Spiritual Mysteries
As a spirit-in-human form, you live as an individual drop in the sea of humanity.
What does it mean to be a part of this collective called "humanity"?
Wherein is your personal freedom and where is your responsibility?
Who are you really and Why are you HERE?
As a spirit-in-human form, you live as an individual drop in the sea of humanity.
What does it mean to be a part of this collective called "humanity"?
Wherein is your personal freedom and where is your responsibility?
Who are you really and Why are you HERE?
Pearl 1
I enlighten my thinking beyond the limitations I have unknowingly accepted and thus awaken to my true self.
Lady Master Natasha: We wish to discuss and to enlighten your thinking beyond the limitations that you may hold for concepts such as "humanity". What is it you think of when you hear the word humanity?
Student 1: As a group on this planet, we call ourselves human and the reason we are here is to experience the realm of reality but we haven’t mastered it yet, so therefore we have some errors or discordance that needs to be dealt with.
LMN: You would say that for you “Humanity means discordant spiritual thought forms or energy that are living in a communal fashion in order to recognize and heal discordance”.
Student: Yes, correct. It’s not that they’re bad or evil; it’s just something that’s a new experience for us to go through and learn from.
LMN: Indeed. You see it as "no judgment". You see it simply as experience that edifies the soul and allows growth and development for the spirit that is encased in the human flesh. Yes?
Student 1: I believe that to be true.
Student 2: Sometimes when a baby’s born, a lot of people say, “What a miracle”. But for humanity, I don’t mean baby. I just mean ‘man, the breath of man’.
LMN: You see humanity as the miraculous opportunity for Spirit to live in a human form called the body and to have life unfold in such ways that would continue the miracle of existence. Indeed.
Now let us put the words I AM in front of the word humanity: I AM Humanity. Does that change the meaning of it or give you a different perspective? Do you feel or think differently about it?
Student 2: The I AM has always thrown me off ever since I first heard it. I am still confused by it.
Student 3: I think saying I AM Humanity makes you feel more a part of the group versus separate.
Student 1: If we are a part of that group, or let us say our consciousness is that group, when we change ourselves, I believe that the group of humanity benefits from it and changes itself.
LMN: If one says " I AM Humanity" one is saying “I am also at the whim of the thoughts and the feelings of others likened unto myself. If I change myself, I change their world. If they change themselves, they change my world?
Student 1: To some degree.
LMN: Indeed. In this case you are allowing yourself to be affected by the outer as well as the inner?
Student 1: That is what we are learning to get away from, I believe, but yet at the same time, humanity has their attachments, so as we deal with our attachments, it may benefit humanity.
LMN: Indeed. We would ask you about the word Humanity before we discuss it in depth: What does humanity look like to you?
Students' answers: action, chaos, walking, beauty, communication
LMN: What does humanity feel like to you?
Students' answers: cohesiveness, togetherness, danger, love, similarities, sharing, camaraderie
LMN: What does humanity sound like to you?
Students' answers: orchestra, drums, talking, waves, dancing, communication.
LMN: What does humanity taste like to you?
Students: Divine….
LMN: Nothing any of you would order up on a menu then? Now if you were to place the words “I AM” in front of any of these words that you have used to describe humanity, is it something you would wish to be true for yourself?
Students: Some of it, but not all of it.
LMN: Indeed.
That indicates for your beings where there is a limitation within your consciousness regarding humanity.
One must understand that when you go to a planet and you take on a life form of that planet, whether you engage with others of likened life forms or not, you are considered a part of the life forms of that planet. Humanity, in this case, the phraseology, I AM Humanity, means you are Spirit who is encased in a physical form called the human body. It means you are a part of life forms on Planet Earth that you may or may not enjoy participating with.
For some of you, it sounds and looks wonderful; for others it sounds and looks different. This is a form of self-judgment.
If there are any of the words that were used to describe humanity this evening that are not what you would choose to have said about yourself, then you have a judgment against humanity which is a judgment against yourself, for you cannot separate yourself from humanity. You may think differently, you may live differently, you may have different principles and values, but you all are exactly the same when it comes to Source, which is Spirit that animates the physical form, the vehicle used by Spirit on this planet in order to grow, to understand, to experience, and to honor the creative aspect of consciousness, Infinite Intelligence, I AM Presence, also often called God on your planet.
Because you are a group who has been trained to shift and alter judgments within yourself once you become aware of them, this class will not go into how to do that. Most of you use Thought Karate, or you have a system that frees yourself from:
When you discover something within yourself that is a judgment, a limitation, a reaction, or an attachment, it is a considered request that you shift and alter it in your being if indeed your goal is Ascension.
Student 3: From the words that we have given (that describe our views of humanity), are any of those an attachment?
LMN: We will move into attachment and focus on the PEARL this evening: What are you attached to that keeps you from being in Divine Bliss or centered-ness?
The Words “I AM” and "Aladdin’s Lamp"
Let us look at the words “I AM”, for they are an intricate part of these affirmations which you will be attuning to and using during these studies. In the affirmation “I AM Humanity”, what is “I AM”? Volumes have been written and spoken about I AM: paintings have been drawn, meditations have been used, words have been rearranged, poetry has bubbled to the surface all in an attempt to describe the I AM. In your English language, these are two of the most powerful words because they direct your consciousness to become something. Something. The consciousness knows not what it is to become unless it is directed because it is all things. It is always at every moment all things.
You, as an individualized aspect of Cosmic Consciousness, Infinite Intelligence, Christed Awareness or God, or I AM Presence, call it what you like, as an individualized aspect of this power, your human self and your seven layers of bodies that you are in this incarnation are attuned to the words that follow I AM. Your subconscious, which is an extremely important part of your creating and manifesting in life, listens for direction from you, The Conscious Self.
