Pearls 28-31
Pearl 28
The point of awakening, Zero Point, is the understanding
there is neither Heaven nor Hell.
6th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: Heaven and Hell, Lesson 2, Pearl 28
Beloveds Ones, it is with great joy that we, The Council of 8, greet you and interact with you in your course, Heaven and Hell.
In your language you use the word Heaven as an adjective:
In the consciousness of those that are familiar with the terms “heaven” and “hell”, they are very poignant dualities in your existence. They are an ‘either/or’. No one speaks upon your planet about an almost heavenly experience, or an almost hellish experience. It is either one or the other. There is not a neutral ground or what we would call a Zero Point. It is either ‘this or that’. On a duality planet, things are either good or bad. It is either Heaven or Hell.
What if, in your consciousness, you wished to simply be, without judgment, without form, without expectation, to simply be in your awareness, your experience? Beingness? There is no thought form yet that is common upon your planet for that space. There are many who are attempting to bring it forth. Greg Braden is an example. There are many who speak about the “zero point” but in actual experience on your planet, unless you are a monk or unless you are one who is perhaps in constant prayer all their life, or in inner meditation without interacting within the physical world, perhaps you might reach that Zero Point.
We would posit to your imagination and your thought forms, Beloveds, that the Zero Point is actually the point of awakening. The Zero Point is the understanding that there is neither Heaven nor Hell. There simply is and that it is your perception that determines whether what you are thinking or feeling or experiencing is something you wish to label as heaven or hell. When you are in a place of consciousness where the awakened self is aware that it is the one choosing, that it is the one deciding its feeling, it is the one deciding the words it will use, it is the one deciding whether today will be a glorious day or today will be something else.
Very few people wake up and say unto the heart and mind of their own being, “Ah, I think today will be a hellish day”, yes? Yet what lives within the consciousness of humans are exactly those thoughts.
What triggers them, Beloveds? Not your conscious mind. Not you saying, “Yes, I want to be miserable today on purpose and I want everything to go wrong.” That comes from the Programmed Self.
Who is this Programmed Self? How is it that there is another part of your being that can keep you from experiencing what you set out to be true for yourself? It is a very clever Self. It is often called the “unconscious” or the “subconscious”. The Kahunas call it the ‘low self’.
This Self was designed so that the God/Goddess that you are, the spark of eternal life and awareness, of infinite intelligence, of creative energy would not have to remember yourself as Divinity who came to this planet and took on a human form.
Can you conceive of the thoughts, Beloveds, that being a God or a Goddess, being awakened all the time and living forever, being eternal, being infinite, might eventually become difficult? You might, perhaps sometimes, wish to forget that you are the All in All.
Sometimes you might wish to play at life and pretend as you did when you were children. Children know how to pretend. Why? That is the symbolism for why you are here. You are pretending to be something you are not. Therefore, if in your training this lifetime ‘pretense’ is considered a ‘bad’ thing, or inappropriate or something that is judged, then you are judged every moment of your life this lifetime should you have that programming.
You are all pretending to be something you are not.
You are pretending to be helpless or pretending to be worthless.
You are pretending to be ignorant.
You are pretending on many levels, and yet an awakened consciousness might wish to pretend. It might wish to forget that it exists forever. That when it leaves ‘here’ it does not get to sleep forever. It goes on. Life goes on and life goes on and life goes on.
To come to planet Earth, or a place likened unto planet Earth, eons ago, Beloveds, was considered a vacation. It was considered a place to come to where the subconscious would hold all your memories for you, and the other bodies, you are composed of seven bodies, would hold the memories for you so that you, the conscious mind, could play like you are a ‘female’ or play like you were a ‘male’ or play like you were any one of the seven sexes that exist on your planet.
You could pretend. You could forget. You could test yourself, if you so desired, what would I be like if I did not know I was a God? What would I be like if I did not know I love and praise goodness? What would I be like? You set about to create a life to test yourself.
Or, suppose you just decided what you wanted to do was come and practice utter forgetfulness but live a life of leisure and pleasure?
Or perhaps you decided you wanted to come and have the ruggedness and the feel of the physical world. You wanted to work muscles and you wanted to run and breathe deeply.
Or you wanted to immerse yourself in the beauty of planet Earth, for even in her first incarnation, planet Earth was the beautiful jewel of the Universe and of your Solar System. Her blues and greens were designed to create peacefulness and rest and health and harmony. She was indeed a playground for the Gods. The universe is filled with real estate deals, one might say, and planet Earth was no exception.
There was a consciousness that was able to negotiate a deal, we shall say, and one time if you would like to have discussions about the history of planet Earth, who she has been and why, and who has taken over and why, and what it did for consciousness, and about the forms of the human self and what they originally were designed to be like and what they are now, and what they are planning to become in the future, etc., we may have history lessons of your planet and your solar system, but for now, let us just go forth with this concept that “as a piece of real estate, your planet was purchased, as it were, by a different consciousness”.
It is not considered to be the playground of the Gods anymore. It is considered to be a workhouse. It is considered to be a place where energy can be siphoned off whenever desired. It can be taken from those who practice great deals of energetic expression, perhaps they love it or perhaps they are programmed into it, but energetic expressions they do not desire to keep the energies of: hatreds, angers, resentments. These are energy feelings that produce great energies.
When was the last time, Beloveds, that when you were angry or resentful that you really wanted to hold on to that feeling? That you were so proud of yourself for being angry and resentful, you wanted to keep that energy? You did not want to share it? You wanted to roll in it and own it and magnify it?
You might have felt justified in the energy, but you did not wish to keep it. Not like you wish to keep your peace. Not like you wish to keep your harmony. Not like you wish to keep your joy.
You are harvested, as it were.
You produce energy, Beloveds.
When you are out of control in your emotional self, you produce an energy you do not want, and so it is easily used by other consciousness.
Conversely, when you create your upward spiraling energies, your happiness, your joy and your bliss and your compassion, and your kindness and your love, these you hold on to and with these you feed yourself. You feed the atoms and molecules of your own being with these beloved energies.
We spoke last week of the song of life that you are, and that if you were not in a physical form and you left planet Earth, you would be in that song. It would be who you are right now. If energy shifted immediately in this moment and all of you left your physical forms, you would still be who you are in this moment without a physical form.
You are enjoying this moment, you would be in joy. If you are in worry or consternation, you would be in worry or consternation. If the back of your mind is thinking while you are receiving this input, you would still be doing the back of your mind thinking while receiving input. The physical form is just a vehicle that you use to experience planet Earth, because it is the third dimension, and so you use a physical vehicle for your consciousness to get around in. It does not make you who you are. Instead who you are makes the physical what it is.
Have you not seen some children who when they are young are not that attractive, but they work on their consciousness and their skills as they grow, and they grow into beautiful physical forms. Or perhaps when they are in the 20s and 30s they are not that attractive, but when they reach their 60s they are lovely to behold because it is the inner world that they have worked upon, and it has changed and altered the physical self.
QUESTIONS Asked About Heaven and Hell Lesson 1
We gave you an opportunity last week to come up with questions that your mind might have been curious about as you listened to the new information revealed to your consciousness, and we would in this moment entertain a few of those questions, if indeed you have some you wish to ask.
Ah, they are all now answered, as it were?
Or are you asleep and you have forgotten?
Student 1: One of my questions also was about you talking about the three dimensions, that we go from 3rd to 4th to 5th and back, what brings us into these different dimensions?
LMN: Indeed. Your question, as we recall, is, “Was it just one body, for instance the vibrational, that causes you to shift back and forth?” To a large degree, this is true, but it is more the generator than you. We have spoken before that humans are generators, yes? They are vibrational machines, and they generate through thought and feeling. The vibrational is that body that receives from your higher wisdom.
The consciousness that you are now that is listening and that is speaking and that is recording and that has feelings is the generator. You are the one who generates the song that you are. You are the one who generates the feelings that you have. It is the combination of your thoughts and your feelings that determines your vibrations in any given moment. In any given moment, you can be the vibrating energy that is more equivalent to 5th dimension, or you can be the vibrating energy that is more equivalent to 3rd dimension.
How do you know this? It does not matter whether you know with your mind if you are 3rd, 4th or 5th dimension or even indeed some other. What matters is watching the symbolism that occurs in your life. What matters is that what is within your consciousness will be revealed and experienced external to yourself.
If you are attracting those around you that bring you down, one might say, you are practicing your Hell Consciousness. You are practicing the thought forms and the feelings that lower your frequencies and because like attracts like, you pull unto yourself in your world that which is of the lower frequencies. Conversely, when you practice the gratitudes and your decrees and your upliftments and your love of life and the universe, and divine expression, and that which thrills you to life, that which fills you with a sparkling gleam as it were of the fires of life, you will find yourself attracting unto your being that which mirrors this vibrational energy in your life. You are the one who will perceive it Beloveds, so you may be in a large group such as this, but it is your perception that will determine what it is (for you: Heaven/Hell). Your perception will determine whether you are sitting in a group of Heavenites or if you are sitting in a group of Hellites. You see?
It is the perception within and your feeling and your statement that determines your experience. You shift throughout your day. This is why we mentioned last week that you are of 3rd dimension, or 4th dimension, or 5th.
