Pearls 23-26
Pearl 23
I AM the flow of Soul remembrance;
the open door of changing my perceptions of life.
5th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: Owning Your Reality, Lesson 2, Pearl 23
Beloved ones, we gather here this evening for Lesson 2 of Owning Your Reality. You have been discussing, before we began this session, your experiences from last week, and had the question of whether or not it was actually related to anything that was said or given in Lesson 1 of Owning Your Reality.
Let us be very clear with you that what you hear with your ears is not all that you are receiving when you are receiving these Pearls, for speech alone is such a small percentage of communication. It makes communication difficult upon a planet that relies on language because so much cannot be spoken. There is communication that happens also with your emotional body and your astral body and your etheric/vibrational bodies. Your Spirit body and your Soul body and even your physical body, for it feels the vibratory influence, from not just the words but the love and the intent and the goal for your development, for the flowering of your wisdom, and the remembrance of your ascension consciousness.
By coming to a session for the Pearls, whatever course it is, you have set an intent. Your intent has been, is and remains to be the awakening of yourself to the remembrance of you as god or goddess of your life, every moment of your lift, to the power and the creativity that you are, to the Soul remembrance of all that you have been. When you come with that intent you are, as it were, an open door. You are receptive to that which will come into your consciousness to change your perception of life as you are living it.
You are each aware that you are living an illusion, but instead of illusion now seeming and feeling like something negative, you have begun to recognize it is the opposite; it is something magnificent. It is something so powerful that one would want to be in your shoes, in your life, living your experience. You are beginning to see that even though you live in the world of illusion and you are living illusion, you are enjoying the living of the illusion, and that is where awakening and ascension of consciousness plays its part in your life, where you are conscious in your now moment, each now moment, that you are the Beloved.
The Power of “Beloved”
For 11 years, we The Council of 8, have been “programming”, as it were, those who would listen, those who were ready, with the word “Beloved”. Why? Not just so that you would feel good that we wish to interact with you, and not just because we love you as we love ourselves, and not just because we see ourselves reflected in you. It was to accustom the Self to thinking of itself:
You are the One Deciding
In creating a reality and in owning the reality, there are differences. One creates reality all the time, whether it is miserable or whether it is wonderful. Oftentimes on planet Earth people are trying to escape the realities they are creating, for they have fallen into the trap of pointing the finger at the outer world and others in the outer world as the excuse or the reason for what they are living. However, when you are Owning Your Reality, you are pointing the finger at yourself. You are pointing the finger at “The Big C”: Creator. The big Creator of all life, and you are no longer giving your power away to the outer world. You are not saying, “I give you permission to make me miserable” unless you have first decided within yourself, “Maybe today I wish to experience misery.” Then you think about creating it, which is rather rare, Beloveds. It does not happen often.
Owning Your Reality, you are the one deciding, as one of you has already done here, who created a financial paycheck.
(Spoken to that student:) You set your goals, you decided what you wished to have be true for you, and you never gave up. Your year is not up yet, yes? You remember when you entered your business, the goal was ‘give it a year’, because last year, as example, Beloveds, those who started with the 158 Pearls, with the first lesson in the first series, took an entire year to savor, to learn and to develop, four courses of Pearls delivered in a year. By the end of the year, those who took those four courses can all truthfully and honestly declare they are not the same as they were at the beginning of last year before these courses began.
For those of you who are now beginning this year with the 158 Pearl Courses, you will find the same thing, only you will find it happening sooner. You will know long before this year is finished, before 2017 is complete, that you are not who you were when you first began to Own Your Reality.
When you are Owning Your Reality, a new experience becomes your truth, and that new experience is that you catch yourself thinking with awareness in almost every moment. You will understand, even as we say this, that the way you have been accustomed to moving through life is to think momentarily about your creative powers when something is going wrong or when something is not the way you wished it to be. Then some of the lessons would come tumbling back into your consciousness and you would remember, “Yes, I am in charge. I can shift this reality. I can shift this illusion. I can shift this experience.”
Training Yourself into a Positive Habit
Where you are now in your consciousness is that you are taking less and less time forgetting, and using more and more time remaining aware that you are the now moment and you are in charge: what you choose to feel, what you choose to say, what you choose to act upon, and who you choose to interact with. It is quick, and the purpose, Beloveds, is, as always, training.
It is training, for when you are raising a young one, you are constantly reminding the young one what to do, the same things over and over. Why? To build a habit. You are helping the young one build a habit for their future. The one through whom I speak is also a teacher, and she works with children in the evenings after school. Two of the children she has been with four years as their mentor, they are now 7th grade and 9th grade, and their mother instructs as well, the mother has instructed them to walk her to her car each time that she leaves their house. One of them bursts with pride and considers it his knightly duty. He is in charge. He is going to make sure she is safe going to her car. He makes sure the brother who is older takes her to the car if he cannot do it. But what is happening here? Habit. The mother is instilling in her sons a habit of politeness and respect and protection for someone they care about, would you understand? That is what you have been doing, Beloveds, and you are the ones that we are protecting and loving and caring about, gently guiding you into habits that over the years become the truth of who you are so that the illusions fall away even more quickly.
The Potential Influence of Negativity from Others
Student 1: I was thinking about how we own our reality. I just wonder if you can shed some light on whether someone who has ill intentions over another can they really influence someone else's life by witchcraft or something like that? Do people actually have the power to do that to other people if they want to?
LMN: An excellent question. You are wondering how much power someone in the outer world has with their inner world and their beliefs over your life or the life of another and your inner world and your beliefs, yes? Indeed. Energy is energy, and the direction of energy by any consciousness, be it evil, be it good, is how things are created. By directing energy. The Ascended Master teachings are to always protect yourself, your home, and your loved ones with invincible shields of silver light, building them all of the time and calling them into a reality.
Let us be very clear with you that what you hear with your ears is not all that you are receiving when you are receiving these Pearls, for speech alone is such a small percentage of communication. It makes communication difficult upon a planet that relies on language because so much cannot be spoken. There is communication that happens also with your emotional body and your astral body and your etheric/vibrational bodies. Your Spirit body and your Soul body and even your physical body, for it feels the vibratory influence, from not just the words but the love and the intent and the goal for your development, for the flowering of your wisdom, and the remembrance of your ascension consciousness.
By coming to a session for the Pearls, whatever course it is, you have set an intent. Your intent has been, is and remains to be the awakening of yourself to the remembrance of you as god or goddess of your life, every moment of your lift, to the power and the creativity that you are, to the Soul remembrance of all that you have been. When you come with that intent you are, as it were, an open door. You are receptive to that which will come into your consciousness to change your perception of life as you are living it.
You are each aware that you are living an illusion, but instead of illusion now seeming and feeling like something negative, you have begun to recognize it is the opposite; it is something magnificent. It is something so powerful that one would want to be in your shoes, in your life, living your experience. You are beginning to see that even though you live in the world of illusion and you are living illusion, you are enjoying the living of the illusion, and that is where awakening and ascension of consciousness plays its part in your life, where you are conscious in your now moment, each now moment, that you are the Beloved.
The Power of “Beloved”
For 11 years, we The Council of 8, have been “programming”, as it were, those who would listen, those who were ready, with the word “Beloved”. Why? Not just so that you would feel good that we wish to interact with you, and not just because we love you as we love ourselves, and not just because we see ourselves reflected in you. It was to accustom the Self to thinking of itself:
- as being loveable
- being enamored with life
- of being so high-frequency that the consciousness of an Ascended Master could interact with you and your life.
You are the One Deciding
In creating a reality and in owning the reality, there are differences. One creates reality all the time, whether it is miserable or whether it is wonderful. Oftentimes on planet Earth people are trying to escape the realities they are creating, for they have fallen into the trap of pointing the finger at the outer world and others in the outer world as the excuse or the reason for what they are living. However, when you are Owning Your Reality, you are pointing the finger at yourself. You are pointing the finger at “The Big C”: Creator. The big Creator of all life, and you are no longer giving your power away to the outer world. You are not saying, “I give you permission to make me miserable” unless you have first decided within yourself, “Maybe today I wish to experience misery.” Then you think about creating it, which is rather rare, Beloveds. It does not happen often.
Owning Your Reality, you are the one deciding, as one of you has already done here, who created a financial paycheck.
(Spoken to that student:) You set your goals, you decided what you wished to have be true for you, and you never gave up. Your year is not up yet, yes? You remember when you entered your business, the goal was ‘give it a year’, because last year, as example, Beloveds, those who started with the 158 Pearls, with the first lesson in the first series, took an entire year to savor, to learn and to develop, four courses of Pearls delivered in a year. By the end of the year, those who took those four courses can all truthfully and honestly declare they are not the same as they were at the beginning of last year before these courses began.
For those of you who are now beginning this year with the 158 Pearl Courses, you will find the same thing, only you will find it happening sooner. You will know long before this year is finished, before 2017 is complete, that you are not who you were when you first began to Own Your Reality.
When you are Owning Your Reality, a new experience becomes your truth, and that new experience is that you catch yourself thinking with awareness in almost every moment. You will understand, even as we say this, that the way you have been accustomed to moving through life is to think momentarily about your creative powers when something is going wrong or when something is not the way you wished it to be. Then some of the lessons would come tumbling back into your consciousness and you would remember, “Yes, I am in charge. I can shift this reality. I can shift this illusion. I can shift this experience.”
Training Yourself into a Positive Habit
Where you are now in your consciousness is that you are taking less and less time forgetting, and using more and more time remaining aware that you are the now moment and you are in charge: what you choose to feel, what you choose to say, what you choose to act upon, and who you choose to interact with. It is quick, and the purpose, Beloveds, is, as always, training.
It is training, for when you are raising a young one, you are constantly reminding the young one what to do, the same things over and over. Why? To build a habit. You are helping the young one build a habit for their future. The one through whom I speak is also a teacher, and she works with children in the evenings after school. Two of the children she has been with four years as their mentor, they are now 7th grade and 9th grade, and their mother instructs as well, the mother has instructed them to walk her to her car each time that she leaves their house. One of them bursts with pride and considers it his knightly duty. He is in charge. He is going to make sure she is safe going to her car. He makes sure the brother who is older takes her to the car if he cannot do it. But what is happening here? Habit. The mother is instilling in her sons a habit of politeness and respect and protection for someone they care about, would you understand? That is what you have been doing, Beloveds, and you are the ones that we are protecting and loving and caring about, gently guiding you into habits that over the years become the truth of who you are so that the illusions fall away even more quickly.
The Potential Influence of Negativity from Others
Student 1: I was thinking about how we own our reality. I just wonder if you can shed some light on whether someone who has ill intentions over another can they really influence someone else's life by witchcraft or something like that? Do people actually have the power to do that to other people if they want to?
LMN: An excellent question. You are wondering how much power someone in the outer world has with their inner world and their beliefs over your life or the life of another and your inner world and your beliefs, yes? Indeed. Energy is energy, and the direction of energy by any consciousness, be it evil, be it good, is how things are created. By directing energy. The Ascended Master teachings are to always protect yourself, your home, and your loved ones with invincible shields of silver light, building them all of the time and calling them into a reality.
The purpose is to have a protective energy field around your own vibrating auric energy field that will stop vibrations that are not aligned with your own. Would you understand? There are thought forms everywhere and not all of them are owned. Many are just released, and then there are thought forms that are purposefully directed.
Can another person influence someone else's life in a negative way? Indeed. Do you have to be the recipient of it? Not if you understand how to protect your energy field. It is like this: If you are in a car and it, let us say it is your vehicle, a symbol of your body. You are in the car driving, just like you are in your earth suit and your Spirit is driving the car called your body, but for this example let us use the body in the car. You are driving down the road. Now road represents the path you have laid out for your life, your life experience and there is a pothole in the road that you do not see. As your car is moving at a certain rate of speed, it hits the pothole, and damages the tire. The pothole is a symbol of what a negative thought from another can do in the forward motion of your life: not necessarily crippling it, but making you have to take time to deal with the results of the interactions of that thought form. Would you understand? Energy is real, no matter who directs it. Energy does not direction itself. Energy waits for direction, just like a little child waits to be told what to do. (Well, perhaps not always, but sometimes.)
Protection decrees and love create an energy field that prohibits the intrusion of negativity. This is why the Ascended Masters can live on the realm they are in and only those who vibrate to their energy field can find their existence. Many doubt and question their existence because they do not see or find them. That of itself (the doubt) is the vibrating field preventing them from finding the masters’ location. If the Self did have ‘owning its reality in perfect harmony’ as its complete goal, it would never find the Pearly Gates, as it were, whether they lead to a Heaven of your own making or whether they lead to the entrance of Shambala. Energy attracts energy. Like attracts like. You attract to you that which you are likened to. Now you will ask the question, “If I attract to me that which I’m likened unto, but no part of me is likened unto the negativity of a spell or anything else, how can it harm me?” If the love for yourself and your life and for humanity is indestructible, it has no weakness to it. Then you cannot be harmed by the negative thoughts of another. would you understand? This is a beautiful example of Owning Your Reality. In your reality, you are thinking, “What is it I need to do to be safe?” In Owning Your Reality, you are creating the protection and the energy field.
What happens to your body if it gets a hole in it?
The hole in the body is an example of negativity. If it is not tended to, it creates an infection. If it is allowed to spread, you can die. The body is an example of the protection of the soul/spirit personality that is within. You must take care of your protective outer garb. You must keep it clean. You must keep it healthy. You must take care of it just like you must take care of your emotional body. You must take care of your thoughts, your mental body. You must take care of your speech.
Can another person influence someone else's life in a negative way? Indeed. Do you have to be the recipient of it? Not if you understand how to protect your energy field. It is like this: If you are in a car and it, let us say it is your vehicle, a symbol of your body. You are in the car driving, just like you are in your earth suit and your Spirit is driving the car called your body, but for this example let us use the body in the car. You are driving down the road. Now road represents the path you have laid out for your life, your life experience and there is a pothole in the road that you do not see. As your car is moving at a certain rate of speed, it hits the pothole, and damages the tire. The pothole is a symbol of what a negative thought from another can do in the forward motion of your life: not necessarily crippling it, but making you have to take time to deal with the results of the interactions of that thought form. Would you understand? Energy is real, no matter who directs it. Energy does not direction itself. Energy waits for direction, just like a little child waits to be told what to do. (Well, perhaps not always, but sometimes.)
Protection decrees and love create an energy field that prohibits the intrusion of negativity. This is why the Ascended Masters can live on the realm they are in and only those who vibrate to their energy field can find their existence. Many doubt and question their existence because they do not see or find them. That of itself (the doubt) is the vibrating field preventing them from finding the masters’ location. If the Self did have ‘owning its reality in perfect harmony’ as its complete goal, it would never find the Pearly Gates, as it were, whether they lead to a Heaven of your own making or whether they lead to the entrance of Shambala. Energy attracts energy. Like attracts like. You attract to you that which you are likened to. Now you will ask the question, “If I attract to me that which I’m likened unto, but no part of me is likened unto the negativity of a spell or anything else, how can it harm me?” If the love for yourself and your life and for humanity is indestructible, it has no weakness to it. Then you cannot be harmed by the negative thoughts of another. would you understand? This is a beautiful example of Owning Your Reality. In your reality, you are thinking, “What is it I need to do to be safe?” In Owning Your Reality, you are creating the protection and the energy field.
