Pearls 46-50
Pearl 46
As I create resonance with that which I desire to be, I sustain it.
10th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: Humanity, Lesson 2, Pearl 46
Blessings unto the heart and the mind of your being. I am Lady Master Natasha. Beloved Ones, it is with great joy that, We, the Council of 8, interact with you in this manner. Particularly at this most spectacular time in the history of your planet.
The week prior to this one, there was an amazing influx of energy from the Heart and the Mind of God. Some have called it light waves. Some have called it love waves. Some have called it divine intention. We, the Council of 8, see it as the Heart and the Mind of God fulfilling its destiny. For whatever it is that is within a being, that the being focuses upon in order to emit in energy waves that you call emotion, is the creation of a destiny, and this is a conundrum that humanity has not yet solved for itself.
There are those that are awakening, likened unto yourselves, who understand that that which one speaks and that which one feels is the beginning of cause/effect, as it were. On your planet you call it cause and effect, but you start with the improper word. It should be effect/cause, as it were.
If you were trained on your planet with effect/cause, you would understand more readily and rapidly how what you think, how what you do, how what you imprint in yourself into the outer world comes about. Humanity would then see that as a collective, if it held an effect, it could create a collective cause.
An effect is the starting point. In truth, it should be called an affect, instead of an effect. But we will use the word effect. When you begin with an effect, that is the beginning of all creation for you as a human.
On your planet, right now, there are untold numbers of groups who are initiating group endeavors because they have recognized the power of collective thinking, collective goals, collective prayers. This is an effect. Starting a group with a purpose and a goal is an effect. Then one waits to see what the cause is. But truly, one has the cause already lodged into one’s thinking when one initiates the effect.
The effect is: I, the beloved God of my being, desire for humanity to awaken. That is the effect I wish to produce. Now, I wait and see what it causes. You see?
You create the effect you wish to have. You emit that effect, and then you see what it causes.
Many times in the lives of humans, they are unaware of the effect they have set into motion to create the cause they are experiencing. If they are experiencing an illness, as it were, they think the illness is the cause and then they go backwards looking for the effect.
The illness is the effect and the illness can be a cause. This we leave for you to ponder in your life because you must be able to see them both ways. When you see cause and effect are linked together they are truly one and the same.
You will understand how you create each moment of your life.
What you are thinking, what you are feeling, what you are emitting is going into the ethers and creating itself and bringing back unto you that which you receive even if what you receive is not unto your liking.
Humanity at large, in the past, in the epoch or the age, the astrological age, called the Piscean Age, leaned towards the information of one kind of person: a male gender who was in a position of power. Masculinity was seen as the pinnacle of power source, and it is what you listen to, which created somewhat of a hierarchy, as it were, of power. Business models modeled themselves after this; so did kingdoms and emperors and dictators during their time.
There is a different vision. The new vision is one of “sharing of the power” and it is coming from the feminine gender aspect. Not just the earth suit. We do not speak entirely of the earth suit, although, that is what is thought of by the mind when this is emitted into your thinking.
You will see women coming to the forefront during this Age of Aquarius. You will see women not accepting completely the role of individual power, but being more of a network, being more of a sharing, being more of a companionship, knowing that those who desire a goal will link themselves together in order to create it, which will then bring about for humanity, a more advanced awareness and awakening and understanding of how to do life from the heart-centered space of one’s being.
Men are not left out of this because they too have a heart centered space of their being. Just like women have the soul authoritarian space from the masculine perspective in their being. Truly, humanity is a linking of both. It has not mastered that yet, but those of you who are listening to this are well on your way to mastering it in your own lives. Many of you are already working towards forming some kind of group or collective that can influence humanity.
We tell you, Beloveds, that one of the greatest levels of influence on humanity is the vibrational level. It is the level on which vibrations are created that resonate out through the atmosphere, one might call it, or the ethers, one might call it. It matters not what scientific or spiritual name you give it.
The truth is vibration travels. As it travels it passes through, if it can, whatever is in its pathway, including the human form. This means that the human form, when it is unaware of these traveling waves, is affected by them, affected and effected, and they create many reactions. For some it is a receiving that they harmonize with and love. For others it is something they wish to rebuff, as it were, and to push away from their being.
This comes from many forms on your planet. This comes from the waves on YouTube. It comes from the waves on the computer and the information of, as a reading. It comes from music. It comes from dance. It comes from sermons. It comes from books that you read. It comes from feelings that you all generate.
What does one who is exposed to these energies do if one does not wish to be influenced by these energies? One sets up about oneself an energy field resonant to that which one desires to harmonize with. What has come to your world now, Beloveds, is this resonate energy that most of you who hear these words or read these writings desire fervently to resonate with. There is no better time than now to begin setting up the field of resonance within your physical self.
How does one do this? One does this in a multitude of ways. As we have spoken before, sound is a very easy way for the self to program itself for you are the god creating the world in the likeness of your own image. We do not speak of the physical form image. We speak of what you see around you, now in this moment. We speak of who you interact with and how that flows for you for what you create comes from within your being. You are the king and queen of your kingdom.
Look around your world that you are in at this moment. Not the whole world, but where you are in your world, looking at:
- what furniture you have
- what clothing you wear
- what does your physical self look like?
If within your being is the image of poverty, then the world you have created around yourself will be of that image. If the image within yourself is of success, then the image around you that you create, will be of success. It is your kingdom that is likened unto your being.
The resonance that one seeks to create, if one wishes to move into the harmony of, let us say, “The God waves moving through earth even as we are speaking” or one wishes to create any other resonance, one begins with the lesson of gratitude. The last Pearl that you listened to and learned from about gratitude has the answers for beginning, how one begins.
One finds the place within, in gratitude. One finds a song to sing that keeps oneself in gratitude or one plays music that keeps oneself in gratitude. One does the physical things that will create the resonance one is desiring.
If it is peace, you must do the thing that will create peace.
If it is balance, you must do the thing that will create balance.
If it is harmony, you must do that which will create harmony.
Your lessons on gratitude help you lay this foundation. The more frequently you focus upon this foundation you are seeking, the more you entrain the atoms and molecules that make up the cells of your physical self, that make up the cells of your emotional self, that make up your mental self, that make up your astral self, your vibrational self, your spirit self and even into your soul self. They resonate. They begin creating the resonance that you wish to be so for you.
Humanity, for the most part as we observe them, go through their days doing the same actions, thinking the same thoughts, feeling the same emotions, upset about this didn’t go right, or did you hear about so and so and what happened, poor thing. Re-living negativity. Re-living that which does not support the resonance you are seeking.
Some of you may be thinking: Ah, but you do not understand the kind of job that I am in.
We say back unto your being: Ah, the job reflects for you the image of your likeness.
If you are having difficulties in a job, interacting or being understood or being liked, whatever it is, that stems from the world that lives within yourself, and you have merely brought it forward, this resonance to who you are inside.
We understand that humans are computers. Yes? They have computer banks that store and hold all of the information of who they have been, what they have said, what they feel, how they think, what they have lived for. All the events, everything is stored there, so you need not hold it in your awareness that you may get through your day. You may already begin plucking out that which is in the way of creating the resonance and the world to your liking.
We have had many lessons on this as well, Beloveds, but we are re-enforcing the idea this evening, that you must create the effect. You must create the effect that you desire by creating the resonance within yourself of the vibration you wish to harmonize with or match in frequency, and then you will be able to observe the cause, what it causes. You see?
You are creating. You are receiving. You are giving into the universe. You are receiving back from the universe.
It is like a microphone only it is more like a 3-D holograph machine, that when you speak into the 3-D holograph machine it creates the little world inside and then when it is complete, takes it out of the dispenser, and you open the little door and pour it out, and you have your creation.
There are many things in humanity, inventions and songs and plays and TV shows, that are showing this truth of creation, and how you as a participant in humanity can begin creating with humanity.
It starts here, with you.
It starts with you having the effect in your mind and your heart that you wish to have on the world and those within it.
Which of course then, after you have done the visualization of it, what it looks like……
Let us say it looks like strangers in harmony with one another. Let us say it looks like countries at peace with one another. Let us say it looks like understanding coming from any kind of misunderstanding. Let us say that it looks like the smile on an infant when it sees the parent it has bonded to. Let us say this is what we have held as our vision.
We must resonate to our vision. How will we resonate? We may say decrees. We may read prayers. We may invent and sing songs. We may listen to Solfeggio codes. We may put on classical music, all the while thinking of, feeling, knowing, believing the intention we are holding.
Let us add to this intention that there will also be a group who will find you, who will form with you that you will learn about, that you will know, that you may participate with. It may begin as you, and you may create the others. It may begin as a group that already exists, and you are drawn into it. It doesn’t happen, Beloveds, until you claim it.
Jesus was not the Christ until he claimed it. It is not a label that belongs only to one person. It is a state of consciousness that belongs to all.
How will you manifest it if you never claim it? If you never hold in yourself the effect, the idea, of what Christed consciousness in your life is like, what it is like for all of humanity, how will the computer banks that we have spoken of in many lessons that belong in your brain, as it were, or that are your brain, one might say, how will they know what to produce if you have not done the intending and held onto the effect that you wish to make? Then you may see the cause you have created.
You have created a cause that wishes to help humanity resonate with the heart and the mind of the power of god force. It is flowing through all of life in this moment, through all of the atoms, through all of the molecules. It is everywhere.
What can happen, Beloveds, when you call forth within your being the supreme desire to have this Christed self be your truth, to have this resonance with this energy that is the love from which you were created? In essence, you are having a desire to return to your roots, one might say. Having this desire, you must then see what it causes once you have followed all of the steps we have mentioned.
For some, the cause will be inexplicable. There may be situations in life you did not expect, that to you, you think are terrible or inappropriate or not at all what you were asking for, but we say unto you, it is like the rain of blessings that comes from the world of energy. In order for the self to be filled with the love and resonance of the Heart and Mind of god and to claim and own and act upon Christ consciousness, whatever is within the system that is not in balance or harmony with that idea and concept will then be flushed from the system.
You will have interactions, perhaps, with people that you did not plan on interacting with ever again, that kind of person. Or, you may have strange things occurring to your physical self that make no sense to your being. Or, you may have dreams that are disjointed and show things that truly are just symbols to wake you up to how it is you have programmed the self to keep out this resonance that you seek.
This rain of blessings is a terminology that comes from Huna, the scientific religion of Hawaii, as it was practiced a long time ago, where one understood that what one held (the desire) within one’s being one then supplemented it with energy, and then one let it go so that the inner self could deliver it, as it were, to the Higher Self.
One created.
Humans, again, are so used to the push button, they want to have push button creation. Let me declare I AM the Christed Energy. Let me declare that I AM joy forever. Let me declare that I AM peace and nothing else and where is the button that I push to make that come true? The microwave generation has been done a disservice in the world of creation for thinking that all you need to do is put something in a box and turn the dial and in seconds it is the same thing that you put into the box, only edible. They are incorrect. It rearranges all of the atoms and molecules. It is not the same thing. It may look like the same thing, but it is not the same thing that went into the box. The energies of the microwave have shifted the structure of what was in there. It looks the same, it may even taste tasty to your being, but you have altered it.
This push button alteration is not what you are seeking in yourselves, Beloveds. If you are doing that, if you are creating in that manner, you are using only the mental self. You are not using your emotions. You are not using the power of vibration. You are not holding a clear vision and empowering it with energy before you release it and let it go. You are not following up with the action that you need to do, so that the subconscious knows you are serious and this is something you mean and that your truth of word matters and it is to be created.
Do not look in this moment of your life for push button results. In other words, if you think it this moment do not expect it in the next second. Expect it quickly. Expect it to be your truth no matter what, because at this point in your development you will live through things that seem to get in the way of what you have done your prayer work upon, what you have done your asking and your decreeing upon. That is only because they needed to be moved out of the way in order to allow the bringing about of that which you are creating next.
