of Spiritual Mysteries
Pearl 85
I move destiny as I act on the wisdom I receive when connected to my higher awareness.
18th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: Moving Destiny, Pearl 85
Blessings unto the heart and the mind of your beings. I AM Lady Master Natasha. Beloved Ones, it is with great joy that We, the Circle of 8, interact with you in this manner for the 18th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries, Moving Destiny.
The questions most often asked on planet Earth and planets likened unto Earth are:
You are taught to think in linear perspectives. You are taught to think from point A to point B to point C. You are taught to think in beginnings and endings. You are taught to think that you come from somewhere, and you are going to somewhere.
This kind of thinking, Beloveds, is death thinking. This kind of thinking causes you to believe that you are just a beginning and an end, that you are simply something that progresses and moves along from infancy to old age to death.
Moving destiny is what you do when you are consciously aware that you are you and what you are speaking matters into the life around you and into your own life.
Moving destiny is what you do when you decide from the heart of your being, not the programming of your being.
Moving destiny is what happens when the wisdom that you receive, because you are connected to your higher awareness, gently nudges you in the direction, in the choice, in the opportunity, and when you heed it, you are moving destiny.
It is not that you are moving it from here to there. It is not that you are moving it somewhere or anywhere. It is that you are rediscovering the flow of energy that guides you. YOU. Not the person next to you or behind you, not your family members, not your friends, what guides YOU in the direction of what you might call the greater good (being on a polarity planet).
Moving destiny tells you that you are a living creation for you are moving, and destiny is that which happens each moment that you are thinking, feeling, having an intention, acting upon that intention. That is destiny, but moving destiny is when you are doing it with the assurity of awareness that you have found the flow of life, for life IS.
For many on your planet, life is not. Life is robotics. Life is dead matter. Life is that which you have been programmed just as a dog is programmed to sit when you command it to sit before you will give it a treat, or a cat is programmed by timing as to when to come to get its food. This is Pavlov. This is the Pavlovian training. This is simply the body responding to the outer world.
Moving destiny is you, Beloveds, awake and aware, claiming and knowing I AM THAT I AM, and this IS the choice I make.
Not from ego
Not from my mind
Not because programming tells me to do so,
but, because I have become aware that I am alive in this moment, and this NOW moment creates all of my moments, and in this moment choice is mine only when I activate that right.
Many of you have been moving through a life and a paradigm where you have done what you have done to please others. You have made choices based on:
Moving destiny is when there is no programming that is causing you to be who you are in the moment that you are.
In that moment that we call alive and aware and awake, it can be very Zen-like.
It can be very quiet
It can be very still
It can also be very boisterous, very loud, very demanding, very commanding, very decreeing.
There is not a format or a formula that says: "Ah, when a person is awakened this is what he or she looks like, feels like and does" unless you remember the 1st Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries where true joy is bliss. True joy is tranquility, and it is in true joy that you find the ability to make choice.
When you make choices out of anger, when you make choices out of resentment, when you make choices out of a reaction of some sort, you are choosing based on programming. You are not moving destiny. You are repeating patterns that have kept you stuck, maybe forever. Maybe just for a few lifetimes.
When you are moving out of repetitive patterns and reactions in your life, then you are making choices, and when you are making these choices, you are moving destiny. You are the light being choosing what you wish light to make manifest. There is a difference in the wishing and the desiring of one who is moving destiny versus one who is in programming and who is wishing and desiring.
In programming, one is usually moving from fear, and one is wishing and desiring because one wishes to get away from pain, or one wishes to get away from fear, or one wishes to solve the dilemma that one is in. That is moving away from. It is owning the program. It is recognizing the program. It is allowing the program to be the motivating force. This is not a bad thing. If it is a motivating force, it is pushing you towards learning. It is pushing you towards trying to find choice, but when you are in that fear state, you usually chose from the choices that exist in the fear state, and so you keep yourself locked in a life that is repetitive.
Your reactions are the same thing. The memories that you are moving from are set off by anchors in your life:
You have been learning how to get to moving destiny from the very beginning of the Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries, the first Mystery. You have been learning tranquility. You do not learn each Mystery right when you have received it. It is not something that comes into your life and all of a sudden there is complete understanding. Not that there cannot be, but the Mysteries build upon one another. When you go back and review them for yourself, understanding dawns from a different perspective.
In the beginning, when you listened to the Mysteries, they were talking to programmed individuals, and you were responding from your programming. But as you worked on yourself...
