Remember Who You Are * Realize Why You Are Here * Reawaken the Light Within
Who Are The Council of 8?
They are high spiritual frequency consciousness
who work together with the express intention of
finding those Souls throughout the
known universes
who have been lost
to the memories of their truest origins
and then assisting them in their awakening.
Of the eight members of the Council,
five interact through written or spoken conscious channeling
and three, who remain nameless, interact energetically.
They are high spiritual frequency consciousness
who work together with the express intention of
finding those Souls throughout the
known universes
who have been lost
to the memories of their truest origins
and then assisting them in their awakening.
Of the eight members of the Council,
five interact through written or spoken conscious channeling
and three, who remain nameless, interact energetically.
Evanareaux: 1983
It was in 1983 that the first member of The Council of 8 made physical/spiritual contact with the person who would become the most active conduit for The Council of 8. A masculine energy who works with the Nature Kingdom, most especially the trees, his purpose was to begin her training. Using clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience, he worked through her to create portraits of the Spirit guides of others, bring forth their messages, and deliver prophecies. This training also involved many years of conscious channeling.
It was in 1983 that the first member of The Council of 8 made physical/spiritual contact with the person who would become the most active conduit for The Council of 8. A masculine energy who works with the Nature Kingdom, most especially the trees, his purpose was to begin her training. Using clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience, he worked through her to create portraits of the Spirit guides of others, bring forth their messages, and deliver prophecies. This training also involved many years of conscious channeling.
Atman Ananda: 1988
Five years after Evanareaux made contact, Atman Ananda introduced their presence in 1998 through automatic writing as well as conscious channeling. This collective consciousness which calls itself Atman Ananda (Soul Bliss) brought forth a series of discourses published as the Talks of Twelve. Having mastered the challenges of the Earth plane, AA brought us their perspectives on life as they have known it. They no longer live on Earth nor on any of its multiple dimensions. They claim to have communed with Creative and Infinite Intelligence upon more than one occasion, though they had not, as of 1988, merged entirely with the origins of their creation. |
"We come to assist you, as it were, in what may be called 'Preparing for the Coming Times', for it has been the urgent desire and wish of the one through whom we speak to know beyond the written word, beyond even her own sense of inner knowing, what may become the reality of the human race as it is now known."
Ashtar: 1991
Three years after Atman Ananda appeared, the conduit of the future Grand Secrets of Spiritual Mysteries was granted access to the teachings of Ashtar. Possibly the most familiar name of a member of The Council of 8, he is a space master who still lives in a physical body, not having passed through the change called death. He sends telepathic information to students in many different solar systems.
Three years after Atman Ananda appeared, the conduit of the future Grand Secrets of Spiritual Mysteries was granted access to the teachings of Ashtar. Possibly the most familiar name of a member of The Council of 8, he is a space master who still lives in a physical body, not having passed through the change called death. He sends telepathic information to students in many different solar systems.
Lady Master Natasha: 2005
Fourteen years later in April 2005, the Ascended Master, Lady Master Natasha, introduced herself. "I AM that glorious and wonderful aspect of life that is centered on the Radiant All That Is and the beloved I AM THAT I AM which illuminates my path." Since her arrival, this awakened and enlightened master has weekly presented her illuminated thoughts of ascended mastery in answer to questions about the journey we call life. Her goal is to assist those who wish to be freed from the cycle of rebirth and to reach out through spiritually advanced channels to awaken humanity from their illusory separation from God Consciousness. She has made her immense wisdom available in the form of group discourses, monthly enlightenment messages, private sessions, Life Weavings, Frequency Fill-ups and weekly Interaction broadcasts. She is the main voice for the C8 and she is the one who brought to us all the 33 Grand Secrets of Spiritual Mysteries. |
"Why not hold within your consciousness a sweetness for each one you perceive to be outside yourself? Why not hold a forgiveness for each one that seems to do something that upsets you? When you cannot affect a change in another, and yet your heart longs to, look into their eyes, and in your mind, tell the God in those eyes that you love him or her and then go on your way."
