Eternity Review/Recap
Eternity: Lesson 1, Pearl 66
I AM the feeling of Eternity which is the foundation of my immortality.
Eternity: Lesson 2, Pearl 67 I AM acutely aware of repetitive patterns in my life and easily free myself from them.
Eternity: Lesson 3, Pearl 68 I have dominion over all aspects of my life and a vast array of tools at my disposal.
Eternity: Lesson 4, Pearl 69 The body can become an immortal frequency of light to be used whenever an earth suit is needed. The experience of what eternity feels like Eternity: Lesson 5, Pearl 70 The freedom I AM is living where my consciousness seeks.
Eternity Questions and Answers
with Lady Master Natasha Transcription of Audio Recording
Beloved Ones, it is with great joy that we interact with you in this manner, in this opportunity, this moment in time to answer questions, to interact with your thoughts, your ideas, to become still, as it were, way-showers on your path to eternity, to enlightenment, to understanding.
That which We, The Council of 8, offer in our interaction with your planet and with others within your universe and with other universes, indeed as well, is the recognition of that within yourself, in the soul of your being, that has kept you trapped, as it were. We, Beloveds, are the trap slayers. Yes? You might think of it as rescue. We think of it as setting you free. For that which consciousness holds onto for an eternity or for a very long time, as it were, becomes second nature to the being of oneself. Let us say, for example, that what you have done is held onto so many thought forms that were never released when you went through a change called death. They follow you like leeches that stick to your being, as it were. They become that which absorbs your life flow and become a reality. You do not believe it is something you have done forever because it feels like you are thinking. It feels like you are living a truth. It feels like you are researching and studying and moving and altering. And indeed you are. In this moment you have each come to a place in your reality where you have decided enough is enough, as it were. You would not be attracted to the Lessons on eternity unless you are willing to dance to the drum beat of a different truth. To step out of the tar, as it were or the muck, as it were or the cages, as it were of what you have done over and over again, allowing a new truth to be your reality. Each one of you hearing these words has done this over and over. Each one of you hearing these words has been extracting yourself in this lifetime. When we speak to your beings, hear this. Hear that you are making progress, as it were. That you are lifting out of that which has held your beings in stasis in many ways. If one leaves planet Earth without consciousness, without conscious awareness, without knowing one is leaving, all that one has lived becomes ones truth because it is an energy that fulfills you, that fills you, that is in you. You carry that energy with you. It defines you. That energy seeks to be with energy likened unto its being. Which oftentimes means being born again on planet earth. It is like water seeking its level. Each of you, Beloveds, have been shifting, changing, altering your vibrational state. We say this to each one of you. Who you were when you were born is not who you are in this moment. If you were to leave planet earth consciously you would not be attracted into another mother’s womb. You would be attracted to a temple of learning, as it were. You would be attracted to the thought forms of guides and gurus that you have worked with energetically to continue to expand your awareness to take you into the place we call immortality of consciousness. Now with that knowing, we open the moment for questions, as it were. Student 1: Well I’ll step forth, Lady Master Natasha. Lady Master Natasha: Indeed. Student 1: It's clear the teaching is that we are stuck in this extremely boring and routine repetition of life, over and over and over again. I have some questions about what the alternative is. For instance, I have taken various people "across", I have gone into the afterlife and taken people across and things like that, so it's not that I’m just terrified of dying, etc.but I have this sensation that I don’t know if anything actually exists other than the Earth. When we pass into the afterlife, the afterlife is completely unknown to me or seemingly so, and so "What is-this?" is opening inquiry into eternity. How dramatically different will the possibilities and potentialities of life be in the afterlife passing into it as a fully conscious, eternal aware being? How different will it be than here on earth? What will the contrast in life be? The rudiments of life? The physicality or lack of physicality? The color or lack of color? You know, the energy or the lack of energy? The temperature or lack of temperature? All these different things. You know what… Lady Master Natasha: What you as a human, what you as spirit in human form know in this moment, is only what you know and can perceive through your senses. You think, this is me because you can touch it and feel it. You can feed it. You can smell through it. You can hear through it, and you can see through it. There is a tiny, only a tiny array of the light spectrum that your eyes perceive. You are living in a world that seems to have spaciousness because it has a sky. It seems to have spaciousness because it has a horizon. It seems to have spaciousness because the stars at night rotate. The world seems to have a largeness to its being. Yet in truth, as we have said, it is a blip on the timeline of life, if indeed there were a blip. Now that is speaking of time and not