You understand, you and all of humanity, are continual creation machines. The way we are delivering this information in this moment sounds as though you do this one thing once in your day, and from that point on, you have nothing else that is required that you need to do, because you have initiated that. You go back to your “Oh woe is me” or “Life is not that great” or “Why are these things in my way?” and you energize far more in that way then you ever did in that moment of creation when you were seeking your truth.
We understand that often this kind of information sounds repetitive to your beings.
Ah, but I know this.
Ah, but I’ve read this.
Ah, but I have studied this.
The question here, Beloveds, is, have you lived it? Are you living it?
When it is said by those who are in other realms of existence, “There is no such thing as a miracle”, what that means is the human being has done on the physical level what was required to bring about the intention, the effect desired within the being, the effect that was focused upon. “This” is the effect I desired to create.
We know that we speak of timelessness. We know that you still live by clocks and computer time and calendars and appointments, but that can be an aid to you in this moment. In this moment you can think in terms of time for it was created to support man in the first place. It was created to have a way to measure what you have done, how far you have come in whatever it is you are creating.
You are creators every moment of your existence. Every moment you are either creatively sustaining that which you desire, or you are creating some new something that will be your experience. Each moment, creating.
The repetition in all of this, Beloveds, is that you may finally hear it or understand it in a different manner. “Ah, that was a little piece of information I was missing. If I had known that all along… ”
You will understand now, those of you who were questioning, “Why is this repetitive?” you will understand that it is to help you. It is to help your subconscious, for it is repetition that makes something true.
If you have a hammer and a nail and a heavy piece of wood and you hit the nail with all your power it is unlikely it will go all the way through the wood. You have to hit it repetitively. The motion of your being, of your life, must be done over and over.
You must continue to claim your truth. Not say, “Well I did my intention, and it was for health and well-being” and then go and do the things that do not support your health and well-being. This is where on your planet the idea of miracles has become lodged in the mindset of humanity.
When we say there are no miracles it is because the law of creation is being followed.
It is following the law perfectly that allows one to become what you all seek.
Pearl 47
The outer world does not does not contribute to my existence based on whether or not I AM deserving. There is no judgment.
Creation is vibrational.
What I emit from myself, thought, speech, or feeling, IS the creation.
10th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: Humanity, Lesson 3, Pearl 47
It is with great joy that We, The Council of 8, greet you in this manner, as we continue our learnings, our discussions, our interactions, and growth with the 10th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries, Humanity, Lesson 3, and indeed, it is often said throughout the universe that humanity on planet earth is a mystery.
We, in observing you over the past numbers of years that we have been present interacting on your planet, have discovered many things about humanity that you are not aware of about yourself, and that is because you are more than what meets the eye, one might say. You are more than what you see. You are more than what you hear, and the outer world, if you can think of it as a mirror, is a true reflection of the inner world that you are.
Humans get caught up in the stories they are living. Humanity as a whole gets caught up in the story it is living. Humanity believes it is something it is not. It believes it is the outer world.
It believes that in order to create protection, it must defend itself, and it must do so with force and with violence. It must build up the physical, as it were, in order to protect the physical, when indeed, it is the inner world that is your source of true protection. It is the inner world where humanity will learn true peace among all, for it begins within the self.
If you, as a spirit in human form, are at war with yourself in any way, then that will be evident in your own individual environment. You will experience it external to yourself.
It can be as simple as heartburn which is inside the physical body, or it can be as debilitating as disfigurement or being handicapped in some way in the outer world. It can be as evident as someone in your face with their words, as it were, or their fists or other weapons.
The outer world reflects the turmoil within the inner.
Those who live on other planets, as it were, who live as a collective consciousness, not as non-individuals as you would think it to be, but rather in a unity of vibrational harmony, much like, let us use the analogy on your planet of a beehive. A beehive is a vibrational harmony, and yet each little bee has its own path that it flies. Yes, it may fly a path that others have flown before it, but there were always the adventurers that found the first flower, and then came back and “gave the dance” so others could find it. There is individualism as well as unity, and collectively the hive produces that which supports all. Except, of course, the drones, who are eventually kicked out on their own.
The drones might be a very good example of what humanity would call useless, except in the bigger picture there is no true “useless” in your energetic world. If there were something in your being that were useless, it would not manifest in the external and so you would not be able to name it.
When you are looking at your outer world, Beloveds, humanity, you understand as a whole. For a very long time on your planet, it has been trained and taught to expect whatever happens to self to come from someone else, to come from another. Whether it is a peer, or whether it is an employer or whether it is a family member or whether it is the government, you are taught to expect external interference.
When humanity awakens to the beauty of the inner world, the inner self, the power that is within, you will begin to realize that as a collective you hold within your being the collective power to shift, change and alter your planet.
Whether you are altering the weather, you already alter the weather, you are just not aware that you are doing it, the emotional body of a human being is in contact and a direct emitter of vibrations and frequencies that are picked up by the consciousness of the nature kingdom, which then acts on them, much as though they have received a bulletin being told, “This is what is expected of you”. When the emotional state of humanity is out of balance, as it were, out of balance meaning a great deal of hatred or a great deal of sorrow or a great deal of trauma, anything that is a negative downward spiraling emotion that unfurls your DNA, as it were, and that creates difficulty within the human form that you are wearing---anytime this kind of emotion is emitted en masse, it creates in the kingdom that watches over all of nature, that is nature, a responding and corresponding energy field, vibrational field.
This can be seen a tsunamis. This can be seen as earthquakes. This can be seen as volcanic eruptions. This can be seen as two weeks of solid rain, as it were, or this can be seen as a drought, creating famine, as it were.
Once you, as humanity at large, learn how to read the symbolism in the world where you are living, you will begin to understand yourself and your neighbors and your population wherever it is on your planet. Each community of consciousness creates its own truth and reality. People move from one state to another or one country to another because they are looking for a new vibrational fit. They are looking for a place where their vibrational state of being is in alignment and harmony with or disharmony with others.
You would tend to think, because you are listening to this information, that those who move would be seeking to live in harmony, but there are many on your planet who savor disharmony and look to find that which is disruptive. It is their state of being. It is their inner drive, one might say.
We, The Council of 8, are not here to tell you as humans or humanity what to think, or what to feel, or how to live, or how to express your life, but rather to give you information that is missing from the educational systems on your planet, to re-feed into the mindset of your beings thoughts, feelings, vibrations, frequencies, knowledge that will allow you to make wise choices.
There are many, we have observed, in humanity who live lives of what your poets have called quiet desperation. We understand how it is created; they do not. That which you live within the inner being, whether it is joyful or whether it is not, is created by a complex set of thoughts and feelings and ideas that you have seen and you have heard and basically you have collected over all of your lifetime. Humanity, we have noticed, are amazing collectors, and we do not just speak of physical items like a china collection or a car collection, as it were.
We speak of thoughts and feelings and ideas. Humanity loves to hold onto them, to tuck them away into little treasure chests inside the heart until they have heart problems, or to tuck them away into the liver until they have liver problems or to tuck them away somewhere within their being until they overflow and create a “reality” that humans do not understand why they are now living it.
What you emit from yourself, be it thought, be it speech, be it feeling, is the fundamental creation.
In our last Lesson #2, we spoke of you being effect and noticing the cause. We reversed the idea of cause and effect that exists on your planet. The reversal is that in your being you have the ability, the amazing ability, to create an effect within yourself, to live it, to vibrate to it, and in so doing out of you come the vibrations that will then move into the world about you, which is all vibration, and begin to assemble that which you are desiring or that which you have emitted (which are not always the same thing) and then create the cause. You can see the effect you had on the vibrations of the atoms and molecules of life.
You can witness what you have caused. You have caused the house or the apartment, or the tent, or the tepee, or the boat that you are living in. You have created vibrationally the people that interact with your being. You have created the job that you are doing or the talents that you are living and expressing. They have come from within your being, and they are vibrational; and as such they have manifested externally for you to perceive them. This is the magic, the glory, and the beauty that we, who are not on your planet, witness when watching humanity engage in life; when watching humanity evolve itself.
On the one hand there are still many on your planet who are creating as though they are still blindfolded. They are creating as though they were a young Helen Keller, as it were: blind, deaf and dumb. Unable to hear. Unable to see. Unable to speak. Lost in a world they know not what it is.
We, in observing you over the past numbers of years that we have been present interacting on your planet, have discovered many things about humanity that you are not aware of about yourself, and that is because you are more than what meets the eye, one might say. You are more than what you see. You are more than what you hear, and the outer world, if you can think of it as a mirror, is a true reflection of the inner world that you are.
Humans get caught up in the stories they are living. Humanity as a whole gets caught up in the story it is living. Humanity believes it is something it is not. It believes it is the outer world.
It believes that in order to create protection, it must defend itself, and it must do so with force and with violence. It must build up the physical, as it were, in order to protect the physical, when indeed, it is the inner world that is your source of true protection. It is the inner world where humanity will learn true peace among all, for it begins within the self.
If you, as a spirit in human form, are at war with yourself in any way, then that will be evident in your own individual environment. You will experience it external to yourself.
It can be as simple as heartburn which is inside the physical body, or it can be as debilitating as disfigurement or being handicapped in some way in the outer world. It can be as evident as someone in your face with their words, as it were, or their fists or other weapons.
The outer world reflects the turmoil within the inner.
Those who live on other planets, as it were, who live as a collective consciousness, not as non-individuals as you would think it to be, but rather in a unity of vibrational harmony, much like, let us use the analogy on your planet of a beehive. A beehive is a vibrational harmony, and yet each little bee has its own path that it flies. Yes, it may fly a path that others have flown before it, but there were always the adventurers that found the first flower, and then came back and “gave the dance” so others could find it. There is individualism as well as unity, and collectively the hive produces that which supports all. Except, of course, the drones, who are eventually kicked out on their own.
The drones might be a very good example of what humanity would call useless, except in the bigger picture there is no true “useless” in your energetic world. If there were something in your being that were useless, it would not manifest in the external and so you would not be able to name it.
When you are looking at your outer world, Beloveds, humanity, you understand as a whole. For a very long time on your planet, it has been trained and taught to expect whatever happens to self to come from someone else, to come from another. Whether it is a peer, or whether it is an employer or whether it is a family member or whether it is the government, you are taught to expect external interference.
When humanity awakens to the beauty of the inner world, the inner self, the power that is within, you will begin to realize that as a collective you hold within your being the collective power to shift, change and alter your planet.
Whether you are altering the weather, you already alter the weather, you are just not aware that you are doing it, the emotional body of a human being is in contact and a direct emitter of vibrations and frequencies that are picked up by the consciousness of the nature kingdom, which then acts on them, much as though they have received a bulletin being told, “This is what is expected of you”. When the emotional state of humanity is out of balance, as it were, out of balance meaning a great deal of hatred or a great deal of sorrow or a great deal of trauma, anything that is a negative downward spiraling emotion that unfurls your DNA, as it were, and that creates difficulty within the human form that you are wearing---anytime this kind of emotion is emitted en masse, it creates in the kingdom that watches over all of nature, that is nature, a responding and corresponding energy field, vibrational field.
This can be seen a tsunamis. This can be seen as earthquakes. This can be seen as volcanic eruptions. This can be seen as two weeks of solid rain, as it were, or this can be seen as a drought, creating famine, as it were.
Once you, as humanity at large, learn how to read the symbolism in the world where you are living, you will begin to understand yourself and your neighbors and your population wherever it is on your planet. Each community of consciousness creates its own truth and reality. People move from one state to another or one country to another because they are looking for a new vibrational fit. They are looking for a place where their vibrational state of being is in alignment and harmony with or disharmony with others.
You would tend to think, because you are listening to this information, that those who move would be seeking to live in harmony, but there are many on your planet who savor disharmony and look to find that which is disruptive. It is their state of being. It is their inner drive, one might say.
We, The Council of 8, are not here to tell you as humans or humanity what to think, or what to feel, or how to live, or how to express your life, but rather to give you information that is missing from the educational systems on your planet, to re-feed into the mindset of your beings thoughts, feelings, vibrations, frequencies, knowledge that will allow you to make wise choices.