When you speak the words "I AM", the subconscious is automatically attuned. It is like a dog that is looking at you and is turning its head from side to side, and then you say a word that it recognizes, like “walk” or “eat” or “treat” or “fetch” and the ears go up. It knows immediately what you are talking about. Your subconscious is similar to this dog. It is listening, always listening, and when you use the words "I AM", it knows it is being called upon to create; it is being called upon to make something true for you in your life.
You can think immediately of how these two words have been mistakenly misused in life. How often do you, or have you heard others say, “I am tired. I am so tired”? Immediately, Beloveds, what you, as the creator are doing in that moment, is giving the command into the element of life which is Godness, into the element of life which, like Aladdin’s lamp, perks itself up and says, “Ahhh, your request is my command. I command the atoms and molecules of life to give you what you have just spoken.” Thus you increase your tiredness.
It is a miracle what comes after the words "I AM". You can look into your own life, and we invite you to do so, to see what words you have over and over chosen after the words "I AM". For one who is facing financial ruin to say something like, “I am ruined”, they will find it harder and harder to climb up out of the financial difficulty which they have created in their experience. However, for one to say,
“I AM the door to unlimited abundance and prosperity.
I AM the wisdom that fills and illuminates my mind that I might know where to turn,
that I might know the wisdom of what to do next,
that the doors of life might open before me,
that I might step through into my abundance and my prosperity,
that I may recognize it,
that I may call forth that from the Universe which will insist upon helping me create this reality,”
is to begin attracting a reality of prosperity.
Therefore, when we combine "I AM" with the word "humanity" for the decree I AM Humanity, if you are thinking of humanity as discordance, you are claiming discordance for your being.
If you are thinking of humanity as togetherness, you are attracting to yourself that like-minded energy.
I Am Humanity DOES NOT automatically mean “I AM the thief and the burglar and the killer and the mis-user” unless, Beloveds, that is what you hold as your truth about as humanity.
If your truth about humanity is that it is a collective, cohesive, spiritual generating body of light growing, learning and evolving, always reaching towards the heights of enlightenment, then you are pleased and proud to make this statement: I AM Humanity.
Furthermore, if you upgrade your thought form of humanity to:
then, I AM Humanity means:
I AM Humanity gives you the power and the freedom to be loving of yourself and all of the mistakes you have made, all of the errors you have lived. The mistakes are stories you have lived, stories of truth you have experienced. Stories that left within you:
Many memories, Beloveds, but to stand proud in the knowing that you, the spirit of life, the energy that you are, that activates the atoms and molecules of body in which you are currently living, are truly light, love, and an awakened consciousness who seeks to live in full enlightenment and seeks to dream no more the dream of illusion and powerlessness, but seeks to live in the perfection of whatever perfection you seek, you are then the understanding of I AM Humanity.
Decreeing "I AM GOD"
The affirmation “I AM God”, Beloveds, is something that Ascended Masters continue to pontificate on, and speak over, and wonder about, and quest for, so to settle it in a five minute conversation is not what will happen in this discourse, but it will happen as you continue to decree I AM God, because I AM are the words that do what?
Even if you have no understanding of what God is, do this simple experiment for yourself before you do the affirmation. In your mind ask yourself:
Why “158 Pearls"
The irritation that we are working with this evening that will be turned into a pearl is called an Attachment. If you think about the grain of sand in the oyster, what is it? It is stuck, is it not? It is attached to the oyster which knows not how to remove it; it only knows how to turn it into something non-irritating, which humans see as beautiful. We are beginning this series of Grand Secrets by first helping you to identify attachments.
This is a fine line to walk, Beloveds, because there are schools of thought that say unto your being “Have no attachments whatsoever”. There are schools of thought that say, “Attachment is essential”. There are schools of thought that say something in between these two ideas.
We wish to clarify our perspective about attachments:
1. If individuals are attached to no-thing, they drift. They do not savor life. They have no love for the communion that is possible every moment when you are on Earth with a physical form the communion between you and I AM or God or Infinite Intelligence or the atoms and molecules that make up the miraculous invisible gel in which you live that is like Aladdin’s lamp, that listens for your every request (in order to) make it manifest.
2. An attachment to enjoying life from the perspective of Spiritual Fruits of the Spirit (Divine love, Divine truth, Divine justice, Divine beauty, Divine wisdom) is an attachment that is not considered an attachment. It is considered a state of being, and when one activates that state of being within oneself, one has such an active love of life that the concept of non-attachment is not even acknowledged. To one who does not have this activated and who lives in a world of non-attachment, life loses its luster. Life loses interest. Life becomes something to be tolerated while one ticks down the days until the old habit of death takes over.
3. When one experiences "stuck" attachment, that human can become sooo addicted to achieving things in the world that it forgets why it came here in the first place.
"Stuck" Attachments can be many things, Beloveds:
In short, a 'stuck' attachment can be to anything. The attachment, Beloveds, holds itself in your energetic field and remains there until you shift it. If you are attached to the idea of being the wealthiest person on the planet, for instance, if you do not become it in one lifetime, then you will continue to return over and over again until you either are freed from the attachment or until you achieve it.
How to Know if You Have a "Stuck" Attachment
Let us look into ourselves. What are you attached to? How do you know? What is the answer to that question? How do you find it? First of all, you ask yourself: Is there anything in this life I could not live without?
Now we are not speaking, we reiterate, we are not speaking about fruits of the Spirit. We are not speaking about contact with your own inner wisdom We are not speaking about your own inner knowing. We are not speaking about the Divine flow of love and energy that fills all sentient beings and all animate and inanimate objects.
Student 1: I AM attached to life.
LMN: You are attached to life, but that is too broad of a subject, Beloved, because “attached to life” can be “attached to being in life as is needed for an awakening” or “attached to life as in I can imagine living nowhere else and doing nothing else than what is here for me on planet Earth".
Student 2: I AM attached to being alive.
LMN: Let us look at the thought form of ‘attached to being alive’. Are you attached to being alive in the sense that the other part of your attachment says, ”Ah what if all that waits for me on the other side is death?” Is it a contest between death and aliveness?
