Questions and Answers
From Lessons 1 & 2
Question #1
I was wondering if there is a way to visualize your intention or a specific way to ask your intention so as not to harm yourself? I have this intention that could either bring me great happiness or great hurt. and I think that is why I have not manifested it is because I am so conflicted about it. I am wanting to be sure I want it before I ask for it. Is there a specific way to go about it? Are my fears just my fears, my personal mental business going on or if there is a reason why I am fearful that there might be some reason why I should not have this?
I was wondering if there is a way to visualize your intention or a specific way to ask your intention so as not to harm yourself? I have this intention that could either bring me great happiness or great hurt. and I think that is why I have not manifested it is because I am so conflicted about it. I am wanting to be sure I want it before I ask for it. Is there a specific way to go about it? Are my fears just my fears, my personal mental business going on or if there is a reason why I am fearful that there might be some reason why I should not have this?
Answer to #1
Indeed. In this agenda that you have set for yourself, this manifestation, this goal that you are after, let us say, you have conflict within your being. The conflict is there because on the one hand you have an intention and on the other hand you have an intention. because "the intention" you can see becoming something either way. They are two intentions. They are not the same intention. Would you understand?
One intention produces what you would enjoy. Another intention produces what you would not.
It is clearly 1, about setting the intention for what it is you would enjoy.
There is a mindset when one is creating reality. If one is seeking ascension consciousness, and this is the caveat here, Beloveds, if one is seeking ascension consciousness, which means that the vibrational rate and frequency of your being-ness is such that you are able to move into other vibrational levels of existence where other consciousness vibrates to that same energy), f this is the goal, then you will always carry within your mindset, no matter what intention you have, you will carry within your mindset, that it is for the greater good. Not the greatest...the greater good because there is only a decision between this or that: the greater good of your higher wisdom and the journey your soul has taken.
Would you understand?
This must always be the bottom line if your goal is ascension consciousness. If your goal is simply enjoying life on the Earth plane and you have no worries or cares or concerns about whether you return or not, whether you are off the wheel of rebirth or not, then you do not have to hold at all times as the background chatter of your life’s existence that this is for the greater good of the soul of your being and the life and journey you are on in terms of awakening.
Let us assume, however, that you are on the ascension journey, and let us assume that you are seeking to alter your vibrational state in such a way that you are admitted, one might say vibrationally, to any dimension that matches the frequency that you are. In this case, if this is your truth, if you know it already, if you have lived it deeply already, there is no need to decree it.
If it is a new reality for your being then you would decree this before you intend anything else. You would structure decrees in such a manner that, "This is for the highest and the best of my greater wisdom and my journey onto ascension consciousness and my vibrational state and the heart song of my being. I seek to vibrate to that which allows me ascended consciousness and brings me into the company of those Ascended Masters whom I seek to learn from and to become," as it were. In that case, you have set the intention and then you include in it your symbol for your intention.
You asked if there was a way to work this into your symbol. Indeed there is. Whatever there is to you, and again we are assuming this is the ascension path, whatever symbol to you represents ascension:
You must know this. You must know, not guess, not doubt, not wonder about, you must know that what you ask comes into your life in a manner even greater than you can conceive of how you are asking it. Would you understand?
Would that answer your question? Indeed. So be it.
Indeed. In this agenda that you have set for yourself, this manifestation, this goal that you are after, let us say, you have conflict within your being. The conflict is there because on the one hand you have an intention and on the other hand you have an intention. because "the intention" you can see becoming something either way. They are two intentions. They are not the same intention. Would you understand?
One intention produces what you would enjoy. Another intention produces what you would not.
It is clearly 1, about setting the intention for what it is you would enjoy.