There are many, we have observed, in humanity who live lives of what your poets have called quiet desperation. We understand how it is created; they do not. That which you live within the inner being, whether it is joyful or whether it is not, is created by a complex set of thoughts and feelings and ideas that you have seen and you have heard and basically you have collected over all of your lifetime. Humanity, we have noticed, are amazing collectors, and we do not just speak of physical items like a china collection or a car collection, as it were.
We speak of thoughts and feelings and ideas. Humanity loves to hold onto them, to tuck them away into little treasure chests inside the heart until they have heart problems, or to tuck them away into the liver until they have liver problems or to tuck them away somewhere within their being until they overflow and create a “reality” that humans do not understand why they are now living it.
What you emit from yourself, be it thought, be it speech, be it feeling, is the fundamental creation.
In our last Lesson #2, we spoke of you being effect and noticing the cause. We reversed the idea of cause and effect that exists on your planet. The reversal is that in your being you have the ability, the amazing ability, to create an effect within yourself, to live it, to vibrate to it, and in so doing out of you come the vibrations that will then move into the world about you, which is all vibration, and begin to assemble that which you are desiring or that which you have emitted (which are not always the same thing) and then create the cause. You can see the effect you had on the vibrations of the atoms and molecules of life.
You can witness what you have caused. You have caused the house or the apartment, or the tent, or the tepee, or the boat that you are living in. You have created vibrationally the people that interact with your being. You have created the job that you are doing or the talents that you are living and expressing. They have come from within your being, and they are vibrational; and as such they have manifested externally for you to perceive them. This is the magic, the glory, and the beauty that we, who are not on your planet, witness when watching humanity engage in life; when watching humanity evolve itself.
On the one hand there are still many on your planet who are creating as though they are still blindfolded. They are creating as though they were a young Helen Keller, as it were: blind, deaf and dumb. Unable to hear. Unable to see. Unable to speak. Lost in a world they know not what it is.
There are many others likened unto your being who are understanding the power that lives within to create the reality that is in the out existence.
We call it “reality” because that is your terminology on planet Earth. It is all occurring within your being.
There are many lessons already on how this occurs and how one alters it, beginning with the first Grand Secret, and that is that True Joy is Bliss. When one begins learning how to remove the stress from oneself, that is the true beginning.
The stress in your life keeps you (up here); keeps you out of your being. When you begin removing the stress by relaxing, learning to meditate or go within, or changing your thoughts and feelings, you begin to feel the relaxation that, when you are there long enough, will take you into the inner peace. The inner peace is the laboratory within the self where one truly creates.
We, The Council of 8, and those likened unto beings and consciousness such as ourselves, are aware all of the time of our love vibrational frequency that is creating, and by love we mean a state of being. We do not mean the verb that is used so freely on your planet on Valentine’s Day, or birthdays, anniversaries, marriages, the birth of a child, celebratory I Love You’s. We mean the state of being that is the truth of all energy that fills every atom, every molecule and all of the spaces between. Every tiny particle is filled with the vibrational frequency that is the love frequency.
Love, divine love, knows no judgment. It knows no limit. There is no part of this energy that will refuse you the creation of that which you are emitting from your being.
We discussed in one of your Grand Secrets, Heaven and Hell, it gives you permission to create either heaven or hell for yourself. You do not have to wait to leave your physical form to go find someplace that your religions tell you exists somewhere, where there is great goodness and love and light; and you can immerse yourself in it because you have earned it. There is no place where one can move down, as it were, into the depths of hell, unless you create it here, upon your earth.
Beloveds, as we speak this evening of humanity, it is to give you this overview of who you are and what you are a participant in. You are spirit who has taken on a physical form. We call it the earth suit for you need this suit to move throughout the ethers of planet earth. You came here with a purpose. You came here truly to remember who you are and why you are here, and then to remember all you are coded with, all of the memories within that you have brought with you.
Not all of these memories, Beloveds, are a reality; not all of them are a truth for your being.
If you were alive on planet earth at another time in existence and you passed from the physical form before you reached enlightenment, then you carried with you all of the beliefs and all of the effects and causes of that lifetime, and they became your truth. They stayed with your Spirit, and anytime that you took on another life form in which you left that life form without achieving enlightenment, you carried once again these forms with you, these thought forms, these vibrations, these frequencies, these effects and causes, these emotions. Many were traumas; many were joys. It matters not.
What is the truth here that is significant, Beloveds, is that you carried them with you. Your spirit still was engaged in these “truths” of the reality that you lived.
When you reengage with life through getting another earth suit, having new caretakers and a new life unfold, you bring with you all of the old, which does not necessarily fit the new. These are not necessarily thoughts and feelings and ideas and interactions that will help you in this lifetime. Many will hinder you.
There are ways to release yourself from these, however, and we have spoken of this in many of our other lessons as well.
There are more and more awakening on planet earth right now and inventing even newer and more rapid ways to shed that which might be called “the old that no longer serves” in order for the new, which is vibrant and alive and willing and knowing and full of the energy that is called an upward spiral of life that harmonizes with what might be called the Heart and Mind of God.
More and more existing.
Just because something worked for you in the past does not mean you must always continue to do it that way. If this evening, in Lesson 3, we were to give you one thing only to take away from our interaction this evening, that one thing would be, “You are continually made anew as you allow yourself to be, and YOU are the only one who can give yourself permission for that to be true”.
You can awaken each morning, and you can break into joyous awareness that you are alive on this magnificent place called planet earth where you have Choice.
Indeed, Beloveds, you have the choice to rise above all that limited you yesterday, to let it go; to be gone. You have choice to create a new thought, a new feeling, and to act upon it. You have choice to sing a song that will create the vibrations of this new choice that you desire, until you feel it, until you are so filled with the vibrational truth of it that you can let it go, as you would let a balloon go into the ethers, into the sky, up, up and away, as it were, to become your new truth. You have choice in each moment.
In the moment, Beloveds, that you feel you do not have choice because you are swamped by a negative feeling or because someone entered your world that is not who you would like to deal with, or because something happened that is not what you wish to be your truth, you are not stuck in that moment. It does not have to be the defining attitude. It does not have to be the definition of anything unless you choose it to be.
The power of the violet fire itself is used to transmute any and all situations that feel heavy and that feel limiting to the being. One does not do this just with the mind. One does not just say flippantly, “Violet fire, sweep away this negativity. Be done with it now.” That is simply from the mental realm. There is very little vibration attached to that thought form.
One does something that creates the vibration of what you wish to be true.
One either:
That is an emotional state, Beloveds, that is often misused. It is often used to create that which you do not truly wish to experience; but, if you focus on that which you desire and
You, Beloveds, as humanity, are magnificent. You have so many tools, and yet you can say they all boil down to one:
I AM is the greatest tool you, as part of humanity, have.
If all of humanity collectively together is saying,
You, of yourself, are one already, but when you are with others, you are increasing the vibrational impact that you have on that which is called the ethers, on that which is called Infinite Intelligence, on that which is called cosmic energy. It has many names, but it is this: it is all that is around you that you feel when you move your hand back and forth rapidly. You can feel your hands pulling and creating the energy that is there, and you, Beloveds, have the freedom to create in to It.
If you were trained from the time you were youngsters in how to think and feel and create, you would all be in Ascended consciousness. You would all be living on a planet that is an Eden, a paradise. You would all be in harmony with one another, for you would not be full of that which no longer serves.
Beloveds, in this evening, Lesson 3, spend some time with yourself deciding for yourself what no longer serves:
Take action by deciding what it is you wish to create. What do you wish to be your truth?
In those moments, create positive decrees and affirmations, or songs, or dances that enliven you with that new truth, for we are doing what we spoke of in Lesson 2 on Humanity: we are creating the effect within yourself, the inner world which is what pours it out into the outer.
Once you have created this effect within the inner world, then give yourself permission to let it go into the world and become your truth.
From that moment on you will think it as your truth, and remember it as your truth and know it as your truth, for you will be expecting it as your truth.
This is the important part: one must expect it. One must keep it as a knowing within one’s being.
We see that oftentimes humanity is in such a hurry to complete this or that, that it forgets the most important part:
Namaste unto the Heart and the Mind of your beings.
We call it “reality” because that is your terminology on planet Earth. It is all occurring within your being.
There are many lessons already on how this occurs and how one alters it, beginning with the first Grand Secret, and that is that True Joy is Bliss. When one begins learning how to remove the stress from oneself, that is the true beginning.
The stress in your life keeps you (up here); keeps you out of your being. When you begin removing the stress by relaxing, learning to meditate or go within, or changing your thoughts and feelings, you begin to feel the relaxation that, when you are there long enough, will take you into the inner peace. The inner peace is the laboratory within the self where one truly creates.
We, The Council of 8, and those likened unto beings and consciousness such as ourselves, are aware all of the time of our love vibrational frequency that is creating, and by love we mean a state of being. We do not mean the verb that is used so freely on your planet on Valentine’s Day, or birthdays, anniversaries, marriages, the birth of a child, celebratory I Love You’s. We mean the state of being that is the truth of all energy that fills every atom, every molecule and all of the spaces between. Every tiny particle is filled with the vibrational frequency that is the love frequency.
Love, divine love, knows no judgment. It knows no limit. There is no part of this energy that will refuse you the creation of that which you are emitting from your being.
We discussed in one of your Grand Secrets, Heaven and Hell, it gives you permission to create either heaven or hell for yourself. You do not have to wait to leave your physical form to go find someplace that your religions tell you exists somewhere, where there is great goodness and love and light; and you can immerse yourself in it because you have earned it. There is no place where one can move down, as it were, into the depths of hell, unless you create it here, upon your earth.
Beloveds, as we speak this evening of humanity, it is to give you this overview of who you are and what you are a participant in. You are spirit who has taken on a physical form. We call it the earth suit for you need this suit to move throughout the ethers of planet earth. You came here with a purpose. You came here truly to remember who you are and why you are here, and then to remember all you are coded with, all of the memories within that you have brought with you.
Not all of these memories, Beloveds, are a reality; not all of them are a truth for your being.
If you were alive on planet earth at another time in existence and you passed from the physical form before you reached enlightenment, then you carried with you all of the beliefs and all of the effects and causes of that lifetime, and they became your truth. They stayed with your Spirit, and anytime that you took on another life form in which you left that life form without achieving enlightenment, you carried once again these forms with you, these thought forms, these vibrations, these frequencies, these effects and causes, these emotions. Many were traumas; many were joys. It matters not.
What is the truth here that is significant, Beloveds, is that you carried them with you. Your spirit still was engaged in these “truths” of the reality that you lived.
When you reengage with life through getting another earth suit, having new caretakers and a new life unfold, you bring with you all of the old, which does not necessarily fit the new. These are not necessarily thoughts and feelings and ideas and interactions that will help you in this lifetime. Many will hinder you.
There are ways to release yourself from these, however, and we have spoken of this in many of our other lessons as well.
There are more and more awakening on planet earth right now and inventing even newer and more rapid ways to shed that which might be called “the old that no longer serves” in order for the new, which is vibrant and alive and willing and knowing and full of the energy that is called an upward spiral of life that harmonizes with what might be called the Heart and Mind of God.
More and more existing.
Just because something worked for you in the past does not mean you must always continue to do it that way. If this evening, in Lesson 3, we were to give you one thing only to take away from our interaction this evening, that one thing would be, “You are continually made anew as you allow yourself to be, and YOU are the only one who can give yourself permission for that to be true”.
You can awaken each morning, and you can break into joyous awareness that you are alive on this magnificent place called planet earth where you have Choice.
Indeed, Beloveds, you have the choice to rise above all that limited you yesterday, to let it go; to be gone. You have choice to create a new thought, a new feeling, and to act upon it. You have choice to sing a song that will create the vibrations of this new choice that you desire, until you feel it, until you are so filled with the vibrational truth of it that you can let it go, as you would let a balloon go into the ethers, into the sky, up, up and away, as it were, to become your new truth. You have choice in each moment.
