Spiritual Mysteries
I AM the free will to choose
my truths and realities.
6th Grand Secret: Heaven and Hell, Lesson 1, Pearl 27.....(unedited version, does not follow the audio)
REMINDER: "as it were" is used by LMN to remind the reader/listener that we are speaking of concepts which exist in illusion, and which are actually greater than the words used can capture.
REMINDER: "as it were" is used by LMN to remind the reader/listener that we are speaking of concepts which exist in illusion, and which are actually greater than the words used can capture.
Scroll to page bottom for access to 28-31. Scroll through transcription for links to other websites/information.
Blessings unto the heart and the mind of your beings. I AM Lady Master Natasha.
Beloved Ones, we welcome you all here for the beginning of a new set of Pearls, a new Lesson, a new group of Lessons. In this next Pearl, we will be discussing what you on your planet have labelled Heaven and Hell, and how does one tell?
In the beginning, as it were, all was good. All was light. All was love and learning and experience. In the beginning there was only That which was, and That which was knew Itself; and as It knew Itself, It begat Itself. It expanded Itself. It increased Itself. It increased Itself with a desire to know more, to experience more, to become more, and from there, all of your stories diverge into how this came to happen. All of the stories that are still on planet Earth, handed down through ancestry, or created, one might say, from religion, all of the explanations began from this point forward.
None of them are entirely accurate, for the only real truth, Beloveds, in any of the stories anywhere is the symbolism they hold for the being that you are at any given stage of your growth and development. What you will hear tonight will make more sense to you as you have been living and growing over the past year since the Pearls were first brought to your awareness. What you will understand will bring new depth and dimension into your existence and your experience on the planet.
Heaven or Hell, and how does one tell?
What you think and what you feel in this moment is creating your future. What you are living in this moment comes from the thoughts and experiences you have had in a past or many pasts.
Always the being that you are, the Infinite Being of Light that you are who is living in a physical form in this moment called human, is the one that experiences its rightful inheritance of making choices.
You are given the free will on this planet to choose your truths, to choose your reality.
Many will say, “Ah, but I choose, and nothing happens.”
You are choosing for your future, Beloveds. It is not always in the moment that what you choose creates your reality;
but you are also choosing that you might look within and understand what it is about yourself and your consciousness and your past that may be interfering with your future, and when we speak of this, we are not speaking of any of the lessons we have had thus far, out how humanity interacts together to create realities. We are speaking of your inner perception.
Before we go further, we wish to ask you what your perception of Heaven is. What is Heaven? If someone asks you if you are living a Heavenly life, or “Do you think you will go to Heaven when you leave your physical form?” or “Do you think Heaven exists?”, what would you answer just in terms of the definition of Heaven from your consciousness and your state of evolvement and evolution in this moment?
Is there any among you that would share an answer?
Students’ Definitions of Heaven
Student 1: To me, Heaven would be, I don’t really think of a place; we all have these images we’ve seen, but to me it would be peace, feeling the peace wherever I AM.
LMN: Indeed. You are commenting that Heaven is a feeling that you are embodying no matter where you find yourself physically or mentally or geographically, yes? It is a peaceful harmonious tranquility that you are centered in, yes? Indeed.
Student 2: I believe definitely in Heaven. I have very good intentions, and I’ve come a long way in my life, and I make it a point daily to set my intention; to have a good intention for the day: and that is to have love, to be the best I can be, and if I make a mistake, where I feel that if I do something in error I take responsibility for it. I try to take care of people and be a good person. That’s all I want: to be peaceful and to be good and good to other people.
LMN: Your definition of Heaven would be your definition of the Golden Rule: that I do unto others as I would wish them to do unto myself, as I wish to do unto myself.
Student 2: Yes, because I believe that creates happiness, and I think Heaven would be a happy place.
LMN: Indeed. There is joy and happiness in the Heavenly definition, and there is a concern for the welfare of others, and there is an awareness of your interaction with life based on the intention you have set to be that way, yes? Indeed.
