Pearls 17-21
Pearl 17
My relationship with food is a relationship with The Material. I love Nature for producing what I eat.
My relationship with food is a relationship with The Material. I love Nature for producing what I eat.
4th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: Loving the Material, Lesson 2, Pearl 17
Blessing unto the heart and mind of your being. I am Lady Master Natasha. Each of you have had the opportunity since the last time we have spoken to become more and more engaged in your world. Each of you since the last time we have spoken has noticed an increasing in the energy of your life and the increasing in the amount of things you are doing in your day. You have noticed this because as you move through Lessons of the 158 Pearls, you are being given opportunities in your life that are in synchronicity with these lessons so that you might be living the understanding of that which is given.
The material world is more than just things. Often on your planet when one hears the words “material” or “material things”, one thinks of objects; one thinks of owning things:
One does not necessarily think of “consumable” when we speak of material things. Food objects/food things/that which is grown by Nature are not automatically often brought into the mind of the hearer. Instead, it is usually things created by humankind, things that are manufactured, purchased for the outer glorification of the physical self and for the covering of the physical self; but here in this lesson we speak of the physical thing called food: the material world thing called food.
Your plant kingdom is just as much the material, the material world, as are the things that you purchase for your entertainment or the things you purchase for your living quarters. Food on planet earth was very carefully orchestrated in its creation. It was created with energetic patterns in mind: energetic patterns that create a frequency and the colors that add to the frequency, a frequency that the human physical self would benefit from in its nourishment, in its growth, in its maintenance.
Food on your planet has oftentimes become something that could not be plucked from a tree or dug up from the soil or picked from a garden. Food on your planet, as we have spoken of in the past, that is made in plants (factories) has the capability of being a frequency that can help the human body. However the workers in the plant, their thought forms, their woes, their traumas, sorrows and all their joys, can become impregnated in the atoms and molecules that make up the packaging or that make up the product itself. The very element of creation within an industrial setting can be influenced and impregnated by the thought forms of those who are the creators.
In Nature, you have the elemental kingdom, and you have the gardener. These are the two main imprinters of frequency, in addition to that which is grown by the plant itself through the miracle of Nature, herself. The elemental kingdom is quite responsible for much of what is placed into the bounty of a fruit or vegetable that it might be in harmony with the physical self, and because there are so many different types of physical selves, there must be many types of food substances grown on planet earth to sustain this variety of physical form.
This discussion is not about what is good or bad for your specific self. Rather this discussion is about recognizing Nature as the material. So in this past week or two as you have been listening to the lessons or learning and living their stories, you have been focused primarily on that which we have spoken of, such as a house or jewelry or a vehicle: things or objects, not living growing things.
It is easier for the human being to accept things in the material world from Nature as being valuable and important because they are related to life and death. They are related to wellness, whereas it has been proven the human being can survive without any of the entrapments you call “a good life”. A human being can survive without a home. It can survive with clothing or adornment. It can survive without technology and entertainment, but the one thing the majority of human forms on planet earth cannot survive without is food and of course, water.
While much of this may seem elemental, we bring it up because your relationship with food is also your relationship with the material, and if you are not loving the food that is in your life, either because you have a battle with it over weight, or cost, or the way it is fixed, or whatever the issue is, then your love for that aspect of materiality is flawed. It is damaged. We are speaking about loving the material because, Beloveds, loving it is loving your Self as creator. You are part of the Creator and a magnificent experience on earth, and while you may not be one who made what you are wearing, or you might not be the one who created your jewelry; you might not be the one who worked at a plant who put together the car you drive; you might not be the architect who designed a home, you are still a living aspect of the creation of all that exists because you purchase it, because you own it, because you support the processes that make it happen.
By loving the material world in which you are living, you are loving yourself. As you love yourself, you are fine tuning the atoms and molecules of your beingness. You are fine-tuning the body into a loving vibration. As you are loving the vibration that becomes your physical self that you are wearing, you will have the opportunity at some point in your existence to take it with you in the ascension process.
So back, as it were, to the food.
When we are speaking of food, there are so many reactions among human beings on your planet towards that which they eat. There are reactions towards texture and towards color. There are belief systems about whether fruit should be cooked or only eaten raw. Whether it should be eaten first or whether it should be eaten last. There is much that your science can prove to answer these questions, and yet as consciousness changes on your planet you are finding that science changes also. That what scientists discover no longer is the truth that held sway on your planet for previous years. As we have always said unto your being: Truth is Truth until it is not.
Your truth in this lesson is learning to love Nature for producing that which you eat.
We are not seeking the gratitude from your being towards the machinery that makes it happen, nor the farms that make it happen, but the farmers that make it happen. Whether they are small scale or large scale, they are providing a service without which your planetary population would die, for the most part. There are those on your planet who are able to live without food, but not enough to sustain all of the cultures and all of the economy that exists on your planet.
If you love homework, if you love suggestions about how to bring something into your consciousness that you might own it more fully, we offer this suggestion:
Until we speak next, make it a living conscious goal to love all food that you come in contact with, most especially that which comes from Nature.
If you are confused in any way about whether a food comes from nature or not, it comes from nature if
We will tell you, Beloveds, there is a living frequency in all things growing from Mother Earth that is vibrant and alive, for up to three days from the day it is plucked from its vine or its stem or its place in the ground or the tree from which it came, and then after that it goes into a stasis period where it holds its shape and form. We know that fruits and vegetables do not hope, but we are going to say this, hoping it will be consumed and become a part of the consciousness of the human form.
When there is no consumption, it begins its decay. It begins the letting go of the structures that were held together to make it the shape and form of the fruit or vegetable that it became, and then it allows itself to be returned, ashes-to-ashes, one might say, dust-to-dust-one might say, back to earth to re-fertilize.
In this cycle, if you sprout your seeds, you are having the option within three days of aliveness to capture all of that growth before that growth becomes the long-leggedness of a plant already deciding its shape and form, or before it becomes the roots of something that is growing in the ground or seeking the ground from which to grow, you have the beginning burst of amazing nutrition for the physical self.
Student 1: So say we get our food and it’s past the three days, or we get our fruit from the grocery store and it has picked up the vibrations of people, if we say a prayer, bless it, or put it on the flower-of-life design to get its energy back, would that counteract those frequencies?
LMN: Indeed. You are the creative element of your being. Your question is, “Recognizing that there is a peak moment when food that is grown for the human body is of greatest good for the body, but you are separated from the food and may not pick it at the peak moment, but you are buying food from a place where you know it is older than perhaps three days, maybe it is only two or perhaps it is four; it is in stasis waiting to be consumed, can you reactivate the energy within it?
Indeed, Beloveds, you can reactivate the energy within anything, including the human being. Did not your Masters raise the dead? How much simpler is it to raise a dead fruit, yes?
Student 2: Well, fruits and vegetables carry their own vibrations?
LMN: All fruits and vegetables carry their own vibrations, just as humans carry their own vibrations; just as animals carry their own vibrations. You may have the dog kingdom called the Irish Setter, but every Irish Setter will have its own vibrations, even though it belongs to a group of the same kind of dog. Humans are the same. Your thoughts and your feelings and your experience and your interaction with life causes the vibrational mix that you call your human self. If the human self is in any way in dis-ease, it is because of frequencies and vibrations that the human self has allowed to take root within its form. This occurs in many ways.
Most of the ways it occurs is through thinking and through feeling, creating vibrations of stress within the physical self; creating vibrations of judgment within the physical self; creating vibrations of negativity in some form within the physical self that then does not get a chance to balance itself out or neutralize itself before the emotions come again and come again and a judgment comes again and comes again.
One of the most effective ways of healing is about counteracting the thoughts and the feelings that have created dis-ease. When one is in dis-ease with thoughts and feelings, one attracts to oneself the kinds of frequencies that will maintain that imbalance. One is attracted to, as it were, acid-producing foods if one is living in an acid environment within the physical self. Alkaline-producing foods will taste terrible to the acid-based human being because the human being seeks to keep itself in what we are going to call “status quo”. It seeks to keep itself in its comfort zone. It seeks to keep its addictions and what it loves the most. The mind finds reasons to convince the self that it is right. It is right to keep eating this way or to keep thinking this way or acting this way.
When you are seeking to change the health of a human body, one must change its frequency; one must change its vibration. One can do this through:
Student 1: Can you do it through the heart flames?
LMN: Yes, when you have reached a place within the being where your energy field is in harmony and in tune with your inner wisdom (you have lowered your brain wave frequencies; you have calmed your physical self and you are in harmony with the self). You have heard of Heart Math, yes? It teaches the harmony with the self. It is when the self is in harmony that the frequencies begin to restore, and to rejuvenate and to regenerate. It is when one is in worry and fear and anger, anxiety, stress, distress, that one creates the acid conditions in the body. The body responds. It cannot help it.
It is just like if you went to the garden and you poured salt on the leaves. The leaves would react to the salt, not because they wanted to but because chemically they had to. The salt was destructive to the shape and the form of the leaves.
When you are loving your food, love it. Enjoy it. Place your hands over it if you wish and allow energy from your love to be in it. Hold it in your hands if you wish. Give thanks for it. Give praise. Give gratitude.
Be grateful that you have the money to purchase it.
Be grateful that you have the knife to cut it with.
Be grateful that you have a plate to put it upon.
Be grateful that you have teeth, if you do, to chew it with.
Be grateful that you have the glass to drink from.
Be grateful for all of the things surrounding the food that you are putting into the earth suit, the vessel that you are.
You are a group are taking a product that you call SOUL now, is this true? Indeed it is. This product was brought into being, not because human beings dreamed it up. It was brought into being because it was seen there was a need for living sustenance to help the physical form regain its sense of aliveness on planet earth. SOUL IS LIVING WELLNESS IN A PACKET. You are drinking living wellness.
Namaste unto the hearts and the minds of your beings.
The material world is more than just things. Often on your planet when one hears the words “material” or “material things”, one thinks of objects; one thinks of owning things:
- Houses
- Cars
- Clothing
- Jewelry
- Things that you accumulate in the material that are touchable, usable.
One does not necessarily think of “consumable” when we speak of material things. Food objects/food things/that which is grown by Nature are not automatically often brought into the mind of the hearer. Instead, it is usually things created by humankind, things that are manufactured, purchased for the outer glorification of the physical self and for the covering of the physical self; but here in this lesson we speak of the physical thing called food: the material world thing called food.
Your plant kingdom is just as much the material, the material world, as are the things that you purchase for your entertainment or the things you purchase for your living quarters. Food on planet earth was very carefully orchestrated in its creation. It was created with energetic patterns in mind: energetic patterns that create a frequency and the colors that add to the frequency, a frequency that the human physical self would benefit from in its nourishment, in its growth, in its maintenance.
Food on your planet has oftentimes become something that could not be plucked from a tree or dug up from the soil or picked from a garden. Food on your planet, as we have spoken of in the past, that is made in plants (factories) has the capability of being a frequency that can help the human body. However the workers in the plant, their thought forms, their woes, their traumas, sorrows and all their joys, can become impregnated in the atoms and molecules that make up the packaging or that make up the product itself. The very element of creation within an industrial setting can be influenced and impregnated by the thought forms of those who are the creators.
In Nature, you have the elemental kingdom, and you have the gardener. These are the two main imprinters of frequency, in addition to that which is grown by the plant itself through the miracle of Nature, herself. The elemental kingdom is quite responsible for much of what is placed into the bounty of a fruit or vegetable that it might be in harmony with the physical self, and because there are so many different types of physical selves, there must be many types of food substances grown on planet earth to sustain this variety of physical form.
This discussion is not about what is good or bad for your specific self. Rather this discussion is about recognizing Nature as the material. So in this past week or two as you have been listening to the lessons or learning and living their stories, you have been focused primarily on that which we have spoken of, such as a house or jewelry or a vehicle: things or objects, not living growing things.
It is easier for the human being to accept things in the material world from Nature as being valuable and important because they are related to life and death. They are related to wellness, whereas it has been proven the human being can survive without any of the entrapments you call “a good life”. A human being can survive without a home. It can survive with clothing or adornment. It can survive without technology and entertainment, but the one thing the majority of human forms on planet earth cannot survive without is food and of course, water.