In the moment, Beloveds, that you feel you do not have choice because you are swamped by a negative feeling or because someone entered your world that is not who you would like to deal with, or because something happened that is not what you wish to be your truth, you are not stuck in that moment. It does not have to be the defining attitude. It does not have to be the definition of anything unless you choose it to be.
The power of the violet fire itself is used to transmute any and all situations that feel heavy and that feel limiting to the being. One does not do this just with the mind. One does not just say flippantly, “Violet fire, sweep away this negativity. Be done with it now.” That is simply from the mental realm. There is very little vibration attached to that thought form.
One does something that creates the vibration of what you wish to be true.
One either:
- dances or
- one sings or
- one decrees or
- one continually affirms or
- one goes into meditation or even
- one shouts in anger.
That is an emotional state, Beloveds, that is often misused. It is often used to create that which you do not truly wish to experience; but, if you focus on that which you desire and
- you start affirming in a state of anger and
- you continue affirming and
- seeing and
- believing,
You, Beloveds, as humanity, are magnificent. You have so many tools, and yet you can say they all boil down to one:
I AM is the greatest tool you, as part of humanity, have.
If all of humanity collectively together is saying,
- “I AM the Heart and Mind of God.”
- “I AM the light of the world.”
- “I AM the wisdom of understanding.”
- “I AM the love that enters all atoms and molecules of life.”
- “I AM the vibration that creates fullness and joy and beauty and understanding and balance and harmony.”
You, of yourself, are one already, but when you are with others, you are increasing the vibrational impact that you have on that which is called the ethers, on that which is called Infinite Intelligence, on that which is called cosmic energy. It has many names, but it is this: it is all that is around you that you feel when you move your hand back and forth rapidly. You can feel your hands pulling and creating the energy that is there, and you, Beloveds, have the freedom to create in to It.
If you were trained from the time you were youngsters in how to think and feel and create, you would all be in Ascended consciousness. You would all be living on a planet that is an Eden, a paradise. You would all be in harmony with one another, for you would not be full of that which no longer serves.
Beloveds, in this evening, Lesson 3, spend some time with yourself deciding for yourself what no longer serves:
- Your being
- Your thoughts
- Your feelings
- The life you are living.
Take action by deciding what it is you wish to create. What do you wish to be your truth?
In those moments, create positive decrees and affirmations, or songs, or dances that enliven you with that new truth, for we are doing what we spoke of in Lesson 2 on Humanity: we are creating the effect within yourself, the inner world which is what pours it out into the outer.
Once you have created this effect within the inner world, then give yourself permission to let it go into the world and become your truth.
From that moment on you will think it as your truth, and remember it as your truth and know it as your truth, for you will be expecting it as your truth.
This is the important part: one must expect it. One must keep it as a knowing within one’s being.
We see that oftentimes humanity is in such a hurry to complete this or that, that it forgets the most important part:
- To KNOW, and
- To EXPECT, and
Namaste unto the Heart and the Mind of your beings.
Pearl 48
I spin my web of life around myself, and I decide if my web
captures destruction of my sacredness or sustenance of it.
captures destruction of my sacredness or sustenance of it.
10th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries, Humanity Lesson 4, Pearl 48
Blessings to the heart and mind of your beings. I am Lady Master Natasha.
Beloved Ones, it is with great joy that we once again communicate with you in this manner for this Lesson 4, of Humanity, the Tenth Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries.
Humans are even a mystery unto themselves, for they often wonder why it is they are caught up in the life they are living, why it is they are experiencing that which is going through their mind or
Humans tend to think of life as occurring to them and not because of them.
For the most part, Humanity, in the past as it were, has been trained to point the finger, one might say; to point the finger to the outer world and say:
You are responsible for my woes.
You are the reason my world is falling down around me.
You! It is your fault.
Humans have been taught to find fault, and you might think of geography/geology in this moment when you think of fault. For what does fault show the consciousness of a human, who lives on planet Earth? A fault creates mountains, does it not? It creates a disparity in elevation, lowering one part of the land and raising another. A fault can rattle the very ground upon which you are living, as in the tremors from an earthquake. A fault can create instability in nature.
Humans identify with fault in this manner. It is the Earth who has the fault. You have not created the fault…or have you?
The geology and geography of your planet is directly related to the emotional, mental and vibrational emanations of humanity at large.
When there is a great eruption within the human fabric of life, emotionally, mentally, vibrationally, there will be a corresponding eruption in the Earth herself.
When there is relative unity among humanity upon planet Earth and within it, then there is harmony within nature. It is the outer reflecting the inner, not the other way around.
The inner is responsible for nature. It is responsible for your health and well being. It is responsible for your friendships. It is responsible for the elevation of your consciousness, because it is in the inner world, Beloveds, where you decide the experiences you will move through. Not that you orchestrate every single detail of them, you understand. It is the feeling. It is the essence. It is the energy within you that is emitted that creates the experience.
In this generation, the lessons that are coming to the forefront for humanity, are lessons of the heart. In the past generations, Humanity has been dealing with lessons of the mind: lessons of power through force, lessons of power through will, lessons of power through exerting something over another.
The power structure for Humanity in the past Age, called the Piscean Age, has been a structure of hierarchy. There is one at the top, who is where the power belongs, and it trickles down, as it were, to those beneath.
Many governments in Europe and in Asia were built upon this hierarchy of power. There is one at the top. It is either the emperor or the king or the dictator; or, in the religious world it could be the Pope or the ministers. In a household, it could be the father. In a business, it could be the president of the business. There has been a hierarchical structure, where power was seen as singular. It was seen to resonate from that singularity in a pyramidal energy downwards.
Humanity in the Aquarian Age is preparing for lessons of the heart. They are preparing for unity from the feeling world. The world of understanding that generates, not from the emotional body as you may understand it, but from the vibrational feeling that is correspondent to the energy called The Divine Love Vibration of All of Life.
You are understanding, Beloveds, that you are all related. You are all one.
We will liken it, as it were, to the web of a spider. You have almost all witnessed the beauty, the precision of a spider web when you have seen it woven, perhaps between trees up in the air, and wondered with amazement how a tiny little creature could create such sacred geometry.
If you have studied and witnessed the spider web, you will see that its purpose is to capture food for the spider, but the beauty of its weaving is that the spider is aware of any point of entry, anywhere upon the web. It vibrates and moves and shakes the entire web.
This is the analogy, Beloveds, for humanity. Not that you are all spinning a web in order to catch your food and sustain yourself, but that you are all affected by the vibrations in this web, this sacred geometry called life.
When one rattles the web with anger or vengeance or trauma or sadness, the entire web vibrates with that vibration. Just as when one vibrates with joy and peace and love and ecstasy, the web also vibrates with the same feelings.
Beloveds, are within that vibration. Sometimes you are unaware of why you are experiencing what you are feeling. It is because the web of life has vibrated, and you are aware of it without being aware of it, for you are sensing it and feeling it.
How does one become the center of the web that would be seen as humanity? One owns one’s reality. One owns the truth that you are the center of the web of all life, whether there are others who are the center of their webs or not.
You are the one who emanates from your being the frequencies that you will allow in your web of life. When you begin doing this, Beloveds, an amazing thing happens. You begin to meet and come in contact with all of the other spiders who have generated their own webs that are vibrating at the same harmony and frequency of the one of which you are in charge.
The small web becomes larger; the large web becomes grander; the grand web becomes universal until humanity at large has understood it is responsible for the vibrations it emits individually and collectively.
Therefore, the saying that, “One person cannot change the world.” is an untruth. It is a fallacy. One person can undo the world, and one person can redo the world.
You humans sometimes believe you have choice and sometimes believe you have no choice. You believe that you are at the mercy of a world:
Beloveds, when you have those feelings, they are either generating from within your being and you are contributing to their sustenance and you are helping maintain their existence by emanating that vibration into your web, that you might find others who have same vibration in their web, even though it is not what you are seeking, or you may be tuning in, as it were, to the energies that are being emitted in other webs.
This is where your training as a human has been faulty, for you are taught you have no choice:
We say unto your being that it is the power of the god energy vibrating and the love essence of the center of your being, your spider-ness, if you will, that creates the web that is around you and creates and holds and sustains the vision that surrounds you and the vibrations that you are.
On your planet, in a Bible that was written many different times over and over, there is still the story of a Master Jesus who goes forth, and a woman who wants healing, manages to touch his robe. For she knows within her being that if she can just touch the robe, the energy of the Master Jesus, she will be healed, and when she manages to do this, Master Jesus notices instantly, for he says, “Virtue has gone forth from me”. He was aware of the energetics of all of the webs of life around him, and he realized in that moment that he had activated a web by his energy field because one believed in him, one sought his truth, one sought his reality.
Beloveds, if you are listening to these words, that is your truth. Each one of you are these Masters. You are the Master whose energy someone is seeking. They are seeking to touch your life that your virtue goes forth and changes their life for the better.
The spider within the center of her web knows she is in harmony with life because she can spin her web, because in the beautiful shaping of this perfect geometrical form she has been true to her nature. What is her nature? Her nature is to weave harmony in a way that will sustain her life.
Of course, humans see it as, “It is just a bug catching bugs,” but it is so much more than that. Other humans see it as just the sticky stuff in the way when they walk into a web and must clear it from their beings, but it is so much more than that. It is the story of life for each one of you whether you are claiming it or not.
You are always spinning your web of life around your being. You are always, in every moment, Beloveds, deciding whether you will capture in your web that which you cannot eat and that which destroys the sacredness of the geometry of your energy field or whether you will attract that which sustains you, that which will feed you emotionally, mentally, vibrationally, physically, astrally, spiritually and on the soul level.
We have spoken in other lessons, Beloveds, that humanity is a vibration machine. You individually are a vibration machine, and collectively together you are a vibration machine. What does that mean?
You have seen the videos, we hope, of music attached to a metal pan filled with sand, and how the vibrations of the music create the form and the shape of their trueness in the sand. You are seeing a form and a shape that is what music looks like in that moment.
You are seeing in your lives, Beloveds, what you look like in the moment, both as an individual in your individual world and collectively in your world as a human. Collectively humanity.
You are noticing changes in your world, and one of the grandest changes you are noticing is the rise of women speaking up. The rise of women in the workplace. The rise of women on the Internet. The rise of women in businesses.
You will notice, that for the most part, what these women are championing is the circle of life, not the pyramid of life. They are champions of togetherness. They are champions of hand holding. They are champions of “together we can do this”.
For those who are of masculine gender who are listening to these words, you too are this feminine rising power. We do not speak of the gender of your earth suit when we speak of the female that is rising in consciousness on your planet. We are speaking of that which is within the being. The being that you are in this physical form that you wear is not the gender that you are wearing. That is something entirely different.
You are the balance, when you choose to be balanced, of the male and the female within. No matter what your earth suit is, you are the male/ female gender within. You are the masculine and the feminine within. Not male body and not female body but the principles.
The principle of the masculine is taking the initiative. The principle of the feminine is nurturing the initiative.
The principle of the masculine is protecting that which exists. The principle of the feminine is expanding that which exists.
You can begin to understand how you are made of both of these energies.
In the past, it is the masculine, which was initiation, control over, and rise to the top, which manifested in the world of humanity. Now it will be the feminine, which is expansion in togetherness and shifting and altering in a way that expands the same way a drop of water expands in concentric circles as it falls into a body of water such as a lake.
Expansion, Beloveds, of that which is in harmony.
Expansion, Beloveds, of that which feeds the soul, of that which increases compassion and kindness upon the planet.
It is the masculine within, because it feels it must protect, that has the warrior attitude. It is the feminine within that feels it must give life and expand life that feels protecting one’s offspring is more important than war to gain one’s way.
Each of you, Beloveds, who hear these words, will be living through this merging within yourself of these aspects of your being. Where you will be finding that which is.
You are learning this within yourselves. You are living this within yourselves. You have always been living this, this life, within yourselves but you will be noticing that it is the heart song that is now coming forward with such beauty and such resonance and such freedom, freedom of choice.