We speak no longer, really, of whether you are in physical body or not, for what matters is not the state of your physical form. What matters, Beloveds, to your expansion, your development, your growth is, “Who is doing the thinking and what are you thinking?” and “Who is doing the feeling and what are you feeling?”
If you catch yourself being down or depressed, as an example, stop in that moment and trace it to whatever symbol in your life generated it, whether it is within your mind or outside of your physical self. Trace it, find it, fill it full of violet fire, fill it full of white fire, and command something beautiful and lovely to take its place. Command, as it were, The Gratitudes of Life. Use any of the decrees we have given you over these past longer-than-a-decade years. They should be committed to memory, as it were, and we, The Council of 8, do not use judgmental words such as 'should' very often.
In this moment we tell you that these decrees, these thought forms, these stringing together of words, these are things you can greet one another with, yes?
These are words you can replace much of the English language with. You can interact with these words. You can change not only your reality but the reality of your city, your state, your nation, and your planet. One person.
You have seen how one person on your planet can make a change. You have something called GoFundMe, do you not, on your internet and other things like that? One person can post something there: "I need to change an event" and others rally to make the change occur.
You are unlimited.
To answer your question about how you get between the dimensions, you decide it, with your speech and your feelings and your intentions.
So be it.
Student 2 (inaudible) asks a question about Heaven.
LMN: If you wish to have a symbol of Heaven, have it. Symbols are valuable, Beloveds, whatever you practice in the life you are living now. What is the symbol of a car? What is the symbol of a friend? What is the symbol of a mountain? Of a door? Of food? Of clothing?
Look at everything anew, with new eyes in this moment. What does it symbolize to you?
It is not necessarily that it will be the same symbol for others, but let us just give you one example. To get to the top of a mountain what do you do? You start wherever you are at the bottom and you go up. There are many ways you can go up but UP is the symbol of the mountain, yes? It has a top you are trying to reach.
The mountain itself can symbolize a concept in thinking, or philosophy. You start at the large base where there are many ideas, and you refine them and refine them and refine them, and hone in on them until you reach the top.
Or let us say that you wish to move into another dimension. Is not the symbol of a mountain almost like the symbol of another dimension? The air is different. The temperature is different. The wildlife is different. It is as though you have reached another dimension.
Your cell phones are magnificent symbols for your generation. Think of all the things they represent to you:
Gone are the days you had to stand attached to a wall, talking to someone, unable to multi-task. You have freedom in communication. You have mobility.
LMN: Other questions from last week that you were pondering, Beloveds?
Student 2: I wanted to ask about the idea of cremation versus the physical form. When you go to the other side, is one better than the other?
LMN: That is a very important question. What is the value of cremation versus burying the physical form when you are completed with it? There are a number of answers to that. In ancient times, as in Egyptian times, it was thought that consciousness would come back for its body or it would need it in the other world, and so it was mummified, keeping all of the organs, not in the physical form but able to go with consciousness as it traveled.
Others believed that if they left the physical form behind they would be tempted, as spirits, to come back to the Earth plane. To prevent this, they burned the physical form so the Spirit had freedom and could move on.
Truly in terms, except for symbolism that is within your own beings, truly it is the consciousness of those who mourn you or who set you free that matters more than a cremation or a burial in the ground. Consciousness can keep you trapped here, mourning your presence and making it difficult for you to ascend to other vibrations and other levels.
Let us go back and speak of cremation and the physical. When you leave your physical form, if you do, it is the consciousness that moves away first in an astral form, but there is also consciousness that is left tending to the physical form, and it takes time for it to extricate itself from all of the atoms and molecules of your being. That is why some of the wiser religions do not bury or burn the body until 3 to 7 days after the consciousness has left, to give the consciousness either the opportunity to raise the body by changing the frequencies, as some of your masters have done in the past, or to give the body time to let everything go so that it can then be cremated. Many people have a fear of fire because consciousness was not fully out of the physical form by the time it was cremated.
That is another thing to consider. The ashes themselves fertilize the Earth, one might say, but consciousness itself is not necessarily in the ashes anymore. It has gone on. Bodies in the ground tend to be more of an attracting force to a consciousness when it has left its physical form if the consciousness has not trained itself to move on and to be ready for whatever its ideas of afterlife are. If it is trained, as we mentioned last lesson, to something like, “Gabriel blows his horn and then you are set free”, the consciousness that has left its physical form will be a ghost, earthbound, and stay by its graveside waiting for the moment its freedom comes because a horn has been blown by an Archangel.
Would this answer your question for the moment, Beloved?
Student 3: Yes, thank you.
LMN: Indeed. Namaste unto the heart and the mind of your beings.
In your language you use the word Heaven as an adjective:
- Heavenly food
- Heavenly music
- Heavenly place
- Heavenly experience
- Hellish people
- Hellish experience
- Hellish warfare
In the consciousness of those that are familiar with the terms “heaven” and “hell”, they are very poignant dualities in your existence. They are an ‘either/or’. No one speaks upon your planet about an almost heavenly experience, or an almost hellish experience. It is either one or the other. There is not a neutral ground or what we would call a Zero Point. It is either ‘this or that’. On a duality planet, things are either good or bad. It is either Heaven or Hell.
What if, in your consciousness, you wished to simply be, without judgment, without form, without expectation, to simply be in your awareness, your experience? Beingness? There is no thought form yet that is common upon your planet for that space. There are many who are attempting to bring it forth. Greg Braden is an example. There are many who speak about the “zero point” but in actual experience on your planet, unless you are a monk or unless you are one who is perhaps in constant prayer all their life, or in inner meditation without interacting within the physical world, perhaps you might reach that Zero Point.
We would posit to your imagination and your thought forms, Beloveds, that the Zero Point is actually the point of awakening. The Zero Point is the understanding that there is neither Heaven nor Hell. There simply is and that it is your perception that determines whether what you are thinking or feeling or experiencing is something you wish to label as heaven or hell. When you are in a place of consciousness where the awakened self is aware that it is the one choosing, that it is the one deciding its feeling, it is the one deciding the words it will use, it is the one deciding whether today will be a glorious day or today will be something else.
Very few people wake up and say unto the heart and mind of their own being, “Ah, I think today will be a hellish day”, yes? Yet what lives within the consciousness of humans are exactly those thoughts.
What triggers them, Beloveds? Not your conscious mind. Not you saying, “Yes, I want to be miserable today on purpose and I want everything to go wrong.” That comes from the Programmed Self.
Who is this Programmed Self? How is it that there is another part of your being that can keep you from experiencing what you set out to be true for yourself? It is a very clever Self. It is often called the “unconscious” or the “subconscious”. The Kahunas call it the ‘low self’.
This Self was designed so that the God/Goddess that you are, the spark of eternal life and awareness, of infinite intelligence, of creative energy would not have to remember yourself as Divinity who came to this planet and took on a human form.
Can you conceive of the thoughts, Beloveds, that being a God or a Goddess, being awakened all the time and living forever, being eternal, being infinite, might eventually become difficult? You might, perhaps sometimes, wish to forget that you are the All in All.
Sometimes you might wish to play at life and pretend as you did when you were children. Children know how to pretend. Why? That is the symbolism for why you are here. You are pretending to be something you are not. Therefore, if in your training this lifetime ‘pretense’ is considered a ‘bad’ thing, or inappropriate or something that is judged, then you are judged every moment of your life this lifetime should you have that programming.
You are all pretending to be something you are not.
You are pretending to be helpless or pretending to be worthless.
You are pretending to be ignorant.
You are pretending on many levels, and yet an awakened consciousness might wish to pretend. It might wish to forget that it exists forever. That when it leaves ‘here’ it does not get to sleep forever. It goes on. Life goes on and life goes on and life goes on.
To come to planet Earth, or a place likened unto planet Earth, eons ago, Beloveds, was considered a vacation. It was considered a place to come to where the subconscious would hold all your memories for you, and the other bodies, you are composed of seven bodies, would hold the memories for you so that you, the conscious mind, could play like you are a ‘female’ or play like you were a ‘male’ or play like you were any one of the seven sexes that exist on your planet.
You could pretend. You could forget. You could test yourself, if you so desired, what would I be like if I did not know I was a God? What would I be like if I did not know I love and praise goodness? What would I be like? You set about to create a life to test yourself.
Or, suppose you just decided what you wanted to do was come and practice utter forgetfulness but live a life of leisure and pleasure?
Or perhaps you decided you wanted to come and have the ruggedness and the feel of the physical world. You wanted to work muscles and you wanted to run and breathe deeply.
Or you wanted to immerse yourself in the beauty of planet Earth, for even in her first incarnation, planet Earth was the beautiful jewel of the Universe and of your Solar System. Her blues and greens were designed to create peacefulness and rest and health and harmony. She was indeed a playground for the Gods. The universe is filled with real estate deals, one might say, and planet Earth was no exception.
There was a consciousness that was able to negotiate a deal, we shall say, and one time if you would like to have discussions about the history of planet Earth, who she has been and why, and who has taken over and why, and what it did for consciousness, and about the forms of the human self and what they originally were designed to be like and what they are now, and what they are planning to become in the future, etc., we may have history lessons of your planet and your solar system, but for now, let us just go forth with this concept that “as a piece of real estate, your planet was purchased, as it were, by a different consciousness”.