While much of this may seem elemental, we bring it up because your relationship with food is also your relationship with the material, and if you are not loving the food that is in your life, either because you have a battle with it over weight, or cost, or the way it is fixed, or whatever the issue is, then your love for that aspect of materiality is flawed. It is damaged. We are speaking about loving the material because, Beloveds, loving it is loving your Self as creator. You are part of the Creator and a magnificent experience on earth, and while you may not be one who made what you are wearing, or you might not be the one who created your jewelry; you might not be the one who worked at a plant who put together the car you drive; you might not be the architect who designed a home, you are still a living aspect of the creation of all that exists because you purchase it, because you own it, because you support the processes that make it happen.
By loving the material world in which you are living, you are loving yourself. As you love yourself, you are fine tuning the atoms and molecules of your beingness. You are fine-tuning the body into a loving vibration. As you are loving the vibration that becomes your physical self that you are wearing, you will have the opportunity at some point in your existence to take it with you in the ascension process.
So back, as it were, to the food.
When we are speaking of food, there are so many reactions among human beings on your planet towards that which they eat. There are reactions towards texture and towards color. There are belief systems about whether fruit should be cooked or only eaten raw. Whether it should be eaten first or whether it should be eaten last. There is much that your science can prove to answer these questions, and yet as consciousness changes on your planet you are finding that science changes also. That what scientists discover no longer is the truth that held sway on your planet for previous years. As we have always said unto your being: Truth is Truth until it is not.
Your truth in this lesson is learning to love Nature for producing that which you eat.
We are not seeking the gratitude from your being towards the machinery that makes it happen, nor the farms that make it happen, but the farmers that make it happen. Whether they are small scale or large scale, they are providing a service without which your planetary population would die, for the most part. There are those on your planet who are able to live without food, but not enough to sustain all of the cultures and all of the economy that exists on your planet.
If you love homework, if you love suggestions about how to bring something into your consciousness that you might own it more fully, we offer this suggestion:
Until we speak next, make it a living conscious goal to love all food that you come in contact with, most especially that which comes from Nature.
If you are confused in any way about whether a food comes from nature or not, it comes from nature if
- it has seeds to reproduce itself
- it can be plucked from a growing living plant
- it has used the sunshine to fill its leaves with greenness and chlorophyll
- it has grown underneath the darkness of the soil
- it has hidden itself under leaves but is still growing
- it had its beginning as a spore or a seed or a tuber
- it has roots in the ground of some sort
- its sustenance was the sustenance of the soil or the water from which it grew itself
- it was sun-kissed by the nature spirits who worked harmoniously in the vibrational world in they exist to help create the shape and form of that which you eat.
We will tell you, Beloveds, there is a living frequency in all things growing from Mother Earth that is vibrant and alive, for up to three days from the day it is plucked from its vine or its stem or its place in the ground or the tree from which it came, and then after that it goes into a stasis period where it holds its shape and form. We know that fruits and vegetables do not hope, but we are going to say this, hoping it will be consumed and become a part of the consciousness of the human form.
When there is no consumption, it begins its decay. It begins the letting go of the structures that were held together to make it the shape and form of the fruit or vegetable that it became, and then it allows itself to be returned, ashes-to-ashes, one might say, dust-to-dust-one might say, back to earth to re-fertilize.
In this cycle, if you sprout your seeds, you are having the option within three days of aliveness to capture all of that growth before that growth becomes the long-leggedness of a plant already deciding its shape and form, or before it becomes the roots of something that is growing in the ground or seeking the ground from which to grow, you have the beginning burst of amazing nutrition for the physical self.
Student 1: So say we get our food and it’s past the three days, or we get our fruit from the grocery store and it has picked up the vibrations of people, if we say a prayer, bless it, or put it on the flower-of-life design to get its energy back, would that counteract those frequencies?
LMN: Indeed. You are the creative element of your being. Your question is, “Recognizing that there is a peak moment when food that is grown for the human body is of greatest good for the body, but you are separated from the food and may not pick it at the peak moment, but you are buying food from a place where you know it is older than perhaps three days, maybe it is only two or perhaps it is four; it is in stasis waiting to be consumed, can you reactivate the energy within it?
Indeed, Beloveds, you can reactivate the energy within anything, including the human being. Did not your Masters raise the dead? How much simpler is it to raise a dead fruit, yes?
Student 2: Well, fruits and vegetables carry their own vibrations?
LMN: All fruits and vegetables carry their own vibrations, just as humans carry their own vibrations; just as animals carry their own vibrations. You may have the dog kingdom called the Irish Setter, but every Irish Setter will have its own vibrations, even though it belongs to a group of the same kind of dog. Humans are the same. Your thoughts and your feelings and your experience and your interaction with life causes the vibrational mix that you call your human self. If the human self is in any way in dis-ease, it is because of frequencies and vibrations that the human self has allowed to take root within its form. This occurs in many ways.
Most of the ways it occurs is through thinking and through feeling, creating vibrations of stress within the physical self; creating vibrations of judgment within the physical self; creating vibrations of negativity in some form within the physical self that then does not get a chance to balance itself out or neutralize itself before the emotions come again and come again and a judgment comes again and comes again.
One of the most effective ways of healing is about counteracting the thoughts and the feelings that have created dis-ease. When one is in dis-ease with thoughts and feelings, one attracts to oneself the kinds of frequencies that will maintain that imbalance. One is attracted to, as it were, acid-producing foods if one is living in an acid environment within the physical self. Alkaline-producing foods will taste terrible to the acid-based human being because the human being seeks to keep itself in what we are going to call “status quo”. It seeks to keep itself in its comfort zone. It seeks to keep its addictions and what it loves the most. The mind finds reasons to convince the self that it is right. It is right to keep eating this way or to keep thinking this way or acting this way.
When you are seeking to change the health of a human body, one must change its frequency; one must change its vibration. One can do this through:
- emotions
- machinery
- essential oils
- flower essences
- various foods
- ohm-ing and chanting.
Student 1: Can you do it through the heart flames?
LMN: Yes, when you have reached a place within the being where your energy field is in harmony and in tune with your inner wisdom (you have lowered your brain wave frequencies; you have calmed your physical self and you are in harmony with the self). You have heard of Heart Math, yes? It teaches the harmony with the self. It is when the self is in harmony that the frequencies begin to restore, and to rejuvenate and to regenerate. It is when one is in worry and fear and anger, anxiety, stress, distress, that one creates the acid conditions in the body. The body responds. It cannot help it.
It is just like if you went to the garden and you poured salt on the leaves. The leaves would react to the salt, not because they wanted to but because chemically they had to. The salt was destructive to the shape and the form of the leaves.
When you are loving your food, love it. Enjoy it. Place your hands over it if you wish and allow energy from your love to be in it. Hold it in your hands if you wish. Give thanks for it. Give praise. Give gratitude.
Be grateful that you have the money to purchase it.
Be grateful that you have the knife to cut it with.
Be grateful that you have a plate to put it upon.
Be grateful that you have teeth, if you do, to chew it with.
Be grateful that you have the glass to drink from.
Be grateful for all of the things surrounding the food that you are putting into the earth suit, the vessel that you are.
You are a group are taking a product that you call SOUL now, is this true? Indeed it is. This product was brought into being, not because human beings dreamed it up. It was brought into being because it was seen there was a need for living sustenance to help the physical form regain its sense of aliveness on planet earth. SOUL IS LIVING WELLNESS IN A PACKET. You are drinking living wellness.
Namaste unto the hearts and the minds of your beings.
Pearl 18
I AM alert, awake, aware, and in love with God Consciousness.
The Earth illusion game is my playground.
I AM alert, awake, aware, and in love with God Consciousness.
The Earth illusion game is my playground.
4th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: Loving the Material, Lesson 3, Pearl 18
In this lesson, we focus upon why one would love illusion, for that is the material, is it not? This playground where you are in this moment, those hearing these words, is planet Earth. Once it was the playground of the Gods. Once it was the jeweled creation of this solar system. Once it was the most revered location one could sneak away to, as it were, for R&R, rest and relaxation/creativity. One must think in terms of eternity as we speak, for eternity is a long time, Beloveds.
If you think of being aware of your consciousness, of loving God, of tuning into the capacity to create, to experience, to expand, to materialize, you begin to realize that home is not just returning to the Godhead, one might say. Home is not just focused upon the Infinite Intelligence that lends you the energy to stay alive in this physical form, or that feeds and fills you in other forms of your existence.
Your consciousness in what we call God form/God format is Awakened Intelligence, Awakened Awareness, awareness that knows and understands its capacity to create infinitely, to create:
If you can imagine yourself alert, awake, aware, and in love with God Consciousness/Infinite Intelligence/Cosmic Creation, you can perhaps begin to understand the importance of variety and newness and even of forgetting. Forgetting, playing, pretending, is that not what children on your planet do? They play Hide-and-Seek. They play imaginary games. They play things to pretend they are something they are not.
What is the greatest industry upon your planet? It is the world of entertainment, and who are some of the highest paid entities upon your planet? Those who can act so well they can make you believe the illusion they are pretending. In other words, they are supremely excellent at the game of illusion in the material existence. They are loving the material. They are loving the opportunity to create in a situation that has parameters. It is not their real life. It is not who they believe they really are. (Even in their illusory world we are calling that who they believe they really are.) They get a chance to perform a different life, to pretend to be a different person. They are able to get dressed up and costumed and change their hair and change their facial expressions, change their voice and their accent. They are able to play role modelling, and they role model this for the country, for the nation, for all those who support the entertainment industry.
This is but an example, Beloveds, for you, an outpicturing, of what you are doing for yourself in this lifetime. You are entertaining yourself. You are pretending, as though you were an actor or an actres, to be who you are in this life. You are pretending to be a mother or a father. You are pretending to be a friend or an enemy. You are pretending to be a skilled worker or an educator, or pretending to be whatever you are doing. For most of your life you are good at forgetting who you really are, so the twist in the entertainment in this life is that while learning to love the material that you are living, you are also seeking to wake up within it. You are seeking to love it so well that you recognize you put it there for your enjoyment.
It is a curious, what we are going to call ‘tightrope’ to walk, is it not? It is curious to be in the play and yet be aware that you are in the play. It is said that some of the greatest actors and actresses stay “in character” between takes. They stay in character until the movie is complete. They stay “in character” so they can forget themselves and totally be the role they are playing.
That is what happens with each individual on planet Earth. They are so wrapped up in the role they are playing, and they identify so well with the earthsuit and costume they are wearing and the actors and actresses that have been chosen to play the game along with them, to be in their story of entertainment, that it is easy to forget who they really are, just as it is when you are sitting in a movie theater watching a movie. If the movie is superbly done, it is easy to forget you are in the audience watching the movie. It is easy to osmosis yourself into the story and the story line.
Beloveds, you are multi-talented. You are consciousness that can change moment by moment. In one moment you can be lost in a movie, that is one life you are living, and then you can return home to pick up the life you are living, and then you can leave home to visit with friends and have a different life that you are living, and then you can move into meditation or even a dream-state and experience a different life you are living. Sometimes you may want to ask yourself, “Will the real me please stand up? Who am I truly?”
In this life, in this moment, you are The You Who is Learning to Love The Material:
You are loving the material as you live it, as long as you are not judging it. This is about savoring, Beloveds. Savoring and not finding something “wrong with”, for planet Earth did not remain the Playground of the Gods. Planet Earth eventually became the location where rebel consciousness was sent for healing because planet Earth is so far removed from other planets that it would not be so easy for the rebel consciousness to find a way off the planet Earth and filter back into the other realms and dimensions where it could once again cause problems.
You are in a curious position, Beloveds. You are on a planet whose history is one of love and adoration:
You have all those thought forms that are here, Beloveds, that you can intuit and move through and feel and love and savor.
You also have all of the thought forms that are in confliction with one another: “I wish to do it my way” “No, I wish to do it my way.” There is the consciousness that does not wish to be at peace in terms of compromise or in creating harmony, but rather to be in charge of, from the authoritarian point of view and the only point of view. You have many different thought forms in between all of that.
What does one do on a planet such as this when there is conflict as well as the love of life of the gods? One chooses. One chooses what one wishes to vibrate in harmony with. One chooses, and that is part of loving and creating the material: choosing what it is you wish to harmonize with.
or something else?
