My teeth were aching. My gums were too, but not enough to head to the dentist…yet. Believing that what we experience in the physical or outer world comes first from the inner world, I made it my focus to unveil for myself THE WHY of my current experience…..beyond that which a dentist would tell me.
I looked first for the ‘effects’ in my life of the toothy problem. The immediate effect was a reduction in the number of times during the day and night that I ate something. Being a grazer, I snacked off and on during the day and into the night, but once my teeth started hurting, I ate less because I didn’t want to have to brush my teeth or apply my essential oils and remedies that often.
So, the immediate effect was a reduction in food consumption, which, as it turns out, was what exactly what I was wanting to create in terms of NEW daily habits! Inner Voice had heard my desire and produced effects that would create my new habit.
When realizing this, I burst into uncontrolled laughter for a long time.
Carrying the detective skills further and deeper, I wondered WHY it mattered to me if I reduced my grazing and ate less. The buried message in my brain’s computer banks was: “Slender is believable while Fat is not.” I had just begin doing video zooms for 158 Pearl Sessions and was visible to those listening to Lady Master Natasha deliver her 158 Pearls Spiritual Development Course teachings. So there again: Cause/Effect "To be believed I must be slender." Time to shave off some pounds!
Continuing the search within, I wondered what I had seen or heard growing up that had lodged itself within me as a “future truth” which was just now making itself known in my teeth and gums. The memories were many:
What all the imprints had in common was “the latter years of life”, which I certainly qualify for numerically, if not energetically.
So, even if the dentist were an immediate solution, it would not be a long term solution until I altered those inner world imprints and allowed a newer truth to work its way into fruition. To speed up this process, I googled “tooth sayings”, and found an emotional reaction within me to: lying through your teeth, pearly whites, All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, and grit your teeth.
One layer deeper was the awareness that I had always felt like I needed to be forced to take care of myself. As a person of extremes, I could fast or I could overeat, but finding the middle ground was hard to do. Diet was a nasty 4-letter word because it required a personal discipline I felt I did not have around food.
If I couldn’t lose the weight I needed, getting sick knocked off pounds quite rapidly. If my teeth and gums hurt…well, it’s hard to eat with hurting teeth. So “prevention” was also a limitation in my inner world. “If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.” Push everything to the max and when it breaks, then do something about it.
Also in my inner world, splashed all across the atoms and molecules marked ‘This is Your Future’, were the sayings, “You’ll be sorry when you are older.” “Getting old is Hell.” “Nothing works right when you’re old.” “Your body betrays you as you age.” Etc.!!!
With pun intended, my teeth had truly “given me a mouthful”.
Whether or not I go to the dentist still remains to be seen, as I have had ‘mouth miracles’ before when I did my inner homework.
If you don’t want to believe your outer, then research the inner.
I looked first for the ‘effects’ in my life of the toothy problem. The immediate effect was a reduction in the number of times during the day and night that I ate something. Being a grazer, I snacked off and on during the day and into the night, but once my teeth started hurting, I ate less because I didn’t want to have to brush my teeth or apply my essential oils and remedies that often.
So, the immediate effect was a reduction in food consumption, which, as it turns out, was what exactly what I was wanting to create in terms of NEW daily habits! Inner Voice had heard my desire and produced effects that would create my new habit.
When realizing this, I burst into uncontrolled laughter for a long time.
Carrying the detective skills further and deeper, I wondered WHY it mattered to me if I reduced my grazing and ate less. The buried message in my brain’s computer banks was: “Slender is believable while Fat is not.” I had just begin doing video zooms for 158 Pearl Sessions and was visible to those listening to Lady Master Natasha deliver her 158 Pearls Spiritual Development Course teachings. So there again: Cause/Effect "To be believed I must be slender." Time to shave off some pounds!
Continuing the search within, I wondered what I had seen or heard growing up that had lodged itself within me as a “future truth” which was just now making itself known in my teeth and gums. The memories were many:
- The shock, as a young girl, of seeing my former-football-player dad remove his three front teeth
- The “oh-my-goodness-is-this-what-happens-when-you-get-old” reaction when I saw commercials where old people put their whole mouth of false teeth to soak overnight in Polydent
- Learning of George Washington’s false teeth (If it happens to a President, then…????)
- My mother often speaking of her bad teeth (like mother like daughter)
- The phrase that suddenly snuck into my head, complete with wagging finger and ferocious tone of voice, “Sugar rots your teeth!” (and I had been allowing sugar back into my life)
- My oldest friend (80's) having all her teeth pulled. (If SHE, who eats so well and pays such attention to her teeth and diet loses her teeth, then??)
What all the imprints had in common was “the latter years of life”, which I certainly qualify for numerically, if not energetically.
So, even if the dentist were an immediate solution, it would not be a long term solution until I altered those inner world imprints and allowed a newer truth to work its way into fruition. To speed up this process, I googled “tooth sayings”, and found an emotional reaction within me to: lying through your teeth, pearly whites, All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, and grit your teeth.
One layer deeper was the awareness that I had always felt like I needed to be forced to take care of myself. As a person of extremes, I could fast or I could overeat, but finding the middle ground was hard to do. Diet was a nasty 4-letter word because it required a personal discipline I felt I did not have around food.
If I couldn’t lose the weight I needed, getting sick knocked off pounds quite rapidly. If my teeth and gums hurt…well, it’s hard to eat with hurting teeth. So “prevention” was also a limitation in my inner world. “If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.” Push everything to the max and when it breaks, then do something about it.
Also in my inner world, splashed all across the atoms and molecules marked ‘This is Your Future’, were the sayings, “You’ll be sorry when you are older.” “Getting old is Hell.” “Nothing works right when you’re old.” “Your body betrays you as you age.” Etc.!!!
With pun intended, my teeth had truly “given me a mouthful”.
Whether or not I go to the dentist still remains to be seen, as I have had ‘mouth miracles’ before when I did my inner homework.
If you don’t want to believe your outer, then research the inner.