Pearls 33-36
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Pearl 33
I must use energy to change my reality.
I must use energy to change my reality.
7th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: Paradigm Shifting, Lesson 2, Pearl 33
It is with great joy that we meet with you. You are in your second class of paradigm shifting. You have had an opportunity to share with one another the revelations that have come to your consciousness and to know that there is no right or wrong to your descriptions or to that which you have revealed unto your selves. For each entity that comes to planet Earth, comes with not only their story but with how their story weaves in and out of the lives of others.
When you are plotting, as it were, your paradigm, when you are creating your now or your future, you are not an island unto yourself. You are interacting with others who are in the backdrop of your life or a forefront of your life. There are many on this planet in your day and age as you mark time, 2017, more bodies, more lives upon this planet than have ever been seen before in any of your lives on planet Earth. Your Earth is magical in this sense. She is able to support a variety of paradigms and realities whether they interact with one another or not.
You have seen movies that say if something happens to a fly or a bee somewhere, it changes the rest of the world. We, the Council of 8, disagree with this philosophy. It changes the rest of the world if indeed a program were written for that to be true. There is much on your planet that does not follow your exact laws of physics. There is much outside the laws of physics, but the Law of Frequency is a greater truth, and if those upon your planet were to study frequency, your schools would be quite different; your education would be quite different.
You would learn that the voice box you have within your physical self is capable of what some would call instant healing by simply sustaining a particular frequency; not the words, mind you, but the frequency. You have what are called 3-minute Healers or 30-minute Healers, etc. who may put words to what they do or song to what they do, but what they are doing is holding frequency, for it is frequency that matters in a world sustained by it.
Your world is sustained by frequencies. It determines the atoms and molecules, their movements. It determines your DNA – whether it will heal itself or whether it will continue to decay. It determines your eyesight and whether it is clear and pristine or whether it is cloudy. The food that you eat, Beloveds, is frequency. The music that you listen to is frequency. The sounds that you make are frequency. The birds that sing are frequency. What does this have to do with your paradigm and paradigm shifting?
If you were to create for yourself a paradigm of understanding what it is that is the glue is that holds life together on your planet, you would become a true alchemist in your life. No matter what paradigm you are living, there is a greater paradigm on your planet that you are all a part of, and that paradigm is one of the mental body. The thinkers of the planet are only 1/7 of the power that there is for creating, and yet, you have a created culture based upon thinking. You have created cultures based upon placing the emotions aside and tried to down-play their importance. Without the frequencies of emotions, the mind cannot create. It can write on a piece of paper, and it can keyboard the computer, but within is an emotion. There is a desire, a desire that allows the creation or the connection to the wisdom of your being that allows manifestation to occur.
We began Paradigm Shifting in lesson one in the way we did so that you would have a way to look at your life either through binoculars or a magnifying glass to become aware, for that is the first stage in any shifting of any sort: awareness. It is easy to think you are aware when life is going good and all seems to be flowing. That feels right to the being, and yet, even in the goodness of the flow can simply be
Some of you have noticed in your paradigm that you followed a pattern that you believe should produce results, and yet you do not achieve them. For some of you, that will be because your pattern says you will always fail. You may not have brought this paradigm or written it for yourself. Consciousness is unlikely to say to itself, “I will head to planet Earth and create a life of misery”. Very few write that kind of story for their being. Your planet is filled with thought forms and emotions and frequencies that find their way into your subconscious and into your thought world and into your emotions and into your vibrations and as they do so, they alter some of the paradigms you set for yourself. This is another reason we are bringing up the paradigm shift. If you have taken on the thought forms of
Your Life Map Can be Unknowingly Altered
You see, Beloveds, when you take on a physical body and come to Earth with your paradigm to live, you have mapped it out for yourselves in your numerology: the numerology of your name, and you have mapped it out for yourselves in your astrology. You have mapped it out for yourselves in other ways.
When you come here, who is the wise one that nurtures you when you are a little babe and is so careful with their speech, and so careful with their emotions, and so careful with role-modeling with life that you are guarded from their programming? Where is the caretaker that made sure that you knew that you could do anything you desired? Where is the caretaker that made sure that what you read in a book is explained so that you did not think that if you were walking on the road to grandma’s house there would be a big bad wolf in the woods waiting to find you, and that life was scary like that for there was something hiding that wanted to eat you?
There are grownups that still have that fear from hearing The Little Red Riding Hood tale: this fear that there is an unknown hiding somewhere that will spring forth to get you when you least expect it. Over half of your planet has this fear and not because of the same fairy tale, but because it is produced over and over on your planet in many different ways.
Those who have this fear grow up with a fear of the unknown or a fear of the world at large, or feeling like the only way to protect themselves is to become a bully like your current president (2017), or be prepared to start wars so you can vanquish the unknown, for surely it is those that lie across the ocean that do not speak your language or live the way you live who must be the unknown. They must be the ones who were taught to fear those who are different for whatever reason.
Are you understanding, Beloveds, the importance of being able to be within the structure you call your paradigm, but to also recognize that the part of you called your subconscious, which is helping you to sustain and create this paradigm, has also been hood-winked by the thought forms of others, and by the feelings of others, by the energies of others, by the frequencies omitted by others?
Even if there were no words on your planet, you would find you would gravitate to the emotions or the frequencies that support two things: that support your paradigm and that support your fears. The goal in this, Beloveds, this evening in this work, in this class, is to once again be uprooting in yourself that which you fear that you do not know that you fear.
How will you find it? You will look in your paradigms and see what about them has been shifted or altered by what you set to be your truth or what is already hidden and coded within them that is a hidden truth.
There is a new experience upon your planet, in your culture, in your city, called the Great Room Escape, where you go in and you have to find the clues that will find the keys that will let you out of the locked room that you have paid to be put into.
You are all in locked rooms, Beloveds, of one sort or another, and we are working with you to help you discover ways to find that key that unlocks you that is indeed the great escape. You are all in that paradigm, or you would not be listening to these words. You are seeking to escape from all of the limitations that you or anyone else has imposed upon your being in any way that it may have happened.
Let us see if you can find the clues that will give you the keys.
The Clues to the Keys that Unlock Your Freedom
One clue, Beloveds, is heaviness:
Another clue is reaction:
Anytime, Beloveds, an emotion comes up in your being that we call a downward spiraling emotion, that is 95% of the time part of a reaction that is part of a limitation.
We do not speak of biological fear. We do not speak of gut instinct that is your safety valve within yourself: the instinct that will cause you to not put your foot out in the dark because there is a hole there and you would fall and trip for instance.
When you have heaviness, you have reactions that bring up the downward spiral of emotions. Emotions such as fear, hatred, revenge, sadness, anger, anxiety, stress of any sort.
Another key, Beloveds, is:
Another key for getting out of the room with limitations is to put it off. I will do it one day next week. I will do it tomorrow.
Now is the moment you begin listening to your words. Now is the moment you begin feeling, “What is the heaviness I have? Ahh, then that is something that is not my truth.”
“What is this reaction I have?”
Another clue, Beloveds, is your speech:
Your subconscious, as much as it loves you and is your friend, is not logical. It does not have a logic mind. It does not have humor. It does not know you are joking. It does not register a joke. There are many things that people will say that they would not say if they could not hide behind the safety of it being a joke.
Listen to what you say with your speech:
Do you limit yourself?
Do you say, “I can’t” or “I never”?
Those are the keys.
Using these keys, Beloveds, search for that which limits you in your paradigm.
When you are plotting, as it were, your paradigm, when you are creating your now or your future, you are not an island unto yourself. You are interacting with others who are in the backdrop of your life or a forefront of your life. There are many on this planet in your day and age as you mark time, 2017, more bodies, more lives upon this planet than have ever been seen before in any of your lives on planet Earth. Your Earth is magical in this sense. She is able to support a variety of paradigms and realities whether they interact with one another or not.
You have seen movies that say if something happens to a fly or a bee somewhere, it changes the rest of the world. We, the Council of 8, disagree with this philosophy. It changes the rest of the world if indeed a program were written for that to be true. There is much on your planet that does not follow your exact laws of physics. There is much outside the laws of physics, but the Law of Frequency is a greater truth, and if those upon your planet were to study frequency, your schools would be quite different; your education would be quite different.
You would learn that the voice box you have within your physical self is capable of what some would call instant healing by simply sustaining a particular frequency; not the words, mind you, but the frequency. You have what are called 3-minute Healers or 30-minute Healers, etc. who may put words to what they do or song to what they do, but what they are doing is holding frequency, for it is frequency that matters in a world sustained by it.
Your world is sustained by frequencies. It determines the atoms and molecules, their movements. It determines your DNA – whether it will heal itself or whether it will continue to decay. It determines your eyesight and whether it is clear and pristine or whether it is cloudy. The food that you eat, Beloveds, is frequency. The music that you listen to is frequency. The sounds that you make are frequency. The birds that sing are frequency. What does this have to do with your paradigm and paradigm shifting?
If you were to create for yourself a paradigm of understanding what it is that is the glue is that holds life together on your planet, you would become a true alchemist in your life. No matter what paradigm you are living, there is a greater paradigm on your planet that you are all a part of, and that paradigm is one of the mental body. The thinkers of the planet are only 1/7 of the power that there is for creating, and yet, you have a created culture based upon thinking. You have created cultures based upon placing the emotions aside and tried to down-play their importance. Without the frequencies of emotions, the mind cannot create. It can write on a piece of paper, and it can keyboard the computer, but within is an emotion. There is a desire, a desire that allows the creation or the connection to the wisdom of your being that allows manifestation to occur.
We began Paradigm Shifting in lesson one in the way we did so that you would have a way to look at your life either through binoculars or a magnifying glass to become aware, for that is the first stage in any shifting of any sort: awareness. It is easy to think you are aware when life is going good and all seems to be flowing. That feels right to the being, and yet, even in the goodness of the flow can simply be
- step 1
- step 2
- step 3.
Some of you have noticed in your paradigm that you followed a pattern that you believe should produce results, and yet you do not achieve them. For some of you, that will be because your pattern says you will always fail. You may not have brought this paradigm or written it for yourself. Consciousness is unlikely to say to itself, “I will head to planet Earth and create a life of misery”. Very few write that kind of story for their being. Your planet is filled with thought forms and emotions and frequencies that find their way into your subconscious and into your thought world and into your emotions and into your vibrations and as they do so, they alter some of the paradigms you set for yourself. This is another reason we are bringing up the paradigm shift. If you have taken on the thought forms of
- your caretakers
- a religion
- teachers
- peers
- radio show hosts
- books
- movies
Your Life Map Can be Unknowingly Altered
You see, Beloveds, when you take on a physical body and come to Earth with your paradigm to live, you have mapped it out for yourselves in your numerology: the numerology of your name, and you have mapped it out for yourselves in your astrology. You have mapped it out for yourselves in other ways.
When you come here, who is the wise one that nurtures you when you are a little babe and is so careful with their speech, and so careful with their emotions, and so careful with role-modeling with life that you are guarded from their programming? Where is the caretaker that made sure that you knew that you could do anything you desired? Where is the caretaker that made sure that what you read in a book is explained so that you did not think that if you were walking on the road to grandma’s house there would be a big bad wolf in the woods waiting to find you, and that life was scary like that for there was something hiding that wanted to eat you?
There are grownups that still have that fear from hearing The Little Red Riding Hood tale: this fear that there is an unknown hiding somewhere that will spring forth to get you when you least expect it. Over half of your planet has this fear and not because of the same fairy tale, but because it is produced over and over on your planet in many different ways.