Shugala: 2007
Two years later, at the end of March 2007, the Voice of The Council of 8, Master Shugala, introduced himself with the words, "Be at peace. You are as I am. You are the divine light that has awareness of itself on many different levels, but because of the limitations of the earthsuit that you wear, you are limited in your current ability to perceive yourself." He warns us that we have been 'tricked into thinking that we are alone, because this planet teaches us to believe only in that which we can see." Over a period of twelve consecutive weeks and also during a span of three years, Shugala met weekly with a group of students whose desire was to "awake to dream no more". Shugala's first instructions to a group in Texas, USA began with: "This is the moment in your life when it was promised before you were born that you would be awakened, that you would be told 'you are not the you that you see in the mirror!' That is your disguise, and it is necessary that you came to planet earth with a disguise. It is necessary that you learned how to fit in, and that you pretended to become human, but you are not! You are incredibly powerful rays of intelligence, beautiful white spiritual beings, bright light of all that is residing in a physical form. Bright Ones, I say to the mind, and I say to the heart, I say to the Soul and the Spirit of your being, from this point forward, when you look at yourself in the mirror, look only at your eyes, and look for the light that is in your eyes. See yourself. Remember yourself." |
You can, through your recorded and unrecorded histories, trace your lineage to the very creation of the energy that lives within all things. This energy is nota being as you think and understand 'being-ness'. This energy defies description and defies words, but it does not defy knowing. This energy is alive and pulsating and existing in every thought, every feeling, every physical body, every physical thing, and every dream or hope that you have ever had, every illusion that you have ever awakened from.
This is the first website created to contain the wisdom from The Council of 8.
There you will find free,downloadable recordings from as early as 2014.
There you will find free,downloadable recordings from as early as 2014.
Your Spiritual Allies.
Who Are They?
From Master SHUGALA
"Before you took on human form, you and a group of beings just like you agreed on a game plan, as it were. One of you would take physical form, and the rest would remain in non-physical form, working with you, supporting you, loving you, energizing you, and doing their best to keep you from succumbing to the frequencies that you already knew would be bombarding you upon this planet.
"You are not alone, nor have you ever been alone on this planet, but you have been tricked into thinking you are alone because life on this planet teaches you to believe only what you see.
Your other senses are easily deceived as well, but this planet focuses on the importance of the eye and what you can see. Why do you think there are movies? Why do you think there is TV? Why do you think everyone now on your planet is becoming addicted to hand-held smartphones that take pictures and show movies? Because it is reinforcing in you 'that which you can see is that which is true.' The next step, Bright Ones, is the use of holograms in your airspace. You will see them, and those who are uneducated and unenlightened will believe they are true because they have seen them with their own eyes.
"You are here now because this is your wake-up call.
"Who is with you now to help you wake up? Some of you have six very close entities who guide and guard you constantly in waking and dreaming states. Each of those six have their six. Each of those six have their six, and each of those six have their six. On the periphery of that are bands of color entities seeking alignment with the being who has awakened itself.
"The six are part of a Soul group that is larger than each of your own individual groups. Some of them have been on the earth plane and some have not, but all of them you know, and all of them have worked with you as an energy consciousness since you got into your earth suit.
"Why is it important to have a heightened awareness? So that you will not become sucked into the frequencies that are putting your peers to sleep!
"When you desire to make contact with other dimensions:
"I, Shugala, prefer to refer to your 'six' as your personal group of 'allies', for the word 'allies' moves into the human consciousness as a thought form that says, 'I have someone who will defend me from attack. I have someone who will be with me no matter what. They will not leave me. We have an agreement that is unbreakable.'
"Your mission is 'to be your best.' It is to 'separate yourself from emotions that would drag you into the quagmire of life and allow you to live it as though you were a no-thing and a no-body.'
"A miracle happens in the life of one who can uplift himself or herself from the quagmire of visual programing and physical senses, and from being the 'normal average human being.' You begin to thin the wall of separation between you and the influence of your entourage, your allies. When you thin the wall of separation between you and those who are there to help you, when you thin that wall, you then live on a moment to moment awareness and realization of what your mission is in any given second."
"You are not alone, nor have you ever been alone on this planet, but you have been tricked into thinking you are alone because life on this planet teaches you to believe only what you see.