It is a different world now, Beloveds, than when any of you were last upon planet Earth in physical form. Not only are there more people, but there are different values in the cultures now. At some times when you were on planet earth, one had to take care and develop the planet, for it was not yet developed. There were large open spaces seeking to be claimed by consciousness. In some times on planet Earth, there were wars and battles being fought over ownership of continents. Sometimes on planet Earth there were cultures that were so close to God and nature they could not envision war or disharmony among others. Variety has always been a hallmark of life upon planet Earth. Planet Earth has the ability to provide almost any kind of environment to allow any kind of culture to thrive and to experience itself.
Loving the material, Beloveds: go through your mind and your feelings, and ask yourself what you have forbidden yourself to love in your experience on planet Earth because you thought loving the material somehow pulled you away from your spiritual growth, your spiritual advancement.
Loving the material, Beloveds, is simply appreciating the outcome of creativity. In the love of painting, you are appreciating the outcome of the activity of the artist. You are appreciating the finished product. So many upon your planet live their day-to-day lives not even aware there is something to appreciate. They hold within their beings a kind of a stress, a kind of a rush-rush, this is a day, and a day is a time frame in which I am required to do x, y, and z, and I must hurry from here and go to there, and instead of it being an experience of savoring the creativity and the interactions with life and with others, it becomes a burden that stoops the shoulders. It becomes a stress that withers the organs. It becomes something that is more poisonous to the soul of your being than actually taking poison, so to speak.
This is the emotion we are asking you to find in yourselves. Where and When and Why have you allowed your life to feel heavy? To feel burdensome? To feel stressed?
Attitude is simply where you are at. That is what attitude is, where you are at in your thinking or your feeling, and you know already because you are a mobile society that you can change location easily. You can just pick up your feet and move over two steps, and you have changed location. Attitude is not that different. It may be your body that has legs, but attitude can be moved as well. It can be shifted, and when you shift it, for you are the only one who can, Beloved, your body will respond as well.
Loving the material is not just a formula for how to enjoy life. Rather, it is a reminder that life is here to be enjoyed every moment. There is no such thing as late; there is only on time. There is no such thing as wrong; there is only a learning experience. There is no such a thing as not enough; there is only unaware restriction in the thinking process.
Loving the material, Beloveds: it is all around you. It is not something that you are supposed to get away from in order to awaken yourselves spiritually. It is something you are to pat yourself on the back for having created and sustained and enjoyed.
So be it.
If you think of being aware of your consciousness, of loving God, of tuning into the capacity to create, to experience, to expand, to materialize, you begin to realize that home is not just returning to the Godhead, one might say. Home is not just focused upon the Infinite Intelligence that lends you the energy to stay alive in this physical form, or that feeds and fills you in other forms of your existence.
Your consciousness in what we call God form/God format is Awakened Intelligence, Awakened Awareness, awareness that knows and understands its capacity to create infinitely, to create:
- universes
- worlds
- bodies
- trees and nature
- furniture.
If you can imagine yourself alert, awake, aware, and in love with God Consciousness/Infinite Intelligence/Cosmic Creation, you can perhaps begin to understand the importance of variety and newness and even of forgetting. Forgetting, playing, pretending, is that not what children on your planet do? They play Hide-and-Seek. They play imaginary games. They play things to pretend they are something they are not.
What is the greatest industry upon your planet? It is the world of entertainment, and who are some of the highest paid entities upon your planet? Those who can act so well they can make you believe the illusion they are pretending. In other words, they are supremely excellent at the game of illusion in the material existence. They are loving the material. They are loving the opportunity to create in a situation that has parameters. It is not their real life. It is not who they believe they really are. (Even in their illusory world we are calling that who they believe they really are.) They get a chance to perform a different life, to pretend to be a different person. They are able to get dressed up and costumed and change their hair and change their facial expressions, change their voice and their accent. They are able to play role modelling, and they role model this for the country, for the nation, for all those who support the entertainment industry.
This is but an example, Beloveds, for you, an outpicturing, of what you are doing for yourself in this lifetime. You are entertaining yourself. You are pretending, as though you were an actor or an actres, to be who you are in this life. You are pretending to be a mother or a father. You are pretending to be a friend or an enemy. You are pretending to be a skilled worker or an educator, or pretending to be whatever you are doing. For most of your life you are good at forgetting who you really are, so the twist in the entertainment in this life is that while learning to love the material that you are living, you are also seeking to wake up within it. You are seeking to love it so well that you recognize you put it there for your enjoyment.
It is a curious, what we are going to call ‘tightrope’ to walk, is it not? It is curious to be in the play and yet be aware that you are in the play. It is said that some of the greatest actors and actresses stay “in character” between takes. They stay in character until the movie is complete. They stay “in character” so they can forget themselves and totally be the role they are playing.
That is what happens with each individual on planet Earth. They are so wrapped up in the role they are playing, and they identify so well with the earthsuit and costume they are wearing and the actors and actresses that have been chosen to play the game along with them, to be in their story of entertainment, that it is easy to forget who they really are, just as it is when you are sitting in a movie theater watching a movie. If the movie is superbly done, it is easy to forget you are in the audience watching the movie. It is easy to osmosis yourself into the story and the story line.
Beloveds, you are multi-talented. You are consciousness that can change moment by moment. In one moment you can be lost in a movie, that is one life you are living, and then you can return home to pick up the life you are living, and then you can leave home to visit with friends and have a different life that you are living, and then you can move into meditation or even a dream-state and experience a different life you are living. Sometimes you may want to ask yourself, “Will the real me please stand up? Who am I truly?”
In this life, in this moment, you are The You Who is Learning to Love The Material:
- You are the you who is being grateful for the chair or the couch you are sitting upon.
- You are the you who is enjoying the clothing that is upon your body, perhaps having been carefully chosen for what it looks like, or perhaps having been chosen for its practicality or even its comfort.
- You are the you who is savoring the food you are feeding your physical form.
- You are the you who is aware when your physical form is tired and you lay it down in order for you to rest.
- You are the you who is paying attention to your feet and what you are wearing upon them.
- You are the you who is paying attention to the physicality of the earth suit you are wearing, what its needs are.
You are loving the material as you live it, as long as you are not judging it. This is about savoring, Beloveds. Savoring and not finding something “wrong with”, for planet Earth did not remain the Playground of the Gods. Planet Earth eventually became the location where rebel consciousness was sent for healing because planet Earth is so far removed from other planets that it would not be so easy for the rebel consciousness to find a way off the planet Earth and filter back into the other realms and dimensions where it could once again cause problems.
You are in a curious position, Beloveds. You are on a planet whose history is one of love and adoration:
- Let us go and have an enjoyable experience.
- Let us go to the blue waters and the emerald green land, and let us savor the animals that are there, and the nature.
- Let us feel the sun upon the skinsuits we must wear in order to enjoy the environment upon that planet.
You have all those thought forms that are here, Beloveds, that you can intuit and move through and feel and love and savor.
You also have all of the thought forms that are in confliction with one another: “I wish to do it my way” “No, I wish to do it my way.” There is the consciousness that does not wish to be at peace in terms of compromise or in creating harmony, but rather to be in charge of, from the authoritarian point of view and the only point of view. You have many different thought forms in between all of that.
What does one do on a planet such as this when there is conflict as well as the love of life of the gods? One chooses. One chooses what one wishes to vibrate in harmony with. One chooses, and that is part of loving and creating the material: choosing what it is you wish to harmonize with.
- Do you wish to harmonize with the world of technology, with computers and the internet?
- Do you wish to harmonize with the world of politics and governing and authority?
- Do you wish to harmonize with the world of education, and children and adults and specializations?
- Do you wish to harmonize in the world of service to others and service to self?
- Do you wish to harmonize in the world of children, of giving, producing, taking care of?
- Do you wish to harmonize in the world of nature, protecting, overseeing, stewardship?
or something else?
It is a different world now, Beloveds, than when any of you were last upon planet Earth in physical form. Not only are there more people, but there are different values in the cultures now. At some times when you were on planet earth, one had to take care and develop the planet, for it was not yet developed. There were large open spaces seeking to be claimed by consciousness. In some times on planet Earth, there were wars and battles being fought over ownership of continents. Sometimes on planet Earth there were cultures that were so close to God and nature they could not envision war or disharmony among others. Variety has always been a hallmark of life upon planet Earth. Planet Earth has the ability to provide almost any kind of environment to allow any kind of culture to thrive and to experience itself.
Loving the material, Beloveds: go through your mind and your feelings, and ask yourself what you have forbidden yourself to love in your experience on planet Earth because you thought loving the material somehow pulled you away from your spiritual growth, your spiritual advancement.
Loving the material, Beloveds, is simply appreciating the outcome of creativity. In the love of painting, you are appreciating the outcome of the activity of the artist. You are appreciating the finished product. So many upon your planet live their day-to-day lives not even aware there is something to appreciate. They hold within their beings a kind of a stress, a kind of a rush-rush, this is a day, and a day is a time frame in which I am required to do x, y, and z, and I must hurry from here and go to there, and instead of it being an experience of savoring the creativity and the interactions with life and with others, it becomes a burden that stoops the shoulders. It becomes a stress that withers the organs. It becomes something that is more poisonous to the soul of your being than actually taking poison, so to speak.
This is the emotion we are asking you to find in yourselves. Where and When and Why have you allowed your life to feel heavy? To feel burdensome? To feel stressed?
Attitude is simply where you are at. That is what attitude is, where you are at in your thinking or your feeling, and you know already because you are a mobile society that you can change location easily. You can just pick up your feet and move over two steps, and you have changed location. Attitude is not that different. It may be your body that has legs, but attitude can be moved as well. It can be shifted, and when you shift it, for you are the only one who can, Beloved, your body will respond as well.
Loving the material is not just a formula for how to enjoy life. Rather, it is a reminder that life is here to be enjoyed every moment. There is no such thing as late; there is only on time. There is no such thing as wrong; there is only a learning experience. There is no such a thing as not enough; there is only unaware restriction in the thinking process.
Loving the material, Beloveds: it is all around you. It is not something that you are supposed to get away from in order to awaken yourselves spiritually. It is something you are to pat yourself on the back for having created and sustained and enjoyed.
So be it.
Pearl 19
My energized desire creates a mold and attracts universal substance which fills the form and becomes my manifestation.
My energized desire creates a mold and attracts universal substance which fills the form and becomes my manifestation.
4th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: Loving the Material, Lesson 4, Pearl 19 (Apologies for the recording quality. They get better in later Secrets. Promise!)
We have been speaking of Loving the Material. This is the 4th lesson in this course, and we would begin this evening by asking for your input as to what you think constitutes the material:
“The material” in your plane of existence is form into which substance has been placed. Form, like a mold, as it were: a thought form or a concrete form or a dish that you bake brownies in, for example, into which substance has been placed. Substance is energetic life force; substance is the atoms and molecules of life as you call them; substance is creative energy. Substance can have many names, but the form is that which holds that substance.
There are forms, such as a river bed, that hold a liquid substance such as water. You consider a river bed, either dry or filled with water, the material? Indeed.
What if it is something that is man-made? Man takes elements from the ground and creates something with those elements and turns it into a form that is not its original form. Take plastic, for instance. Its ingredients come from the Earth’s belly, one might say, from under the ground. Plastic can then be a form that can then hold a substance. So would plastic, liquid at first but then becoming a form, be ‘the material’? Yes, it would.
What about the steel that your homes are made of? What about the fiberglass that your cars are made of? What about the roads that your drive upon? Would these be considered the material? Indeed.
They are all forms of energy in which the energy has slowed down its vibrational rate to appear to your touch and your senses to be frozen or hard or something that is unmovable, even though the material can also be flexible.
“The material” can be a liquid, yes? Can it be a gas? Yes, it can. Can it be a solid? Indeed.
It can be literally anything that you, in your earth suit that you are wearing, can interact with, notice, feel, touch, use, be used by, enjoy, detest, and so forth.
The material, if we are saying Loving the Material, we are putting out the thought form that you are loving the creation, not necessarily the purpose of the creation.
You may love the idea of the creation of what turns out to be a weapon, but if the weapon is intended for mass destruction or violence or needless harm, you may not love the intention of the owner of the weapon or the purpose of the weapon, but that does not mean you cannot love the creative genius of the consciousness that has created it.