Those who have this fear grow up with a fear of the unknown or a fear of the world at large, or feeling like the only way to protect themselves is to become a bully like your current president (2017), or be prepared to start wars so you can vanquish the unknown, for surely it is those that lie across the ocean that do not speak your language or live the way you live who must be the unknown. They must be the ones who were taught to fear those who are different for whatever reason.
Are you understanding, Beloveds, the importance of being able to be within the structure you call your paradigm, but to also recognize that the part of you called your subconscious, which is helping you to sustain and create this paradigm, has also been hood-winked by the thought forms of others, and by the feelings of others, by the energies of others, by the frequencies omitted by others?
Even if there were no words on your planet, you would find you would gravitate to the emotions or the frequencies that support two things: that support your paradigm and that support your fears. The goal in this, Beloveds, this evening in this work, in this class, is to once again be uprooting in yourself that which you fear that you do not know that you fear.
How will you find it? You will look in your paradigms and see what about them has been shifted or altered by what you set to be your truth or what is already hidden and coded within them that is a hidden truth.
There is a new experience upon your planet, in your culture, in your city, called the Great Room Escape, where you go in and you have to find the clues that will find the keys that will let you out of the locked room that you have paid to be put into.
You are all in locked rooms, Beloveds, of one sort or another, and we are working with you to help you discover ways to find that key that unlocks you that is indeed the great escape. You are all in that paradigm, or you would not be listening to these words. You are seeking to escape from all of the limitations that you or anyone else has imposed upon your being in any way that it may have happened.
Let us see if you can find the clues that will give you the keys.
The Clues to the Keys that Unlock Your Freedom
One clue, Beloveds, is heaviness:
- what feels heavy in your life
- what feels as if it were a burden that you are carrying around.
Another clue is reaction:
- what do you hear that you react or respond to that startles you, or angers you, or causes resentment, or sadness, or fear?
Anytime, Beloveds, an emotion comes up in your being that we call a downward spiraling emotion, that is 95% of the time part of a reaction that is part of a limitation.
We do not speak of biological fear. We do not speak of gut instinct that is your safety valve within yourself: the instinct that will cause you to not put your foot out in the dark because there is a hole there and you would fall and trip for instance.
When you have heaviness, you have reactions that bring up the downward spiral of emotions. Emotions such as fear, hatred, revenge, sadness, anger, anxiety, stress of any sort.
Another key, Beloveds, is:
- I will put off doing today, what I could do today. I will put it off until tomorrow.
Another key for getting out of the room with limitations is to put it off. I will do it one day next week. I will do it tomorrow.
Now is the moment you begin listening to your words. Now is the moment you begin feeling, “What is the heaviness I have? Ahh, then that is something that is not my truth.”
“What is this reaction I have?”
Another clue, Beloveds, is your speech:
- What you say even in jest.
Your subconscious, as much as it loves you and is your friend, is not logical. It does not have a logic mind. It does not have humor. It does not know you are joking. It does not register a joke. There are many things that people will say that they would not say if they could not hide behind the safety of it being a joke.
Listen to what you say with your speech:
Do you limit yourself?
Do you say, “I can’t” or “I never”?
Those are the keys.
Using these keys, Beloveds, search for that which limits you in your paradigm.
BONUS TEACHING: The Great Escape
Given after Lesson 2, when students present were discussing the lesson given and found themselves confused and seeking clarity;
thus, the 'surprise reappearance of Lady Master Natasha'.
Given after Lesson 2, when students present were discussing the lesson given and found themselves confused and seeking clarity;
thus, the 'surprise reappearance of Lady Master Natasha'.
The Great Escape
Beloveds Ones, a little levity.
We hear and feel and understand your anguish in this moment, for after our Lesson 2, you are asking yourselves, “What is this thing, this unknown aspect of self that still must be within me? How can it be there when I have spent years, as it were, cleansing, purifying, altering, listening, learning, yes?
That feeling is part of the clue about the limitation that “You will never know enough.”
That is what a clue requires, right? That you know enough to solve the clue, to solve the dilemma, to solve the puzzle, and each one of you here has that limitation within your being. Thus, your confusion discussing this evening’s lesson.
It is a fear for some of you; it is a certainty for others of you that you will never know enough to escape planet Earth.
Thus, it is we spoke in our first lesson of the ways that you come back upon planet Earth, whether with conscious awareness or because you were simply unconscious upon arrival. When one is unconscious, what is left within them is what we are going to call “all their addictions”.
We talked in another class about attachments; you remember, yes? “What are you attached to?” The reason we used the word attached was because on your planet emails have attachments to them, and they are generally speaking something you want to open. “Attachment” has a good connotation to it, but “addiction” has a fault-finding finger-shaking definition attached to it, yes? Its connotation is that you cannot control yourself or that you make choices that are less than the best.
Look at your life and what are you attached to. If you leave planet Earth and you are unaware in your consciousness, all of your attachments are what draw you back to planet Earth. If in the case of one who loves Nature, let us say, and you are so attached to the greenery and the trees and the water, you will come right back because you love it so deeply. An attachment can be something you love so much you do not know how to do without it, or you do not know how to replace it, or you do not know how to love anything else as deeply or as well.
Do we say unto the heart and the mind of your being, “Strip your attachment to Nature. Do not love trees any longer. Do not love the water. Separate yourself from that which you love”?
We do not.
We say, “Separate yourself from the idea that you cannot survive without the beauty or the love of Nature because you are infinite." You always survive, but you want it to be a choice that you take in the beauty of the trees and the songs of the bird, and the ripple of the water, or the waves rushing on the beach, or the rain falling on your body, or the animals that are part of that world. You want it to be a choice. You want to have freedom to choose that which will be the reality you are living in…to choose your Nature, or to choose your beach, or to choose your condo or to choose your mountains, or to choose your office job, or to choose the stock market or to choose working in a soup kitchen. Whatever it is that you do, choice matters to the Soul of your being.
Why does choice matter?
It creates a frequency in your being because you usually choose to do that which you love. If you choose to do that which you love, you are creating a frequency that feeds the atoms and molecules of the being of the physical self that you wear. As the atoms and molecules of the being that you wear vibrate in harmony with one another, they create a frequency that emits from your being, and others become entrained to your frequency and so you being to effect and to effect and to effect.
Within each of you there is a fear that you cannot escape planet Earth (not the beauty of planet Earth and not the love). You are all witness to the buildings that are coming and the trees that are being cut down and the development that is taking place, and you feel, those of you who are connected to Nature, you feel it in your Soul, and you feel it in your being as though some part of you is being ripped out. It is because it is the reason you are here: you LOVE it. It causes you pain, but it causes you pain because you are so attached to it as your safety, as your way of living. You do not know how to do without it, in your programming.
Because on your planet, you are a water planet, unlike everywhere else. Most of your planet is water. You are also a planet where nature is an important part of the balance of humanity on planet Earth. It is Nature that creates the frequencies to make it all happen.
A technology culture is creating itself in your world, and you are going to be learning that frequencies can be created through technology as well. Where the birds were once responsible for telling the flowers when to open and telling the grass seeds when to unfurl and germinate, there are now electronic sounds that can do the same.
Where a fire was once necessary for the creation of certain feelings within the human self, the campfire, the burning of the wood, the smoke and all the memories that entails, you now have fires that are electronic. IF your world is wise, they will emit from the electronics of the fire the scent of smoke, they will emit the frequencies of a true fire. Should one of you wish to become a billionaire, you can invent this, because for those who grow up separated from what you yourselves have learned about Nature on your planet, it will be a novel experience, and for those who need it, it will soothe their soul.
Technology has taken over many planets, and those who run the technology forget for awhile that there is such a thing as a habitat for humans; that humans in whatever form of suit they are wearing or using, in this case it is a human body, require a habitat. They require a certain amount of oxygen in the air in order for the body and the brain to function. They require certain nutrients to be in the blood stream. On your planet the memory is these nutrients all come from the ground; but your planet has destroyed the ground for the most part. Where do nutrients come from? They can be fabricated. They are just frequencies.
You could drink in through your skin the frequencies you need to survive, but those who are gustatory will miss the chewing. They will miss the smell.
Frequencies can be scents as well. Your essential oil world is based on frequencies. They create feelings; they heal; they feed; they create strength; they can do almost anything that can be done in other ways, yes? They can take out an infection in the same way a shot of penicillin or antibiotics can. It is frequency.
(LMN to 2 of the students)
For the two of you, there is:
Fear that you cannot escape the traps.
Fear that someone will create a puzzle that you cannot solve.
You are both mind/puzzle solvers. You like to get to the immediate bottom of an issue. You are both solution oriented.
There is a fear within you that you cannot find the solution to escape.
Earth is seen as a place to escape (within your consciousness; that is what created the feelings you have.)
Now to move through that, do something MORE than you have usually done.
Do something that is a frequency that you love.
Use essential oils, or Fibonacci numbers, or chimes/gongs. Use something that is different so that you can increase your “tool bag” for changing and shifting realities.
There will come a time in your lives when words will not be enough to explain how to help someone but a frequency will.
So practice playing with them.
All of your energy centers resonate to frequencies.
Miracle healings happen on your planet from frequencies.
We are not speaking of the word “frequent” as in “often”, you understand.
We are speaking of oscillation.
Beloveds Ones, a little levity.
We hear and feel and understand your anguish in this moment, for after our Lesson 2, you are asking yourselves, “What is this thing, this unknown aspect of self that still must be within me? How can it be there when I have spent years, as it were, cleansing, purifying, altering, listening, learning, yes?
That feeling is part of the clue about the limitation that “You will never know enough.”
That is what a clue requires, right? That you know enough to solve the clue, to solve the dilemma, to solve the puzzle, and each one of you here has that limitation within your being. Thus, your confusion discussing this evening’s lesson.
It is a fear for some of you; it is a certainty for others of you that you will never know enough to escape planet Earth.
Thus, it is we spoke in our first lesson of the ways that you come back upon planet Earth, whether with conscious awareness or because you were simply unconscious upon arrival. When one is unconscious, what is left within them is what we are going to call “all their addictions”.
We talked in another class about attachments; you remember, yes? “What are you attached to?” The reason we used the word attached was because on your planet emails have attachments to them, and they are generally speaking something you want to open. “Attachment” has a good connotation to it, but “addiction” has a fault-finding finger-shaking definition attached to it, yes? Its connotation is that you cannot control yourself or that you make choices that are less than the best.
Look at your life and what are you attached to. If you leave planet Earth and you are unaware in your consciousness, all of your attachments are what draw you back to planet Earth. If in the case of one who loves Nature, let us say, and you are so attached to the greenery and the trees and the water, you will come right back because you love it so deeply. An attachment can be something you love so much you do not know how to do without it, or you do not know how to replace it, or you do not know how to love anything else as deeply or as well.
Do we say unto the heart and the mind of your being, “Strip your attachment to Nature. Do not love trees any longer. Do not love the water. Separate yourself from that which you love”?
We do not.
We say, “Separate yourself from the idea that you cannot survive without the beauty or the love of Nature because you are infinite." You always survive, but you want it to be a choice that you take in the beauty of the trees and the songs of the bird, and the ripple of the water, or the waves rushing on the beach, or the rain falling on your body, or the animals that are part of that world. You want it to be a choice. You want to have freedom to choose that which will be the reality you are living in…to choose your Nature, or to choose your beach, or to choose your condo or to choose your mountains, or to choose your office job, or to choose the stock market or to choose working in a soup kitchen. Whatever it is that you do, choice matters to the Soul of your being.