It is not considered to be the playground of the Gods anymore. It is considered to be a workhouse. It is considered to be a place where energy can be siphoned off whenever desired. It can be taken from those who practice great deals of energetic expression, perhaps they love it or perhaps they are programmed into it, but energetic expressions they do not desire to keep the energies of: hatreds, angers, resentments. These are energy feelings that produce great energies.
When was the last time, Beloveds, that when you were angry or resentful that you really wanted to hold on to that feeling? That you were so proud of yourself for being angry and resentful, you wanted to keep that energy? You did not want to share it? You wanted to roll in it and own it and magnify it?
You might have felt justified in the energy, but you did not wish to keep it. Not like you wish to keep your peace. Not like you wish to keep your harmony. Not like you wish to keep your joy.
You are harvested, as it were.
You produce energy, Beloveds.
When you are out of control in your emotional self, you produce an energy you do not want, and so it is easily used by other consciousness.
Conversely, when you create your upward spiraling energies, your happiness, your joy and your bliss and your compassion, and your kindness and your love, these you hold on to and with these you feed yourself. You feed the atoms and molecules of your own being with these beloved energies.
We spoke last week of the song of life that you are, and that if you were not in a physical form and you left planet Earth, you would be in that song. It would be who you are right now. If energy shifted immediately in this moment and all of you left your physical forms, you would still be who you are in this moment without a physical form.
You are enjoying this moment, you would be in joy. If you are in worry or consternation, you would be in worry or consternation. If the back of your mind is thinking while you are receiving this input, you would still be doing the back of your mind thinking while receiving input. The physical form is just a vehicle that you use to experience planet Earth, because it is the third dimension, and so you use a physical vehicle for your consciousness to get around in. It does not make you who you are. Instead who you are makes the physical what it is.
Have you not seen some children who when they are young are not that attractive, but they work on their consciousness and their skills as they grow, and they grow into beautiful physical forms. Or perhaps when they are in the 20s and 30s they are not that attractive, but when they reach their 60s they are lovely to behold because it is the inner world that they have worked upon, and it has changed and altered the physical self.
QUESTIONS Asked About Heaven and Hell Lesson 1
We gave you an opportunity last week to come up with questions that your mind might have been curious about as you listened to the new information revealed to your consciousness, and we would in this moment entertain a few of those questions, if indeed you have some you wish to ask.
Ah, they are all now answered, as it were?
Or are you asleep and you have forgotten?
Student 1: One of my questions also was about you talking about the three dimensions, that we go from 3rd to 4th to 5th and back, what brings us into these different dimensions?
LMN: Indeed. Your question, as we recall, is, “Was it just one body, for instance the vibrational, that causes you to shift back and forth?” To a large degree, this is true, but it is more the generator than you. We have spoken before that humans are generators, yes? They are vibrational machines, and they generate through thought and feeling. The vibrational is that body that receives from your higher wisdom.
The consciousness that you are now that is listening and that is speaking and that is recording and that has feelings is the generator. You are the one who generates the song that you are. You are the one who generates the feelings that you have. It is the combination of your thoughts and your feelings that determines your vibrations in any given moment. In any given moment, you can be the vibrating energy that is more equivalent to 5th dimension, or you can be the vibrating energy that is more equivalent to 3rd dimension.
How do you know this? It does not matter whether you know with your mind if you are 3rd, 4th or 5th dimension or even indeed some other. What matters is watching the symbolism that occurs in your life. What matters is that what is within your consciousness will be revealed and experienced external to yourself.
If you are attracting those around you that bring you down, one might say, you are practicing your Hell Consciousness. You are practicing the thought forms and the feelings that lower your frequencies and because like attracts like, you pull unto yourself in your world that which is of the lower frequencies. Conversely, when you practice the gratitudes and your decrees and your upliftments and your love of life and the universe, and divine expression, and that which thrills you to life, that which fills you with a sparkling gleam as it were of the fires of life, you will find yourself attracting unto your being that which mirrors this vibrational energy in your life. You are the one who will perceive it Beloveds, so you may be in a large group such as this, but it is your perception that will determine what it is (for you: Heaven/Hell). Your perception will determine whether you are sitting in a group of Heavenites or if you are sitting in a group of Hellites. You see?
It is the perception within and your feeling and your statement that determines your experience. You shift throughout your day. This is why we mentioned last week that you are of 3rd dimension, or 4th dimension, or 5th.
We speak no longer, really, of whether you are in physical body or not, for what matters is not the state of your physical form. What matters, Beloveds, to your expansion, your development, your growth is, “Who is doing the thinking and what are you thinking?” and “Who is doing the feeling and what are you feeling?”
If you catch yourself being down or depressed, as an example, stop in that moment and trace it to whatever symbol in your life generated it, whether it is within your mind or outside of your physical self. Trace it, find it, fill it full of violet fire, fill it full of white fire, and command something beautiful and lovely to take its place. Command, as it were, The Gratitudes of Life. Use any of the decrees we have given you over these past longer-than-a-decade years. They should be committed to memory, as it were, and we, The Council of 8, do not use judgmental words such as 'should' very often.
In this moment we tell you that these decrees, these thought forms, these stringing together of words, these are things you can greet one another with, yes?
These are words you can replace much of the English language with. You can interact with these words. You can change not only your reality but the reality of your city, your state, your nation, and your planet. One person.
You have seen how one person on your planet can make a change. You have something called GoFundMe, do you not, on your internet and other things like that? One person can post something there: "I need to change an event" and others rally to make the change occur.
You are unlimited.
To answer your question about how you get between the dimensions, you decide it, with your speech and your feelings and your intentions.
So be it.
Student 2 (inaudible) asks a question about Heaven.
LMN: If you wish to have a symbol of Heaven, have it. Symbols are valuable, Beloveds, whatever you practice in the life you are living now. What is the symbol of a car? What is the symbol of a friend? What is the symbol of a mountain? Of a door? Of food? Of clothing?
Look at everything anew, with new eyes in this moment. What does it symbolize to you?
It is not necessarily that it will be the same symbol for others, but let us just give you one example. To get to the top of a mountain what do you do? You start wherever you are at the bottom and you go up. There are many ways you can go up but UP is the symbol of the mountain, yes? It has a top you are trying to reach.
The mountain itself can symbolize a concept in thinking, or philosophy. You start at the large base where there are many ideas, and you refine them and refine them and refine them, and hone in on them until you reach the top.
Or let us say that you wish to move into another dimension. Is not the symbol of a mountain almost like the symbol of another dimension? The air is different. The temperature is different. The wildlife is different. It is as though you have reached another dimension.
Your cell phones are magnificent symbols for your generation. Think of all the things they represent to you:
- Instant knowledge
- Instant ability
- Instant!
Gone are the days you had to stand attached to a wall, talking to someone, unable to multi-task. You have freedom in communication. You have mobility.
LMN: Other questions from last week that you were pondering, Beloveds?
Student 2: I wanted to ask about the idea of cremation versus the physical form. When you go to the other side, is one better than the other?
LMN: That is a very important question. What is the value of cremation versus burying the physical form when you are completed with it? There are a number of answers to that. In ancient times, as in Egyptian times, it was thought that consciousness would come back for its body or it would need it in the other world, and so it was mummified, keeping all of the organs, not in the physical form but able to go with consciousness as it traveled.
Others believed that if they left the physical form behind they would be tempted, as spirits, to come back to the Earth plane. To prevent this, they burned the physical form so the Spirit had freedom and could move on.
Truly in terms, except for symbolism that is within your own beings, truly it is the consciousness of those who mourn you or who set you free that matters more than a cremation or a burial in the ground. Consciousness can keep you trapped here, mourning your presence and making it difficult for you to ascend to other vibrations and other levels.
Let us go back and speak of cremation and the physical. When you leave your physical form, if you do, it is the consciousness that moves away first in an astral form, but there is also consciousness that is left tending to the physical form, and it takes time for it to extricate itself from all of the atoms and molecules of your being. That is why some of the wiser religions do not bury or burn the body until 3 to 7 days after the consciousness has left, to give the consciousness either the opportunity to raise the body by changing the frequencies, as some of your masters have done in the past, or to give the body time to let everything go so that it can then be cremated. Many people have a fear of fire because consciousness was not fully out of the physical form by the time it was cremated.
That is another thing to consider. The ashes themselves fertilize the Earth, one might say, but consciousness itself is not necessarily in the ashes anymore. It has gone on. Bodies in the ground tend to be more of an attracting force to a consciousness when it has left its physical form if the consciousness has not trained itself to move on and to be ready for whatever its ideas of afterlife are. If it is trained, as we mentioned last lesson, to something like, “Gabriel blows his horn and then you are set free”, the consciousness that has left its physical form will be a ghost, earthbound, and stay by its graveside waiting for the moment its freedom comes because a horn has been blown by an Archangel.
Would this answer your question for the moment, Beloved?
Student 3: Yes, thank you.
LMN: Indeed. Namaste unto the heart and the mind of your beings.
Pearl 29
I attract what helps me awaken to remember who I AM, why I AM here, and what are the memories I carry within.