You on planet earth have always had freedom of choice, but it was the consciousness on the planet that trained you that you did not, and that if you thought you did, you would be punished in some way:
Beloveds, you are learning, and will be learning, that it is love that will be the greatest disciplinarian. It is love that grants all. It is love that is the fabric of life. Love is the thread that you spin your webs from.
Beloved Ones, it is with great joy that we once again communicate with you in this manner for this Lesson 4, of Humanity, the Tenth Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries.
Humans are even a mystery unto themselves, for they often wonder why it is they are caught up in the life they are living, why it is they are experiencing that which is going through their mind or
- that which they are feeling in their feeling world
- or that which is happening to their physical form
- or that which is occurring in life around them.
Humans tend to think of life as occurring to them and not because of them.
For the most part, Humanity, in the past as it were, has been trained to point the finger, one might say; to point the finger to the outer world and say:
You are responsible for my woes.
You are the reason my world is falling down around me.
You! It is your fault.
Humans have been taught to find fault, and you might think of geography/geology in this moment when you think of fault. For what does fault show the consciousness of a human, who lives on planet Earth? A fault creates mountains, does it not? It creates a disparity in elevation, lowering one part of the land and raising another. A fault can rattle the very ground upon which you are living, as in the tremors from an earthquake. A fault can create instability in nature.
Humans identify with fault in this manner. It is the Earth who has the fault. You have not created the fault…or have you?
The geology and geography of your planet is directly related to the emotional, mental and vibrational emanations of humanity at large.
When there is a great eruption within the human fabric of life, emotionally, mentally, vibrationally, there will be a corresponding eruption in the Earth herself.
When there is relative unity among humanity upon planet Earth and within it, then there is harmony within nature. It is the outer reflecting the inner, not the other way around.
The inner is responsible for nature. It is responsible for your health and well being. It is responsible for your friendships. It is responsible for the elevation of your consciousness, because it is in the inner world, Beloveds, where you decide the experiences you will move through. Not that you orchestrate every single detail of them, you understand. It is the feeling. It is the essence. It is the energy within you that is emitted that creates the experience.
In this generation, the lessons that are coming to the forefront for humanity, are lessons of the heart. In the past generations, Humanity has been dealing with lessons of the mind: lessons of power through force, lessons of power through will, lessons of power through exerting something over another.
The power structure for Humanity in the past Age, called the Piscean Age, has been a structure of hierarchy. There is one at the top, who is where the power belongs, and it trickles down, as it were, to those beneath.
Many governments in Europe and in Asia were built upon this hierarchy of power. There is one at the top. It is either the emperor or the king or the dictator; or, in the religious world it could be the Pope or the ministers. In a household, it could be the father. In a business, it could be the president of the business. There has been a hierarchical structure, where power was seen as singular. It was seen to resonate from that singularity in a pyramidal energy downwards.
Humanity in the Aquarian Age is preparing for lessons of the heart. They are preparing for unity from the feeling world. The world of understanding that generates, not from the emotional body as you may understand it, but from the vibrational feeling that is correspondent to the energy called The Divine Love Vibration of All of Life.
You are understanding, Beloveds, that you are all related. You are all one.
We will liken it, as it were, to the web of a spider. You have almost all witnessed the beauty, the precision of a spider web when you have seen it woven, perhaps between trees up in the air, and wondered with amazement how a tiny little creature could create such sacred geometry.
If you have studied and witnessed the spider web, you will see that its purpose is to capture food for the spider, but the beauty of its weaving is that the spider is aware of any point of entry, anywhere upon the web. It vibrates and moves and shakes the entire web.
This is the analogy, Beloveds, for humanity. Not that you are all spinning a web in order to catch your food and sustain yourself, but that you are all affected by the vibrations in this web, this sacred geometry called life.
When one rattles the web with anger or vengeance or trauma or sadness, the entire web vibrates with that vibration. Just as when one vibrates with joy and peace and love and ecstasy, the web also vibrates with the same feelings.
Beloveds, are within that vibration. Sometimes you are unaware of why you are experiencing what you are feeling. It is because the web of life has vibrated, and you are aware of it without being aware of it, for you are sensing it and feeling it.
How does one become the center of the web that would be seen as humanity? One owns one’s reality. One owns the truth that you are the center of the web of all life, whether there are others who are the center of their webs or not.
You are the one who emanates from your being the frequencies that you will allow in your web of life. When you begin doing this, Beloveds, an amazing thing happens. You begin to meet and come in contact with all of the other spiders who have generated their own webs that are vibrating at the same harmony and frequency of the one of which you are in charge.
The small web becomes larger; the large web becomes grander; the grand web becomes universal until humanity at large has understood it is responsible for the vibrations it emits individually and collectively.
Therefore, the saying that, “One person cannot change the world.” is an untruth. It is a fallacy. One person can undo the world, and one person can redo the world.
You humans sometimes believe you have choice and sometimes believe you have no choice. You believe that you are at the mercy of a world:
- who throws things into your lap
- who throws things into your life
- who creates governments you cannot tolerate
- who creates food stuffs that you think are toxic to the being
- who pollutes the world in a myriad of ways
- and who fails to recognize the heartbeat of love and humanness that is the core of the essence of life on planet earth.
Beloveds, when you have those feelings, they are either generating from within your being and you are contributing to their sustenance and you are helping maintain their existence by emanating that vibration into your web, that you might find others who have same vibration in their web, even though it is not what you are seeking, or you may be tuning in, as it were, to the energies that are being emitted in other webs.
This is where your training as a human has been faulty, for you are taught you have no choice:
- That you are at the mercy of others.
- That you cannot make a difference unless you can find others of like mind to do so.
We say unto your being that it is the power of the god energy vibrating and the love essence of the center of your being, your spider-ness, if you will, that creates the web that is around you and creates and holds and sustains the vision that surrounds you and the vibrations that you are.
On your planet, in a Bible that was written many different times over and over, there is still the story of a Master Jesus who goes forth, and a woman who wants healing, manages to touch his robe. For she knows within her being that if she can just touch the robe, the energy of the Master Jesus, she will be healed, and when she manages to do this, Master Jesus notices instantly, for he says, “Virtue has gone forth from me”. He was aware of the energetics of all of the webs of life around him, and he realized in that moment that he had activated a web by his energy field because one believed in him, one sought his truth, one sought his reality.
Beloveds, if you are listening to these words, that is your truth. Each one of you are these Masters. You are the Master whose energy someone is seeking. They are seeking to touch your life that your virtue goes forth and changes their life for the better.
The spider within the center of her web knows she is in harmony with life because she can spin her web, because in the beautiful shaping of this perfect geometrical form she has been true to her nature. What is her nature? Her nature is to weave harmony in a way that will sustain her life.
Of course, humans see it as, “It is just a bug catching bugs,” but it is so much more than that. Other humans see it as just the sticky stuff in the way when they walk into a web and must clear it from their beings, but it is so much more than that. It is the story of life for each one of you whether you are claiming it or not.
You are always spinning your web of life around your being. You are always, in every moment, Beloveds, deciding whether you will capture in your web that which you cannot eat and that which destroys the sacredness of the geometry of your energy field or whether you will attract that which sustains you, that which will feed you emotionally, mentally, vibrationally, physically, astrally, spiritually and on the soul level.
We have spoken in other lessons, Beloveds, that humanity is a vibration machine. You individually are a vibration machine, and collectively together you are a vibration machine. What does that mean?
You have seen the videos, we hope, of music attached to a metal pan filled with sand, and how the vibrations of the music create the form and the shape of their trueness in the sand. You are seeing a form and a shape that is what music looks like in that moment.
You are seeing in your lives, Beloveds, what you look like in the moment, both as an individual in your individual world and collectively in your world as a human. Collectively humanity.
You are noticing changes in your world, and one of the grandest changes you are noticing is the rise of women speaking up. The rise of women in the workplace. The rise of women on the Internet. The rise of women in businesses.
You will notice, that for the most part, what these women are championing is the circle of life, not the pyramid of life. They are champions of togetherness. They are champions of hand holding. They are champions of “together we can do this”.
For those who are of masculine gender who are listening to these words, you too are this feminine rising power. We do not speak of the gender of your earth suit when we speak of the female that is rising in consciousness on your planet. We are speaking of that which is within the being. The being that you are in this physical form that you wear is not the gender that you are wearing. That is something entirely different.
You are the balance, when you choose to be balanced, of the male and the female within. No matter what your earth suit is, you are the male/ female gender within. You are the masculine and the feminine within. Not male body and not female body but the principles.
The principle of the masculine is taking the initiative. The principle of the feminine is nurturing the initiative.
The principle of the masculine is protecting that which exists. The principle of the feminine is expanding that which exists.
You can begin to understand how you are made of both of these energies.
In the past, it is the masculine, which was initiation, control over, and rise to the top, which manifested in the world of humanity. Now it will be the feminine, which is expansion in togetherness and shifting and altering in a way that expands the same way a drop of water expands in concentric circles as it falls into a body of water such as a lake.
Expansion, Beloveds, of that which is in harmony.
Expansion, Beloveds, of that which feeds the soul, of that which increases compassion and kindness upon the planet.
It is the masculine within, because it feels it must protect, that has the warrior attitude. It is the feminine within that feels it must give life and expand life that feels protecting one’s offspring is more important than war to gain one’s way.
Each of you, Beloveds, who hear these words, will be living through this merging within yourself of these aspects of your being. Where you will be finding that which is.
- That which wishes to take the initiative
- That which wishes to move forward and be seen and heard as the one
- That which wishes to join together with others and to expand in togetherness that which supports the all.
You are learning this within yourselves. You are living this within yourselves. You have always been living this, this life, within yourselves but you will be noticing that it is the heart song that is now coming forward with such beauty and such resonance and such freedom, freedom of choice.
You on planet earth have always had freedom of choice, but it was the consciousness on the planet that trained you that you did not, and that if you thought you did, you would be punished in some way:
- Either the way a Hitler punishes an entire generation
- or the way a caretaker, a human in charge of its young ones, punishes in an abusive manner
- or in many other ways that cause the gentleness within you to recoil at the idea of having any kind of authoritative control or power over another.
Beloveds, you are learning, and will be learning, that it is love that will be the greatest disciplinarian. It is love that grants all. It is love that is the fabric of life. Love is the thread that you spin your webs from.
If you wish to see what love looks like, look at a spider’s web in the early morning with dew drops hanging off of the fine threads of spider silk that have created a work of art, and you will see love.
If you wish to see love, look in the eyes of a dog when it comes up to you, in its gentleness and its caring and looks you in the eyes.
If you wish to see love, go to a lake where the waters are placid and still, and lean over the waters and see your reflection staring back at you.
You are the ones made of this love, Beloveds, and you are the ones who carry it. You are the ones who are now moving into a life where war will not be the solution that it once seemed to be. You understand that for war to exist on a planet, someone must be at war within themselves.
For peace to exist upon a planet, someone must find peace within themselves. Not the peace that you acquire because something in your outer world went the way you wanted it to go. Not the peace that is an outer-world-generated-response to your own desires, but the peace that comes from within when you have found a place and the space that is true love for life and for self:
Namaste unto the heart and the mind of your being, Beloveds. So be it.
You are the ones made of this love, Beloveds, and you are the ones who carry it. You are the ones who are now moving into a life where war will not be the solution that it once seemed to be. You understand that for war to exist on a planet, someone must be at war within themselves.
For peace to exist upon a planet, someone must find peace within themselves. Not the peace that you acquire because something in your outer world went the way you wanted it to go. Not the peace that is an outer-world-generated-response to your own desires, but the peace that comes from within when you have found a place and the space that is true love for life and for self:
- That is the god of your being vibrating
- That is the song of your heart singing
- That is the stillness of the inner world as it loves you back into life, into sustenance, into restoration, into rejuvenation, into regeneration and into the light of knowing, the light of being and the light of sustaining.
Namaste unto the heart and the mind of your being, Beloveds. So be it.