You are no longer content, for the most part, most of you, to be who you once were. The person who started listening to these Grand Secrets is gone. That is not you any longer. You may look similar in the mirror. You may feel similar, but you are different. You know you are different. You know you have shifted. You know you have altered. You know you have been waking up.
Moving Destiny, each moment, Beloveds, that you are awakened and aware, that you not moving from robotics, that is your first moment; that is your first moment of moving destiny.
Does it all stand upon itself? Not necessarily. In any given moment you may step out of whomever you have been, whatever life you have been living, whatever thoughts you have been thinking, whatever feelings you have been reacting to or holding onto, whatever look you have designed for yourself, you may step away from it or step out of it, at any moment.
When you do, that is your first; that is your first moving destiny. Even if you have done it before. It is always the first, because it is not linear. It is of the now moment, which is ongoing, which is infinite, which always is. It is difficult for a culture to understand that measures life in time or minutes or sunrise or sunset or jobs or ages or birthdays or children or grandchildren "labels", as it were. Yes, you may use them to understand life, but when you own them as something that marks or measures time you pull yourself away from moving destiny. You pull yourself away from the moment that is - the infinity of now.
You get close to the infinity of now when you are in meditation. Your eyes are closed. You are focused on that which is, whatever you are focused on within your being. You are so focused that when you finally return and your eyes are opened again, you are surprised to see where you are, and then when you look at the clock to see how long it has taken, you are surprised to see the time. What felt like 20 minutes was perhaps an hour in the way you measure time, but you came close to understanding now moments.
You consciousness, when you are aware of what you are thinking and feeling, and you are aware you have choice, and you are aware that any moment you can change, you are not locked in.
In fact, in your culture you are not locked into your eye color, for you can have contacts that change them.
You are not locked into your natural hair color for nowadays hair can be any color.
You are not locked into your style for anything can be individual and can be you.
You are not locked into your mode of living.
You can live in any style of house.
You can live anywhere in the world.
You can travel in many different ways.
You can stop having all the friends that you have and start all over again and have new friends.
You do not need to be born again through a womb, Beloveds, in order to be a different now, a different you, a different moment. There is nothing in life that requires you to continue on a continuum of linear, from here to there. You are here, and there is no there, and when you are here, you are moving destiny.
Practice, Beloveds, this thought form and this feeling. It is wise to practice it in different ways. It is wise to practice it in your day: "Am I making a choice now in this moment because I am choosing to do this in this moment, and I AM choosing the way that I feel and I AM choosing my reactions?"
You must be aware. You must be thinking these questions.
When you are ready to end your day's experience by going to sleep, as you call it, are you going to sleep because you were told too? Are you going to sleep because a clock says? Are you going to sleep because it is the thing to do? Are you going to sleep because....? Or are you choosing? Do you choose to go to sleep only because you are sleepy? Or do you choose to go to sleep because you wish that moment of awakening just before you slip out of your body?
Just before you are going to sleep there is a moment of awareness, awakening, where you can lift out as though you were sitting up, but it is the Spirit of you, the astral body of your being, that lifts out, and you can travel, but you will not remember these travels if you are going to bed because you are going to sleep because someone told you you must have so many hours of sleep.
Would it surprise you to know that the circadian rhythms of humans are artificial? Would it surprise you to know that you have been trained to live to a work schedule? That you have been trained to live to the sun and the moon and their schedules?
It is understandable in the world of agriculture when pioneers were establishing a new country, and light was not anything other than a candle perhaps, then kerosene. It was functional to live with the daylight hours and sleep in the nighttime hours.
You are not an agrarian society any longer. You are not farmers. You do not need to get up to milk your cows. Perhaps some of you have chickens, but even your chickens can run free until you decide to get up.
Your life is based on artificiality. There is nothing wrong with this. We are not saying, "poor you." We are saying recognize the patterns that you have accepted that you believe make up your life, for when you decide that, you will decide the patterns and you will decide whether you are living in them or not and you will decide how to use them, you are moving destiny.
When there is a feeling in the body — I am at the mercy of life — then you are, and you are not moving destiny but when you believe that life is at the mercy of you, you have taken the first steps towards moving destiny.
Namaste unto the heart and the mind of your beings. So be it.
The questions most often asked on planet Earth and planets likened unto Earth are:
- Why am I here?
- Is my life predetermined?
- Do I have free will, and what is it?
- How do I choose?
- If I move away from the destiny chosen for me by someone or something or even myself, what will there be?
- Can I change my destiny?
You are taught to think in linear perspectives. You are taught to think from point A to point B to point C. You are taught to think in beginnings and endings. You are taught to think that you come from somewhere, and you are going to somewhere.