Student 2: Yes.
LMN: Indeed. If that is your contest, then you are living a 'stuck' attachment to duality. In living in your duality, seeking the attachment of life and living (I’m attached to living) that basically says, “I fear death.” As an I AM, you are alive forever. Your consciousness exists forever and ever and ever. You cannot kill your consciousness. You cannot dissolve the I AM that you are so that you no longer exist. Therefore, to be attached to life in the physical is to say, “I fear death.” In your bible there is the saying that “What you fear comes upon you?” Whatever one focuses upon because one is attached to it, one is usually afraid of something else that will happen if one does not keep that attachment.
In this case, what is the good of knowing it? The good of knowing it is to use the Thought Karate system of changing reality to ask yourself, “Is attachment to life a 1-12?” and indeed it is. For you, it is a number 1. This means that you, before you came to the planet Earth, were attached to the idea of life because the last time you were alive you heard the idea: “Life is too short”. You believed it and brought it with you this life. You are attached to life because in your hidden beliefs, it is too short. You may set yourself free from that attachment by correctly using violet fire and white fire.
Student 1: In my effort to identify what my attachments are, I would think, “Does it control me or do I control it?” I think that narrows it down to some degree about whether I have attachments or not. Am I correct in that approach?
LMN: Your question is, “Because you believe that you can tell whether you are controlled by something or not controlled by something, you are able to tell if it is an attachment”?
Student 1: That is correct.
LMN: That is one way, but it is not always a given truth because the subconscious and the conscious mind are both very clever. You can be easily convinced that you are in charge by suggesting to yourself, “Well I can stop this any time I wish, but tonight I wish to do it, so I will stop it the next time,” you see? One creates a ‘way out’ of recognizing addiction or attachment.
WHY "Attachment" and not "Addiction"
Now the question here is, “Can we use the word addicted to mean the same thing as attached?” They are synonyms, and we think that they can be synonyms on your planet. The reason we have chosen the term attachment is that in your email system when you send something that is an attachment, you are “adding to” the email; it is considered a good thing. The receiver usually wants to open the attachment to see what else you have sent.
Or, attachment is a tool that is needed for your job, something that you must have in order for you to complete what you are doing. “Attachment” is an endearing terminology in your culture: to be attached to your parents, or attached to your children or attached to your animals, yes? Attached to your church, attached to your teachings.
In your culture, when using the word “addicted”, one automatically pulls back, "Not me. I’m not addicted to anything", because addiction in your culture has sort of been limited to the category of things like drugs, alcohol, violence, and so forth.
We say to you that “addiction” and “attachment” can easily be synonyms. It is easier to convince yourself that you are not addicted to something because it does not register as a ‘terrible act’ but to see if you are attached to it, how do you trick yourself in your mind? “I’m not really attached. I can totally do without it if I want to. I just don’t want to". You see?
Do any of you have questions within your being now about whether you are or are not attached to something?
Student: Family.
LMN: Family, indeed. Let us look at the attachment to family. In a culture that exists on planet Earth, attachment to a family has been a survival mode. Family is the unit that was created in order for life to propagate itself. Whether it is a culture that is a pioneer culture, moving into the dense forest seeking new adventures and seeking to expand manifest destiny, or whether it is a culture that is nomadic that moves around as a communal group,or whether it is an industrialized community with family, whether it is a family that comes from a culture that reveres the old, or whether it is family that comes from a culture that despises the old, family has been set up as a unit of survival. To be attached to survival needs is not the same thing as being aware of survival needs and honoring survival needs.
To be attached to family means that you believe:
Allowing yourself to release this kind of attachment does not in any way take away from the ability to enjoy family, to perceive family as its rightful role in your culture as a survival unit.
Student 2: I had a dream, and I don’t remember it much, but it had to do more or less with materials, so I guess that dream would also be interpreted as “I am attached to wanting to accomplish things before ‘the end’.”
LMN: Your interpretation of your dream is that you have goals that you have not yet completed that you wish to master or complete before you either ascend or disappear from your physical form, yes? You wonder if your goals are attachments?
Student 2: Well, they are.
LMN: Indeed? To set a goal and to desire to accomplish the goal without being attached to whether you accomplish the goal is another "fine line", yes? It is like walking on a tight rope. On the one hand, you are here as human beings to savor life. You are here as human beings to enjoy the creative aspect and power that you and the mighty I AM of your being have in this wonderful playground of life. The attachment is not about sitting back and just twiddling your thumbs while sitting in a rocking chair for the rest of your life because Lady Master Natasha said, “Be careful of becoming attached to anything.” You see? That is not our truth here.
To be thrilled, to be bursting forth with aliveness and desiring to participate in the reality of 3rd dimension, so to speak, while you are in it, is you honoring God. It is you having what might be called holy communion with life. The attachment comes in when you form a judgment. When you say unto yourself, “If I do not complete this before I pass on, I am worthless or I am a loser or I am…." You see? You judge yourself for not completing this goal. That is one of the reasons we say the Council of 8 sees the value and the purpose in the journey towards a goal even if the goal is never achieved. For we, ourselves, are constantly journeying into enlightenment and understanding and new places and new realities. If we set as a goal the completion of our journey, we lose sight of the joy of the experience.
You have a saying on your planet, "Take time to smell the roses". If your journey is just to get to the end of your walk but you do not take time to savor the beauty of what is along the way of your walk, then you have missed a many-fold opportunity indeed.
Student 3: Is there an attachment I have that I haven’t mentioned?
LMN: Beloved, part of your experience here, and that of all others in this moment, is to become so good at recognizing that for yourself, that you become your own authority. We will ask each of you here to keep a Pearl notebook where what you are doing in this First Pearl of "attachments" is learning to set yourself free from something that you feel you cannot live without.