Student 3: I have an idea. I had a teacher, at one stage, and she actually had died on the table (and returned) and she told me previous to that “I had a fear of dying.” She told me in the moments she had passed on that she experienced the most extraordinary spaces. She saw spaces of green grasses and her dog who had passed on, she could feel its fur. The most beautiful places were around her. She saw people that had passed on and were exactly as she had remembered. She told me that she never ever wanted to come back.
LMN: You have experienced a definition of Heaven that comes from one who experienced her own reality of Heaven and then returned in the physical world to share it with you and in the sharing it resonated with your own truth of what you would experience should you leave the physical form, yes?
Student 4: Sometimes just being here on Earth, being in a good mood.
LMN: For you, it is the spontaneous flow of life as it coalesces and creates itself into that which brings you pleasure and synchronicity and perfect interactions, yes?
Student 5: I kind of feel like that too. I find that sometimes I’m in this place of perfect power where I feel like I truly am vibrating love out and am in just such a strong place of peace that nothing is going to move me out of that space, and I think it is a feeling though I also have images of different things. Through this whole lifetime you hear so much that it seems to be a little bit of everything for me, but I do know what he is saying about being in this perfect space.
LMN: Would each of you who have spoken, and perhaps even those who have not, agree that what you are speaking forth is, “There is an absence of conflict and there is a presence of peace and beauty”?
Collective ‘yes’.
LMN: Indeed. Let us imagine for a moment that what you have spoken forth, or those of you who held on to your ideas but you have them anyway, unspoken, let us imagine that your life here on planet Earth were this continual experience that you have alluded to and that you focus upon. The question for you is, “After years and years and decades and decades and perhaps even centuries of your peace and your feelings and your silence and your intentional interactions with others and your beauty and interaction with the animals and loved ones, after perhaps hundreds of years of this, might something thrilling or something different and unusual, perhaps loud, or perhaps something other than ‘this’ be experienced in a moment as Heaven within your being because it was different from that which had become your norm"?
You can perceive this, yes?
In asking you this question, we are in no way suggesting that the Heaven that you create in your consciousness cannot go on infinitely. We are simply suggesting that oftentimes, what we hold within our consciousness as the idea of something Heavenly is because we are without it for so long that when we find it, it fills the atoms and molecules of life within the self with such a peace and a contentment because there has been a missing of that energy, it has been hiding or impossible to find for one reason or another.
The suggestion here is simply that the definition of Heaven is flexible. It is expansive. It can shift and it can change. It might be for one who finds their pleasure out on the water or lake that Heaven is really a boat on a placid water with a fishing pole catching all the fish you desire and throwing them back if you do not want to eat them. That is a good time for the fisherman, and Heaven is catching the biggest one that always got away in life.
For others, Heaven might be continued learning, continued wisdom, waiting to get to the Halls of Wisdom where all that one could desire to possibly know and understand exists, and sitting at the feet of a teacher, or attending classes in a temple and learning and growing.
Heaven might also be experience of colors in an ecstatic way that you have never experienced in your human self before. It might be riding on rainbows. It might be sitting in vaporous clouds of colors. It might be something that is so different that what could possibly be done in the gravity world that you find yourself in the moment that is beyond the Self to dream it up.
It might also be the forgiveness of Self in all that it has experienced in all of its lives of existence: the forgiveness of all others that interacted in those plays because it was required by the laws of the universe to be made manifest.
Heaven may be all these things and none of these things because, Beloveds, you are the creator of that Heaven.
When, and if you ever decide to leave the physical form that you are, you will be a composite vibration. You will be a sound and a melody, as it were. The sound and the melody of some is that of weeping and that of anguish. For others, it is the sound of anger and revenge. For others, it is the melodic sound of joy and compassion and kindness. For others, it is the sound of knowing and the expanding of knowing. All of these are songs. All of these are frequencies. All of these are melodies, whether they are harmonious or not harmonious. They are the song you vibrate to or with, and when you leave physical form, you are no different, Beloveds, than you are right now in your physical form. If you were to leave it, you would be who you are.