You are alive right now on a planet that is literally changing its purpose for existence. This planet Earth, that you currently call home, or at least have a place upon it that you call home, has been a planet that has allowed warring consciousness. It has allowed consciousness that is not fully aware of its divinity to live upon its surface: consciousness that is not fully awakened to love or to loving one another, what you might call the Christian’s Rules for Life or what you might call Spirit’s Attitudes for Living Ascension Consciousness. For entities that have not mastered these things, your Mother Earth has opened her material self up for this kind of consciousness to heal, to learn quickly what cause and effect is about.
It has taken, in your language, “some time” to learn this. Because time has been compressing, you are learning, as is humanity, faster and faster. Your goals are becoming more and more achievable. You may see this in your own life.
Our point in bringing this up in this lesson is the Earth herself. Is the Earth the material? Yes, it is. The consciousness of the Earth is just like you in terms of consciousness. You are not the material body that you are using for exploration on planet Earth; it is the material. The Earth is also the material. She is made up of the material, as it were. In this lesson we speak of loving the Earth from which all things on your planet have some connection to in their origins. There is earth-made and there is man-made or human-made. Is one better than the other?
Student: No.
LMN: Why would you say that?
Student: Eventually it is all the same. It is all energy. It all comes from one source.
LMN: Indeed. So energy comes from one source, and is consciousness directing it?
Student: Yes.
LMN: Comes from a different source? Yes? The creation is the same because it is Creation. It is form and substance? Yes? It is substance filling up form.
In your own life, take a moment and think about what would there not be in your current life if there were no material planet from which you could harvest its fruits?
Student: There would be no physical form.
LMN: Indeed. No physical form. You wish to describe this?
Student: Yes. If there were no earth as a substance …
LMN: …from which you could harvest…
Student: …from which we would harvest our physical form, we would have no physical form if there was no earth physical form.
LMN: Indeed. And that is the heart of the matter is it not? Therefore, if you have no physical form whatsoever that could be harvested from the earth then you must live, as it were, in a different manner. Your consciousness must find some different forms to interact with.
Let us assume there exists a planet where existence is possible, but you cannot harvest from the Earth that you live upon. We are calling it an earth, yes? Not this Earth, but let’s say you live on a planet. We shall not describe whether it is in the tenth dimension or the third or the fifteenth or where it is. It does not matter. Let us say you are alive in consciousness on a planet from which you cannot harvest anything. There are not fruits to be harvested, no vegetables; no animals to be harvested. No coal beneath the ground or trees to burn for heat and fuel. There are no minerals, no chemicals. There is nothing you can take from this planet that you are alive upon. Then what would be your existence and how would you exist?
Student: We would assimilate whatever our surroundings might be.
LMN: You would assimilate your surroundings?
Student: From whatever that planet was. Are you saying this planet has no form at all?
LMN: No, we are saying the planet has a form, and let us assume it is the same shape and form as your Earth. Let us assume it is something metallic, dark and grey and shiny, and it has a hollowness on the inside, and the exterior is not something that can be shoveled or planted in but can be built upon. There is nothing the planet produces that you can use for your living.
Student: We would mirror whatever the planet was.
LMN: It is a possibility you would mirror what the planet was. What else?
Student: Would we just be spirits?
LMN: It is possible you would just be spirits. What else?
There could be sentient consciousness calling this planet home base but experiencing life in a manner totally different than you in this moment because the interaction would not be based upon what the planet can provide for you. If you are ascension conscious beings on such a planet, where will all of your creating come from? Where will all of the aspects that make life interesting or make a consciousness wish to be present in such an environment come from?
From your desires! Indeed.
Your desires would create what? Form or substance? Your desires are the form. What you speak forth with energy is the form.
What fills it is that which you have been taught by religion to call god. That which fills it is a magical life force energy.
What fills it is the millions and trillions and infinite numbers of living consciousness in some form you do not understand as humans yet. It is everywhere. You move your hands through the air while moving through this substance that exists everywhere.
We are not saying the substance has gravity and will automatically fill up your form. We are saying that you might think of the form as being “magnetic”. Desires, you might think of them as being “magnetic”.
This is not a scientific explanation. This is to help you understand in your consciousness. You might think of all form as being “magnetic”, attracting to it substance because of its “magnetism”.
This is a key point, Beloveds, for loving the material. If it is not clear, speak up in this moment, that we may reiterate.
Student: Well, I wouldn’t be too crazy about creating a form because then that’s going to take me away from the substance who I am. I would fall into the separation that I am now.
LMN: Ah, but Beloved, you are both. You can never escape both. You are both. You are the form which is the body. You are the substance that fills your form. And you are a body that has form within it. There is substance that fills the form within it. Beloved, if you had no form, there could be no substance. You are not still in your body. If your body decided it has had enough of living and decides to malfunction and quits functioning, you are then consciousness or substance without form. You have no form to contain you.
There is within each of you this formed substance: perfection. Your desires create your form.
Let us say you wish a new car. You know what kind of car you want. You know what color you want. You know what shape it is. You know what the insides looks like. You are your desires creating form.
On a planet such as Earth, you have convinced yourself that what exists outside of you are plants and factories that create forms like the one you have, or that other people exist who might be driving the form you are seeking; but, that form starts first within your perceptive world.
The reason we bring this to you, Beloveds, is because when the day comes when you chose to leave the physical form you have (whether you chose to take it with you or not is not significant in this moment), when you choose to be done with your form if indeed you choose that, (you may not choose that; you may choose to be like St Germaine, you may choose to live for thousands and thousands of years in your form, if you decide to learn how to do that), you are ready to do something different, a new experience. You and your form separate. Your form and the substance separate, and the substance awakes a new form. The substance has evolved into a light body which can be a form, or the substance goes back into a womb which is a form, or the substance merges into its headstone and grave which is a form waiting for the bugles to be sounded so that the angels will release them from death according to your religions they have studied.
Substance is always seeking a form. Form is always seeking substance. It is a male/female aspect within you. The male is always seeking the form and the female is always seeking the substance. We do not refer to just the gender aspect of self. We refer to the energy that each are - positive and negative we speak of.
LMN: Questions?
Student: This concept of form and substance sounds like it could be a significant aspect of manifesting. With desire for manifestation, one determines the form which the substance fills.
LMN: Indeed. That is the take-a-way of the lesson. It is teaching you exactly that. Without that awareness, people create haphazardly. They are not aware that they are always creating external to their beings by their desires, the energies within their desires magnetizing their desires so that substance will take notice and fill the form and bring the reality. You are always doing this, Beloveds. You are always doing this. You are always creating form and you are always attracting substance to your form, whether it is something you wish to have or not.
When you are in fear, you are not loving the material, you are afraid of it, but you are still creating the form of that which you are afraid. Form is still calling unto itself the substance to fill it up. Would you understand?
Random thoughts are not random thoughts. Random emotions are not random emotions. They are the substance and the form of which you create your reality. They are the substance and the form of which you create your physical experience here. If you are wishing or longing or desiring to become the master, as it were, of loving the material so that you might be freed of all of the judgements that you have lived with, passed on to others, not enjoyed. In order for you to let go of it all you must understand your power as the creator of the form and substance. You are always creating.
If you were to close your eyes in this moment, all that you would perceive would be what your ears tell you exists, what your eyes behind the darkness of your eyelids tells you exist, what your body seated where it is tells you exists. The physicality of your physical self with your eyes closed will perceive what it can feel and smell and hear and what it can see behind closed eyes. That is your only awareness of the world and the planet upon which you live in this moment. There is nothing else but what you are perceiving in this moment.
Let us say in this moment you picture in your mind something that you can believe that you can receive. Something, anything at all. Something that you can believe that you can receive, and as you picture it noticed the size, notice the color, notice if it has a scent or a sound. Notice whatever else you can notice about it. Notice how you feel about the idea of receiving it. Notice how you feel about not receiving it.
In this moment, Beloveds, you are practicing form. You are practicing creating through desire form. If you would, when you are done, set it free in some way. You might simply open your eyes, and you are separating what you see in yourself from what you see in the outer world as you open your eyes. Or you might lift it into the air and send it off into the ethers. You might have someone come along and take it for you and say it will be yours shortly. Whatever you choose to add is you the creator.
When you are done, open your eyes. Become aware of where you are and all the form that is around and all of the substance that is keeping the form real to your being. The heart in the matter of this lesson, Beloveds, of loving the material is that when you love creation you are loving these two parts of it: form and substance. They are the material that you use-the He/She, God/Goddess, King/Queen of your being-to create.
Student: So just focus on our desires and that’s it? Just stay focused on the desires and take action?
LMN: Indeed. For if you are focused on your desire, it must come to pass. It must come to pass. Now there are other Lessons that go with this Lesson, such as, what you call a time frame. What you focus on, if it is the material, in your physical world and it does not come to pass before you are done using your physical form for your life experience here, then you will return somewhere in the universe either here or somewhere, where what you have desired will be allowed to be made manifest. Would you understand? Indeed.
Student: If I want to see the happy ending in this body in the short time I can focus on that.
LMN: Indeed.
Student: Take action so that it can happen in this lifetime.
LMN: Indeed. You have heard it so many times: focus upon what you desire, and you become it. When you are focused upon a desire that is usually the feeling, Beloveds, that is within you when you are focused upon your desire. A joy. A love. An excitement. It is a feeling and an energy that insists on the creation. Does it not?
Can you create from feelings that are not from joy, love and excitement? Indeed you can. That is where the world begins pointing the finger at others. It is your fault. It is your fault. It is your fault. That is not what I wanted. It is your fault. You made this happen. You brought this into my life. It is your fault. Yet, there can be no fault, because we are creators. Any person who focuses upon their fears, are they creating a form? Indeed. They are creating a form. Is the form calling unto the substance of life to fill it up? Indeed it is. Therefore that which you do not love, you do not like, becomes a part of your world.
What does one do when one is loving the material? One cannot stop the universe from bringing forth that which you created from a negative perspective. Form did its job. Substance did its job. Would you understand?
You can own this, Beloveds.
Your lives will change from this moment forward.
So be it.
- Everything
- Everything of geometric form and shape
- All atoms and molecules that appear solid
- An energy in harmony with your own frequencies
- A blueprint
- Thoughts that one does not perceive (see).
“The material” in your plane of existence is form into which substance has been placed. Form, like a mold, as it were: a thought form or a concrete form or a dish that you bake brownies in, for example, into which substance has been placed. Substance is energetic life force; substance is the atoms and molecules of life as you call them; substance is creative energy. Substance can have many names, but the form is that which holds that substance.
There are forms, such as a river bed, that hold a liquid substance such as water. You consider a river bed, either dry or filled with water, the material? Indeed.
What if it is something that is man-made? Man takes elements from the ground and creates something with those elements and turns it into a form that is not its original form. Take plastic, for instance. Its ingredients come from the Earth’s belly, one might say, from under the ground. Plastic can then be a form that can then hold a substance. So would plastic, liquid at first but then becoming a form, be ‘the material’? Yes, it would.
What about the steel that your homes are made of? What about the fiberglass that your cars are made of? What about the roads that your drive upon? Would these be considered the material? Indeed.
They are all forms of energy in which the energy has slowed down its vibrational rate to appear to your touch and your senses to be frozen or hard or something that is unmovable, even though the material can also be flexible.
“The material” can be a liquid, yes? Can it be a gas? Yes, it can. Can it be a solid? Indeed.
It can be literally anything that you, in your earth suit that you are wearing, can interact with, notice, feel, touch, use, be used by, enjoy, detest, and so forth.
The material, if we are saying Loving the Material, we are putting out the thought form that you are loving the creation, not necessarily the purpose of the creation.
You may love the idea of the creation of what turns out to be a weapon, but if the weapon is intended for mass destruction or violence or needless harm, you may not love the intention of the owner of the weapon or the purpose of the weapon, but that does not mean you cannot love the creative genius of the consciousness that has created it.
You are alive right now on a planet that is literally changing its purpose for existence. This planet Earth, that you currently call home, or at least have a place upon it that you call home, has been a planet that has allowed warring consciousness. It has allowed consciousness that is not fully aware of its divinity to live upon its surface: consciousness that is not fully awakened to love or to loving one another, what you might call the Christian’s Rules for Life or what you might call Spirit’s Attitudes for Living Ascension Consciousness. For entities that have not mastered these things, your Mother Earth has opened her material self up for this kind of consciousness to heal, to learn quickly what cause and effect is about.