Remember, we are not speaking of the Divine holiness and wisdom and joy of the fruits of Spirit where you are awakening and you are knowing yourself as the I AM that I AM. We are speaking of that which would prevent this from being your truth, and you will only know it as you begin to experience it. For each one of you has more than one thing you do each day to which you are stuck/attached that you believe that if you do not do “it”, then “that” will happen.
This Week’s Development Activity
We must ask the question, “Cause and Effect?”, yes? We are not speaking here of scientific cause and effect. We are not saying that you are addicted to seeing a ball bounce when you drop it and to stop having that addiction. You are on a planet that has gravity, so if you have not learned to levitate yourself yet, you certainly do not know how to levitate a ball when it is dropped.
This is the exercise and the development for the week: to use the affirmations "I AM God" and "I AM Humanity" and to begin looking at what you identify with in life that if you did not have it, then you could not have xyz or you could not be xyz or you could not do xyz.
We invite you to use the affirmations daily, as many times as you can use them, for these affirmations will begin to enlighten the enlightened part of you. They will begin to set about a vibrational field that will cause you to become more and more aware of your day. When you begin your day or when you end your day or sometime during your day, anytime any moment that you become aware of something that you believe is an attachment, you can record it on your cell phone or write it down as a note or you can somewhere make entries for yourself of that what you are recognizing.
The reason we ask you to do this, Beloveds, is so that what we call ‘down the road’ you will be able to look back and have a way to calibrate your progress and have evidence for how far you have come. There is a curious thing about the conscious mind of a human being: when they overcome something, they often forget about it. What happens when you forget about it is that when you meet another person, another aspect or mirror of yourself that is still caught in that old thing that you overcame, you may not recall how you can help that part of them shift and alter.
When you discover attachments and you are ready to shift yourself from them, imagine a violet fire moving through your being, expanding out into your house, into your neighborhood, into your city into your state, into your nation, through the planet into your past and into your future, as it were, transmuting the limitation in yourself and all likened unto your being who are seeking and who wish to be set free of limitations. Then fill yourself with a white fire allowing it the same expression, filling every atom and molecule of your being, and every atom and molecule of where you are living and spreading into your city, and your state, and your country, and your planet and your past and your future. Knowing and remembering in that moment I AM that I AM and claiming it for yourself. So be it.
Student 1: As a group on this planet, we call ourselves human and the reason we are here is to experience the realm of reality but we haven’t mastered it yet, so therefore we have some errors or discordance that needs to be dealt with.
LMN: You would say that for you “Humanity means discordant spiritual thought forms or energy that are living in a communal fashion in order to recognize and heal discordance”.
Student: Yes, correct. It’s not that they’re bad or evil; it’s just something that’s a new experience for us to go through and learn from.
LMN: Indeed. You see it as "no judgment". You see it simply as experience that edifies the soul and allows growth and development for the spirit that is encased in the human flesh. Yes?
Student 1: I believe that to be true.
Student 2: Sometimes when a baby’s born, a lot of people say, “What a miracle”. But for humanity, I don’t mean baby. I just mean ‘man, the breath of man’.
LMN: You see humanity as the miraculous opportunity for Spirit to live in a human form called the body and to have life unfold in such ways that would continue the miracle of existence. Indeed.
Now let us put the words I AM in front of the word humanity: I AM Humanity. Does that change the meaning of it or give you a different perspective? Do you feel or think differently about it?
Student 2: The I AM has always thrown me off ever since I first heard it. I am still confused by it.
Student 3: I think saying I AM Humanity makes you feel more a part of the group versus separate.
Student 1: If we are a part of that group, or let us say our consciousness is that group, when we change ourselves, I believe that the group of humanity benefits from it and changes itself.
LMN: If one says " I AM Humanity" one is saying “I am also at the whim of the thoughts and the feelings of others likened unto myself. If I change myself, I change their world. If they change themselves, they change my world?
Student 1: To some degree.
LMN: Indeed. In this case you are allowing yourself to be affected by the outer as well as the inner?
Student 1: That is what we are learning to get away from, I believe, but yet at the same time, humanity has their attachments, so as we deal with our attachments, it may benefit humanity.
LMN: Indeed. We would ask you about the word Humanity before we discuss it in depth: What does humanity look like to you?
Students' answers: action, chaos, walking, beauty, communication
LMN: What does humanity feel like to you?
Students' answers: cohesiveness, togetherness, danger, love, similarities, sharing, camaraderie
LMN: What does humanity sound like to you?
Students' answers: orchestra, drums, talking, waves, dancing, communication.
LMN: What does humanity taste like to you?
Students: Divine….
LMN: Nothing any of you would order up on a menu then? Now if you were to place the words “I AM” in front of any of these words that you have used to describe humanity, is it something you would wish to be true for yourself?
Students: Some of it, but not all of it.
LMN: Indeed.
That indicates for your beings where there is a limitation within your consciousness regarding humanity.
One must understand that when you go to a planet and you take on a life form of that planet, whether you engage with others of likened life forms or not, you are considered a part of the life forms of that planet. Humanity, in this case, the phraseology, I AM Humanity, means you are Spirit who is encased in a physical form called the human body. It means you are a part of life forms on Planet Earth that you may or may not enjoy participating with.
For some of you, it sounds and looks wonderful; for others it sounds and looks different. This is a form of self-judgment.
If there are any of the words that were used to describe humanity this evening that are not what you would choose to have said about yourself, then you have a judgment against humanity which is a judgment against yourself, for you cannot separate yourself from humanity. You may think differently, you may live differently, you may have different principles and values, but you all are exactly the same when it comes to Source, which is Spirit that animates the physical form, the vehicle used by Spirit on this planet in order to grow, to understand, to experience, and to honor the creative aspect of consciousness, Infinite Intelligence, I AM Presence, also often called God on your planet.