experience. We begin this way because experience through the physical is why spirit is on planet Earth; to experience through physicality not just limitations but to experience cause and effect and to experience symbolism so that when you leave physical form you have stored within you a journey and its wisdom. Much like your journey to Australia, as it were. It has stored in you a wisdom that you will call upon should you ever return. Yes? These are cause and effects. This is all planet earth is in this moment are cause and effects. Consciousness on this earth has limited you to the idea that what you see and what feel and what you hear and what you taste and what you think is all there is. What is missing on planet Earth is a vibration which the greatest we can give you to understand it is called a knowingness. What is missing is a knowingness of yourself. The atoms and molecules of all of life that you command, which you already readily command and which many times you have slipped into in your ceremonies and your decisions to make a change in the reality on planet Earth. You are close to what you would experience when you are out of body or if you take your body with you and it has become a body of light and it is your immortality consciousness. You are close to what life would be like when you enter those ceremonies. The difference is this, on planet earth you know with a deep awareness you are limited in your choices. You are limited in the colors you can see. You are limited in the kind of music you can hear. You are limited in reaching into the heart song of God. You are limited by your own heart song and your nature and your vibrations. You are limited by the pings that catch you from life. That set off a thought form like this and like this and like this. There is not yet in the human form on planet Earth the radiance of a peace that so pervades the consciousness and its awareness that in that peace is the understanding that if all you ever did was live in praise of god song you would be content for all of eternity. That is the beauty that awaits your soul is the idea that you can love something so much that it fills all of your awareness to such a degree that there is no thing you would long for that you left behind on a small little blip of a planet holding consciousness that is rebellious for the most part. You would not miss any of it. This is not to give you the idea that eternity is only singing the praises of something you still only know by words that you are attempting to understand or feelings that you have tapped into or the vastness of consciousness as you perceive it. It is to say that if we were to give you the word choice in brilliant illuminated letters where the colors of those letters and the fire that was in them had a song you’d never heard and a vibration you’d never felt and a taste you’d never acquired or tasted before and a sent and an aroma that would fill you forever. We could not even come close to describing what awaits spirit when it is choosing immortality consciousness from leaving the human form it has lived on planet Earth. Yet, in saying this, we minimalize the importance of the form you have on earth and the importance of what you are learning and what you are doing and what you are living. Many wait to have a form on planet Earth. Not all on planet Earth are sent there because they are rebellious spirits. Planet Earth was once the playground of the gods. It was created so that you could have a rest, as it were, from eternity, so that you could come and create in your consciousness whatever you could perceive of. You could experience it with maximum joy and radiation. That you could learn what in physical form supreme happiness and joy are. That they might expand from you into nature, as it were. That nature might become even more than it has ever been on your planet except when it was the playground, as it were, of the gods. And so we understand we are not answering your question in the manner that would fulfill your being. But we say that in this moment we are infusing your being with energies that will eventually bring you an opening into understanding what we wish to share. Yes? Student 1: Yes. May I say one more thing? LMN: Indeed. Student 1: The physicists say that there was a certain amount of action prior to the Big Bang and in that little piece of action space time expanded to the known size of the universe in 10 to the minus 32 seconds. So that’s 92 billion light years or 46 billion light years in all directions in 10 to the minus 32 seconds. So it would occur for me that it would be hard to say that space time is not god. You know? Space time certainly is a function or aspect of god. That domain at that time had no rules and so it was what would be call the New, lets say, rather than a universe. And you have taken Richard and Lynea and I, you have taken us, or opened the door to allow us to enter into a "New" and this is the kind of thing that I am referring to. It was difficult for me exactly to perceive since there were no rules. There’s no gravity, no physics, no laws, no nothing in the New. It seemed difficult for me to perceive how to enter into it and to function in it. LMN: You are the law unto yourself and the functioning comes because you are not just thinking of consciousness. It will come from here (the heart center) and you are a Soul, Beloved One, that has never lacked for ideas. So while you may use words to say you do not know how you will function or what you will create. We say, "Nay. You will know. It becomes you to know." Student 1: Indeed. Indeed. OK. LMN: Be fearless. That which is beyond the self is only nebulous and the unknown because you do not