You would have the same knowing you have. You would have the same feelings you have. You would have the same goals that you have. You would have the same habits or addictions that you have. You would have the same memories that you have. You just would not have the physical form, unless it was raised.
Let us assume it was not. Let us assume that you are out of the physical form. You are you. You are still you. You are infinite.
If you have been programmed by religion, or even by yourself but you do not remember it, about what Heaven is and where you go when you leave planet Earth, you will find yourself there. If you studied, let us say, Dante’s Inferno in high school, and you were reading all about the levels of distraught energy that he wrote about, and you identified with one level, and even if you left here (earth) with your beautiful definition and belief in Heaven, if you still had programmed within the atoms and molecules of your being that fear, or that identification from reading Dante’s Inferno so long ago and identifying with it, if you have not changed that from your being, you will find yourself in a situation such as that.
Why would we bring up Heaven and Hell? Because it is time Beloveds for ALL to set themselves free from whatever lives in their memories about Heaven or Hell and every time you have left the human form. That is the greater reason for this Pearl.
For even this moment you have beautiful visions and goals and thoughts and feelings and symbology for Heaven, yet each one have old memories of what happened the last time or many times that you left the physical.
That is for you to dwell on for the moment.
We wish to offer unto the hearts and the minds of your beings, We, The Council of 8, freedom in your consciousness from these old memories that entrap you, that keep you from manifesting the beauty that you can conceive in what might be called Heaven.
We wish to share something with you. When you prepare, the physical self is preparing itself to shift from one dimension to another, there is an exhilarating, uplifting feeling that courses through the atoms and molecules of your being. Some on your planet call it a High. Some on your planet love to have drug-induced Highs, or alcohol-induced Highs that perhaps cause the brain cells to start disintegrating, creating the euphoria that generates the transition process when certain disintegration begins to happen in the physical body.
Transition is not a fearful thing. It is a High to move from any dimension to another dimension, but most especially to drop the physical form that you are wearing.
In this process of exhilaration that occurs within the physical self, think about yourself in this lifetime. If you have ever been through the process of exhilaration, what were you thinking that took you there? Were you wanting to get away from something or escape something? Were you thinking, “Oh woe is me”? Or were you thinking, “This is what I deserve. This is my right. This is my right to feel glorious, wonderful”.
If, in your programming, Beloveds, you were of the religion where all souls will enter Heaven once Gabriel blows his horn, you will wait by your graveside, or if you are cremated you may feel it hopeless to ever get to Heaven because you no longer have a form you can identify with; but those who are buried will be by their graveside waiting for Gabriel to blow his horn that they might then ascend to Heaven.
In all of this discussion Beloveds is also the question, “How is it I think I get to Heaven?”
We are going to set that question aside, and we are going to speak of the Here and Now. We are going to suggest to you that in the moment you are born on planet Earth, there has been, there is not always now, a frequency that has been projected into your atmosphere (and it is disappearing, by the way, but it was there) that basically started you on the journey to death.
Instead of welcoming you to life, you were born into a frequency and on a planet that had a death energy to it. As a sensitive young one, you would have felt it and you would have honored it, and you would have begun in that moment whatever it was asking of you in terms of working towards shortening the lifespan in this life time.
That can be removed in an instant from your beings by sending the violet fire through yourself. Imagine it, feel it, speak it, smell it, taste it, pretend it. Whichever suits you and whichever you are capable of. As it flows through the atoms and molecules of your being, command this violet fire to set yourself free from all illusions and all imprints and all commands and all thought forms and all frequencies that would insist upon the dissolution of the you that you are, whether it is your physical self or any of your seven bodies; or even your consciousness.
Follow this up with a White Fire: White Fire of unlimited possibilities, unlimited realities, unlimited potentialities. Find the truth in that White Fire that you seek to be your own.
Let us imagine this, Beloveds, let us imagine that here on planet Earth, you are not actually here on planet Earth. You are not in third dimension, but you think you are. You are actually, let us suggest the idea, that you are in the astral, that you are in a dimension that mimics third dimension Earth. Then we could say that whatever you have been living this lifetime is the composite of all of the ideas that you held and experienced throughout other lives and lifestyles of what Heaven was and what Hell was.
