1st Grand Secret
What we put our attention on, we give life to.
What we desire, we energize.
What we energize, we make happen.
This first Grand Secret and its Pearls of Enlightenment offer within the remembrance of who you truly are, the quiet pool of tranquility and its concentric circles of power.
These affirmations will begin to enlighten the enlightened part of you. They will begin to create a vibrational field to bring you more and more awareness of your day and what you are focusing on, what you are bringing into your life, whether you wanted it or not.
What we desire, we energize.
What we energize, we make happen.
This first Grand Secret and its Pearls of Enlightenment offer within the remembrance of who you truly are, the quiet pool of tranquility and its concentric circles of power.
These affirmations will begin to enlighten the enlightened part of you. They will begin to create a vibrational field to bring you more and more awareness of your day and what you are focusing on, what you are bringing into your life, whether you wanted it or not.
When doing Spiritual Ceremonies for the creation of anything, each of your 7 bodies must be included.
1. For the Physical, Astral, and Vibrational bodies: protect your energy field. This Spiritual Mysteries Ceremony begins with that protection.
2. For the Emotional body, choose a quiet environment where you will be undisturbed. Sit comfortably in a darkened room. Mute your cell phone, TV and other noise distractions. You may play gentle music without words or solfeggio codes.
3. For the Mental body, speak the decrees out loud.
4. For the spiritual and soul bodies, do your best to visualize the decrees being spoken. You can take your time doing this. The decrees do not need to be rapid.
In the 12th Grand Secret reveals the language of the Soul, based on pictures that you form in your mind. The more vivid and the more colorful, the more powerful.
1. For the Physical, Astral, and Vibrational bodies: protect your energy field. This Spiritual Mysteries Ceremony begins with that protection.
2. For the Emotional body, choose a quiet environment where you will be undisturbed. Sit comfortably in a darkened room. Mute your cell phone, TV and other noise distractions. You may play gentle music without words or solfeggio codes.
3. For the Mental body, speak the decrees out loud.
4. For the spiritual and soul bodies, do your best to visualize the decrees being spoken. You can take your time doing this. The decrees do not need to be rapid.
In the 12th Grand Secret reveals the language of the Soul, based on pictures that you form in your mind. The more vivid and the more colorful, the more powerful.
(Ceremony contributed to by students of The Council of 8)
Mighty I AM Presence, Ascended Masters, Teachers and Guides, Angelic Kingdom and The Council of 8,
surround me with your love, your light, your energy, your guidance, your wisdom and your protection.
I Surround and Seal Myself and These Decrees in Cosmic White Fire, Violet Flame, and Silver Rays of Golden Flames,
all of which provide Impenetrable Shields of Protection from all Negativity and Evil and Limitations of any and every kind.
Nothing but God and Good May Enter Into or be Within or Flow From these Spiritual Ceremonial Decrees.
I Connect this Ceremony to all Similar Ceremonies Past, Present and Future to Support them and Strengthen them Without Diminution of any kind.
I pledge to myself:
"I wholly infuse and embrace within myself the Grand Nature of My Being"
as I witness the unveiling of My True Inner Wisdomm reawaken the I AM within, and create my Ascension Journey.
I create the inner harmony and vibrations I need to be free of what has restricted my Ascension Consciousness.
I uplift my God Consciousness.
I pledge to myself "No more resistance to the Grand Nature of My Being."
(Ceremony contributed to by students of The Council of 8)
Mighty I AM Presence, Ascended Masters, Teachers and Guides, Angelic Kingdom and The Council of 8,
surround me with your love, your light, your energy, your guidance, your wisdom and your protection.
I Surround and Seal Myself and These Decrees in Cosmic White Fire, Violet Flame, and Silver Rays of Golden Flames,
all of which provide Impenetrable Shields of Protection from all Negativity and Evil and Limitations of any and every kind.
Nothing but God and Good May Enter Into or be Within or Flow From these Spiritual Ceremonial Decrees.
I Connect this Ceremony to all Similar Ceremonies Past, Present and Future to Support them and Strengthen them Without Diminution of any kind.
I pledge to myself:
"I wholly infuse and embrace within myself the Grand Nature of My Being"
as I witness the unveiling of My True Inner Wisdomm reawaken the I AM within, and create my Ascension Journey.
I create the inner harmony and vibrations I need to be free of what has restricted my Ascension Consciousness.
I uplift my God Consciousness.
I pledge to myself "No more resistance to the Grand Nature of My Being."
THE SIX PEARLS of the 1st Grand Secret Combined with Decrees from Count St. Germain
Pearl #1 – I enlighten my thinking beyond the limitations I have accepted and thus awaken to my true self.
Pearl #2 – As I recognize I AM living a paradigm in which I AM co-creator, I awaken.
Pearl #4 – I AM the potential to be anything within my ability to dream it into existence.
Pearl #5 – I CONTINUALLY Recognize and set myself free from attachments that prevent my ascension.
Pearl #6 – I master my emotions and am able to enter different dimensions.
So Be It. Selah. It Is Done. It Is So!
Pearl #1 – I enlighten my thinking beyond the limitations I have accepted and thus awaken to my true self.
- I AM enlightenment....understanding and awareness
- I AM God...infinite eternal creative life force
- I forgive all that kept me from knowing I AM this creative power energy
- I Am only that which I focus upon and identify with.
Pearl #2 – As I recognize I AM living a paradigm in which I AM co-creator, I awaken.
- I AM Humanity.
- I am all things at once and no thing at all.
- I have the good fortune to be surrounded by reminders of my truths as I once knew them or thought them
- I AM forgiving of all those who are living what I have already learned from
- I remember to assist those who are seeking help for they are me as I once was.
- I AM truly light, love, and an awakened consciousness living in full enlightenment
- I AM awakened from the dream of illusion and powerlessness
- And so I seek to live my own perfection.
- I AM anything upon which I focus my attention
- As light of enlightenment energy fills my bloodstream, I AM Enlightened Knowingness of Perfect Circulation
- As I allow this Enlightenment to fill the atoms and molecules of my skeletal structure, I AM the Enlightened Infrastructure of my Being.
- As I allow this Enlightenment permission to fill the atoms and molecules of all the tissues and the organs and the organ systems within my physical self, I AM the Enlightened Workings: the perfected orderly molecular structure of god consciousness itself, perfecting the vehicle in which my consciousness resides.
- The Enlightenment I AM creates perfection for my being in all ways I can accept.
- In the enlightened space I AM in, I accept the greater good for myself and for humanity.
Pearl #4 – I AM the potential to be anything within my ability to dream it into existence.
- I AM the door to unlimited abundance. I step through into my prosperity.
- I AM the wisdom that fills and illuminates my mind that I might know what to do next.
- I call forth from the universe that which insists upon helping me create this reality
- All that makes up Ascension Consciousness, I AM
Pearl #5 – I CONTINUALLY Recognize and set myself free from attachments that prevent my ascension.
- I AM true joy.
- I AM tranquility.
- I AM whole and complete, forgiving and forgiven
Pearl #6 – I master my emotions and am able to enter different dimensions.
- I AM a New Reality upon Planet Earth, and I AM that I AM
- I AM the unstoppable beauty of life
- I AM peaceful bliss in action.
So Be It. Selah. It Is Done. It Is So!