Wait, wait, wait. Save your reaction to the blog title until you read that it does not refer to any dictionary's definition of degrade. Instead, the "de-grade" I am referring to is about freeing ourselves from the emotional programing school children repetitively received in 12 or so years of being graded on schoolwork.
In my case, one had to score 70 or above to not fail. So 30% of the grading scale equalled some level of success labelled A, B, C, or D while 70% of the grading scale equalled complete failure! What kind of measuring scale is it that starts with such a handicap/deficit?
Supposedly, these grades showed how much we learned or studied or could regurgitate. We were actually being graded on our knowledge retention based on "how much we could learn if information was not taught to us in the language we learn in". see https://www.inspireeducation.net.au/blog/the-seven-learning-styles/
In my case, one had to score 70 or above to not fail. So 30% of the grading scale equalled some level of success labelled A, B, C, or D while 70% of the grading scale equalled complete failure! What kind of measuring scale is it that starts with such a handicap/deficit?
Supposedly, these grades showed how much we learned or studied or could regurgitate. We were actually being graded on our knowledge retention based on "how much we could learn if information was not taught to us in the language we learn in". see https://www.inspireeducation.net.au/blog/the-seven-learning-styles/
The process of de-grading ourselves first includes noticing how you feel/felt about being graded. Think about your parents, your peers, the honor role, the college admissions process, and anytime in your life where these false scales of measurement mattered. Then, use the Emotional Freedom Recipe found here: https://www.grandsecretsofspiritualmysteries.com/enlighten-recognize-become.html
Second, mentally (visually) destroy any grades or report cards you ever received. Science fiction writers for the most part used to warn us against going into the past and changing anything, as it would definitely change the future. Current metaphysical advice is "get back into the past as often as you need to in order to rewrite your future."
Third, see yourself, your teachers, your caretakers content with your school progress, glad you are having the time of your life without being erroneously measured and stuck into a preconceived cubbyhole that ranks a false best. Notice your emotions as you do this. If they are not what you desire to feel, use the Emotional Freedom Recipe again.
As long as you are exploring your past, why not shift any emotional trauma attached to being a know-it-all? After all, is that not what we are striving to be, whether in one or more area of our lives?
When we are de-graded and claiming our know-it-all potential, our life potential becomes fuller and richer because we are no longer measured by a false scale of knowledge retention. There is no 100% to live up to. (Even our own body temperature stays at a cozy 98.6. 100% sets off the alarms bells.)
Let's reserve 100% for quantity or completion, like how full your wine glass or your gas tank is, or whether you finished your latest project.
100% complete here. It's another day in the paradise of our making!
Second, mentally (visually) destroy any grades or report cards you ever received. Science fiction writers for the most part used to warn us against going into the past and changing anything, as it would definitely change the future. Current metaphysical advice is "get back into the past as often as you need to in order to rewrite your future."
Third, see yourself, your teachers, your caretakers content with your school progress, glad you are having the time of your life without being erroneously measured and stuck into a preconceived cubbyhole that ranks a false best. Notice your emotions as you do this. If they are not what you desire to feel, use the Emotional Freedom Recipe again.
As long as you are exploring your past, why not shift any emotional trauma attached to being a know-it-all? After all, is that not what we are striving to be, whether in one or more area of our lives?
When we are de-graded and claiming our know-it-all potential, our life potential becomes fuller and richer because we are no longer measured by a false scale of knowledge retention. There is no 100% to live up to. (Even our own body temperature stays at a cozy 98.6. 100% sets off the alarms bells.)
Let's reserve 100% for quantity or completion, like how full your wine glass or your gas tank is, or whether you finished your latest project.
100% complete here. It's another day in the paradise of our making!