There is a mindset when one is creating reality. If one is seeking ascension consciousness, and this is the caveat here, Beloveds, if one is seeking ascension consciousness, which means that the vibrational rate and frequency of your being-ness is such that you are able to move into other vibrational levels of existence where other consciousness vibrates to that same energy), f this is the goal, then you will always carry within your mindset, no matter what intention you have, you will carry within your mindset, that it is for the greater good. Not the greatest...the greater good because there is only a decision between this or that: the greater good of your higher wisdom and the journey your soul has taken.
Would you understand?
This must always be the bottom line if your goal is ascension consciousness. If your goal is simply enjoying life on the Earth plane and you have no worries or cares or concerns about whether you return or not, whether you are off the wheel of rebirth or not, then you do not have to hold at all times as the background chatter of your life’s existence that this is for the greater good of the soul of your being and the life and journey you are on in terms of awakening.
Let us assume, however, that you are on the ascension journey, and let us assume that you are seeking to alter your vibrational state in such a way that you are admitted, one might say vibrationally, to any dimension that matches the frequency that you are. In this case, if this is your truth, if you know it already, if you have lived it deeply already, there is no need to decree it.
If it is a new reality for your being then you would decree this before you intend anything else. You would structure decrees in such a manner that, "This is for the highest and the best of my greater wisdom and my journey onto ascension consciousness and my vibrational state and the heart song of my being. I seek to vibrate to that which allows me ascended consciousness and brings me into the company of those Ascended Masters whom I seek to learn from and to become," as it were. In that case, you have set the intention and then you include in it your symbol for your intention.
You asked if there was a way to work this into your symbol. Indeed there is. Whatever there is to you, and again we are assuming this is the ascension path, whatever symbol to you represents ascension:
- It might be shoes that have wings on them, the symbol of Mercury, even the symbol of Ascended Master Mercury
- It might be a helium balloon that takes you into any dimension you are seeking
- It might be a xylophone that takes you into creating what ever vibrations you desire...
- whatever symbol to you represents vibrational ascension consciousness, you merge that with the symbol of the intention you are now after. Would you understand?
You must know this. You must know, not guess, not doubt, not wonder about, you must know that what you ask comes into your life in a manner even greater than you can conceive of how you are asking it. Would you understand?
Would that answer your question? Indeed. So be it.
Question #2
I have a question of meaning. It relates to spiritual healing. We are taught you are not to impose healing on someone because the diseases are all there to teach. If the healing is imposed on someone, then they need to recreate the disease in order to learn what they needed to learn, so they (do not) miss the education. That teaching is filled with meaning.
As we carry the little things through life that we carry, some are small and some are amazingly large. We may continue to harness power and go through all the different steps of manifestation and still be unfulfilled by them because there is something in the baggage of meaning that we drag along that sabotages the event. Meaning colors everything. I think this lies at the heart of what I have recently referred to as unintended consequences.
If we teach a person to Harness, the person’s beliefs will be in the way of Harnessing in the manner of which we may think we are teaching.
Answer to #2
Your question is the importance of the meaning that the individual gives the interpretation of the word or the action?
We shall say unto your being regarding "harnessing": you will notice that it was not in the definitions that we went over in Lessons 1 & 2. Yes? In other words, we, The Council of 8, have not even given harnessing a definition or a meaning, and each one of you in these Lessons are interpreting your own reality of what you believe harnessing is. Yes?
It can only be that way. Language is insufficient. Language is always insufficient. That is why the mental body loves to give such a good run around, as it were, because the language you are listening for is the language of the heart.
You are listening for the language that is the vibrational energy that you are, not the words and not their meaning, not the definition, not the how-to, not the steps one, two, and three.
You are awakening yourselves to a different meaning, to a new understanding, a meaning that vibrates in your being.
When you are connected with the soul aspect of your being, your understanding of what you are calling meanings, in this moment, increases. It is exponentially increased because your awareness increases.
I have a question of meaning. It relates to spiritual healing. We are taught you are not to impose healing on someone because the diseases are all there to teach. If the healing is imposed on someone, then they need to recreate the disease in order to learn what they needed to learn, so they (do not) miss the education. That teaching is filled with meaning.