What happens to your body if it gets a hole in it?
- It bleeds.
- Infection.
- If it is not tended to, the body can die.
The hole in the body is an example of negativity. If it is not tended to, it creates an infection. If it is allowed to spread, you can die. The body is an example of the protection of the soul/spirit personality that is within. You must take care of your protective outer garb. You must keep it clean. You must keep it healthy. You must take care of it just like you must take care of your emotional body. You must take care of your thoughts, your mental body. You must take care of your speech.
Visualize, imagine and pretend, even as you are speaking the words. This is Owning Your Reality.
Now, do not stop there. If you love humanity, encase your car and their cars and all the cars that are around you as you are driving. Send shields of impenetrable light along the highways, so those who drive upon them are safe and reach their destination protected. Owning your reality is also about creating how you envision humanity to be interacting on the planet. If we, The Council of 8, were handing out job descriptions to those on planet earth, we would say to all on planet Earth, “Your job is think the greatest good of all who live on the planet. Your job is to seal in wings of silver protection the humanity that has agreed to play the backdrop of your play. Protect those you have hired to be in your life".
What you do for self, you do for others; for as you do for others, you do for self.
Now, do not stop there. If you love humanity, encase your car and their cars and all the cars that are around you as you are driving. Send shields of impenetrable light along the highways, so those who drive upon them are safe and reach their destination protected. Owning your reality is also about creating how you envision humanity to be interacting on the planet. If we, The Council of 8, were handing out job descriptions to those on planet earth, we would say to all on planet Earth, “Your job is think the greatest good of all who live on the planet. Your job is to seal in wings of silver protection the humanity that has agreed to play the backdrop of your play. Protect those you have hired to be in your life".
What you do for self, you do for others; for as you do for others, you do for self.
Pearl 24
My life mirrors the cause and effects I have lived in the continuum of my existence UNTIL I SHIFT IT.
5th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: Lesson 3, Pearl 24. Recorded live. Forgive the phone ringing in the background.
Each of you, in every moment of your experiencing life, are creating and/or receiving. In the receiving you are creating. It is often in the receiving that you are challenged to Own Your Reality, for sometimes the collection of events called ‘your life’ lands you in a position not unto your liking, and in that moment you are not so likely, if you are not yet fully awakened, to Own Your Reality.
The standard human reaction is to look for something or someone outside of the self to say, "This is why this happened", but in truth, Beloveds, you are the magnetic (we will call it, even though you are electrical and your earth is magnetic). For purposes of symbology, YOU are magnetic attracting to you that which mirrors your complete state of being, not just the thoughts you had five moments ago, not the life you had yesterday, and not just the dreams of your tomorrows. You are the sum total in every moment of your life of the cause and effects that you have experienced, of the receivings and the reactions to those receivings.
The standard human reaction is to look for something or someone outside of the self to say, "This is why this happened", but in truth, Beloveds, you are the magnetic (we will call it, even though you are electrical and your earth is magnetic). For purposes of symbology, YOU are magnetic attracting to you that which mirrors your complete state of being, not just the thoughts you had five moments ago, not the life you had yesterday, and not just the dreams of your tomorrows. You are the sum total in every moment of your life of the cause and effects that you have experienced, of the receivings and the reactions to those receivings.
The physical self of which you are made and composed is as full of spiritual substance as is an apport from an Ascended Master. The waters of your being are as important in holding frequencies as are the waters of the planet Earth. All that exists in this experience that you are having called “being a human on planet Earth” is little more than Spiritual substance congealing into material form. That is to say, if substance is Spiritual, and it creates all that is around you, then what you call "God" on your planet is everywhere. It is in every thing: every person, every insect, every animal, every inanimate object. They are all composed of Spiritual substance vibrating at a frequency to create the form that it is.
Form and matter and energy are all one.
They are all Spiritual substance congealed in physical form because you magnetize it to be so.
When you win something, it is not a random event that you were the winner. It is the effect of a cause that was initiated. The most common experience on your planet, however, is that the initiation took place long before this lifetime or your recognition or understanding of yourself as a Spirit in a human form.
There is a length of what you call “time” that has transpired before your effect happened from the cause that initiated it. Would you understand?
It becomes very easy in the life of one who is not accustomed to looking at life as a play and owning the reality of that play to think that things are happenstance or to think that something is just good luck or to think that something occurred because you are more deserving than another. Creation on your planet and the realities that you own are only based on morality when that becomes your particular truth.
Spiritual substance congeals for evil as well as beneficent. That is why "god" is fully love, because that which is the vibrational frequency of life can be used by any consciousness, any consciousness. It is not reserved for those who attend 158 Pearls channelings. It is not reserved for those who say a certain amount of prescribed Hail Mary’s. It is not reserved for those who have interaction with space beings. It is not reserved for those who read their prescribed books a certain amount of times. It is not reserved period because it is not part of a morality. Therefore humans who look out of their eyes and feel out of their heart and say, “Why has life passed me by?” or “Why don’t I deserve this when others have it?” or “Why is my life this way when I am such a good person? I have a good heart and I love and yet look at my life. It is in shambles.”
Cause and effect, Beloveds, that you live in your reality is not limited to simply what you have done with this body that you own in this moment. It is a continuum. We will describe it:
It is a continual cause and effect.
It is a continual waiting for the moment
when all of the atoms and molecules can congeal
and can become that effect of the cause you set in motion
whenever that cause occurred.
When we speak of Owning Your Reality, we speak of owning more than just your now. We speak of owning more than just this life that might be measured from the time you were born to the time you may decide to leave the planet Earth. We are speaking on a grander and larger scale. We are speaking of you, the consciousness, who is living in this physical form you call a body that is your vehicle for experiencing earth. We are speaking of the Spirit that inhabits it, that is a consciousness, a personality, a wisdom, a knowingness that never dies, that lives on even after the physical may decay, that is still creating and owning its own reality.
Form and matter and energy are all one.
They are all Spiritual substance congealed in physical form because you magnetize it to be so.
When you win something, it is not a random event that you were the winner. It is the effect of a cause that was initiated. The most common experience on your planet, however, is that the initiation took place long before this lifetime or your recognition or understanding of yourself as a Spirit in a human form.
There is a length of what you call “time” that has transpired before your effect happened from the cause that initiated it. Would you understand?
It becomes very easy in the life of one who is not accustomed to looking at life as a play and owning the reality of that play to think that things are happenstance or to think that something is just good luck or to think that something occurred because you are more deserving than another. Creation on your planet and the realities that you own are only based on morality when that becomes your particular truth.
Spiritual substance congeals for evil as well as beneficent. That is why "god" is fully love, because that which is the vibrational frequency of life can be used by any consciousness, any consciousness. It is not reserved for those who attend 158 Pearls channelings. It is not reserved for those who say a certain amount of prescribed Hail Mary’s. It is not reserved for those who have interaction with space beings. It is not reserved for those who read their prescribed books a certain amount of times. It is not reserved period because it is not part of a morality. Therefore humans who look out of their eyes and feel out of their heart and say, “Why has life passed me by?” or “Why don’t I deserve this when others have it?” or “Why is my life this way when I am such a good person? I have a good heart and I love and yet look at my life. It is in shambles.”
Cause and effect, Beloveds, that you live in your reality is not limited to simply what you have done with this body that you own in this moment. It is a continuum. We will describe it:
It is a continual cause and effect.
It is a continual waiting for the moment
when all of the atoms and molecules can congeal
and can become that effect of the cause you set in motion
whenever that cause occurred.
When we speak of Owning Your Reality, we speak of owning more than just your now. We speak of owning more than just this life that might be measured from the time you were born to the time you may decide to leave the planet Earth. We are speaking on a grander and larger scale. We are speaking of you, the consciousness, who is living in this physical form you call a body that is your vehicle for experiencing earth. We are speaking of the Spirit that inhabits it, that is a consciousness, a personality, a wisdom, a knowingness that never dies, that lives on even after the physical may decay, that is still creating and owning its own reality.
We say to you that owning a reality can be a glorious thing, and it can be a limiting thing. There are many consciousnesses who have lived a moral religious life on planet Earth who are still waiting beside their tombs, their graves, their grave markers, their crypts and vaults for Gabriel, the Archangel, to blow his horn so they will be set free. They are owning their reality. They are owning it so profoundly that Masters and Angels and gifted ones who have tried to reach these consciousnesses to give them release and freedom from their realities have failed because the consciousness is owning its reality so profoundly it knows “not to listen to the demons that will come to it and try to convince it otherwise.”
We bring into your consciousness now not just the concept of owning your reality as something glorious and wonderful that satisfies you in this lifetime because:
We invite you to expand the reality that you are owning and at the same time recognize if you are creating something that will be so set in stone as a truth that you can never be liberated from it. Would you understand?
There is a difference between creating within the self "to own the reality you are after" and creating within the self "to accept the truths of the outer world that will trap you and keep you from evolving". The outer world is a creation of the inner world: your inner world and the inner world of others likened unto you. It is not just you creating the people that are sitting around you. You may have created or helped co-create the circumstance. You may have helped co-create the concept that “there will be a group I will feel a part of and love being a part of and look forward to participating in life with, and we will increase our consciousness and expand our awareness and evolve our potentiality so that we may own a truth called Ascension”, and in this moment, I, Lady Master Natasha, am not saying to those of you who are present in this reality that you are creating something from which you will not be able to free yourself. But we are bringing that aspect to this idea of Owning Your Reality so that you know you can hold onto some things so tightly they strangle your growth.
We understand there were cards passed around earlier that you were invited to write a question upon, if indeed you have one regarding creating your reality. If you have changed your mind about what you wrote down and no longer wish to ask it, it is not a requirement. If there are those who do have questions, let us enjoy some one-on-one conversation, yes?
Student 1: Is part of owning your own reality also mastering the physical in a non-physical way?
LMN: One cannot master the physical until one masters the non-physical. In other words, let us say that you have an abrasion on your leg. The body knows how to heal it. There is nothing you need do but keep it clean and the abrasion will repair itself. That is not because you created the reality that the body knows how to fix itself; it just does it. Let us say that you keep having an abrasion. It heals and you manifest it again, and it heals and you manifest it again, and it heals and you manifest it again, and it becomes repetitive, then yes, you must look in the non-physical, which is your inner world, and seek within yourself to see “Where have I created this recurring event?"
Student 2: Creating a reality is so broad. It covers so many things. Our reality is here on this planet intermingled with other realities so how can we be totally responsible about what happens to us? You talk about making a soup and then adding the ingredients, and there are so many other ingredients that we’re swimming in that bang up against our reality... And there is another incidence recently when L was sitting on the ground and a bee or a wasp comes over to her and stings her. Now how could she have created that as her reality? Things like this seem to be out of our control sometimes.
LMN: Let us address this immediately, for it is not out of your control. As she sat down, her first thought was, “It doesn’t feel safe for me to sit here.” You see?
Student 2: She attracted that then?
LMN: Indeed. “It does not feel safe for me to sit here.” She knew already the bees had been visiting her throughout the day. Everywhere she went they showed up, so she went inside, she came out, they showed up. She sat down to discuss something, and before she sat down there was a thought form and a memory and a remembrance. It was not prophetic. It was a remembrance of “If I sit on the ground in this area called "the country", I remember that I wind up with funny bites all over my body, from little critters that you cannot see. Do I want to sit here or not? All of these thoughts, jumbling fast, trying to decide in that moment. Well, the memory of “This is an unsafe place to sit” overrode her decision in the moment, “It’s winter; it’s cold enough; all will be fine.”
If that thought form in her mind and in her emotions had been more powerful than the anguish, you know the anguish she spoke of many times of being bitten and not knowing how it happened, yes?, and so she had within her already a very large memory of “this world out here is not that safe if I sit on it”. She steps on it, she gets ringworm. She works outside in the garden and she gets mite bites or whatever you call them. That day the bee kingdom was active, and since there was an energetic frequency vibrating throughout her being, “this is not a safe place to sit”, one paid her a visit upon the back of her body. She reaches back with her hand, not knowing consciously it is there but fully aware subconsciously it is there, and pushes. In the moment it is scared, startled, and stings. It gave its life, one might say, for her emissions of ‘unsafe’. Would you understand?
Student 2: That kind of sneaks up on you. You think things are going to be fine....
LMN: Let us say this Master R: You have found where Shamballa is, and let us say you are on the trek and approaching the abode of the Ascended Masters. And the closer you get, you start to think in your mind, “What if they won’t let me in?” What vibrations are you creating in your being in that moment? “I’m unworthy.” I'm unworthy! Will they let you in? Of course not.
Student 2: So then are you saying, “Fake it til you make it” kind of a thing?
LMN: Indeed not. We are saying to own your truth. Own the truths that do not lock you in to future desperation such as those who are still around the grave yards, but own the truth that is your truth. You, Beloved, are looking for some excuses for letting yourself continue to have some of the things that you do in your current life the way you do them because you don’t wish to put forth the effort to shift and alter them. As long as you can have a reason that “There are all these colliding energies, and they got in the way of my world happening”, then you have an excuse.
We do understand your reference to years ago when we said, "You cannot always predict." That is the word always, not never. You cannot always predict your reality because sometimes there are so many energies upon the face of your planet that are creating that no one gets what they are seeking because the reality becomes like a soup, and each person has added their ingredients in, and it might be palatable and it might not.
Your weather patterns are examples of this. You can, within yourself, dissipate a cloud. You can, within yourself, call forth the sun or the wind or a breeze. You can even, within yourself, bring on the rain. What about this erratic weather that your state and your city and other places in your United States are having now, in this January of 2017? What about the fully erratic nature? It is hot, hot one day in your coldest month of the year, January, and then it is cold, and then it is not, and then it is, and then it is not, and then the wind comes and the wind blow erratically for two days in a row and does not stop, but it is not a hurricane, and it is not anything else that you can truly label it, but the weather is unpredictable with a capital U. Traumatic, as well, because the heat is not necessarily delightful, although it partially is, and the cold is not necessarily wonderful, though sometimes it is, and the wind is nice but it continues for too long. The erraticism of your weather is totally, totally 100% completely due to the emotional release of your country after your presidential election of 2016.
We bring into your consciousness now not just the concept of owning your reality as something glorious and wonderful that satisfies you in this lifetime because:
- you get the money that you want, or
- you have the health that you want, or
- you manifest the relationship that you want, or
- you unveil the cosmic splendor of life that you are after.
We invite you to expand the reality that you are owning and at the same time recognize if you are creating something that will be so set in stone as a truth that you can never be liberated from it. Would you understand?