Your other senses are easily deceived as well, but this planet focuses on the importance of the eye and what you can see. Why do you think there are movies? Why do you think there is TV? Why do you think everyone now on your planet is becoming addicted to hand-held smartphones that take pictures and show movies? Because it is reinforcing in you 'that which you can see is that which is true.' The next step, Bright Ones, is the use of holograms in your airspace. You will see them, and those who are uneducated and unenlightened will believe they are true because they have seen them with their own eyes.
"You are here now because this is your wake-up call.
"Who is with you now to help you wake up? Some of you have six very close entities who guide and guard you constantly in waking and dreaming states. Each of those six have their six. Each of those six have their six, and each of those six have their six. On the periphery of that are bands of color entities seeking alignment with the being who has awakened itself.
"The six are part of a Soul group that is larger than each of your own individual groups. Some of them have been on the earth plane and some have not, but all of them you know, and all of them have worked with you as an energy consciousness since you got into your earth suit.
"Why is it important to have a heightened awareness? So that you will not become sucked into the frequencies that are putting your peers to sleep!
"When you desire to make contact with other dimensions:
- the first essential is to increase your energy field
- The second essential is desire, gratitude, love, compassion, and delight
- The third is expectation
- The fourth is non-resistance.
"I, Shugala, prefer to refer to your 'six' as your personal group of 'allies', for the word 'allies' moves into the human consciousness as a thought form that says, 'I have someone who will defend me from attack. I have someone who will be with me no matter what. They will not leave me. We have an agreement that is unbreakable.'
"Your mission is 'to be your best.' It is to 'separate yourself from emotions that would drag you into the quagmire of life and allow you to live it as though you were a no-thing and a no-body.'
"A miracle happens in the life of one who can uplift himself or herself from the quagmire of visual programing and physical senses, and from being the 'normal average human being.' You begin to thin the wall of separation between you and the influence of your entourage, your allies. When you thin the wall of separation between you and those who are there to help you, when you thin that wall, you then live on a moment to moment awareness and realization of what your mission is in any given second."
Shugala Speaks....
Using the internet
"What is interesting about your planet is that when those who wish to work together do so, a huge wave of energy surges through your internet, and it creates an electronic pattern that is like a fisherman’s net, reaching out to encompass all who are within its radius. Use this!"
Hormonal imbalance
"When the energies and frequencies on planet Earth create electrochemical imbalances in the body, the hormonal balances within the body are affected. When that occurs, the thoughts and feelings within the self are affected."
The Power of Water
"Use the power of water. Before you sleep, if you will use a glass of water for your 'medicine' and intuit those perfect words and that perfect prayer, spoken unto it, you can bring about the results of that which you are seeking, regardless of whether it is in the arena of health, finance, camaraderie, or longevity, whatever goal it is you are seeking to master, to accomplish, or to experience. Then drink your prayer."
The Peace
"In the word Peace there is potential: the potential to tune into the power of the universe through the one channel that provides no static, Peace. Peace is more than the emotion. It is a state of being wherein true power for that which you are to accomplish at any stage in your life exists. Within Peace there is all-knowing. When you reach that place of centeredness within your being and your consciousness, you open to know all that is required and necessary and beneficial for you in the moment. Within Peace is the centeredness found in the Vesica Piscis, as it were, the center from which your life radiates. Within Peace, is the expression of all that has downloaded in that place of Peace that it might be made manifest in the world."
Be at peace with yourself and find ways to make that peace evident and functional in your daily affairs.
Sheep No More
You have been used to being the sheep but now you must become the rams, each one of you. Reach within yourself and command to remember what you decided your contribution (to life on planet Earth) would be. You will know it when it feels 'light', and it fits within the parameters that your current life pattern has created.
You have been taught many ways to focus. Let us have a mini review. You can:
...set up a ceremony with yourself as the focus written reminders wherever you will see them in your environment
...put your intent into song so that the words will be sung and whenever you sing or hum the melody, you will be
reminding yourself of your focus.
...have others call and remind you throughout the day
...tell yourself that each time you eat a certain colored food, you will remember your focus
...meditate upon the focus
...write to yourself each day about the focus a picture upon a poster board that you may see the visual of your focus each day
...cut words you are drawn to from a magazine and put them into a container from which you can draw the words
and create a message to yourself
...throw the l-Ching daily in order to remind you that spirit can and will speak to you through various methods that are
visual and ancient.