Pearl 49
I can use the outer world to create a change in my inner world.
10th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: Humanity, Lesson 5, Pearl 49
Blessings unto the heart and the mind of your being. I am Lady Master Natasha. Beloved Ones, it is with great joy that we, The Council of 8, interact with you in this manner. Tonight we are Lesson 5 of the 10th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: Humanity.
Last Lesson, we began by saying that humans are enigmas even unto themselves. This we expand upon in this Lesson, for in this Lesson we broach a subject that is a little unusual for humanity, and that is the consciousness of others who exist on spiritual dimensions, on other planets, as it were, and other universes, as it were, entities that are not, one might say, in human form.
Humans, because their eyes are like cameras, what they see is usually their truth, at least until they are reawakened to the memories of who they truly are and why they are truly here on planet Earth. Many on planet Earth have come here at this time that you are hearing these words and some decades before and some decades after for the main purpose of raising the level of consciousness on planet Earth.
Why would that be? Why would entities come or consciousness come and take on the heavy, often burdensome, human form in order to raise vibrations? It seems it should be the opposite, yes? That those who are in a high vibrational energy field should simply lower themselves into the earth vibrational field and by thus doing, if done so in quantity, lift the entire field of frequency. Shift and alter.
First of all, Beloveds, this is breaking a code, as it were. Your planet, you have all heard, is a planet of free will though many may not understand what that means. It means that you who are alive and living on planet Earth have the freedom and the free will to be un-interfered with. In other words, hands off.
Your planet is one where you, the consciousness in physical form, has the right to evolve yourself in whatever manner you choose, be it constructive and expansive, or be it constructive and constrictive. You have the free will, the power, and the ability to limit yourselves if you choose or to rise above this kind of limitation. It is your choice. It is free will.
If a massive influx, as it were, of entities of a higher vibration, as we call them, should enter the lower vibrating frequencies of planet Earth, not only would it disturb the frequencies of many who attempted to do so, it would also be a violation of the free will allowed on planet Earth.
Therefore, many of you have come and taken on a physical human form and gone through the process of being human. Because humans are enigmatic to many in the universe: it is not understood why they hate; it is not understood why they hurt; it is not understood why they do not heal rapidly or why they do things that seem to sabotage their very existence. That again is free will, Beloveds.
On your planet, you have the right to destroy your planet. If you choose to destroy your environment, to live in pollution, to live in toxicity, you also have the right to shift it, to alter it, to change it.
Ascended Masters who have spoken through an Avatar on your planet have said that if there were 100 students of theirs who applied completely their teachings, the planet would change almost in the twinkling of an eye. One hundred was their number.
That was the number of consciousnesses that would stop sabotaging themselves. That was the number of consciousness that would focus on the heartsong and the love of God completely, 100%, while engaging in life around them. That is the number that would be required to uplift energies while not falling prey to being ‘downlifted’ by those same energies. That is the number required to remember who they are, why they are here, and to emanate a frequency of such harmony that it is almost difficult to remain on planet Earth because the mind and the heart and the consciousness and the feeling and the love of the human being is so focused on that which your planet calls God, on that which we call the Infinite Expansive Intelligence that Exists Everywhere in All things and of which All things are created, are made, in which all things have their substance, have their life, have their created potential.
One hundred students, Beloved Ones, 100.
You now have, as it were, devices upon your planet that create the same kinds of energies that 100 focused students would create, so why would it not be possible to electronically, as it were, or vibrationally, as it were, create this energy field, and then have the earth change in the twinkling of an eye, as it were?
That is because there is something magical about spirit in human form, Beloveds. You are a radiation machine, as it were. Not an irradiation machine, you understand, but a radiating machine, a vibrational machine. The 100 students would be in contact with a number of others, and they would be vibrating from the very core of their being this essence and this energy that would move so subtly and swiftly into the energy field of those around them that it would be like the biblical story on your planet where the woman seeks to touch the robe of Master Jesus. She believes if she can just touch his virtue, as it was called back then, and so she did; and, Master Jesus knew the virtue, as it were, had gone forth.
It would be as though these 100 “humans” would be expanding the virtuous energy they carry into the environment, touching Nature, touching the animal kingdom, touching the vibrating frequencies they come up again, and in that moment those frequencies shifting and altering. You understand, Beloveds, how it is. You have all most likely experienced a space where you were not at your best.
Let us say you were unhappy, as it were, or you were sad, at it were, or you were traumatized in some way, and when someone who was not came to visit you, you felt better. Their love and concern made you feel better. Their virtue, as it were, had gone forth, and you began to vibrate to the higher frequency of that energy. You vibrated to the higher energy and the higher level. It touched the heart and the mind of your being. It uplifted you.
It is that this 100 who maintain this inner core of upliftment, this vibrating energy, touch the inner core of another and uplift their energy and so it expands as a rolling, rolling influence across the face of your planet, a beautiful contagion one might call it.
Those of you who are here from your other dimensions and your other planets and your other universes who have come to Earth because you heard what might be called the Clarion Call will come because you knew and understood planet Earth herself, regardless of the consciousness upon it, needed help. She needed energies that she could vibrate to, that she could “borrow”, as it were, virtue from that she might become her grander and greater self.
Each of you hearing these words, Beloved ones, have an almost inexplicable love for Nature in some way. You thrill to the core of your being when you are in the mountains, or at the river, or on the water, or hiking in the woods. You love to watch the birds or you take pictures of the animals. You are in love with that of planet Earth that is not of two eyes and two legs and two arms, one might say. You are in love with Earth herself, and so you come to walk upon her. You come to vibrate for her, but of course you have been learning all along what humanity is like; and, you have been understanding how difficult it is to maintain this core essence of love within your being while you are around energies of lower vibrations.
We do not say ‘lower vibrations’ meaning “vibrations that are worse than” or “vibrations that are negative in some way.” Simply, they are vibrations that belong to the unawakened, those whose spirituality is not as, let us say, expanded as perhaps your own is.
You are all very aware of how you feel better when you are in the presence of energies that uplift, and how you feel a little ‘less than’ when you are in the presence of energies that do not uplift. Lesson 5 is a call to the heart and the mind and the being and the energies and the vibration of yourself to love yourself for what you have come to do; to remind yourself that all you must do ever is look at nature or walk in nature, because when you do the automatic love that you are made of releases itself. It comes coursing through your being. It comes flowing through your being.
This is why there have been so many movements on your planet to “save Nature”, to “save the planet”, as it were, because that is where the energies vibrate from that heal everyone who is here. It is Nature, herself, giving out the vibrations and the energy that uplifts and aligns and reorganizes and restructures and supports and love humanity.
You are all very aware of how you feel better when you are in the presence of energies that uplift, and how you feel a little ‘less than’ when you are in the presence of energies that do not uplift. Lesson 5 is a call to the heart and the mind and the being and the energies and the vibration of yourself to love yourself for what you have come to do; to remind yourself that all you must do ever is look at nature or walk in nature, because when you do the automatic love that you are made of releases itself. It comes coursing through your being. It comes flowing through your being.
This is why there have been so many movements on your planet to “save Nature”, to “save the planet”, as it were, because that is where the energies vibrate from that heal everyone who is here. It is Nature, herself, giving out the vibrations and the energy that uplifts and aligns and reorganizes and restructures and supports and love humanity.
photos of or taken by LMN conduit
For some who are the spiritual path, this can create a conflict within their being. When you observe someone destroying that which you love and that which you perhaps unconsciously did not realize is your life sustenance here on planet Earth, at least one source of it, you are still connected to the god of your being which is connected to nature, as well, when you see it disappearing, you become disheartened, or you become rebellious, or you become a ‘stumper’ for saving the planet. There are many reactions that humans engage in:
There are many many activities that humans engage in in order to preserve the preciousness of planet earth, but we wish to tell you somethings, Beloveds. Even if planet Earth, herself, were turned into what might be called a technology planet, instead of a water planet, there would still be the heartbeat of Earth herself that would come from the core, the crust, the energy that supports all building that there is. It would come from within the Earth. The energy, that supports humanity, that anchors humanity, that loves humanity, would come from within, and that Beloveds is the mirror for your own beings. Even though you can look outside of yourself into Nature and feel
That is coming from outside of your being, and you, just like the planet that you love, have the strength, the ability, the magic if you will, the power, the essence, the vitality, and the training to have it all come from within.
There are many techniques on your planet that teach how to reach within and find that inner space, find that place that creates and touches the heart and mind of God, or that creates that which you desire in the outer world, or that touches the memories of who you have been.
How do you know if these work? How do you know if these techniques are viable or valuable? Because they create what you are seeking in the emotional aspect of your being.
In other words, it is creating ‘fruit’. It is bearing fruit, and as they once said in ancient times upon your planet, “By the fruits you will know them”, meaning what is produced in the outer and the inner had to have been born from a seed.
- I will chain myself to this tree and not let you cut it down, or
- I will buy all of the acreage I can find and preserve it, or
- I will form a group and we will buy all that we can and apply for grants and money to preserve this and turn it into a park, a state park, a national park.
There are many many activities that humans engage in in order to preserve the preciousness of planet earth, but we wish to tell you somethings, Beloveds. Even if planet Earth, herself, were turned into what might be called a technology planet, instead of a water planet, there would still be the heartbeat of Earth herself that would come from the core, the crust, the energy that supports all building that there is. It would come from within the Earth. The energy, that supports humanity, that anchors humanity, that loves humanity, would come from within, and that Beloveds is the mirror for your own beings. Even though you can look outside of yourself into Nature and feel
- healed or
- loved or
- repaired or
- sustained or
- aligned or
- change your moods from something you prefer not to feel to something that you prefer to feel,
That is coming from outside of your being, and you, just like the planet that you love, have the strength, the ability, the magic if you will, the power, the essence, the vitality, and the training to have it all come from within.
There are many techniques on your planet that teach how to reach within and find that inner space, find that place that creates and touches the heart and mind of God, or that creates that which you desire in the outer world, or that touches the memories of who you have been.
How do you know if these work? How do you know if these techniques are viable or valuable? Because they create what you are seeking in the emotional aspect of your being.
In other words, it is creating ‘fruit’. It is bearing fruit, and as they once said in ancient times upon your planet, “By the fruits you will know them”, meaning what is produced in the outer and the inner had to have been born from a seed.
A seed of hope.
A seed of faith.
A seed of vitality.
A seed of intention.
It brings forth that which was desired, the cause that was desired. You have the effect within. You are finding the seeds planted within.
In terms of techniques, once again there are many. The human, and YOU are spirits in human form, so this includes you, simply has to hear or see or feel or taste or touch that which will alter its beingness.
If you have meditation you like to listen to, that will alter your beingness.
If you have a symbol that you like to look at, that will alter your beingness.
If you have something you like to wrap up in or dress in so that when you look at yourself or when you feel the way that you are, that will alter your being. Little girls often play dress up in their mother’s clothes and jewelry. Why? Because it altered their being; it created a difference within them.
There are so many techniques that you can use in the outer world to create a shift and a change in your inner world.
If you are not one who vibrates to the idea that meditation will shift and alter your consciousness, but beautiful things (gazing upon them) will then perhaps you go to a museum; perhaps you go to a place that has glass sculptures. Wherever it is that you go to that has things that are beautiful, the beauty works on your inner world and will shift your being.
Perhaps you are a dancer, and it is movement that shifts your being, and so you put on music until you dance and you are in the altered space you are seeking.
A seed of faith.
A seed of vitality.
A seed of intention.
It brings forth that which was desired, the cause that was desired. You have the effect within. You are finding the seeds planted within.
In terms of techniques, once again there are many. The human, and YOU are spirits in human form, so this includes you, simply has to hear or see or feel or taste or touch that which will alter its beingness.
If you have meditation you like to listen to, that will alter your beingness.
If you have a symbol that you like to look at, that will alter your beingness.
If you have something you like to wrap up in or dress in so that when you look at yourself or when you feel the way that you are, that will alter your being. Little girls often play dress up in their mother’s clothes and jewelry. Why? Because it altered their being; it created a difference within them.
