then you were wrong. Therefore, you do not know and the authority must know, so you must do as the authority says. You cannot know on your own. What you choose to color something may not be “the right way”, and so you then own that truth. You begin to think less of yourself in terms of your own vision of life. “I cannot do this because I have been taught by another that this is incorrect”.
We are not speaking, in this moment, Beloveds, of morality. We are not giving you a set of principles in this moment that you must live by, that you must act on. We are not speaking of value judgments. We are speaking of something far more important, for you cannot have a value judgement unless you have first made a choice, and unless you first understand how to choose.
Let us use an example, yes?
Let us say that you have decided within your being you that wish to accelerate your enlightenment and your learning. What that means to you in your being is that you wish to expand your consciousness as rapidly as possible, away from that which is limitation, away from that which has held you back and caused you to believe somehow you were less than or not good enough, or you were some form someone labeled human that comes with all these frailties and diseases and sicknesses and impossibilities. That is all laid aside in this consciousness request.
This type of request says, “I wish to rise above all of this. I wish to be the light that I am and know the eternal divine youth that is within. I wish to know how to re-qualify the self in the universal mind substance”.
This is what we mean as the example.
Now if you knew how to do that already, would you not have done it? If this were your goal? Indeed, you would have.
That is what has held you back. You wish for something grand, you wish for something large, you wish for something expansive. You desire it. The next feeling that comes with that choice for the most part, Beloveds, for those who are programmed, who have limited themselves, is the: “I can’t”. or “It is impossible.” or “I don’t know how”.
Tonight we are obliterating the “I don’t know how”. From this moment forward in learning this course on Choice, you will always know how.
Beloveds, it is simple.
It is so simple children do it all the time.
It is so simple “winners” do it all the time.
It is so simple “losers” do it all the time.
It is so simple you have done it all of your life without even being aware that you have been doing it, without even recognizing that you already know how and that everything about how you live, what you do, what you think, how you feel, how your life unfolds can be traced back to these simple, simple steps of how one does life on planet earth or at all, anywhere.
This is to prepare you, Beloveds, for whatever dimension you decide to reside in.
Choice involves making a decision. On your planet you normally make a decision with your mind. There are some who make a decision with their feelings. There are some who make a decision based on information received in a knowing sensory pattern within the self. There are some who avoid making a decision and by avoiding, choose. There are some who seek the dream state from which to receive the information for decision.
The how of decision making is not what this is about. You already know how to make a decision, a choice. It is the why that we speak of this evening. The "why" of a choice.
In the world that you live in, when you are living programming and you are living illusion, the why of your choice is invisible. Most believe they are making a choice, but they are following instead choices from the past that have been made already, and they are reiterating those choices, believing the choice to be something new, believing the choice to be something that stems from _________ (and you can fill in the blank, whether it is a place, a person, a news event, an encyclopedia, something on you tube, wherever it comes from).
This kind of decision-making, this kind of choice, Beloveds, keeps you stagnant. It keeps you in a place that might be thought of as a personal prison. It keeps you living a repetitive live or repetitive lifestyle.
The human mind and its ego self being egocentric, the human thinks that “because it thinks”, it is deciding. It thinks that “because it has listened and weighed advantages”, it is deciding. It thinks that “because it has read it from an expert”, it is deciding. It thinks that “because it has received information from someone from the other side”, it is deciding.
We take a moment here for each of you to look deep within yourself, asking yourself without answering how it is that you choose.
How is it you choose?
Do you choose because you are you choosing pleasure over pain?
Do you choose because you are choosing peace over quiet?
Do you choose because you are choosing fullness over emptiness or you are choosing camaraderie over loneliness?
Do you choose because you are choosing what you think of as that which will bring the greatest joy and the greatest pleasure either to yourself or to another, rather than bringing something non-pleasurable?
The Ascended Masters who have spoken through one of your world’s greatest adepts have said, “When you are choosing, choose the greater good over the lesser good. Choose the lesser bad over the greater bad. Choose that which will enlighten the truth seeker, if indeed there is one seeking a truth. Choose that which will comfort the mourner, if indeed one is in mourning over anything.”