6th Grand Secret of spiritual Mysteries: Heaven and Hell, Lesson 3, Pearl 29
Beloveds Ones, we are overjoyed to step into a creation of Heaven, this evening, as it were, for we ascended beings are constantly in a place of love and gratitude for all of life and all of creation. We, Ascended Consciousness, love with boundaries. We live without boundaries. We enjoy without boundaries. There is no wall that we come up against where our consciousness says, “Here you may not enter, or life will not be what you desire". There is no moment in our consciousness, in the existence of our awareness, where we are not honoring the gifts, the glory, the passion, the infinity of the consciousness that makes all of life possible.
You speak it in your words as being in gratitude. You speak it as being in love with life or with all things. We speak it as being the Beloved of Ourself. When we are the Beloved of Ourself, we are in love with all things in life. We are in love with that which is the option; we are in love with that which is the opportunity; we are in love with that which is the unlimited choice; we are in love with that which allows continued expression infinitely so that at any moment we may choose if we desire to be less than; or we may choose to be more than; or we choose to not exist in the world of duality and only exist in isness. We may choose to enter the world of exquisite beauty or we may choose to enter the world of silence. We may choose to live in constant praise but in all of this Beloveds we also make the decision whether to take action, whether to react, whether to be still.
What we wish to communicate with this is that in every moment we are choosing because we are aware. We are choosing because unlike your world where you get caught up with what you are doing, thinking, reading or experiencing and forget that which is around you, and then come back to it with an awareness. We are constantly aware of all that is around, but we are able to have laser like focus on any given thing, or we can lose ourselves as it were in an experience of light or life or beauty. We can channel it down into an extreme focus or we can expand it into all that we are.
You, as Spirit in human form, are currently grasping for that which allows you to have the expanded consciousness of ascension awareness while still living in a physical world where there are needs to be met. In your upbringings, you had chores or you had requirements. You had places you had to go; doctors you had to see; teachers you had to listen to; friends that you had to sleep over with. You had required actions as you were growing up. Still embedded in your consciousness are these required actions. If the required actions, that which you were made to do, brought joy, then that lives within your being (any form of requirement will be bring satisfaction).
If these requirements, one must go to the eye doctor, or one must have one's shots, or one must rake the front yard, if these requirements brought about disdain or dislike or unhappiness or displeasure within your being, then coded within you still would be a disdain for requirements, and what you will hear and perceive that I have just demonstrated about the love of life for ascended consciousness will be seen and experienced by your being as a requirement. A requirement being associated with emotions that are not something you would choose purposefully to feel would then make the journey of awakening an arduous one that you are being forced to do against your will in some way.
Therefore, if something as simple as a discussion of Heaven and Hell and the requests, “What do you find within your inner world, the subconscious or the inner self, that is Heaven?” and “What do you find within your inner self that is Hell?” would also be experienced as a chore. You turn your back on the requirement because fulfilling it would mean being forced to do something that would mean displeasure. There could be within the self a displeasure for searching out within the self what is holding the self back.
This is significantly important to your development, your expansion and your growth.
We, the Council of 8, do not place ourselves upon a pedestal and ask that you do not either. We do not say unto your being we have all of your answers. What we do say is that we can see into your being and we can recognize where, just like in a drain pipe that no longer flows, there is a blockage preventing the free flow or release of that which should be free flowing and released.
As you learn from your Pearls or from your messages or from your dreams or from your books or from your other methodologies, the goal is making sure that you are an open free-flowing vessel, that the energy that is all of life, as it flows through you, has the opportunity to be coded, meshed, molded and formed into that which you are requesting and requiring from your experience in life.
When you are the open vessel and the energy flows through you and it is not qualified by programming, by limitations, by old thought forms, by vows or by beliefs, then you imprint within it that which you are seeking and have it unfold before your feet, as it were.
Life is the blessing and true joy is tranquil, and you recognize the power of commanding cosmic energies, and you live and feel replenished radical self-love, and you infuse the material world in such a way that you love it, for all is there in service of the self, Beloved, you are Beloved of your self.
If you have one word that you could use to describe Hell, what would that one word be?
The question was, “If there were one word to describe Hell, and you said ‘non-existent’, what would that indicate?”
Student: Mastery.
LMN: Indeed. It would indicate that you have mastered already the concept “all of life is heavenly”, and that you can recognize why someone is living in pain or why someone is moving through hopelessness. If you find yourself in any of these words that you use to describe Hell, then you have freedom work within yourself to do, not heavenly work within yourself to do, yes?
If you can perceive them not in yourself but you can perceive them in others, and then you decide within yourself that they should be lifted out of this “____” (whatever word you use), then you are in judgment. There is a fine line, Beloveds, between helping someone out of their space and allowing them the freedom to live it until they are complete with it.
Many on your planet are content with their lives, but you as you evolve and your eyes open and you awaken, you will look unto their lives and you will say, “Ah, but I have the solution for you. I know how to help you out of it.”
There is a rule and we honor it. We call it the number one rule, and it is that when another asks for help, then you may give it. Before you decide to pull a newborn from its womb before it is ready, you have taken on karma. YOU have judged a life. We are not saying not to help, and we are not saying not to extend your love and your willingness to exist another. We just saying that when you look through the eyes that you are using this lifetime, and you look into the life of another and can say unto yourself, “Oh, they must be miserable; or they must be hopeless, or they must be ______. I must help them”, if that is your reaction, then it is exactly that, a reaction. You must look at yourself first and foremost and ask yourself, “Why do I think what they are living or what they are thinking or how they are behaving is wrong? Why do I think they need saving?”
If someone is in this situation, and you have the energy that comes up in you that you wish to help, you must engage in a conversation to find out if it is required. You will find there are those who want the challenge it provides them. You will find there are many who want their misery for the money it provides them. You will find there are many who want their misery for the companionship it creates.
The question here is, “What is another person’s Hell and what is another person’s Heaven?” That is the point we are making here. You will perceive it is not your Heaven, and therefore you wish to help them out of what you are perceiving is Hell, would you understand?
Every consciousness, we affirm this and we know this as our truth, every consciousness, when it is ready to unfold the flower that it is, will attract unto itself that which will help itself flower. That may be you and that may not be you. That may be soon in their life and it may be later in their life.
You speak it in your words as being in gratitude. You speak it as being in love with life or with all things. We speak it as being the Beloved of Ourself. When we are the Beloved of Ourself, we are in love with all things in life. We are in love with that which is the option; we are in love with that which is the opportunity; we are in love with that which is the unlimited choice; we are in love with that which allows continued expression infinitely so that at any moment we may choose if we desire to be less than; or we may choose to be more than; or we choose to not exist in the world of duality and only exist in isness. We may choose to enter the world of exquisite beauty or we may choose to enter the world of silence. We may choose to live in constant praise but in all of this Beloveds we also make the decision whether to take action, whether to react, whether to be still.
What we wish to communicate with this is that in every moment we are choosing because we are aware. We are choosing because unlike your world where you get caught up with what you are doing, thinking, reading or experiencing and forget that which is around you, and then come back to it with an awareness. We are constantly aware of all that is around, but we are able to have laser like focus on any given thing, or we can lose ourselves as it were in an experience of light or life or beauty. We can channel it down into an extreme focus or we can expand it into all that we are.
You, as Spirit in human form, are currently grasping for that which allows you to have the expanded consciousness of ascension awareness while still living in a physical world where there are needs to be met. In your upbringings, you had chores or you had requirements. You had places you had to go; doctors you had to see; teachers you had to listen to; friends that you had to sleep over with. You had required actions as you were growing up. Still embedded in your consciousness are these required actions. If the required actions, that which you were made to do, brought joy, then that lives within your being (any form of requirement will be bring satisfaction).
If these requirements, one must go to the eye doctor, or one must have one's shots, or one must rake the front yard, if these requirements brought about disdain or dislike or unhappiness or displeasure within your being, then coded within you still would be a disdain for requirements, and what you will hear and perceive that I have just demonstrated about the love of life for ascended consciousness will be seen and experienced by your being as a requirement. A requirement being associated with emotions that are not something you would choose purposefully to feel would then make the journey of awakening an arduous one that you are being forced to do against your will in some way.
Therefore, if something as simple as a discussion of Heaven and Hell and the requests, “What do you find within your inner world, the subconscious or the inner self, that is Heaven?” and “What do you find within your inner self that is Hell?” would also be experienced as a chore. You turn your back on the requirement because fulfilling it would mean being forced to do something that would mean displeasure. There could be within the self a displeasure for searching out within the self what is holding the self back.
This is significantly important to your development, your expansion and your growth.
We, the Council of 8, do not place ourselves upon a pedestal and ask that you do not either. We do not say unto your being we have all of your answers. What we do say is that we can see into your being and we can recognize where, just like in a drain pipe that no longer flows, there is a blockage preventing the free flow or release of that which should be free flowing and released.
As you learn from your Pearls or from your messages or from your dreams or from your books or from your other methodologies, the goal is making sure that you are an open free-flowing vessel, that the energy that is all of life, as it flows through you, has the opportunity to be coded, meshed, molded and formed into that which you are requesting and requiring from your experience in life.