Why does choice matter?
It creates a frequency in your being because you usually choose to do that which you love. If you choose to do that which you love, you are creating a frequency that feeds the atoms and molecules of the being of the physical self that you wear. As the atoms and molecules of the being that you wear vibrate in harmony with one another, they create a frequency that emits from your being, and others become entrained to your frequency and so you being to effect and to effect and to effect.
Within each of you there is a fear that you cannot escape planet Earth (not the beauty of planet Earth and not the love). You are all witness to the buildings that are coming and the trees that are being cut down and the development that is taking place, and you feel, those of you who are connected to Nature, you feel it in your Soul, and you feel it in your being as though some part of you is being ripped out. It is because it is the reason you are here: you LOVE it. It causes you pain, but it causes you pain because you are so attached to it as your safety, as your way of living. You do not know how to do without it, in your programming.
Because on your planet, you are a water planet, unlike everywhere else. Most of your planet is water. You are also a planet where nature is an important part of the balance of humanity on planet Earth. It is Nature that creates the frequencies to make it all happen.
A technology culture is creating itself in your world, and you are going to be learning that frequencies can be created through technology as well. Where the birds were once responsible for telling the flowers when to open and telling the grass seeds when to unfurl and germinate, there are now electronic sounds that can do the same.
Where a fire was once necessary for the creation of certain feelings within the human self, the campfire, the burning of the wood, the smoke and all the memories that entails, you now have fires that are electronic. IF your world is wise, they will emit from the electronics of the fire the scent of smoke, they will emit the frequencies of a true fire. Should one of you wish to become a billionaire, you can invent this, because for those who grow up separated from what you yourselves have learned about Nature on your planet, it will be a novel experience, and for those who need it, it will soothe their soul.
Technology has taken over many planets, and those who run the technology forget for awhile that there is such a thing as a habitat for humans; that humans in whatever form of suit they are wearing or using, in this case it is a human body, require a habitat. They require a certain amount of oxygen in the air in order for the body and the brain to function. They require certain nutrients to be in the blood stream. On your planet the memory is these nutrients all come from the ground; but your planet has destroyed the ground for the most part. Where do nutrients come from? They can be fabricated. They are just frequencies.
You could drink in through your skin the frequencies you need to survive, but those who are gustatory will miss the chewing. They will miss the smell.
Frequencies can be scents as well. Your essential oil world is based on frequencies. They create feelings; they heal; they feed; they create strength; they can do almost anything that can be done in other ways, yes? They can take out an infection in the same way a shot of penicillin or antibiotics can. It is frequency.
(LMN to 2 of the students)
For the two of you, there is:
Fear that you cannot escape the traps.
Fear that someone will create a puzzle that you cannot solve.
You are both mind/puzzle solvers. You like to get to the immediate bottom of an issue. You are both solution oriented.
There is a fear within you that you cannot find the solution to escape.
Earth is seen as a place to escape (within your consciousness; that is what created the feelings you have.)
Now to move through that, do something MORE than you have usually done.
Do something that is a frequency that you love.
Use essential oils, or Fibonacci numbers, or chimes/gongs. Use something that is different so that you can increase your “tool bag” for changing and shifting realities.
There will come a time in your lives when words will not be enough to explain how to help someone but a frequency will.
So practice playing with them.
All of your energy centers resonate to frequencies.
Miracle healings happen on your planet from frequencies.
We are not speaking of the word “frequent” as in “often”, you understand.
We are speaking of oscillation.
Pearl 34
As a Paradigm Shifter, I always have the choice to wake up whenever I decide I AM done with the illusions I AM living.
7th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: Paradigm Shifting, Lesson 3, Pearl 34 (NOTE: this mp3 comes from a back-up recording on a pc with poor recording capacity as the primary recording equipment was not properly activated.)
Transcription of Audio
Blessings unto the heart and the mind of your being. I am Lady Master Natasha. Beloveds ones it is with great joy that We, The Council of 8, gather with your beings in this manner. You have been “paying attention” to your lives, perhaps more closely in this course than in any other so far, for you have developed the ability to broaden your perspective of life. You have developed the ability to see a larger picture than what you have previously been able to perceive.
When we had our course, Heaven and Hell, there was an interest from the level of the subconscious level of your beings, for it had been trained and taught and had heard and learned many things, and there was a great fear in the subconscious of most, if not all, who listened to that course and learned the lessons.
There was the fear:
However, in Paradigm Shifting, you have begun to see that it is not the simple little parts any longer that make up the larger picture of your life that require shifting. Understanding the little parts as you have done for so long was essential, however, for without understanding those small limitations, the vows, the beliefs, the limitations from other lives, the emotions, your connection to mass consciousness, muscle memory, and being able to slowly but surely remove them, you would not have had the ability to perceive the larger picture of a paradigm.
For those of you who may be new to the lessons on Paradigm Shifting, we highly recommend that you listen to other courses that were given prior to this one; or perhaps your own training has given you that skill already and you can see, with different glasses, the infrastructure of the lives (and we say that plurally) that you are living in this moment.
The reason we say ‘lives’ is that almost any paradigm you are living in is a compilation and a weaving of many lives that you have lived, but you came with the idea of a particular infrastructure that you would use this lifetime as the basis for the experience you wanted to grow and expand in and through.
We have mentioned previously that astrology and numerology help lay the foundation for you to recognize the map that you prepared for yourself, or that was prepared even at the moment of birth, energetically. By interpreting this map you are able to see and understand the persona you are taking on in this lifetime.
In astrology, there are definitions for each of what are called the sun signs. A neophyte astrologist, one who is just beginning to practice astrology (and the same for numerology), will take the sun sign and expound from there. But truly your astrology and numerology maps are interwoven. They are not maps to be read “section by section by section”, i.e. “Well, you have Venus in the second house and this is what that means…” or “You are a Leo rising and this is what that means” or “You have Saturn square Neptune and this is what that means”. Truly is it about looking and weaving all of the pieces together and seeing the paradigm that is your life this moment in this time frame.
If you look at astrology or numerology, you will find the positive and the negative aspects of both signs and numbers. By using the “negative” as a guidepost you may see for yourself what aspects of your personality, value system and life itself that you wish to overcome and balance in your being. You may also use these maps as a hint to yourself of what is to come.
Are you limited by these maps you have laid out for yourself? You cannot be limited, Beloveds, on a free will planet because you always have the choice to wake up whenever you decide to be done with the illusions. You have the choice to completely abandon, if you choose to, the astrology map you laid out for yourself, and the numerology path you laid out for yourself and take off on some other direction. Normally, the soul having a human experience does not abandon its map for any given lifetime unless it has outgrown it; unless it has mastered all that it represents and it no longer requires the time frame that is represented by the names in numerology and the stars in astrology.
There is free will, but there is also guidance so that you are not left adrift in a play that you have written or been conscripted to without any road map, or vision or awareness until you awaken and perceive your own. For some, when you are blessed enough to create for yourself, we are going to say A Wizard who is very good at weaving together the fine points of the numbers or weaving together the story that lays within the astrology; one that can see the big picture; one that help you discern yourself and perhaps even your future, when you are blessed enough to encounter this, you will know yourself in a very comforting way. You will be able to see the good that has been in your life because of what you have chosen to be, and you will also be able to love the Self a little more radically than you did before because it seems to be human nature on your planet to compare the Self to others’ lives, to others’ beings, to other’s successes, to others’ goals and dreams and wishes, and to come up short, constantly believing erroneously that there is something you need to measure up to that is demonstrated in the life of another. You “should” find great comfort in what these maps can reveal unto your being.
That said, such maps are not the only way to find a truth you are seeking. You are living it every moment that you awaken, every thought you have, every experience you undertake, everything you question, each situation you choose whether it is attending a meeting such as this or reading a book or cooking food or exercising or taking the dog for a walk or grooming yourself or spending time dreaming, whatever the moment is, your paradigm is allowing the freedom in that moment for you to be the God Self of your being savoring your now, savoring this moment and all that you have created and all that you have the capacity to experience.
Paradigm Shifting will take you out of the now moment which is small and place you into a bigger perception of yourself and your life.
Let us say you are caught up in whether you can pay the bills or not. That is a small focus but to the human life it feels very very large and that is because it is usually accompanied by fears:
There is a story told of Master Jesus, and it is told by the Ascended Masters who love to tell stories that have meanings to them, that are analogies or parables, as it were. In this story, Master Jesus passed by a dead dog. Who knows where they were walking, but he was with others. The others were concerned that if the Master were led by the dog, he would have to smell the smells of death, and it would be an unpleasant experience. They were trying to guide him away from the area where he would have that experience. Instead, as he passed the dog, he simply said, “The dog’s teeth look like pearls.” In a moment of what the disciples had been discerning as negative or unpleasant or some potential that they were worried about, the Master moved beyond it all and simply looked for the nugget of truth and beauty.
This is to say, Beloveds, that when you are in a paradigm where perhaps you are learning about finance this life time, or perhaps you are learning about being your own provider, or perhaps you are learning about depending on others or not depending on others, there could be many reasons why you are focused on finances and concerned that meeting the bills might be hard this month, if in that moment, in order to disallow the feeling of “meeting my bills might be hard this month”, for we are assuming there is an unpleasant feeling with that thought and the fear that is underneath it, one might say, “Look how lovely the color of the ink is that I write this check out with".
Or one might say, “How delightful the paper feels” or one might notice a scent in the air and focus on that instead.
When you find something about what you are doing that has an underlying fear, worry, or concern attached to it, if you find some way to say, “The dog’s teeth look like pearls”, you will shift your energy to something that is of the positive, of the beautiful. There is no fear in the self to look at something beautiful and to comment on it. That is the trick you are learning, if one will call it a trick. This is what you are learning now in your Paradigm Shifting.
You’ve already learned how to see what it is that limits you.
You have learned how to move through identifications of reactions.
You have learned how to feel emotions that are not of your liking and alter them using colors.
Now you are learning how to:
1. Take each moment within an infrastructure we are calling a paradigm, and
2. In that moment that there is a hidden fear or a worry or something that is coloring your paradigm and about to turn it into something you do not desire, find the pearl in what it is you are doing.
3. Find the beauty in what it is you are doing.
Let us now focus on the words “Paradigm Shifting”. You have come to understand what a paradigm is. Many of you have discovered the ones you are living. Many of you have discovered the ones you have let go of living. One who is here tonight recognized that when he was young, he saw his mother reading with his little sister. They were snuggled up together close, reading a book, and when he came upon them, he wished he were there with them. He did not speak up and ask to join them, and most likely he was not seen by his loving, caring mother, either, who would have scooped him up in a moment, and nestled him with the two of them. Seeing this, however, he felt left out. And in the feeling, he retreated within himself. The rest of his life, until having discovered it recently, was about that feeling.
Paradigms create a current that flows underneath your life. It flows through all that you do. It does not define everything, but it is there as a subtle subtle energetic influence. For this child and then the man, the subtle energy of feeling left out was constantly there, defining and coloring his life. He would not have recognized it consciously, because consciously he did not truly feel left out. But when he analyzed his behavior, he did separate himself from groups, as though he were on the outside looking in, and he did separate himself from family events. He did separate himself at parties and in large groupings. Much of his life he felt a little bit of a loner, preferring to be in the car driving on his own, rather than inviting even one friend to go along on the journey. When he looked deeper at his life, he saw that the friends he had were mostly the friends that belonged to his significant other. That is how this “left out” impacted his life.