While these are excellent internal infrastructures upon which to use a guidance system, we wish to add to this in this moment of your life, for that which we are bringing to your consciousness in this moment does not fit with any of those categories.
At this moment in your life, each one of you is choosing whether to be repetitive and ignorant or whether to be awake and aware. You are choosing whether to live that which has already been or experience that which is new. You are choosing whether to stay with the mindset of the collective or to branch out and be your own world, your own thought form.
You have heard it said, over and over again, that what you focus on you become. This does not mean that if you focus upon a fish, you will become a fish. This means that the mindset you focus upon, you will adopt that mindset and live it, act from it, think from it, teach from it, feel from it. It means that whatever emotional state you adopt, you are focusing upon that, and you will become it.
You are loving, or you are angry.
One can argue the point that in making these choices we have just suggested you are choosing a greater good over a lesser good or a lesser evil over a greater evil. We are taking, Beloveds, the measuring stick away. This is not about goodness. This is not about evilness or harming another. This is about you, the God Self of your being, stepping forth. This is the moment you have waited for in your lives. It is not coming far in your future; it is here now…here now, this moment in your life, where you must decide what it is that will be your truth.
Are you to hold within your being that which resonates as the truth you wish to be?
If someone were to carve an epitaph to you in this moment about you and your life and who you are and what you have been, what would you chose it to say? What in this moment?
She chose her own way? She heard the good and followed? He felt the need and stood forth? What would you have it say?
Once you know, it does not matter within your being, Beloveds, if you know how to make this come about. When one chooses, knowing how to bring about the choice is not a part of the choosing.
That is where Human Beings make their errors. That is where they make a mistake. They believe that in order to choose a reality that they wish to create for themselves, to feel a certain way, believe a certain way, act a certain way, develop a certain talent, help in a certain way, in order to do this, they must know the how. If they do not know the how, they think in their minds and their feeling state, “I cannot. If I do not know how, then I cannot”.
This is all programming, Beloveds. This is how you were trained in your schools on this planet. You were trained that if you did not color correctly, then you were wrong. Therefore, you do not know and the authority must know, so you must do as the authority says. You cannot know on your own. What you choose to color something may not be “the right way”, and so you then own that truth. You begin to think less of yourself in terms of your own vision of life. “I cannot do this because I have been taught by another that this is incorrect”.
We are not speaking, in this moment, Beloveds, of morality. We are not giving you a set of principles in this moment that you must live by, that you must act on. We are not speaking of value judgments. We are speaking of something far more important, for you cannot have a value judgement unless you have first made a choice, and unless you first understand how to choose.
Let us use an example, yes?
Let us say that you have decided within your being you that wish to accelerate your enlightenment and your learning. What that means to you in your being is that you wish to expand your consciousness as rapidly as possible, away from that which is limitation, away from that which has held you back and caused you to believe somehow you were less than or not good enough, or you were some form someone labeled human that comes with all these frailties and diseases and sicknesses and impossibilities. That is all laid aside in this consciousness request.
This type of request says, “I wish to rise above all of this. I wish to be the light that I am and know the eternal divine youth that is within. I wish to know how to re-qualify the self in the universal mind substance”.
This is what we mean as the example.
Now if you knew how to do that already, would you not have done it? If this were your goal? Indeed, you would have.
That is what has held you back. You wish for something grand, you wish for something large, you wish for something expansive. You desire it. The next feeling that comes with that choice for the most part, Beloveds, for those who are programmed, who have limited themselves, is the: “I can’t”. or “It is impossible.” or “I don’t know how”.
Tonight we are obliterating the “I don’t know how”. From this moment forward in learning this course on Choice, you will always know how.
Beloveds, it is simple.
It is so simple children do it all the time.
It is so simple “winners” do it all the time.
It is so simple “losers” do it all the time.