When you are the open vessel and the energy flows through you and it is not qualified by programming, by limitations, by old thought forms, by vows or by beliefs, then you imprint within it that which you are seeking and have it unfold before your feet, as it were.
Life is the blessing and true joy is tranquil, and you recognize the power of commanding cosmic energies, and you live and feel replenished radical self-love, and you infuse the material world in such a way that you love it, for all is there in service of the self, Beloved, you are Beloved of your self.
If you have one word that you could use to describe Hell, what would that one word be?
The question was, “If there were one word to describe Hell, and you said ‘non-existent’, what would that indicate?”
Student: Mastery.
LMN: Indeed. It would indicate that you have mastered already the concept “all of life is heavenly”, and that you can recognize why someone is living in pain or why someone is moving through hopelessness. If you find yourself in any of these words that you use to describe Hell, then you have freedom work within yourself to do, not heavenly work within yourself to do, yes?
If you can perceive them not in yourself but you can perceive them in others, and then you decide within yourself that they should be lifted out of this “____” (whatever word you use), then you are in judgment. There is a fine line, Beloveds, between helping someone out of their space and allowing them the freedom to live it until they are complete with it.
Many on your planet are content with their lives, but you as you evolve and your eyes open and you awaken, you will look unto their lives and you will say, “Ah, but I have the solution for you. I know how to help you out of it.”
There is a rule and we honor it. We call it the number one rule, and it is that when another asks for help, then you may give it. Before you decide to pull a newborn from its womb before it is ready, you have taken on karma. YOU have judged a life. We are not saying not to help, and we are not saying not to extend your love and your willingness to exist another. We just saying that when you look through the eyes that you are using this lifetime, and you look into the life of another and can say unto yourself, “Oh, they must be miserable; or they must be hopeless, or they must be ______. I must help them”, if that is your reaction, then it is exactly that, a reaction. You must look at yourself first and foremost and ask yourself, “Why do I think what they are living or what they are thinking or how they are behaving is wrong? Why do I think they need saving?”
If someone is in this situation, and you have the energy that comes up in you that you wish to help, you must engage in a conversation to find out if it is required. You will find there are those who want the challenge it provides them. You will find there are many who want their misery for the money it provides them. You will find there are many who want their misery for the companionship it creates.
The question here is, “What is another person’s Hell and what is another person’s Heaven?” That is the point we are making here. You will perceive it is not your Heaven, and therefore you wish to help them out of what you are perceiving is Hell, would you understand?
Every consciousness, we affirm this and we know this as our truth, every consciousness, when it is ready to unfold the flower that it is, will attract unto itself that which will help itself flower. That may be you and that may not be you. That may be soon in their life and it may be later in their life.

Your Heavenly goal, Beloveds, is to master a vibration so that when one is ready to wake up to Heaven, as it were, they can find you. Where you walk leaves a trail. Where you live you are a beacon. When you speak you are an invitation. The vibrations of your being, as you fine-tune yourself, is your personal world of Heaven. It will radiate out from your being and touch every kingdom that exists.
St. Francis of Assisi, well noted for his interaction with the bird kingdom, was a genius because within himself he found his heaven and his heaven matched the heaven of the bird kingdom which came to see him.
Heavenly Father, the term you have heard used in much of your life if indeed you have been religious or in churches at all, is being changed in your generation to Heavenly Father/Mother and Heavenly Father/Mother God. We wish to tell you what this creates in your consciousness. It creates the idea that the Beloved of yourself is just a child. The Beloved of yourself is not yet Heavenly, for you are beseeching a heavenly entity to intercede for you, to answer your prayers, to come into your life, to help someone else, to create this reality or that reality. You are reaching out of yourself.
“Heavenly Father, fill me with your love and your grace” versus “I AM the love and the grace of the Heavenly Mother/Father consciousness.” Would you see the difference? The second one is timely; the other is believing ‘it is not yet’.
This evening, Beloveds, we leave you with the thoughts that:
St. Francis of Assisi, well noted for his interaction with the bird kingdom, was a genius because within himself he found his heaven and his heaven matched the heaven of the bird kingdom which came to see him.
Heavenly Father, the term you have heard used in much of your life if indeed you have been religious or in churches at all, is being changed in your generation to Heavenly Father/Mother and Heavenly Father/Mother God. We wish to tell you what this creates in your consciousness. It creates the idea that the Beloved of yourself is just a child. The Beloved of yourself is not yet Heavenly, for you are beseeching a heavenly entity to intercede for you, to answer your prayers, to come into your life, to help someone else, to create this reality or that reality. You are reaching out of yourself.
“Heavenly Father, fill me with your love and your grace” versus “I AM the love and the grace of the Heavenly Mother/Father consciousness.” Would you see the difference? The second one is timely; the other is believing ‘it is not yet’.
This evening, Beloveds, we leave you with the thoughts that:
Pearl 30
My life shows me what I think about and focus on.
Shift the focus - shift the experience.
6th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: Heaven and Hell, Lesson 4, Pearl 30
Earlier this evening, one of you made a comment that since you have begun this particular Pearl your life has been more Heaven than Hell. That is a truth for all who follow this Pearl. We have discovered that when you use a concept that represents within a being “positive-to-the-max”, and when you use a concept that represents to a being “fear-or-negativity-to-the-max”, the results are more forthcoming within the individual than words that do not have such a graphic impact.
When we first began this series of Heaven and Hell, this course, as it were, we asked for definitions of what Heaven was in the current concept of each who was present. For the most part, Heaven was considered to be that which was peaceful or that which was without conflict. Hell was considered to be, for the most part, that which one did not wish to experience.
If you carry the concepts, the constructs, within your consciousness of what Heaven is to your being or what Hell is to your being, and you are constantly paying attention to your choices, your thoughts, and your feelings, you will find yourself easily slipping out of the negative and more easily attracting into being the positive.
In one of our classes on Radical Self Love, we spoke to you that you Humans are a vibration machine; as you vibrate with an emotion and/or a thought, you create an energy that exudes itself from you.
We also gave you the thought form to think of yourself as magnetic in terms of your emotional body attracting to you that which you would choose to feel.
We have also over the years given other visualizations, such as, becoming a beacon: a beacon of light or a beacon radiating frequencies.
We have discovered that this concept, Heaven and Hell, is so powerfully entrenched within the cultural mores of your lifestyles that to speak of what is heavenly and to speak of what is hellish is to create a very clear mental and emotional picture for you, the human. When we say human in this instance, we are referring to the subconscious of your being. That is a part of yourself that is being trained to be a human, whereas your consciousness is training itself to remember itself as Spirit.
After having three lessons over four weeks about Heaven and Hell thought forms to peruse, do any of you have something to share about your own development, in terms of progress or what you now think of Heaven versus what you thought of Heaven when we first began?
Student 1: I seem to be experiencing life as more alive, more vivid, more life.
LMN: Life for you is more vivid, and you feel more alive. Indeed. In this aliveness, does that mean you are enjoying being in your skin, as it were? You are enjoying the opportunities that come your way, whereas before you might have been dreading them?
Student 1: I am enjoying everything; that and everything.
LMN: Indeed. Anyone else?
Student 2: Life keeps getting better.
LMN: Your life is getting better for you then? That for you is a Heavenly concept. One does not just stop in Heaven. Even in Heaven life can continue to improve upon itself.
Student 2: I think that, what we might perceive as Hell is a challenge, and something that when we overcome it, we’re even closer to Heaven. The experience of what we might call Hell is sometimes just learning a lesson.
LMN: Indeed. There are those who will hear what you just said about the challenge, and they will decide for themselves that is truly heaven. They wish the challenge because they have a thrill about overcoming it or trying to overcome it or seeing how long it will take or what the ultimate results will be. For others who hear “challenge” and cringe at the thought, those will be the ones who still have a Hell concept attached to “challenge”.
Student 1: My experiencing Heaven more is just like saying that our homes and our loved ones are protected. I personally experienced that with my grandson to where I thought I saw that something was going to happen, and it didn’t happen. Let’s just put it this way, “He is alive and well".
LMN: Indeed. He is alive and well. What you are mastering within yourself is understanding that you have an effect and an influence on the atoms and molecules of life by what you are thinking. It is not something that was told to your logic mind, “Logically think this or think this". You have elevated your feeling nature, one might say, to the world of Heaven. You have allowed what you feel-think, instead of what you think-feel, to be a guiding light for your being.
You have also moved into the realm of, “If I am going to paint a picture, it is going to be what I desire. It is not going to be something I do not desire,” and that was one element in your past when you wanted to paint but could not, because there was an energy within your being that would bring forth not what it was that you really wanted on the canvas. You have made a shift, and that is the symbolic aspect of painting, but what is truly going on in your life is you are talking to the atoms and molecules of life. When you say, “He is alive and well”, know that you are in a place of adding to that aliveness and wellness by your heavenly concept.
Why would that be? Because in your concept of Heaven, “the God Consciousness watches over and protects". Would you understand? If one is in Heaven, one is watching over, and one is protecting. Indeed.
Student 1: Wow!
LMN: Anyone else?
Student 3: I think my definition is still the same, that Heaven is just happiness wherever you are and whatever you are doing. I think I do feel happier.