prepare yourselves for it. That is what these lessons are for. They are teaching you how to think and imprinting within the soul of your being, the personality of your being, the vibrational self of your being, the astral self of your being, the subconscious self of your being, the conscious self of your being, how to think and how to perceive and how to get out of boxes of thinking and how to expand consciousness. Think of your world now as your training ground. It will all go with you. The difference is that when you decide, when you have left physical form, you are not going to have the time frame of waiting to see if what you have decided will manifest or not. Prepare yourself for instant. Yes? That is important. Student 1: Well, that would be important to know. LMN: Indeed. Student 1: Thank you! LMN: So be it. Student 2: Lady Master Natasha, Renee and I would like you to discuss other anchors for us. LMN: Indeed. There is that which is in most of your beings that still desires to please. Would you understand? You wish to create that which is pleasant for others. You have done this forever. Forever. We do not say there is anything wrong with wishing to please or create that which is pleasant for another. What it does in your being is this: it puts you on pins and needles, as it were, as you are busy thinking of what you are going to say or do or how you are going to do life so that so and so will give you such and such of a response, that so and so will not be angry, so that so and so will not be unhappy, so that so and so will not be sad. Would you understand? This tendency to seek to deliver only that which pleases another so that you do not have to deal with an energy that is unpleasant invites energies that are unpleasant. Because the reason you are seeking to please is to prevent unpleasant energies. Do you understand? We are going to take this a little deeper. There is what might be called a hater’s paradigm that exists on your planet. It is likened unto a morphogenic field that is there that influences humans on your planet who are basically those who can hate the most, provide the most violence, do the most damage are the ones who get their way. There is within all of you in this moment, there is that which is seeking to play that game. This is not exactly of what we were speaking a minute ago. It is something else. If haters always win then subconsciously you are drawing into you things that you can find to hate. Whether it is extra weight around your belly, or whether it is a kind of food that someone keeps bringing you or whether it is the neighbor’s noise, or whether it is too many cats in your yard. Whatever the “it” is, you are finding a way to hold onto inner hate-ness so that you can win, so that you can play the game of winning because you have tuned into the haters paradigm or the morphogenic field, haters always win; therefore, I must have some of that if I am going to be successful. Maybe you hate the homeless. Maybe you hate the smell of urine on the sidewalks of downtown. Maybe you hate that your city has not done what is need to make life better for the masses. We do not say that the hate is something…let us use the colors red and black. That is what we wish to use for that. We do not say that hate is red and black. We say that you carry just enough of it so that you can be successful. Why would we bring this up? Not just so that you can recognize the paradigm and shift out of it if you desire; not just so that you could help reduce the morphogenetic field, the morphogenic field that is influencing humans, but so that you might ask yourself, Hm…what else might live in me that I think I must do even though it is against my nature in order to create a certain reality? In this, the answers are different for all of you. Without having private sessions to point out all of the differences this is the greatest that we can offer in terms of what is affecting each and every one of you. This idea of pleasing so you could avoid the rush of negative energy, says to your beings: I do not have what it takes within my being to change reality; I do not have what it takes within my being to stay strong and sturdy within myself and have my own energy field, my own heart song, my own vibrational nature that allows nothing to take me out of my center. That is what all of you are seeking - how to remain in the center of who you are without something in the outer world removing you from it. This is a thing you have been practicing for a long time. There is that little bit in some of you, that large bit in some of you, that in-between bit in some of you, that says that while you are on planet Earth you cannot maintain that place of power within and operate from it and create your energy field around you that then creates the world around you that you seek to live. You are all seeking to move out of that habit space. By staying with your Pearls, by commanding your cosmic energies, by recognizing that that is in you. Would you understand? Student 2: Yes. Thank you very much. LMN: Indeed. Any further questions? Regarding eternity or all that you have heard from it or think you have heard from it? Indeed .Beloved,.we look forward to meeting with you once again as we reveal the 15th Grand Secret, Harnessing: what harnessing is, is what you have all been seeking. hear I should do all of these things but where is the energy? How do I harness it? How do I become that person? How do I become that magician? How do I become that way-shower? How do I harness will? How do I harness heart song? How do I harness energy? Namaste unto the heart and the mind of your beings. So be it. |
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