It is so simple you have done it all of your life without even being aware that you have been doing it, without even recognizing that you already know how and that everything about how you live, what you do, what you think, how you feel, how your life unfolds can be traced back to these simple, simple steps of how one does life on planet earth or at all, anywhere.
This is to prepare you, Beloveds, for whatever dimension you decide to reside in.

This is what you have been doing:
What happens next?
If you are not creating intentionally, it does not matter for it is there, and it will take what you have said, and it will make it happen anyway.
If you are creating intentionally that which has not yet occurred in your life, you will, in your mind, in your heart, in your being, within yourself know that it will come unto your being. That is it. You must know that it will come unto your being.
You do not need to write down one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, and write the steps. You do not need to make an outline. You do not need to make a rough draft. You do not need to go to the library and look it up or Google it online. You do not need to call your friend or your neighbor and ask how to do it.
You simply need to know within yourself that it is so, and it will be so.
When that knowing is there within your being, then Beloveds, you become the director of your movie, and you direct the movie in your mind’s eye. You see what that knowing looks like. You feel what that knowing feels like. You pretend you are the expanded consciousness. What is it unleashing in your life? Who are you becoming? How does it feel? What does it look like? What are others saying to you? What are you saying to them? How is your life unfolding? Where is your life unfolding?
You may supply the details, Beloveds, but be ready to know this, be ready to know that life might surprise you because who is doing the creating? You are, the programmed God Self. You are the self that has limitations in it still, or we would not be having this little chat.
Be surprised, and when you are surprised, decide in that moment to make another choice. Make a choice, Beloveds: “This is not what I had in mind” and choose again. “This is not how I saw it evolving” and choose again. “This is not what I mean by enlightenment” and choose again.
It is choice. You are choosing, and then you are knowing, and then you are imagining. How many times have you been in a store or at a fairground and you have seen a helium balloon slip from the hands of a little one as they watch it go to the rafters of the building or off into the blue sky. It has a mind of its own. It is going to its destiny, and that is what you must do.
When you have owned it, you must then let it go.
Put it inside a helium balloon if you desire. Know that the balloon will dissolve when it is ripe for the moment to come into your life.
The helium balloon is a symbol for what you are doing.
The symbolism that you are doing within your being is you are rising to the highest light within your being. You are rising to the highest center of light within the awareness of yourself, and you are releasing into that light the thought and the feeling and the choice, and it is going to the heights, as it were. It is going somewhere where you will not see the helium balloon anymore, but that is required. That is how it happens. It leaves your vision. It leaves your thoughts. It leaves your awareness.
You have planted the seed. You are now waiting for the seed to sprout and grow. If you dig everyday where the seed is growing and you are trying to find where it is, “Is it grown yet?”, then you are disturbing the area that the seed requires in order to do its task.
If you trust it, if you make sure its needs are met, it provides you that which you are seeking.
Would you understand?
Are you able to perceive how you have done this to some degree within your lives, but that some of your wishing, desiring, creating has been tainted, as it were, by either religious thoughts or school thoughts or somebody else’s thoughts or even something from the past that was your thought, and so it has crippled your manifestation? Perhaps you receive a little of it but not enough so that the heart of your being is filled with love and appreciation and gratitude for this amazing universe in which you are alive in a physical form that is the embodiment of God Consciousness completely.
Would you have any questions, Beloveds?
(none respond)
Then go forth and be the planters in your world, yes?
- You have thought of that which you desired. Let us return to the expanded consciousness example: “I desire my consciousness to expand as rapidly as I can contain the awareness, as quickly and expansively as I can achieve it without bringing harm to self or others.” That is your seed. That is the desire. That is your goal. That is your need. You have recognized it. This is our example.
What happens next?
- The consciousness does not say to the self, “I do not know how to do this. I guess I’ll go to a few meetings. I guess I’ll listen to people all over the planet who are channeling. I guess I’ll read the Bible or join a religion”.
- You go within the self. You go within the self where the power that has created everything that you have ever brought into fruition in your life, including paintings with cows upon them. Yes? You go within. And when you go within, there is the power. It is there all the time. It has always been there and you are never without it.