It has taken, in your language, “some time” to learn this. Because time has been compressing, you are learning, as is humanity, faster and faster. Your goals are becoming more and more achievable. You may see this in your own life.
Our point in bringing this up in this lesson is the Earth herself. Is the Earth the material? Yes, it is. The consciousness of the Earth is just like you in terms of consciousness. You are not the material body that you are using for exploration on planet Earth; it is the material. The Earth is also the material. She is made up of the material, as it were. In this lesson we speak of loving the Earth from which all things on your planet have some connection to in their origins. There is earth-made and there is man-made or human-made. Is one better than the other?
Student: No.
LMN: Why would you say that?
Student: Eventually it is all the same. It is all energy. It all comes from one source.
LMN: Indeed. So energy comes from one source, and is consciousness directing it?
Student: Yes.
LMN: Comes from a different source? Yes? The creation is the same because it is Creation. It is form and substance? Yes? It is substance filling up form.
In your own life, take a moment and think about what would there not be in your current life if there were no material planet from which you could harvest its fruits?
Student: There would be no physical form.
LMN: Indeed. No physical form. You wish to describe this?
Student: Yes. If there were no earth as a substance …
LMN: …from which you could harvest…
Student: …from which we would harvest our physical form, we would have no physical form if there was no earth physical form.
LMN: Indeed. And that is the heart of the matter is it not? Therefore, if you have no physical form whatsoever that could be harvested from the earth then you must live, as it were, in a different manner. Your consciousness must find some different forms to interact with.
Let us assume there exists a planet where existence is possible, but you cannot harvest from the Earth that you live upon. We are calling it an earth, yes? Not this Earth, but let’s say you live on a planet. We shall not describe whether it is in the tenth dimension or the third or the fifteenth or where it is. It does not matter. Let us say you are alive in consciousness on a planet from which you cannot harvest anything. There are not fruits to be harvested, no vegetables; no animals to be harvested. No coal beneath the ground or trees to burn for heat and fuel. There are no minerals, no chemicals. There is nothing you can take from this planet that you are alive upon. Then what would be your existence and how would you exist?
Student: We would assimilate whatever our surroundings might be.
LMN: You would assimilate your surroundings?
Student: From whatever that planet was. Are you saying this planet has no form at all?
LMN: No, we are saying the planet has a form, and let us assume it is the same shape and form as your Earth. Let us assume it is something metallic, dark and grey and shiny, and it has a hollowness on the inside, and the exterior is not something that can be shoveled or planted in but can be built upon. There is nothing the planet produces that you can use for your living.
Student: We would mirror whatever the planet was.
LMN: It is a possibility you would mirror what the planet was. What else?
Student: Would we just be spirits?
LMN: It is possible you would just be spirits. What else?
There could be sentient consciousness calling this planet home base but experiencing life in a manner totally different than you in this moment because the interaction would not be based upon what the planet can provide for you. If you are ascension conscious beings on such a planet, where will all of your creating come from? Where will all of the aspects that make life interesting or make a consciousness wish to be present in such an environment come from?
From your desires! Indeed.
Your desires would create what? Form or substance? Your desires are the form. What you speak forth with energy is the form.
What fills it is that which you have been taught by religion to call god. That which fills it is a magical life force energy.
What fills it is the millions and trillions and infinite numbers of living consciousness in some form you do not understand as humans yet. It is everywhere. You move your hands through the air while moving through this substance that exists everywhere.
We are not saying the substance has gravity and will automatically fill up your form. We are saying that you might think of the form as being “magnetic”. Desires, you might think of them as being “magnetic”.
This is not a scientific explanation. This is to help you understand in your consciousness. You might think of all form as being “magnetic”, attracting to it substance because of its “magnetism”.
This is a key point, Beloveds, for loving the material. If it is not clear, speak up in this moment, that we may reiterate.
Student: Well, I wouldn’t be too crazy about creating a form because then that’s going to take me away from the substance who I am. I would fall into the separation that I am now.
LMN: Ah, but Beloved, you are both. You can never escape both. You are both. You are the form which is the body. You are the substance that fills your form. And you are a body that has form within it. There is substance that fills the form within it. Beloved, if you had no form, there could be no substance. You are not still in your body. If your body decided it has had enough of living and decides to malfunction and quits functioning, you are then consciousness or substance without form. You have no form to contain you.
There is within each of you this formed substance: perfection. Your desires create your form.
Let us say you wish a new car. You know what kind of car you want. You know what color you want. You know what shape it is. You know what the insides looks like. You are your desires creating form.
On a planet such as Earth, you have convinced yourself that what exists outside of you are plants and factories that create forms like the one you have, or that other people exist who might be driving the form you are seeking; but, that form starts first within your perceptive world.
The reason we bring this to you, Beloveds, is because when the day comes when you chose to leave the physical form you have (whether you chose to take it with you or not is not significant in this moment), when you choose to be done with your form if indeed you choose that, (you may not choose that; you may choose to be like St Germaine, you may choose to live for thousands and thousands of years in your form, if you decide to learn how to do that), you are ready to do something different, a new experience. You and your form separate. Your form and the substance separate, and the substance awakes a new form. The substance has evolved into a light body which can be a form, or the substance goes back into a womb which is a form, or the substance merges into its headstone and grave which is a form waiting for the bugles to be sounded so that the angels will release them from death according to your religions they have studied.
Substance is always seeking a form. Form is always seeking substance. It is a male/female aspect within you. The male is always seeking the form and the female is always seeking the substance. We do not refer to just the gender aspect of self. We refer to the energy that each are - positive and negative we speak of.
LMN: Questions?
Student: This concept of form and substance sounds like it could be a significant aspect of manifesting. With desire for manifestation, one determines the form which the substance fills.
LMN: Indeed. That is the take-a-way of the lesson. It is teaching you exactly that. Without that awareness, people create haphazardly. They are not aware that they are always creating external to their beings by their desires, the energies within their desires magnetizing their desires so that substance will take notice and fill the form and bring the reality. You are always doing this, Beloveds. You are always doing this. You are always creating form and you are always attracting substance to your form, whether it is something you wish to have or not.
When you are in fear, you are not loving the material, you are afraid of it, but you are still creating the form of that which you are afraid. Form is still calling unto itself the substance to fill it up. Would you understand?
Random thoughts are not random thoughts. Random emotions are not random emotions. They are the substance and the form of which you create your reality. They are the substance and the form of which you create your physical experience here. If you are wishing or longing or desiring to become the master, as it were, of loving the material so that you might be freed of all of the judgements that you have lived with, passed on to others, not enjoyed. In order for you to let go of it all you must understand your power as the creator of the form and substance. You are always creating.
If you were to close your eyes in this moment, all that you would perceive would be what your ears tell you exists, what your eyes behind the darkness of your eyelids tells you exist, what your body seated where it is tells you exists. The physicality of your physical self with your eyes closed will perceive what it can feel and smell and hear and what it can see behind closed eyes. That is your only awareness of the world and the planet upon which you live in this moment. There is nothing else but what you are perceiving in this moment.
Let us say in this moment you picture in your mind something that you can believe that you can receive. Something, anything at all. Something that you can believe that you can receive, and as you picture it noticed the size, notice the color, notice if it has a scent or a sound. Notice whatever else you can notice about it. Notice how you feel about the idea of receiving it. Notice how you feel about not receiving it.
In this moment, Beloveds, you are practicing form. You are practicing creating through desire form. If you would, when you are done, set it free in some way. You might simply open your eyes, and you are separating what you see in yourself from what you see in the outer world as you open your eyes. Or you might lift it into the air and send it off into the ethers. You might have someone come along and take it for you and say it will be yours shortly. Whatever you choose to add is you the creator.
When you are done, open your eyes. Become aware of where you are and all the form that is around and all of the substance that is keeping the form real to your being. The heart in the matter of this lesson, Beloveds, of loving the material is that when you love creation you are loving these two parts of it: form and substance. They are the material that you use-the He/She, God/Goddess, King/Queen of your being-to create.
Student: So just focus on our desires and that’s it? Just stay focused on the desires and take action?
LMN: Indeed. For if you are focused on your desire, it must come to pass. It must come to pass. Now there are other Lessons that go with this Lesson, such as, what you call a time frame. What you focus on, if it is the material, in your physical world and it does not come to pass before you are done using your physical form for your life experience here, then you will return somewhere in the universe either here or somewhere, where what you have desired will be allowed to be made manifest. Would you understand? Indeed.
Student: If I want to see the happy ending in this body in the short time I can focus on that.
LMN: Indeed.
Student: Take action so that it can happen in this lifetime.
LMN: Indeed. You have heard it so many times: focus upon what you desire, and you become it. When you are focused upon a desire that is usually the feeling, Beloveds, that is within you when you are focused upon your desire. A joy. A love. An excitement. It is a feeling and an energy that insists on the creation. Does it not?
Can you create from feelings that are not from joy, love and excitement? Indeed you can. That is where the world begins pointing the finger at others. It is your fault. It is your fault. It is your fault. That is not what I wanted. It is your fault. You made this happen. You brought this into my life. It is your fault. Yet, there can be no fault, because we are creators. Any person who focuses upon their fears, are they creating a form? Indeed. They are creating a form. Is the form calling unto the substance of life to fill it up? Indeed it is. Therefore that which you do not love, you do not like, becomes a part of your world.
What does one do when one is loving the material? One cannot stop the universe from bringing forth that which you created from a negative perspective. Form did its job. Substance did its job. Would you understand?
You can own this, Beloveds.
Your lives will change from this moment forward.
So be it.
Pearl 20
What can I love about today? How about everything?
What can I love about today? How about everything?
4th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: Loving the Material, Lesson 5, Pearl 20 (Best to listen to this audio with low volume, and if possible to follow the transcription below.)
Blessings unto the heart and mind of your being. I am Lady Master Natasha. Beloved Ones, we gather here following your Presidential Election of 2016 to have our Lesson Number 5 in Loving the Material. Your entire nation has been put through, one might say, the emotional gauntlet, for emotions are what has been the greatest difference in this election over many others that your country has held within the past 200 years. Emotions are representative and symbolic and indicative of cause-effect memories stored within your being, your consciousness.These cause-effect memories sometimes have thought forms attached to them; sometimes are just emotional memories.
What do emotions have to do with loving the material? Could we say that the material world is emotional? No, the material world is not emotional, but the material world allows the emotional. It invites the emotional. The material world we spoke of in our last lesson is form-filled-with-substance. You experience it as something “congealed” or “frozen” in time; an energy that has slowed down the vibrational field sufficiently to be perceived as something third dimensional.
In the perception of the material, one has or can have an emotional interaction with the material; and thus it is that you can love it or you can despise it. You can enjoy it, or you can avoid it. The material invites your emotional nature to engage and express itself. It is through knowing and recognizing your emotional nature that you can recognize how you have limited your perception of your life experience. For instance, the one through whom I speak, at one point in her life, detested concrete, the actual substance that is poured into foundations that support homes, or:
Its uses are multitudinous, but she disliked it severely because she believed that by covering the Earth with concrete the Earth would suffocate, that it could not breathe through its surface. Whether that is true or not is insignificant in this example. Her family was fed and clothed thanks to concrete because her father worked for a concrete company. As vice-president, it was his job to acquire and maintain the customer base. It was his job to find more and more places to put down the concrete that his daughter detested, and yet, it put her through college. It gave her a degree. It gave her entrance into the financial world and into the world of her choosing, her passion: teaching. She lived most of her life with an internal conflict, an emotional dilemma, because the thing that she detested was also that which she had to be grateful for, for the existence of her maintenance of her life growing up.
The material invites the emotional. When she became aware of the emotional reaction she had, she could then begin shifting the emotion that had stayed with her all of her life, so much so that it had been buried. When she shifted it, what occurred? The physical that she is, which is the material, it is form with some specifics, changed also for the healthier because it was no longer warring with itself, the war being: “My life exists because of something I hate. I must give thanks for something I hate, because I am alive.” You can see, feel and understand the dilemma.
This is true for all who hear these words. All who hear these words may not have issues with concrete, but you will have some issue with some thing or more than one thing in the material world that you have a strong emotional reaction towards. It is that emotional reaction that most likely will be causing some sort of war within your own life or existence.