He was living the Left Out Paradigm, until he switched it.
When he recognized it, he altered the memory, and there are many ways to do this. He altered the memory and in the altering of it, gave himself a new freedom for interacting with life and others. He may choose still to be on the outside, but he will not feel as though he is there because he is left out. He will feel he is there because it is a choice, and not a choice that was made for him.
Did he shift his paradigm? Indeed.
First he recognized it. Then he altered it. That is Paradigm Shifting.
There is also Paradigm Shifting of, as we spoke about with astrology and numerology, recognizing the negative within yourself that might be there. It might be compared to splinters you have been pulling out for decades, as it were, but still, nevertheless, it is paradigm shifting, for you are cleaning up the paradigm so that if you ever elect to live it again, it will be the perfect rose garden you choose to live in.
Namaste unto the heart and the mind of your being.
So be it.
When we had our course, Heaven and Hell, there was an interest from the level of the subconscious level of your beings, for it had been trained and taught and had heard and learned many things, and there was a great fear in the subconscious of most, if not all, who listened to that course and learned the lessons.
There was the fear:
- of non-achievement
- of what has been taught exists on your planet if one is not perfect, if one has not perfected oneself before one leaves this physical play.
However, in Paradigm Shifting, you have begun to see that it is not the simple little parts any longer that make up the larger picture of your life that require shifting. Understanding the little parts as you have done for so long was essential, however, for without understanding those small limitations, the vows, the beliefs, the limitations from other lives, the emotions, your connection to mass consciousness, muscle memory, and being able to slowly but surely remove them, you would not have had the ability to perceive the larger picture of a paradigm.
For those of you who may be new to the lessons on Paradigm Shifting, we highly recommend that you listen to other courses that were given prior to this one; or perhaps your own training has given you that skill already and you can see, with different glasses, the infrastructure of the lives (and we say that plurally) that you are living in this moment.
The reason we say ‘lives’ is that almost any paradigm you are living in is a compilation and a weaving of many lives that you have lived, but you came with the idea of a particular infrastructure that you would use this lifetime as the basis for the experience you wanted to grow and expand in and through.
We have mentioned previously that astrology and numerology help lay the foundation for you to recognize the map that you prepared for yourself, or that was prepared even at the moment of birth, energetically. By interpreting this map you are able to see and understand the persona you are taking on in this lifetime.
In astrology, there are definitions for each of what are called the sun signs. A neophyte astrologist, one who is just beginning to practice astrology (and the same for numerology), will take the sun sign and expound from there. But truly your astrology and numerology maps are interwoven. They are not maps to be read “section by section by section”, i.e. “Well, you have Venus in the second house and this is what that means…” or “You are a Leo rising and this is what that means” or “You have Saturn square Neptune and this is what that means”. Truly is it about looking and weaving all of the pieces together and seeing the paradigm that is your life this moment in this time frame.
If you look at astrology or numerology, you will find the positive and the negative aspects of both signs and numbers. By using the “negative” as a guidepost you may see for yourself what aspects of your personality, value system and life itself that you wish to overcome and balance in your being. You may also use these maps as a hint to yourself of what is to come.
Are you limited by these maps you have laid out for yourself? You cannot be limited, Beloveds, on a free will planet because you always have the choice to wake up whenever you decide to be done with the illusions. You have the choice to completely abandon, if you choose to, the astrology map you laid out for yourself, and the numerology path you laid out for yourself and take off on some other direction. Normally, the soul having a human experience does not abandon its map for any given lifetime unless it has outgrown it; unless it has mastered all that it represents and it no longer requires the time frame that is represented by the names in numerology and the stars in astrology.
There is free will, but there is also guidance so that you are not left adrift in a play that you have written or been conscripted to without any road map, or vision or awareness until you awaken and perceive your own. For some, when you are blessed enough to create for yourself, we are going to say A Wizard who is very good at weaving together the fine points of the numbers or weaving together the story that lays within the astrology; one that can see the big picture; one that help you discern yourself and perhaps even your future, when you are blessed enough to encounter this, you will know yourself in a very comforting way. You will be able to see the good that has been in your life because of what you have chosen to be, and you will also be able to love the Self a little more radically than you did before because it seems to be human nature on your planet to compare the Self to others’ lives, to others’ beings, to other’s successes, to others’ goals and dreams and wishes, and to come up short, constantly believing erroneously that there is something you need to measure up to that is demonstrated in the life of another. You “should” find great comfort in what these maps can reveal unto your being.
That said, such maps are not the only way to find a truth you are seeking. You are living it every moment that you awaken, every thought you have, every experience you undertake, everything you question, each situation you choose whether it is attending a meeting such as this or reading a book or cooking food or exercising or taking the dog for a walk or grooming yourself or spending time dreaming, whatever the moment is, your paradigm is allowing the freedom in that moment for you to be the God Self of your being savoring your now, savoring this moment and all that you have created and all that you have the capacity to experience.
Paradigm Shifting will take you out of the now moment which is small and place you into a bigger perception of yourself and your life.
Let us say you are caught up in whether you can pay the bills or not. That is a small focus but to the human life it feels very very large and that is because it is usually accompanied by fears:
- fears and memories of not measuring up
- fears and memories of being penniless
- fears and memories of being bankrupt and kicked out
- fears and memories of dying because of not having.
There is a story told of Master Jesus, and it is told by the Ascended Masters who love to tell stories that have meanings to them, that are analogies or parables, as it were. In this story, Master Jesus passed by a dead dog. Who knows where they were walking, but he was with others. The others were concerned that if the Master were led by the dog, he would have to smell the smells of death, and it would be an unpleasant experience. They were trying to guide him away from the area where he would have that experience. Instead, as he passed the dog, he simply said, “The dog’s teeth look like pearls.” In a moment of what the disciples had been discerning as negative or unpleasant or some potential that they were worried about, the Master moved beyond it all and simply looked for the nugget of truth and beauty.
This is to say, Beloveds, that when you are in a paradigm where perhaps you are learning about finance this life time, or perhaps you are learning about being your own provider, or perhaps you are learning about depending on others or not depending on others, there could be many reasons why you are focused on finances and concerned that meeting the bills might be hard this month, if in that moment, in order to disallow the feeling of “meeting my bills might be hard this month”, for we are assuming there is an unpleasant feeling with that thought and the fear that is underneath it, one might say, “Look how lovely the color of the ink is that I write this check out with".
Or one might say, “How delightful the paper feels” or one might notice a scent in the air and focus on that instead.
When you find something about what you are doing that has an underlying fear, worry, or concern attached to it, if you find some way to say, “The dog’s teeth look like pearls”, you will shift your energy to something that is of the positive, of the beautiful. There is no fear in the self to look at something beautiful and to comment on it. That is the trick you are learning, if one will call it a trick. This is what you are learning now in your Paradigm Shifting.
You’ve already learned how to see what it is that limits you.
You have learned how to move through identifications of reactions.
You have learned how to feel emotions that are not of your liking and alter them using colors.
Now you are learning how to:
1. Take each moment within an infrastructure we are calling a paradigm, and
2. In that moment that there is a hidden fear or a worry or something that is coloring your paradigm and about to turn it into something you do not desire, find the pearl in what it is you are doing.
3. Find the beauty in what it is you are doing.
Let us now focus on the words “Paradigm Shifting”. You have come to understand what a paradigm is. Many of you have discovered the ones you are living. Many of you have discovered the ones you have let go of living. One who is here tonight recognized that when he was young, he saw his mother reading with his little sister. They were snuggled up together close, reading a book, and when he came upon them, he wished he were there with them. He did not speak up and ask to join them, and most likely he was not seen by his loving, caring mother, either, who would have scooped him up in a moment, and nestled him with the two of them. Seeing this, however, he felt left out. And in the feeling, he retreated within himself. The rest of his life, until having discovered it recently, was about that feeling.
Paradigms create a current that flows underneath your life. It flows through all that you do. It does not define everything, but it is there as a subtle subtle energetic influence. For this child and then the man, the subtle energy of feeling left out was constantly there, defining and coloring his life. He would not have recognized it consciously, because consciously he did not truly feel left out. But when he analyzed his behavior, he did separate himself from groups, as though he were on the outside looking in, and he did separate himself from family events. He did separate himself at parties and in large groupings. Much of his life he felt a little bit of a loner, preferring to be in the car driving on his own, rather than inviting even one friend to go along on the journey. When he looked deeper at his life, he saw that the friends he had were mostly the friends that belonged to his significant other. That is how this “left out” impacted his life.
He was living the Left Out Paradigm, until he switched it.
When he recognized it, he altered the memory, and there are many ways to do this. He altered the memory and in the altering of it, gave himself a new freedom for interacting with life and others. He may choose still to be on the outside, but he will not feel as though he is there because he is left out. He will feel he is there because it is a choice, and not a choice that was made for him.
Did he shift his paradigm? Indeed.
First he recognized it. Then he altered it. That is Paradigm Shifting.
There is also Paradigm Shifting of, as we spoke about with astrology and numerology, recognizing the negative within yourself that might be there. It might be compared to splinters you have been pulling out for decades, as it were, but still, nevertheless, it is paradigm shifting, for you are cleaning up the paradigm so that if you ever elect to live it again, it will be the perfect rose garden you choose to live in.
Namaste unto the heart and the mind of your being.
So be it.
Pearl 35
I must create my Ascension Paradigm. I must free myself from the ways I have passed from life in previous existences.
7th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: Paradigm Shifting, Lesson 4, Pearl 35
Transcription of Audio
It is with great joy we and the Council of 8 gather with you in this your month of July and this your year of 2017, for Lesson 4 of Paradigm Shifting. You most likely, between now and the previous lesson, have noticed an increase in energetic responses from life. You will having a pressing or a pushing or an elongating of time. You will have noticed that certain criteria within yourself were pushed almost to, where there is an upraising, one might say, of consciousnesses, and in order to be in that energetic space we are calling the ‘upraising’ means you must move through that which has held you back, that which perhaps you have had ‘clouds’ in front of your eyes over, or sunglasses, as it were. Perhaps you were blind to it; perhaps you were in such depths of despair that you did not even recognize what was going on. There was a push, a big push of energy during this past week, the purpose of which was an outgoing blessing to all of consciousness everywhere, to uplift it.
Let us discuss for just a moment ‘uplifting’, for in your world, planet Earth, uplifting often feels like being crushed. In your world uplifting often feels like, “What is happening to me? Am I dying?” Uplifting often feels like “This is the worst day of my life; can it get any worse?” There is an energy that tries to assist you in altering your personal recognition of how you are limiting yourself or those you love. That is what you have lived through this past week.
The question must come in Paradigm Shifting, “How quickly can one shift paradigms once one has recognized it?” In some cases, Beloveds, the paradigm will dissipate in the moment. You may see it with such clarity you may burst into laughter. You may recognize it with such amazement you may just sit for a moment stunned in the wonder of it all. You may be so upset with yourself for living in such a limitation for so long you may stomp around and be angry and say words that you would not wish to have recorded. The responses are many just as there are many answers to how long does it take to move out of a paradigm once you have recognized it.
The quicker you are able to let go of habits that supported the old paradigm, emotions that supported the old paradigm, thinking that supported the old paradigm, the quicker you will be freed from it. The more that you continue to engage in cause and effect, you will elongate the time you are in the paradigm.