If you look back over your life, if the good moments sum totaled were less than the not-so-wonderful-moments sum totaled, then one might say you are in Hell, wishing to be in Heaven.
If it is reverse, one might say you are in Heaven but keep chipping away at it by creating Hell.
If indeed you were, in this moment, on an astral plane, astral planes have all that you have here. They have food. They have stores, and buildings and clothes. They have jewelry and friends. They have schools and businesses and jobs. There are those who have recreated from the Native American world plains and buffaloes and tepees and the old lifestyle on the fourth dimension. Anything can exist on the fourth dimension.
Let us say that you are not on fourth dimension. Let us say you are on fifth dimension. Let us say you have risen into the dimension where your thoughts are things, and they are instant. When you have a thought you will be experiencing the repercussions of that thought, as it were. If you are wishing well for another, you will find that the duality of life, in a sense, extends in the fifth dimension. If you are wishing well for another, you are wishing well for yourself, and you will immediately feel that wellness in your being. If you are praising what is going on with another, you are praising yourself, and you immediately feel that praise within your being.
If you are wishing something about another would be true about you, you would begin to become that more rapidly than you can imagine. That would be 5th dimension: little time between what you think and what you are.
Let us go back to 4th dimension. There is still some of the effect of 5th dimension: what you think is what you perceive; what you think is what you get; what you feel is what you are. If you were on 4th dimension and your life was what it is now, you would have a very clear understanding of what within your consciousness was Heaven and what within your consciousness was Hell.
You would clearly see you create them both.
Let us go back to 3rd dimension. In this moment, where you are in a fleshy body, and you are wondering why it is the things you speak, the thing you say, the things you dream for, the things you wish for do not happen immediately. The fleshy body in the fleshy world takes some time awhile for the energy to ‘congeal’, as it were.
Here is a news flash, Beloveds: in this day and age on planet Earth, planet Earth is all three of these dimensions at any given moment. You are fluctuating now in your life between 3rd, 4th, and 5th dimension, depending upon where you are allowing your consciousness to rest emotionally, physically, mentally and vibrationally.
That is where we will end discussion for this evening. Yes? Indeed.
Namaste unto the heavenly heart and mind of your being.
Beloved Ones, we welcome you all here for the beginning of a new set of Pearls, a new Lesson, a new group of Lessons. In this next Pearl, we will be discussing what you on your planet have labelled Heaven and Hell, and how does one tell?
In the beginning, as it were, all was good. All was light. All was love and learning and experience. In the beginning there was only That which was, and That which was knew Itself; and as It knew Itself, It begat Itself. It expanded Itself. It increased Itself. It increased Itself with a desire to know more, to experience more, to become more, and from there, all of your stories diverge into how this came to happen. All of the stories that are still on planet Earth, handed down through ancestry, or created, one might say, from religion, all of the explanations began from this point forward.
None of them are entirely accurate, for the only real truth, Beloveds, in any of the stories anywhere is the symbolism they hold for the being that you are at any given stage of your growth and development. What you will hear tonight will make more sense to you as you have been living and growing over the past year since the Pearls were first brought to your awareness. What you will understand will bring new depth and dimension into your existence and your experience on the planet.
Heaven or Hell, and how does one tell?
What you think and what you feel in this moment is creating your future. What you are living in this moment comes from the thoughts and experiences you have had in a past or many pasts.
Always the being that you are, the Infinite Being of Light that you are who is living in a physical form in this moment called human, is the one that experiences its rightful inheritance of making choices.
You are given the free will on this planet to choose your truths, to choose your reality.
Many will say, “Ah, but I choose, and nothing happens.”
You are choosing for your future, Beloveds. It is not always in the moment that what you choose creates your reality;
but you are also choosing that you might look within and understand what it is about yourself and your consciousness and your past that may be interfering with your future, and when we speak of this, we are not speaking of any of the lessons we have had thus far, out how humanity interacts together to create realities. We are speaking of your inner perception.
