Spiritual Mysteries
Pearl 16
My perception of a thing determines my experience of it.
4th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: Loving the Material, Lesson 1, Pearl 16
Beloveds, in this new course of study we will be learning the merging within the heart and mind of Self of the love for those things in life that are called “material” and yet cannot exist without power from what you call the “spiritual”, what we call God consciousness, what we call Infinite Intelligence, what we call the Creative Energy that exists in all things throughout the universe, that exists in all things.
Beloveds, it is not that a “thing” is erroneous in and of itself; it is the use of a thing. You may be thinking for yourself, “I cannot say that I love all things, for I do not love guns, and I do not love bombs, and I do not love knives, etc. I do not love poison". What we are saying unto the heart and the mind of your beings is this: Material things, all things, have the spirit of energy that runs through them. It is the Spirit of Consciousness that has allowed for the creation of all things: for the couch upon which you sit, for the clothing that you have upon your body, for the jewelry with which you decorate yourself.
Consciousness, Creative Intelligence, is in all food. It is in all creatures. It is the ground upon which you walk. It is the vehicle in which you ride. It is the substance with which you pay for things. Consciousness is in all things. On your planet, on earth in her 3rd dimensional state, all things are congealed energy. They are frozen energy, so they feel to you solid. They feel to you what your mind believes to be real, for they have substance.
You have not with your mind been able to see, touch, feel, and hold attributes like love, peace, calmness, trust, justice, and so forth, for they are principles. Principles are energy, just as things are energy. What stops many in their development of their God consciousness and what stops many in their ascension expansion as they climb, so to speak, the ladder of ascension, is judgment against things, judgment against the material world.
The material world, Beloveds, is useful for the physical self. The physical self is the material suit that your spirit wears. If you judge material things as being wrong or somehow too expensive, or not valuable enough, or something that one should not have because one should be in a cave meditating, one might say, you are also judging the physical form that you wear. But the physical form that you wear is a material thing. The ground which supports you is a material thing. That which is you eat is a material thing. That upon which you sleep is a material thing. What you cover your earth suit with is a material thing. Truly, Beloveds, I say unto the heart and the mind of your being, it is not that material things are what you judge. It is the use of material things that you have learned to judge.
There are those who overeat, for example, so you may find food harmful in your thinking because it leads to excess. There are those who harm others using material things, so you may think these things do not belong in existence because they breed violence or harm. It is judgment against a thing and its use that creates an opinion or a thought form that material cannot be spiritual. Without material things, Beloveds, there would be no earth world for you to experience: whether you are experiencing it as a god in a playground that tends to all of your needs and wants or whether you are experiencing it as a prisoner who cannot leave and must return over and over again because your consciousness has not elevated itself to provide the vibrational key that allows you into other dimensions of existence.
You, living in a physical form, are also spiritualizing your physical form:
You are spiritualizing the very atoms and molecules that you call flesh or that you call the body. One day, Beloveds, when your consciousness is expanded sufficiently, you will have the choice as to whether you will take it with you or whether you will simply lift the Spirit Self out of it into a different realm of expression.
One cannot take with one, in the process of ascension, that which one judges. If one believes something is excessive, or one believes something is unattractive, or one believes something is useless, or one believes something is a great deal of energy to maintain, these are all emotional states of feeling that create a negative perspective towards things.
On the other hand, you can think in your life how many times you have loved things. How many times you have loved:
How many times have you loved the beauty of nature, which is also a thing? It is much easier for some to think of as spiritual because trees, for instance, are not easily plucked from the ground and taken somewhere else or given to another. They are generally rooted in their space where nature has placed them, notwithstanding the developers and the encroachment of humanity across the face of your planet causing the need for more room on the planet and less room for your trees.
It is all in how you perceive it, Beloveds. This next course is about perception. How are you perceiving your material world? What are you perceiving that weighs you down? What are you perceiving about your material world that feels heavy to you? We will begin this course by opening those questions up for discussion. Is there one among you that has an answer to the question of “What in the material world feels heavy to you or painful or disturbing, and you would like it not to be so?”
Student 1: Excess of anything is disturbing to me because it serves no purpose. I understand material things have purpose to a certain degree but why do we need so much? What do you do with ‘all the rest’? It just hangs around. It could be used for something or someone else.