In the shifting, one knows one is free because one can laugh at it or one can shake one’s head and wonder, “How did I ever fall for that?” One can ponder it for a while, not so long that you re-enact it because you are focusing on it and becoming it, but because you are just amazed that you participated in that particular play or that story, as it were. Or you may on some level still hold on to it because you are not ready to let go of it even though you have recognized it. Or you may decide to live within it but clean it up a little bit. You may decide for instance that you are going to continue releasing limitations but you are going to keep the structure of the paradigm.
Let us discuss for just a moment ‘uplifting’, for in your world, planet Earth, uplifting often feels like being crushed. In your world uplifting often feels like, “What is happening to me? Am I dying?” Uplifting often feels like “This is the worst day of my life; can it get any worse?” There is an energy that tries to assist you in altering your personal recognition of how you are limiting yourself or those you love. That is what you have lived through this past week.
The question must come in Paradigm Shifting, “How quickly can one shift paradigms once one has recognized it?” In some cases, Beloveds, the paradigm will dissipate in the moment. You may see it with such clarity you may burst into laughter. You may recognize it with such amazement you may just sit for a moment stunned in the wonder of it all. You may be so upset with yourself for living in such a limitation for so long you may stomp around and be angry and say words that you would not wish to have recorded. The responses are many just as there are many answers to how long does it take to move out of a paradigm once you have recognized it.
The quicker you are able to let go of habits that supported the old paradigm, emotions that supported the old paradigm, thinking that supported the old paradigm, the quicker you will be freed from it. The more that you continue to engage in cause and effect, you will elongate the time you are in the paradigm.
- If you continue to say the same phrases
- if you continue read the same information
- if you continue to have the same habits
- if you continue to look in the mirror and say the same things to yourself
In the shifting, one knows one is free because one can laugh at it or one can shake one’s head and wonder, “How did I ever fall for that?” One can ponder it for a while, not so long that you re-enact it because you are focusing on it and becoming it, but because you are just amazed that you participated in that particular play or that story, as it were. Or you may on some level still hold on to it because you are not ready to let go of it even though you have recognized it. Or you may decide to live within it but clean it up a little bit. You may decide for instance that you are going to continue releasing limitations but you are going to keep the structure of the paradigm.
Let us say that you have had a Homesteaders Paradigm, yes? Let us say that you lived in a place where you were able to have a home like a homestead in a manner that the old pioneers did: you could garden; you hung your clothes on a clothesline to dry; you wore natural fiber clothing; you canned food from your garden for winter; you had a beehive and tended your own honey. You lived as a pioneer would have lived long ago when they were first spreading out across the United States, let us use that example, staking a claim to their piece of property and building a life upon it. Let us say you recognize that you are living that paradigm. That is what you had planned for this life. You wished to be close to Nature. You wished to love the environment. You wished to use your hands in the earth, and you wished to use your hand for many things people would use machinery to do. You realize that you are living a Homestead Paradigm. You may start to make some changes. Instead of making your own bread, you may discover there is a bakery nearby that sells the same kind of bread you make, same ingredients. You realize of course that because they can do it in bulk, they can make for less. You decide within that it is not necessary to make everything yourself from scratch. You alter your paradigm in that manner.
Or let us say that you walked everywhere that you could because wherever you lived they did not allow horses, so you could not ‘drive your horses’ everywhere, so you walked. When you realized you were in the paradigm, you began to realize you could ride a bicycle just as easily as you could walk. You could still get the same exercise if that were part of the equation. You could still bring home only the same amount of groceries that you could carry, if that is where you walked too. You are altering and shifting. You are letting go of some limitations and you are expanding your experience in life.
This is an example of one who decided to keep the Homesteader Paradigm. Let us continue the example. Let us say a consciousness wakes up from this paradigm of homesteading and realizes, “All that I have been doing exists outside of me. I can but it all. I can go to stores that have the same quality. I can….” and you fill in the blank. All of a sudden the consciousness recognizes that what it has been doing is having a limitation in thought that only that which is natural is worthy. In letting go of that concept, “natural” expands. It can be just as “natural” for consciousness to create technology, cars, cell phones, movie houses, and so forth, as it is for you to do things by hand in the Homesteader Paradigm.
This Homesteader decides to sell the homestead and decides to live in an apartment where there is no yard that needs mowing and no upkeep that needs to be done on the apartment, and so this Homesteader has changed the paradigm entirely. Homesteading is no longer necessary for survival, and so there is a desire to experience life in an entirely different manner.
These, then, are two different examples on how you will notice yourself changing within your life.
Or let us say that you walked everywhere that you could because wherever you lived they did not allow horses, so you could not ‘drive your horses’ everywhere, so you walked. When you realized you were in the paradigm, you began to realize you could ride a bicycle just as easily as you could walk. You could still get the same exercise if that were part of the equation. You could still bring home only the same amount of groceries that you could carry, if that is where you walked too. You are altering and shifting. You are letting go of some limitations and you are expanding your experience in life.
This is an example of one who decided to keep the Homesteader Paradigm. Let us continue the example. Let us say a consciousness wakes up from this paradigm of homesteading and realizes, “All that I have been doing exists outside of me. I can but it all. I can go to stores that have the same quality. I can….” and you fill in the blank. All of a sudden the consciousness recognizes that what it has been doing is having a limitation in thought that only that which is natural is worthy. In letting go of that concept, “natural” expands. It can be just as “natural” for consciousness to create technology, cars, cell phones, movie houses, and so forth, as it is for you to do things by hand in the Homesteader Paradigm.
This Homesteader decides to sell the homestead and decides to live in an apartment where there is no yard that needs mowing and no upkeep that needs to be done on the apartment, and so this Homesteader has changed the paradigm entirely. Homesteading is no longer necessary for survival, and so there is a desire to experience life in an entirely different manner.
These, then, are two different examples on how you will notice yourself changing within your life.
We spoke last week of numerology and astrology being sciences that can map for you the life you have chosen. It can tell you what you think and how you feel; what your personality is; how you are perceived by others; what you came into this life with skills of and a mindset of, and what you were wanting to do with yourself and your life.
Some of you had sessions for numerology with the one through whom I speak, and discovered that you were that information, those numbers that were on the paper, they made sense to you and your life and you had a deeper feeling and awareness within yourself of what mattered for how you were living. All of a sudden many things about you and yourself were OK, as it were. They did not need to be changed. You discovered the infrastructure on which you were building your life this lifetime.
This created in you a sense of well-being. It created a sense of, “I can pat myself on the back” because indeed I am not as far away from the truth I am seeking as perhaps I thought I was”. Yes?
Those of you who have experienced this ‘map’ for your life, seeing who you are, has this helped you understand the paradigms for the life you are living? Yes?
(All students agreed).
There is much more to learn in that area, and numbers can tell you many, many details, but the purpose of knowing who you are, what your skills are, why you have come, is to understand the paradigm that you chose for your truth this lifetime, that you chose to live within so that you could experience the destiny you planned for this life.
When we speak of Paradigm Shifting, we are not speaking of letting go of what you ‘mapped’ for this life, unless of course you, in your free will, decide it has nothing to do for you with this life any longer and you are going to change it, which is your free will.
It is the Higher Wisdom, however, of your inner self that often creates The Map, but what of people who did not have the foresight, or the opportunity, or the wisdom to create a map, an infrastructure for themselves, before they were born? In your last lesson 3, we spoke of how consciousness leaves planet Earth in basically two ways:
If you have no awareness, and you are in the astral without knowing that you passed, you will live until such time that you begin to become aware that you are not really in the third dimension called earth anymore. This can happen in many ways. This can happen because:
Let us return to the concept of timing, yes? When you awaken to a paradigm and you are able to slip out of it but keep the infrastructure of whatever paradigm is the one you have chosen for this life, you have advanced your consciousness rapidly. You have expanded your ascension consciousness rapidly, for you have been able to let go of mindsets, which is another word for paradigms, Beloveds, that have influenced you. You are able to hold closer to a truth of the mindset you are in. When you are able to hold closer to that truth, you are able, with confidence, belief, knowing, love and trust, to open yourself to higher realms of awareness with more rapidly vibrating frequencies to usher your consciousness into expansion: expanded awareness.
It is like having an anchor in a boat. You are tossed about in the stormy seas. The seas are the symbolism of emotions. You are tossed about by the waves and the wind, symbolisms of thought forms that do not serve you any longer, that buffet you back and forth in life. You are not sure where the shoreline is because of the heavy rains and the darkness, symbolizing losing your way in the world where you are (planet earth), but you have an anchor. At some point you realize you can throw the anchor overboard and you can help your ship be stationary. That symbolizes the road map from your numerology or astrology. The road map that you have recognized and are holding on to as the infrastructure that you are using to learn your lessons within. It creates a confidence; creates a safety factor. It creates a knowingness within the self that is has a place. The boat has its place on the ocean and you have your place in life from which you can build without fear that you are fooling yourself in some manner.
We wish to speak to you now, not so much about Paradigm Shifting as about Paradigm Creating.
We have spoken to you in previous lessons that the wise among you will spend time discovering the ways that you have passed from life in previous existences, so that you might ferret these out from your memory and not be locked in to the ways you ‘must’ pass from the physical self you now inhabit.
It is equally as important to create an Ascension Paradigm.
You are freeing yourself from the ways you have passed on, and you are creating ways that you might shift and alter your consciousness. On your planet there are many illusions and delusions about the word ‘ascension’ and about the concept of Ascension Consciousness. There are so many that we wish not to give energy to their creations. Rather we wish to explain that ascension is a vibration expansion towards concepts you have perhaps not yet held or recognized and away from limitations that have cramped your thinking, or that have imprisoned your feelings or your vibrational state.
As you set yourself free form these types of thought forms and feelings that keep you from expanding and knowing our true self, you begin to be more and more open and receptive to greater wisdoms, to greater awarenesses. As you are, your world here in the physical begins to change. It begins to feel lighter. It begins to feel more navigable. It begins to feel friendlier. It begins to feel as though nothing is impossible, and we say this from the perspective not of ego, not where the ego recognizes ‘I have power and I will use it’, but from the heart and mind of the spirit self within that recognizes I AM love. I AM all that is. I AM the vibrational state of the frequency of the atoms and molecules that underlie the creation of all that. I AM aligning myself with that truth.
You will seek to create for yourselves a vision of how you wish this to transpire, for you are the creator of this journey as well. It does not just happen. If you are sitting and waiting within yourself for it happen, then that is what you are creating as your paradigm. The Waiting. You will keep waiting and you will keep waiting and you will keep waiting.
You are seeking for yourselves a knowing, perhaps; a recognition, perhaps, that each day or each moment of your day you are wiser or more loving and more caring. You will think to yourself that instead of watching a movie or eating something else you would rather be decreeing a state of peace and harmony for yourself and the planet, or perhaps you would be savoring the earth from a new perspective: marveling at the glory of the vibrational atoms and molecules as they have coalesced and created all that is around you. You are savoring.
We wish not to put too many ideas or suggestions into your consciousness, for we may limit you in some way by suggesting how you build your Ascension Paradigm. You are creatures of the unlimited. You are able to dream and to bring into manifestation that which you dream. You are able to hold a truth and let it fill the atoms and molecules that you are, and become that truth. You are able to invite in the love and the power of the heart and mind of God, that it makes peace with all that has been within you that is not of the heart and mind of God.
Some of you had sessions for numerology with the one through whom I speak, and discovered that you were that information, those numbers that were on the paper, they made sense to you and your life and you had a deeper feeling and awareness within yourself of what mattered for how you were living. All of a sudden many things about you and yourself were OK, as it were. They did not need to be changed. You discovered the infrastructure on which you were building your life this lifetime.