LMN: Indeed, so your definition has remained the same: that happiness is Heaven, but you have felt an increase in that happiness? Yes? Indeed.
You are all proving for yourselves the Law of Vibration. You are proving for yourselves that what you think about, or what you focus upon, or what you decide to have more of in your life will come unto your being.
There is a point in the creative element of life where one expresses more fully into the atoms and molecules of life and receives back more rapidly. You all have been struggling, over the years, as you count them, to force or to control or to mold life into that which you seek it to be. You have been following whatever dreams you believed that you held, following whatever goals you believed were your truth, working almost at odds, sometimes, with the energy that was around you, feeling as though you had to push through to achieve that which was your goal or your vision or your destiny. Would you agree?
Students: Yes.
LMN: In this pushing, in this attempting to create your reality, that was simply, within the paradigm of your life, the Hell that was within your consciousness, whatever it was. Examples: that it takes a long time to succeed, or that defeat is a certainty, or that love and compassion are not as powerful as cruelty and betrayal and dishonesty, or that the good die young, or that…and we can go on and on and on.
These are the kinds of concepts, Beloveds, that when one is living a life on planet earth, when one comes up against one of these concepts because one has an experience and then imprints oneself emotionally with a limiting thought form such as “My life from now on will never be good for I am unworthy, for this is what I have done”, this stays with one. It is an imprint. “Heaven” and “Hell” are imprints.
You are the vibrational sum total of all that you experience. If you choose to live what you are calling your Heaven imprints, even if one could trace them to something that you just believed when you were ten years old, if it has created joy, if it has created goodness, if it has created good fruits, and you are experiencing the harvest in your life, then there is no need, Beloveds, to take this out of your, let us call them, computer banks. There is no need to say, “Ah, because I have discovered this is a program from a certain age, I must free myself from it so there is no programming within me at all". If there is no programming within you at all, Beloveds, then you will simply be a witness to life without the savoriness. You will be the potatoes without the gravy. You will be the cheesecake without the crust. You will be the beer without a slight head of foam. Would you understand?
There is the idea that because you are here on Earth you must cleanse and purify yourself to the utmost in order to prevent returning to Earth, which in many consciousnesses and subconsciousnesses and programming within beings on Earth represents Hell. If you do not release all programming from within, you will come back to Earth as Hell.
Earth, Beloveds, is only Hell because your programming has allowed it. It is not Hell because rebel spirits are here from other universes or because they have energy fields that do not match yours. It is not Hell because you were not worthy, and God spewed you forth, and therefore the consciousness that you are must constantly grovel upon its knees to get back to the Godhead. Earth is not Hell because some foreign country is creating war or trying to take over vortexes or star gates, as it were. Living on Earth is not Hell because people die or because one can lose ones’ life or because there are incurable diseases. Hell upon Earth is only Hell because it is an accumulation of that which you have limited yourself in by:
In other words, you only find Hell on planet Earth because you have brought along your own rule book about what creates the good in life and what creates the bad in life, about why one must suffer, and how one may prosper. Would you understand?
Conversely, it is the same as for Heaven. Could everyone who lives on planet Earth live in a state of heavenly consciousness? Indeed.
If that were so on planet Earth, your planet itself would disappear from the solar system in the third dimensional format. It would simply be seen one day, and it would be gone the next. The entire planet and all upon it would then exist in a different reality.
Some of you are studying certain teachings now that talk about jumping timelines, as it were. You in your vocabulary would call this jumping a timeline, that Earth decided and all upon it decided they were done living the cause and effect of a Hell life and were going to create a Heaven instead, and when all actuated within themselves a vibrational state that created the frequencies, the cords, the song that was Heaven, earth would vibrate to a different frequency and no longer be visible to the eye of those in third dimension. She would jump a timeline.
The concept of jumping timelines, Beloveds, is simply this: all things within the ethers of life are cause and effect. When there is a cause, it has an effect. When you eat something salty, that is the cause. The effect is, you want something to drink. You want something to wet your palate and quench your thirst.
The cause, you fall off of something and hurt a blood vessel. That is the cause. The effect is the swelling or the pain. Cause and effect. You each are owning more easily and more rapidly cause and effect for Heaven, and because you have each made up your mind that Heaven will be your truth, you are learning “monality thinking” which is one of the keys that gets you into other dimensions. You are learning that all that is, is that which you are experiencing, is that which you are wonderful.
Another way of saying this is what you might call the zero point or the standing wave: the place in consciousness where you are aware of that which is around you, but you are aware of it as almost a silent backdrop. It is just existing for your play. It just exists, but you may choose to join it or to separate yourself from it. You could be in it but not of it. How are you in it but not of it? You are in it when you are focused on that which brings you the sweet inner peace of compassionate indifference, when you are focused on that which is your Heaven.
Rather than say nebulous concepts to you such as, “Focus upon that which you desire”, it is easier to say, Focus upon that or think about that which is heavenly to you”.
For some it might be the wind upon your face and the sun upon your skin and the ocean lapping at your feet as you walk along wet sand. For others it might be loud music and the camaraderie that comes from seeing others dancing and having a good time. For others it might be the quiet space of writing poetry using calligraphy. It might be the beauty of the pen and the paper and the savoriness of the words and the silence or the birds in the tree.
Each of you will have a combination of things that brings about in you a feeling: a feeling of satisfaction, a feeling of peace, a feeling of joy. Where you are, as we discussed in our first Pearl, you are in tranquility which is true joy. You are in a space of tranquility, yet you are aware of what is around you. Yet it does not bother you. You can be in a crowd, and they are muted. You could be around noise, but it has no negative effect upon your being. The noise turns out to be words that sift into your consciousness that support where your own focus is in the moment.
Would you have any questions or comments about your journey right now towards the heavenly state or the zero point of standing wave, compassionate indifference, as it were?
Student 3: Are all of these things that you described as monatic thinking?
LMN: Monality?
Student 3: Yes, that term you used.
LMN: Indeed. They are all the same thing because there is no action on either side of…imagine a timeline, yes, just imagine a line, as it were, and you are in the center. There is no action within you to the left or the right of you. If you imagine that this line is yen on the left, which is expansion, and yang on the right, which is contraction, and you are in the very center, you are doing no thing to cause expansion or contraction so there is no wave of motion or movement. Would you understand? There is simply being. You are in a place of awareness, and you are tranquil, and you are savoring, and you may be focused on the wind on your face and the sun on your skin or the breeze in your hair. You may be focused on the beauty of that is around you but you will still be in zero space because you are savoring, you are loving, you are in the space of divine acceptance. You are focused on that moment.
Perhaps you are looking at a bird. You are looking at the colors, and you are listening to its song. In that moment, you are not dissecting its wing structure. You are not deciding whether it is sick or well. You are not deciding whether it should be here or should be there. There is no decision going on within your mind at all. The mental body is at rest. Which can be rare for the mental body, yes? It likes to be noisy and busy. It is at rest simply observing, savoring that which brings beauty into the Spirit.
It is a place that is most easily reached when you determine two or three things for yourself that are, what we are calling, the adjective, heavenly. These are heavenly. You allow those three things to be your experience in the moment.
Let us say that for you, heavenly is riding a motorcycle through the mountain passes on a cold, clear day. Those are the three elements, the motorcycle, the mountain pass, and the cold, clear day. One who is focused on those three things can easily enter zero point, even though there is motion. It does not mean that you must sit and be still to reach this heavenly point within consciousness. The person on the motorcycle would be aware of the world around them but not engaged within it.
Would you understand?
Student 3: Yes, I was just thinking that those three things wouldn’t really happen here too often. What would happen to that person if he or she was living in San Antonio in the summertime where it is flat?
LMN: That would be a person who, if they had not expanded their concept of Heaven would be quite unhappy. San Antonio would be experienced, as it were, as Hell. Yes?
The purpose of this experiment of taking three things that you love and focusing on them is to find for yourself if you have limited Heaven within your own being. If you have limited it, you will quickly run out of combinations of three that you can use to feed your heart, mind, and soul.
Student 3: I’m just pondering everything that you’re saying. It just keeps coming back to a more simple thing for me, “Where am I in my happiness, and if I’m in the right frame of mind, I can be happy in any moment”. Then am I supposed to try and search for groups of three things that would equal Heaven .
LMN: If it is an exercise that does not fit your world, discard it. Do not force yourself into doing it. If you are already in a manner of life that fills you with what you already call Heaven, which is what you have stated earlier is happiness,then measure things by how they make you happy or not.
What you will discover is this: you will discover eventually, that happiness can be increased until you discover the complete place within self where creation itself is happiness. When you zero in on any part of creation, you are not taking yourself out of the happiness, you are deciding to savor that for the moment.
For instance, one day you are going to a movie and that is your happiness in that moment. Another day you are reading a book. Another day you are blogging. Another day you are creating. Instead of having threes, you are having a full day experience, as it were. Or partial day experience, as it were. You are aware that what you are doing is something that is bringing you pleasure.