LMN: Indeed, let us address this issue. The issue here is one of excess. We might call it overabundance. The question and the issue within the question is, “What does one do with more than enough? When you have enough, why else would you need more?” Let us look at your planet, Beloveds. It holds the answer.
Your planet is called a water planet. It is a jewel within the universe, for not all planets are water planets, and the majority of your planet is water. So one might say, using your precept, one might say, “Well, we have an excess of water on the planet. We need more land. There are so many people populating upon planet earth, that indeed there should be less water and more land. Water is excessive; there is too much".
In this analogy, we understand that water looks like it is excessive; however, water provides many functions on your planet. Not only is it a home for other species, not only does it provide food for those who live upon the land, but it also creates a balance of temperatures and climate upon your planet. It is responsible for vibrations and frequencies that are intended to keep the species that lives upon earth joyful. For the water's job is to emit what we will call ionization in a form that causes elation within the human. It is why there is so much joy when children are splashing in the water. It is why there is so much healing that occurs when doctors send patients to spend time by the water for the ionization. It is in the eye of the beholder, Beloved, to answer your question about excess. To one who looks at a planet and thinks we need more room for people, we need more land, then water is seen as an excess. For those who live within the water, and for those who created the planet for the purpose of bringing joy and health to its inhabitants, there is just the right amount of water.
Let us take this even further into the life of a human being. Excess can be defined in many ways. For some, there is comfort in living in very little space and very many things. For others, there is comfort in living with very few things and a great deal of space. This is sort of like a Zen point of view, where there are the bare necessities of life versus the presidential point of view from your country of food on every table and a vehicle in every garage. There is an assumption of what makes a person happy. There is an assumption of what is too much and what is not enough. Some cannot imagine too much. Some cannot even imagine enough, much less more than enough. The beauty of your planet is that it allows enough space for you to create what feeds your God-inner-desire-for-creation. For some, a Taj Mahal is not enough space. For some, a tent is sufficient. It is because the inner expression of God that lives within the earth suit has its intentions for this life. For some, sparseness is the intention. They may be learning to overcome excess, or they may be learning to simply enjoy that which they already enjoy, which is the bare essentials. Would you understand?
It is about expanding consciousness to understand that each person's perspective of how they chose to live life, whether it is sparsely or excessively, cannot be judged. For if it is, that judgment will surely find ways to manifest within your own life or within your own physical being.
Student 2: I found that when I was younger, and I would get something new or acquire a thing, there was a lot I enjoyed about it and as I get older it takes more things or newer things or different things. I don't have the same joy about things.
LMN: Indeed, so your question is, or your comment is that the newness of acquisitions seems to be more exciting when one is young and in the new process of acquiring, whereas once acquiring has become commonplace, the experience then seems to desire more and more and more in order to produce the spectacular result that was present when you were young and first receiving. Indeed.
Part of it, Beloved, is exactly as was stated: When one has experienced “new”, new then takes on a new category. When there is something that is habitual, your first taste, for instance of, let us say a food that you love. Your first taste is rarely equaled by second, third, or fourth or fifth tastings. The first taste is the spectacular; it is the new. When you meet your Ascended Master for the first time, there will be a newness in the energy that exists. In the second meeting, the joy will still be there, but the original newness will have altered itself. For that is how experience is. When one has experience, it is already logged into the sensory neurons that you are composed of. It already exists within your being. So it is a known. What you are noticing within yourself, is that once there is a known, the known has complacency, the known has an understanding, the known has a realization. It is the unknown that is what produces the sensation that you enjoy. Would you understand?
It is the unknown and the enjoyed experience of it that takes you on your journeys, that takes you to other lands and other places, that takes you to meet new people. For you enjoy the unraveling for what is new. It is perhaps that simple, would you understand?
It is not excess versus just having enough. It is not what you first believed that “Ah, the new satisfied me, but now I need more and more things to satisfy me.” It is not that you require excess to satisfy you. It is that you seek the unknown and its form of newness. Now in your life, acquisition is no longer newness. You have satisfied yourself with a house. You have satisfied yourself with accumulating what you need for work and for office. You have satisfied yourself with clothing. Now you are seeking not so much the creature comforts of life as you are seeking the experiences that interacting with others and other places can bring you. Would you understand? Another way to put it, Beloved, is that you are learning to experience God and material in different ways. You would understand? So be it.