This created in you a sense of well-being. It created a sense of, “I can pat myself on the back” because indeed I am not as far away from the truth I am seeking as perhaps I thought I was”. Yes?
Those of you who have experienced this ‘map’ for your life, seeing who you are, has this helped you understand the paradigms for the life you are living? Yes?
(All students agreed).
There is much more to learn in that area, and numbers can tell you many, many details, but the purpose of knowing who you are, what your skills are, why you have come, is to understand the paradigm that you chose for your truth this lifetime, that you chose to live within so that you could experience the destiny you planned for this life.
When we speak of Paradigm Shifting, we are not speaking of letting go of what you ‘mapped’ for this life, unless of course you, in your free will, decide it has nothing to do for you with this life any longer and you are going to change it, which is your free will.
It is the Higher Wisdom, however, of your inner self that often creates The Map, but what of people who did not have the foresight, or the opportunity, or the wisdom to create a map, an infrastructure for themselves, before they were born? In your last lesson 3, we spoke of how consciousness leaves planet Earth in basically two ways:
- one, so quickly and without time to recognize that they have left the physical, they believe they are still alive, and they live in the astral as though they are still living on the physical plane called Earth
- and those who are aware of their passing. They are met by those who will take them to the temples of learning, who will teach them, who will help them in their own personal review of their life:
- what they learned
- how they grew
- where they are in the vibratory placement of their awareness
- the choice that is made, whether it is back to earth, or whether it is another plane or dimension, or whether it is to stay completely without form and grow and learn (there are many choices that can be made).
If you have no awareness, and you are in the astral without knowing that you passed, you will live until such time that you begin to become aware that you are not really in the third dimension called earth anymore. This can happen in many ways. This can happen because:
- teachers have come to you, and you have been listening and learning
- the body begins to disintegrate because it is just an astral shell and you do not understand what is occurring, and a panic happens and then you are willing to listen to a teacher or a guide
- or you can have been programmed so strictly and strongly by religion, for instance, that you must stay where you are with the thoughts you have, even if you do not know you have passed on you are still living this thought form---and so you make no growth whatsoever; you simply stagnate in life.
Let us return to the concept of timing, yes? When you awaken to a paradigm and you are able to slip out of it but keep the infrastructure of whatever paradigm is the one you have chosen for this life, you have advanced your consciousness rapidly. You have expanded your ascension consciousness rapidly, for you have been able to let go of mindsets, which is another word for paradigms, Beloveds, that have influenced you. You are able to hold closer to a truth of the mindset you are in. When you are able to hold closer to that truth, you are able, with confidence, belief, knowing, love and trust, to open yourself to higher realms of awareness with more rapidly vibrating frequencies to usher your consciousness into expansion: expanded awareness.
It is like having an anchor in a boat. You are tossed about in the stormy seas. The seas are the symbolism of emotions. You are tossed about by the waves and the wind, symbolisms of thought forms that do not serve you any longer, that buffet you back and forth in life. You are not sure where the shoreline is because of the heavy rains and the darkness, symbolizing losing your way in the world where you are (planet earth), but you have an anchor. At some point you realize you can throw the anchor overboard and you can help your ship be stationary. That symbolizes the road map from your numerology or astrology. The road map that you have recognized and are holding on to as the infrastructure that you are using to learn your lessons within. It creates a confidence; creates a safety factor. It creates a knowingness within the self that is has a place. The boat has its place on the ocean and you have your place in life from which you can build without fear that you are fooling yourself in some manner.
We wish to speak to you now, not so much about Paradigm Shifting as about Paradigm Creating.
We have spoken to you in previous lessons that the wise among you will spend time discovering the ways that you have passed from life in previous existences, so that you might ferret these out from your memory and not be locked in to the ways you ‘must’ pass from the physical self you now inhabit.
It is equally as important to create an Ascension Paradigm.
You are freeing yourself from the ways you have passed on, and you are creating ways that you might shift and alter your consciousness. On your planet there are many illusions and delusions about the word ‘ascension’ and about the concept of Ascension Consciousness. There are so many that we wish not to give energy to their creations. Rather we wish to explain that ascension is a vibration expansion towards concepts you have perhaps not yet held or recognized and away from limitations that have cramped your thinking, or that have imprisoned your feelings or your vibrational state.
As you set yourself free form these types of thought forms and feelings that keep you from expanding and knowing our true self, you begin to be more and more open and receptive to greater wisdoms, to greater awarenesses. As you are, your world here in the physical begins to change. It begins to feel lighter. It begins to feel more navigable. It begins to feel friendlier. It begins to feel as though nothing is impossible, and we say this from the perspective not of ego, not where the ego recognizes ‘I have power and I will use it’, but from the heart and mind of the spirit self within that recognizes I AM love. I AM all that is. I AM the vibrational state of the frequency of the atoms and molecules that underlie the creation of all that. I AM aligning myself with that truth.
You will seek to create for yourselves a vision of how you wish this to transpire, for you are the creator of this journey as well. It does not just happen. If you are sitting and waiting within yourself for it happen, then that is what you are creating as your paradigm. The Waiting. You will keep waiting and you will keep waiting and you will keep waiting.
You are seeking for yourselves a knowing, perhaps; a recognition, perhaps, that each day or each moment of your day you are wiser or more loving and more caring. You will think to yourself that instead of watching a movie or eating something else you would rather be decreeing a state of peace and harmony for yourself and the planet, or perhaps you would be savoring the earth from a new perspective: marveling at the glory of the vibrational atoms and molecules as they have coalesced and created all that is around you. You are savoring.
We wish not to put too many ideas or suggestions into your consciousness, for we may limit you in some way by suggesting how you build your Ascension Paradigm. You are creatures of the unlimited. You are able to dream and to bring into manifestation that which you dream. You are able to hold a truth and let it fill the atoms and molecules that you are, and become that truth. You are able to invite in the love and the power of the heart and mind of God, that it makes peace with all that has been within you that is not of the heart and mind of God.
You are the Wisdom That Seeks for Ways to Expand Knowledge and to Uplift All That is Around You in a way that enhances the world at large and brings forth grander truths and greater peace and deeper love, companionship, camaraderie, unity, diversity, divine justice, divine truth, ever-expanding wisdom, and the tranquility that comes from knowing that you are true joy and that you command the cosmic energies of life, for you are Radical Self Love.
So be it.
Pearl 36
I must remember to ask myself each moment if what I AM doing is CHOICE (preference) or NOT choice (programming)
and then act upon that knowledge.
7th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: Paradigm Shifting, Lesson 5, Pearl 36
Transcription of Audio
Beloved Ones, it is with great joy that We, The Council of 8, gather with your beings this evening for Lesson 5 of Paradigm Shifting. We are understanding that you are having a greater awareness of that which is called a paradigm, that which encompasses all of the choices that you make, the infrastructure within which you are living your lives. You are beginning to see the framework that you have built, the house that you are living in, the spiritual building of thought forms within which you create life based on the theme that matters to the heart and the mind of your being.
A paradigm is always based on a theme that we could call with a name to define the Paradigm. It could be the Slavery Paradigm, the Princess Paradigm. It could be the White Knight Paradigm or the Little Cottage in the Woods Paradigm. It could be the Girl Scout or Boy Scout Paradigm; even the Wicked Witch of the West Paradigm.
A paradigm is always based on a theme that we could call with a name to define the Paradigm. It could be the Slavery Paradigm, the Princess Paradigm. It could be the White Knight Paradigm or the Little Cottage in the Woods Paradigm. It could be the Girl Scout or Boy Scout Paradigm; even the Wicked Witch of the West Paradigm.
They always have a theme, and you may be living more than one. When you discover one paradigm that you are in, it may not be the only one. They may overlap themselves or you may go back and forth between them, and when you celebrate your birthdays they may change.
You may live a Teenager Paradigm at some time in your life: this is how a teenager responds, how one dates, what one thinks of the opposite sex, how one performs in school, how one acts or interacts with or against one’s parents or caretakers. You may have later on in life an Old Age Paradigm; this is what happens when you reach a certain age: you are forgotten; you are overlooked; you are not listened to, OR you are freed, and you have travel unlimited, and you can go anywhere you choose to go, your mobility is expanded, etc.
There is a definition that accompanies almost every label you can come up with to describe a paradigm.
Let us say you are living the Good Neighbor Paradigm. You will have your definition of what a good neighbor means to you and the life you have lived and the programming you have come into this life with and the programming you received during this life. For one person, being a good neighbor would mean not touching anything that belongs to your neighbo, never presuming that you could do something they would appreciate because it would mean touching something that is theirs, whereas another good neighbor paradigm would be that you take out your neighbor’s trash and put it for pick up in the street. Two completely different paradigms. One is shocked by the other. The one who believes ‘never touch a thing of your neighbors’ would never think to put the trashcan out for their neighbor when they put their own out. For the other kind of neighbor, it would never enter their mind not to.
Each will have a judgment of the other, unrealized perhaps by themselves. The neighbor who believes you should not touch another neighbor’s things would be upset by a neighbor who moves even a trash can of theirs into the yard or street. Whereas the neighbor who wishes the other neighbor would do that wonders why they don’t have a good neighbor. Would you understand? The meaning that is given from your mind to the actions that you take defines your concept of a paradigm.
In a Slavery Paradigm, there is a great memory within the self of not being free. However, a Slavery Paradigm can be interpreted in many ways. One who made peace with it long ago in another life experience decided being a slave was the best thing that could happen. Perhaps this person was a house slave, and she was fed extra food. She got to learn to read. She was treated as one of the family, whereas the slave who was chained to the wall in a hut outdoors and treated no better than a dog has no fond memory whatsoever of slavery. In fact, his thinking of humanity will be directly tied to the slavery experience: humans are cruel. The one who lived in the house will have a different perspective of humanity: humans are caring. Humanity cares.
This is to show you that even though there is a label on a paradigm, your paradigm may not be the same as another’s. It will simply be the way YOU interpret the label, the naming of the paradigm.
When you discover yourself or another living in a pre-prescribed set of rules that create easy-to-predict realities, you are recognizing a paradigm. Your label of it may be different than the one who is living it. You may label it as a Mobility Paradigm. Another person might call it a Savior Paradigm. Perhaps you see someone who is traveling all the time. They are seldom home. They are always going hither and yon, whether it is in the neighborhood, whether it is shopping, whether it is on a cruise, whether it is on a vacation to another continent, they are mobile and active. You perceive it as a Vacation or Mobile Paradigm. However, the person living it perceives it as Helping Others, and the reason they are mobile is because they are going from place to place to find those who need help. So one sees it as Fun and Freedom; the other sees it as Responsibility.
The capacity to expand on paradigms is limitless. We have brought you the concept of Paradigm Shifting to expand your consciousness, to help you see and experience and look for and understand ways that you both limit and expand yourself, ways that you believe life must be lived, and ways you believe life could be lived. In the Paradigm Shifting and the recognizing of paradigms, there is not what an Ascended Master might call a wrong or erroneous paradigm. In other words, there is no check list you can make for yourself where one column is “All of the Good Paradigms I Might Live While I am on Planet Earth”, and the other column is All of the Dangerous, Harmful and Negative Paradigms I Might Live While on Planet Earth”.
Your soul comes here in human form for an experience. It comes to awaken itself, perhaps. It comes to re-experience something it lived before, perhaps. It comes to be of service, perhaps. There are many reasons why consciousness is alive here on Planet Earth in human form. We wish to expand your thinking. We wish for you to do what you call on your planet “think outside of the box that you have let yourself live within.”
