If you have already read Meet Healy and Why I Have a Healy, you will know by now how besotted I am with this new affordable make-my-life-awesome device. But after finding out who the two creators of this magnicent gift to humanity are and where their heart and focus is for the betterment of humanity, I am even more than in love with Healy.
Healy represents the best humanity has to offer in this sense: it is about caring for ourselves to the maximum while at the same time being able to offer that same care to others, whether through education or through sending long distance Healy help. It is about science and metaphysics coming together in a way that lets the invisible become visible, that helps heal the earth herself through opportunity to balance each individual who lives on her surface.
The terms "helpless humans" will one day become a phrase so ridiculous that those living on earth will not be able to imagine a time when there was not something as essential as a Healy.
Healy represents the best humanity has to offer in this sense: it is about caring for ourselves to the maximum while at the same time being able to offer that same care to others, whether through education or through sending long distance Healy help. It is about science and metaphysics coming together in a way that lets the invisible become visible, that helps heal the earth herself through opportunity to balance each individual who lives on her surface.
The terms "helpless humans" will one day become a phrase so ridiculous that those living on earth will not be able to imagine a time when there was not something as essential as a Healy.
Interview with Healy Founder Marcus Schmieke
Marcus Schmieke, Bio-informational Field Creator, and Mike Curley talk about:
Frequencies, The Bio-information Field, and All That Is.
HOW Healy's Quantum Senor works
HOW we can tap into the information field.
WHERE do body and soul interact?
HOW we are able with technology to communicate with "the field" and different dimensions
Once Nikola Tesla said:
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade
than in all the previous centuries of it's existence."
Frequencies, The Bio-information Field, and All That Is.
HOW Healy's Quantum Senor works
HOW we can tap into the information field.
WHERE do body and soul interact?
HOW we are able with technology to communicate with "the field" and different dimensions
Once Nikola Tesla said:
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade
than in all the previous centuries of it's existence."
REQUIRED DISCLAIMER: Healy is a microcurrent medical device that has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for relief of acute, chronic, and arthritis pain and muscle soreness due to overexertion. Healy also has non-medical applications that use individualized frequencies to help balance your mind and body and relieve stress. Always use your Healy in accordance with its Instructions for Use.
This website is not a corporate website. It is put together for educational purposes.
Healy has been included with the intension to gather into one place useful and supportive information
about the class 2 medical device called Healy, including its metaphysical capacity.