There is a difference between creating within the self "to own the reality you are after" and creating within the self "to accept the truths of the outer world that will trap you and keep you from evolving". The outer world is a creation of the inner world: your inner world and the inner world of others likened unto you. It is not just you creating the people that are sitting around you. You may have created or helped co-create the circumstance. You may have helped co-create the concept that “there will be a group I will feel a part of and love being a part of and look forward to participating in life with, and we will increase our consciousness and expand our awareness and evolve our potentiality so that we may own a truth called Ascension”, and in this moment, I, Lady Master Natasha, am not saying to those of you who are present in this reality that you are creating something from which you will not be able to free yourself. But we are bringing that aspect to this idea of Owning Your Reality so that you know you can hold onto some things so tightly they strangle your growth.
We understand there were cards passed around earlier that you were invited to write a question upon, if indeed you have one regarding creating your reality. If you have changed your mind about what you wrote down and no longer wish to ask it, it is not a requirement. If there are those who do have questions, let us enjoy some one-on-one conversation, yes?
Student 1: Is part of owning your own reality also mastering the physical in a non-physical way?
LMN: One cannot master the physical until one masters the non-physical. In other words, let us say that you have an abrasion on your leg. The body knows how to heal it. There is nothing you need do but keep it clean and the abrasion will repair itself. That is not because you created the reality that the body knows how to fix itself; it just does it. Let us say that you keep having an abrasion. It heals and you manifest it again, and it heals and you manifest it again, and it heals and you manifest it again, and it becomes repetitive, then yes, you must look in the non-physical, which is your inner world, and seek within yourself to see “Where have I created this recurring event?"
- Have I set myself up to live in a place where the environment is not conducive to my healing?
- Have I latched onto somebody else’s fear and owned it as my own, and thus I am creating the repetitive experience?
- Have I adopted a belief so strongly in perhaps, let us say the body’s "weakness" or let us say "allergies". Have I adopted it so strongly that that is what is creating the problem?
Student 2: Creating a reality is so broad. It covers so many things. Our reality is here on this planet intermingled with other realities so how can we be totally responsible about what happens to us? You talk about making a soup and then adding the ingredients, and there are so many other ingredients that we’re swimming in that bang up against our reality... And there is another incidence recently when L was sitting on the ground and a bee or a wasp comes over to her and stings her. Now how could she have created that as her reality? Things like this seem to be out of our control sometimes.
LMN: Let us address this immediately, for it is not out of your control. As she sat down, her first thought was, “It doesn’t feel safe for me to sit here.” You see?
Student 2: She attracted that then?
LMN: Indeed. “It does not feel safe for me to sit here.” She knew already the bees had been visiting her throughout the day. Everywhere she went they showed up, so she went inside, she came out, they showed up. She sat down to discuss something, and before she sat down there was a thought form and a memory and a remembrance. It was not prophetic. It was a remembrance of “If I sit on the ground in this area called "the country", I remember that I wind up with funny bites all over my body, from little critters that you cannot see. Do I want to sit here or not? All of these thoughts, jumbling fast, trying to decide in that moment. Well, the memory of “This is an unsafe place to sit” overrode her decision in the moment, “It’s winter; it’s cold enough; all will be fine.”
If that thought form in her mind and in her emotions had been more powerful than the anguish, you know the anguish she spoke of many times of being bitten and not knowing how it happened, yes?, and so she had within her already a very large memory of “this world out here is not that safe if I sit on it”. She steps on it, she gets ringworm. She works outside in the garden and she gets mite bites or whatever you call them. That day the bee kingdom was active, and since there was an energetic frequency vibrating throughout her being, “this is not a safe place to sit”, one paid her a visit upon the back of her body. She reaches back with her hand, not knowing consciously it is there but fully aware subconsciously it is there, and pushes. In the moment it is scared, startled, and stings. It gave its life, one might say, for her emissions of ‘unsafe’. Would you understand?
Student 2: That kind of sneaks up on you. You think things are going to be fine....
LMN: Let us say this Master R: You have found where Shamballa is, and let us say you are on the trek and approaching the abode of the Ascended Masters. And the closer you get, you start to think in your mind, “What if they won’t let me in?” What vibrations are you creating in your being in that moment? “I’m unworthy.” I'm unworthy! Will they let you in? Of course not.
Student 2: So then are you saying, “Fake it til you make it” kind of a thing?
LMN: Indeed not. We are saying to own your truth. Own the truths that do not lock you in to future desperation such as those who are still around the grave yards, but own the truth that is your truth. You, Beloved, are looking for some excuses for letting yourself continue to have some of the things that you do in your current life the way you do them because you don’t wish to put forth the effort to shift and alter them. As long as you can have a reason that “There are all these colliding energies, and they got in the way of my world happening”, then you have an excuse.
We do understand your reference to years ago when we said, "You cannot always predict." That is the word always, not never. You cannot always predict your reality because sometimes there are so many energies upon the face of your planet that are creating that no one gets what they are seeking because the reality becomes like a soup, and each person has added their ingredients in, and it might be palatable and it might not.
Your weather patterns are examples of this. You can, within yourself, dissipate a cloud. You can, within yourself, call forth the sun or the wind or a breeze. You can even, within yourself, bring on the rain. What about this erratic weather that your state and your city and other places in your United States are having now, in this January of 2017? What about the fully erratic nature? It is hot, hot one day in your coldest month of the year, January, and then it is cold, and then it is not, and then it is, and then it is not, and then the wind comes and the wind blow erratically for two days in a row and does not stop, but it is not a hurricane, and it is not anything else that you can truly label it, but the weather is unpredictable with a capital U. Traumatic, as well, because the heat is not necessarily delightful, although it partially is, and the cold is not necessarily wonderful, though sometimes it is, and the wind is nice but it continues for too long. The erraticism of your weather is totally, totally 100% completely due to the emotional release of your country after your presidential election of 2016.
Emotions are everywhere, and as they collide into one another, the weather responds. It always responds to collective thought forms and emotions. That is part of its job. You could have paradise in terms of weather if you were all collectively emotionally on the same page. You could change your world in an instant or less.
Your question, “What do we do with everyone else’s out-there-creating-also and their realities are colliding with our realities, how can we have our reality? That is the insecure inner self saying, “I do not yet fully understand how all of the substance, the Spiritual substance that exists in all things, can respond to my beck and call, to my cause and effect when cause and effect exists for everyone else also.” Would you understand?
Student 2: I agree. Yeah. So that is the thing. It’s a conundrum.
LMN: Let us give you something that is not a conundrum, as an example. When we first began the 158 Pearls series, your very first affirmation that you had to contend with and overcome and learn and grow from was what?
Student 1: I AM humanity.
LMN: Indeed. I AM humanity. I AM humanity sums up the entire answer to your question, Master R, when one still has issues within oneself about “One for All and All for One”, “I AM humanity”, “I AM the reflection of humanity”, “Humanity is a reflection of me”. Whenever there is still judgment on some level within the self, let us take the example of your election, yes? It is very easy for a human self who wants a particular reality to look at something what has happened and say, “There goes the country.” In that moment, they have owned the reality of “They are in for a terrible next four years.” Would you understand?
Student 2: That was not my reality.
LMN: We are not speaking of you specifically. We are giving you an example of how when you look at the outer world and declare how the outer world is going to have an effect on your reality, you are inviting it in, and you are saying to yourself, “I will make myself and my life fit what is going to happen from the decision–making of the outer world". You see? I will let the outer world determine my truth, and yet you know the caveat from the Ascended Masters. It is always be your own what?
Student 2: Authority.
LMN: Indeed. Your own truth. Always be your own authority. If you are allowing the outer world to determine for you, who is being your authority?
Student 1: The outer world.
LMN: Would you care to reword your question at all, or has it caused other corollaries? Do you have other questions to ask as a result? Is this assisting you or confusing you?
Student 2: There are conditions, rules and regulations within our city, state and country, laws and rules and regulations. Some there are no reason for. Seat belts are a good example. My reality says, “I will not have any problems” but then someone looks at you through the window and says, “You’re not wearing your seat belt” and they come after you.
LMN: Your inner reality says, “If I break the laws of my community or I become a rebel or I do not agree and do my own thing, I will suffer for it". You have magnetized to you those who see you and those who report you.
Student 2: I understand that. The thing is how do we nip that in the bud before, or recognize that as a reality? It’s like a belief system that I have a difficulty sometimes trying to change. Do I just decide to change it and not believe it anymore? It seems like it's a stumbling block for me.
LMN: You enjoy repairing vehicles, do you not? Your VWs, yes?
Student 2: Yes.
LMN: When you come across a difficult problem in the repairing of your beloved vehicle, what do you do?
Student 2: Get it repaired. Think about it. Process it. Search for the answer.
LMN: Indeed. It is no different.
Student 2: OK, there is something I am not....
LMN: Let us use your seat belt example. Let us say you decide you are not going to wear the seat belt because it is your right to decide whether you want it or not. We are not saying that you must research the wisdom of whether or not to wear a seat belt. We are saying that in that moment when you make a decision that you know goes contrary to the laws in the external world, then you must research and process your inner world to make sure that your choice will not be sabotaged by some other belief or fear that you have within your being.
Student 2: Okay. I could carry that over to being rear-ended in the truck, and I never thought that would happen. I was taking all the precautions: leaving plenty of room ahead of me, slowing down, and everything else, and then after that thinking, “Everything’s fine. It’s safe". It was a surprise that this happened.
LMN: In that moment, you were used in total safety to be part of realities of others. You were part of the reality of the man who plowed into you, and you had no need of a lesson of harm or hurt and so nothing occurred to you, but the young man needed his experience, gruesome as it was. It was a creation within his world.
Student 2: Why didn’t he choose another experience rather than me being his experience?
LMN: Because of other factors for who owned the truck, and factors that this person had put into motion and into thinking, and you were able to be a participant in the play that caused you no harm and caused no harm to the reality at large that was created. It was an orchestrated interaction of thought forms creating a reality, as is everything you are involved in. You owned your reality in that moment, and your reality was “I AM indestructible.” You were indestructible. You were not harmed in the least. No part of that accident harmed you. You sorrowed for the one that had a problem, but you yourself…
Student 2: OK, I can accept that.
LMN: Would you understand?
Student 2: I think so. The bottom line really is every little essence of thought must be examined and determined if there are obstacles in that way of thinking from preventing you from Owning Your Reality.
LMN: Let us put it in another way for you. You were an owner of a home in Beeville, were you not?
Student 2: Yes.
LMN: Were you proud of the home?
Student 2: Yes.
LMN: Indeed. Why?
Student 2: It was a Victorian home that had a little grandeur, age and status there in town. Enjoyed it, and had a family that enjoyed it.
LMN: And how did you take care of it?
Student 2: Maintained it when it needed maintaining.
LMN: Why?
Student 2: Necessary good stewardship.
LMN: It was because you were the owner. And what did you want in that reality of owning that house? What did the neighbors say?
Student 2: Yeah. I wanted it to be nice and pleasant in the eyes of the neighbors, yeah.
LMN: But what did they say?
Student 2: I don’t know what they were thinking.
LMN: You do. They complimented you on your yard. They complimented you on the beauty of your yard.
Student 2: Yes. OK.
LMN: You, the owner, owned that reality. You kept the house beautiful and immaculate. You kept the yard beautiful and immaculate. You kept the fence beautiful and immaculate. You did not allow things to run down because why? You were Owning Your Reality as a house owner. It was your reality and you owned it.
Student 2: Yes, I see your point.
LMN: You were not required to do so. It was your choice. You owned a reality.
Student 2: I should make it my choice to own my thinking.
LMN: Indeed Beloved. Now you are there. Indeed. So be it. Any others?
Student 1: I have a question about tonight. Can you give us a question or a thought that we can ask ourselves to see if we have written something in stone or that’s going to trap us in something? You’ve given us questions that would trigger something so we would know ‘Oh…’
LMN: It is simple, Beloved. “Is this choice or is this program?”
Student 1: Ok. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Student 3: I have a question and as you have been explaining, I’m not sure how to word this but I'll do my best. In owning my reality I have had, the last two or three years, great ideas of owning my own home and I had gotten to the very point where it was going to happen and the reality was something beyond my control, or was it, happened that the house/the building…I was unable to attain it. My question to you is what part of me, my reality, is saying either I’m not worthy? There is something more that I need to do? There is a home waiting for me? I ask for clarification.
LMN: Indeed. In this situation, Beloved, the energy field that was emitted from your being was that of home ownership. But what is more important about this story here and your reality is that it is not in your inner world just about owning a building. It is not owning a house. It is about owning a ‘home’, and in the concept of ‘home’ it is almost in your inner world reality like the famous Kinkaid artist, yes?
Student 3: Yes
LMN: His painted homes have the glowing lights and warmth inside and the beautiful colors and gardens upon the outside. That home (the one student tried to buy) is something not quite magical, so that would imply not quite being able to be made manifest, yes?
Student 3: Yes.
LMN: The place that you were at reminded you of this vision and dream, but it did not fully match or resonate with the reality within. In your case it was more, let us call it ‘protection’, shall we? We can say that your inner reality realised that you overlooked some things that would have been true about that home and that location that would have not have truly meshed with your concept of ‘home’. Would you understand?
Student 3: I do.
LMN: Indeed. Do not give up. It is upon your doorstep, yes?
Student 4: I have a question, Lady Master Natasha. What is the best way for me to manifest perfect cellular health?
LMN: For you in this moment is to continue…we use that word, yes?...is to continue loving every aspect of self. To love your fingernails. To love your eyelashes. To love your hair no matter its color. To love your spine. To love your feet. To practice love. Over and over again. For you have heard the phraseology “love heals all”, have you not? That is one of your inner truths, and so as that truth, the more you love the more the literal atoms and molecules will begin to vibrate and own and become that very love so that you can truly love yourself into the being you desire and seek to own as your physical vessel. Would you understand?
Student 4: I do. I get that. It feels 100% right. Thank you.
LMN: So be it.
Blessed ones, Namaste unto the heart and the mind of your being and your reality.
Your question, “What do we do with everyone else’s out-there-creating-also and their realities are colliding with our realities, how can we have our reality? That is the insecure inner self saying, “I do not yet fully understand how all of the substance, the Spiritual substance that exists in all things, can respond to my beck and call, to my cause and effect when cause and effect exists for everyone else also.” Would you understand?
Student 2: I agree. Yeah. So that is the thing. It’s a conundrum.
LMN: Let us give you something that is not a conundrum, as an example. When we first began the 158 Pearls series, your very first affirmation that you had to contend with and overcome and learn and grow from was what?
Student 1: I AM humanity.
LMN: Indeed. I AM humanity. I AM humanity sums up the entire answer to your question, Master R, when one still has issues within oneself about “One for All and All for One”, “I AM humanity”, “I AM the reflection of humanity”, “Humanity is a reflection of me”. Whenever there is still judgment on some level within the self, let us take the example of your election, yes? It is very easy for a human self who wants a particular reality to look at something what has happened and say, “There goes the country.” In that moment, they have owned the reality of “They are in for a terrible next four years.” Would you understand?
Student 2: That was not my reality.