That is a concept, Beloveds, that we link the idea of pleasure to that which is heavenly, We the Council of 8. We have no inner world that has been trained or taught that pleasure is selfish, or that pleasure is something for lower classes, or that pleasure is something for those who are human and not spiritual. We have no negativity attached to the word pleasure. We invite all who hear these words to search within themselves what in this life has been placed into your consciousness, either through an experience you had or something you read or heard or something you were told not to do. Perhaps pleasure is associated with guilt. Search it out for yourself, and you will begin to find an entirely grander aspect to that which you call Heaven.
Namaste unto the heart and mind of your being. So be it.
When we first began this series of Heaven and Hell, this course, as it were, we asked for definitions of what Heaven was in the current concept of each who was present. For the most part, Heaven was considered to be that which was peaceful or that which was without conflict. Hell was considered to be, for the most part, that which one did not wish to experience.
If you carry the concepts, the constructs, within your consciousness of what Heaven is to your being or what Hell is to your being, and you are constantly paying attention to your choices, your thoughts, and your feelings, you will find yourself easily slipping out of the negative and more easily attracting into being the positive.
In one of our classes on Radical Self Love, we spoke to you that you Humans are a vibration machine; as you vibrate with an emotion and/or a thought, you create an energy that exudes itself from you.
We also gave you the thought form to think of yourself as magnetic in terms of your emotional body attracting to you that which you would choose to feel.
We have also over the years given other visualizations, such as, becoming a beacon: a beacon of light or a beacon radiating frequencies.
We have discovered that this concept, Heaven and Hell, is so powerfully entrenched within the cultural mores of your lifestyles that to speak of what is heavenly and to speak of what is hellish is to create a very clear mental and emotional picture for you, the human. When we say human in this instance, we are referring to the subconscious of your being. That is a part of yourself that is being trained to be a human, whereas your consciousness is training itself to remember itself as Spirit.
After having three lessons over four weeks about Heaven and Hell thought forms to peruse, do any of you have something to share about your own development, in terms of progress or what you now think of Heaven versus what you thought of Heaven when we first began?
Student 1: I seem to be experiencing life as more alive, more vivid, more life.
LMN: Life for you is more vivid, and you feel more alive. Indeed. In this aliveness, does that mean you are enjoying being in your skin, as it were? You are enjoying the opportunities that come your way, whereas before you might have been dreading them?
Student 1: I am enjoying everything; that and everything.
LMN: Indeed. Anyone else?
Student 2: Life keeps getting better.
LMN: Your life is getting better for you then? That for you is a Heavenly concept. One does not just stop in Heaven. Even in Heaven life can continue to improve upon itself.
Student 2: I think that, what we might perceive as Hell is a challenge, and something that when we overcome it, we’re even closer to Heaven. The experience of what we might call Hell is sometimes just learning a lesson.
LMN: Indeed. There are those who will hear what you just said about the challenge, and they will decide for themselves that is truly heaven. They wish the challenge because they have a thrill about overcoming it or trying to overcome it or seeing how long it will take or what the ultimate results will be. For others who hear “challenge” and cringe at the thought, those will be the ones who still have a Hell concept attached to “challenge”.
Student 1: My experiencing Heaven more is just like saying that our homes and our loved ones are protected. I personally experienced that with my grandson to where I thought I saw that something was going to happen, and it didn’t happen. Let’s just put it this way, “He is alive and well".
LMN: Indeed. He is alive and well. What you are mastering within yourself is understanding that you have an effect and an influence on the atoms and molecules of life by what you are thinking. It is not something that was told to your logic mind, “Logically think this or think this". You have elevated your feeling nature, one might say, to the world of Heaven. You have allowed what you feel-think, instead of what you think-feel, to be a guiding light for your being.
You have also moved into the realm of, “If I am going to paint a picture, it is going to be what I desire. It is not going to be something I do not desire,” and that was one element in your past when you wanted to paint but could not, because there was an energy within your being that would bring forth not what it was that you really wanted on the canvas. You have made a shift, and that is the symbolic aspect of painting, but what is truly going on in your life is you are talking to the atoms and molecules of life. When you say, “He is alive and well”, know that you are in a place of adding to that aliveness and wellness by your heavenly concept.
Why would that be? Because in your concept of Heaven, “the God Consciousness watches over and protects". Would you understand? If one is in Heaven, one is watching over, and one is protecting. Indeed.
Student 1: Wow!
LMN: Anyone else?
Student 3: I think my definition is still the same, that Heaven is just happiness wherever you are and whatever you are doing. I think I do feel happier.
LMN: Indeed, so your definition has remained the same: that happiness is Heaven, but you have felt an increase in that happiness? Yes? Indeed.
You are all proving for yourselves the Law of Vibration. You are proving for yourselves that what you think about, or what you focus upon, or what you decide to have more of in your life will come unto your being.
There is a point in the creative element of life where one expresses more fully into the atoms and molecules of life and receives back more rapidly. You all have been struggling, over the years, as you count them, to force or to control or to mold life into that which you seek it to be. You have been following whatever dreams you believed that you held, following whatever goals you believed were your truth, working almost at odds, sometimes, with the energy that was around you, feeling as though you had to push through to achieve that which was your goal or your vision or your destiny. Would you agree?
Students: Yes.
LMN: In this pushing, in this attempting to create your reality, that was simply, within the paradigm of your life, the Hell that was within your consciousness, whatever it was. Examples: that it takes a long time to succeed, or that defeat is a certainty, or that love and compassion are not as powerful as cruelty and betrayal and dishonesty, or that the good die young, or that…and we can go on and on and on.
These are the kinds of concepts, Beloveds, that when one is living a life on planet earth, when one comes up against one of these concepts because one has an experience and then imprints oneself emotionally with a limiting thought form such as “My life from now on will never be good for I am unworthy, for this is what I have done”, this stays with one. It is an imprint. “Heaven” and “Hell” are imprints.
You are the vibrational sum total of all that you experience. If you choose to live what you are calling your Heaven imprints, even if one could trace them to something that you just believed when you were ten years old, if it has created joy, if it has created goodness, if it has created good fruits, and you are experiencing the harvest in your life, then there is no need, Beloveds, to take this out of your, let us call them, computer banks. There is no need to say, “Ah, because I have discovered this is a program from a certain age, I must free myself from it so there is no programming within me at all". If there is no programming within you at all, Beloveds, then you will simply be a witness to life without the savoriness. You will be the potatoes without the gravy. You will be the cheesecake without the crust. You will be the beer without a slight head of foam. Would you understand?
There is the idea that because you are here on Earth you must cleanse and purify yourself to the utmost in order to prevent returning to Earth, which in many consciousnesses and subconsciousnesses and programming within beings on Earth represents Hell. If you do not release all programming from within, you will come back to Earth as Hell.
Earth, Beloveds, is only Hell because your programming has allowed it. It is not Hell because rebel spirits are here from other universes or because they have energy fields that do not match yours. It is not Hell because you were not worthy, and God spewed you forth, and therefore the consciousness that you are must constantly grovel upon its knees to get back to the Godhead. Earth is not Hell because some foreign country is creating war or trying to take over vortexes or star gates, as it were. Living on Earth is not Hell because people die or because one can lose ones’ life or because there are incurable diseases. Hell upon Earth is only Hell because it is an accumulation of that which you have limited yourself in by:
- what ideas you have accepted this lifetime or
- what beliefs you brought with you from the womb or
- what memories you brought with you from before the womb.
In other words, you only find Hell on planet Earth because you have brought along your own rule book about what creates the good in life and what creates the bad in life, about why one must suffer, and how one may prosper. Would you understand?
Conversely, it is the same as for Heaven. Could everyone who lives on planet Earth live in a state of heavenly consciousness? Indeed.
If that were so on planet Earth, your planet itself would disappear from the solar system in the third dimensional format. It would simply be seen one day, and it would be gone the next. The entire planet and all upon it would then exist in a different reality.
Some of you are studying certain teachings now that talk about jumping timelines, as it were. You in your vocabulary would call this jumping a timeline, that Earth decided and all upon it decided they were done living the cause and effect of a Hell life and were going to create a Heaven instead, and when all actuated within themselves a vibrational state that created the frequencies, the cords, the song that was Heaven, earth would vibrate to a different frequency and no longer be visible to the eye of those in third dimension. She would jump a timeline.
The concept of jumping timelines, Beloveds, is simply this: all things within the ethers of life are cause and effect. When there is a cause, it has an effect. When you eat something salty, that is the cause. The effect is, you want something to drink. You want something to wet your palate and quench your thirst.
The cause, you fall off of something and hurt a blood vessel. That is the cause. The effect is the swelling or the pain. Cause and effect. You each are owning more easily and more rapidly cause and effect for Heaven, and because you have each made up your mind that Heaven will be your truth, you are learning “monality thinking” which is one of the keys that gets you into other dimensions. You are learning that all that is, is that which you are experiencing, is that which you are wonderful.
Another way of saying this is what you might call the zero point or the standing wave: the place in consciousness where you are aware of that which is around you, but you are aware of it as almost a silent backdrop. It is just existing for your play. It just exists, but you may choose to join it or to separate yourself from it. You could be in it but not of it. How are you in it but not of it? You are in it when you are focused on that which brings you the sweet inner peace of compassionate indifference, when you are focused on that which is your Heaven.