Because you are a group who has been trained to shift and alter judgments within yourself once you become aware of them, this class will not go into how to do that. Most of you use Thought Karate, or you have a system that frees yourself from:
- genetic programming
- programming from other life times
- beliefs that you have held either this lifetime or some other
- vows you may have made to which you are still tied
- emotions that rise up within you and unsettle you and take you out of your personal peace
- memories that are "stored" in the physical body, and so forth.
When you discover something within yourself that is a judgment, a limitation, a reaction, or an attachment, it is a considered request that you shift and alter it in your being if indeed your goal is Ascension.
Student 3: From the words that we have given (that describe our views of humanity), are any of those an attachment?
LMN: We will move into attachment and focus on the PEARL this evening: What are you attached to that keeps you from being in Divine Bliss or centered-ness?
The Words “I AM” and "Aladdin’s Lamp"
Let us look at the words “I AM”, for they are an intricate part of these affirmations which you will be attuning to and using during these studies. In the affirmation “I AM Humanity”, what is “I AM”? Volumes have been written and spoken about I AM: paintings have been drawn, meditations have been used, words have been rearranged, poetry has bubbled to the surface all in an attempt to describe the I AM. In your English language, these are two of the most powerful words because they direct your consciousness to become something. Something. The consciousness knows not what it is to become unless it is directed because it is all things. It is always at every moment all things.
You, as an individualized aspect of Cosmic Consciousness, Infinite Intelligence, Christed Awareness or God, or I AM Presence, call it what you like, as an individualized aspect of this power, your human self and your seven layers of bodies that you are in this incarnation are attuned to the words that follow I AM. Your subconscious, which is an extremely important part of your creating and manifesting in life, listens for direction from you, The Conscious Self.
When you speak the words "I AM", the subconscious is automatically attuned. It is like a dog that is looking at you and is turning its head from side to side, and then you say a word that it recognizes, like “walk” or “eat” or “treat” or “fetch” and the ears go up. It knows immediately what you are talking about. Your subconscious is similar to this dog. It is listening, always listening, and when you use the words "I AM", it knows it is being called upon to create; it is being called upon to make something true for you in your life.
You can think immediately of how these two words have been mistakenly misused in life. How often do you, or have you heard others say, “I am tired. I am so tired”? Immediately, Beloveds, what you, as the creator are doing in that moment, is giving the command into the element of life which is Godness, into the element of life which, like Aladdin’s lamp, perks itself up and says, “Ahhh, your request is my command. I command the atoms and molecules of life to give you what you have just spoken.” Thus you increase your tiredness.
It is a miracle what comes after the words "I AM". You can look into your own life, and we invite you to do so, to see what words you have over and over chosen after the words "I AM". For one who is facing financial ruin to say something like, “I am ruined”, they will find it harder and harder to climb up out of the financial difficulty which they have created in their experience. However, for one to say,
“I AM the door to unlimited abundance and prosperity.
I AM the wisdom that fills and illuminates my mind that I might know where to turn,
that I might know the wisdom of what to do next,
that the doors of life might open before me,
that I might step through into my abundance and my prosperity,
that I may recognize it,
that I may call forth that from the Universe which will insist upon helping me create this reality,”
is to begin attracting a reality of prosperity.
Therefore, when we combine "I AM" with the word "humanity" for the decree I AM Humanity, if you are thinking of humanity as discordance, you are claiming discordance for your being.
If you are thinking of humanity as togetherness, you are attracting to yourself that like-minded energy.
I Am Humanity DOES NOT automatically mean “I AM the thief and the burglar and the killer and the mis-user” unless, Beloveds, that is what you hold as your truth about as humanity.
If your truth about humanity is that it is a collective, cohesive, spiritual generating body of light growing, learning and evolving, always reaching towards the heights of enlightenment, then you are pleased and proud to make this statement: I AM Humanity.
Furthermore, if you upgrade your thought form of humanity to:
- like-minded awareness, or
- my brothers and sisters who are simply mirrors and reflections of all that I AM and all that I have once been
then, I AM Humanity means:
- I have the good fortune to be surrounded by reminders of my truths as I once knew them or thought them and to remind all of these aspects of myself they are greater than the single part they believe themselves to be, and
- I thus have the reminder to be forgiving to all those who are living what I have already learned from, and
- I have the reminder to assist those who are seeking help because they are me as I once was.
I AM Humanity gives you the power and the freedom to be loving of yourself and all of the mistakes you have made, all of the errors you have lived. The mistakes are stories you have lived, stories of truth you have experienced. Stories that left within you:
- memories of judgments/failures
- memories of successes/achievements
- memories of making a difference
- memories of being a hermit or part of a community
- memories of changing Earth
- memories of abusing Earth.
Many memories, Beloveds, but to stand proud in the knowing that you, the spirit of life, the energy that you are, that activates the atoms and molecules of body in which you are currently living, are truly light, love, and an awakened consciousness who seeks to live in full enlightenment and seeks to dream no more the dream of illusion and powerlessness, but seeks to live in the perfection of whatever perfection you seek, you are then the understanding of I AM Humanity.
Decreeing "I AM GOD"
The affirmation “I AM God”, Beloveds, is something that Ascended Masters continue to pontificate on, and speak over, and wonder about, and quest for, so to settle it in a five minute conversation is not what will happen in this discourse, but it will happen as you continue to decree I AM God, because I AM are the words that do what?
- They call forth your subconscious
- They call forth one of the greatest friends and allies that you have in your life as a human
- They call forth that part of yourself to do what? To become what you say after those words.
Even if you have no understanding of what God is, do this simple experiment for yourself before you do the affirmation. In your mind ask yourself:
- What does God look like?
- What does God sound like?
- What does God smell like?
- What does God taste like?
- What does God feel like?
Why “158 Pearls"
- On your planet, pearls are a symbol of achievement, and we do not mean “class” achievement. We do not mean achievement because you have made enough money to afford pearls. We mean pearls are a symbol of achievement because true peals come from a creature, the oyster, whose consciousness does not match the grandeur of what you possess in consciousness but which has learned HOW to make something beautiful out of something that is an irritation.