This year’s presidential election, for instance, has provided great awareness or substance-in-form from your two candidates, each provoking different emotions in the populous. If you, absolutely in yourself, have no emotional reaction regarding either candidate then observe, if you will, the emotions of others, and you will begin to be able to take the heartbeats of the collective consciousness of your nation and other countries as well.
For basically, you have choice being given to the populous of:
You have, in a way, three categories humans must deal with:
Almost every Spirit in human form within your country has an issue with one of those things.
The purpose of all of this is to help heal within you any of those arenas.
What do you think a business person is?
Not what you think consciously, but do the experiment with yourself:
1. Take a piece of paper.
2. Sit down when you are rested and relaxed. Perhaps even have a glass of wine or some beer---something that takes away a little of the stiffness of the mind and allows the emotions to surface, and simply begin writing.
3. Just write every adjective that comes to you, whether you believe it consciously or not, about what a business person is:
5. And do the same for what we will call the LGBT or GLBT---as it is in your culture---as well.
You’ll begin a wonderful detox of your emotional state.
Loving the material, a new aspect of it, is loving the opportunity that the material provides for you to discover within yourself where old programming is, where old judgments are, what they are; what they are; in essence, helping you to cleanse and purify yourself for the ascension journey that you are all eagerly participating in.
Student 1: I would like to know what I am in conflict over like the example of the “cement”.
LMN: Indeed. You wish to know what is there within your memories or your lifetime or consciousness that some part of you, perhaps, emotionally disagrees with and yet some other part of you has needed to be true for you to have the life you’ve had. Yes? We will tell you there are two things. The first is the gender suit that you are wearing. Your basic programming is that it is the female that is truly the gift on the planet, for without the female, there would not be nurturing, love, kindness, beauty, joy, cleverness, tenderness, education, and the list continues slightly. It is not just the body. We are not speaking that you have a female earth suit, but we are speaking of the consciousness within the Earth suit leaning towards its feminine bent, the female side of itself:
Student 1: Yes.
LMN: That is the first. The second is a little bit more convoluted than the first, and we will begin by asking you what you think about gold.
Student 1: I think that it is pure.
LMN: And?
Student 1: I think of the nursery rhyme “Make new friends and keep the old. One is silver and the other gold.” But why would new friends be silver and old friends be the gold? I see that conflict.
LMN: Indeed.
Student 1: All of it has come up for me before. I don’t know what I think. I think that society thinks that if all else fails, gold will get you through. I don’t really know what else I think about gold.
LMN: Maybe what you think about gold is that gold is the standard about which all else will be measured?
However, what also is in there, subconsciously, is that gold is only for the select few, that gold makes one elitist, but you are against elitism. You do not agree with elitism, and yet you do believe in ascension, and there is a little bit of elitism tied to the concept of ascension, because within your consciousness “not all will make it”. Ascension is for those who do their homework, one might say. Ascension is for the spiritually elite.
We are not arguing any of these points, you understand. We are merely pointing out where the conflict is within your being. Are you able to understand it? Indeed. So be it.
Student 2: Can this be tied to myself?
LMN: In terms of conflict?
2nd Student: The same example that you gave and in terms of gender.
LMN: Indeed. In seeking where your internal conflict is, what is it that you may like or dislike, there is a little conundrum in your life. We will start out by saying that you have begun to heal most of it. What has been the biggest conundrum in your life, this lifetime, is that you have a visual concept, to be worthy of being loved, must be lovely.
In other words, to be loved, you must be lovely. You must have that thing about you that allows the male to fall in love with you, and you must remain that way; there can be no change. If one changes, you cannot love her. This desire for beauty, for the beauty from the artist within your genes, is so strong that while you might maintain friendship with the female who lets herself go, we might say, or who never had beauty to begin with, you do not see, feel or imagine yourself inspired by, uplifted by, or at peace with and wanting to interact with a female who does not represent a certain visual that you hold of them.
It is like, in comparison, to see Madonna on a canvas. If she is exquisitely done, you could even pray to her, but if she is not painted in a way that allows her majesty to be revealed to beauty, you will turn your back upon her. You understand? Indeed. That is where the conflict within your being is and you are making great inroads on it. We make it larger than it is for you to see it and feel it clearly, but you are achieving balance and harmony. Continue, yes?
3rd Student: I would like to have an idea of what I hold within my subconscious that may be neutralized. Do I have any limiting decisions?
LMN: You wish to know if there is anything within your consciousness at war with successfully selling your home?
3rd Student: That plus anything that might be at war with who is running for office.
LMN: You are asking three questions. One question is, “Do I have anything within my being that this current election for 2016 represents that I am at war with within myself?” The answer is yes. The second question is, “Do I have anything within myself that I might be at war with about making a large profit off of the sale of my current estate?” The answer is no. The last question is, “Do I have anything at all within me that is in conflict where I am harming myself in some way because I am living a life where some part of me dislikes one thing but that thing has created my well-being?” The answer is no.
We go to the first question about the politics of this election. Within you, as with many upon your planet, is still the masculine point of view of ultimate correctness and the feminine point of view of ultimate deception. Meaning, that in order to balance out the male and female within your own being, you must come to terms with the man always being right and the woman being deceptive and deceitful. This is for your own balancing of yourself. Your female self is not allowed full expression in her life within you because you cut off the emotional side believing it is more important to be stable, which you consider the masculine side to be. You consider the masculine side to be the only side that has anywhere-with-all of finance and numbers and investing. Would you understand?
3rd Student: Yes, I do.
LMN: You consider, within yourself, the female side to be often mistaken because it gets emotional, and therefore, one can allow it ease, a smile, to enjoy itself, but ultimately always reserving the right for the male to have the final word. Would you understand? So what this causes in yourself is conflict of emotion, because if you have an emotion where perhaps you are reacting to something or you don’t understand something or it’s just to be sheer joy with excitement, let us say, it will not be allowed to surface because the male in you is going to suppress it, yes? If one indeed creates through generating emotion, then you are hindering yourself by suppressing emotion. You understand? Indeed.
3rd Student: It seems to me I have a hard time with this. It’s not that I’m negatively oriented, as far as that goes. ….. How do I get to the other….emotions are for me difficult.
LMN: Because you label emotions “bad”. And the one through whom I speak labels concrete “bad”. As Carlos labels unbeautiful women “bad”. Do you see? We are just simply going very, very gently and easily in a simplified concept, with: OK, this is bad and this is not, but how do I rectify them, because I need them both?
3rd Student: I will say to that, “Let there be light” and clear it.
LMN: More than that, if you will do the example, the exercise we spoke of:
However, at some point, it will start flowing, and you will just start letting things come out that will make no sense to your mind. That is what you are looking for; because, when it begins to make no sense it comes, as it were, out of nowhere. That is when you are reaching the hidden, emotional side of things, yes?
3rd Student: My conscious self will probably look at it and say, “That can’t be.”
LMN: Indeed. It will be the same way that you look at women, with sort of a laugh. You sort of laugh at what they are. Would you understand?
3rd Student: Consciously I don’t, and I really don’t want it to have to be that way, so yeah.
LMN: No, but you recognize it, yes? That is all we say. You recognize that. We are not saying that this is a good thing or a bad thing at all. We are saying, this is where you and your consciousness have a: I don’t like this, but I need to like this because it matters in my life.
3rd Student: Yes.
LMN: Indeed.
Beloveds, this Lesson 5, in a nutshell one might say, is about recognizing your emotional interactions with loving the material. For it is when judgments have gone that you can truly savor the magnificent experience you have given yourself to be in a physical form:
Loving the Material, Beloveds, is a beautiful journey that not all are given, filled with opportunity to reach a crossroad or to reach a challenge, and you have the opportunity to discover, “How can you depict the physical in a way to make the challenge enough?” You have the opportunity to savor it and to enjoy.
Be at peace, Beloveds.
Loving the material is your birthright.
So be it.
What do emotions have to do with loving the material? Could we say that the material world is emotional? No, the material world is not emotional, but the material world allows the emotional. It invites the emotional. The material world we spoke of in our last lesson is form-filled-with-substance. You experience it as something “congealed” or “frozen” in time; an energy that has slowed down the vibrational field sufficiently to be perceived as something third dimensional.
In the perception of the material, one has or can have an emotional interaction with the material; and thus it is that you can love it or you can despise it. You can enjoy it, or you can avoid it. The material invites your emotional nature to engage and express itself. It is through knowing and recognizing your emotional nature that you can recognize how you have limited your perception of your life experience. For instance, the one through whom I speak, at one point in her life, detested concrete, the actual substance that is poured into foundations that support homes, or:
- that is used for sidewalks for bicycles
- and for skateboarding
- and for walking upon
- and for children drawing things with their colored chalk
- and for curbs that keep the grass from growing into the street
- and even for surfaces to drive upon
- and more.
Its uses are multitudinous, but she disliked it severely because she believed that by covering the Earth with concrete the Earth would suffocate, that it could not breathe through its surface. Whether that is true or not is insignificant in this example. Her family was fed and clothed thanks to concrete because her father worked for a concrete company. As vice-president, it was his job to acquire and maintain the customer base. It was his job to find more and more places to put down the concrete that his daughter detested, and yet, it put her through college. It gave her a degree. It gave her entrance into the financial world and into the world of her choosing, her passion: teaching. She lived most of her life with an internal conflict, an emotional dilemma, because the thing that she detested was also that which she had to be grateful for, for the existence of her maintenance of her life growing up.
The material invites the emotional. When she became aware of the emotional reaction she had, she could then begin shifting the emotion that had stayed with her all of her life, so much so that it had been buried. When she shifted it, what occurred? The physical that she is, which is the material, it is form with some specifics, changed also for the healthier because it was no longer warring with itself, the war being: “My life exists because of something I hate. I must give thanks for something I hate, because I am alive.” You can see, feel and understand the dilemma.
This is true for all who hear these words. All who hear these words may not have issues with concrete, but you will have some issue with some thing or more than one thing in the material world that you have a strong emotional reaction towards. It is that emotional reaction that most likely will be causing some sort of war within your own life or existence.
This year’s presidential election, for instance, has provided great awareness or substance-in-form from your two candidates, each provoking different emotions in the populous. If you, absolutely in yourself, have no emotional reaction regarding either candidate then observe, if you will, the emotions of others, and you will begin to be able to take the heartbeats of the collective consciousness of your nation and other countries as well.
For basically, you have choice being given to the populous of:
- a business man who is not a politician, running for office, and
- a woman whose sexuality may not be what she presents running for office.
You have, in a way, three categories humans must deal with:
- sexuality or gender, sexed-based gender that is not sex-based, then
- male or female gender, and then
- a businessman
Almost every Spirit in human form within your country has an issue with one of those things.
The purpose of all of this is to help heal within you any of those arenas.
What do you think a business person is?
Not what you think consciously, but do the experiment with yourself:
1. Take a piece of paper.
2. Sit down when you are rested and relaxed. Perhaps even have a glass of wine or some beer---something that takes away a little of the stiffness of the mind and allows the emotions to surface, and simply begin writing.
3. Just write every adjective that comes to you, whether you believe it consciously or not, about what a business person is:
- What they will do?
- What they are like?
- What you can count on?
- What you cannot count? and so on.
5. And do the same for what we will call the LGBT or GLBT---as it is in your culture---as well.
You’ll begin a wonderful detox of your emotional state.
Loving the material, a new aspect of it, is loving the opportunity that the material provides for you to discover within yourself where old programming is, where old judgments are, what they are; what they are; in essence, helping you to cleanse and purify yourself for the ascension journey that you are all eagerly participating in.
Student 1: I would like to know what I am in conflict over like the example of the “cement”.
LMN: Indeed. You wish to know what is there within your memories or your lifetime or consciousness that some part of you, perhaps, emotionally disagrees with and yet some other part of you has needed to be true for you to have the life you’ve had. Yes? We will tell you there are two things. The first is the gender suit that you are wearing. Your basic programming is that it is the female that is truly the gift on the planet, for without the female, there would not be nurturing, love, kindness, beauty, joy, cleverness, tenderness, education, and the list continues slightly. It is not just the body. We are not speaking that you have a female earth suit, but we are speaking of the consciousness within the Earth suit leaning towards its feminine bent, the female side of itself:
- The female is what gets things from the male.
- The female is what is looked at and lusted after and honored and respected.