Keep yourselves focused on the creation of that which you would have if you were creating YOUR personal universe. See with beauty through your eyes. Hear with harmony through your ears. Eat with vitality in your mindset. Sleep with expectations of fulfillment. Live your days with the field of mastery surrounding you, and allow into yourselves only those thoughts and feelings that will uplift and inspire you. If need be, carry around a paintbrush to remind yourself that you are painting the empty canvas that will one day soon be your life and the life of others who think or feel or express the way that you do.
There is a very important frequency being tampered with throughout your culture. It is the frequency that allows the body to best absorb oxygen. Call this frequency to you by requesting your guides and teachers to place it in your water, your food and in the air that you are breathing. Without this frequency, the human body will have a harder time responding to what you are requesting of it. It is not about creating more oxygen. It is about absorbing it. All of the nano-chemical reactions in your human physical self require various frequencies in order to effectively do their work. They also require oxygen on the most basic of levels.
Using the internet
"What is interesting about your planet is that when those who wish to work together do so, a huge wave of energy surges through your internet, and it creates an electronic pattern that is like a fisherman’s net, reaching out to encompass all who are within its radius. Use this!"
Hormonal imbalance
"When the energies and frequencies on planet Earth create electrochemical imbalances in the body, the hormonal balances within the body are affected. When that occurs, the thoughts and feelings within the self are affected."
The Power of Water
"Use the power of water. Before you sleep, if you will use a glass of water for your 'medicine' and intuit those perfect words and that perfect prayer, spoken unto it, you can bring about the results of that which you are seeking, regardless of whether it is in the arena of health, finance, camaraderie, or longevity, whatever goal it is you are seeking to master, to accomplish, or to experience. Then drink your prayer."
The Peace
"In the word Peace there is potential: the potential to tune into the power of the universe through the one channel that provides no static, Peace. Peace is more than the emotion. It is a state of being wherein true power for that which you are to accomplish at any stage in your life exists. Within Peace there is all-knowing. When you reach that place of centeredness within your being and your consciousness, you open to know all that is required and necessary and beneficial for you in the moment. Within Peace is the centeredness found in the Vesica Piscis, as it were, the center from which your life radiates. Within Peace, is the expression of all that has downloaded in that place of Peace that it might be made manifest in the world."
Be at peace with yourself and find ways to make that peace evident and functional in your daily affairs.
Sheep No More
You have been used to being the sheep but now you must become the rams, each one of you. Reach within yourself and command to remember what you decided your contribution (to life on planet Earth) would be. You will know it when it feels 'light', and it fits within the parameters that your current life pattern has created.
You have been taught many ways to focus. Let us have a mini review. You can:
...set up a ceremony with yourself as the focus written reminders wherever you will see them in your environment
...put your intent into song so that the words will be sung and whenever you sing or hum the melody, you will be
reminding yourself of your focus.
...have others call and remind you throughout the day
...tell yourself that each time you eat a certain colored food, you will remember your focus
...meditate upon the focus
...write to yourself each day about the focus a picture upon a poster board that you may see the visual of your focus each day
...cut words you are drawn to from a magazine and put them into a container from which you can draw the words
and create a message to yourself
...throw the l-Ching daily in order to remind you that spirit can and will speak to you through various methods that are
visual and ancient.
Keep yourselves focused on the creation of that which you would have if you were creating YOUR personal universe. See with beauty through your eyes. Hear with harmony through your ears. Eat with vitality in your mindset. Sleep with expectations of fulfillment. Live your days with the field of mastery surrounding you, and allow into yourselves only those thoughts and feelings that will uplift and inspire you. If need be, carry around a paintbrush to remind yourself that you are painting the empty canvas that will one day soon be your life and the life of others who think or feel or express the way that you do.
There is a very important frequency being tampered with throughout your culture. It is the frequency that allows the body to best absorb oxygen. Call this frequency to you by requesting your guides and teachers to place it in your water, your food and in the air that you are breathing. Without this frequency, the human body will have a harder time responding to what you are requesting of it. It is not about creating more oxygen. It is about absorbing it. All of the nano-chemical reactions in your human physical self require various frequencies in order to effectively do their work. They also require oxygen on the most basic of levels.