- It has no hands to pick the grain of sand out of its mucus membranes. It has no legs that it might open itself up and shake, shake, shake, and try to get the sand out. It has no way to put up a netting thin enough to prevent something as tiny as a grain of sand from coming through its shell into its soft inner self, but it found a way on the inside of its being to bathe the pearl in something that would make it not be irritating, to turn it into a part of its being that as it added more and more substance to it became something so beautiful that humans wish to adorn themselves with it.
- That is the “why” of the pearl, Beloveds, because what you are doing in these classes of spiritual development is finding those hidden irritations in your life and altering them so that you no longer have an undesired reaction to the thing which irritated you.
- There are many things on planet Earth that could irritate any person, either collectively or individually. We will not spend our verbiage on those things, as you are fully aware of how to tell what an irritation is, yes? The irritations that you have turned into pearls in your life may not be that visible or memorable to you at this moment, yet by the time you have reached your own ascension path you each will have your own strand of pearls. All of you will have 158 or more that you will have overcome while living on planet Earth and seeking your Ascension.
The irritation that we are working with this evening that will be turned into a pearl is called an Attachment. If you think about the grain of sand in the oyster, what is it? It is stuck, is it not? It is attached to the oyster which knows not how to remove it; it only knows how to turn it into something non-irritating, which humans see as beautiful. We are beginning this series of Grand Secrets by first helping you to identify attachments.
This is a fine line to walk, Beloveds, because there are schools of thought that say unto your being “Have no attachments whatsoever”. There are schools of thought that say, “Attachment is essential”. There are schools of thought that say something in between these two ideas.
We wish to clarify our perspective about attachments:
1. If individuals are attached to no-thing, they drift. They do not savor life. They have no love for the communion that is possible every moment when you are on Earth with a physical form the communion between you and I AM or God or Infinite Intelligence or the atoms and molecules that make up the miraculous invisible gel in which you live that is like Aladdin’s lamp, that listens for your every request (in order to) make it manifest.
2. An attachment to enjoying life from the perspective of Spiritual Fruits of the Spirit (Divine love, Divine truth, Divine justice, Divine beauty, Divine wisdom) is an attachment that is not considered an attachment. It is considered a state of being, and when one activates that state of being within oneself, one has such an active love of life that the concept of non-attachment is not even acknowledged. To one who does not have this activated and who lives in a world of non-attachment, life loses its luster. Life loses interest. Life becomes something to be tolerated while one ticks down the days until the old habit of death takes over.
3. When one experiences "stuck" attachment, that human can become sooo addicted to achieving things in the world that it forgets why it came here in the first place.
"Stuck" Attachments can be many things, Beloveds:
- material things
- financial things
- goals (achieving goals or attached to overcoming them)
- relationships, people, places, ideas.
In short, a 'stuck' attachment can be to anything. The attachment, Beloveds, holds itself in your energetic field and remains there until you shift it. If you are attached to the idea of being the wealthiest person on the planet, for instance, if you do not become it in one lifetime, then you will continue to return over and over again until you either are freed from the attachment or until you achieve it.
How to Know if You Have a "Stuck" Attachment
Let us look into ourselves. What are you attached to? How do you know? What is the answer to that question? How do you find it? First of all, you ask yourself: Is there anything in this life I could not live without?
Now we are not speaking, we reiterate, we are not speaking about fruits of the Spirit. We are not speaking about contact with your own inner wisdom We are not speaking about your own inner knowing. We are not speaking about the Divine flow of love and energy that fills all sentient beings and all animate and inanimate objects.
Student 1: I AM attached to life.
LMN: You are attached to life, but that is too broad of a subject, Beloved, because “attached to life” can be “attached to being in life as is needed for an awakening” or “attached to life as in I can imagine living nowhere else and doing nothing else than what is here for me on planet Earth".
Student 2: I AM attached to being alive.
LMN: Let us look at the thought form of ‘attached to being alive’. Are you attached to being alive in the sense that the other part of your attachment says, ”Ah what if all that waits for me on the other side is death?” Is it a contest between death and aliveness?
Student 2: Yes.
LMN: Indeed. If that is your contest, then you are living a 'stuck' attachment to duality. In living in your duality, seeking the attachment of life and living (I’m attached to living) that basically says, “I fear death.” As an I AM, you are alive forever. Your consciousness exists forever and ever and ever. You cannot kill your consciousness. You cannot dissolve the I AM that you are so that you no longer exist. Therefore, to be attached to life in the physical is to say, “I fear death.” In your bible there is the saying that “What you fear comes upon you?” Whatever one focuses upon because one is attached to it, one is usually afraid of something else that will happen if one does not keep that attachment.
In this case, what is the good of knowing it? The good of knowing it is to use the Thought Karate system of changing reality to ask yourself, “Is attachment to life a 1-12?” and indeed it is. For you, it is a number 1. This means that you, before you came to the planet Earth, were attached to the idea of life because the last time you were alive you heard the idea: “Life is too short”. You believed it and brought it with you this life. You are attached to life because in your hidden beliefs, it is too short. You may set yourself free from that attachment by correctly using violet fire and white fire.
Student 1: In my effort to identify what my attachments are, I would think, “Does it control me or do I control it?” I think that narrows it down to some degree about whether I have attachments or not. Am I correct in that approach?
LMN: Your question is, “Because you believe that you can tell whether you are controlled by something or not controlled by something, you are able to tell if it is an attachment”?
Student 1: That is correct.
LMN: That is one way, but it is not always a given truth because the subconscious and the conscious mind are both very clever. You can be easily convinced that you are in charge by suggesting to yourself, “Well I can stop this any time I wish, but tonight I wish to do it, so I will stop it the next time,” you see? One creates a ‘way out’ of recognizing addiction or attachment.