- The female is the one your inner world says basically takes the throne.
Student 1: Yes.
LMN: That is the first. The second is a little bit more convoluted than the first, and we will begin by asking you what you think about gold.
Student 1: I think that it is pure.
LMN: And?
Student 1: I think of the nursery rhyme “Make new friends and keep the old. One is silver and the other gold.” But why would new friends be silver and old friends be the gold? I see that conflict.
LMN: Indeed.
Student 1: All of it has come up for me before. I don’t know what I think. I think that society thinks that if all else fails, gold will get you through. I don’t really know what else I think about gold.
LMN: Maybe what you think about gold is that gold is the standard about which all else will be measured?
- As in the monetary gold standard, yes?
- As in gold being the best that you can achieve.
- As in gold being more expensive than any other metal sometimes.
- As in gold being the Fort Knox.
- As in gold being that which not everyone can afford.
However, what also is in there, subconsciously, is that gold is only for the select few, that gold makes one elitist, but you are against elitism. You do not agree with elitism, and yet you do believe in ascension, and there is a little bit of elitism tied to the concept of ascension, because within your consciousness “not all will make it”. Ascension is for those who do their homework, one might say. Ascension is for the spiritually elite.
We are not arguing any of these points, you understand. We are merely pointing out where the conflict is within your being. Are you able to understand it? Indeed. So be it.
Student 2: Can this be tied to myself?
LMN: In terms of conflict?
2nd Student: The same example that you gave and in terms of gender.
LMN: Indeed. In seeking where your internal conflict is, what is it that you may like or dislike, there is a little conundrum in your life. We will start out by saying that you have begun to heal most of it. What has been the biggest conundrum in your life, this lifetime, is that you have a visual concept, to be worthy of being loved, must be lovely.
In other words, to be loved, you must be lovely. You must have that thing about you that allows the male to fall in love with you, and you must remain that way; there can be no change. If one changes, you cannot love her. This desire for beauty, for the beauty from the artist within your genes, is so strong that while you might maintain friendship with the female who lets herself go, we might say, or who never had beauty to begin with, you do not see, feel or imagine yourself inspired by, uplifted by, or at peace with and wanting to interact with a female who does not represent a certain visual that you hold of them.
It is like, in comparison, to see Madonna on a canvas. If she is exquisitely done, you could even pray to her, but if she is not painted in a way that allows her majesty to be revealed to beauty, you will turn your back upon her. You understand? Indeed. That is where the conflict within your being is and you are making great inroads on it. We make it larger than it is for you to see it and feel it clearly, but you are achieving balance and harmony. Continue, yes?
3rd Student: I would like to have an idea of what I hold within my subconscious that may be neutralized. Do I have any limiting decisions?
LMN: You wish to know if there is anything within your consciousness at war with successfully selling your home?
3rd Student: That plus anything that might be at war with who is running for office.
LMN: You are asking three questions. One question is, “Do I have anything within my being that this current election for 2016 represents that I am at war with within myself?” The answer is yes. The second question is, “Do I have anything within myself that I might be at war with about making a large profit off of the sale of my current estate?” The answer is no. The last question is, “Do I have anything at all within me that is in conflict where I am harming myself in some way because I am living a life where some part of me dislikes one thing but that thing has created my well-being?” The answer is no.
We go to the first question about the politics of this election. Within you, as with many upon your planet, is still the masculine point of view of ultimate correctness and the feminine point of view of ultimate deception. Meaning, that in order to balance out the male and female within your own being, you must come to terms with the man always being right and the woman being deceptive and deceitful. This is for your own balancing of yourself. Your female self is not allowed full expression in her life within you because you cut off the emotional side believing it is more important to be stable, which you consider the masculine side to be. You consider the masculine side to be the only side that has anywhere-with-all of finance and numbers and investing. Would you understand?
3rd Student: Yes, I do.
LMN: You consider, within yourself, the female side to be often mistaken because it gets emotional, and therefore, one can allow it ease, a smile, to enjoy itself, but ultimately always reserving the right for the male to have the final word. Would you understand? So what this causes in yourself is conflict of emotion, because if you have an emotion where perhaps you are reacting to something or you don’t understand something or it’s just to be sheer joy with excitement, let us say, it will not be allowed to surface because the male in you is going to suppress it, yes? If one indeed creates through generating emotion, then you are hindering yourself by suppressing emotion. You understand? Indeed.
3rd Student: It seems to me I have a hard time with this. It’s not that I’m negatively oriented, as far as that goes. ….. How do I get to the other….emotions are for me difficult.
LMN: Because you label emotions “bad”. And the one through whom I speak labels concrete “bad”. As Carlos labels unbeautiful women “bad”. Do you see? We are just simply going very, very gently and easily in a simplified concept, with: OK, this is bad and this is not, but how do I rectify them, because I need them both?
3rd Student: I will say to that, “Let there be light” and clear it.
LMN: More than that, if you will do the example, the exercise we spoke of:
- You will write down what you think of a man, and what a man should do and what is expected of a man.
- You will write down the same of a woman.
- You will write down what you think about emotions.
However, at some point, it will start flowing, and you will just start letting things come out that will make no sense to your mind. That is what you are looking for; because, when it begins to make no sense it comes, as it were, out of nowhere. That is when you are reaching the hidden, emotional side of things, yes?
3rd Student: My conscious self will probably look at it and say, “That can’t be.”
LMN: Indeed. It will be the same way that you look at women, with sort of a laugh. You sort of laugh at what they are. Would you understand?
3rd Student: Consciously I don’t, and I really don’t want it to have to be that way, so yeah.
LMN: No, but you recognize it, yes? That is all we say. You recognize that. We are not saying that this is a good thing or a bad thing at all. We are saying, this is where you and your consciousness have a: I don’t like this, but I need to like this because it matters in my life.
3rd Student: Yes.
LMN: Indeed.
Beloveds, this Lesson 5, in a nutshell one might say, is about recognizing your emotional interactions with loving the material. For it is when judgments have gone that you can truly savor the magnificent experience you have given yourself to be in a physical form:
- to understand that life truly reflects itself based on your thoughts and your feelings, and
- to recognize that you can work with consciousness in groups and singly and truly change your world, and
- that you are creator and you are creative, and
- that life is joyful and joyous and intended to be so, and
- that you are in a playground and you are the gods and goddesses who once created it,
- And that you have the opportunity now to savor everything about your life in the material:
- To love the form you are into which the substance called you has been poured
- To love the clothing that you chose to decorate it with
- To love the food that you choose to feed it with
- To love the exercise and the interactions with others that you choose to engage in
- To love what you sit upon and sleep upon
- To love the moment of awakening, when you realize, “Ah, here I am again in the world of the material. What can I love about it today? How about everything?”
Loving the Material, Beloveds, is a beautiful journey that not all are given, filled with opportunity to reach a crossroad or to reach a challenge, and you have the opportunity to discover, “How can you depict the physical in a way to make the challenge enough?” You have the opportunity to savor it and to enjoy.
Be at peace, Beloveds.
Loving the material is your birthright.
So be it.
Pearl 21
I love and savor my experience of being Spirit in human form.
I love and savor my experience of being Spirit in human form.
4th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: Loving the Material, Lesson 6, Pearl 21
Blessings unto the heart and the mind of your beings. Beloved Ones, we are gathered here, as it were, to complete the Loving the Material series, this being the final class, so to speak. It is not by coincidence that this class occurs at one of the most famous and largest celebratory times of two cultures: the culture that is based upon the calendar time and the birth of what you call the Christ Jesus, your Christmas time, and the Solstice, the time of the Celtics and those of indigenous worlds who base their celebration upon the seasons. In this month we celebrate all that is the loving of the material.
The material is not just related to that which is financial. It is not just related to that which is natural. It is a combination of all things that make themselves available for the experience of Spirit in a human form. Throughout this course you have had the opportunity to question yourself, your thought forms, your feelings and your interactions with life:
There are many mindsets or paradigms that would find difficulty enjoying and savoring the material. Each one of you who has heard these courses or listened to these words or taken part in this and those who will listen in the future, all have had some aspect of paradigm within their memories that kept them from fully engaging within material and loving it to its fullest.
Loving it, the material, does not mean nor imply that you must make it your favorite; that you must make it the thing that you engage in and enjoy over and above anything else. It means that you are not in judgement of it; that you can savor it and enjoy it and participate within it. It means that your attitudes and your feelings and your beliefs are all in harmony and coherence with one another while living the life that you live. If you were not in harmony with loving the material, then you would either be perhaps in your slavery paradigm where you could not love the material:
Or you could have had within you a type of homesteaders programming:
The paradigm that perhaps was the most engaged in loving the material would have been the paradigms of royalty and the paradigms of piracy, for each of those paradigms were wholly based upon their livelihood within the material. Without the material, they had no purpose. The pirate’s purpose was to accumulate enough to savor and to love that which was material. The royalties’ purpose was to oversee it and to accumulate and therefore thoroughly love the material.
Anyone that was a victim of piracy or royalty might have at some point of their consciousness decided the material was not worth it for it brought about authority over oneself, and it brought about danger to one’s life or potential violence. These are other arenas to look at within yourself if, in loving the material, you put your life at risk; either at risk to be governed by others without a say, perhaps, or at risk to be taken from, to be pillaged, perhaps physically or emotionally as well as materially, by piracy or the like.
There are many experiences that Spirit has had while in human form on planet Earth. Almost every single one could be attached to the material, for it is what makes the physical the physical; it is the material world (material, not just meaning financial). Material world Spirits clamor for a physical body to experience the material world. They wait eagerly, almost in line, as it were, for an opportunity to have a vehicle to inhabit to experience what is material.
It is attitude that decides whether one loves and enjoys what goes with the material experience. If what you must do is mop a floor, you have the choice within yourself to decide:
It is attitude that decides ones interaction with the material. When you are in your vehicles on the freeway or behind another car on a side road, it is your attitude that determines whether you are savoring the experience or the vehicle you are driving is like a pumpkin turned into a coach for Cinderella and the moment is equally as spectacular. Or whether you are going to choose to let the moment be infiltrated by the actions of those around you. Are you going to allow the material to affect your experience? Or are you going to allow the material experience itself to be something that uplifts and sustains you?
In every action that one must engage in, in the material, in the culture, in the way in which you are currently living, it is attitude that determines how the experience is posted in the etheric: whether you are going to contribute to the thought forms of cleaning that already exist as being burdensome and difficult and wearying and something that someone else should do, or whether you are going to fill it with the idea that cleaning is glorious because it changes things, and you are being a magician in the midst of creating. You are turning chaos into order. You are turning that which is drab and dreary into something magical. You are turning that which is perhaps unpleasant to walk on or sit on into something that is inviting. It is all attitudinal, Beloveds.
It is true of your ceremonies as well. You find yourself, those who are listening in the moment this is being given, in a season for giving. This is a celebratory season during your time as we have mentioned: the Solstice and the Christmas holidays and the Hanukkah, as it were. All of this is a celebration of the material in one way, but it is a celebration of the heart in another way. There are many who in their paradigms have separated celebration of the material from celebration of the heart. The celebration of the heart must look and sound like something that perhaps belongs in a nunnery rather than in a joy-filled house with plenty of noise and action.
When one celebrates life on planet Earth it is impossible to truly celebrate life if you cannot love the material. There is much that you can love once you are outside of a body. You no longer have it to take care of; you no longer have the space that you are in to take care of. There is much to love when the fear of not having sufficient finance is gone or removed. There is much to love when the fear of the body not responding to what you do for it and to it is removed. Loving the material is truly, Beloveds, being in your now. In the now moment, in this moment now.
In this moment now you are perhaps sitting somewhere. If you are loving the material, then you are loving what you are sitting upon. You are loving that your physical body is in a repose:
In your moment in the now is awareness. It is awareness of all that is going on around you. As you are aware of what you are sitting on, you are aware that you are in a room. When you are aware that you are in a room, you are aware that you are in a building of some sort. When you are aware that you are in a building, you are aware that you are in a neighborhood. When you are aware that you are in a neighborhood, you are aware that you are in a city. When you are aware that you are in a city, you are aware that you are in some sort of boundary placed geographically that could be called a state and then on to being in a country and then on to being on a planet and then on to being in the universe, and so your now is expansive. It is more than just loving just this minute moment, for this moment is expansive. The material moves from being material to being immaterial, but where does one draw the line between the two?