Before we go further, we wish to ask you what your perception of Heaven is. What is Heaven? If someone asks you if you are living a Heavenly life, or “Do you think you will go to Heaven when you leave your physical form?” or “Do you think Heaven exists?”, what would you answer just in terms of the definition of Heaven from your consciousness and your state of evolvement and evolution in this moment?
Is there any among you that would share an answer?
Students’ Definitions of Heaven
Student 1: To me, Heaven would be, I don’t really think of a place; we all have these images we’ve seen, but to me it would be peace, feeling the peace wherever I AM.
LMN: Indeed. You are commenting that Heaven is a feeling that you are embodying no matter where you find yourself physically or mentally or geographically, yes? It is a peaceful harmonious tranquility that you are centered in, yes? Indeed.
Student 2: I believe definitely in Heaven. I have very good intentions, and I’ve come a long way in my life, and I make it a point daily to set my intention; to have a good intention for the day: and that is to have love, to be the best I can be, and if I make a mistake, where I feel that if I do something in error I take responsibility for it. I try to take care of people and be a good person. That’s all I want: to be peaceful and to be good and good to other people.
LMN: Your definition of Heaven would be your definition of the Golden Rule: that I do unto others as I would wish them to do unto myself, as I wish to do unto myself.
Student 2: Yes, because I believe that creates happiness, and I think Heaven would be a happy place.
LMN: Indeed. There is joy and happiness in the Heavenly definition, and there is a concern for the welfare of others, and there is an awareness of your interaction with life based on the intention you have set to be that way, yes? Indeed.
Student 3: I have an idea. I had a teacher, at one stage, and she actually had died on the table (and returned) and she told me previous to that “I had a fear of dying.” She told me in the moments she had passed on that she experienced the most extraordinary spaces. She saw spaces of green grasses and her dog who had passed on, she could feel its fur. The most beautiful places were around her. She saw people that had passed on and were exactly as she had remembered. She told me that she never ever wanted to come back.
LMN: You have experienced a definition of Heaven that comes from one who experienced her own reality of Heaven and then returned in the physical world to share it with you and in the sharing it resonated with your own truth of what you would experience should you leave the physical form, yes?
Student 4: Sometimes just being here on Earth, being in a good mood.
LMN: For you, it is the spontaneous flow of life as it coalesces and creates itself into that which brings you pleasure and synchronicity and perfect interactions, yes?
Student 5: I kind of feel like that too. I find that sometimes I’m in this place of perfect power where I feel like I truly am vibrating love out and am in just such a strong place of peace that nothing is going to move me out of that space, and I think it is a feeling though I also have images of different things. Through this whole lifetime you hear so much that it seems to be a little bit of everything for me, but I do know what he is saying about being in this perfect space.
LMN: Would each of you who have spoken, and perhaps even those who have not, agree that what you are speaking forth is, “There is an absence of conflict and there is a presence of peace and beauty”?
Collective ‘yes’.
LMN: Indeed. Let us imagine for a moment that what you have spoken forth, or those of you who held on to your ideas but you have them anyway, unspoken, let us imagine that your life here on planet Earth were this continual experience that you have alluded to and that you focus upon. The question for you is, “After years and years and decades and decades and perhaps even centuries of your peace and your feelings and your silence and your intentional interactions with others and your beauty and interaction with the animals and loved ones, after perhaps hundreds of years of this, might something thrilling or something different and unusual, perhaps loud, or perhaps something other than ‘this’ be experienced in a moment as Heaven within your being because it was different from that which had become your norm"?
You can perceive this, yes?
In asking you this question, we are in no way suggesting that the Heaven that you create in your consciousness cannot go on infinitely. We are simply suggesting that oftentimes, what we hold within our consciousness as the idea of something Heavenly is because we are without it for so long that when we find it, it fills the atoms and molecules of life within the self with such a peace and a contentment because there has been a missing of that energy, it has been hiding or impossible to find for one reason or another.