As we carry the little things through life that we carry, some are small and some are amazingly large. We may continue to harness power and go through all the different steps of manifestation and still be unfulfilled by them because there is something in the baggage of meaning that we drag along that sabotages the event. Meaning colors everything. I think this lies at the heart of what I have recently referred to as unintended consequences.
If we teach a person to Harness, the person’s beliefs will be in the way of Harnessing in the manner of which we may think we are teaching.
Answer to #2
Your question is the importance of the meaning that the individual gives the interpretation of the word or the action?
We shall say unto your being regarding "harnessing": you will notice that it was not in the definitions that we went over in Lessons 1 & 2. Yes? In other words, we, The Council of 8, have not even given harnessing a definition or a meaning, and each one of you in these Lessons are interpreting your own reality of what you believe harnessing is. Yes?
It can only be that way. Language is insufficient. Language is always insufficient. That is why the mental body loves to give such a good run around, as it were, because the language you are listening for is the language of the heart.
You are listening for the language that is the vibrational energy that you are, not the words and not their meaning, not the definition, not the how-to, not the steps one, two, and three.
You are awakening yourselves to a different meaning, to a new understanding, a meaning that vibrates in your being.
When you are connected with the soul aspect of your being, your understanding of what you are calling meanings, in this moment, increases. It is exponentially increased because your awareness increases.
You spend your time as a human, as it were, tightly, tightly, controlled as a bud, let us say. You are this bud, living your meanings. They are tight and they are controlled, and yet, when you begin to awaken, the flower bud begins to open, and instead of there just being two wrapped petals on the outside there are many petals that unfold. Your awareness expands. As your awareness expands your meanings expand. What you thought you knew as a tightly furled, let us say "bud", will become almost completely different with what you know when you are an unfurled flower.
Meanings are temporary. As you expand your awareness you understand more and more. For those who would make the effort to go back as it were to the beginning, starting with the First Grand Secret and moving forward, they will recognize that what they thought the First Grand Secret was all about, what it meant, what the meanings of god were, what the meanings of true self were, what the meanings of decrees were, will be something most likely very different.
Meaning matters, but it is only for the moment of who you are and the now that you are, for it is all you can conceive of in the moment, but as you expand your capacity to understand and to receive, meanings change.
Would you understand?
We have something else that is on the humorous side of meanings, and that is: the mind that you are, the consciousness that you are, has a friend that is always with it, as it were. It is the illogical subconscious, as it were, which does not understand logic and does not understand meanings unless they are explained, as it were.
The subconscious can take meanings of words and totally misinterpret them illogically. For instance, the two words Social Security.
For some Social Security can mean - "Ah, finally a stable check that comes in the mail."
For others it can mean - 'Security only comes if you are social.You must interact with others whether you wish to or not. You must volunteer. You must work at places where you will meet other people. You must interact with humanity. You must be social."
If you are reclusive you will have no security, because where in your culture does anyone print the words and pay money for Reclusive Security? They do not.
For some on the subconscious level, social security would mean - I must now be more than I am. I must now interact with others. I will not get paid.
Another example: Phraseologies in the language of whatever culture you live in always have an effect on the subconscious.
Suppose your spine is having difficulty staying aligned. You go to the chiropractor. You build your muscles. You do many different things to help the spine stay aligned, and then, one day, you realize you have heard the words "buckle under pressure" and all of a sudden you see the spine within you crumbles. If you are under pressure your spine cannot stay aligned, because you must "buckle under pressure."
Would you understand? Indeed.
This is another world of meanings that is as varied as there is subconsciousness to misinterpret the vocabulary used in any given culture. Yes? So be it.
Meaning matters, but it is only for the moment of who you are and the now that you are, for it is all you can conceive of in the moment, but as you expand your capacity to understand and to receive, meanings change.
Would you understand?