WHY "Attachment" and not "Addiction"
Now the question here is, “Can we use the word addicted to mean the same thing as attached?” They are synonyms, and we think that they can be synonyms on your planet. The reason we have chosen the term attachment is that in your email system when you send something that is an attachment, you are “adding to” the email; it is considered a good thing. The receiver usually wants to open the attachment to see what else you have sent.
Or, attachment is a tool that is needed for your job, something that you must have in order for you to complete what you are doing. “Attachment” is an endearing terminology in your culture: to be attached to your parents, or attached to your children or attached to your animals, yes? Attached to your church, attached to your teachings.
In your culture, when using the word “addicted”, one automatically pulls back, "Not me. I’m not addicted to anything", because addiction in your culture has sort of been limited to the category of things like drugs, alcohol, violence, and so forth.
We say to you that “addiction” and “attachment” can easily be synonyms. It is easier to convince yourself that you are not addicted to something because it does not register as a ‘terrible act’ but to see if you are attached to it, how do you trick yourself in your mind? “I’m not really attached. I can totally do without it if I want to. I just don’t want to". You see?
Do any of you have questions within your being now about whether you are or are not attached to something?
Student: Family.
LMN: Family, indeed. Let us look at the attachment to family. In a culture that exists on planet Earth, attachment to a family has been a survival mode. Family is the unit that was created in order for life to propagate itself. Whether it is a culture that is a pioneer culture, moving into the dense forest seeking new adventures and seeking to expand manifest destiny, or whether it is a culture that is nomadic that moves around as a communal group,or whether it is an industrialized community with family, whether it is a family that comes from a culture that reveres the old, or whether it is family that comes from a culture that despises the old, family has been set up as a unit of survival. To be attached to survival needs is not the same thing as being aware of survival needs and honoring survival needs.
To be attached to family means that you believe:
- you cannot live or
- you cannot survive or
- you cannot achieve or
- you cannot think or
- you cannot do _________(fill in the blank), unless you are with family.
Allowing yourself to release this kind of attachment does not in any way take away from the ability to enjoy family, to perceive family as its rightful role in your culture as a survival unit.
Student 2: I had a dream, and I don’t remember it much, but it had to do more or less with materials, so I guess that dream would also be interpreted as “I am attached to wanting to accomplish things before ‘the end’.”
LMN: Your interpretation of your dream is that you have goals that you have not yet completed that you wish to master or complete before you either ascend or disappear from your physical form, yes? You wonder if your goals are attachments?
Student 2: Well, they are.
LMN: Indeed? To set a goal and to desire to accomplish the goal without being attached to whether you accomplish the goal is another "fine line", yes? It is like walking on a tight rope. On the one hand, you are here as human beings to savor life. You are here as human beings to enjoy the creative aspect and power that you and the mighty I AM of your being have in this wonderful playground of life. The attachment is not about sitting back and just twiddling your thumbs while sitting in a rocking chair for the rest of your life because Lady Master Natasha said, “Be careful of becoming attached to anything.” You see? That is not our truth here.
To be thrilled, to be bursting forth with aliveness and desiring to participate in the reality of 3rd dimension, so to speak, while you are in it, is you honoring God. It is you having what might be called holy communion with life. The attachment comes in when you form a judgment. When you say unto yourself, “If I do not complete this before I pass on, I am worthless or I am a loser or I am…." You see? You judge yourself for not completing this goal. That is one of the reasons we say the Council of 8 sees the value and the purpose in the journey towards a goal even if the goal is never achieved. For we, ourselves, are constantly journeying into enlightenment and understanding and new places and new realities. If we set as a goal the completion of our journey, we lose sight of the joy of the experience.
You have a saying on your planet, "Take time to smell the roses". If your journey is just to get to the end of your walk but you do not take time to savor the beauty of what is along the way of your walk, then you have missed a many-fold opportunity indeed.
Student 3: Is there an attachment I have that I haven’t mentioned?
LMN: Beloved, part of your experience here, and that of all others in this moment, is to become so good at recognizing that for yourself, that you become your own authority. We will ask each of you here to keep a Pearl notebook where what you are doing in this First Pearl of "attachments" is learning to set yourself free from something that you feel you cannot live without.
Remember, we are not speaking of the Divine holiness and wisdom and joy of the fruits of Spirit where you are awakening and you are knowing yourself as the I AM that I AM. We are speaking of that which would prevent this from being your truth, and you will only know it as you begin to experience it. For each one of you has more than one thing you do each day to which you are stuck/attached that you believe that if you do not do “it”, then “that” will happen.
This Week’s Development Activity
We must ask the question, “Cause and Effect?”, yes? We are not speaking here of scientific cause and effect. We are not saying that you are addicted to seeing a ball bounce when you drop it and to stop having that addiction. You are on a planet that has gravity, so if you have not learned to levitate yourself yet, you certainly do not know how to levitate a ball when it is dropped.
This is the exercise and the development for the week: to use the affirmations "I AM God" and "I AM Humanity" and to begin looking at what you identify with in life that if you did not have it, then you could not have xyz or you could not be xyz or you could not do xyz.
We invite you to use the affirmations daily, as many times as you can use them, for these affirmations will begin to enlighten the enlightened part of you. They will begin to set about a vibrational field that will cause you to become more and more aware of your day. When you begin your day or when you end your day or sometime during your day, anytime any moment that you become aware of something that you believe is an attachment, you can record it on your cell phone or write it down as a note or you can somewhere make entries for yourself of that what you are recognizing.
The reason we ask you to do this, Beloveds, is so that what we call ‘down the road’ you will be able to look back and have a way to calibrate your progress and have evidence for how far you have come. There is a curious thing about the conscious mind of a human being: when they overcome something, they often forget about it. What happens when you forget about it is that when you meet another person, another aspect or mirror of yourself that is still caught in that old thing that you overcame, you may not recall how you can help that part of them shift and alter.