Student 3: If something starts feeling heavy, that’s the term, does that mean that it’s time to let it go or is it that we look at it and see why it is that we feel that way?
LMN: Looking at the heaviness of a situation is your question, yes? When something begins to feel heavy, it feels uncomfortable. It feels perhaps “been there; done that”. Or it feels as though it’s “too much”, for we are speaking of excess are we not? Too much. There can be many reasons for that. Always, of course, you are looking to your inner world to make sure that it is not programming that is coming up within your being, that is feels heavy because you have lived it many lifetimes but have never resolved it, never come to the revelation of the balance that is being requested within yourself. However, you bring up a spectacular point and that is the feeling nature. When one is feeling something is heavy, the first area beyond looking at programming within the self is “Why am I burdening the Self with heaviness?”
Your feeling nature, Beloveds, is often your mouthpiece from the God of your being. It may not always come out of your mouth what you need to hear because for one thing your mouth is busy speaking its own things; but your emotional nature will tell you, and it will tell you:
Perhaps that may be your truth. We cannot in this moment say what is the truth for each individual regarding this revelation. But we can say that “heavy” on your planet is often a yoke that has been placed there by the demands and the expectations and the beliefs of others who are seeking to convince you that this is the only way you may live your life. Would you understand? Indeed.
Student 1: I’m curious about what you said earlier that material things were ‘frozen energy’. Is it possible that love could be “frozen energy” and what would it look like?
LMN: The question is that because material things are congealed energy, they are frozen energy, they are atoms and molecules that have bonded together and have slowed down their energy in such a way that they feel real and solid to the person using them. Congealed energy: you are all sitting upon it now in a chair of some form.
If love itself were a congealed energy, what would it look like? We, The Council of 8, think that love as a congealed energy would look like:
So be it.
Beloveds, it is not that a “thing” is erroneous in and of itself; it is the use of a thing. You may be thinking for yourself, “I cannot say that I love all things, for I do not love guns, and I do not love bombs, and I do not love knives, etc. I do not love poison". What we are saying unto the heart and the mind of your beings is this: Material things, all things, have the spirit of energy that runs through them. It is the Spirit of Consciousness that has allowed for the creation of all things: for the couch upon which you sit, for the clothing that you have upon your body, for the jewelry with which you decorate yourself.
Consciousness, Creative Intelligence, is in all food. It is in all creatures. It is the ground upon which you walk. It is the vehicle in which you ride. It is the substance with which you pay for things. Consciousness is in all things. On your planet, on earth in her 3rd dimensional state, all things are congealed energy. They are frozen energy, so they feel to you solid. They feel to you what your mind believes to be real, for they have substance.
You have not with your mind been able to see, touch, feel, and hold attributes like love, peace, calmness, trust, justice, and so forth, for they are principles. Principles are energy, just as things are energy. What stops many in their development of their God consciousness and what stops many in their ascension expansion as they climb, so to speak, the ladder of ascension, is judgment against things, judgment against the material world.
The material world, Beloveds, is useful for the physical self. The physical self is the material suit that your spirit wears. If you judge material things as being wrong or somehow too expensive, or not valuable enough, or something that one should not have because one should be in a cave meditating, one might say, you are also judging the physical form that you wear. But the physical form that you wear is a material thing. The ground which supports you is a material thing. That which is you eat is a material thing. That upon which you sleep is a material thing. What you cover your earth suit with is a material thing. Truly, Beloveds, I say unto the heart and the mind of your being, it is not that material things are what you judge. It is the use of material things that you have learned to judge.
There are those who overeat, for example, so you may find food harmful in your thinking because it leads to excess. There are those who harm others using material things, so you may think these things do not belong in existence because they breed violence or harm. It is judgment against a thing and its use that creates an opinion or a thought form that material cannot be spiritual. Without material things, Beloveds, there would be no earth world for you to experience: whether you are experiencing it as a god in a playground that tends to all of your needs and wants or whether you are experiencing it as a prisoner who cannot leave and must return over and over again because your consciousness has not elevated itself to provide the vibrational key that allows you into other dimensions of existence.
You, living in a physical form, are also spiritualizing your physical form:
- as you decree
- as you shift your emotions
- as you expand your mental precepts and concepts.