When you are loving the material, Beloved:
That is to say, Beloveds, that loving the material is being able to love who you are and what you are and how you are and where you are. It is so much bigger than the word love, so much larger than the concept of material.
We began thinking that the material were just things, and now you are able to see how this is all symbolic of that which exists on such a larger scale that when you allow your consciousness to expand itself into the largeness of existence how can you be less than joyful? How can you be less than blissful? How can you be less than tranquil about each moment that you find yourself experiencing? Life is the journey, but the journey is the play and the play is your song and gift into life itself.
STUDENT 1: I love how you took us from the moment and expanded it, and how do we to remind ourselves to do that in every moment?
LMN: If you reminded yourself in every moment, Beloveds, you would perhaps be overwhelmed, but to take it in prayer, for instance:
Let us say you sit before a meal and in that moment of gratitude for the meal you think: “Ah, this food was grown by someone, and it was harvested by someone. It was packaged and delivered by someone. Someone built the building that held the store that offered it for sale. Someone paved the parking lot of that building. Someone printed the advertisements. Someone set up a mail system that I might have the advertisements. Someone created the streets and avenues I traveled on. Someone created what I traveled in to purchase it, and I joined in the world attracting to myself the finances that I might afford it. Then I learned how to cook it or at least how to bring it home and how to present it. And I am indeed grateful.”
Would you understand? Small moments like this where you trace the beginning or you trace to the beginning, or you simply take a moment to savor the immense amount of camaraderie that went into creating the experience so that even though you might be an island in creating, perhaps you might be an island, still in the creation you require the creation of others, yes?
Any other questions or comments regarding this or anything else from the heart and the mind of your being?
We are full as if after a feast are we not? Indeed and this, Beloveds, what you are feeling now is what feels like complete understanding. It feels like a complete knowing and you will notice that in this moment there is no overwhelm in understanding the small to the large. It feels natural. It feels almost necessary. Do you agree?
Indeed, and so as you become able to expand your consciousness from the small to the large in gratitude, you will find yourself not just loving the material; you will find yourself loving yourself. You will find yourself loving your community. You will find yourself loving humanity. You will find yourself loving God Consciousness. You will find yourself loving infinite principles, and you will find yourself, at some point, realizing that in all of the love that you are feeling, acknowledging and generating that you are making manifest God’s plan of love and light on Planet Earth as you have heard it spoken of by your Ascended Masters.
The material is not just related to that which is financial. It is not just related to that which is natural. It is a combination of all things that make themselves available for the experience of Spirit in a human form. Throughout this course you have had the opportunity to question yourself, your thought forms, your feelings and your interactions with life:
- with life in the physical
- with life in the third dimensional
- with life in the congealed energy, one might say, of thought forms of that which is made flesh or made touchable.
There are many mindsets or paradigms that would find difficulty enjoying and savoring the material. Each one of you who has heard these courses or listened to these words or taken part in this and those who will listen in the future, all have had some aspect of paradigm within their memories that kept them from fully engaging within material and loving it to its fullest.
Loving it, the material, does not mean nor imply that you must make it your favorite; that you must make it the thing that you engage in and enjoy over and above anything else. It means that you are not in judgement of it; that you can savor it and enjoy it and participate within it. It means that your attitudes and your feelings and your beliefs are all in harmony and coherence with one another while living the life that you live. If you were not in harmony with loving the material, then you would either be perhaps in your slavery paradigm where you could not love the material:
- because you could not own it
- because you were made to clean it or service it
- because you could not dream about it
- because you could only live in circumstances where others “had” which made you a “had not”.
Or you could have had within you a type of homesteaders programming:
- where only that which was made by the hands of man and from nature itself was worth having
- the homesteaders and the pioneers moving further and further away from the industrialized coast of the Atlantic Ocean
- going further and further into the depths of the forests and communing, one might say, with Mother Earth herself or experiencing the adventure.
The paradigm that perhaps was the most engaged in loving the material would have been the paradigms of royalty and the paradigms of piracy, for each of those paradigms were wholly based upon their livelihood within the material. Without the material, they had no purpose. The pirate’s purpose was to accumulate enough to savor and to love that which was material. The royalties’ purpose was to oversee it and to accumulate and therefore thoroughly love the material.
Anyone that was a victim of piracy or royalty might have at some point of their consciousness decided the material was not worth it for it brought about authority over oneself, and it brought about danger to one’s life or potential violence. These are other arenas to look at within yourself if, in loving the material, you put your life at risk; either at risk to be governed by others without a say, perhaps, or at risk to be taken from, to be pillaged, perhaps physically or emotionally as well as materially, by piracy or the like.
There are many experiences that Spirit has had while in human form on planet Earth. Almost every single one could be attached to the material, for it is what makes the physical the physical; it is the material world (material, not just meaning financial). Material world Spirits clamor for a physical body to experience the material world. They wait eagerly, almost in line, as it were, for an opportunity to have a vehicle to inhabit to experience what is material.
It is attitude that decides whether one loves and enjoys what goes with the material experience. If what you must do is mop a floor, you have the choice within yourself to decide:
- whether it is an action that is only for those of lower class who should be paid to do it
- whether it is an action that brings joy because you have turned something dirty into something luminous
- whether it is an action that brings a positive emotion or a negative emotion.
It is attitude that decides ones interaction with the material. When you are in your vehicles on the freeway or behind another car on a side road, it is your attitude that determines whether you are savoring the experience or the vehicle you are driving is like a pumpkin turned into a coach for Cinderella and the moment is equally as spectacular. Or whether you are going to choose to let the moment be infiltrated by the actions of those around you. Are you going to allow the material to affect your experience? Or are you going to allow the material experience itself to be something that uplifts and sustains you?
In every action that one must engage in, in the material, in the culture, in the way in which you are currently living, it is attitude that determines how the experience is posted in the etheric: whether you are going to contribute to the thought forms of cleaning that already exist as being burdensome and difficult and wearying and something that someone else should do, or whether you are going to fill it with the idea that cleaning is glorious because it changes things, and you are being a magician in the midst of creating. You are turning chaos into order. You are turning that which is drab and dreary into something magical. You are turning that which is perhaps unpleasant to walk on or sit on into something that is inviting. It is all attitudinal, Beloveds.
It is true of your ceremonies as well. You find yourself, those who are listening in the moment this is being given, in a season for giving. This is a celebratory season during your time as we have mentioned: the Solstice and the Christmas holidays and the Hanukkah, as it were. All of this is a celebration of the material in one way, but it is a celebration of the heart in another way. There are many who in their paradigms have separated celebration of the material from celebration of the heart. The celebration of the heart must look and sound like something that perhaps belongs in a nunnery rather than in a joy-filled house with plenty of noise and action.
When one celebrates life on planet Earth it is impossible to truly celebrate life if you cannot love the material. There is much that you can love once you are outside of a body. You no longer have it to take care of; you no longer have the space that you are in to take care of. There is much to love when the fear of not having sufficient finance is gone or removed. There is much to love when the fear of the body not responding to what you do for it and to it is removed. Loving the material is truly, Beloveds, being in your now. In the now moment, in this moment now.
In this moment now you are perhaps sitting somewhere. If you are loving the material, then you are loving what you are sitting upon. You are loving that your physical body is in a repose:
- that it is able to bend and is flexible
- that it can listen
- that it can feel the environment it is in
- that it can feel, perhaps, the clothes upon its body
- or it can feel the air in the room
- or perhaps smell the scents that are in the air
- that there are ears that you can hear and perceive these words with
- that we even have words because language as such is particularly a material world experience.
In your moment in the now is awareness. It is awareness of all that is going on around you. As you are aware of what you are sitting on, you are aware that you are in a room. When you are aware that you are in a room, you are aware that you are in a building of some sort. When you are aware that you are in a building, you are aware that you are in a neighborhood. When you are aware that you are in a neighborhood, you are aware that you are in a city. When you are aware that you are in a city, you are aware that you are in some sort of boundary placed geographically that could be called a state and then on to being in a country and then on to being on a planet and then on to being in the universe, and so your now is expansive. It is more than just loving just this minute moment, for this moment is expansive. The material moves from being material to being immaterial, but where does one draw the line between the two?
When you are loving the material, Beloved:
- you are loving all of life
- You are loving the energy that makes life possible
- You are loving the God consciousness of your being which makes life possible
- You are loving the interaction with atoms and molecules that obey your bidding
- You are savoring the creation that you have participated in manifesting.
That is to say, Beloveds, that loving the material is being able to love who you are and what you are and how you are and where you are. It is so much bigger than the word love, so much larger than the concept of material.
We began thinking that the material were just things, and now you are able to see how this is all symbolic of that which exists on such a larger scale that when you allow your consciousness to expand itself into the largeness of existence how can you be less than joyful? How can you be less than blissful? How can you be less than tranquil about each moment that you find yourself experiencing? Life is the journey, but the journey is the play and the play is your song and gift into life itself.
STUDENT 1: I love how you took us from the moment and expanded it, and how do we to remind ourselves to do that in every moment?
LMN: If you reminded yourself in every moment, Beloveds, you would perhaps be overwhelmed, but to take it in prayer, for instance:
Let us say you sit before a meal and in that moment of gratitude for the meal you think: “Ah, this food was grown by someone, and it was harvested by someone. It was packaged and delivered by someone. Someone built the building that held the store that offered it for sale. Someone paved the parking lot of that building. Someone printed the advertisements. Someone set up a mail system that I might have the advertisements. Someone created the streets and avenues I traveled on. Someone created what I traveled in to purchase it, and I joined in the world attracting to myself the finances that I might afford it. Then I learned how to cook it or at least how to bring it home and how to present it. And I am indeed grateful.”
Would you understand? Small moments like this where you trace the beginning or you trace to the beginning, or you simply take a moment to savor the immense amount of camaraderie that went into creating the experience so that even though you might be an island in creating, perhaps you might be an island, still in the creation you require the creation of others, yes?
Any other questions or comments regarding this or anything else from the heart and the mind of your being?
We are full as if after a feast are we not? Indeed and this, Beloveds, what you are feeling now is what feels like complete understanding. It feels like a complete knowing and you will notice that in this moment there is no overwhelm in understanding the small to the large. It feels natural. It feels almost necessary. Do you agree?
Indeed, and so as you become able to expand your consciousness from the small to the large in gratitude, you will find yourself not just loving the material; you will find yourself loving yourself. You will find yourself loving your community. You will find yourself loving humanity. You will find yourself loving God Consciousness. You will find yourself loving infinite principles, and you will find yourself, at some point, realizing that in all of the love that you are feeling, acknowledging and generating that you are making manifest God’s plan of love and light on Planet Earth as you have heard it spoken of by your Ascended Masters.
Congratulations! You have completed the
Fourth Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries:
Loving the Material
This Spiritual Development Course is an organic process of learning. Repetition is a key element to your success. Continue to practice the decrees and review the information, even while you are learning new Secrets and their Pearls, so that it all becomes second nature to you.
Fourth Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries:
Loving the Material
This Spiritual Development Course is an organic process of learning. Repetition is a key element to your success. Continue to practice the decrees and review the information, even while you are learning new Secrets and their Pearls, so that it all becomes second nature to you.
Adorn your life with the PEARLS of LOVING THE MATERIAL
Pearl 16: My perception of a thing determines my experience of it.
Pearl 17: My relationship with food is a relationship with the material. I love Nature for producing what I eat.
Pearl 18: I AM alert, awake, aware and in love with God consciousness. The Earth illusion game is my playground.
Pearl 19: My energized desire creates a mold and attracts universal substance which fills the form and becomes my manifestation.
Pearl 20: What can I love about today? How about everything?
Pearl 21: I love and savor my experience of being Spirit in human form.
Pearl 17: My relationship with food is a relationship with the material. I love Nature for producing what I eat.
Pearl 18: I AM alert, awake, aware and in love with God consciousness. The Earth illusion game is my playground.
Pearl 19: My energized desire creates a mold and attracts universal substance which fills the form and becomes my manifestation.
Pearl 20: What can I love about today? How about everything?
Pearl 21: I love and savor my experience of being Spirit in human form.
The 5th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries is Owning Your Reality. As the energy builder of what is around you, life as you experience it can change, for you own that right.