LMN: We are not speaking of you specifically. We are giving you an example of how when you look at the outer world and declare how the outer world is going to have an effect on your reality, you are inviting it in, and you are saying to yourself, “I will make myself and my life fit what is going to happen from the decision–making of the outer world". You see? I will let the outer world determine my truth, and yet you know the caveat from the Ascended Masters. It is always be your own what?
Student 2: Authority.
LMN: Indeed. Your own truth. Always be your own authority. If you are allowing the outer world to determine for you, who is being your authority?
Student 1: The outer world.
LMN: Would you care to reword your question at all, or has it caused other corollaries? Do you have other questions to ask as a result? Is this assisting you or confusing you?
Student 2: There are conditions, rules and regulations within our city, state and country, laws and rules and regulations. Some there are no reason for. Seat belts are a good example. My reality says, “I will not have any problems” but then someone looks at you through the window and says, “You’re not wearing your seat belt” and they come after you.
LMN: Your inner reality says, “If I break the laws of my community or I become a rebel or I do not agree and do my own thing, I will suffer for it". You have magnetized to you those who see you and those who report you.
Student 2: I understand that. The thing is how do we nip that in the bud before, or recognize that as a reality? It’s like a belief system that I have a difficulty sometimes trying to change. Do I just decide to change it and not believe it anymore? It seems like it's a stumbling block for me.
LMN: You enjoy repairing vehicles, do you not? Your VWs, yes?
Student 2: Yes.
LMN: When you come across a difficult problem in the repairing of your beloved vehicle, what do you do?
Student 2: Get it repaired. Think about it. Process it. Search for the answer.
LMN: Indeed. It is no different.
Student 2: OK, there is something I am not....
LMN: Let us use your seat belt example. Let us say you decide you are not going to wear the seat belt because it is your right to decide whether you want it or not. We are not saying that you must research the wisdom of whether or not to wear a seat belt. We are saying that in that moment when you make a decision that you know goes contrary to the laws in the external world, then you must research and process your inner world to make sure that your choice will not be sabotaged by some other belief or fear that you have within your being.
Student 2: Okay. I could carry that over to being rear-ended in the truck, and I never thought that would happen. I was taking all the precautions: leaving plenty of room ahead of me, slowing down, and everything else, and then after that thinking, “Everything’s fine. It’s safe". It was a surprise that this happened.
LMN: In that moment, you were used in total safety to be part of realities of others. You were part of the reality of the man who plowed into you, and you had no need of a lesson of harm or hurt and so nothing occurred to you, but the young man needed his experience, gruesome as it was. It was a creation within his world.
Student 2: Why didn’t he choose another experience rather than me being his experience?
LMN: Because of other factors for who owned the truck, and factors that this person had put into motion and into thinking, and you were able to be a participant in the play that caused you no harm and caused no harm to the reality at large that was created. It was an orchestrated interaction of thought forms creating a reality, as is everything you are involved in. You owned your reality in that moment, and your reality was “I AM indestructible.” You were indestructible. You were not harmed in the least. No part of that accident harmed you. You sorrowed for the one that had a problem, but you yourself…
Student 2: OK, I can accept that.
LMN: Would you understand?
Student 2: I think so. The bottom line really is every little essence of thought must be examined and determined if there are obstacles in that way of thinking from preventing you from Owning Your Reality.
LMN: Let us put it in another way for you. You were an owner of a home in Beeville, were you not?
Student 2: Yes.
LMN: Were you proud of the home?
Student 2: Yes.
LMN: Indeed. Why?
Student 2: It was a Victorian home that had a little grandeur, age and status there in town. Enjoyed it, and had a family that enjoyed it.
LMN: And how did you take care of it?
Student 2: Maintained it when it needed maintaining.
LMN: Why?
Student 2: Necessary good stewardship.
LMN: It was because you were the owner. And what did you want in that reality of owning that house? What did the neighbors say?
Student 2: Yeah. I wanted it to be nice and pleasant in the eyes of the neighbors, yeah.
LMN: But what did they say?
Student 2: I don’t know what they were thinking.
LMN: You do. They complimented you on your yard. They complimented you on the beauty of your yard.
Student 2: Yes. OK.
LMN: You, the owner, owned that reality. You kept the house beautiful and immaculate. You kept the yard beautiful and immaculate. You kept the fence beautiful and immaculate. You did not allow things to run down because why? You were Owning Your Reality as a house owner. It was your reality and you owned it.
Student 2: Yes, I see your point.
LMN: You were not required to do so. It was your choice. You owned a reality.
Student 2: I should make it my choice to own my thinking.
LMN: Indeed Beloved. Now you are there. Indeed. So be it. Any others?
Student 1: I have a question about tonight. Can you give us a question or a thought that we can ask ourselves to see if we have written something in stone or that’s going to trap us in something? You’ve given us questions that would trigger something so we would know ‘Oh…’
LMN: It is simple, Beloved. “Is this choice or is this program?”
Student 1: Ok. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Student 3: I have a question and as you have been explaining, I’m not sure how to word this but I'll do my best. In owning my reality I have had, the last two or three years, great ideas of owning my own home and I had gotten to the very point where it was going to happen and the reality was something beyond my control, or was it, happened that the house/the building…I was unable to attain it. My question to you is what part of me, my reality, is saying either I’m not worthy? There is something more that I need to do? There is a home waiting for me? I ask for clarification.
LMN: Indeed. In this situation, Beloved, the energy field that was emitted from your being was that of home ownership. But what is more important about this story here and your reality is that it is not in your inner world just about owning a building. It is not owning a house. It is about owning a ‘home’, and in the concept of ‘home’ it is almost in your inner world reality like the famous Kinkaid artist, yes?
Student 3: Yes
LMN: His painted homes have the glowing lights and warmth inside and the beautiful colors and gardens upon the outside. That home (the one student tried to buy) is something not quite magical, so that would imply not quite being able to be made manifest, yes?
Student 3: Yes.
LMN: The place that you were at reminded you of this vision and dream, but it did not fully match or resonate with the reality within. In your case it was more, let us call it ‘protection’, shall we? We can say that your inner reality realised that you overlooked some things that would have been true about that home and that location that would have not have truly meshed with your concept of ‘home’. Would you understand?
Student 3: I do.
LMN: Indeed. Do not give up. It is upon your doorstep, yes?
Student 4: I have a question, Lady Master Natasha. What is the best way for me to manifest perfect cellular health?
LMN: For you in this moment is to continue…we use that word, yes?...is to continue loving every aspect of self. To love your fingernails. To love your eyelashes. To love your hair no matter its color. To love your spine. To love your feet. To practice love. Over and over again. For you have heard the phraseology “love heals all”, have you not? That is one of your inner truths, and so as that truth, the more you love the more the literal atoms and molecules will begin to vibrate and own and become that very love so that you can truly love yourself into the being you desire and seek to own as your physical vessel. Would you understand?
Student 4: I do. I get that. It feels 100% right. Thank you.
LMN: So be it.
Blessed ones, Namaste unto the heart and the mind of your being and your reality.
Pearl 25
I AM the director of my play and my experience is the Art of my life.
5th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: Owning Your Reality, Lesson 4, Pearl 25
Recorded live. Please forgive the bumps, clicks, and people sounds.
Blessings unto the heart and the mind of your being. I AM Lady Master Natasha. Beloved ones, we are still in your course of Owning Your Reality. This evening we speak of that which is often been in the fringes, one might say, of life forms on planet Earth:
Within the background chatter is the idea that the Self is not worthy of a life elsewhere than even here because:
The background noise of being "not" is that life on planet Earth is somehow something "not to be owned", not to be proud of. It is something to endure. It is something to scurry through. It is something to leave behind. It is something to not be proud of.
There are so many teachings upon your planet, teachings which are not rooted in the mind set of the Ascended Masters and of God’s plan for love and light on planet Earth. Many of these teachings have formed holographic fields on planet Earth, mass consciousness formations, as it were, that emanate the idea that this is a place to leave from. This is a life to leave from. This is something to graduate from.
Yes, we have spoken of planet Earth as having been considered a prison planet for consciousness that is a little unruly in its whereabouts, in its consciousness, a little unwilling to raise its vibrational state or create harmonics within itself that allow it entrance into the other realms of existence, but that does not mean that living here is a punishment. It does not mean that having the life you have here on planet Earth is something that one should be embarrassed about or one should strive to overcome, as it were.
In Owning Your Reality, what is there to own with great joy and great love if the background noise that you may not be aware of is saying that this life is not valuable, that you must perfect yourself in order to move into a realm that is valuable, in order to become someone who is valuable, in order to raise and uplift your consciousness in such a manner that you will then be worthy. Would you understand? Indeed.
This is very important, Beloveds, for on your journey to enlightenment, wherever that journey takes you, and rarely do we, The Council of 8, use the word “should” for that is rather a judgmental terminology in your language, but we would choose to use it consciously in this moment, your journey should be one filled with joy. There should be great love emanating from your being for the opportunity to experience You, the Director of your play, to experience what you are creating, to experience the art of your life, for your life is art. It is a beautiful, creative art.
Just because you are not already ascended in consciousness, just because you are not fully awakened, just because you are not ____ (and you may fill in the blank) is no reason not to wake up each morning filled with joyful awareness that:
Joy and happiness in living your life is the energy that propels the purpose of your life: to be enthralled, to be thrilled with opportunity. It is all around you. There should be no judgement within yourself, and again we purposefully use the word “should”, there should be no judgement within yourself about living illusion.
- within the fringes of consciousness
- within the background chatter that is not always recognized by those who are living on planet Earth.
Within the background chatter is the idea that the Self is not worthy of a life elsewhere than even here because:
- It is not ascended.
- It is not on the right hand of God the Father Almighty, as it were.
- It is not that which you are already striving to be.
The background noise of being "not" is that life on planet Earth is somehow something "not to be owned", not to be proud of. It is something to endure. It is something to scurry through. It is something to leave behind. It is something to not be proud of.
There are so many teachings upon your planet, teachings which are not rooted in the mind set of the Ascended Masters and of God’s plan for love and light on planet Earth. Many of these teachings have formed holographic fields on planet Earth, mass consciousness formations, as it were, that emanate the idea that this is a place to leave from. This is a life to leave from. This is something to graduate from.
Yes, we have spoken of planet Earth as having been considered a prison planet for consciousness that is a little unruly in its whereabouts, in its consciousness, a little unwilling to raise its vibrational state or create harmonics within itself that allow it entrance into the other realms of existence, but that does not mean that living here is a punishment. It does not mean that having the life you have here on planet Earth is something that one should be embarrassed about or one should strive to overcome, as it were.
In Owning Your Reality, what is there to own with great joy and great love if the background noise that you may not be aware of is saying that this life is not valuable, that you must perfect yourself in order to move into a realm that is valuable, in order to become someone who is valuable, in order to raise and uplift your consciousness in such a manner that you will then be worthy. Would you understand? Indeed.
This is very important, Beloveds, for on your journey to enlightenment, wherever that journey takes you, and rarely do we, The Council of 8, use the word “should” for that is rather a judgmental terminology in your language, but we would choose to use it consciously in this moment, your journey should be one filled with joy. There should be great love emanating from your being for the opportunity to experience You, the Director of your play, to experience what you are creating, to experience the art of your life, for your life is art. It is a beautiful, creative art.
Just because you are not already ascended in consciousness, just because you are not fully awakened, just because you are not ____ (and you may fill in the blank) is no reason not to wake up each morning filled with joyful awareness that:
- you have a life to experience
- you have moments that you are wearing an earth suit and you can savor the sensations through this earthsuit
- you can reach out and touch lives
- you can travel
- you can experience
- you can expand the arena of your consciousness.
Joy and happiness in living your life is the energy that propels the purpose of your life: to be enthralled, to be thrilled with opportunity. It is all around you. There should be no judgement within yourself, and again we purposefully use the word “should”, there should be no judgement within yourself about living illusion.
We speak of illusion because it is important in helping you wake up and identify who you truly are, the God Self that you are in the awakening journey that you have chosen as the main theme of your play. That is why we mention illusion. Somehow in mentioning the illusion, however, it begins to sound like illusion is a bad thing, and to be here on a planet such as Earth, living an illusion is to be:
We wish to dispel that in this lesson. In this teaching, we wish to honor illusion as the canvas upon which you are painting your life, the celluloid upon which you are filming your movie. Would you understand? Yes?
Student 1: Is it very often that it's a choice that we don't ascend as opposed to being denied?
LMN: Your question is whether it is a choice that you make to ascend or whether you get there as Forest Gump did in the story you just read and might be refused if you do not answer the right questions or have the right harmonics, yes?
We would say it is neither. We would say that what it is "like attracting like". There are many answers to this 'like attracting like' but let us give some examples:
Let us say you have finished with this life, and you are deciding to leave the physical form. In the process of leaving the physical form, when it disappears from you, you are still the same you. You are the you who is talking and listening here, in this moment. You are the same you that is feeling. You are the same you that has the causes and effects that you’ve lived this lifetime in your play. You are the same you who has all of the beliefs and the ideas that you may not have altered or that you may have altered. You are the sum total of all that you have lived in that life as well as other lives, just as you are now in this moment. If you are in the unknown and you react in the unknown with practiced thought forms, such as, “I will be greeted by those I love and I will be taken to the Temple of Knowledge where I will learn more about who I AM” then that will begin to be your experience . Will you be turned away from the Temple of Knowledge? You will be attracted to the Temple of Knowledge that is at the vibrational state where you are. It is like taking a vibrational entrance exam, yes? You do not get graded by an 'A', a 'B' or a 'C', but you will find the melody that matches the song that you are, and you will gravitate towards that melody.
For some who do not handle the transition because they have not addressed their fears, when they find themselves without form and find they have left their family behind or the earth behind, they can go into a fearsome space and do everything possible to find a way to scramble back to the earth plane to participate in that which was the known. They can, by emanating these kinds of thoughts, attract themselves to the womb of another mother. Would you understand? Indeed.
Student 1: Thank you.
LMN: Any other questions on Owning Your Reality and being proud of it?
Then we shall ask you a question.
Go within yourself in this moment and think about your life. Think about how it has been this lifetime, about choices you have made, people you have met, experiences you have had, opportunities you accepted or turned down. Think of how choices you have made in your thoughts and feelings have led you to where you are now and feel the life you are in now.
Ask yourself, “Am I proud of the life I am living?”
Is it one I would like to hold up to an audience of my selves, filled with selves of myself, to show:
Ask yourself if an audience of your selves would give you a round of applause, or just sit and listen, would shake their heads and wag their fingers “tisk-tisk”, or would raise their hands with questions for you regarding your life.
You need not speak it aloud. It is just to give you a sense of where you are in your play.
These are all the kinds of questions you might ask yourself as you are learning to own your reality.
There has been, in the past perhaps, a feeling of looking at yourself and your life and judging it as not measuring up because you are still improving yourself.
What if, in this moment, you stop the idea that you had to improve yourself?
What if, instead, you owned the idea that the atoms and molecules you are made of are vibrating with such excitement because they are you, and they are making up you, and because you are giving them a chance to experience so many things, so many interactions?
What if you were able to think of yourself as an entire universe in the form that you are? That as this universe you are moving through your life giving all of the universe that you are the opportunity to participate in your play?
- a loser
- someone who just hasn't woke up yet
- and is just kind of drifting through life, as it were, doing all kinds of repetitive things, because you are in illusion.
We wish to dispel that in this lesson. In this teaching, we wish to honor illusion as the canvas upon which you are painting your life, the celluloid upon which you are filming your movie. Would you understand? Yes?
Student 1: Is it very often that it's a choice that we don't ascend as opposed to being denied?
LMN: Your question is whether it is a choice that you make to ascend or whether you get there as Forest Gump did in the story you just read and might be refused if you do not answer the right questions or have the right harmonics, yes?
We would say it is neither. We would say that what it is "like attracting like". There are many answers to this 'like attracting like' but let us give some examples:
Let us say you have finished with this life, and you are deciding to leave the physical form. In the process of leaving the physical form, when it disappears from you, you are still the same you. You are the you who is talking and listening here, in this moment. You are the same you that is feeling. You are the same you that has the causes and effects that you’ve lived this lifetime in your play. You are the same you who has all of the beliefs and the ideas that you may not have altered or that you may have altered. You are the sum total of all that you have lived in that life as well as other lives, just as you are now in this moment. If you are in the unknown and you react in the unknown with practiced thought forms, such as, “I will be greeted by those I love and I will be taken to the Temple of Knowledge where I will learn more about who I AM” then that will begin to be your experience . Will you be turned away from the Temple of Knowledge? You will be attracted to the Temple of Knowledge that is at the vibrational state where you are. It is like taking a vibrational entrance exam, yes? You do not get graded by an 'A', a 'B' or a 'C', but you will find the melody that matches the song that you are, and you will gravitate towards that melody.
For some who do not handle the transition because they have not addressed their fears, when they find themselves without form and find they have left their family behind or the earth behind, they can go into a fearsome space and do everything possible to find a way to scramble back to the earth plane to participate in that which was the known. They can, by emanating these kinds of thoughts, attract themselves to the womb of another mother. Would you understand? Indeed.
Student 1: Thank you.
LMN: Any other questions on Owning Your Reality and being proud of it?
Then we shall ask you a question.
Go within yourself in this moment and think about your life. Think about how it has been this lifetime, about choices you have made, people you have met, experiences you have had, opportunities you accepted or turned down. Think of how choices you have made in your thoughts and feelings have led you to where you are now and feel the life you are in now.
Ask yourself, “Am I proud of the life I am living?”
Is it one I would like to hold up to an audience of my selves, filled with selves of myself, to show:
- this is the life I am living
- this is the play I have created
- this is what I am doing
- this is what I am experiencing?
Ask yourself if an audience of your selves would give you a round of applause, or just sit and listen, would shake their heads and wag their fingers “tisk-tisk”, or would raise their hands with questions for you regarding your life.
You need not speak it aloud. It is just to give you a sense of where you are in your play.
- Are you singing a song of life each day?
- Are you allowing this creative God force energy that you are to fill atoms and molecules with intentions that will bring you joy and satisfaction?
- Are you limiting yourself in some way?
- Are you feeling you have no right to do this, that or the other?
- Are you filled with a glorious permission to engage in whatever illusion you are in, and you have a vision of where you are going with it?
These are all the kinds of questions you might ask yourself as you are learning to own your reality.
There has been, in the past perhaps, a feeling of looking at yourself and your life and judging it as not measuring up because you are still improving yourself.
What if, in this moment, you stop the idea that you had to improve yourself?
What if, instead, you owned the idea that the atoms and molecules you are made of are vibrating with such excitement because they are you, and they are making up you, and because you are giving them a chance to experience so many things, so many interactions?
What if you were able to think of yourself as an entire universe in the form that you are? That as this universe you are moving through your life giving all of the universe that you are the opportunity to participate in your play?
The true question here, Beloveds, is, "How much fun can you make life?"
Because the question is, “Why not?” Why not own your reality? Why not love what all you can bring about?
You are not limited, you are limitless. It is only the imagination being limited that limits your truths.
We are going to ask you to think of this and you need not say it aloud, just fill in the blank:
If there were one thing you could change about your life what would it be? Fill in the blank.Within your own being. If there were ONE thing you COULD change about your life, what would it be?
Now the next question is, “How would you feel if you did it?”
That feeling, the answer to that question, that feeling is the answer to the question of how you would feel owning your reality.
Would you have any questions?
Student 1: I feel I am appreciating the moment to moment. I'm let's just say I am content. I know if I practice it more and more its going to develop more and more.
LMN: Indeed.
Student 1: I keep on coming to this one thought. I think it is an old thought, that somehow deep, deep inside, I can almost see it and feel it. There is a fear. I’m thinking if I stay on the same track and it’ll go away because it is just an old thought form. I was wondering if you could shine a light on that deep deep feeling of, there is a fear there somewhere.
LMN: Indeed. Let us ask because the wisdom is within you. That fear shows up or makes itself known whenever, “What?"
Student 1: The challenge is there from my past, and I have failed, but now I’m able to pass through that so it's just old junk. If that makes any sense.
LMN: Are you saying that the fear arises whenever you remember your past and the ways that you were before, and compare that to now and to your future?
Student 1: Let’s say I’m inside my mother’s womb, and I hear a blender goes off ,and it frightens me. I’m a grown man now but somehow I hear that blender going off and it still scares me. I think it is just an old thought form.
LMN: It is more than just a thought form, Beloved, and it is beautiful that you bring this up because it is about owning a reality. There are neuronal responses in your body, in your being, yes? There are memories that imprint themselves upon the atoms and molecules of your being. In scientific studies and in psychological studies they have realized that they can train an animal to a sound and get the animal to do a particular behavior based on the sound. The memory is there associated with the sound.
The same thing happens with humans, and humans are full of them. They are full of things that happen whenever a particular sound goes off. It is a good analogy that you use. For instance, long ago when there was a school bell that was rung when school was out, the sound of the bell created joy and ebullience, “Hurray!”, in children...and the sound of the bell always brought that. Those who started peddling popsicles and ice cream used the same sound of the bell that was used at school because it brought a joyful feeling, and so they used the association within the human molecules to sell more of their product. Would you understand?
What can you do within yourself when there. We are going to take two examples. We are going to take the example you use of a blender and in the womb, yes? There's a fear because it is a fear of the unknown. Your subconscious is extremely powerful. Your mind is extremely powerful. We have been explaining to you that you are the director of the play, and you can rewrite it at any time. What a director will do is look at daily takes. It will be filmed and they will spend time looking at it to see if they like the sequence of events. If not, they re-film it, or they edit it.
You can do the same thing within your consciousness. You can, and let us just use your analogy of the child in the womb hearing the blender. Yes? Let us use that analogy. You can imagine that you are watching that play. You see and feel what it does to the embryo to feel this problem, but then, what you do, is you rewrite it and you continue to rewrite it. Let me give you another example of how you could change it. The embryo does not hear the blender. What does the embryo hear instead?
Student 1: The heartbeat.
LMN: The heartbeat. You will make a little movie where the blender starts to go off, but someone comes in and pulls the blender out of the way and puts the heartbeat, the heartbeat, and the heartbeat, and you can see and feel the infant moving to the beat of the heart and feeling the rhythm and the love, and going so deeply in itself that the rhythm assures it there is no harm to anything. As you see the rhythm of the heartbeat of the infant, you can put any little sound anywhere, and the infant does not react. It continues to feel the security of the rhythm of the heartbeat. As you stay with it, it begins to be the only movie that there is, and you could even introduce the sound of the blender but the baby only responds to the heartbeat. No other sound can reach it. Would you understand?
Student 1: Yes, thank you.
LMN: Notice how we went to the feeling, yes? It was not just speech. It was full body. It was visual and auditory and kinesthetic and energetic. Yes?
Student 1: Yes.
LMN: You will find that this little fear that you thought was there, you will notice it powerless in your life should it ever come to your consciousness at all. Would you understand? Indeed, so be it.
Beloveds, another an example of Owning Your Reality, because owning your reality can also be disowning your reality, re-writing your play. You are the one in charge. You are the one deciding what you want to be affecting you, what you want to be ruling you, what you want to be running the way you do your life, the way you live and experience.
We say many of these words over and over to you. That is because the subconscious of your being requires repetition and because it listens in a variety of ways, depending upon who it belongs to, in order to assist the greatest growth and evolution on a planet such as yours, there must be a variety of ways to bring about information so that it can be heard and felt and loved and known and owned. Yes?
Do you have questions of realities that are outside of your being? We are working with owning your reality, but what if we step outside of that concept for a little bit of interaction about realities that are not your reality? They are backdrops to the play you are living in, or appear to be, or they are someone else’s reality. Would you have any questions regarding this?
Student 2: Like all the people that are killing people in places over religion or whatever else they're doing? It's in our world so we have to be creating it somehow?
LMN: It is in your world, but it is a backdrop unless you are engaged in it. Yes?
Student 2: Yes.
LMN: It is a backdrop. If you are not engaged in it, and it is not involved in your life, and there is no thing that you can do, in terms of that you can perceive that you can do, then, why? Right? Why does it exist? Because you, Beloveds, as you awaken, you have an opportunity to reach back in the manner that, We, The Council of 8, do and in the manner the Ascended Masters do even though you are still on your planet and as of yet unascended, perhaps, you have an opportunity to send thought forms. You have an opportunity to do ceremonies. You have an opportunity to help those who are embroiled in their illusions find peace and harmony, if indeed they seek it.
The Soul of most consciousness seeks harmony of some sort. If there are many embroiled in a war, most do not love it, and they are reaching out for help. Energetically you have an opportunity to tune the thought forms that are attuned to war into thought forms that are attuned to harmony or peace. Indeed. Do you understand?
Student 2: I do.
LMN: In other words, it is, yes, it is their reality, and it is their story, but you have an opportunity to imprint it. There is a great deal of energy that is released in a war, and most do not want to own it. It is, one might say, up for grabs. Why not take the energy and do what you know how to do with shapes and forms and colors. Yes?
Student 2: It makes you proactive at any rate.
LMN: Indeed. Because you see, what you are training yourself to do is have a response for that which is not in the heart of your being. Would you understand? Indeed.
Student 3: How about the forest fire in Chile? They say it is the world’s largest.
LMN: Your question would be, “Why are there forest fires?” Or “Why at this point in time is there such a forest fire?”
Student 3: We just assume that Mother Earth will be Okay. It’ll go ahead and replenish?
LMN: The Earth, Herself, we like to use the term, is magical, but we do not mean magical as in a magician or magic like you see. We mean the Earth, Herself, has the ability to renew, rejuvenate, and regenerate because it is part of what she does. It is what she does.
Fire in nature is often a good thing because just like if a house burns down, it would have to be rebuilt. Fire allows nature to regrow in a different format. It does not kill the roots down in the soil. It might level trees, but then nature does not always wish to be the same all of the time everywhere. You can study the cycles of fire, and you can understand they have what are called controlled burns across your planet in parks and things that are managed in order to stimulate, in order to change, in order to alter. Fire is an energy that alchemically is used to shift and alter energies.
Weather on your planet is determined by the collective emotions of those on your planet. Fires can be a result of the same thing, but for the most part this planet knows what needs to be done upon her surface and within her surface in order to host the consciousness that lives upon her. Would you understand? Sometimes coastal areas where it is flooded or inundated or other areas where humans have taken up residence, it is not always in the best consideration for humans to live everywhere on Earth.
Namaste unto the heart and mind of your being.
- How much joy can you impregnate it with?
- How much pleasure can you take from the fact that you, God, are having an experience called life that you are owning the reality you are in?
Because the question is, “Why not?” Why not own your reality? Why not love what all you can bring about?
You are not limited, you are limitless. It is only the imagination being limited that limits your truths.
We are going to ask you to think of this and you need not say it aloud, just fill in the blank:
If there were one thing you could change about your life what would it be? Fill in the blank.Within your own being. If there were ONE thing you COULD change about your life, what would it be?
Now the next question is, “How would you feel if you did it?”
That feeling, the answer to that question, that feeling is the answer to the question of how you would feel owning your reality.
Would you have any questions?
Student 1: I feel I am appreciating the moment to moment. I'm let's just say I am content. I know if I practice it more and more its going to develop more and more.
LMN: Indeed.
Student 1: I keep on coming to this one thought. I think it is an old thought, that somehow deep, deep inside, I can almost see it and feel it. There is a fear. I’m thinking if I stay on the same track and it’ll go away because it is just an old thought form. I was wondering if you could shine a light on that deep deep feeling of, there is a fear there somewhere.
LMN: Indeed. Let us ask because the wisdom is within you. That fear shows up or makes itself known whenever, “What?"
Student 1: The challenge is there from my past, and I have failed, but now I’m able to pass through that so it's just old junk. If that makes any sense.
LMN: Are you saying that the fear arises whenever you remember your past and the ways that you were before, and compare that to now and to your future?
Student 1: Let’s say I’m inside my mother’s womb, and I hear a blender goes off ,and it frightens me. I’m a grown man now but somehow I hear that blender going off and it still scares me. I think it is just an old thought form.
LMN: It is more than just a thought form, Beloved, and it is beautiful that you bring this up because it is about owning a reality. There are neuronal responses in your body, in your being, yes? There are memories that imprint themselves upon the atoms and molecules of your being. In scientific studies and in psychological studies they have realized that they can train an animal to a sound and get the animal to do a particular behavior based on the sound. The memory is there associated with the sound.
The same thing happens with humans, and humans are full of them. They are full of things that happen whenever a particular sound goes off. It is a good analogy that you use. For instance, long ago when there was a school bell that was rung when school was out, the sound of the bell created joy and ebullience, “Hurray!”, in children...and the sound of the bell always brought that. Those who started peddling popsicles and ice cream used the same sound of the bell that was used at school because it brought a joyful feeling, and so they used the association within the human molecules to sell more of their product. Would you understand?
What can you do within yourself when there. We are going to take two examples. We are going to take the example you use of a blender and in the womb, yes? There's a fear because it is a fear of the unknown. Your subconscious is extremely powerful. Your mind is extremely powerful. We have been explaining to you that you are the director of the play, and you can rewrite it at any time. What a director will do is look at daily takes. It will be filmed and they will spend time looking at it to see if they like the sequence of events. If not, they re-film it, or they edit it.
You can do the same thing within your consciousness. You can, and let us just use your analogy of the child in the womb hearing the blender. Yes? Let us use that analogy. You can imagine that you are watching that play. You see and feel what it does to the embryo to feel this problem, but then, what you do, is you rewrite it and you continue to rewrite it. Let me give you another example of how you could change it. The embryo does not hear the blender. What does the embryo hear instead?
Student 1: The heartbeat.
LMN: The heartbeat. You will make a little movie where the blender starts to go off, but someone comes in and pulls the blender out of the way and puts the heartbeat, the heartbeat, and the heartbeat, and you can see and feel the infant moving to the beat of the heart and feeling the rhythm and the love, and going so deeply in itself that the rhythm assures it there is no harm to anything. As you see the rhythm of the heartbeat of the infant, you can put any little sound anywhere, and the infant does not react. It continues to feel the security of the rhythm of the heartbeat. As you stay with it, it begins to be the only movie that there is, and you could even introduce the sound of the blender but the baby only responds to the heartbeat. No other sound can reach it. Would you understand?
Student 1: Yes, thank you.
LMN: Notice how we went to the feeling, yes? It was not just speech. It was full body. It was visual and auditory and kinesthetic and energetic. Yes?
Student 1: Yes.
LMN: You will find that this little fear that you thought was there, you will notice it powerless in your life should it ever come to your consciousness at all. Would you understand? Indeed, so be it.
Beloveds, another an example of Owning Your Reality, because owning your reality can also be disowning your reality, re-writing your play. You are the one in charge. You are the one deciding what you want to be affecting you, what you want to be ruling you, what you want to be running the way you do your life, the way you live and experience.
We say many of these words over and over to you. That is because the subconscious of your being requires repetition and because it listens in a variety of ways, depending upon who it belongs to, in order to assist the greatest growth and evolution on a planet such as yours, there must be a variety of ways to bring about information so that it can be heard and felt and loved and known and owned. Yes?
Do you have questions of realities that are outside of your being? We are working with owning your reality, but what if we step outside of that concept for a little bit of interaction about realities that are not your reality? They are backdrops to the play you are living in, or appear to be, or they are someone else’s reality. Would you have any questions regarding this?
Student 2: Like all the people that are killing people in places over religion or whatever else they're doing? It's in our world so we have to be creating it somehow?
LMN: It is in your world, but it is a backdrop unless you are engaged in it. Yes?
Student 2: Yes.
LMN: It is a backdrop. If you are not engaged in it, and it is not involved in your life, and there is no thing that you can do, in terms of that you can perceive that you can do, then, why? Right? Why does it exist? Because you, Beloveds, as you awaken, you have an opportunity to reach back in the manner that, We, The Council of 8, do and in the manner the Ascended Masters do even though you are still on your planet and as of yet unascended, perhaps, you have an opportunity to send thought forms. You have an opportunity to do ceremonies. You have an opportunity to help those who are embroiled in their illusions find peace and harmony, if indeed they seek it.
The Soul of most consciousness seeks harmony of some sort. If there are many embroiled in a war, most do not love it, and they are reaching out for help. Energetically you have an opportunity to tune the thought forms that are attuned to war into thought forms that are attuned to harmony or peace. Indeed. Do you understand?
Student 2: I do.
LMN: In other words, it is, yes, it is their reality, and it is their story, but you have an opportunity to imprint it. There is a great deal of energy that is released in a war, and most do not want to own it. It is, one might say, up for grabs. Why not take the energy and do what you know how to do with shapes and forms and colors. Yes?
Student 2: It makes you proactive at any rate.
LMN: Indeed. Because you see, what you are training yourself to do is have a response for that which is not in the heart of your being. Would you understand? Indeed.
Student 3: How about the forest fire in Chile? They say it is the world’s largest.
LMN: Your question would be, “Why are there forest fires?” Or “Why at this point in time is there such a forest fire?”
Student 3: We just assume that Mother Earth will be Okay. It’ll go ahead and replenish?
LMN: The Earth, Herself, we like to use the term, is magical, but we do not mean magical as in a magician or magic like you see. We mean the Earth, Herself, has the ability to renew, rejuvenate, and regenerate because it is part of what she does. It is what she does.
Fire in nature is often a good thing because just like if a house burns down, it would have to be rebuilt. Fire allows nature to regrow in a different format. It does not kill the roots down in the soil. It might level trees, but then nature does not always wish to be the same all of the time everywhere. You can study the cycles of fire, and you can understand they have what are called controlled burns across your planet in parks and things that are managed in order to stimulate, in order to change, in order to alter. Fire is an energy that alchemically is used to shift and alter energies.
Weather on your planet is determined by the collective emotions of those on your planet. Fires can be a result of the same thing, but for the most part this planet knows what needs to be done upon her surface and within her surface in order to host the consciousness that lives upon her. Would you understand? Sometimes coastal areas where it is flooded or inundated or other areas where humans have taken up residence, it is not always in the best consideration for humans to live everywhere on Earth.
Namaste unto the heart and mind of your being.
Pearl 26
If the outer world resists what my inner world seeks to create,
I compromise. I seek win/win.
Blessings unto the heart and the mind of your being. I AM Lady Master Natasha. Beloveds Ones, we continue with your course, Owning Your Reality, this being your Lesson 5.
When one is owning one’s reality, there is an experience of knowing that resides within the being that has no contest with what you call time, for knowing is a timeless factor of creation.
Let us speak about what happens when you are creating your reality, and you believe you are Owning Your Reality for you have what you believe is your knowing. You believe you have put forth the energy, the thoughts, the feeling in creation, and you have a stalwart inner knowledge and feeling and belief that your reality is manifestable. Yes?
What you experience in your life is something that seems to contest your reality. Would you understand?
You have been:
You have been living.
You have been believing, and yet you come face to face with something in your external world that challenges you or that refutes the possibility of your reality being your truth.
What does one do?
Before we answer that question for you, let us hear from you and see if you have that answer already.
What does one do when one has been crystal clear within one’s self about the reality that Self is creating or seeking to make manifest, and yet the outer world confronts you with resistance?
Student 1: Well, I first go within to see if there are other things in my subconscious that I need to clear.
LMN: You look at the outer world and see if it represents for you a message, a symbolism of something still living within yourself that would interfere with your creation.
Student 1: Yes.
LMN: Indeed. Quite valid, yes? Anyone else?
Student 2: I try to, instead of trying so hard for what it is that I’m wishing to manifest, I’m thinking now maybe I should just let it go.
LMN: When you have a resistance in the outer world, it causes your inner world to think, “Perhaps the outer world pushing back at me is a sign that what I am seeking to manifest may not be for my greatest interests.” Yes?
Student 2: Yes.
LMN: Indeed.
Student 3: I think it’s not really getting ahold of the God within me, and not understanding completely that I truly have that power.
LMN: When you meet resistance from the outer world you believe that something within you has empowered the outer world rather than the God aspect of yourself.
Student 3: Yes.
LMN: Any others? Well, there is nothing in error about that which you have shared.
We wish to offer you three words that will be a very useful perspective for you when you meet resistance in the outer world with that which you seek to be your manifestation. Three words. Can any of you guess what they are?
Student 1: My first thought is "I AM God."
LMN: You are already knowing that, yes? In the first process of your manifestation, and yet the God of your being has met something external to yourself that seems to frustrate the plan, as it were. Yes?
Student 2: Just stay focused.
LMN: That is a possibility. Just stay focused. Indeed, we like this. It is not the three words we have chosen, but it is definitely a useable mantra.
Student 3: Stay in love.
LMN: Stay in love, indeed. Another useable mantra.
Student 4: All is love.
LMN: You are dancing around on the outskirts of it also. We shall reveal it because it includes that which you have said. The three words are:
Let us compromise.
Would you understand?
When you are so busy building up within yourself to create in your outer world, there is also that in your outer world which is busy building up within itself what it chooses to create in the outer world, and so if you are holding so strongly to yourself as right and yourself as “Only that which I say may be made manifest”, what you have been training in and you have been using as the stalwart aspect of self is a necessary understanding in order to begin the process of creation because on your planet you are taught, generally speaking, that you are worthless and powerless. Therefore, in order to reach power, you must first be trained with the idea you are power. When you realize that power comes up against power of some sort in the outer world, then you must have the next strategy.
The next strategy is LET US COMPROMISE, because in that compromise is still your “just stay focused” and is still your “stay with love as your focus and your reality" because in that compromise is love.
Many times, Beloveds, you will find that when you offer the art of compromise, you will discover there has just been a misunderstanding in vocabulary or a misunderstanding in the wording that has been used.
You might discover for yourselves that all along you and the outer world that was pushing against you or resisting you was simply not in sync with your understanding because of the way you interacted with the outer world.
In Owning Your Reality, the outer world is not the enemy.
Some of you still have that in your consciousness,
In that sense what was spoken earlier of looking within to see what do I have in my being that is causing this push/pull or this resistance from the outer world, it is that it is possibly that concept, that:
You see all of these hidden little innuendoes that can be floating around in the world of your own consciousness bringing to you that very experience?
When you live on a planet where all are enlightened, or you live on a dimension where all are enlightened, and all are seeking their realities, how do you suppose your reality comes to be if someone else’s reality is different?
It is not about “I am right, and they are wrong.” It is about “Let us compromise.” That is what on your planet you call win/win.
There is still that energy on your planet in creating realities of the “us vs them”, and it is there in so many ways. It is there with employee and employer so there are labels and job descriptions. That is one big problem on your planet, job descriptions. In Owning Your Reality, if you are having a job and it has a description and you enjoy it and you fit the description, you might possibly be limiting yourself in terms of the ways that you can interact with others from the heart and from the heart space that has no judgement to it. Would you understand?
Let us take some examples, if you will, of what we are going to call jobs. Not your phraseology “Just Over Broke, not the acronym that stands for that (JOB), but something that you are passionate in, something that you love doing, or something that you do simply for the money and do not love it.
Let us talk about the innuendos and the hidden judgments that exist in the areas of jobs.
Student 1: Is this for us to bring up?
LMN: Indeed.
Student 1: So, perfect timing for me because I have to fire someone on Friday, and I hate, and I’m using the word hate and I don’t usually use it, but it causes so much anguish in me to have to do that, even though I know it’s the best for, in the long run, that person and in the long run, my property, but I just can’t get past that. I haven’t been able to get past just that sick feeling and just having to deal with it.
LMN: Your job description you are bringing up is that of employer, and the issue you are bringing up is having to let go of an employee. Yes? You are in the anguish that Ebenezer Scrooge is, in the having to let go of his perception of the outer world and what they are like, but it is reversed. Yes? We are just reversing it for you. In yours you have your employees as family; and so if you have not sent them to college, or you have not sent them to the maximum training, and you have not prepared them for all the things they must do in life, then you feel that you are missing, you are inadequate as an employer. Would you understand?
Student 1: Yes.
LMN: In this world, in being an employer, being a boss, there is the idea that a boss is in charge of the health and the well-being of employees’ lives; and why we bring up the Scrooge and Christmas is because you can see Bob Crachet, who gives all he has to give, and there is basically no more to give, but never complains, but he has, we might call, the employer from hell. Yes?
Student 1: Yes.
LMN: There is also that. You are on the one end of employers who see their employees as family and must be taken care of, must be trained, etc., but you also see them as children who have not grown up and are dependent upon you; and then on the other end of the spectrum we have Scrooge who will not give an extra penny or an extra ten minutes of vacation time for an employee and only sees the bad within it all and how people are not giving what all they can give. Now you have the entire range in between. Would you all understand?
You all are employees. You have employed yourself to work on planet Earth. If you have judgments against an employee, you are the employer of yourself, we say. You are all employers employing yourself. You are both employee and employer.
Whatever you have within your inner world regarding these will interfere with you owning your reality. Would you understand? Yes.
Within your world, the reality that you wish to own is that everyone’s life is wonderful. You wish to own that. You wish to own that whatever you had to do for them you did to the max. If you have to let someone go, you feel that you have not given to the max, or you would not have to let them go. Would you understand?
What you are working with is the internal now. You must move to the place within yourself where there is no judgement for freeing someone to become something else they need to do. Sometimes is it not true that the mother bird must push the babies out of the nest so they flap their wings and practice flying?
Student 1: Yes, and I know, my head knows, that this person needs to move on.
LMN: Yes, but your heart does not know because you are bound by your definition of what makes a good employer. You see? It is not about the employee in this case. It is about what makes you a good employer. A good employer never lets an employee go unless they quit on their own.
Student 1: Okay, It's a vow and a belief system too.
LMN: Indeed. Then you will be able to see differently for yourself how you will become a different employer for the employee that you are on planet Earth.
Student 1: Thank you.
LMN: Indeed. Are there any other labels of jobs that you wish to explore before we move on?
Student 3: Yes.
LMN: Indeed.
Student 3: Work in itself is slavery.
LMN: Ahhh…there is definitely on planet Earth that concept because on planet Earth, all that can be bought and sold, almost all, you still have a little bit of air left that is not bought and sold, all of the resources that are needed to keep a human being alive are controlled and given a fee that is required in order to have them.
Your water is no longer free. Your electricity is not free. You live on a planet where greed is a grand factor in all of this, but you also live on a planet where different root races are coming and they are, we are going to say joyfully, infiltrating the planet Earth, and with their thinking, they will be able to do the things that your giants in the world like, Nikola Tesla, were not able to do in terms of manifesting free electricity, as an example, because planet Earth was designed so that all a person’s needs could be met in terms of resources without the requirement of having to work.
There is on the planet the idea that work is demeaning. However, there is also the idea on the planet that when you find your passion and when you engage in what you are passionate about, it does not feel like work. It feels like something you could do endlessly.
Someone spoke earlier this evening and used the words labor of love and that is truly what work is meant to be on any planet or any dimension where there is such a thing as work. Where energy is exchanged for energy, and on your planet it is easier to exchange coins and bills than chickens and goats. Is it not? Barter is a system no matter where you are, in terms of energy for energy, but the concept of work (often, if one looks at fairy tales and one looks at Cinderella) gets into the young child’s mind as demeaning. Work is demeaning and dirty, and no one loves the one who must do all the work. The worker is not respected, so the worker is unloved and disrespected and dishonored for the work that is done. That is within your inner world and the inner world of many: the idea that work is really about rags and soot. Would you understand? Indeed.
Shifting that, one might think of the role model of Mother Teresa. Yes? Her work for the goodness of humanity was very taxing emotionally and physically. It was true work, but it was true passion. She could not have not done it because it was her passion.
If on your planet children were taught from the beginning to seek that which they loved, there would be many new jobs that would be created. There would be many new inventions that would occur. There would be an entirely different lifestyle existing on your planet if consciousness was encouraged to do that which it loved.
Instead, there is an oppressive thought form that grows heavier and heavier with each year of going through your school system so that by the time an entity has graduated from high school, the load emotionally, although it is invisible, is quite heavy because there is so much expectation in the life of one growing up on your planet: every day having to achieve, to achieve, to meet this goal, meet this goal, and there is zero satisfaction for most students in the goals they are expected to meet. They are trained for twelve years to have no satisfaction in the goals they are expected to meet. Then where does that take your consciousness on into the work force, where you have been trained for twelve years of your life that you are to have no satisfaction for the goals you are striving to reach? Do you understand?
This is hard work. The concept or the idea of work, becomes an anathema to the soul, to the spirit, to the personality, to the mind, and to the illusions.
Student 1: Out of curiosity is that on the whole planet or is that in America?
LMN: That is in your country and other countries as well, but it is not global. There are those, particularly if you looked at, let us just say your Native Americans, for you are familiar with them, but it is true with most Aboriginal cultures, there is no heavy burden that is laid upon the shoulders of the youth as they are growing up. Their youth is protected, and they are encouraged to expand, to play, to love, to enjoy, to experience, and they are trained to look forward to opportunities; such as, their vision quest where they, on their own, find out their purpose and their truth and their name and so forth.
There are many who cannot wait to become the roles they see role modeled for them, which are not models of stress. They are not models of barely making ends meet. Instead, what does a Native American, and we do not speak of those on reservations. We speak of in your past. Those who lived freely upon the land. They knew when to move because they knew to move before the land was used up. The land needed renewal. They knew that there was a love of life in all things, that the Great Creator existed in all things: in every tree, every twig, every herb, every animal, every dust, every skin, every stream, every waterfall, every rock, every thing. Great Creator and Creative Energy was in all things. There was no place it was not.
Student 5: Can you address work as play and play as work?
LMN: In your culture, play is thought of as something one does with one’s time that does not produce anything but merriment. It is thought of as something that has no purpose other than joy. Play, in your culture, is something that is permission given to children when either the parents do not want to be bothered (go play), or they get recess in school (it is now time to play).
Either way play is unstructured; work is structured.
Play has an emotional goal. Work has a physical goal.
Play is usually not related to the passage of time. It is in the moment and in the now.
Work is usually, in your culture, something that is related to the future. “When will I be done?”, not “What am I doing in the moment?”
In order to have work as play and play as work, there needs to be a shifting in the consciousness of what each one stands for. Would you understand?
On the one hand, play is amorphous. It is flowing. It is non-structured. It is ebullient. It is imaginary. It is creative, and for the most part in your culture those are not attributes that are attributed to work. Would you understand?
Unless of course, you have the good fortune to be one of those who becomes like a child when you are at work, and everything is new and everything is wonderful and everything is exciting, and you look forward to who you are going to interact with and what you are going to say and what you are going to smell and what you are going to make.
You can be in Kindergarten at work and still be productive. You can have the fun of life and still have it within four walls. Just make sure you take time to get up and move around.
Work on your planet, depending upon the kind of job you have, can be very stationary or it can be very mobile. Work, depending upon the kind of job you have, can either be something that is controlled environment with fake lighting and fake air and fake either warmth or cold to it. Or, it can be something that is 100% completely related to the out-of-doors, to movement, to freedom, to knowing what the seasons are and knowing what the weather and temperature is.
There are many different ways to create a work environment. What matters is how the inside perceives the work. Are you going to take what we spoke of earlier and use work as something that is demeaning, something that is difficult, something that is harsh to the being for whatever reasons you are judging it for? Or are you going to have a different perspective?
It is true that in other planets and in other dimensions and higher realities, work is not at all like it is on planet earth. Work is not seen as something that is drudgery. Work is not seen as something where someone is controlling you. Work is seen only as something that is a gift to be given.
Student 5: My reading said to see work as play and play as work. I don’t really follow play as work.
LMN: Because you have ideas of what work is. It is restricted. It is limiting. It is somebody else's idea what you are supposed to do. It is locked onto a clock. It is locked onto a calendar. It is defined by a cubicle. It is defined by scents and sights and other people. Would you understand?
In other words, in your world, you feel that work is like a giant claw that has grabbed you and will not let you go until the clock chimes. Would you understand?
Student 1: I take it she is not doing what she has passion for.
LMN: Because in her programmed world that is what work is. Work is that which you do because someone else told you to do this, and work is something that you do because you have to pay the bills, and work is something that you do that gets in the way of what you really want to do. And so forth.
To do work as play and play as work is to spend the time to recognize what are all the feelings and the thoughts and the ideas that I have regarding work itself? What do I think about work? How does it feel to me? How does it smell? What does it look like?
If I were going to design my perfect work experience, what would it entail?
Student 5: Maybe it would be just a dropping of the labels and thinking rather of your day, instead of defining it as either work or play. I was just confused over my reading because you asked me to look into those things, so thank you for that.
LMN: Well, you see that play, Beloved, is exactly what you just said. What if I just do my day? Because that is what play is. It is unstructured. It is not locked into time. It is not locked into, when one is playing it is not because an adult or someone in authority has said to you, “Pick up that ball and bounce it twenty times, and then throw it through that basket, and then go climb the jungle gym, and then go get on the seesaw, and then take your friend’s hand and run for 20 minutes, and then go play with the dog and throw the ball". You see?
Play is not that. It is not structured experience. It is an ebullient, from the moment, from the inside, let’s do this. It is spontaneous. Do you understand?
You to own all of that is exactly what you are saying with your vocabulary. What if I just had a day? You can get close to the feel of play with that thought form. Yes? Indeed.
In this discussion, Beloveds, the purpose has been for you to recognize how it is, even in a work place or with any label that you own, when you are finding the outer world resisting that which your inner world seeks to create, you are to begin looking at “let us compromise.” Where is the compromise possible? When you do, it may take you to your inner world where you discover that you have been living a very rigid description or a very rigid expectation and you could allow it to crumble.
It may expand your possibilities and potentialities toward interacting with the outer world, and it may give your outer world the same permission. Would you understand? Indeed. So be it.
Student 1: I can see you playing with flowers and having so much fun arranging them.
Student 5: Okay. Do all of you see work as play and play as work?
Student 6: Oh, I do. I’ve been very fortunate in my life, very fortunate, because as a teacher I have played every day of my life. And I don’t mean just on a playground with the kids, but I never took the label of teacher as, “Oh, I’m supposed to sit behind a desk and grade papers and do this whatever.” I was the only teacher, pretty much, who did what I did. I played on the playground with the kids. I played at the sock hop with the kids. I would run around and play tag if I had to or wanted to. Everything that I did in terms of teaching was, “What would I want to be doing right now?” I taught the kids how to use a camera, or I taught them where we went on an outdoor school walks. We sang our Spanish songs throughout the school. My whole perspective was what would I like to be doing right now? We did it. It just created an entire family experience with the school.
When I went to another school where they were just starting, there were only two of us there and so I basically had second, third and fourth graders. Even though I wrote the curriculum and you could say that’s work, it wasn’t work, because I was creating. What was I creating but what the minds were going to be learning, what they would be doing, where it would be leading them in their life.
Whatever I was doing, I knew it would have an impact. Are they going to have fun with it? Is this going to teach them? Is this going to help them? I was the PE teacher at the same time I was the drama teacher. I was the choir teacher. I was the science teacher. Everything was every way I could make it as hands on. It challenged my mind. It challenged my creativity.
It was a lifestyle that was what I was trying to get to. It became a lifestyle. Every morning that I got up, it wasn’t - Ah, I’ve got to go teach the kids. It was “OH! What am I going to do today? OH, today I’m going to bake cookies or today we are going to play a game. Today we are going to…” Every day was how I wanted to spend my day.
I can tell you truthfully, I’ve never worked a day in my life. I’ve never worked, ever. I’ve had jobs, but they weren’t like work. They were fun. I love what I do. I’ve always loved what I do. Whatever I’m doing, I love what I do. And that makes life really good.
Student 6: When I quit teaching, all of a sudden, I had evenings. I found myself with free time and I didn’t understand why. I hadn’t realized I worked 24/7. Literally I worked, I mean I did sleep, but I worked all the time. I was always creating, always doing. I didn’t have, like, time off. I didn’t go places. I didn’t take vacations. I just didn’t do other stuff, because I was so satisfied. I was always expanding it. I was always, oh, tomorrow let’s do this. Then I was busy creating new curriculum for what I was doing. This week let’s do this. I always had to create what it was. I was busy making power points or busy making videos or busy doing whatever. It wasn’t like me grading papers every night. That wasn’t what my nights were like. It is completely full, your life is completely filled.
Student 5: When she said my concept of work was like a giant claw around me. That was really kind of a shock because the only time I really felt like that was when I was at Terry’s. Most of the other work I’ve done was kind of like-I get to do fun stuff. It is not something like you’re talking about but it is not a dread or a claw.
Student 6: Empathically, I feel you that way. I’ve always felt you that way with your work. I’ve always felt you as though the claw had you. You were a fountain of light in your work. People couldn’t get enough of you. They couldn’t get enough of what you did and what you did was so creative and so unusual and so spectacular and so you. It is not reproducible. It just had your mark on it. There was still this energy there of the claw. The claw-you are trapped.
Student 5: You can be trapped in play at the same time.
Student 3: What did she mean that we were all employed by planet earth? That we are employees and employers.
Student 6: That was brilliant. We are employers of ourselves. You are taking a job on. The job is your life. You are the employer of yourself. How much are you going to pay yourself? What kind of work conditions are you going to create for yourself? What’s going to be the goal of the job? You employed yourself to come down here to hire yourself. You employed yourself to come down here and be the employee. What is the employee doing? Well, you are trying to follow through with all of the instructions that you are giving yourself. In a way, your employer is sort of like your conscious mind. Your employee is like your sub conscious mind. It’s trying to do what you are telling it to do to carry out the job.
When one is owning one’s reality, there is an experience of knowing that resides within the being that has no contest with what you call time, for knowing is a timeless factor of creation.
Let us speak about what happens when you are creating your reality, and you believe you are Owning Your Reality for you have what you believe is your knowing. You believe you have put forth the energy, the thoughts, the feeling in creation, and you have a stalwart inner knowledge and feeling and belief that your reality is manifestable. Yes?
What you experience in your life is something that seems to contest your reality. Would you understand?
You have been:
- working, working;
- affirming, affirming;
- praying, praying;
- decreeing, decreeing;
- seeing, seeing;
- imagining,imagining.
You have been living.
You have been believing, and yet you come face to face with something in your external world that challenges you or that refutes the possibility of your reality being your truth.
What does one do?
Before we answer that question for you, let us hear from you and see if you have that answer already.
What does one do when one has been crystal clear within one’s self about the reality that Self is creating or seeking to make manifest, and yet the outer world confronts you with resistance?
Student 1: Well, I first go within to see if there are other things in my subconscious that I need to clear.
LMN: You look at the outer world and see if it represents for you a message, a symbolism of something still living within yourself that would interfere with your creation.
Student 1: Yes.
LMN: Indeed. Quite valid, yes? Anyone else?
Student 2: I try to, instead of trying so hard for what it is that I’m wishing to manifest, I’m thinking now maybe I should just let it go.
LMN: When you have a resistance in the outer world, it causes your inner world to think, “Perhaps the outer world pushing back at me is a sign that what I am seeking to manifest may not be for my greatest interests.” Yes?
Student 2: Yes.
LMN: Indeed.
Student 3: I think it’s not really getting ahold of the God within me, and not understanding completely that I truly have that power.
LMN: When you meet resistance from the outer world you believe that something within you has empowered the outer world rather than the God aspect of yourself.
Student 3: Yes.
LMN: Any others? Well, there is nothing in error about that which you have shared.
We wish to offer you three words that will be a very useful perspective for you when you meet resistance in the outer world with that which you seek to be your manifestation. Three words. Can any of you guess what they are?
Student 1: My first thought is "I AM God."
LMN: You are already knowing that, yes? In the first process of your manifestation, and yet the God of your being has met something external to yourself that seems to frustrate the plan, as it were. Yes?
Student 2: Just stay focused.
LMN: That is a possibility. Just stay focused. Indeed, we like this. It is not the three words we have chosen, but it is definitely a useable mantra.
Student 3: Stay in love.
LMN: Stay in love, indeed. Another useable mantra.
Student 4: All is love.
LMN: You are dancing around on the outskirts of it also. We shall reveal it because it includes that which you have said. The three words are:
Let us compromise.
Would you understand?
When you are so busy building up within yourself to create in your outer world, there is also that in your outer world which is busy building up within itself what it chooses to create in the outer world, and so if you are holding so strongly to yourself as right and yourself as “Only that which I say may be made manifest”, what you have been training in and you have been using as the stalwart aspect of self is a necessary understanding in order to begin the process of creation because on your planet you are taught, generally speaking, that you are worthless and powerless. Therefore, in order to reach power, you must first be trained with the idea you are power. When you realize that power comes up against power of some sort in the outer world, then you must have the next strategy.
The next strategy is LET US COMPROMISE, because in that compromise is still your “just stay focused” and is still your “stay with love as your focus and your reality" because in that compromise is love.
Many times, Beloveds, you will find that when you offer the art of compromise, you will discover there has just been a misunderstanding in vocabulary or a misunderstanding in the wording that has been used.
You might discover for yourselves that all along you and the outer world that was pushing against you or resisting you was simply not in sync with your understanding because of the way you interacted with the outer world.
In Owning Your Reality, the outer world is not the enemy.
Some of you still have that in your consciousness,
- that the outer world works against you
- that the outer world is that which has the push and the pull
- and that you are the one who is struggling to be heard or to make yourself known.
In that sense what was spoken earlier of looking within to see what do I have in my being that is causing this push/pull or this resistance from the outer world, it is that it is possibly that concept, that:
- the outer world is just that way
- that all of those people are just that way
- that humanity is just that way
- that this race is just that way
- that that color is just that way
- that that kind of person who has that kind of job is just that way.
You see all of these hidden little innuendoes that can be floating around in the world of your own consciousness bringing to you that very experience?
When you live on a planet where all are enlightened, or you live on a dimension where all are enlightened, and all are seeking their realities, how do you suppose your reality comes to be if someone else’s reality is different?
It is not about “I am right, and they are wrong.” It is about “Let us compromise.” That is what on your planet you call win/win.
There is still that energy on your planet in creating realities of the “us vs them”, and it is there in so many ways. It is there with employee and employer so there are labels and job descriptions. That is one big problem on your planet, job descriptions. In Owning Your Reality, if you are having a job and it has a description and you enjoy it and you fit the description, you might possibly be limiting yourself in terms of the ways that you can interact with others from the heart and from the heart space that has no judgement to it. Would you understand?
Let us take some examples, if you will, of what we are going to call jobs. Not your phraseology “Just Over Broke, not the acronym that stands for that (JOB), but something that you are passionate in, something that you love doing, or something that you do simply for the money and do not love it.
Let us talk about the innuendos and the hidden judgments that exist in the areas of jobs.
Student 1: Is this for us to bring up?
LMN: Indeed.
Student 1: So, perfect timing for me because I have to fire someone on Friday, and I hate, and I’m using the word hate and I don’t usually use it, but it causes so much anguish in me to have to do that, even though I know it’s the best for, in the long run, that person and in the long run, my property, but I just can’t get past that. I haven’t been able to get past just that sick feeling and just having to deal with it.
LMN: Your job description you are bringing up is that of employer, and the issue you are bringing up is having to let go of an employee. Yes? You are in the anguish that Ebenezer Scrooge is, in the having to let go of his perception of the outer world and what they are like, but it is reversed. Yes? We are just reversing it for you. In yours you have your employees as family; and so if you have not sent them to college, or you have not sent them to the maximum training, and you have not prepared them for all the things they must do in life, then you feel that you are missing, you are inadequate as an employer. Would you understand?
Student 1: Yes.