We have something else that is on the humorous side of meanings, and that is: the mind that you are, the consciousness that you are, has a friend that is always with it, as it were. It is the illogical subconscious, as it were, which does not understand logic and does not understand meanings unless they are explained, as it were.
The subconscious can take meanings of words and totally misinterpret them illogically. For instance, the two words Social Security.
For some Social Security can mean - "Ah, finally a stable check that comes in the mail."
For others it can mean - 'Security only comes if you are social.You must interact with others whether you wish to or not. You must volunteer. You must work at places where you will meet other people. You must interact with humanity. You must be social."
If you are reclusive you will have no security, because where in your culture does anyone print the words and pay money for Reclusive Security? They do not.
For some on the subconscious level, social security would mean - I must now be more than I am. I must now interact with others. I will not get paid.
Another example: Phraseologies in the language of whatever culture you live in always have an effect on the subconscious.
Suppose your spine is having difficulty staying aligned. You go to the chiropractor. You build your muscles. You do many different things to help the spine stay aligned, and then, one day, you realize you have heard the words "buckle under pressure" and all of a sudden you see the spine within you crumbles. If you are under pressure your spine cannot stay aligned, because you must "buckle under pressure."
Would you understand? Indeed.
This is another world of meanings that is as varied as there is subconsciousness to misinterpret the vocabulary used in any given culture. Yes? So be it.
Question #3
I was wondering if I have cleared all of the paradigms that could be interfering with what I’m trying to manifest? What I’m working on right now is the sale of the house.
I was wondering if I have cleared all of the paradigms that could be interfering with what I’m trying to manifest? What I’m working on right now is the sale of the house.
Answer to #3
Your question is what remains within your inner world regarding the accurate manifestation of the intention formula you have used in harnessing of energy in order to sell the house. Yes? You understand that we have had many discussions (together) yes? That we have taken you through many lettings go, yes? That is not accurate speech in your culture, but it has meaning for you. Where you find yourself now is that you question, "Have I done something wrong?" This is something that has plagued you, we shall say, for much of your life. Yes? Have I done something wrong? Why is what I have set into motion, or sought to manifest, not occurred?
In the times that you did manifest and you were aware of your manifestations, you did not question, "Did I do anything wrong?" Would you understand? Yes? Indeed.
We also know that in your training you have within the center of your being a deep love for the work that you do, a deep love and a deep trust, and it has served you well. Yes? Indeed.
Conflicting with this deep love is the idea of following any other path that might veer from, or take you away from, that which is the heart passion within your being, and this is where you vacillate at times. Yes?
Because when you have done what is, let’s just call it, the passion of your heart, when you have done the passion of your heart there is little room for the mind in that, correct?
Sometimes, you begin to think that perhaps you need to move into the mental body, and it is the mental body where the power must be and so, "I will use logic instead of the power and the energy that is within the heart power of what I treasure." Yes?
We say unto the heart and the mind of your being, whether you are following the formula for how to harness or manifest as shared by The Council of 8 or not, your truth is already your truth.
You are not actively seeking another system or another truth, and your subconscious, your conduit which delivers to your Giver, understands this, and we might say that your conduit turns, and please put this in quotes for we have no intention of affecting your true sense of hearing, “it turns a deaf ear,” as it were, to other modalities. Would you understand?
Yes, kind of, but I’m honestly still just trying to use this.
Let us put it in a different manner.
In the world of creation for Spirit in human form, there is a formula that is the same, no matter the teacher, no matter the strategy, no matter the learning, no matter the format, and that is that there are the selves within your being that must be in alignment. Your conscious self, the one speaking this evening, must be aligned with that inner self that many have called the subconscious, that we have called the conduit, must be aligned with the higher wisdom, as it were, the Soul or what we have called the Giver.
In some teachings, the conduit, the middle man, as it were, is set aside, and work is done strictly by harnessing what is within the heart realm and the inner realm, ,going within and igniting an inner passion, an inner wisdom that is often begun because grace is given by the teacher, by the guru, who has taken on the path of the way-shower.