Messages from SHUGULA
Click on the title below to read the entire discourse.
The Economics of Energy and Collective Thinking
That which is ‘the new’ is now upon the planet. It has been crafted and worked and re-worked within the heavens, as your culture tends to think of them, and is now filtering down, as it were, into the hearts and minds of humanity. People are being called to move and think and behave in ways they have not done in this lifetime or perhaps forever. The new is that which you, and others like you, have helped to install, as it were. 'The new' is a phrase that is popular on your planet right now for it encompasses hope. The old has been seen not to be of value for it has led to economic woes. When the economy is affected, all of life is affected: the weather, the politics, the religions, the future, the past, the here and now. Money balance upon your planet has become the scale by which balance is measured. When the economy is altered or adjusted in some way, it affects every single area of life for those living on planet Earth. You have become a banker’s planet, as it were.....
From Seesaw to Glider
When you find yourself in the ups and the downs, know this: if you are in the down, you will come up. It is impossible for you not to. When you are in the up, simply remind yourself to....
What the Heartsong Sings
When the self can give gratitude for the experiences of the day,the night, the week, the month, the year, he or she is that much closer to mastery, for it is in recognizing that only you are the spiritual authority of your greatest good that the door to understanding mastery is flung wide open.
How to Interpret your Dreams
Know this: that which is occurring in your dream world is much like a Confidential Message that you receive from lady Master Natasha. There are more interpretations than just the obvious. First, there is the story, just as now you hear this message. Underneath the story are the symbols....
Adventure on a New Planet
You, Beloveds, ARE the journey, the instructions and the action. I, Shugala, and the Council of 8 are the outpouring of rays of light that are seeking lodging in your heart and your mind. We are the re-reminders of the living memories that are within you. We present you with the Lessons you are currently having in the ethers of existence when you leave your bodies, so that hopefully, when you read these epistles, you will think to yourself, 'But I already know that,' and that thought will be true, for...
Creating Your Future
You, creators, have been taking a back seat, as it were, to creating your personal worlds. You are currently swimming in a current that has been taking you back and forth. One moment you think you are sure and the next you are questioning yourself. Remember, you are being influenced by the world around you. You, as a fish, swimming towards your goal, can become caught in a net, startled by a prey, or buffeted by the unexpected currents of a hurricane. However, as a fish, you have the resiliency to change your goal, to go with the flow, or to continue on towards your goal, undeterred by what you encounter.
Either way, you, the fish, are the one deciding.
Sacred and Transformational
Do not get sucked up into the illusions that will surround you today, for unless you love them, they will not become your reality. Unless you desire them, they will not become your reality. They are simply a theme of life that is floating by your consciousness now, asking it to choose what will be your personal truth. Just because you see with your eyes, hear with your ears or feel with your feelings DOES NOT MAKE WHAT YOU ARE PERCEIVING TRUE TO YOU.
The "Best" Way
What are the paths that you walk that you feel you have obstacles in: The path of the self. The path of knowledge. The path of compassion. The path of health. The path of giving. The path of oneness. The path of brilliancy. The path of caring and relationship. The path of forgiveness. You, in seeking to walk your path(s) with success, are little different from those who wage great wars in order to walk the path they are seeking to walk. What is the difference that does exist? Is it one of compassion? Is it one of the fruits of the spirit? Is it one of correctness and rightness versus incorrectness and wrongness?
Energy Drink
Yes, you are vessels that hold and dispense frequencies. You do not ever 'go dry' or remain empty, so to speak, but often you feel and believe that you are 'less than' or 'used up' or in some way lacking the fullness of life, and thus the idea within you that you need 'filling'.
Your 'Spiritual/Human' Experiment
In the joy of creating yourself in physical form, you have set for yourself certain priorities that you would experience, that you might understand the cause/effect impact they would have not only upon your consciousness but upon the consciousness at large, as well. You set certain parameters within which you would live and within which you would conduct your 'spiritual/human experiment". Thus, you wonder why much of what you have sought or asked for has not manifested yet in your life. You have overlooked the framework within which you, as a god/goddess, decided to live and conduct your experiment.