The suggestion here is simply that the definition of Heaven is flexible. It is expansive. It can shift and it can change. It might be for one who finds their pleasure out on the water or lake that Heaven is really a boat on a placid water with a fishing pole catching all the fish you desire and throwing them back if you do not want to eat them. That is a good time for the fisherman, and Heaven is catching the biggest one that always got away in life.
For others, Heaven might be continued learning, continued wisdom, waiting to get to the Halls of Wisdom where all that one could desire to possibly know and understand exists, and sitting at the feet of a teacher, or attending classes in a temple and learning and growing.
Heaven might also be experience of colors in an ecstatic way that you have never experienced in your human self before. It might be riding on rainbows. It might be sitting in vaporous clouds of colors. It might be something that is so different that what could possibly be done in the gravity world that you find yourself in the moment that is beyond the Self to dream it up.
It might also be the forgiveness of Self in all that it has experienced in all of its lives of existence: the forgiveness of all others that interacted in those plays because it was required by the laws of the universe to be made manifest.
Heaven may be all these things and none of these things because, Beloveds, you are the creator of that Heaven.
When, and if you ever decide to leave the physical form that you are, you will be a composite vibration. You will be a sound and a melody, as it were. The sound and the melody of some is that of weeping and that of anguish. For others, it is the sound of anger and revenge. For others, it is the melodic sound of joy and compassion and kindness. For others, it is the sound of knowing and the expanding of knowing. All of these are songs. All of these are frequencies. All of these are melodies, whether they are harmonious or not harmonious. They are the song you vibrate to or with, and when you leave physical form, you are no different, Beloveds, than you are right now in your physical form. If you were to leave it, you would be who you are.
You would have the same knowing you have. You would have the same feelings you have. You would have the same goals that you have. You would have the same habits or addictions that you have. You would have the same memories that you have. You just would not have the physical form, unless it was raised.
Let us assume it was not. Let us assume that you are out of the physical form. You are you. You are still you. You are infinite.
If you have been programmed by religion, or even by yourself but you do not remember it, about what Heaven is and where you go when you leave planet Earth, you will find yourself there. If you studied, let us say, Dante’s Inferno in high school, and you were reading all about the levels of distraught energy that he wrote about, and you identified with one level, and even if you left here (earth) with your beautiful definition and belief in Heaven, if you still had programmed within the atoms and molecules of your being that fear, or that identification from reading Dante’s Inferno so long ago and identifying with it, if you have not changed that from your being, you will find yourself in a situation such as that.
Why would we bring up Heaven and Hell? Because it is time Beloveds for ALL to set themselves free from whatever lives in their memories about Heaven or Hell and every time you have left the human form. That is the greater reason for this Pearl.
For even this moment you have beautiful visions and goals and thoughts and feelings and symbology for Heaven, yet each one have old memories of what happened the last time or many times that you left the physical.
That is for you to dwell on for the moment.
We wish to offer unto the hearts and the minds of your beings, We, The Council of 8, freedom in your consciousness from these old memories that entrap you, that keep you from manifesting the beauty that you can conceive in what might be called Heaven.
We wish to share something with you. When you prepare, the physical self is preparing itself to shift from one dimension to another, there is an exhilarating, uplifting feeling that courses through the atoms and molecules of your being. Some on your planet call it a High. Some on your planet love to have drug-induced Highs, or alcohol-induced Highs that perhaps cause the brain cells to start disintegrating, creating the euphoria that generates the transition process when certain disintegration begins to happen in the physical body.
Transition is not a fearful thing. It is a High to move from any dimension to another dimension, but most especially to drop the physical form that you are wearing.
In this process of exhilaration that occurs within the physical self, think about yourself in this lifetime. If you have ever been through the process of exhilaration, what were you thinking that took you there? Were you wanting to get away from something or escape something? Were you thinking, “Oh woe is me”? Or were you thinking, “This is what I deserve. This is my right. This is my right to feel glorious, wonderful”.