You are spiritualizing the very atoms and molecules that you call flesh or that you call the body. One day, Beloveds, when your consciousness is expanded sufficiently, you will have the choice as to whether you will take it with you or whether you will simply lift the Spirit Self out of it into a different realm of expression.
One cannot take with one, in the process of ascension, that which one judges. If one believes something is excessive, or one believes something is unattractive, or one believes something is useless, or one believes something is a great deal of energy to maintain, these are all emotional states of feeling that create a negative perspective towards things.
On the other hand, you can think in your life how many times you have loved things. How many times you have loved:
- the receiving of a bracelet to adorn your arm or
- the ring of marriage that slips upon your finger or
- new clothing that comes as a present or
- how many times you have loved the hair of the physical form fixed into a different style and decorated with beautiful adornments
- how many times you have loved sports activities because a material thing existed that you could use, whether it is a boat upon the water or a motorcycle upon the road or some sort of equipment that you could work out on in the gym, for instance.
How many times have you loved the beauty of nature, which is also a thing? It is much easier for some to think of as spiritual because trees, for instance, are not easily plucked from the ground and taken somewhere else or given to another. They are generally rooted in their space where nature has placed them, notwithstanding the developers and the encroachment of humanity across the face of your planet causing the need for more room on the planet and less room for your trees.
It is all in how you perceive it, Beloveds. This next course is about perception. How are you perceiving your material world? What are you perceiving that weighs you down? What are you perceiving about your material world that feels heavy to you? We will begin this course by opening those questions up for discussion. Is there one among you that has an answer to the question of “What in the material world feels heavy to you or painful or disturbing, and you would like it not to be so?”
Student 1: Excess of anything is disturbing to me because it serves no purpose. I understand material things have purpose to a certain degree but why do we need so much? What do you do with ‘all the rest’? It just hangs around. It could be used for something or someone else.
LMN: Indeed, let us address this issue. The issue here is one of excess. We might call it overabundance. The question and the issue within the question is, “What does one do with more than enough? When you have enough, why else would you need more?” Let us look at your planet, Beloveds. It holds the answer.
Your planet is called a water planet. It is a jewel within the universe, for not all planets are water planets, and the majority of your planet is water. So one might say, using your precept, one might say, “Well, we have an excess of water on the planet. We need more land. There are so many people populating upon planet earth, that indeed there should be less water and more land. Water is excessive; there is too much".
In this analogy, we understand that water looks like it is excessive; however, water provides many functions on your planet. Not only is it a home for other species, not only does it provide food for those who live upon the land, but it also creates a balance of temperatures and climate upon your planet. It is responsible for vibrations and frequencies that are intended to keep the species that lives upon earth joyful. For the water's job is to emit what we will call ionization in a form that causes elation within the human. It is why there is so much joy when children are splashing in the water. It is why there is so much healing that occurs when doctors send patients to spend time by the water for the ionization. It is in the eye of the beholder, Beloved, to answer your question about excess. To one who looks at a planet and thinks we need more room for people, we need more land, then water is seen as an excess. For those who live within the water, and for those who created the planet for the purpose of bringing joy and health to its inhabitants, there is just the right amount of water.
Let us take this even further into the life of a human being. Excess can be defined in many ways. For some, there is comfort in living in very little space and very many things. For others, there is comfort in living with very few things and a great deal of space. This is sort of like a Zen point of view, where there are the bare necessities of life versus the presidential point of view from your country of food on every table and a vehicle in every garage. There is an assumption of what makes a person happy. There is an assumption of what is too much and what is not enough. Some cannot imagine too much. Some cannot even imagine enough, much less more than enough. The beauty of your planet is that it allows enough space for you to create what feeds your God-inner-desire-for-creation. For some, a Taj Mahal is not enough space. For some, a tent is sufficient. It is because the inner expression of God that lives within the earth suit has its intentions for this life. For some, sparseness is the intention. They may be learning to overcome excess, or they may be learning to simply enjoy that which they already enjoy, which is the bare essentials. Would you understand?
It is about expanding consciousness to understand that each person's perspective of how they chose to live life, whether it is sparsely or excessively, cannot be judged. For if it is, that judgment will surely find ways to manifest within your own life or within your own physical being.