Rather than say nebulous concepts to you such as, “Focus upon that which you desire”, it is easier to say, Focus upon that or think about that which is heavenly to you”.
For some it might be the wind upon your face and the sun upon your skin and the ocean lapping at your feet as you walk along wet sand. For others it might be loud music and the camaraderie that comes from seeing others dancing and having a good time. For others it might be the quiet space of writing poetry using calligraphy. It might be the beauty of the pen and the paper and the savoriness of the words and the silence or the birds in the tree.
Each of you will have a combination of things that brings about in you a feeling: a feeling of satisfaction, a feeling of peace, a feeling of joy. Where you are, as we discussed in our first Pearl, you are in tranquility which is true joy. You are in a space of tranquility, yet you are aware of what is around you. Yet it does not bother you. You can be in a crowd, and they are muted. You could be around noise, but it has no negative effect upon your being. The noise turns out to be words that sift into your consciousness that support where your own focus is in the moment.
Would you have any questions or comments about your journey right now towards the heavenly state or the zero point of standing wave, compassionate indifference, as it were?
Student 3: Are all of these things that you described as monatic thinking?
LMN: Monality?
Student 3: Yes, that term you used.
LMN: Indeed. They are all the same thing because there is no action on either side of…imagine a timeline, yes, just imagine a line, as it were, and you are in the center. There is no action within you to the left or the right of you. If you imagine that this line is yen on the left, which is expansion, and yang on the right, which is contraction, and you are in the very center, you are doing no thing to cause expansion or contraction so there is no wave of motion or movement. Would you understand? There is simply being. You are in a place of awareness, and you are tranquil, and you are savoring, and you may be focused on the wind on your face and the sun on your skin or the breeze in your hair. You may be focused on the beauty of that is around you but you will still be in zero space because you are savoring, you are loving, you are in the space of divine acceptance. You are focused on that moment.
Perhaps you are looking at a bird. You are looking at the colors, and you are listening to its song. In that moment, you are not dissecting its wing structure. You are not deciding whether it is sick or well. You are not deciding whether it should be here or should be there. There is no decision going on within your mind at all. The mental body is at rest. Which can be rare for the mental body, yes? It likes to be noisy and busy. It is at rest simply observing, savoring that which brings beauty into the Spirit.
It is a place that is most easily reached when you determine two or three things for yourself that are, what we are calling, the adjective, heavenly. These are heavenly. You allow those three things to be your experience in the moment.
Let us say that for you, heavenly is riding a motorcycle through the mountain passes on a cold, clear day. Those are the three elements, the motorcycle, the mountain pass, and the cold, clear day. One who is focused on those three things can easily enter zero point, even though there is motion. It does not mean that you must sit and be still to reach this heavenly point within consciousness. The person on the motorcycle would be aware of the world around them but not engaged within it.
Would you understand?
Student 3: Yes, I was just thinking that those three things wouldn’t really happen here too often. What would happen to that person if he or she was living in San Antonio in the summertime where it is flat?
LMN: That would be a person who, if they had not expanded their concept of Heaven would be quite unhappy. San Antonio would be experienced, as it were, as Hell. Yes?
The purpose of this experiment of taking three things that you love and focusing on them is to find for yourself if you have limited Heaven within your own being. If you have limited it, you will quickly run out of combinations of three that you can use to feed your heart, mind, and soul.
Student 3: I’m just pondering everything that you’re saying. It just keeps coming back to a more simple thing for me, “Where am I in my happiness, and if I’m in the right frame of mind, I can be happy in any moment”. Then am I supposed to try and search for groups of three things that would equal Heaven .
LMN: If it is an exercise that does not fit your world, discard it. Do not force yourself into doing it. If you are already in a manner of life that fills you with what you already call Heaven, which is what you have stated earlier is happiness,then measure things by how they make you happy or not.
What you will discover is this: you will discover eventually, that happiness can be increased until you discover the complete place within self where creation itself is happiness. When you zero in on any part of creation, you are not taking yourself out of the happiness, you are deciding to savor that for the moment.
For instance, one day you are going to a movie and that is your happiness in that moment. Another day you are reading a book. Another day you are blogging. Another day you are creating. Instead of having threes, you are having a full day experience, as it were. Or partial day experience, as it were. You are aware that what you are doing is something that is bringing you pleasure.
That is a concept, Beloveds, that we link the idea of pleasure to that which is heavenly, We the Council of 8. We have no inner world that has been trained or taught that pleasure is selfish, or that pleasure is something for lower classes, or that pleasure is something for those who are human and not spiritual. We have no negativity attached to the word pleasure. We invite all who hear these words to search within themselves what in this life has been placed into your consciousness, either through an experience you had or something you read or heard or something you were told not to do. Perhaps pleasure is associated with guilt. Search it out for yourself, and you will begin to find an entirely grander aspect to that which you call Heaven.
Namaste unto the heart and mind of your being. So be it.
Pearl 31
To have no emotional reaction to something as being either Heaven or Hell is to find the central place of peace within.
The recording for this lesson did not work. Here are notes that were taken.
When you begin the first session of the Grand Secret of Heaven and Hell, you have a firm idea of what each represents to you; you can define them both very clearly. However, as you progress through the sessions, you begin to finally realize that Heaven and Hell are both states of emotional experience which differ according to what you value.
When you shift a paradigm you are living in, your concept of Heaven or Hell changes.
To have no emotional reaction to something as being either Heaven or Hell is to find the central place of peace within the
Self where an experience can be witnessed from a place of tranquility without getting emotionally involved in it.
A rainbow is not the promise of a God in the sky that He will not send another flood to wipe out the people on planet Earth. The rainbow has all the colors needed to cleanse the emotional body. That is why people get excited when they see one. It is why people stare at a rainbow. Have you ever seen anyone frown while looking at, or immediately after looking at a rainbow? It bathes the emotional body because of its prismatic color frequencies.
When you begin the first session of the Grand Secret of Heaven and Hell, you have a firm idea of what each represents to you; you can define them both very clearly. However, as you progress through the sessions, you begin to finally realize that Heaven and Hell are both states of emotional experience which differ according to what you value.
- Heaven and Hell are both a conscious choice you make. For some, silence would be Heaven, whereas for others it is torture.
- In each moment of your NOW, you choose whether to experience Heaven or Hell.
When you shift a paradigm you are living in, your concept of Heaven or Hell changes.
- For example: deciding where to live could be experienced as Heaven or Hell. If it is a difficult experience, and you repeatedly cannot decide, perhaps even over the period of a few years, your indecision is demonstrating to you the paradigm you are living in: choosing places to live is confusing and hard, or perhaps even impossible.
- In order to have a different emotional experience, you must let go of that paradigm. (The next course, Paradigm Shifting, expresses how to do this.)
To have no emotional reaction to something as being either Heaven or Hell is to find the central place of peace within the
Self where an experience can be witnessed from a place of tranquility without getting emotionally involved in it.
- The next level up from living in a paradigm is to live in Tranquility, which IS true joy. Be in neither Heaven nor Hell. Simply witness the experiences, but do not be in them. This way, the Zero Point or “Centeredness” allows pleasure and awareness.
- Will was not designed to direct emotions, although the masculine gender can often do this. (There are 7+ genders on Earth.)
- To tell someone to use their will to “find that place of peace within” is MIND-DIRECTED advice that does not take into account the emotions that might be causing the disturbing ripple within personal peace.
- The inner place of peace might be temporarily unreachable due to a hidden belief.
- The inner place of peace might also be temporarily unreachable if the emotional body is filled up with negative emotions.
- The emotional body needs bathing just like the physical body does.
- The vibrational body is how the emotional body gets cleansed.
- Vibrational ways to bathe the emotional body include:
- Looking at or imagining being filled with specific colors (white, red, pink, orange, gold, spring green, sky blue, violet, indigo, silver), one after the other, until all emotions stored on the emotional body have been ‘neutralized’
- Listening to gongs or chimes
- Chanting the OHM sound
- Chanting decrees or mantras
- Looking at a rainbow
A rainbow is not the promise of a God in the sky that He will not send another flood to wipe out the people on planet Earth. The rainbow has all the colors needed to cleanse the emotional body. That is why people get excited when they see one. It is why people stare at a rainbow. Have you ever seen anyone frown while looking at, or immediately after looking at a rainbow? It bathes the emotional body because of its prismatic color frequencies.
Pearl 27: I AM the free will to choose my truths and realities.
Pearl 28: The point of awakening, Zero Point, is the experience of neither Heaven nor Hell.
Pearl 29: I attract what helps me awaken to remember who I AM, why I AM here, and what are the memories I carry within.
Pearl 30: My life shows me what I think about and focus on. I shift the experience by shifting the focus.
Pearl 31: To have no emotional reaction to something as being either Heaven or Hell is to find the central place of peace within.
Pearl 28: The point of awakening, Zero Point, is the experience of neither Heaven nor Hell.
Pearl 29: I attract what helps me awaken to remember who I AM, why I AM here, and what are the memories I carry within.
Pearl 30: My life shows me what I think about and focus on. I shift the experience by shifting the focus.
Pearl 31: To have no emotional reaction to something as being either Heaven or Hell is to find the central place of peace within.
Congratulations! You have completed the
The Seventh Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries is