of Spiritual Mysteries
Pearl 86
My today is made of what I focused on in my yesterdays. I allow my environment to support my needs. I command the flowering of all that my Soul intends me to be in this life flow.
19th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: FLOWERING, Lesson 1, Pearl 86
Beloveds Ones, it is with great joy that we interact with you in this manner and at this time in your experience of your environment. For indeed, there is timing, planned timing, for this Grand Secret, the 19th Grand Secret: FLOWERING, to take place during that time of the year when you are living in the opening and the budding and the flowering of nature after what you call the winter season. The beauty of this time of life has always heralded in your various cultures new growth, new understandings, newness.
However, in Flowering, the 19th Grand Secret, we might say that when you as a human being who:
Symbolic because it is the year 2019 that humanity is learning what they have thought and felt for most of their life up to this point, for you are living it. Not that you have not been living it all along, but this is more powerful, more potent than ever, for you are not just living what you have seeded; you are becoming aware that you seeded it and that the collective energies of:
Because we have called 2019 the Year of Dreaming for Humanity, you may begin to understand a lot of what you are experiencing now are bits and pieces of wishes and dreams and hopes and ideas that you have woven together energetically to create what you are experiencing.
In your life, in the years of your life and all of the years of your life or most of the years of your life, you have had your mind focused on just two or three things. They are in your life now, if that was true for you. If you had a dream as a child, you are living parts of that dream now. It is true for you. If you are looking at life now through the eyes of an awakened consciousness, and you are noticing the miracles, the seeming miracles that are occurring in your life, it is only because these are the bits and pieces of your dreams. These are the strands that have woven themselves together to create your life in this moment.
Just as you may be watching the flowers of the hill country before you, your life is made of bits and pieces like a movie screen. Each flash of a picture comes from your world. It comes from you...
Did you look at a tree once in your life and decide that you really wanted that tree? You wanted it to be in your world, and the feeling of that tree and the vision of that tree lived in you. You did not have that tree in your world later in life simply because you were good or because you said enough Hail Mary’s or because you made donations or because you gave to others, because you helped when help was needed. The tree would have come into your life because you focused upon it, because you thought about it, because you loved it.
If you have an array of pictures of any kind, be it plants, be it animals, be it people, be it events, be it vacations, be it memories you wanted to save, you have those pictures because that was valuable to you, that was what you focused upon, and so you have it. You have “it”.
In Flowering, Beloveds, you are being the seed made manifest.
In Flowering, you are on the receiving end. The flower cannot be the flower until the seed has been planted, until the seed has lived in the darkness of the soil for the necessary time for it to germinate, until the seed has received the correct amount of watering, the correct amount of cold, and the correct amount of warmth, and then it begins putting in its growth. It begins breaking the shell in which it has lived. It begins breaking the seedpod, and it spurts up through the soil.
But what is that soil, Beloveds? That soil is darkness. It is striving, ever striving for the light, striving for the light, and once it breaks through the soil, it continues striving for the light, and it is a bud. That bud contains, just as you do, all of the knowledge, all of the knowing, all of the being of what is possible for that flower to be in its perfection. It is not worried about the outer world. It is not worried if there will be some rain. It is not worried about the temperature. It is not worried if there are animals that might attack it. It is not worried if there are insects. It is not worried what the outer world may do to it, what the outer world may give it. It is being. It is doing its thing. It is flowering. When the bud receives the ultimate amount of growth from the plant it is ready to open, and when it opens, it is perfect. It is awake, you might say, in terms of the symbolism of which we speak. It is awake.
Beloveds, you are now in this place in your lives in this year, 2019. You are awake as a flower is awake. If you are not in this glorious movie that we are dictating, let us say (or perhaps you could say we are describing, or perhaps you could say we are writing it), if you are not in this movie yet, then own the truth of everything that has been said about flowering. The symbolism is easy to perceive.
You begin on this planet in the darkness, and in the darkness you are able to grow, and in the growing you are able to leave behind that which no longer served you, but you are still rooted in it, taking from it only that which nourishes you, taking from the darkness in which you have lived the thought forms that still save what you need.
We reiterate that: “The thought forms that save what you need”, because as you travel through darkness, Beloveds, you are not letting go of everything. The darkness is not your enemy. The darkness is not something you must overcome as though it were “out to get you”, as it were. The darkness and the symbolism of a seed that grows and becomes its ultimate perfection IS taking with it what it needs from the darkness.
You are all in darkness on your planet non-symbolically when you are asleep. You are in the darkness. Your eyes are closed, and perhaps the lights are all off and perhaps the sun is down. It is darkness, but you take from it what you need. The body needs rest; the physical form you wear needs rest, and it does rest best in darkness.
As you rise in the morning, you greet the sun for the day, just as the seed is coming out of the soil, and it is greeting the light. As this happens Beloveds, you are awakening.
Humans tend to think as a collective that flowers are special:
Some flowers are kept in seed packets before they are released, and the strongest among them still manage to grow and blossom. Flowers do best when their environment supports their needs. This is true of you as well.
You do best, Beloveds, when you allow your environment to support your needs.
This is because you take action, but it is also because within your being, in your Spirit, you command it. You demand it. You demand that the environment meet your needs. This is your year, 2019.
We must stress this over and over. This is the year for you to command into being these needs being met. In this commanding however, you understand that “needs being met” when you command them, if you are fully awake, are not about others suffering so that your needs are met. It is about the win-win of consciousness in this new Age, the Aquarian Age.
It is about all finding that perfect flowering within
It is about a grouping of flowers instead of a single flower
It is about change. It is about perfection
It is about whatever...if we could put your mind concept, if we could get your mind into a flower, it is about that.
The flowering is the RESULT of everything that has already happened.
It is the RESULT of what has come before.
It is the RESULT of the seeds.
It is a RESULT of the environment.
It is a RESULT of conditions.
It is a RESULT of what is planted, already decided within the DNA of the flower, but it is also about CHOICE.
A flower does not have a choice, but YOU HAVE A CHOICE. A flower will do automatically what it is programmed to do, and YOU, Beloveds, will do automatically what you are programmed to do UNLESS you are COMMANDING YOUR AWAKENING, unless each moment of your life you are using the symbol, for instance, of the flower that is already awakened. In its perfection, it has traveled its journey and now it is open, and in its opening it RECEIVES.
What does it receive? It receives many things, but in its receiving, it gives. It receives the bees. It receives the spiders. It receives everything coming to it for what it has to offer, and that is you. In your flowering, you are then ready to give back into the world what your particular special perfection is. That is your flowering. Those bees that have been waiting for your awakening may still be waiting, but when you are ready, when you are fully opened, when the buds are fully opened, you have allowed yourself to become, then those bees that need what you have to offer will be Flowering.
You are no longer in the days, Beloveds, where you were the seed. You are no longer in the days where the seed is growing through the darkness. You are no longer in the days when it is just bursting forth from the soil, and you are no longer in the days where you must wait to open and flower.
In the mindset of one who is flowering, you are not becoming. In this Grand Secret, the 19th Grand Secret, you are past becoming. This is not about something in your future that you are not yet. This about the now. The 19th Grand Secret is opened. You are opened by the time you are in this Secret, if you have learned and grown through all of the other Secrets thus far. In this one you are recognizing you have awareness, you have understanding, you have desire.
The desire is not like the desire you had in the 2nd Grand Secret, where you were desiring to learn your speech and had to command cosmic energies. It is not like the 3rd Grand Secret, where you were desiring to learn how to love yourself. It is not like the 8th Grand Secret, where you were desiring to learn choice in your life, and you had to choose. This is the desire of the God, the Queen, the King, the Authority (you may use whatever label you choose), this is the desire of the Authority within your being to be all it can be because it knows it is in charge of its environment. It speaks the word, and it receives what is spoken. It create, not just right now, but “ever so long ago”.
We are using the symbol of flowering for a purpose, because in Spring there is an upwelling of energy:
We say “nowness” even though we say you are living what you have created now, we say “nowness” because as you awaken, as your flower petals are unfurled and you are open to the rays of the sun, which of course is the symbol of your higher power shining within you and upon you and giving you the energy, providing what is required for your life, as this happens it begins to be a little bit like Aladdin and the Genie, rubbing the lamp and having the Genie ask, “What is your command?"
That is what the universe asks each one of you, “What is your command? What do you command of life?” You are not getting it just because you are good or because you follow the rules, because you go to church every Sunday, because you work at the soup kitchen or because you were always careful to send thank you letters for gifts you receive. You are receiving it because you are the generator of it, and in your flowering, you will understand what you have generated.
Oh Beloveds, this is a glorious time and moment in your awakening.
Flowering, if you have not yet, command it.
However, in Flowering, the 19th Grand Secret, we might say that when you as a human being who:
- has remembered they are more than a human being, and
- has opened to the miracle of life and the remembering of who you are, and
- has found the flow of energy that allows you to become master, as it were, of your world,
Symbolic because it is the year 2019 that humanity is learning what they have thought and felt for most of their life up to this point, for you are living it. Not that you have not been living it all along, but this is more powerful, more potent than ever, for you are not just living what you have seeded; you are becoming aware that you seeded it and that the collective energies of:
- your thoughts and your feelings
- your ideas
- your programming
- your non-programming
- your asleep-ness
- your awake-ness
- the combinations of all that has happened and occurred in your life you are living right now.
Because we have called 2019 the Year of Dreaming for Humanity, you may begin to understand a lot of what you are experiencing now are bits and pieces of wishes and dreams and hopes and ideas that you have woven together energetically to create what you are experiencing.
In your life, in the years of your life and all of the years of your life or most of the years of your life, you have had your mind focused on just two or three things. They are in your life now, if that was true for you. If you had a dream as a child, you are living parts of that dream now. It is true for you. If you are looking at life now through the eyes of an awakened consciousness, and you are noticing the miracles, the seeming miracles that are occurring in your life, it is only because these are the bits and pieces of your dreams. These are the strands that have woven themselves together to create your life in this moment.
Just as you may be watching the flowers of the hill country before you, your life is made of bits and pieces like a movie screen. Each flash of a picture comes from your world. It comes from you...
- what you thought
- what you felt
- what you said
- what you believed
- what you read
- what you focused on.
Did you look at a tree once in your life and decide that you really wanted that tree? You wanted it to be in your world, and the feeling of that tree and the vision of that tree lived in you. You did not have that tree in your world later in life simply because you were good or because you said enough Hail Mary’s or because you made donations or because you gave to others, because you helped when help was needed. The tree would have come into your life because you focused upon it, because you thought about it, because you loved it.
If you have an array of pictures of any kind, be it plants, be it animals, be it people, be it events, be it vacations, be it memories you wanted to save, you have those pictures because that was valuable to you, that was what you focused upon, and so you have it. You have “it”.
In Flowering, Beloveds, you are being the seed made manifest.
In Flowering, you are on the receiving end. The flower cannot be the flower until the seed has been planted, until the seed has lived in the darkness of the soil for the necessary time for it to germinate, until the seed has received the correct amount of watering, the correct amount of cold, and the correct amount of warmth, and then it begins putting in its growth. It begins breaking the shell in which it has lived. It begins breaking the seedpod, and it spurts up through the soil.
But what is that soil, Beloveds? That soil is darkness. It is striving, ever striving for the light, striving for the light, and once it breaks through the soil, it continues striving for the light, and it is a bud. That bud contains, just as you do, all of the knowledge, all of the knowing, all of the being of what is possible for that flower to be in its perfection. It is not worried about the outer world. It is not worried if there will be some rain. It is not worried about the temperature. It is not worried if there are animals that might attack it. It is not worried if there are insects. It is not worried what the outer world may do to it, what the outer world may give it. It is being. It is doing its thing. It is flowering. When the bud receives the ultimate amount of growth from the plant it is ready to open, and when it opens, it is perfect. It is awake, you might say, in terms of the symbolism of which we speak. It is awake.
Beloveds, you are now in this place in your lives in this year, 2019. You are awake as a flower is awake. If you are not in this glorious movie that we are dictating, let us say (or perhaps you could say we are describing, or perhaps you could say we are writing it), if you are not in this movie yet, then own the truth of everything that has been said about flowering. The symbolism is easy to perceive.
You begin on this planet in the darkness, and in the darkness you are able to grow, and in the growing you are able to leave behind that which no longer served you, but you are still rooted in it, taking from it only that which nourishes you, taking from the darkness in which you have lived the thought forms that still save what you need.
We reiterate that: “The thought forms that save what you need”, because as you travel through darkness, Beloveds, you are not letting go of everything. The darkness is not your enemy. The darkness is not something you must overcome as though it were “out to get you”, as it were. The darkness and the symbolism of a seed that grows and becomes its ultimate perfection IS taking with it what it needs from the darkness.
You are all in darkness on your planet non-symbolically when you are asleep. You are in the darkness. Your eyes are closed, and perhaps the lights are all off and perhaps the sun is down. It is darkness, but you take from it what you need. The body needs rest; the physical form you wear needs rest, and it does rest best in darkness.
As you rise in the morning, you greet the sun for the day, just as the seed is coming out of the soil, and it is greeting the light. As this happens Beloveds, you are awakening.
Humans tend to think as a collective that flowers are special:
- Flowers are given on occasions
- Flowers are used by the bride in a marriage
- Flowers are used at a funeral in saying goodbye
- Flowers are used to honor another
- Flowers are used to show love
- Flowers are used by many to fill their heart
- Flowers are often used as apologies
- Flowers are a symbol on your planet for you, more powerful even than the pyramids on your planet
- Flowers are a symbol of all the ways that you, Beloved, when you are fully awake, are in your perfection. You have traveled a journey. Every flower has traveled a journey….a long journey.
Some flowers are kept in seed packets before they are released, and the strongest among them still manage to grow and blossom. Flowers do best when their environment supports their needs. This is true of you as well.
You do best, Beloveds, when you allow your environment to support your needs.
This is because you take action, but it is also because within your being, in your Spirit, you command it. You demand it. You demand that the environment meet your needs. This is your year, 2019.
We must stress this over and over. This is the year for you to command into being these needs being met. In this commanding however, you understand that “needs being met” when you command them, if you are fully awake, are not about others suffering so that your needs are met. It is about the win-win of consciousness in this new Age, the Aquarian Age.
It is about all finding that perfect flowering within
It is about a grouping of flowers instead of a single flower
It is about change. It is about perfection
It is about whatever...if we could put your mind concept, if we could get your mind into a flower, it is about that.
The flowering is the RESULT of everything that has already happened.
It is the RESULT of what has come before.
It is the RESULT of the seeds.
It is a RESULT of the environment.
It is a RESULT of conditions.
It is a RESULT of what is planted, already decided within the DNA of the flower, but it is also about CHOICE.
A flower does not have a choice, but YOU HAVE A CHOICE. A flower will do automatically what it is programmed to do, and YOU, Beloveds, will do automatically what you are programmed to do UNLESS you are COMMANDING YOUR AWAKENING, unless each moment of your life you are using the symbol, for instance, of the flower that is already awakened. In its perfection, it has traveled its journey and now it is open, and in its opening it RECEIVES.
What does it receive? It receives many things, but in its receiving, it gives. It receives the bees. It receives the spiders. It receives everything coming to it for what it has to offer, and that is you. In your flowering, you are then ready to give back into the world what your particular special perfection is. That is your flowering. Those bees that have been waiting for your awakening may still be waiting, but when you are ready, when you are fully opened, when the buds are fully opened, you have allowed yourself to become, then those bees that need what you have to offer will be Flowering.
You are no longer in the days, Beloveds, where you were the seed. You are no longer in the days where the seed is growing through the darkness. You are no longer in the days when it is just bursting forth from the soil, and you are no longer in the days where you must wait to open and flower.
In the mindset of one who is flowering, you are not becoming. In this Grand Secret, the 19th Grand Secret, you are past becoming. This is not about something in your future that you are not yet. This about the now. The 19th Grand Secret is opened. You are opened by the time you are in this Secret, if you have learned and grown through all of the other Secrets thus far. In this one you are recognizing you have awareness, you have understanding, you have desire.
The desire is not like the desire you had in the 2nd Grand Secret, where you were desiring to learn your speech and had to command cosmic energies. It is not like the 3rd Grand Secret, where you were desiring to learn how to love yourself. It is not like the 8th Grand Secret, where you were desiring to learn choice in your life, and you had to choose. This is the desire of the God, the Queen, the King, the Authority (you may use whatever label you choose), this is the desire of the Authority within your being to be all it can be because it knows it is in charge of its environment. It speaks the word, and it receives what is spoken. It create, not just right now, but “ever so long ago”.
We are using the symbol of flowering for a purpose, because in Spring there is an upwelling of energy:
- There is an excitement within the human being
- There is a joy of the changing of temperatures
- There is a new hope that comes in spring for humanity, and it is old, as it were
- It belongs to mass consciousness everywhere, but you can use it
- It is like a spurt of growth
- It is like riotous color
- It is like the heavy scents of the flowers and the roses that are finally having a chance to show their glory
- It is an energy that you can almost literally scoop up, Beloveds, from the world around you in its spring glory and use to bring about the nowness of what you wish.
We say “nowness” even though we say you are living what you have created now, we say “nowness” because as you awaken, as your flower petals are unfurled and you are open to the rays of the sun, which of course is the symbol of your higher power shining within you and upon you and giving you the energy, providing what is required for your life, as this happens it begins to be a little bit like Aladdin and the Genie, rubbing the lamp and having the Genie ask, “What is your command?"
That is what the universe asks each one of you, “What is your command? What do you command of life?” You are not getting it just because you are good or because you follow the rules, because you go to church every Sunday, because you work at the soup kitchen or because you were always careful to send thank you letters for gifts you receive. You are receiving it because you are the generator of it, and in your flowering, you will understand what you have generated.
Oh Beloveds, this is a glorious time and moment in your awakening.
Flowering, if you have not yet, command it.
Beloved Mighty I AM Presence of my being,
I lift myself unto the springtime of my life.
I call unto my being the unfurling
of that which is the flower of myself.
And in my flowering,
I AM the energy that is required.
I AM the love of the scent and the joy of life.
And in my flowering,
I AM the gifting of life to my world,
and to the world of those who seek gifting
and who open and unfurl themselves to receive it.
In my flowering,
I AM the most lovely and beautiful and large flower of life.
And in this flower of life,
I AM all things that are of good and of God.
And in this flowering,
I know myself as the perfection
I have always been intended to be,
and I know myself as
the Light, Love, Beauty, Scent and Song of God.
I know myself as the unfurling of
God consciousness in each moment.
With each breath I take,
I AM reminded of my Beautiful Resilience…
of the dewdrops of life on the petals of my being.
I AM reminded of the weather
and the environment and the life that I live
that supports the flower that I AM.
Photos taken by the conduit of LMN
Pearl 87
The actions I take in the outer world are no longer from "they need me" trigger emotions but because I choose to interact with the outer world. My decisions are not based on what I believe others think or feel, but on the nudges from my inner wisdom.
INTRODUCTION to Lesson 2: Freedom from Trigger Emotions
Pictures taken on the day of Flowering, Lesson 2 and the day after a heavy thunderstorm.
Pictures taken on the day of Flowering, Lesson 2 and the day after a heavy thunderstorm.
Photos taken by conduit of LMN
19th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: FLOWERING, Lesson 2, Pearl 87
Photos taken by conduit of LMN
Beloved Ones it is with great joy that we interact with you in this manner, for this, what might be called Lesson 2 of the 19th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: Flowering. We have spoken in Lesson 1 that by the time you have moved through the previous 18 Lessons of Grand Secrets of Spiritual Mysteries, you are ready for what is called “Flowering”.
You are no longer the root, but you are rooted
You are no longer the seed, but you are sprouted
You are not yet all of the fruit that you will be, but you are the flower
You are in the giving and receiving stage of that which you have laid the foundation for in your lives.
In Flowering, Beloveds, one might say that the universe is at your beck and call.
In Flowering, there is an intensity in the awareness of who you are:
It is NOW. This is the flowering time in your life.
This is not age related. This is progression related.
By the time you have learned all of the Secrets and practiced their Pearls and taken the information to heart:
The old truth was that:
In other words, you were a package all neatly tied up and presented to life, and you were living in that box, that packaged box.
In Flowering, you are undoing the ribbon, lifting the lid off the box and coming out as it were.
Just like the flower is a bud that opens and opens to its glory and if you saw some of the beautiful flowers of earlier, (note to reader: a flower slide show of Hill Country spring flowers prefaced this Lesson) you would have seen the sun as it came through those flowers.
Taking those photos to go with this moment in your life was for the symbolism. Those flowers just went through amazing rains and winds the night before and yet to look at them on the screen in preparation for this moment, you could see their vitality, you could see their aliveness, you could see their sturdiness, you could see that they were not damaged by the winds and the rains.
They were not damaged by that which the universe, or the environment, let us be more specific, your specific environment, subjected them to. They were in their beauty. They were in their glory, and this is YOU NOW Beloveds.
Own it.
Flowering, Beloveds, is like owning it. If someone came to you today and offered you a bouquet of flowers, would you thank them and own the flowers? Would you take them and put them in a vase of water and perhaps nourishment, in a space where their beauty could be admired and enjoyed? Would you own them?
If the answer is YES, then transfer that same feeling, Beloveds, to yourself, in this moment!
YOU are the bouquet.
You are the bouquet, and you are offering yourself to your life. You are giving yourself to yourself. This is not about raising yourself to become the most sturdy and beautiful blossom so that you might help these people over here and these people over there and do what these people over there require and do what this world over here says that you need to do so that you can do what the outer world tells you to do. It is so that you can do what you choose to give the outer world, not because you believe they need you, but because you wish to interact with them. It is a big difference.
When you believe that someone needs you to do whatever the “it” is, you are calibrating yourself to the outer world:
We are not in this moment talking about things such as Neurolinguistics, where you will understand through the speech of another what their programmed pattern of information reveals about them; and we are not speaking about organizational events that you participate in because you are going to pick up trash here and there or donate bicycles, as it were, or give handouts somewhere.
We are speaking of what determines the decision within your being.
You are understanding in Flowering, at this time in your life, more and more about how you are a complex system of reactions. This is not to say, Beloveds, that the complex system of reactions cannot serve you in some way. It is to say it is essential that you recognize that you are a system that is complex and that you respond and react in all the ways you have been programmed to, as you have learned this evening with your trigger emotions and your stuck emotions. This is one level of recognizing how experience in life causes you to continually do or repeat actions, thoughts, feelings, and it is the repetition we are asking you learn to be in control of within your being.
It is the repetition.
In repetition, you do gain wisdom, and you gain a repertoire. If you were an actor or actress upon the stage, you need a repertoire, do you not? Of a variety of emotions and voices and movements. You need to understand cause and effect, how a person would respond in such and such a situation. This is a repertoire that you can pull upon, that you can draw from, a reservoir of information essential to your wisdom.
However, unless you are an actor or an actress who believes in this method where you must constantly live the emotions and thoughts of feelings of who you are portraying even when you are not on screen, if you are not living in said way, the reservoir is for you to pull from. It is not to define who you are. It is like being able to change your costume:
CHOICE. It is about Choice, the 8th Grand Secret. This awareness of moving out of paradigms that have locked you into stuck emotions, and then have choice for what it is that you wish to be, how you wish to sound, how you wish to look, how you wish to interact, but moving from the FLOW that is within YOUR being because you have found this river of energy that directs and guides you in any given moment.
The energy guides you to make a phone call at a given moment in time. It is not because there is a chain reaction of emotions that commanded you to do so. It was because there was an opening in the flow and the fabric of the universe that said “in this moment you can change lives. Make a phone call". You see?
It is about being open
It is about being receptive
It is about being aware
It is about recognizing these little nudges.
We call them "little" because the emotions that you are subjected to are not little. They are often overwhelming, and they often do overwhelm the human being, and they are often responsible for the decisions that so many on your planet make, decisions not made from wisdom, not made from the interaction of one’s self with the flow of one’s wisdom but made from emotional responses, cascades of emotional responses.
In this lesson, Beloveds, in this Flowering, your goal is simply this:
You are no longer the root, but you are rooted
You are no longer the seed, but you are sprouted
You are not yet all of the fruit that you will be, but you are the flower
You are in the giving and receiving stage of that which you have laid the foundation for in your lives.
In Flowering, Beloveds, one might say that the universe is at your beck and call.
In Flowering, there is an intensity in the awareness of who you are:
- that you are in a physical form, but it responds to your commands
- and you are in a physical universe, but it responds to your demands
It is NOW. This is the flowering time in your life.
This is not age related. This is progression related.
By the time you have learned all of the Secrets and practiced their Pearls and taken the information to heart:
- learned it
- received it
- osmosised it
- listened to it
- become it
- studied it
- owned it
The old truth was that:
- You allowed yourself to make decisions based on your outer world
- You allowed yourself to decide your life based on information from those who were not awake
- You allowed your world to be run by falsehoods
- You allowed yourself to live a life that was full of programming
- You allowed yourself to become who the outer world and programming said you should be.
In other words, you were a package all neatly tied up and presented to life, and you were living in that box, that packaged box.
In Flowering, you are undoing the ribbon, lifting the lid off the box and coming out as it were.
Just like the flower is a bud that opens and opens to its glory and if you saw some of the beautiful flowers of earlier, (note to reader: a flower slide show of Hill Country spring flowers prefaced this Lesson) you would have seen the sun as it came through those flowers.
Taking those photos to go with this moment in your life was for the symbolism. Those flowers just went through amazing rains and winds the night before and yet to look at them on the screen in preparation for this moment, you could see their vitality, you could see their aliveness, you could see their sturdiness, you could see that they were not damaged by the winds and the rains.
They were not damaged by that which the universe, or the environment, let us be more specific, your specific environment, subjected them to. They were in their beauty. They were in their glory, and this is YOU NOW Beloveds.
Own it.
Flowering, Beloveds, is like owning it. If someone came to you today and offered you a bouquet of flowers, would you thank them and own the flowers? Would you take them and put them in a vase of water and perhaps nourishment, in a space where their beauty could be admired and enjoyed? Would you own them?
If the answer is YES, then transfer that same feeling, Beloveds, to yourself, in this moment!
YOU are the bouquet.
You are the bouquet, and you are offering yourself to your life. You are giving yourself to yourself. This is not about raising yourself to become the most sturdy and beautiful blossom so that you might help these people over here and these people over there and do what these people over there require and do what this world over here says that you need to do so that you can do what the outer world tells you to do. It is so that you can do what you choose to give the outer world, not because you believe they need you, but because you wish to interact with them. It is a big difference.
When you believe that someone needs you to do whatever the “it” is, you are calibrating yourself to the outer world:
- You are deciding for yourself that you know what the other person needs, and you will supply it
- You are deciding that you know their thoughts
- You are deciding you know their habits
- You are deciding you know their feelings
- You are deciding you know what they will do when you offer what you have to offer
- You are deciding that you are a savior, perhaps, but more than that you are deciding they need you because of what you think they think, and because of what you think they feel.
We are not in this moment talking about things such as Neurolinguistics, where you will understand through the speech of another what their programmed pattern of information reveals about them; and we are not speaking about organizational events that you participate in because you are going to pick up trash here and there or donate bicycles, as it were, or give handouts somewhere.
We are speaking of what determines the decision within your being.
You are understanding in Flowering, at this time in your life, more and more about how you are a complex system of reactions. This is not to say, Beloveds, that the complex system of reactions cannot serve you in some way. It is to say it is essential that you recognize that you are a system that is complex and that you respond and react in all the ways you have been programmed to, as you have learned this evening with your trigger emotions and your stuck emotions. This is one level of recognizing how experience in life causes you to continually do or repeat actions, thoughts, feelings, and it is the repetition we are asking you learn to be in control of within your being.
It is the repetition.
In repetition, you do gain wisdom, and you gain a repertoire. If you were an actor or actress upon the stage, you need a repertoire, do you not? Of a variety of emotions and voices and movements. You need to understand cause and effect, how a person would respond in such and such a situation. This is a repertoire that you can pull upon, that you can draw from, a reservoir of information essential to your wisdom.
However, unless you are an actor or an actress who believes in this method where you must constantly live the emotions and thoughts of feelings of who you are portraying even when you are not on screen, if you are not living in said way, the reservoir is for you to pull from. It is not to define who you are. It is like being able to change your costume:
- to change what you are wearing
- to change your hair color
- to change what you look like
- to change what you feel like.
CHOICE. It is about Choice, the 8th Grand Secret. This awareness of moving out of paradigms that have locked you into stuck emotions, and then have choice for what it is that you wish to be, how you wish to sound, how you wish to look, how you wish to interact, but moving from the FLOW that is within YOUR being because you have found this river of energy that directs and guides you in any given moment.
The energy guides you to make a phone call at a given moment in time. It is not because there is a chain reaction of emotions that commanded you to do so. It was because there was an opening in the flow and the fabric of the universe that said “in this moment you can change lives. Make a phone call". You see?
It is about being open
It is about being receptive
It is about being aware
It is about recognizing these little nudges.
We call them "little" because the emotions that you are subjected to are not little. They are often overwhelming, and they often do overwhelm the human being, and they are often responsible for the decisions that so many on your planet make, decisions not made from wisdom, not made from the interaction of one’s self with the flow of one’s wisdom but made from emotional responses, cascades of emotional responses.
In this lesson, Beloveds, in this Flowering, your goal is simply this:
I AM the flow of the flowering of my being.
I AM the awakeness of that flow.
I AM the awareness of that flow.
I AM the strength and the power of that flow.
I AM the joy of that flow.
I AM the wisdom of that flow,
and in such truth is how I make a decision,
For I remain in connection to the I AM THAT I AM,
to the wisdom that I AM,
to the joy that I AM,
to the light and love of the universe that I AM,
and I know that it simply awaits the command of my being
to flower itself into my life and the life around me.
So as I concentrate on the new Earth that I perceive,
as the reality for all Spirits in human form likened unto my self
who seek this newness,
who seek this love,
who seek this kind of joy,
who seek this kind of flow and interaction with the Higher Wisdom of the self,
who seek to live in harmony with the resources the planet offers,
who seek to live in harmony with the inner depths of beingness,
of awareness,
of understanding-ness,
and of personal power that are the birthrights of Spirit in human form,
I call forth this truth.
I call forth this reality,
for I AM the creator of good upon Earth,
and I AM the creator of love upon Earth,
and I AM the creator of good and love within my being,
and I emanate this from myself for I AM an emitter of vibrations.
I AM an emitter of vibrations,
and I AM choosing in my flowering
those vibrations each moment of my awareness that I wish to make manifest.
So be it unto the flowering of your beings.
Sharings from Students
Lesson 2 in Flowering is so powerful it helped many experience results almost immediately afterwards.
Here are a few unsolicited sharings.
Here are a few unsolicited sharings.
Student 1: I wanted to share my cascading emotions and trigger from today. The trigger was not having enough money...led to not feeling safe and worried about being homeless...led to feeling my father didn't care about me...leaving me alone...not feeling important in his life...feeling abandoned...rejected by my father, abandoned by my mother...feeling unwanted by my son...so what purpose is there in going on? Even God hates me...God doesn't care either because God never brings anything good into my life...and I hate God for making me do so much, for all that I have done, it was never enough...If I hate God, then I hate myself; if I hate God, then I must love the evil ones...and there it is...all this brought me to understanding that I hated God...and it might also stand to reason that this is why entities seem to love me so much, because there was a part of me that hated God. If I hate God, then there is room to love the dark side...hmmmmm...lol...all that , just to get here...but this was a big one for me...I didn't even know it was there...till next time...in love and real light.
Student 2: The morning after the Trigger Emotion lesson I slept close to 14 hours, waking with a dream that showed me I had ‘righteous indignation’ as a trigger emotion that unleashed a cascade of other emotions I had not been aware of. I had thought ‘righteous indignation’ was a kind of “justified” anger, but the dream showed me how I had attached that “justification” to whatever label I was wearing: as an authority (teacher, mother, past life queen) I was justified because I was in charge of guiding lives. The trigger emotion had always felt "right" to me, but after its release I have felt a steady tranquil freedom. I’m not "required" to live a chain reaction of emotions if I want to help others.
Student 3: In a dream I had after the Trigger Emotion lesson with Flowering 2, I told my husband of seeing Art Linkletter in the dream and going up to speak with him. (He had a TV show long ago I used to watch called “Kids Say the Darndest Things”.) I started to say “I recognize” but it came out as “I recogaNOSE”….a Freudian slip I paid immediate attention to. I had grown up thinking I was ugly because of my nose, but the dream showed me that FEELING had come from something a kid had said to me. There was such freedom in that revelation. It never occurred to me that I adopted the idea of thinking of myself as ugly from something someone had said about my nose! After using the color antidotes to clear the stuck emotions from that incident, the undercurrents of "self dislike" and "powerless to do anything about it" that I have lived with all my life are gone! In their place is a new self acceptance so different from what I am used to feeling about myself.
Student 4: The trigger emotion lesson helped me recognize something I didn’t like about my kitchen. There was a fake paneling around the kitchen windows that I had been reacting to ever since we bought our house. Being a “make do” kind of person, I just lived with it until the Trigger emotions lesson showed me that each time I looked at the fake paneling, there was a trigger emotion of DISLIKE which led to a feeling of POWERLESS to change it and GRIEF. Joy Robber! I believe I associated that kind of paneling with poverty. The dislike of it was so strong that rather than change the emotions using colors, I decided to change the paneling! It took a few days but now it is covered in rough cedar, which I did myself (a FIRST for me!). It is amazing how I feel now about that kitchen: joyful… peaceful... happy… pleasurable... appreciative. All vestiges of grief are gone and I’m now wondering what other things I look at that set off stuck emotions I didn’t recognize I had????
Student 5: I discovered I have been afraid to be happy because of the cascade of emotions it has been attached to. When I was young, we lived on a farm, and it was my paradise. We had a huge variety of fruit trees I could climb and eat from. I had the kind of personal power a child feels when they have freedom to roam and explore in nature and the chance to make one's own choices. I was happy! Then we moved to the city. I was so miserable I was taken to doctors to find out what was wrong with me. I had been ripped from the world I loved and put in a tiny house with no yard and no freedom. No choice. No personal power. For 10 years I longed to leave my life, and I finally joined the Navy. It was there I rediscovered happiness, personal power, freedom and choice. However, my life became a seesaw of happy to unhappy, freedom to restrictions, choice to no choice, and personal power to powerless. With the lesson on Trigger emotions, I understand why I could never identify what made me happy. Nothing did, because if I was happy I would soon be unhappy. If I had choice, it would soon be taken away. If I had freedom, I would soon be living in restrictions, etc.
Student 2: The morning after the Trigger Emotion lesson I slept close to 14 hours, waking with a dream that showed me I had ‘righteous indignation’ as a trigger emotion that unleashed a cascade of other emotions I had not been aware of. I had thought ‘righteous indignation’ was a kind of “justified” anger, but the dream showed me how I had attached that “justification” to whatever label I was wearing: as an authority (teacher, mother, past life queen) I was justified because I was in charge of guiding lives. The trigger emotion had always felt "right" to me, but after its release I have felt a steady tranquil freedom. I’m not "required" to live a chain reaction of emotions if I want to help others.
Student 3: In a dream I had after the Trigger Emotion lesson with Flowering 2, I told my husband of seeing Art Linkletter in the dream and going up to speak with him. (He had a TV show long ago I used to watch called “Kids Say the Darndest Things”.) I started to say “I recognize” but it came out as “I recogaNOSE”….a Freudian slip I paid immediate attention to. I had grown up thinking I was ugly because of my nose, but the dream showed me that FEELING had come from something a kid had said to me. There was such freedom in that revelation. It never occurred to me that I adopted the idea of thinking of myself as ugly from something someone had said about my nose! After using the color antidotes to clear the stuck emotions from that incident, the undercurrents of "self dislike" and "powerless to do anything about it" that I have lived with all my life are gone! In their place is a new self acceptance so different from what I am used to feeling about myself.
Student 4: The trigger emotion lesson helped me recognize something I didn’t like about my kitchen. There was a fake paneling around the kitchen windows that I had been reacting to ever since we bought our house. Being a “make do” kind of person, I just lived with it until the Trigger emotions lesson showed me that each time I looked at the fake paneling, there was a trigger emotion of DISLIKE which led to a feeling of POWERLESS to change it and GRIEF. Joy Robber! I believe I associated that kind of paneling with poverty. The dislike of it was so strong that rather than change the emotions using colors, I decided to change the paneling! It took a few days but now it is covered in rough cedar, which I did myself (a FIRST for me!). It is amazing how I feel now about that kitchen: joyful… peaceful... happy… pleasurable... appreciative. All vestiges of grief are gone and I’m now wondering what other things I look at that set off stuck emotions I didn’t recognize I had????
Student 5: I discovered I have been afraid to be happy because of the cascade of emotions it has been attached to. When I was young, we lived on a farm, and it was my paradise. We had a huge variety of fruit trees I could climb and eat from. I had the kind of personal power a child feels when they have freedom to roam and explore in nature and the chance to make one's own choices. I was happy! Then we moved to the city. I was so miserable I was taken to doctors to find out what was wrong with me. I had been ripped from the world I loved and put in a tiny house with no yard and no freedom. No choice. No personal power. For 10 years I longed to leave my life, and I finally joined the Navy. It was there I rediscovered happiness, personal power, freedom and choice. However, my life became a seesaw of happy to unhappy, freedom to restrictions, choice to no choice, and personal power to powerless. With the lesson on Trigger emotions, I understand why I could never identify what made me happy. Nothing did, because if I was happy I would soon be unhappy. If I had choice, it would soon be taken away. If I had freedom, I would soon be living in restrictions, etc.
Pearl 88
I give myself permission to be ALL I choose to be. I have released limitations that restricted the sacred geometry flowering of my consciousness. I know who I AM and why I AM here.
19th Grand Secret: Flowering: Lesson 3, Pearl 88
Blessings unto the heart and the mind of your beings, I AM Lady Master Natasha. Beloved Ones it is with great joy that We, the Council of 8, interact with your beings in this manner for this Lesson 3 of Flowering, the 19th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries.
In the word "flowering", one tends to think of becoming something one has not been, but the better understanding, Beloveds, of flowering, is the recognizing of what you have been all along. In the flowering, you are simply allowing yourself the manifestation of what has been coded within the seed of your being that has taken the nourishment from life and moved through the Lessons and the experiences and is becoming more and more aware of itself and how life functions, letting go so many ideas, so many ways that you have been programmed, so many ways that you have limited your beings, and learning to be in your moment.
Let us discuss the flowering of the moment, yes?
It might be said and has been said in some of your religious books that the lilies of the field toil not. In other words, they do not work for what it is they require for their sustenance. They take whatever is from the environment, and they make do, as it were; but your flowering, Beloveds, is not about making do. It is not about living within a limited arena simply because the outer world did not provide what you required for the rain perhaps, for the food perhaps, or the companionship perhaps, or the camaraderie perhaps, or the home, or the job, or the finance, or the funds for travel, or the artistic endeavors, or the talents.
Flowering, the 19th Grand Secret, is not about how, because you have studied all of the Secrets, you can now become everything:
That is not what Flowering indicates or means. It indicates and means that you now have the opportunity to live with awareness of who you are and what you are about, and to recognize that so much of what traveled along with you in your life was excess baggage or were limitations that held you back.
Many of you were taught how to behave and how to have good manners. You were taught how to walk and how to sit. You were taught how to dress. You were taught how to respond to others. You were taught to go to church. You were taught what to say when you were introduced to someone. This is all cultural, and in a culture, each culture will have what is acceptable to it. That is not, however, the paradigm that always allows your flowering to occur. It is simply accumulation of information. It is information for how to get on with others. It is information for how to live a life that involves different ways of thinking, different ways of living, different ways of being.
We are not saying that manners and cultural-ism have nothing to do with your life. We say they are the tools that you learn to use if you are taught them for how to exist in a world of differences and a world of variety. Flowering is more about the inner you finding its way past, above, and beyond all of the cultural training, so that you might become all that you intended yourself to be. You might recognize the ways you have held yourself back. You might recognize the ways that you did not engage yourself in life simply because of something someone said or something someone did. It is about opening your consciousness to realize that you, Beloveds, are beautiful. You, Beloveds, are something that Earth wants. You are the flower of life, and we say this geometrically, and we say this symbolically.
In flowering you are giving yourself permission to be more than you have ever known how to be, and you are giving yourself permission to be all that you are choosing to be, not what someone else has chosen for you to be. This is the greatest aspect of this Grand Secret.
You are not flowering because you are finally all of the things your parents wanted you to be
You are not flowering because you finally received the awards and the recognition that you desired
You are not flowering because you have met the most wonderful, loving person in your life
You are not flowering because you have hit the jackpot or because you have found amazing bargains that you have been looking for
You are not flowering because you are helping charities
or because you are going without so that others might have.
While any of these might exist in your flowering, Beloveds, they are not why you flower. You flower because the petals of your existence are not resisting - that we leave you to think on - the petals of your existence are not resisting.
With contemplation, you will recognize how much in your life you have resisted. You will recognize thoughts and feelings and opportunities that you have resisted. You will recognize how you have resisted doing the very things that would make your physical form youthful, or that you have resisted doing the very things that would establish a stronger connection with the mighty I AM of your being, or that you have resisted learning or studying that which would advance you, or that you have resisted finding a way to attend places or events or retreats or situations that would have fed your soul in some way.
In flowering there is no more resistance.
You think of a flower, Beloveds:
In the word "flowering", one tends to think of becoming something one has not been, but the better understanding, Beloveds, of flowering, is the recognizing of what you have been all along. In the flowering, you are simply allowing yourself the manifestation of what has been coded within the seed of your being that has taken the nourishment from life and moved through the Lessons and the experiences and is becoming more and more aware of itself and how life functions, letting go so many ideas, so many ways that you have been programmed, so many ways that you have limited your beings, and learning to be in your moment.
Let us discuss the flowering of the moment, yes?
It might be said and has been said in some of your religious books that the lilies of the field toil not. In other words, they do not work for what it is they require for their sustenance. They take whatever is from the environment, and they make do, as it were; but your flowering, Beloveds, is not about making do. It is not about living within a limited arena simply because the outer world did not provide what you required for the rain perhaps, for the food perhaps, or the companionship perhaps, or the camaraderie perhaps, or the home, or the job, or the finance, or the funds for travel, or the artistic endeavors, or the talents.
Flowering, the 19th Grand Secret, is not about how, because you have studied all of the Secrets, you can now become everything:
- the genius
- the artist
- the musician
- the actress
- the teacher
- the mother
- the business person
- the lucky winner of the lottery.
That is not what Flowering indicates or means. It indicates and means that you now have the opportunity to live with awareness of who you are and what you are about, and to recognize that so much of what traveled along with you in your life was excess baggage or were limitations that held you back.
Many of you were taught how to behave and how to have good manners. You were taught how to walk and how to sit. You were taught how to dress. You were taught how to respond to others. You were taught to go to church. You were taught what to say when you were introduced to someone. This is all cultural, and in a culture, each culture will have what is acceptable to it. That is not, however, the paradigm that always allows your flowering to occur. It is simply accumulation of information. It is information for how to get on with others. It is information for how to live a life that involves different ways of thinking, different ways of living, different ways of being.
We are not saying that manners and cultural-ism have nothing to do with your life. We say they are the tools that you learn to use if you are taught them for how to exist in a world of differences and a world of variety. Flowering is more about the inner you finding its way past, above, and beyond all of the cultural training, so that you might become all that you intended yourself to be. You might recognize the ways you have held yourself back. You might recognize the ways that you did not engage yourself in life simply because of something someone said or something someone did. It is about opening your consciousness to realize that you, Beloveds, are beautiful. You, Beloveds, are something that Earth wants. You are the flower of life, and we say this geometrically, and we say this symbolically.
In flowering you are giving yourself permission to be more than you have ever known how to be, and you are giving yourself permission to be all that you are choosing to be, not what someone else has chosen for you to be. This is the greatest aspect of this Grand Secret.
You are not flowering because you are finally all of the things your parents wanted you to be
You are not flowering because you finally received the awards and the recognition that you desired
You are not flowering because you have met the most wonderful, loving person in your life
You are not flowering because you have hit the jackpot or because you have found amazing bargains that you have been looking for
You are not flowering because you are helping charities
or because you are going without so that others might have.
While any of these might exist in your flowering, Beloveds, they are not why you flower. You flower because the petals of your existence are not resisting - that we leave you to think on - the petals of your existence are not resisting.
With contemplation, you will recognize how much in your life you have resisted. You will recognize thoughts and feelings and opportunities that you have resisted. You will recognize how you have resisted doing the very things that would make your physical form youthful, or that you have resisted doing the very things that would establish a stronger connection with the mighty I AM of your being, or that you have resisted learning or studying that which would advance you, or that you have resisted finding a way to attend places or events or retreats or situations that would have fed your soul in some way.
In flowering there is no more resistance.
You think of a flower, Beloveds:
- It does not resist its environment
- It does not resist its beingness in the environment
- It takes from the environment what it requires, and this is perhaps one of the least symbolic aspects of a flower that a human being recognizes.
You do not think of flowers as taking. You think of a flower as giving. You think of a flower as being. You think of a flower as something that exists for your benefit, for the benefit of the birds, for the benefit of the bees, for the benefit of ______. You can fill in the blank:
Indeed, all of these are truisms, but it is not why the flower exists. It exists because it is its time. It is its time to unfold. It is its time to enjoy the sun. It is its time to be itself. Beloveds, you are now in the time to be yourself. Who is that self? It is coded within what you have brought with you this lifetime, and you are catching glimpses of it. You are feeling and recognizing about yourself some things that you never noticed before. |
You are recognizing, some of you, that you are no longer willing to put up with certain vibrations in your life. If others are desirous of being unhappy, or scatter brained, or confused, or angry, you are probably not having the desire to be in those vibrations, and in the past you might have been one who simply made do. You found a way to get along because all of the cultural training that you had been given kicked in perhaps. You found a way to make it okay.
In your flowering, Beloveds, you are the one for whom you are making it okay.
If you were a debutante and you were the flower of the season, you would wear a dress that you loved, that you knew benefited you and how you look. You would wear shoes that went with your outfit that made your heart sing. You are the flower. You are the belle of the ball. You are being introduced to society so they might find you appealing, as it were. An old custom, yes, long before the dating game and television and long before the internet and texting and visual phone calls and so much more.
In days, prior, a woman had to sell herself, as it were. Not financially, but she had to put her best self forward, not just in how she looked but in how she behaved and in how she smelled and in how she spoke and in how she carried herself, how she interacted. In other words, she had to flower. She had to show and represent the best of herself, as did the men. They had to flower also. There would be many bees buzzing around each of the female flowers. Yes? And who would get that flower?
This is just an example from culture and the past of how focus on the self can be a beautiful thing, not as society often teaches focusing on the self as being selfish.
We think you understand enough by the time you have reached the 19th Grand Secret, that "I AM" is the most important aspect of your consciousness.
For you are the world.
In your flowering, Beloveds, you are the one for whom you are making it okay.
If you were a debutante and you were the flower of the season, you would wear a dress that you loved, that you knew benefited you and how you look. You would wear shoes that went with your outfit that made your heart sing. You are the flower. You are the belle of the ball. You are being introduced to society so they might find you appealing, as it were. An old custom, yes, long before the dating game and television and long before the internet and texting and visual phone calls and so much more.
In days, prior, a woman had to sell herself, as it were. Not financially, but she had to put her best self forward, not just in how she looked but in how she behaved and in how she smelled and in how she spoke and in how she carried herself, how she interacted. In other words, she had to flower. She had to show and represent the best of herself, as did the men. They had to flower also. There would be many bees buzzing around each of the female flowers. Yes? And who would get that flower?
This is just an example from culture and the past of how focus on the self can be a beautiful thing, not as society often teaches focusing on the self as being selfish.
We think you understand enough by the time you have reached the 19th Grand Secret, that "I AM" is the most important aspect of your consciousness.
For you are the world.
And I AM the flower of life.
And as I AM the flower of life, I give myself permission to be the beauty I seek to be.
I give my self permission to be the scent I seek to emit.
I give myself permission to be the vibration I choose to emanate.
I give myself permission to live the actions and choices that support the flower that I AM.
Namaste unto the heart and the mind your beings.
So be it.
And as I AM the flower of life, I give myself permission to be the beauty I seek to be.
I give my self permission to be the scent I seek to emit.
I give myself permission to be the vibration I choose to emanate.
I give myself permission to live the actions and choices that support the flower that I AM.
Namaste unto the heart and the mind your beings.
So be it.
Pearl 89
My physical form is a visual of the vibrations that create it.
19th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: Flowering, Lesson 4, Pearl 89
Blessings unto the heart and the mind of your beings, I AM Lady Master Natasha.
Beloved Ones, it is with great joy that we interact with your beings in this manner, this being the final lesson, as it were, for the 19th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: Flowering.
As you have been following and flowing and energetically engaged in this Secret, you have been noticing within yourself more self appreciation, as it were. You have been noticing that life is something you are an integral part of, instead of something that you are separate from. You are noticing that many of your wishes or your desires are happening rapidly, and you are focused on why you asked for them in the first place.
In Flowering, there is a great deal that the self perceives about what has come into its world, and in that perception, as a witness to what it has created, becomes aware that what has arrived is not necessarily what is desired or needed any longer; however, it is testimony to the life, the consciousness, that is inside the suit that you are wearing.
In this 19th Grand Secret, your consciousness is, by now, also recognizing that the spark of life that animates your being is something you might see when you look in the mirror at your eyes but is not represented in the physical form that you are wearing. The physical form sometimes seems to have a life of its own, as it were. You with the spark of life within your being can look at the outer world and can make your requests and they show up, and then you can look at your physical form and you can make your requests, and sometimes they appear and sometimes they do not.
What is the difference?
If you are flowering, if you are in the place where you are aware of who you are and why you are here and what life is about and how you are so active in all of it, you are IN it, not just living in it but in it.
You recognize this energy of you in the plant kingdom
You recognize this energy of you in the place where you work
You recognize this energy of you in the food that you are eating or in the clothes that you are wearing, perhaps in the choices that you make.
However, in this space you are also noticing that the physical has demands of its own. The physical is exactly that. It is not metaphysical. The physical is physical.
The physical, while it can seem to respond to metaphysical, it truly only responds to the vibrational laws. That is it.
Scientists will have you believe that when you are born you are a complete composite of all that you would be physically...that the male and the female that joined within you and the energies and the formations of DNA and the blood lines that have made you who and what you are are all you can ever be. If you understand that you are a vibration machine and that your physical form responds to vibrations, then you have a key for how to nourish it, how to heal it, how to repair it, how to maintain it, how to correct little imperfections, as it were. It is based on vibration.
Are there not machines out now that are exercise machines that wiggle the body, as it were, vibrating it faster and faster or allowing different speeds? Those are vibrations that get the circulation flowing. Those are vibrations that help the lymph system move. Those are vibrations that help the adipose fat tissues in your body to begin to break down and dissolve. You understand that when a building vibrates too much at a certain vibration it can collapse. Why not have vibrations that kill parasites within the human body? There are already devices invented and have been for some time that do this.
When you think of your physical form, if you get discouraged in any way because you notice that in your flowering your awareness of life is such that it almost seems magical what happens in the world around you and yet the form in which you are living seems not to be cooperating, do remember, Beloveds, vibrations. It is all of what life is made. Vibrations. They congeal, as it were, into whatever they are to be.
These flowers that you were shown earlier this evening, these flowers are a vibration that have congealed into what they are. Scientists may want to call it DNA, genetic patterns, a seed that has all of the information within it. We tell you it is all vibrations. They have names and numbers and experiments for all of the information but truly it is no different than the sand that forms a mandala in a pan when music is applied to it. It is vibrations.
You, by the inner peace of your being, emit the vibration that is the heart song of you. It is not necessarily a song that you can put words to and make a hit off of it and have so many views that it brings you money. It is a song that is a vibration that perhaps only you can hear, but when you learn to tune in to the heart song of your being (which is in the place of tranquility that is peace and bliss as you know it, not someone else’s definition, simply the definition of the First Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries) once you find that place and are able to return to it or remain in it no matter what, you are finding the heart song. You are finding the vibration that will emanate from your being that will help the DNA and the cells within your body remember, as if they have a memory like you do, remember the pattern in which to reproduce and replicate themselves. Because on your planet there are so many interfering vibrations, this is not taught. People are not trained to hit a certain button on their radios while they are driving and tune into their heart song, that they may be in perfect peace and tranquility while they are on the road traveling.
We say to you that just because you are in peace and tranquility within does not mean you do not laugh. It does not mean you do not love life. It does not mean you do not engage in what ever emotional interactions you desire. It means that this is the place you are coming from. It means that this is the soil that who you are is sprouted in, and each of you come with this. You are born with it. You do not need to repair it. You do not need to rediscover it. You simply need to know it. You need to know it is there to invite it into your world and to give yourself 11 minutes a day, as it were, to sit and contemplate on the heart song of your being:
When you are seeking anything in a meditative form, Beloveds, remember the language of the Soul. In Going Soul, you learned symbols and their importance. The Soul does not speak English. It does not speak French. It does not speak German. It does not speak Latin. It does not speak Old English. It is not Nordic. It is not Spanish. It speaks in symbols, not words.
When you come up with a symbol for you that represents tuning into your heart song, the vibration that is you, that identifies you to anyone who is looking at your auric field or your energy field, the symbol is what you need. The symbol will remind your Soul, will remind your conduit to the Soul, what you are seeking to become.
This is the final Lesson in Flowering, Beloveds. We wish to remind you that this is not a becoming. You are not the bud that is flowering. You are flowered. You are open. You are open to receive. You are open to give, and if you use a symbol of a flower choose a flower that matters to the heart of your being, not a flower that is used because poets write about it, or a flower that is used because weddings say it is most appropriate, or a flower that is inexpensive and therefore you can afford to purchase it. Choose a flower that speaks to you because the symbol of the flower will tell you everything about who you are and what you love about yourself and what you love about life, and this symbol, this flower, can change for as you change how you love yourself. It may be that the symbol of the flower shifts as well, and we will tell you that in this moment the color is not important. It is more the flower itself, all the flower.
Does it have a scent?
What does it look like?
Is it delicate?
Is it hardy?
Every aspect about the flower. Think about it. Feel it. Why did you choose it, and most importantly, what feeling comes when you see or smell or hold that flower?
We move forward into the 20th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries, we will take an intermission after that, that you might have your summer days to review all that you have learned thus far. When we begin the 21st Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries, it will be very important that all of the 20 that have come before it are fresh in your awareness. For this, we suggest using the Pearls. They are Pearls of Enlightenment. If you use them as decrees during your summer months, they will prepare you for when we join again in the 21st Grand Secret.
Namaste unto the heart and the mind of your being-ness, beautiful flowering consciousnesses.
Beloved Ones, it is with great joy that we interact with your beings in this manner, this being the final lesson, as it were, for the 19th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: Flowering.
As you have been following and flowing and energetically engaged in this Secret, you have been noticing within yourself more self appreciation, as it were. You have been noticing that life is something you are an integral part of, instead of something that you are separate from. You are noticing that many of your wishes or your desires are happening rapidly, and you are focused on why you asked for them in the first place.
In Flowering, there is a great deal that the self perceives about what has come into its world, and in that perception, as a witness to what it has created, becomes aware that what has arrived is not necessarily what is desired or needed any longer; however, it is testimony to the life, the consciousness, that is inside the suit that you are wearing.
In this 19th Grand Secret, your consciousness is, by now, also recognizing that the spark of life that animates your being is something you might see when you look in the mirror at your eyes but is not represented in the physical form that you are wearing. The physical form sometimes seems to have a life of its own, as it were. You with the spark of life within your being can look at the outer world and can make your requests and they show up, and then you can look at your physical form and you can make your requests, and sometimes they appear and sometimes they do not.
What is the difference?
If you are flowering, if you are in the place where you are aware of who you are and why you are here and what life is about and how you are so active in all of it, you are IN it, not just living in it but in it.
You recognize this energy of you in the plant kingdom
You recognize this energy of you in the place where you work
You recognize this energy of you in the food that you are eating or in the clothes that you are wearing, perhaps in the choices that you make.
However, in this space you are also noticing that the physical has demands of its own. The physical is exactly that. It is not metaphysical. The physical is physical.
The physical, while it can seem to respond to metaphysical, it truly only responds to the vibrational laws. That is it.
- That means it responds to emotions
- That means it responds to thought forms
- That it means it responds to food
- It responds to sounds
- It responds to music
- It responds to the buzzing of insects
- It responds to the humming of a motor
- It responds to the noise of the crowds
- It responds to the vibrations in the water or the liquid that you consume
- It responds to the vibrations that your very sheets are made of that you sleep upon...whether they have vibrations from soap that is in them; whether they have vibrations of synthetics within them
- The clothes that you are wearing.
Scientists will have you believe that when you are born you are a complete composite of all that you would be physically...that the male and the female that joined within you and the energies and the formations of DNA and the blood lines that have made you who and what you are are all you can ever be. If you understand that you are a vibration machine and that your physical form responds to vibrations, then you have a key for how to nourish it, how to heal it, how to repair it, how to maintain it, how to correct little imperfections, as it were. It is based on vibration.
Are there not machines out now that are exercise machines that wiggle the body, as it were, vibrating it faster and faster or allowing different speeds? Those are vibrations that get the circulation flowing. Those are vibrations that help the lymph system move. Those are vibrations that help the adipose fat tissues in your body to begin to break down and dissolve. You understand that when a building vibrates too much at a certain vibration it can collapse. Why not have vibrations that kill parasites within the human body? There are already devices invented and have been for some time that do this.
When you think of your physical form, if you get discouraged in any way because you notice that in your flowering your awareness of life is such that it almost seems magical what happens in the world around you and yet the form in which you are living seems not to be cooperating, do remember, Beloveds, vibrations. It is all of what life is made. Vibrations. They congeal, as it were, into whatever they are to be.
These flowers that you were shown earlier this evening, these flowers are a vibration that have congealed into what they are. Scientists may want to call it DNA, genetic patterns, a seed that has all of the information within it. We tell you it is all vibrations. They have names and numbers and experiments for all of the information but truly it is no different than the sand that forms a mandala in a pan when music is applied to it. It is vibrations.
You, by the inner peace of your being, emit the vibration that is the heart song of you. It is not necessarily a song that you can put words to and make a hit off of it and have so many views that it brings you money. It is a song that is a vibration that perhaps only you can hear, but when you learn to tune in to the heart song of your being (which is in the place of tranquility that is peace and bliss as you know it, not someone else’s definition, simply the definition of the First Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries) once you find that place and are able to return to it or remain in it no matter what, you are finding the heart song. You are finding the vibration that will emanate from your being that will help the DNA and the cells within your body remember, as if they have a memory like you do, remember the pattern in which to reproduce and replicate themselves. Because on your planet there are so many interfering vibrations, this is not taught. People are not trained to hit a certain button on their radios while they are driving and tune into their heart song, that they may be in perfect peace and tranquility while they are on the road traveling.
We say to you that just because you are in peace and tranquility within does not mean you do not laugh. It does not mean you do not love life. It does not mean you do not engage in what ever emotional interactions you desire. It means that this is the place you are coming from. It means that this is the soil that who you are is sprouted in, and each of you come with this. You are born with it. You do not need to repair it. You do not need to rediscover it. You simply need to know it. You need to know it is there to invite it into your world and to give yourself 11 minutes a day, as it were, to sit and contemplate on the heart song of your being:
- that it might fill you
- that it might spread to all of the atoms and molecules of your being-ness and then beyond so that you are the vibration machine you are seeking to become.
When you are seeking anything in a meditative form, Beloveds, remember the language of the Soul. In Going Soul, you learned symbols and their importance. The Soul does not speak English. It does not speak French. It does not speak German. It does not speak Latin. It does not speak Old English. It is not Nordic. It is not Spanish. It speaks in symbols, not words.
When you come up with a symbol for you that represents tuning into your heart song, the vibration that is you, that identifies you to anyone who is looking at your auric field or your energy field, the symbol is what you need. The symbol will remind your Soul, will remind your conduit to the Soul, what you are seeking to become.
This is the final Lesson in Flowering, Beloveds. We wish to remind you that this is not a becoming. You are not the bud that is flowering. You are flowered. You are open. You are open to receive. You are open to give, and if you use a symbol of a flower choose a flower that matters to the heart of your being, not a flower that is used because poets write about it, or a flower that is used because weddings say it is most appropriate, or a flower that is inexpensive and therefore you can afford to purchase it. Choose a flower that speaks to you because the symbol of the flower will tell you everything about who you are and what you love about yourself and what you love about life, and this symbol, this flower, can change for as you change how you love yourself. It may be that the symbol of the flower shifts as well, and we will tell you that in this moment the color is not important. It is more the flower itself, all the flower.
Does it have a scent?
What does it look like?
Is it delicate?
Is it hardy?
Every aspect about the flower. Think about it. Feel it. Why did you choose it, and most importantly, what feeling comes when you see or smell or hold that flower?
We move forward into the 20th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries, we will take an intermission after that, that you might have your summer days to review all that you have learned thus far. When we begin the 21st Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries, it will be very important that all of the 20 that have come before it are fresh in your awareness. For this, we suggest using the Pearls. They are Pearls of Enlightenment. If you use them as decrees during your summer months, they will prepare you for when we join again in the 21st Grand Secret.
Namaste unto the heart and the mind of your being-ness, beautiful flowering consciousnesses.
Congratulations! You have completed the 19th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries, Flowering.
Adorn yourself with the PEARLS of FLOWERING
Pearl 86: My today is made of what I focused on in my yesterdays. I allow my environment to support my needs. I command the flowering of all that my Soul intends me to be in this life flow.
Pearl 87: The actions I take in the outer world are no longer from "they need me" trigger emotions but because I choose to interact with the outer world. My decisions are not based on what I believe others think or feel, but on the nudges from my inner wisdom. Pearl 88: I give myself permission to be ALL I choose to be.I have released limitations that restricted the sacred geometry flowering of my consciousness. I know who I AM and why I AM here. Pearl 89: My physical form is a visual of the vibrations that create it. |
The 20th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries is FLOURISHING.
Flourishing is ageless. It does not require training. It requires allowing. Each and every one of you that may ever hear these words or read them, as it were, has within you, what would be the epitome of the flourishing of your Spirit. In other words, the manifestation.
Flourishing is ageless. It does not require training. It requires allowing. Each and every one of you that may ever hear these words or read them, as it were, has within you, what would be the epitome of the flourishing of your Spirit. In other words, the manifestation.