Click on the title below to read the entire discourse.
The Economics of Energy and Collective Thinking
That which is ‘the new’ is now upon the planet. It has been crafted and worked and re-worked within the heavens, as your culture tends to think of them, and is now filtering down, as it were, into the hearts and minds of humanity. People are being called to move and think and behave in ways they have not done in this lifetime or perhaps forever. The new is that which you, and others like you, have helped to install, as it were. 'The new' is a phrase that is popular on your planet right now for it encompasses hope. The old has been seen not to be of value for it has led to economic woes. When the economy is affected, all of life is affected: the weather, the politics, the religions, the future, the past, the here and now. Money balance upon your planet has become the scale by which balance is measured. When the economy is altered or adjusted in some way, it affects every single area of life for those living on planet Earth. You have become a banker’s planet, as it were.....
From Seesaw to Glider
When you find yourself in the ups and the downs, know this: if you are in the down, you will come up. It is impossible for you not to. When you are in the up, simply remind yourself to....
What the Heartsong Sings
When the self can give gratitude for the experiences of the day,the night, the week, the month, the year, he or she is that much closer to mastery, for it is in recognizing that only you are the spiritual authority of your greatest good that the door to understanding mastery is flung wide open.
How to Interpret your Dreams
Know this: that which is occurring in your dream world is much like a Confidential Message that you receive from lady Master Natasha. There are more interpretations than just the obvious. First, there is the story, just as now you hear this message. Underneath the story are the symbols....
Adventure on a New Planet
You, Beloveds, ARE the journey, the instructions and the action. I, Shugala, and the Council of 8 are the outpouring of rays of light that are seeking lodging in your heart and your mind. We are the re-reminders of the living memories that are within you. We present you with the Lessons you are currently having in the ethers of existence when you leave your bodies, so that hopefully, when you read these epistles, you will think to yourself, 'But I already know that,' and that thought will be true, for...
Creating Your Future
You, creators, have been taking a back seat, as it were, to creating your personal worlds. You are currently swimming in a current that has been taking you back and forth. One moment you think you are sure and the next you are questioning yourself. Remember, you are being influenced by the world around you. You, as a fish, swimming towards your goal, can become caught in a net, startled by a prey, or buffeted by the unexpected currents of a hurricane. However, as a fish, you have the resiliency to change your goal, to go with the flow, or to continue on towards your goal, undeterred by what you encounter.
Either way, you, the fish, are the one deciding.
Sacred and Transformational
Do not get sucked up into the illusions that will surround you today, for unless you love them, they will not become your reality. Unless you desire them, they will not become your reality. They are simply a theme of life that is floating by your consciousness now, asking it to choose what will be your personal truth. Just because you see with your eyes, hear with your ears or feel with your feelings DOES NOT MAKE WHAT YOU ARE PERCEIVING TRUE TO YOU.
The "Best" Way
What are the paths that you walk that you feel you have obstacles in: The path of the self. The path of knowledge. The path of compassion. The path of health. The path of giving. The path of oneness. The path of brilliancy. The path of caring and relationship. The path of forgiveness. You, in seeking to walk your path(s) with success, are little different from those who wage great wars in order to walk the path they are seeking to walk. What is the difference that does exist? Is it one of compassion? Is it one of the fruits of the spirit? Is it one of correctness and rightness versus incorrectness and wrongness?
Energy Drink
Yes, you are vessels that hold and dispense frequencies. You do not ever 'go dry' or remain empty, so to speak, but often you feel and believe that you are 'less than' or 'used up' or in some way lacking the fullness of life, and thus the idea within you that you need 'filling'.
Your 'Spiritual/Human' Experiment
In the joy of creating yourself in physical form, you have set for yourself certain priorities that you would experience, that you might understand the cause/effect impact they would have not only upon your consciousness but upon the consciousness at large, as well. You set certain parameters within which you would live and within which you would conduct your 'spiritual/human experiment". Thus, you wonder why much of what you have sought or asked for has not manifested yet in your life. You have overlooked the framework within which you, as a god/goddess, decided to live and conduct your experiment.