There are so many techniques that you can use in the outer world to create a shift and a change in your inner world.
If you are not one who vibrates to the idea that meditation will shift and alter your consciousness, but beautiful things (gazing upon them) will then perhaps you go to a museum; perhaps you go to a place that has glass sculptures. Wherever it is that you go to that has things that are beautiful, the beauty works on your inner world and will shift your being.
Perhaps you are a dancer, and it is movement that shifts your being, and so you put on music until you dance and you are in the altered space you are seeking.
Humanity is varied in its responses and in its experience of life. As such, there is not one formula that works for every spirit-in-human form on planet Earth. To say that you must meditate every day in order to touch God or reach God within is to tune in to a part of the world that believes that truth, that has held that truth for centuries and thus it is a ‘proven’, a ‘given’ for their being.
There are “wild tribes”, one might say, where:
- dancing was that meditation
- where spinning on a pole under the sun attached to a rope in the chest created that alteration
- where going without food for many days in the wilderness until a vision was “granted” created that reality.
You are all looking for manners and way to shift. Many on your planet join clubs, as it were, or go to weekly meetings, or exercise for the adrenaline, as it were. You go to places to shift your reality, your energy your consciousness, as it were.
Beloveds, when you look at planet Earth from this point on, you can be grateful for that which is in the outer that helps you shift; and, you can remember there is also that in the inner which can help you shift. You can take a new appreciation into your life, for that which we once called in a Lesson of 158 Pearls, Loving the Material.
Why would you not love the material, Beloveds? You are creators of it. You are sustainers of it. You are co-maintainers of it. Part of why you love being on planet Earth is for the creative energies. The creative aspect of life that gives you the ability to be an artist, but an artist in so many ways.
What kind of way would you be an artist? There is the obvious through paint and sculpture and the use of the hands, but you could be:
- a landscape artist
- a musical artist
- a poet who is an artist
- a writer who is an artist
- a homemaker who is an artist and your art is in the cleanliness of the world around you
- a dressmaker who is an artist
- a digger who digs in the earth
- a creator of sandcastles along the beach
- a collector who stores things, which is your art, or arranges them creatively which is your art.
Whatever it is that you are doing on planet Earth is your art.
The job you are doing is your art.
Would you get a first place ribbon for your art?
We do not ask this question asking you to compare yourself to others at work. We would ask you to go within yourself and ask yourself if you love what you have created. You are the artist, after all.
If you are the artist who is painting on a canvas and do not love what you are painting, you will white wash the canvas. You will start over again.
If you are a landscaper who does not like what you have created, you will dig it all up or replant it and redesign.
If you are a builder who does not like what you have created, you will undo the building, or you will remodel it or add to it, as it were.
There is this magnificent elasticity to creation, Beloveds.
Many on planet Earth get caught in the mold, like the replica of a house shows to the eyes that you look through:
- A house is sturdy, and
- A house is supposedly built to last forever, or at least many wish it to last for their lifetime.
- There is this idea that creativity has to be something that is so stable that it cannot be changed, that it cannot be altered, that one cannot wipe the slate clean and begin again.
- THIS is one of the thought forms, Beloveds, that leads to rebirth, that leads to being on the wheel of rebirth, coming back to planet Earth (once you leave it) because you have logged into your consciousness the idea that what one creates must remain for a very long time if not forever.
- Since you are part of your creation, every creator is part of their creation, God or what you call God is part of your creation, you are part of God’s creation. Everything that creates with conscious awareness is a part of its creation because the same energy flows through both of you, it makes you a part of it.
- So then you will be very inflexible if you believe:
- that something should be built to last forever
- that one cannot change
- that one cannot demolish
- that one cannot let go
- that one cannot move on.
Invite into yourselves, Beloveds, creativity in the world of creation.
Let there be flow.
Let there be movement.
Think of yourself as the water flowing through the riverbed, and one day you decide to overflow. You are going to be grander than the banks that have held you for so long. You are going to reach out into the fields and feel what it feels like to be a big wide river, or perhaps you are going to trickle down to nothing, and you are going to feel what it feels like to be a tiny little stream instead of a raging river.
You have that flexibility, Beloveds. Choose to use it, for in that flexibility you become like planet Earth. She is very flexible, and you who have come to support her are flexible as well, that the two of you might do the dance among the stars of creation in the universe of possibilities and love life every second, every moment, that you perhaps might become one of those 100.
So be it.
Namaste unto the heart and the mind of your being.
So be it.
Namaste unto the heart and the mind of your being.
Pearl 50
The way to make anything come true in my life is to love it.
10th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: Humanity, Lesson 6, Pearl 50
Blessings unto the heart and the mind of your beings. I am Lady Master Natasha.
Beloved Ones, it is with great joy that We, The Council of 8, gather with you in this manner.
There is now on your planet such an unfolding of energy straight from the Heart and Mind of God Essence itself that each one of you must have been noticing the changes, the rapid changes, in yourself,your feelings, your consciousness just within the past few days, as it were, and most specifically the entire week for there is this uplifting energy flowing through life.
We have been learning, when an energy seeks to uplift consciousness, it has a vibrational nature to it and it seeks to help you resonate at that same frequency. Therefore, if you have thoughts, feelings, old paradigms, games, traumas, anything still stored within the atoms and molecules of yourself, they will be flushed to the forefront.
You may find yourself feeling not quite yourself or wondering what is going on with you. Where is my mind? Where are my thinkings? Where is my balanced energy?
It is simply because this flow of love and light is pushing out of you that which no longer resonates with this beautiful energy from the Heart and Mind of God Consciousness itself.
Those are the times, Beloveds, to give thanks, to give thanks for that which is, perhaps, jumbled in your life.
Humanity, at large, is trained to think that that which is troublesome somehow stems from negativity within the self. By that, we mean you are trained on your planet to think of things as going wrong, or to think of something as being bad, or that you are not quite yourself today. You are trained on your planet to look at “negativity" as something that should be avoided, something that has a fault, something to be shaking the finger at.
We suggest, Beloveds, that you might take another approach. You might think of negativity as something showing you what is keeping you from the perfection you seek. Every person born onto planet Earth has come with memories. Memories of who they truly are. Memories of why they are truly here. Memories of what they have come to learn or to share or to experience.
If negativity shows itself in your life, rather than taking the typical earth human response of, “Ugg” and going downward with the energy, bless yourself. Say unto yourself, “My God, my God. How you have blessed me”.
What does that mean? That means that the energies, the blessed energies of a higher frequency are seeking a home in you. They are seeking a resonance in you, but they cannot reside there as long as something else is in the way. They are helping you recognize the something else that wishes to be set free, that wishes to go on its way, as it were, to be allowed to become something else.
When negativity seems to be within you or around you, or you feel like you are not your self, the wonderful self that is balanced, you are giving birth to yourself and a newness. You are letting the old go. When a child is born on planet Earth it is not a neat experience. It is not clean and orderly. It is messy, but it heralds something that is new and wonderful and glorious, and that is what this energy on planet Earth, flowing through all of the atoms and molecules of life in these moments, even as we speak, and what you have been living, is doing. It is helping to birth the new you.
Humanity, at large, still is grappling with the concept that the outer world is symbolic. When the God-awakened aspect of yourself realizes it is creator of attitudes, creator of feelings, artist of the most high, creating stories, creating art called life, then begin to see the symbols in it.
One of the things that often makes art on your planet not enjoyable for the many is the same thing that often makes poetry or writing not enjoyable for the many. Notice we do not say all, for there are those who love the realm of the mind, and they enjoy picking things apart and seeing what elements created them, but for the masses there is, generally speaking, a wholistic experience of what is read or a wholistic experience of what is viewed; and in that experience, the emotional body is addressed, and when the emotional body is addressed it does not have all the words to describe the poem and the feelings it generates. It does not have all the words to describe the art it is viewing and the feelings that it generates.
We say unto your being that life is the same. It is your art, and you may not have the feelings to recognize the symbolism your life is generating, but if you are of the mindset of a good detective novel and you enjoy looking at the parts that make something flow together, then you will begin to recognize symbolism in your life and how you are living it.
A small example, let us say that you are working in the yard. Yes?
You are outside. You are planting plants. You have a can of spray that has a bright orange cap on it
near your feet. You have just hauled in a copper planter that glistens in the sun with its coppery
orangeness. You are planting in planters that are terra cotta orange. You have chosen to eat, that
very morning, a plateful of oranges, in their orange juiciness, and so without noticing it, perhaps,
the color orange is all around you.
You receive a phone call, as it were, from a friend who is very attuned to the ethers, to the
matrix, to the teachers and guides of friends, and the message is: "Wear bright orange today. I cannot
tell you why, but my guides insisted I call and let you know, wear bright orange."
You stop and you think, ‘Hmmm...I see that orange is all around me. What is the orange
that I am using? What am I using it for? I am using the bottle spray for protection. I am using the rest
of the orange for beauty.’ You begin to 'detective' with your mind. You begin to look at the reasons
that you are engaged in orange.
This example is not something we will take to the very end. It is a true experience. It is something that did happen on planet Earth to someone, and eventually the detective work led to an uncovering of orange being a hated color by the mother, and so within the being, orange was seen as being something to be detested, to be not liked.
Yet here, orange was in service. Orange was in service to protect from the bugs. It was in service to hold beauty; plants in planters. It was even in service for nutrition, to provide the Vitamin C to the body, and yet the person in this story would not benefit from all of the orange because of the memory of the past that orange was something to be disliked.
Here this person was surrounding herself by a color that would create on an emotional level something that she was not even aware of: discontentment, dislike, resentment. Here was orange trying to get a message through, and it came through a friend, and it changed her world.
Humanity lives symbols, whether you recognize it or not, and that is what we bring this course to conclusion with, this Sixth Lesson of Humanity, the Tenth Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries, and that is symbolism in your world. What are you seeing in your world? What are you living in your world? What does it represent to your life, to your consciousness, to your future, to your now?
Before you do this, Beloveds, hunt in your consciousness, in your subconscious, in your past. Hunt like the message of orange. Find what are the symbols in your outer world that may have a negative influence or meaning on your life, for they are present for you to learn from them.
Life is so filled with that which can heal the mind, heal the heart, provide prosperity and abundance, or any of the opposite. You are not limited on your planet Earth with what you can create, with what you can perceive, with what you can manifest. You are not limited in the dangers that you can create for yourself and others, and you are not limited in the bounty and glory that you can create for yourself and others.
Symbolism on your planet is something that does not come very naturally to the majority of those on your planet because of experiences in the educational system, where instead of allowing the self to enjoy, as we spoke of earlier, a poem or a picture of art. The student is forced to break it into elements and in so doing takes away the beauty that is experienced by the emotional self.
It is like dissection. There are only certain people on your planet that can h, and this is a thinly veiled analogy for the world of art as well. There are only some who can handle this dissective process without losing the whole picture.
Find yourself in this analogy, Beloved Ones. Find where you are personally in the world of being able to understand the symbols of anything: the symbols of a movie, the symbols of music, the symbols of a family gathering. When you begin to master symbology, you will begin to not only understand the information in your dreams as it is being given to you by your higher wisdom, you’ll begin to see a different theme in the life that you are living. Rather than just living your life, you’ll begin to recognize what you are doing.
Beloved Ones, it is with great joy that We, The Council of 8, gather with you in this manner.
There is now on your planet such an unfolding of energy straight from the Heart and Mind of God Essence itself that each one of you must have been noticing the changes, the rapid changes, in yourself,your feelings, your consciousness just within the past few days, as it were, and most specifically the entire week for there is this uplifting energy flowing through life.
We have been learning, when an energy seeks to uplift consciousness, it has a vibrational nature to it and it seeks to help you resonate at that same frequency. Therefore, if you have thoughts, feelings, old paradigms, games, traumas, anything still stored within the atoms and molecules of yourself, they will be flushed to the forefront.