When one has allowed a guru to become the way-shower, then anything else that you might work to manifest in some other way or manner will not work until the guru has given the subconscious self or the heart self or the inner world self permission for that path.
Would you understand?
OK. and I haven’t really gotten permission.
Indeed. Indeed, and so your inner self (the conduit, as we call it; subconscious as others call it) is still listening and has ears only for the teachings that you have been subscribing to for these many years, indeed, that you have taken a vow. Have you not taken a vow, as it were?
Indeed, which basically does this to the subconscious - I will not listen to that which is outside of myself. I will only follow that which is this path that I am studying. Yes?
You are mixing oil and water, Beloved. You are trying to sell a property using two kinds of modalities that do not work together. They are canceling each other out, and so you are in stasis. You are treading water, as it were. Do you understand?
Okay. If I continue just using what I have been doing for the last number of years that is enough. Correct?
You must ask yourself that question. Is that enough? Is what you have been doing for the past few years, does it fill you so? Does the way-shower demonstrate its truth? Do you know beyond a shadow of a doubt within your being that this is a path that serves your life?
If the answer is "yes", then you have your manner. You have your way, as it were.
We, The Council of 8, do not say we teach the way. We teach many ways, or we teach a way, but we do not teach the way.
There are far too many consciousnesses upon your planet that have very different needs and very different awarenesses that must be reached in different ways.
If your way-shower lights your path, then you have found your path.
If you wish to combine more than one path, then you must formulate some way that your subconscious will be able to be free to learn other modalities as well without feeling that it has forsaken a vow or it has somehow been less than honorable.
We suggest that you look at the word honor and what it means to you. Yes? You will find what you are looking for.
Would you understand?
I think, some.
Indeed. Think from here, Beloved. Think from here (pointing to the heart center). Think from here. Not here (pointing to the mind). You will know your truth from here (the heart center). So be it.
Your question is what remains within your inner world regarding the accurate manifestation of the intention formula you have used in harnessing of energy in order to sell the house. Yes? You understand that we have had many discussions (together) yes? That we have taken you through many lettings go, yes? That is not accurate speech in your culture, but it has meaning for you. Where you find yourself now is that you question, "Have I done something wrong?" This is something that has plagued you, we shall say, for much of your life. Yes? Have I done something wrong? Why is what I have set into motion, or sought to manifest, not occurred?
In the times that you did manifest and you were aware of your manifestations, you did not question, "Did I do anything wrong?" Would you understand? Yes? Indeed.
We also know that in your training you have within the center of your being a deep love for the work that you do, a deep love and a deep trust, and it has served you well. Yes? Indeed.
Conflicting with this deep love is the idea of following any other path that might veer from, or take you away from, that which is the heart passion within your being, and this is where you vacillate at times. Yes?
Because when you have done what is, let’s just call it, the passion of your heart, when you have done the passion of your heart there is little room for the mind in that, correct?
Sometimes, you begin to think that perhaps you need to move into the mental body, and it is the mental body where the power must be and so, "I will use logic instead of the power and the energy that is within the heart power of what I treasure." Yes?
We say unto the heart and the mind of your being, whether you are following the formula for how to harness or manifest as shared by The Council of 8 or not, your truth is already your truth.
You are not actively seeking another system or another truth, and your subconscious, your conduit which delivers to your Giver, understands this, and we might say that your conduit turns, and please put this in quotes for we have no intention of affecting your true sense of hearing, “it turns a deaf ear,” as it were, to other modalities. Would you understand?
Yes, kind of, but I’m honestly still just trying to use this.
Let us put it in a different manner.
In the world of creation for Spirit in human form, there is a formula that is the same, no matter the teacher, no matter the strategy, no matter the learning, no matter the format, and that is that there are the selves within your being that must be in alignment. Your conscious self, the one speaking this evening, must be aligned with that inner self that many have called the subconscious, that we have called the conduit, must be aligned with the higher wisdom, as it were, the Soul or what we have called the Giver.