Student 2: I found that when I was younger, and I would get something new or acquire a thing, there was a lot I enjoyed about it and as I get older it takes more things or newer things or different things. I don't have the same joy about things.
LMN: Indeed, so your question is, or your comment is that the newness of acquisitions seems to be more exciting when one is young and in the new process of acquiring, whereas once acquiring has become commonplace, the experience then seems to desire more and more and more in order to produce the spectacular result that was present when you were young and first receiving. Indeed.
Part of it, Beloved, is exactly as was stated: When one has experienced “new”, new then takes on a new category. When there is something that is habitual, your first taste, for instance of, let us say a food that you love. Your first taste is rarely equaled by second, third, or fourth or fifth tastings. The first taste is the spectacular; it is the new. When you meet your Ascended Master for the first time, there will be a newness in the energy that exists. In the second meeting, the joy will still be there, but the original newness will have altered itself. For that is how experience is. When one has experience, it is already logged into the sensory neurons that you are composed of. It already exists within your being. So it is a known. What you are noticing within yourself, is that once there is a known, the known has complacency, the known has an understanding, the known has a realization. It is the unknown that is what produces the sensation that you enjoy. Would you understand?
It is the unknown and the enjoyed experience of it that takes you on your journeys, that takes you to other lands and other places, that takes you to meet new people. For you enjoy the unraveling for what is new. It is perhaps that simple, would you understand?
It is not excess versus just having enough. It is not what you first believed that “Ah, the new satisfied me, but now I need more and more things to satisfy me.” It is not that you require excess to satisfy you. It is that you seek the unknown and its form of newness. Now in your life, acquisition is no longer newness. You have satisfied yourself with a house. You have satisfied yourself with accumulating what you need for work and for office. You have satisfied yourself with clothing. Now you are seeking not so much the creature comforts of life as you are seeking the experiences that interacting with others and other places can bring you. Would you understand? Another way to put it, Beloved, is that you are learning to experience God and material in different ways. You would understand? So be it.
Student 3: If something starts feeling heavy, that’s the term, does that mean that it’s time to let it go or is it that we look at it and see why it is that we feel that way?
LMN: Looking at the heaviness of a situation is your question, yes? When something begins to feel heavy, it feels uncomfortable. It feels perhaps “been there; done that”. Or it feels as though it’s “too much”, for we are speaking of excess are we not? Too much. There can be many reasons for that. Always, of course, you are looking to your inner world to make sure that it is not programming that is coming up within your being, that is feels heavy because you have lived it many lifetimes but have never resolved it, never come to the revelation of the balance that is being requested within yourself. However, you bring up a spectacular point and that is the feeling nature. When one is feeling something is heavy, the first area beyond looking at programming within the self is “Why am I burdening the Self with heaviness?”
Your feeling nature, Beloveds, is often your mouthpiece from the God of your being. It may not always come out of your mouth what you need to hear because for one thing your mouth is busy speaking its own things; but your emotional nature will tell you, and it will tell you:
- first of all, whether it is something that is ancient within your being and so this is an issue that you have not dealt with in any of your lifetimes, or perhaps in most of your lifetimes and it still needs addressing
- or that you are simply in the wrong energy flow, and we use the word "wrong" purposefully here. By energy flow we mean the expression of your Godness in life and the joy it is meant to bring; and, if you find yourself in a place of heaviness, then the joy is not exuding from your being. In fact, you are emitting energy that is compromising joy in your life and your being.
Perhaps that may be your truth. We cannot in this moment say what is the truth for each individual regarding this revelation. But we can say that “heavy” on your planet is often a yoke that has been placed there by the demands and the expectations and the beliefs of others who are seeking to convince you that this is the only way you may live your life. Would you understand? Indeed.
Student 1: I’m curious about what you said earlier that material things were ‘frozen energy’. Is it possible that love could be “frozen energy” and what would it look like?
LMN: The question is that because material things are congealed energy, they are frozen energy, they are atoms and molecules that have bonded together and have slowed down their energy in such a way that they feel real and solid to the person using them. Congealed energy: you are all sitting upon it now in a chair of some form.
If love itself were a congealed energy, what would it look like? We, The Council of 8, think that love as a congealed energy would look like:
- Spirits in human form, or
- animals in the animal kingdom, or
- birds in the bird kingdom, or
- plants in the plant kingdom.
So be it.
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