You may find yourself feeling not quite yourself or wondering what is going on with you. Where is my mind? Where are my thinkings? Where is my balanced energy?
It is simply because this flow of love and light is pushing out of you that which no longer resonates with this beautiful energy from the Heart and Mind of God Consciousness itself.
Those are the times, Beloveds, to give thanks, to give thanks for that which is, perhaps, jumbled in your life.
Humanity, at large, is trained to think that that which is troublesome somehow stems from negativity within the self. By that, we mean you are trained on your planet to think of things as going wrong, or to think of something as being bad, or that you are not quite yourself today. You are trained on your planet to look at “negativity" as something that should be avoided, something that has a fault, something to be shaking the finger at.
We suggest, Beloveds, that you might take another approach. You might think of negativity as something showing you what is keeping you from the perfection you seek. Every person born onto planet Earth has come with memories. Memories of who they truly are. Memories of why they are truly here. Memories of what they have come to learn or to share or to experience.
If negativity shows itself in your life, rather than taking the typical earth human response of, “Ugg” and going downward with the energy, bless yourself. Say unto yourself, “My God, my God. How you have blessed me”.
What does that mean? That means that the energies, the blessed energies of a higher frequency are seeking a home in you. They are seeking a resonance in you, but they cannot reside there as long as something else is in the way. They are helping you recognize the something else that wishes to be set free, that wishes to go on its way, as it were, to be allowed to become something else.
When negativity seems to be within you or around you, or you feel like you are not your self, the wonderful self that is balanced, you are giving birth to yourself and a newness. You are letting the old go. When a child is born on planet Earth it is not a neat experience. It is not clean and orderly. It is messy, but it heralds something that is new and wonderful and glorious, and that is what this energy on planet Earth, flowing through all of the atoms and molecules of life in these moments, even as we speak, and what you have been living, is doing. It is helping to birth the new you.
Humanity, at large, still is grappling with the concept that the outer world is symbolic. When the God-awakened aspect of yourself realizes it is creator of attitudes, creator of feelings, artist of the most high, creating stories, creating art called life, then begin to see the symbols in it.
One of the things that often makes art on your planet not enjoyable for the many is the same thing that often makes poetry or writing not enjoyable for the many. Notice we do not say all, for there are those who love the realm of the mind, and they enjoy picking things apart and seeing what elements created them, but for the masses there is, generally speaking, a wholistic experience of what is read or a wholistic experience of what is viewed; and in that experience, the emotional body is addressed, and when the emotional body is addressed it does not have all the words to describe the poem and the feelings it generates. It does not have all the words to describe the art it is viewing and the feelings that it generates.
We say unto your being that life is the same. It is your art, and you may not have the feelings to recognize the symbolism your life is generating, but if you are of the mindset of a good detective novel and you enjoy looking at the parts that make something flow together, then you will begin to recognize symbolism in your life and how you are living it.
A small example, let us say that you are working in the yard. Yes?
You are outside. You are planting plants. You have a can of spray that has a bright orange cap on it
near your feet. You have just hauled in a copper planter that glistens in the sun with its coppery
orangeness. You are planting in planters that are terra cotta orange. You have chosen to eat, that
very morning, a plateful of oranges, in their orange juiciness, and so without noticing it, perhaps,
the color orange is all around you.
You receive a phone call, as it were, from a friend who is very attuned to the ethers, to the
matrix, to the teachers and guides of friends, and the message is: "Wear bright orange today. I cannot
tell you why, but my guides insisted I call and let you know, wear bright orange."
You stop and you think, ‘Hmmm...I see that orange is all around me. What is the orange
that I am using? What am I using it for? I am using the bottle spray for protection. I am using the rest
of the orange for beauty.’ You begin to 'detective' with your mind. You begin to look at the reasons
that you are engaged in orange.
This example is not something we will take to the very end. It is a true experience. It is something that did happen on planet Earth to someone, and eventually the detective work led to an uncovering of orange being a hated color by the mother, and so within the being, orange was seen as being something to be detested, to be not liked.
Yet here, orange was in service. Orange was in service to protect from the bugs. It was in service to hold beauty; plants in planters. It was even in service for nutrition, to provide the Vitamin C to the body, and yet the person in this story would not benefit from all of the orange because of the memory of the past that orange was something to be disliked.
Here this person was surrounding herself by a color that would create on an emotional level something that she was not even aware of: discontentment, dislike, resentment. Here was orange trying to get a message through, and it came through a friend, and it changed her world.
Humanity lives symbols, whether you recognize it or not, and that is what we bring this course to conclusion with, this Sixth Lesson of Humanity, the Tenth Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries, and that is symbolism in your world. What are you seeing in your world? What are you living in your world? What does it represent to your life, to your consciousness, to your future, to your now?
Before you do this, Beloveds, hunt in your consciousness, in your subconscious, in your past. Hunt like the message of orange. Find what are the symbols in your outer world that may have a negative influence or meaning on your life, for they are present for you to learn from them.
Life is so filled with that which can heal the mind, heal the heart, provide prosperity and abundance, or any of the opposite. You are not limited on your planet Earth with what you can create, with what you can perceive, with what you can manifest. You are not limited in the dangers that you can create for yourself and others, and you are not limited in the bounty and glory that you can create for yourself and others.
Symbolism on your planet is something that does not come very naturally to the majority of those on your planet because of experiences in the educational system, where instead of allowing the self to enjoy, as we spoke of earlier, a poem or a picture of art. The student is forced to break it into elements and in so doing takes away the beauty that is experienced by the emotional self.
It is like dissection. There are only certain people on your planet that can h, and this is a thinly veiled analogy for the world of art as well. There are only some who can handle this dissective process without losing the whole picture.
Find yourself in this analogy, Beloved Ones. Find where you are personally in the world of being able to understand the symbols of anything: the symbols of a movie, the symbols of music, the symbols of a family gathering. When you begin to master symbology, you will begin to not only understand the information in your dreams as it is being given to you by your higher wisdom, you’ll begin to see a different theme in the life that you are living. Rather than just living your life, you’ll begin to recognize what you are doing.
Let us say, for example, that you are clearing out your garage. Yes? You are moving things out that have been there for years, unused, taking up space, until your garage is so cluttered there’s barely space to moved. Things have lived in there for a long time. When you start throwing it all out, and you start moving and changing, the symbolism is, of course, you are letting go of the old.
This usually occurs, Beloveds, when one has had a major change in one’s thinking, or in one’s feeling world, one’s perception of life. One has had a paradigm shift, perhaps, and then one is ready to let go of all of the old that was being held onto, either to protect the self, or to perhaps serve the self in the future, or to prevent the self from having energy that was free flowing. The reasons are many, and you will find them for yourself in your own life.
Many of you will notice that when you have an epiphany, you have an awakening within yourself, all of a sudden the way your home is arranged on the inside has to change. You must change the energy flow. You must change the Feng Shui. You must shift. You get rid of the old. You give things away. You rearrange. Perhaps you change the colors. Perhaps you remodel. It is a reflection of the shift within your consciousness.
Perhaps you are a gardener, and for the first time in many years your landscape efforts are blossoming. They are blooming. It is a reflection of your inner world. Perhaps for the first time in many years, you are allowing beauty into your life, or perhaps you are allowing success into your life.
The outer world will show you who you are. It will show you what you have created. It will show you where there are any glitches, any boulders, any pebbles in your way. It is not just a world that you live in. It is not just a planet that you were born upon. It is the work of your life. It is the mirror, It is reflection of the soul-self of your being, and it is a reflection of your love of life or your dislike of life.
If you find that a home is well worth living in because you have cleaned it, that indicates that you most likely pay strict attention to yourself, the physical self, either the outward looking part of yourself or the inward part of yourself.
If on the other hand, your home is someplace just to be comfortable in, and things are tossed here and there, not perhaps in the matter of chaos, but simply in the matter of comfort, then you know something about yourself. You know that what matters most to your being is comfort, and what is that to you? Is that kindness? Is that what comfort is? Is it giving to others? Is it receiving? You will take a journey in your inner world to discover for yourself comfort: what it means, what it feels like, and what happens if it is not there.
Those who go into a museum where everything is clean and organized and labeled and non-chaotic may oftentimes feel intimidated because it is not a comfort zone. Where is the place you could just flop down, as it were, and feel at peace with yourself?
You understand, Beloveds, the world reflects you, and your planet reflects humanity at large. If you take the symbolism we are discussing into a grander point of view and you look at your planet as a whole, then you can tell what the majority of those on your planet are grappling with or dealing with:
- If there is more war than there is peace, then there is great war within the beings on your planet
- If there is more peace than there is war, then those of you who have come here to lay the foundation for the New Earth to help the Planet Earth herself ascend, are mastering your inner world, and in so doing creating this energy, this resonance of peacefulness.
If you wish to know more about the symbolism of your life, there are many things that you can do. One thing we will caution you about. If you are the curious type and you love to read and you love to look up all kinds of information, whether it is on the internet, or whether it comes from clubs, or whether it is through speaking with others, wherever it comes from you might find yourself confused in the world of symbolism for there are many interpretations to symbols. Find the interpretations you resonate with and then stick with those interpretations. After all, it is your life. It is your creation, and these are your symbols. Find the symbols that resonate with you. They may not be the meanings that others have within their own lives, and that does not matter, for they are entitled to their own symbols and their own definitions and their own interpretations, as it were.
In the world that is called Planet Earth, there is that which you think of as solid and real. There definitely is, Beloveds, physicality on Planet Earth. However, it is easily changed by your thoughts and your feelings. It is easily changed by your desires.
We, The Council of 8, invite you, as a celebration for the completion of this Humanity course, to practice shifting your thoughts and feelings toward things in the outer world.
We invite you to begin with loving. Pick something. It can be a car. It can be a flower. It can be a creature. It can be a building. It can be a piece of clothing. It can be anything that you are capable of loving, truly loving, practice thinking about it and loving it and appreciating it, perhaps even speaking your love to it for one week, as often as you can, for seven days.
Observe what happens with how your inner world will begin to use that symbol to bring messages to you in your life. Once again this will be a symbol of your choosing.
If you wish to do the opposite, if you wish to do 'a disliking of', you may see where that leads as well.
Most spectacularly, we invite you to do the love essence energy:
- Speak it
- Feel it
- See it
- Think it
- Live it
Why? Because you have energized it
How have you energized it? By loving it.
That is the Grandest Secret of all that we have spoken in your humanity course, Beloved Ones.
The way you energize anything is by loving it.
- That is true for abundance
- That is true for friendship
- That is true for self-expansion
- That is true for Ascension Consciousness
- That is true for meditation
- That is true for big feet or tiny hands
- That is true for your hair
- That is true for your animals
- It is true for what you eat
- It is true for what you think.
Once you master that skill, Beloved Ones, you will understand why throughout the universe those who do not understand humanity, love it anyway.
Namaste unto the hearts and the minds of your beings.
So be it.
Adorn your life with the PEARLS of HUMANITY
Pearl 45: I AM aware of the messages of my subconscious, showing me any limitations.
Pearl 46: As I create resonance with that which I desire to be, I sustain it.
Pearl 47: Creation is vibrational. It is not based on whether or not I AM deserving. It is based on frequencies, not morals or judgment.
Pearl 48: I spin my web of life around myself, and I decide if my web captures destruction or sacredness.
Pearl 49: I can use the outer world to create a change in my inner world and vice versa.
Pearl 50: The way to make anything come true in my life is to love it, above all other emotions. To love something is to be devoted to it.
Pearl 46: As I create resonance with that which I desire to be, I sustain it.
Pearl 47: Creation is vibrational. It is not based on whether or not I AM deserving. It is based on frequencies, not morals or judgment.
Pearl 48: I spin my web of life around myself, and I decide if my web captures destruction or sacredness.
Pearl 49: I can use the outer world to create a change in my inner world and vice versa.
Pearl 50: The way to make anything come true in my life is to love it, above all other emotions. To love something is to be devoted to it.
If you are ready for your personal world to change radically, then you are ready for the 11th Grand Secret: Game Changers