A box is a good analogy because your houses are not circular, yes? We do not say ‘the cylinder in which you are living’. The euphemism in your culture is ‘the box’; ‘thinking outside of the box’ because a house represents the box and it represents the walls that you have erected that you think are important for protecting what matters to you in this life.
This is another way of saying that just because you discover a paradigm in which you live does not mean you are required to set yourself free from it. If, indeed, you set yourself free from every paradigm and have no concept of what you wish to do with this life, you will find yourself drifting with nowhere to go but pushed about by the winds and the ethers and the pressure in the air.
You each have a purpose for your existence here; you have a purpose for the life you have chosen. Some of you have had your numerology readings done, and you know your purpose now. You have the LIFE MAP and you understand “This is why I came. This is talent or these are the talents I brought with me. These are my skills and abilities that define who I am and this is the destiny, purpose, and goal I have chosen to achieve with my life. And then beyond that this is what it will look like.” You know your abilities. You know what matters to the heart of your being. You know how you think now. You know how you feel now. You know what you expect from the outer world now. You know how your intuition works, and you know what you came to do. You know what that will look like.
Perhaps you came to learn to help others, and what that looks like is working with their health or being responsible for educating or simply befriending.The qualities you have brought with you and the destiny and goal you have purposed for yourself and how you will realize it must be done in some sort of framework. It might be done in the framework of that which seems etheric or that which seems real and tangible. As long as you know and understand the goal you came to achieve in this life, then you have more freedom than the average person. You have the freedom to decide and determine if the paradigms you discover fit you and your goal and the direction your life is takin, if they will help or hinder you in your Life Map, your life purpose.
You may choose at any given time to start or end a paradigm. You may laugh at yourself when you discover what you are living and then you may decide you truly like it and want to keep it. If it fits your life, you keep it, fully aware that it exists, and that is what matter most, Beloveds:
How do you know that it is as we said in Lesson 4? You know because you ask yourself, “Is this choice or is this not choice? Is this a program? Am I living something because I am programmed to do it as a robot, or am I living something because with my awareness expanded I am choosing in this moment to live it?”
Each one of you here this evening chose to come to this location for this lesson. You are not a robot which required you to do this; it was not pre-written in your paradigm or your life play that this was a requirement. It was a gift of the heart. It was something you chose to do.
How do you know whether it is choice or whether it is a program? You can ask your Inner Wisdom to speak to you through Kinesiology. It will tell you. It is the same as the use of a pendulum or going into meditation.
The simpler use is The Sway. Simply stand straight and tall with your knees about shoulder width apart; stand in a relaxation pose and ask yourself for an indication of what a YES would be, and you will find your body moving: either swaying slightly forward or backward or to the side. Some of you will experience it moving rapidly and quickly; some of you will experience just a slight movement. Neither is better than the other. What matters is your awareness of it. You ask for a YES, and you notice which direction your body moves. Then you ask for a NO, and you notice which direction your body moves: forward, backward, sideways, or in a circle. Whichever way it moves, there is no right or wrong. There simply is movement. It is your inner world communicating with you.
It is the same inner world that knows what is stored in your memory banks, in the brilliant computer that you are. It knows how to read every program, every thought, every memory; how to look it up in a split second, less than a split second. The moment you wish to ask a question, ask in a manner that can be answered with a YES or a NO.
You have complete access to all that is stored within your memory banks, from other lifetimes and from this one. You have knowledge of the color the traffic lights were all the way from where you were coming this evening to where you are now. You have knowledge of the colors of the houses. You have knowledge of what cars were in which driveways.
All of that knowledge is not useful for your being so it is stored in the memory banks until you need to recall it, until you need to bring it forward.
Let us say that you are deciding your day and decided to go see a friend. You have no reason for it; you just have the energy and the thought to go see a friend. You stand in your energy pose (The Sway), feet on the floor and knees about shoulder-width apart, and you might ask yourself, after you have determined your YES and your NO through The Sway, “Is the choice I am making to go see a friend CHOICE or PROGRAM?” If it is CHOICE, you know in the moment that you are acting outside of anything that was preset or predetermined. If you get that it is a PROGRAM, in that moment what you realize is that what you thought was choice was really something activated in your memory banks:
You see, it could be any of these reasons. How would you know? You would ask yourself and you could SWAY, because it will tell you YES or NO, this is your truth or not your truth. The goal is always to discover whether you are aware of a paradigm or not. The goal is to discover when you are acting on programmed habits that have been with you life after life, and when you are acting on freedom-in-the-moment.
There are many systems that exist on your planet that can help set you free from what we, The Council of 8, are calling ‘programming’ that has been with you from other lifetimes. We do not teach that in the Pearls, but you can learn Thought Karate, that teaches it. You can learn other programs that you may know of that teach how to set yourself free from memories that belong to other lifetimes.
You will discover that about 75% of the times that you discover you are chained and acting upon something from another life, the cause/effect that has stored itself in your being can be removed by filling yourself up with the Violet Fire; by commanding the Violet Fire into all of the being of your body. When you say something three times, your inner wisdom recognizes that you wish it to cooperate and assist you in that manifestation.
I command the Violet Fire to fill and consume me now. 3x
You are imagining it in your mind. You are seeing it, tasting it, feeling it, smelling it, hearing it. Letting it enter every atom and molecule that you are. ALL of your being.
I command the Violet Fire to transmute the limitation I've just become aware of. 3x
It is removed from your cause/effect library, where all the cause/effects are stored in your memory banks so that “When this happens, you are supposed to do this…” and “When you think this, you are supposed to do this….” and “When you hear this, you are supposed to do this…” These are your cause and effects.
When they are removed, Beloveds, you may not remember they were ever there. If you wish to keep track of them, write them down, for the next time that you have free time, and you think, “What will I do?”, you may sit down and do a painting instead of visiting a friend, and you may not even remember that you were programmed to visit a friend when you had spare time.
In using this Violet Fire, why do we command it? We command it because you must always tell energy what to do. You must explain. You must create the vision and the feeling that the energy is to follow. You must speak the words that the energy is to follow. You are Creator. It does not just exist and do what you ask of it simply because you realize something needs to be done. You are The Initiator and The Director.
Beloveds, continue practicing finding out whether any choice that you make, any decision that you have is one that is by choice or by program, and then shifting and altering yourself. Continue looking at the different paradigms in which you live.
We will share one with you now that is rather humorous:
The one through whom we speak was watering her garden the other day. As she was watering outdoors, looking at the home in which she lives, she was noticing all the trees that now surround it. They were not there when she purchased the home. In fact, it was almost treeless. In fact, you could see all of the neighborhood all around it from every direction. But now it was a jungle of growth: it was understories of trees and overstories of trees; trees of different heights and different colors. There were bushes here and there. It looked very native and very natural, and she laughed thinking it looked like a cottage in the woods. As soon as she thought that, she realized the paradigm she had been living. For the 25 years that she had been growing the forest in which she considers she now lives, surrounded by all of her trees, she was simply living out a song from her years as a Girl Scout. She was a young child impressed by the words of a song, and the song, the rhythm, lodged itself in her mind. It was a song about a cottage in the wood, and a little man at the window stood. He saw a rabbit hopping by, knocking on the door. The rabbit said, "Help me. Help me, before the hunter shoots me dead." The man said, "Little rabbit come inside, safely to abide."
This song impressed her with the idea that "A cottage in the woods is a safe place to live." When she was old enough to have her own place, what did she create? A cottage in the woods, even though it is in the city. She had a building that was on the property next to the house, and what did she name it? “The Cottage!” It had no running water. It was just a small building where she held meetings. She could have called it anything. She could have called it The Meeting Room, for example. She could have called it The Outdoor Gathering Spot. She could have called it anything, but she called it The Cottage. And when she was in it, she felt safe. She wanted it as her bedroom. She always felt completely safe, and yet it was easier to break into than the house, but the song had created the belief that a cottage in the woods was safe.
Of course she laughed. She had a good laugh on herself when she saw this reality. She was waking up to another paradigm. Does it mean she will cut down her trees? No. Does it mean she will rename her cottage? No. Does it mean she will repaint her house so it doesn’t look like a cottage? Still to be seen…
What it does mean is that she has freedom to live other places that are not cottages in the woods and feel safe. This is the value of discovering a paradigm in which you are living. If you are fortunate enough to recognize from whence it came and how it affected you, all the more interesting.
Be prepared, Beloveds, to laugh at yourself. So be it.
You may live a Teenager Paradigm at some time in your life: this is how a teenager responds, how one dates, what one thinks of the opposite sex, how one performs in school, how one acts or interacts with or against one’s parents or caretakers. You may have later on in life an Old Age Paradigm; this is what happens when you reach a certain age: you are forgotten; you are overlooked; you are not listened to, OR you are freed, and you have travel unlimited, and you can go anywhere you choose to go, your mobility is expanded, etc.
There is a definition that accompanies almost every label you can come up with to describe a paradigm.
Let us say you are living the Good Neighbor Paradigm. You will have your definition of what a good neighbor means to you and the life you have lived and the programming you have come into this life with and the programming you received during this life. For one person, being a good neighbor would mean not touching anything that belongs to your neighbo, never presuming that you could do something they would appreciate because it would mean touching something that is theirs, whereas another good neighbor paradigm would be that you take out your neighbor’s trash and put it for pick up in the street. Two completely different paradigms. One is shocked by the other. The one who believes ‘never touch a thing of your neighbors’ would never think to put the trashcan out for their neighbor when they put their own out. For the other kind of neighbor, it would never enter their mind not to.
Each will have a judgment of the other, unrealized perhaps by themselves. The neighbor who believes you should not touch another neighbor’s things would be upset by a neighbor who moves even a trash can of theirs into the yard or street. Whereas the neighbor who wishes the other neighbor would do that wonders why they don’t have a good neighbor. Would you understand? The meaning that is given from your mind to the actions that you take defines your concept of a paradigm.
In a Slavery Paradigm, there is a great memory within the self of not being free. However, a Slavery Paradigm can be interpreted in many ways. One who made peace with it long ago in another life experience decided being a slave was the best thing that could happen. Perhaps this person was a house slave, and she was fed extra food. She got to learn to read. She was treated as one of the family, whereas the slave who was chained to the wall in a hut outdoors and treated no better than a dog has no fond memory whatsoever of slavery. In fact, his thinking of humanity will be directly tied to the slavery experience: humans are cruel. The one who lived in the house will have a different perspective of humanity: humans are caring. Humanity cares.
This is to show you that even though there is a label on a paradigm, your paradigm may not be the same as another’s. It will simply be the way YOU interpret the label, the naming of the paradigm.
When you discover yourself or another living in a pre-prescribed set of rules that create easy-to-predict realities, you are recognizing a paradigm. Your label of it may be different than the one who is living it. You may label it as a Mobility Paradigm. Another person might call it a Savior Paradigm. Perhaps you see someone who is traveling all the time. They are seldom home. They are always going hither and yon, whether it is in the neighborhood, whether it is shopping, whether it is on a cruise, whether it is on a vacation to another continent, they are mobile and active. You perceive it as a Vacation or Mobile Paradigm. However, the person living it perceives it as Helping Others, and the reason they are mobile is because they are going from place to place to find those who need help. So one sees it as Fun and Freedom; the other sees it as Responsibility.