In some teachings, the conduit, the middle man, as it were, is set aside, and work is done strictly by harnessing what is within the heart realm and the inner realm, ,going within and igniting an inner passion, an inner wisdom that is often begun because grace is given by the teacher, by the guru, who has taken on the path of the way-shower.
When one has allowed a guru to become the way-shower, then anything else that you might work to manifest in some other way or manner will not work until the guru has given the subconscious self or the heart self or the inner world self permission for that path.
Would you understand?
OK. and I haven’t really gotten permission.
Indeed. Indeed, and so your inner self (the conduit, as we call it; subconscious as others call it) is still listening and has ears only for the teachings that you have been subscribing to for these many years, indeed, that you have taken a vow. Have you not taken a vow, as it were?
Indeed, which basically does this to the subconscious - I will not listen to that which is outside of myself. I will only follow that which is this path that I am studying. Yes?
You are mixing oil and water, Beloved. You are trying to sell a property using two kinds of modalities that do not work together. They are canceling each other out, and so you are in stasis. You are treading water, as it were. Do you understand?
Okay. If I continue just using what I have been doing for the last number of years that is enough. Correct?
You must ask yourself that question. Is that enough? Is what you have been doing for the past few years, does it fill you so? Does the way-shower demonstrate its truth? Do you know beyond a shadow of a doubt within your being that this is a path that serves your life?
If the answer is "yes", then you have your manner. You have your way, as it were.
We, The Council of 8, do not say we teach the way. We teach many ways, or we teach a way, but we do not teach the way.
There are far too many consciousnesses upon your planet that have very different needs and very different awarenesses that must be reached in different ways.
If your way-shower lights your path, then you have found your path.
If you wish to combine more than one path, then you must formulate some way that your subconscious will be able to be free to learn other modalities as well without feeling that it has forsaken a vow or it has somehow been less than honorable.
We suggest that you look at the word honor and what it means to you. Yes? You will find what you are looking for.
Would you understand?
I think, some.
Indeed. Think from here, Beloved. Think from here (pointing to the heart center). Think from here. Not here (pointing to the mind). You will know your truth from here (the heart center). So be it.
Question #4
Ah, yes. Hello, Lady Master Natasha. I want to know if I am harnessing enough energy because of what I want to do. There is a person who wants to do the exact opposite of what I want, and this person has a lot of energy that he has been creating. It is a lot of hate and a lot of anger and who knows what else. How much energy do I have to create against someone like this? Am I doing everything correctly? I have set up an intention with a written out story of how I want it to turn out. How do I harness enough energy against someone like this person?
Answer to Question #4
You have gone to battle, have you not? Indeed. When you are battling the will of another, one does not consider the will of another because the entire outer world, Beloved, is a representation for you. The world that you are in, that you find yourself in, is a representation for you of what some portion of your being believes is true.
This is a matter between relatives, let us say, is it not?
He thinks it is relative. I do not. I think it is crazy.
No. We do not mean the goal is relative. We mean this is an interaction between blood. Yes? Blood relations. Yes? Indeed.
What this tells you is whatever is happening now with this blood relation, as it were, is what you believe must be so. You believe that in order to protect someone you love you must fight, and we wish we could say do this to your ears but you need to hear these words, "You must fight to the death" as it were "and the survivor is the one who wins." You are deeply and rightly concerned about the battle that you are in now because you are not clear in this moment in your intention in order to manifest your intention because the programming that you are living says, "One of us must …" in order to achieve the goal. "One of us will die trying." Do you understand?
You can feel the truth of this as we speak it. Yes?
It does not need to be a truth in this lifetime. Of course, you came to live this moment to recognize this in you that it need not be a truth, and you already know how to set yourself free from these kinds of limitations. This is not a large family paradigm that you are in. This is simply an interaction between blood relations going against each other: "I will duel you to the death. One of us will die trying."