If, in your programming, Beloveds, you were of the religion where all souls will enter Heaven once Gabriel blows his horn, you will wait by your graveside, or if you are cremated you may feel it hopeless to ever get to Heaven because you no longer have a form you can identify with; but those who are buried will be by their graveside waiting for Gabriel to blow his horn that they might then ascend to Heaven.
In all of this discussion Beloveds is also the question, “How is it I think I get to Heaven?”
We are going to set that question aside, and we are going to speak of the Here and Now. We are going to suggest to you that in the moment you are born on planet Earth, there has been, there is not always now, a frequency that has been projected into your atmosphere (and it is disappearing, by the way, but it was there) that basically started you on the journey to death.
Instead of welcoming you to life, you were born into a frequency and on a planet that had a death energy to it. As a sensitive young one, you would have felt it and you would have honored it, and you would have begun in that moment whatever it was asking of you in terms of working towards shortening the lifespan in this life time.
That can be removed in an instant from your beings by sending the violet fire through yourself. Imagine it, feel it, speak it, smell it, taste it, pretend it. Whichever suits you and whichever you are capable of. As it flows through the atoms and molecules of your being, command this violet fire to set yourself free from all illusions and all imprints and all commands and all thought forms and all frequencies that would insist upon the dissolution of the you that you are, whether it is your physical self or any of your seven bodies; or even your consciousness.
Follow this up with a White Fire: White Fire of unlimited possibilities, unlimited realities, unlimited potentialities. Find the truth in that White Fire that you seek to be your own.
Let us imagine this, Beloveds, let us imagine that here on planet Earth, you are not actually here on planet Earth. You are not in third dimension, but you think you are. You are actually, let us suggest the idea, that you are in the astral, that you are in a dimension that mimics third dimension Earth. Then we could say that whatever you have been living this lifetime is the composite of all of the ideas that you held and experienced throughout other lives and lifestyles of what Heaven was and what Hell was.
If you look back over your life, if the good moments sum totaled were less than the not-so-wonderful-moments sum totaled, then one might say you are in Hell, wishing to be in Heaven.
If it is reverse, one might say you are in Heaven but keep chipping away at it by creating Hell.
If indeed you were, in this moment, on an astral plane, astral planes have all that you have here. They have food. They have stores, and buildings and clothes. They have jewelry and friends. They have schools and businesses and jobs. There are those who have recreated from the Native American world plains and buffaloes and tepees and the old lifestyle on the fourth dimension. Anything can exist on the fourth dimension.
Let us say that you are not on fourth dimension. Let us say you are on fifth dimension. Let us say you have risen into the dimension where your thoughts are things, and they are instant. When you have a thought you will be experiencing the repercussions of that thought, as it were. If you are wishing well for another, you will find that the duality of life, in a sense, extends in the fifth dimension. If you are wishing well for another, you are wishing well for yourself, and you will immediately feel that wellness in your being. If you are praising what is going on with another, you are praising yourself, and you immediately feel that praise within your being.
If you are wishing something about another would be true about you, you would begin to become that more rapidly than you can imagine. That would be 5th dimension: little time between what you think and what you are.
Let us go back to 4th dimension. There is still some of the effect of 5th dimension: what you think is what you perceive; what you think is what you get; what you feel is what you are. If you were on 4th dimension and your life was what it is now, you would have a very clear understanding of what within your consciousness was Heaven and what within your consciousness was Hell.
You would clearly see you create them both.
Let us go back to 3rd dimension. In this moment, where you are in a fleshy body, and you are wondering why it is the things you speak, the thing you say, the things you dream for, the things you wish for do not happen immediately. The fleshy body in the fleshy world takes some time awhile for the energy to ‘congeal’, as it were.
Here is a news flash, Beloveds: in this day and age on planet Earth, planet Earth is all three of these dimensions at any given moment. You are fluctuating now in your life between 3rd, 4th, and 5th dimension, depending upon where you are allowing your consciousness to rest emotionally, physically, mentally and vibrationally.
That is where we will end discussion for this evening. Yes? Indeed.
Namaste unto the heavenly heart and mind of your being.