The capacity to expand on paradigms is limitless. We have brought you the concept of Paradigm Shifting to expand your consciousness, to help you see and experience and look for and understand ways that you both limit and expand yourself, ways that you believe life must be lived, and ways you believe life could be lived. In the Paradigm Shifting and the recognizing of paradigms, there is not what an Ascended Master might call a wrong or erroneous paradigm. In other words, there is no check list you can make for yourself where one column is “All of the Good Paradigms I Might Live While I am on Planet Earth”, and the other column is All of the Dangerous, Harmful and Negative Paradigms I Might Live While on Planet Earth”.
Your soul comes here in human form for an experience. It comes to awaken itself, perhaps. It comes to re-experience something it lived before, perhaps. It comes to be of service, perhaps. There are many reasons why consciousness is alive here on Planet Earth in human form. We wish to expand your thinking. We wish for you to do what you call on your planet “think outside of the box that you have let yourself live within.”
A box is a good analogy because your houses are not circular, yes? We do not say ‘the cylinder in which you are living’. The euphemism in your culture is ‘the box’; ‘thinking outside of the box’ because a house represents the box and it represents the walls that you have erected that you think are important for protecting what matters to you in this life.
This is another way of saying that just because you discover a paradigm in which you live does not mean you are required to set yourself free from it. If, indeed, you set yourself free from every paradigm and have no concept of what you wish to do with this life, you will find yourself drifting with nowhere to go but pushed about by the winds and the ethers and the pressure in the air.
You each have a purpose for your existence here; you have a purpose for the life you have chosen. Some of you have had your numerology readings done, and you know your purpose now. You have the LIFE MAP and you understand “This is why I came. This is talent or these are the talents I brought with me. These are my skills and abilities that define who I am and this is the destiny, purpose, and goal I have chosen to achieve with my life. And then beyond that this is what it will look like.” You know your abilities. You know what matters to the heart of your being. You know how you think now. You know how you feel now. You know what you expect from the outer world now. You know how your intuition works, and you know what you came to do. You know what that will look like.
Perhaps you came to learn to help others, and what that looks like is working with their health or being responsible for educating or simply befriending.The qualities you have brought with you and the destiny and goal you have purposed for yourself and how you will realize it must be done in some sort of framework. It might be done in the framework of that which seems etheric or that which seems real and tangible. As long as you know and understand the goal you came to achieve in this life, then you have more freedom than the average person. You have the freedom to decide and determine if the paradigms you discover fit you and your goal and the direction your life is takin, if they will help or hinder you in your Life Map, your life purpose.
You may choose at any given time to start or end a paradigm. You may laugh at yourself when you discover what you are living and then you may decide you truly like it and want to keep it. If it fits your life, you keep it, fully aware that it exists, and that is what matter most, Beloveds:
- that you are aware that it exists
- that it is choice and not program
- that you are not living it because of a decision you made long ago or a vow you made long ago or something you decided in your consciousness long ago that does not allow you freedom within your paradigm.
How do you know that it is as we said in Lesson 4? You know because you ask yourself, “Is this choice or is this not choice? Is this a program? Am I living something because I am programmed to do it as a robot, or am I living something because with my awareness expanded I am choosing in this moment to live it?”
Each one of you here this evening chose to come to this location for this lesson. You are not a robot which required you to do this; it was not pre-written in your paradigm or your life play that this was a requirement. It was a gift of the heart. It was something you chose to do.
How do you know whether it is choice or whether it is a program? You can ask your Inner Wisdom to speak to you through Kinesiology. It will tell you. It is the same as the use of a pendulum or going into meditation.
The simpler use is The Sway. Simply stand straight and tall with your knees about shoulder width apart; stand in a relaxation pose and ask yourself for an indication of what a YES would be, and you will find your body moving: either swaying slightly forward or backward or to the side. Some of you will experience it moving rapidly and quickly; some of you will experience just a slight movement. Neither is better than the other. What matters is your awareness of it. You ask for a YES, and you notice which direction your body moves. Then you ask for a NO, and you notice which direction your body moves: forward, backward, sideways, or in a circle. Whichever way it moves, there is no right or wrong. There simply is movement. It is your inner world communicating with you.
It is the same inner world that knows what is stored in your memory banks, in the brilliant computer that you are. It knows how to read every program, every thought, every memory; how to look it up in a split second, less than a split second. The moment you wish to ask a question, ask in a manner that can be answered with a YES or a NO.
You have complete access to all that is stored within your memory banks, from other lifetimes and from this one. You have knowledge of the color the traffic lights were all the way from where you were coming this evening to where you are now. You have knowledge of the colors of the houses. You have knowledge of what cars were in which driveways.
All of that knowledge is not useful for your being so it is stored in the memory banks until you need to recall it, until you need to bring it forward.
Let us say that you are deciding your day and decided to go see a friend. You have no reason for it; you just have the energy and the thought to go see a friend. You stand in your energy pose (The Sway), feet on the floor and knees about shoulder-width apart, and you might ask yourself, after you have determined your YES and your NO through The Sway, “Is the choice I am making to go see a friend CHOICE or PROGRAM?” If it is CHOICE, you know in the moment that you are acting outside of anything that was preset or predetermined. If you get that it is a PROGRAM, in that moment what you realize is that what you thought was choice was really something activated in your memory banks:
- “Whenever you have free time, you should spend it with a friend,” perhaps, OR
- “Whenever you have free time, you should check on your friends and see how they are doing,” perhaps, OR
- “Whenever you have free time, you should definitely not spend it alone.”
You see, it could be any of these reasons. How would you know? You would ask yourself and you could SWAY, because it will tell you YES or NO, this is your truth or not your truth. The goal is always to discover whether you are aware of a paradigm or not. The goal is to discover when you are acting on programmed habits that have been with you life after life, and when you are acting on freedom-in-the-moment.
There are many systems that exist on your planet that can help set you free from what we, The Council of 8, are calling ‘programming’ that has been with you from other lifetimes. We do not teach that in the Pearls, but you can learn Thought Karate, that teaches it. You can learn other programs that you may know of that teach how to set yourself free from memories that belong to other lifetimes.
You will discover that about 75% of the times that you discover you are chained and acting upon something from another life, the cause/effect that has stored itself in your being can be removed by filling yourself up with the Violet Fire; by commanding the Violet Fire into all of the being of your body. When you say something three times, your inner wisdom recognizes that you wish it to cooperate and assist you in that manifestation.
I command the Violet Fire to fill and consume me now. 3x
You are imagining it in your mind. You are seeing it, tasting it, feeling it, smelling it, hearing it. Letting it enter every atom and molecule that you are. ALL of your being.
I command the Violet Fire to transmute the limitation I've just become aware of. 3x
It is removed from your cause/effect library, where all the cause/effects are stored in your memory banks so that “When this happens, you are supposed to do this…” and “When you think this, you are supposed to do this….” and “When you hear this, you are supposed to do this…” These are your cause and effects.
When they are removed, Beloveds, you may not remember they were ever there. If you wish to keep track of them, write them down, for the next time that you have free time, and you think, “What will I do?”, you may sit down and do a painting instead of visiting a friend, and you may not even remember that you were programmed to visit a friend when you had spare time.
In using this Violet Fire, why do we command it? We command it because you must always tell energy what to do. You must explain. You must create the vision and the feeling that the energy is to follow. You must speak the words that the energy is to follow. You are Creator. It does not just exist and do what you ask of it simply because you realize something needs to be done. You are The Initiator and The Director.
Beloveds, continue practicing finding out whether any choice that you make, any decision that you have is one that is by choice or by program, and then shifting and altering yourself. Continue looking at the different paradigms in which you live.
We will share one with you now that is rather humorous:
The one through whom we speak was watering her garden the other day. As she was watering outdoors, looking at the home in which she lives, she was noticing all the trees that now surround it. They were not there when she purchased the home. In fact, it was almost treeless. In fact, you could see all of the neighborhood all around it from every direction. But now it was a jungle of growth: it was understories of trees and overstories of trees; trees of different heights and different colors. There were bushes here and there. It looked very native and very natural, and she laughed thinking it looked like a cottage in the woods. As soon as she thought that, she realized the paradigm she had been living. For the 25 years that she had been growing the forest in which she considers she now lives, surrounded by all of her trees, she was simply living out a song from her years as a Girl Scout. She was a young child impressed by the words of a song, and the song, the rhythm, lodged itself in her mind. It was a song about a cottage in the wood, and a little man at the window stood. He saw a rabbit hopping by, knocking on the door. The rabbit said, "Help me. Help me, before the hunter shoots me dead." The man said, "Little rabbit come inside, safely to abide."
This song impressed her with the idea that "A cottage in the woods is a safe place to live." When she was old enough to have her own place, what did she create? A cottage in the woods, even though it is in the city. She had a building that was on the property next to the house, and what did she name it? “The Cottage!” It had no running water. It was just a small building where she held meetings. She could have called it anything. She could have called it The Meeting Room, for example. She could have called it The Outdoor Gathering Spot. She could have called it anything, but she called it The Cottage. And when she was in it, she felt safe. She wanted it as her bedroom. She always felt completely safe, and yet it was easier to break into than the house, but the song had created the belief that a cottage in the woods was safe.
Of course she laughed. She had a good laugh on herself when she saw this reality. She was waking up to another paradigm. Does it mean she will cut down her trees? No. Does it mean she will rename her cottage? No. Does it mean she will repaint her house so it doesn’t look like a cottage? Still to be seen…
What it does mean is that she has freedom to live other places that are not cottages in the woods and feel safe. This is the value of discovering a paradigm in which you are living. If you are fortunate enough to recognize from whence it came and how it affected you, all the more interesting.
Be prepared, Beloveds, to laugh at yourself. So be it.
You have completed the
Seventh Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries:
Paradigm Shifting
The Grand Secrets help create a new mindset for life. They build upon each other, so continuing to practice the decrees and review the information presented is important even while learning new Secrets and their Pearls.
May you awaken fully to the miracle you are.
You have completed the
Seventh Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries:
Paradigm Shifting
The Grand Secrets help create a new mindset for life. They build upon each other, so continuing to practice the decrees and review the information presented is important even while learning new Secrets and their Pearls.
May you awaken fully to the miracle you are.
Adorn your life with the PEARLS of PARADIGM SHIFTING
Use as Daily Decrees
Pearl 32: I AM the authority my subconscious must follow.
Pearl 33: I must use desire energy to change reality.
Pearl 34: As a paradigm shifter, I always have the choice to wake up whenever I decide I AM done with the illusions I AM living.
Pearl 35: I must create my Ascension Paradigm. I must free myself from the ways I have passed from life in previous existences.
Pearl 36: I must remember to ask myself if what I AM doing is CHOICE (preference) or NOT CHOICE (programming) and then act upon that knowledge.
Pearl 33: I must use desire energy to change reality.
Pearl 34: As a paradigm shifter, I always have the choice to wake up whenever I decide I AM done with the illusions I AM living.
Pearl 35: I must create my Ascension Paradigm. I must free myself from the ways I have passed from life in previous existences.
Pearl 36: I must remember to ask myself if what I AM doing is CHOICE (preference) or NOT CHOICE (programming) and then act upon that knowledge.
The 8th Grand Secret is Choice.
Choice comes from awakening. Before that moment, "choices" are based upon programming from former lives, time in the womb, or cause/effect experiences stored in the computer-like brain. Learn how to tell when your choices keep you in a personal prison or bring you freedom.
Choice comes from awakening. Before that moment, "choices" are based upon programming from former lives, time in the womb, or cause/effect experiences stored in the computer-like brain. Learn how to tell when your choices keep you in a personal prison or bring you freedom.