This kind of thinking, Beloveds, is death thinking. This kind of thinking causes you to believe that you are just a beginning and an end, that you are simply something that progresses and moves along from infancy to old age to death.
Moving destiny is what you do when you are consciously aware that you are you and what you are speaking matters into the life around you and into your own life.
Moving destiny is what you do when you decide from the heart of your being, not the programming of your being.
Moving destiny is what happens when the wisdom that you receive, because you are connected to your higher awareness, gently nudges you in the direction, in the choice, in the opportunity, and when you heed it, you are moving destiny.
It is not that you are moving it from here to there. It is not that you are moving it somewhere or anywhere. It is that you are rediscovering the flow of energy that guides you. YOU. Not the person next to you or behind you, not your family members, not your friends, what guides YOU in the direction of what you might call the greater good (being on a polarity planet).
Moving destiny tells you that you are a living creation for you are moving, and destiny is that which happens each moment that you are thinking, feeling, having an intention, acting upon that intention. That is destiny, but moving destiny is when you are doing it with the assurity of awareness that you have found the flow of life, for life IS.
For many on your planet, life is not. Life is robotics. Life is dead matter. Life is that which you have been programmed just as a dog is programmed to sit when you command it to sit before you will give it a treat, or a cat is programmed by timing as to when to come to get its food. This is Pavlov. This is the Pavlovian training. This is simply the body responding to the outer world.
Moving destiny is you, Beloveds, awake and aware, claiming and knowing I AM THAT I AM, and this IS the choice I make.
Not from ego
Not from my mind
Not because programming tells me to do so,
but, because I have become aware that I am alive in this moment, and this NOW moment creates all of my moments, and in this moment choice is mine only when I activate that right.
Many of you have been moving through a life and a paradigm where you have done what you have done to please others. You have made choices based on:
- what others will think
- how others will feel, what the world has taught you to do
- what a good person does
- what a mannered person does,
Moving destiny is when there is no programming that is causing you to be who you are in the moment that you are.
In that moment that we call alive and aware and awake, it can be very Zen-like.
It can be very quiet
It can be very still
It can also be very boisterous, very loud, very demanding, very commanding, very decreeing.
There is not a format or a formula that says: "Ah, when a person is awakened this is what he or she looks like, feels like and does" unless you remember the 1st Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries where true joy is bliss. True joy is tranquility, and it is in true joy that you find the ability to make choice.
When you make choices out of anger, when you make choices out of resentment, when you make choices out of a reaction of some sort, you are choosing based on programming. You are not moving destiny. You are repeating patterns that have kept you stuck, maybe forever. Maybe just for a few lifetimes.
When you are moving out of repetitive patterns and reactions in your life, then you are making choices, and when you are making these choices, you are moving destiny. You are the light being choosing what you wish light to make manifest. There is a difference in the wishing and the desiring of one who is moving destiny versus one who is in programming and who is wishing and desiring.
In programming, one is usually moving from fear, and one is wishing and desiring because one wishes to get away from pain, or one wishes to get away from fear, or one wishes to solve the dilemma that one is in. That is moving away from. It is owning the program. It is recognizing the program. It is allowing the program to be the motivating force. This is not a bad thing. If it is a motivating force, it is pushing you towards learning. It is pushing you towards trying to find choice, but when you are in that fear state, you usually chose from the choices that exist in the fear state, and so you keep yourself locked in a life that is repetitive.
Your reactions are the same thing. The memories that you are moving from are set off by anchors in your life:
- You hear a certain sound or a certain frequency
- You notice a certain movement
- You eat a certain food
- A certain person comes into your life.
You have been learning how to get to moving destiny from the very beginning of the Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries, the first Mystery. You have been learning tranquility. You do not learn each Mystery right when you have received it. It is not something that comes into your life and all of a sudden there is complete understanding. Not that there cannot be, but the Mysteries build upon one another. When you go back and review them for yourself, understanding dawns from a different perspective.
In the beginning, when you listened to the Mysteries, they were talking to programmed individuals, and you were responding from your programming. But as you worked on yourself...
- as you worked to free yourself
- as you worked to wake up
- as you worked to understand
- as you learned to set intentions
- as you learned to follow through on feeling gratitude
- as you learned to understand paradigms in which you had been trapped
- as you learned to shift paradigm
- as you learned to make choices
- as you continued learning all of the options that truly exist for consciousness on planet Earth, for Spirit in human form,
You are no longer content, for the most part, most of you, to be who you once were. The person who started listening to these Grand Secrets is gone. That is not you any longer. You may look similar in the mirror. You may feel similar, but you are different. You know you are different. You know you have shifted. You know you have altered. You know you have been waking up.