That is what you release within your being. It is not necessary to die to get results. Neither of you needs to loose a life in order to achieve. That will not be true, however, until you let it go. You would understand?
Use your sacred objects, as it were. Use your shamanistic tools, as it were, and then when you have set yourself free, choose a different symbol and a different truth for your goal. Yes?
The truth that you have chosen already and the goal that you have chosen already represent that someone will be defeated in a way that neither of you desires. Yes?
So be it.
Question #5
Yes. Hello, Lady Master Natasha and Council. I ask a question for Jan. She is talking about generating energy for her symbol by sandwiching it between the Harnessing symbol provided and wants to know if that would be a good generation of energy.
Indeed, Beloveds. In fact, each of what you call the icons or the thumbnails, as it were, that represent each Grand Secret have been carefully chosen for all of the information that they contain within them. If you are working on gratitude, use the gratitude symbol from the 9th Grand Secret, as it were. If you are working on choosing, use the symbol for the 8th Grand Secret, Choice. If you are working on tranquility, use the symbol for the 1st Grand Secret, etc. They are chosen exactly for that purpose, that they might be used by you, because in learning all of the Secrets all of the information is contained within that symbol.
The fist with the lightening, the harnessing of true power of energy that brings you all light into your homes, that turns darkness into the light, is a beautiful symbol.
You think because you are breathing it in gently it has no power. That is not so. The symbol has all of the power of all of the classes of all of the teachings of all of the energy created and used and given freely by The Council of 8. It is esoterically an energy field that already exists.
These are not Secrets that were just created for your benefit to wake you up. These are Secrets that already exist. These are Grand Secrets of Spiritual Mysteries. They are truths on your planet for awakening for those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear and the dedication to pursue, as it were, those who are seeking to awaken their energy fields, their vibrations, and to slumber no more, to remember their true self, to know who they are and why they are here. Each of these symbols contains, to be repetitive from your previous lesson, copious amounts of energy, as it were.
This is why, We, The Council of 8, invited you to gently breathe these in. Not because they had no energy, but because they have a great deal of energy.
Not only do they have energy, they have intention; and what you are seeking when you choose one of these symbols to breathe in and take your intention and merge it with it, you are creating energy, but you are also gathering all of the intentions that there are in that Grand Secret, which is also the intention to yourself that you are awake and that you are aware and that you understand.
Yes? Would you understand?
The symbols sound like sacred objects in a way.
Indeed they do, do they not? We wish to say, however, that those artists who created these symbols did so for the benefit of humanity. They are not paid for the creation of these symbols, unless it is a donation, a donation for a cup of coffee or any other donation that is offered. They are created, and they offered free to humanity.
That is a grand energy, for that is a gift of the heart. Yes?
Is your question answered?
So be it.
Beloveds, we bring this evening to a close, and look forward to meeting again with you for Lessons 3 and 4 combined, as it were. This indeed is like a lesson because you have had a chance to clarify your thinking, but there is more that might be attached to it. We shall see how next week unfolds.
So be it.
Namaste unto the heart and the mind of your beings.
Ah, yes. Hello, Lady Master Natasha. I want to know if I am harnessing enough energy because of what I want to do. There is a person who wants to do the exact opposite of what I want, and this person has a lot of energy that he has been creating. It is a lot of hate and a lot of anger and who knows what else. How much energy do I have to create against someone like this? Am I doing everything correctly? I have set up an intention with a written out story of how I want it to turn out. How do I harness enough energy against someone like this person?
Answer to Question #4
You have gone to battle, have you not? Indeed. When you are battling the will of another, one does not consider the will of another because the entire outer world, Beloved, is a representation for you. The world that you are in, that you find yourself in, is a representation for you of what some portion of your being believes is true.
This is a matter between relatives, let us say, is it not?
He thinks it is relative. I do not. I think it is crazy.
No. We do not mean the goal is relative. We mean this is an interaction between blood. Yes? Blood relations. Yes? Indeed.