- When you are in that power, you need not feel it. You need not see it. You need not name it, but you must know it. You must believe it, and you must know it. You must know it is there if you are creating intentionally.
If you are not creating intentionally, it does not matter for it is there, and it will take what you have said, and it will make it happen anyway.
If you are creating intentionally that which has not yet occurred in your life, you will, in your mind, in your heart, in your being, within yourself know that it will come unto your being. That is it. You must know that it will come unto your being.
You do not need to write down one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, and write the steps. You do not need to make an outline. You do not need to make a rough draft. You do not need to go to the library and look it up or Google it online. You do not need to call your friend or your neighbor and ask how to do it.
You simply need to know within yourself that it is so, and it will be so.
When that knowing is there within your being, then Beloveds, you become the director of your movie, and you direct the movie in your mind’s eye. You see what that knowing looks like. You feel what that knowing feels like. You pretend you are the expanded consciousness. What is it unleashing in your life? Who are you becoming? How does it feel? What does it look like? What are others saying to you? What are you saying to them? How is your life unfolding? Where is your life unfolding?
You may supply the details, Beloveds, but be ready to know this, be ready to know that life might surprise you because who is doing the creating? You are, the programmed God Self. You are the self that has limitations in it still, or we would not be having this little chat.
Be surprised, and when you are surprised, decide in that moment to make another choice. Make a choice, Beloveds: “This is not what I had in mind” and choose again. “This is not how I saw it evolving” and choose again. “This is not what I mean by enlightenment” and choose again.
It is choice. You are choosing, and then you are knowing, and then you are imagining. How many times have you been in a store or at a fairground and you have seen a helium balloon slip from the hands of a little one as they watch it go to the rafters of the building or off into the blue sky. It has a mind of its own. It is going to its destiny, and that is what you must do.
When you have owned it, you must then let it go.
Put it inside a helium balloon if you desire. Know that the balloon will dissolve when it is ripe for the moment to come into your life.
The helium balloon is a symbol for what you are doing.
The symbolism that you are doing within your being is you are rising to the highest light within your being. You are rising to the highest center of light within the awareness of yourself, and you are releasing into that light the thought and the feeling and the choice, and it is going to the heights, as it were. It is going somewhere where you will not see the helium balloon anymore, but that is required. That is how it happens. It leaves your vision. It leaves your thoughts. It leaves your awareness.
You have planted the seed. You are now waiting for the seed to sprout and grow. If you dig everyday where the seed is growing and you are trying to find where it is, “Is it grown yet?”, then you are disturbing the area that the seed requires in order to do its task.
If you trust it, if you make sure its needs are met, it provides you that which you are seeking.
Would you understand?
Are you able to perceive how you have done this to some degree within your lives, but that some of your wishing, desiring, creating has been tainted, as it were, by either religious thoughts or school thoughts or somebody else’s thoughts or even something from the past that was your thought, and so it has crippled your manifestation? Perhaps you receive a little of it but not enough so that the heart of your being is filled with love and appreciation and gratitude for this amazing universe in which you are alive in a physical form that is the embodiment of God Consciousness completely.
Would you have any questions, Beloveds?
(none respond)
Then go forth and be the planters in your world, yes?
The story of Johnny Appleseed is an example.
It is not just about planting seeds that grow trees that bear fruit.
It is about planting ideas or wishes or desires or goals that bear fruit that you harvest.
Choice, Beloveds, it is one of the greatest gifts you have been given.
If you find within yourself that you are afraid to make a choice, ferret out the reason, find where it came from, and pull the weed. Do not let it live in the fertile soil of your being any longer.
So be it.
It is not just about planting seeds that grow trees that bear fruit.
It is about planting ideas or wishes or desires or goals that bear fruit that you harvest.
Choice, Beloveds, it is one of the greatest gifts you have been given.
If you find within yourself that you are afraid to make a choice, ferret out the reason, find where it came from, and pull the weed. Do not let it live in the fertile soil of your being any longer.
So be it.