Moving Destiny, each moment, Beloveds, that you are awakened and aware, that you not moving from robotics, that is your first moment; that is your first moment of moving destiny.
Does it all stand upon itself? Not necessarily. In any given moment you may step out of whomever you have been, whatever life you have been living, whatever thoughts you have been thinking, whatever feelings you have been reacting to or holding onto, whatever look you have designed for yourself, you may step away from it or step out of it, at any moment.
When you do, that is your first; that is your first moving destiny. Even if you have done it before. It is always the first, because it is not linear. It is of the now moment, which is ongoing, which is infinite, which always is. It is difficult for a culture to understand that measures life in time or minutes or sunrise or sunset or jobs or ages or birthdays or children or grandchildren "labels", as it were. Yes, you may use them to understand life, but when you own them as something that marks or measures time you pull yourself away from moving destiny. You pull yourself away from the moment that is - the infinity of now.
You get close to the infinity of now when you are in meditation. Your eyes are closed. You are focused on that which is, whatever you are focused on within your being. You are so focused that when you finally return and your eyes are opened again, you are surprised to see where you are, and then when you look at the clock to see how long it has taken, you are surprised to see the time. What felt like 20 minutes was perhaps an hour in the way you measure time, but you came close to understanding now moments.
You consciousness, when you are aware of what you are thinking and feeling, and you are aware you have choice, and you are aware that any moment you can change, you are not locked in.
In fact, in your culture you are not locked into your eye color, for you can have contacts that change them.
You are not locked into your natural hair color for nowadays hair can be any color.
You are not locked into your style for anything can be individual and can be you.
You are not locked into your mode of living.
You can live in any style of house.
You can live anywhere in the world.
You can travel in many different ways.
You can stop having all the friends that you have and start all over again and have new friends.
You do not need to be born again through a womb, Beloveds, in order to be a different now, a different you, a different moment. There is nothing in life that requires you to continue on a continuum of linear, from here to there. You are here, and there is no there, and when you are here, you are moving destiny.
Practice, Beloveds, this thought form and this feeling. It is wise to practice it in different ways. It is wise to practice it in your day: "Am I making a choice now in this moment because I am choosing to do this in this moment, and I AM choosing the way that I feel and I AM choosing my reactions?"
You must be aware. You must be thinking these questions.
When you are ready to end your day's experience by going to sleep, as you call it, are you going to sleep because you were told too? Are you going to sleep because a clock says? Are you going to sleep because it is the thing to do? Are you going to sleep because....? Or are you choosing? Do you choose to go to sleep only because you are sleepy? Or do you choose to go to sleep because you wish that moment of awakening just before you slip out of your body?
Just before you are going to sleep there is a moment of awareness, awakening, where you can lift out as though you were sitting up, but it is the Spirit of you, the astral body of your being, that lifts out, and you can travel, but you will not remember these travels if you are going to bed because you are going to sleep because someone told you you must have so many hours of sleep.
Would it surprise you to know that the circadian rhythms of humans are artificial? Would it surprise you to know that you have been trained to live to a work schedule? That you have been trained to live to the sun and the moon and their schedules?
It is understandable in the world of agriculture when pioneers were establishing a new country, and light was not anything other than a candle perhaps, then kerosene. It was functional to live with the daylight hours and sleep in the nighttime hours.
You are not an agrarian society any longer. You are not farmers. You do not need to get up to milk your cows. Perhaps some of you have chickens, but even your chickens can run free until you decide to get up.
Your life is based on artificiality. There is nothing wrong with this. We are not saying, "poor you." We are saying recognize the patterns that you have accepted that you believe make up your life, for when you decide that, you will decide the patterns and you will decide whether you are living in them or not and you will decide how to use them, you are moving destiny.
When there is a feeling in the body — I am at the mercy of life — then you are, and you are not moving destiny but when you believe that life is at the mercy of you, you have taken the first steps towards moving destiny.
Namaste unto the heart and the mind of your beings. So be it.

Congratulations! You have completed the 17th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries:
Invincible Power
Invincible Power

Adorn Your Life with the PEARL of MOVING DESTINY
Pearl 85: I move destiny as I act on the wisdom I receive when connected to my higher awareness.
Pearl 85: I move destiny as I act on the wisdom I receive when connected to my higher awareness.

The 19th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries is FLOWERING.
Command into being,
"My needs are met."
Life is somewhat like Aladdin's Genie.