What this tells you is whatever is happening now with this blood relation, as it were, is what you believe must be so. You believe that in order to protect someone you love you must fight, and we wish we could say do this to your ears but you need to hear these words, "You must fight to the death" as it were "and the survivor is the one who wins." You are deeply and rightly concerned about the battle that you are in now because you are not clear in this moment in your intention in order to manifest your intention because the programming that you are living says, "One of us must …" in order to achieve the goal. "One of us will die trying." Do you understand?
You can feel the truth of this as we speak it. Yes?
It does not need to be a truth in this lifetime. Of course, you came to live this moment to recognize this in you that it need not be a truth, and you already know how to set yourself free from these kinds of limitations. This is not a large family paradigm that you are in. This is simply an interaction between blood relations going against each other: "I will duel you to the death. One of us will die trying."
That is what you release within your being. It is not necessary to die to get results. Neither of you needs to loose a life in order to achieve. That will not be true, however, until you let it go. You would understand?
Use your sacred objects, as it were. Use your shamanistic tools, as it were, and then when you have set yourself free, choose a different symbol and a different truth for your goal. Yes?
The truth that you have chosen already and the goal that you have chosen already represent that someone will be defeated in a way that neither of you desires. Yes?
So be it.
Question #5
Yes. Hello, Lady Master Natasha and Council. I ask a question for Jan. She is talking about generating energy for her symbol by sandwiching it between the Harnessing symbol provided and wants to know if that would be a good generation of energy.
Indeed, Beloveds. In fact, each of what you call the icons or the thumbnails, as it were, that represent each Grand Secret have been carefully chosen for all of the information that they contain within them. If you are working on gratitude, use the gratitude symbol from the 9th Grand Secret, as it were. If you are working on choosing, use the symbol for the 8th Grand Secret, Choice. If you are working on tranquility, use the symbol for the 1st Grand Secret, etc. They are chosen exactly for that purpose, that they might be used by you, because in learning all of the Secrets all of the information is contained within that symbol.
The fist with the lightening, the harnessing of true power of energy that brings you all light into your homes, that turns darkness into the light, is a beautiful symbol.
You think because you are breathing it in gently it has no power. That is not so. The symbol has all of the power of all of the classes of all of the teachings of all of the energy created and used and given freely by The Council of 8. It is esoterically an energy field that already exists.
These are not Secrets that were just created for your benefit to wake you up. These are Secrets that already exist. These are Grand Secrets of Spiritual Mysteries. They are truths on your planet for awakening for those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear and the dedication to pursue, as it were, those who are seeking to awaken their energy fields, their vibrations, and to slumber no more, to remember their true self, to know who they are and why they are here. Each of these symbols contains, to be repetitive from your previous lesson, copious amounts of energy, as it were.
This is why, We, The Council of 8, invited you to gently breathe these in. Not because they had no energy, but because they have a great deal of energy.
Not only do they have energy, they have intention; and what you are seeking when you choose one of these symbols to breathe in and take your intention and merge it with it, you are creating energy, but you are also gathering all of the intentions that there are in that Grand Secret, which is also the intention to yourself that you are awake and that you are aware and that you understand.
Yes? Would you understand?
The symbols sound like sacred objects in a way.
Indeed they do, do they not? We wish to say, however, that those artists who created these symbols did so for the benefit of humanity. They are not paid for the creation of these symbols, unless it is a donation, a donation for a cup of coffee or any other donation that is offered. They are created, and they offered free to humanity.
That is a grand energy, for that is a gift of the heart. Yes?
Is your question answered?
So be it.
Beloveds, we bring this evening to a close, and look forward to meeting again with you for Lessons 3 and 4 combined, as it were. This indeed is like a lesson because you have had a chance to clarify your thinking, but there is more that might be attached to it. We shall see how next week unfolds.
So be it.
Namaste unto the heart and the mind of your beings.