When you discover attachments and you are ready to shift yourself from them, imagine a violet fire moving through your being, expanding out into your house, into your neighborhood, into your city into your state, into your nation, through the planet into your past and into your future, as it were, transmuting the limitation in yourself and all likened unto your being who are seeking and who wish to be set free of limitations. Then fill yourself with a white fire allowing it the same expression, filling every atom and molecule of your being, and every atom and molecule of where you are living and spreading into your city, and your state, and your country, and your planet and your past and your future. Knowing and remembering in that moment I AM that I AM and claiming it for yourself. So be it.
Commentary from Students who Attended the Live Channeling
From A.M:
I wanted to share my discoveries from last class, I AM Humanity in particular. At first, I thought that humanity was Love, because I knew that that was what we were capable of, but upon closer examination, I did uncover a few things.
Like Archangel Michael said, we have all been murderers and rapists in past lives and so I understood that we are ALL of it, in accepting and asking for forgiveness of self, we can move through those instances, when we were less than perfec, by so doing, we are no longer afraid of all that humanity is.
Furthermore, I discovered that I had an attachment to being separated from the whole, always feeling alone in this world, and life was therefore hard, I was attached to these things and couldn't be HUMANITY because I wasn't a part of it. As a result of being separated, I was also placing myself above ALL because I wasn't a part of it, which brings me back to my initial statement that we are humanity, I am all of it, the good the bad and the ugly. In doing this I no longer have to be afraid of humanity and am more able to trust the good in all of us.
From S.B:
My Humanity revelation took me back to age two, when I was desperately trying to communicate to my parents that my nutritional needs weren't being met. The continued experience convinced me I was on a planet where "People are stupid" and "You're not supposed to get your needs met here". I'm sure I recognized that their needs were not met either, and by then I had a little sister (14 months apart), and I'm certain I knew the same thing about her.
For me, "being part of humanity" meant being stupid. As a result, I've always thought I was stupid, even when I graduated 9th out of 750 kids. I was certain the administration had made a mistake.
In addition, I thought being a part of humanity meant never having my nutritional needs met since I was hungry when I was little but could not get the message across. I overate all of my life, developing the habit of looking in the pantry and the refrigerator for something to eat even when I wasn't hungry or when I was stuffed. Very few times in my life have I been fully satisfied after eating a meal.
In addition, since "humanity was stupid" and I was here on Earth in a human earthsuit which made me part of humanity, I had to 'limit my education' and my 'success potential' to fit in. Since I saw humanity as unaware, one could only rise so far in the world of accomplishment.
Lastly, I always thought it was an insult to be called human. LMN is telling us we need to LOVE humanity and identify with it? This decree is a welcome hurdle for me to overcome.
From Anonymous:
At first I was horrified at using the decree "I AM Humanity". I always felt degraded when someone referred to me as "human". I have known I was Spirit in human form, and I did not like identifying with Humanity at large because I saw them, for the most part, as something I did not want to be like: greedy, cruel, dishonest, unaware, untrustworthy, and betrayers of Nature. It actually took me a full year of using this decree and studying the next 4 Grand Secrets and their Pearls to recognize the true beauty of Humanity, and how I myself had once been those very people I judged...how I had helped to create the world I was living in that I did not like. I can now say I have a deep love for Humanity and a desire to help it awaken.
I wanted to share my discoveries from last class, I AM Humanity in particular. At first, I thought that humanity was Love, because I knew that that was what we were capable of, but upon closer examination, I did uncover a few things.
Like Archangel Michael said, we have all been murderers and rapists in past lives and so I understood that we are ALL of it, in accepting and asking for forgiveness of self, we can move through those instances, when we were less than perfec, by so doing, we are no longer afraid of all that humanity is.
Furthermore, I discovered that I had an attachment to being separated from the whole, always feeling alone in this world, and life was therefore hard, I was attached to these things and couldn't be HUMANITY because I wasn't a part of it. As a result of being separated, I was also placing myself above ALL because I wasn't a part of it, which brings me back to my initial statement that we are humanity, I am all of it, the good the bad and the ugly. In doing this I no longer have to be afraid of humanity and am more able to trust the good in all of us.
From S.B:
My Humanity revelation took me back to age two, when I was desperately trying to communicate to my parents that my nutritional needs weren't being met. The continued experience convinced me I was on a planet where "People are stupid" and "You're not supposed to get your needs met here". I'm sure I recognized that their needs were not met either, and by then I had a little sister (14 months apart), and I'm certain I knew the same thing about her.
For me, "being part of humanity" meant being stupid. As a result, I've always thought I was stupid, even when I graduated 9th out of 750 kids. I was certain the administration had made a mistake.
In addition, I thought being a part of humanity meant never having my nutritional needs met since I was hungry when I was little but could not get the message across. I overate all of my life, developing the habit of looking in the pantry and the refrigerator for something to eat even when I wasn't hungry or when I was stuffed. Very few times in my life have I been fully satisfied after eating a meal.
In addition, since "humanity was stupid" and I was here on Earth in a human earthsuit which made me part of humanity, I had to 'limit my education' and my 'success potential' to fit in. Since I saw humanity as unaware, one could only rise so far in the world of accomplishment.
Lastly, I always thought it was an insult to be called human. LMN is telling us we need to LOVE humanity and identify with it? This decree is a welcome hurdle for me to overcome.
From Anonymous:
At first I was horrified at using the decree "I AM Humanity". I always felt degraded when someone referred to me as "human". I have known I was Spirit in human form, and I did not like identifying with Humanity at large because I saw them, for the most part, as something I did not want to be like: greedy, cruel, dishonest, unaware, untrustworthy, and betrayers of Nature. It actually took me a full year of using this decree and studying the next 4 Grand Secrets and their Pearls to recognize the true beauty of Humanity, and how I myself had once been those very people I judged...how I had helped to create the world I was living in that I did not like. I can now say I have a deep love for Humanity and a desire to help it awaken.