LMN: In this world, in being an employer, being a boss, there is the idea that a boss is in charge of the health and the well-being of employees’ lives; and why we bring up the Scrooge and Christmas is because you can see Bob Crachet, who gives all he has to give, and there is basically no more to give, but never complains, but he has, we might call, the employer from hell. Yes?
Student 1: Yes.
LMN: There is also that. You are on the one end of employers who see their employees as family and must be taken care of, must be trained, etc., but you also see them as children who have not grown up and are dependent upon you; and then on the other end of the spectrum we have Scrooge who will not give an extra penny or an extra ten minutes of vacation time for an employee and only sees the bad within it all and how people are not giving what all they can give. Now you have the entire range in between. Would you all understand?
You all are employees. You have employed yourself to work on planet Earth. If you have judgments against an employee, you are the employer of yourself, we say. You are all employers employing yourself. You are both employee and employer.
Whatever you have within your inner world regarding these will interfere with you owning your reality. Would you understand? Yes.
Within your world, the reality that you wish to own is that everyone’s life is wonderful. You wish to own that. You wish to own that whatever you had to do for them you did to the max. If you have to let someone go, you feel that you have not given to the max, or you would not have to let them go. Would you understand?
What you are working with is the internal now. You must move to the place within yourself where there is no judgement for freeing someone to become something else they need to do. Sometimes is it not true that the mother bird must push the babies out of the nest so they flap their wings and practice flying?
Student 1: Yes, and I know, my head knows, that this person needs to move on.
LMN: Yes, but your heart does not know because you are bound by your definition of what makes a good employer. You see? It is not about the employee in this case. It is about what makes you a good employer. A good employer never lets an employee go unless they quit on their own.
Student 1: Okay, It's a vow and a belief system too.
LMN: Indeed. Then you will be able to see differently for yourself how you will become a different employer for the employee that you are on planet Earth.
Student 1: Thank you.
LMN: Indeed. Are there any other labels of jobs that you wish to explore before we move on?
Student 3: Yes.
LMN: Indeed.
Student 3: Work in itself is slavery.
LMN: Ahhh…there is definitely on planet Earth that concept because on planet Earth, all that can be bought and sold, almost all, you still have a little bit of air left that is not bought and sold, all of the resources that are needed to keep a human being alive are controlled and given a fee that is required in order to have them.
Your water is no longer free. Your electricity is not free. You live on a planet where greed is a grand factor in all of this, but you also live on a planet where different root races are coming and they are, we are going to say joyfully, infiltrating the planet Earth, and with their thinking, they will be able to do the things that your giants in the world like, Nikola Tesla, were not able to do in terms of manifesting free electricity, as an example, because planet Earth was designed so that all a person’s needs could be met in terms of resources without the requirement of having to work.
There is on the planet the idea that work is demeaning. However, there is also the idea on the planet that when you find your passion and when you engage in what you are passionate about, it does not feel like work. It feels like something you could do endlessly.
Someone spoke earlier this evening and used the words labor of love and that is truly what work is meant to be on any planet or any dimension where there is such a thing as work. Where energy is exchanged for energy, and on your planet it is easier to exchange coins and bills than chickens and goats. Is it not? Barter is a system no matter where you are, in terms of energy for energy, but the concept of work (often, if one looks at fairy tales and one looks at Cinderella) gets into the young child’s mind as demeaning. Work is demeaning and dirty, and no one loves the one who must do all the work. The worker is not respected, so the worker is unloved and disrespected and dishonored for the work that is done. That is within your inner world and the inner world of many: the idea that work is really about rags and soot. Would you understand? Indeed.
Shifting that, one might think of the role model of Mother Teresa. Yes? Her work for the goodness of humanity was very taxing emotionally and physically. It was true work, but it was true passion. She could not have not done it because it was her passion.
If on your planet children were taught from the beginning to seek that which they loved, there would be many new jobs that would be created. There would be many new inventions that would occur. There would be an entirely different lifestyle existing on your planet if consciousness was encouraged to do that which it loved.
Instead, there is an oppressive thought form that grows heavier and heavier with each year of going through your school system so that by the time an entity has graduated from high school, the load emotionally, although it is invisible, is quite heavy because there is so much expectation in the life of one growing up on your planet: every day having to achieve, to achieve, to meet this goal, meet this goal, and there is zero satisfaction for most students in the goals they are expected to meet. They are trained for twelve years to have no satisfaction in the goals they are expected to meet. Then where does that take your consciousness on into the work force, where you have been trained for twelve years of your life that you are to have no satisfaction for the goals you are striving to reach? Do you understand?
This is hard work. The concept or the idea of work, becomes an anathema to the soul, to the spirit, to the personality, to the mind, and to the illusions.
Student 1: Out of curiosity is that on the whole planet or is that in America?
LMN: That is in your country and other countries as well, but it is not global. There are those, particularly if you looked at, let us just say your Native Americans, for you are familiar with them, but it is true with most Aboriginal cultures, there is no heavy burden that is laid upon the shoulders of the youth as they are growing up. Their youth is protected, and they are encouraged to expand, to play, to love, to enjoy, to experience, and they are trained to look forward to opportunities; such as, their vision quest where they, on their own, find out their purpose and their truth and their name and so forth.
There are many who cannot wait to become the roles they see role modeled for them, which are not models of stress. They are not models of barely making ends meet. Instead, what does a Native American, and we do not speak of those on reservations. We speak of in your past. Those who lived freely upon the land. They knew when to move because they knew to move before the land was used up. The land needed renewal. They knew that there was a love of life in all things, that the Great Creator existed in all things: in every tree, every twig, every herb, every animal, every dust, every skin, every stream, every waterfall, every rock, every thing. Great Creator and Creative Energy was in all things. There was no place it was not.
Student 5: Can you address work as play and play as work?
LMN: In your culture, play is thought of as something one does with one’s time that does not produce anything but merriment. It is thought of as something that has no purpose other than joy. Play, in your culture, is something that is permission given to children when either the parents do not want to be bothered (go play), or they get recess in school (it is now time to play).
Either way play is unstructured; work is structured.
Play has an emotional goal. Work has a physical goal.
Play is usually not related to the passage of time. It is in the moment and in the now.
Work is usually, in your culture, something that is related to the future. “When will I be done?”, not “What am I doing in the moment?”
In order to have work as play and play as work, there needs to be a shifting in the consciousness of what each one stands for. Would you understand?
On the one hand, play is amorphous. It is flowing. It is non-structured. It is ebullient. It is imaginary. It is creative, and for the most part in your culture those are not attributes that are attributed to work. Would you understand?
Unless of course, you have the good fortune to be one of those who becomes like a child when you are at work, and everything is new and everything is wonderful and everything is exciting, and you look forward to who you are going to interact with and what you are going to say and what you are going to smell and what you are going to make.
You can be in Kindergarten at work and still be productive. You can have the fun of life and still have it within four walls. Just make sure you take time to get up and move around.
Work on your planet, depending upon the kind of job you have, can be very stationary or it can be very mobile. Work, depending upon the kind of job you have, can either be something that is controlled environment with fake lighting and fake air and fake either warmth or cold to it. Or, it can be something that is 100% completely related to the out-of-doors, to movement, to freedom, to knowing what the seasons are and knowing what the weather and temperature is.
There are many different ways to create a work environment. What matters is how the inside perceives the work. Are you going to take what we spoke of earlier and use work as something that is demeaning, something that is difficult, something that is harsh to the being for whatever reasons you are judging it for? Or are you going to have a different perspective?
It is true that in other planets and in other dimensions and higher realities, work is not at all like it is on planet earth. Work is not seen as something that is drudgery. Work is not seen as something where someone is controlling you. Work is seen only as something that is a gift to be given.
Student 5: My reading said to see work as play and play as work. I don’t really follow play as work.
LMN: Because you have ideas of what work is. It is restricted. It is limiting. It is somebody else's idea what you are supposed to do. It is locked onto a clock. It is locked onto a calendar. It is defined by a cubicle. It is defined by scents and sights and other people. Would you understand?
In other words, in your world, you feel that work is like a giant claw that has grabbed you and will not let you go until the clock chimes. Would you understand?
Student 1: I take it she is not doing what she has passion for.
LMN: Because in her programmed world that is what work is. Work is that which you do because someone else told you to do this, and work is something that you do because you have to pay the bills, and work is something that you do that gets in the way of what you really want to do. And so forth.
To do work as play and play as work is to spend the time to recognize what are all the feelings and the thoughts and the ideas that I have regarding work itself? What do I think about work? How does it feel to me? How does it smell? What does it look like?
If I were going to design my perfect work experience, what would it entail?
Student 5: Maybe it would be just a dropping of the labels and thinking rather of your day, instead of defining it as either work or play. I was just confused over my reading because you asked me to look into those things, so thank you for that.
LMN: Well, you see that play, Beloved, is exactly what you just said. What if I just do my day? Because that is what play is. It is unstructured. It is not locked into time. It is not locked into, when one is playing it is not because an adult or someone in authority has said to you, “Pick up that ball and bounce it twenty times, and then throw it through that basket, and then go climb the jungle gym, and then go get on the seesaw, and then take your friend’s hand and run for 20 minutes, and then go play with the dog and throw the ball". You see?
Play is not that. It is not structured experience. It is an ebullient, from the moment, from the inside, let’s do this. It is spontaneous. Do you understand?
You to own all of that is exactly what you are saying with your vocabulary. What if I just had a day? You can get close to the feel of play with that thought form. Yes? Indeed.
In this discussion, Beloveds, the purpose has been for you to recognize how it is, even in a work place or with any label that you own, when you are finding the outer world resisting that which your inner world seeks to create, you are to begin looking at “let us compromise.” Where is the compromise possible? When you do, it may take you to your inner world where you discover that you have been living a very rigid description or a very rigid expectation and you could allow it to crumble.
It may expand your possibilities and potentialities toward interacting with the outer world, and it may give your outer world the same permission. Would you understand? Indeed. So be it.
Student 1: I can see you playing with flowers and having so much fun arranging them.
Student 5: Okay. Do all of you see work as play and play as work?
Student 6: Oh, I do. I’ve been very fortunate in my life, very fortunate, because as a teacher I have played every day of my life. And I don’t mean just on a playground with the kids, but I never took the label of teacher as, “Oh, I’m supposed to sit behind a desk and grade papers and do this whatever.” I was the only teacher, pretty much, who did what I did. I played on the playground with the kids. I played at the sock hop with the kids. I would run around and play tag if I had to or wanted to. Everything that I did in terms of teaching was, “What would I want to be doing right now?” I taught the kids how to use a camera, or I taught them where we went on an outdoor school walks. We sang our Spanish songs throughout the school. My whole perspective was what would I like to be doing right now? We did it. It just created an entire family experience with the school.
When I went to another school where they were just starting, there were only two of us there and so I basically had second, third and fourth graders. Even though I wrote the curriculum and you could say that’s work, it wasn’t work, because I was creating. What was I creating but what the minds were going to be learning, what they would be doing, where it would be leading them in their life.
Whatever I was doing, I knew it would have an impact. Are they going to have fun with it? Is this going to teach them? Is this going to help them? I was the PE teacher at the same time I was the drama teacher. I was the choir teacher. I was the science teacher. Everything was every way I could make it as hands on. It challenged my mind. It challenged my creativity.
It was a lifestyle that was what I was trying to get to. It became a lifestyle. Every morning that I got up, it wasn’t - Ah, I’ve got to go teach the kids. It was “OH! What am I going to do today? OH, today I’m going to bake cookies or today we are going to play a game. Today we are going to…” Every day was how I wanted to spend my day.
I can tell you truthfully, I’ve never worked a day in my life. I’ve never worked, ever. I’ve had jobs, but they weren’t like work. They were fun. I love what I do. I’ve always loved what I do. Whatever I’m doing, I love what I do. And that makes life really good.
Student 6: When I quit teaching, all of a sudden, I had evenings. I found myself with free time and I didn’t understand why. I hadn’t realized I worked 24/7. Literally I worked, I mean I did sleep, but I worked all the time. I was always creating, always doing. I didn’t have, like, time off. I didn’t go places. I didn’t take vacations. I just didn’t do other stuff, because I was so satisfied. I was always expanding it. I was always, oh, tomorrow let’s do this. Then I was busy creating new curriculum for what I was doing. This week let’s do this. I always had to create what it was. I was busy making power points or busy making videos or busy doing whatever. It wasn’t like me grading papers every night. That wasn’t what my nights were like. It is completely full, your life is completely filled.
Student 5: When she said my concept of work was like a giant claw around me. That was really kind of a shock because the only time I really felt like that was when I was at Terry’s. Most of the other work I’ve done was kind of like-I get to do fun stuff. It is not something like you’re talking about but it is not a dread or a claw.
Student 6: Empathically, I feel you that way. I’ve always felt you that way with your work. I’ve always felt you as though the claw had you. You were a fountain of light in your work. People couldn’t get enough of you. They couldn’t get enough of what you did and what you did was so creative and so unusual and so spectacular and so you. It is not reproducible. It just had your mark on it. There was still this energy there of the claw. The claw-you are trapped.
Student 5: You can be trapped in play at the same time.
Student 3: What did she mean that we were all employed by planet earth? That we are employees and employers.
Student 6: That was brilliant. We are employers of ourselves. You are taking a job on. The job is your life. You are the employer of yourself. How much are you going to pay yourself? What kind of work conditions are you going to create for yourself? What’s going to be the goal of the job? You employed yourself to come down here to hire yourself. You employed yourself to come down here and be the employee. What is the employee doing? Well, you are trying to follow through with all of the instructions that you are giving yourself. In a way, your employer is sort of like your conscious mind. Your employee is like your sub conscious mind. It’s trying to do what you are telling it to do to carry out the job.
BONUS RECORDING: The Grand Secret on Creating Your Reality (Lesson 6: Tying it all Together)
No transcription planned. This recording includes the after-class discussion.
No transcription planned. This recording includes the after-class discussion.
Congratulations! You have completed the
Adorn your life with the PEARLS of OWNING YOUR REALITY
Pearl 22: Yesterday limits me only if I choose for it to.
Pearl 23: I AM the flow of Soul remembrance; the open door for changing my perceptions of life.
Pearl 24: My life mirrors the cause and effects I have lived in the continuum of my existence UNTIL I SHIFT IT.
Pearl 25: I AM the Director of my play and my experience is the Art of my life.
Pearl 26: If outer world resists what my inner world seeks to create, I compromise. I seek win/win.
Pearl 23: I AM the flow of Soul remembrance; the open door for changing my perceptions of life.
Pearl 24: My life mirrors the cause and effects I have lived in the continuum of my existence UNTIL I SHIFT IT.
Pearl 25: I AM the Director of my play and my experience is the Art of my life.
Pearl 26: If outer world resists what my inner world seeks to create, I compromise. I seek win/win.
The 6TH Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries is Heaven & Hell. It is considered a mystery of Spiritual Secrets because what is one person's Heaven can be another person's Hell. The only geographical location given to either of them comes from within the self.