Pearls 42-44
Pearl 42
Gratitude is the magnitude of my Great Attitude..
9th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: Gratitude, Lesson 2, Pearl 42
In the word “gratitude” is a word you are quite familiar with. It is the word “attitude”. On your planet, and in many cultures on your planet, gratitude is something that is expected when something is given. One expects the receiver to express gratitude, to have an attitude of gratitude, as it were. Therefore, this cultural expectation has rather sullied the concept of gratitude.
Gratitude is that which wells up within the being, completely devoid of expectations from the outer world. When one is in gratitude, it is for all that is in the moment and perhaps the moments that one envisions increasing themselves and expanding themselves.
When something is given on your planet, there is also often the belief that something should be given in return or received for the giving. While there is the law of giving and receiving (the Law of Attraction), that also is misunderstood in the same way gratitude is misunderstood.
In the Law of Attraction, giving and receiving, humans (because they are so delightfully human with their emotional selves and their mental selves and their other bodies), when they give—and also this is tied into your religious teachings when they give, they expect a return:
This is not what the Law of Attraction is about. It is not what gratitude is about. The Law of Attraction is scientific. Literally, what exudes from your being is that which will return. If what exudes from your being is joy, the universe will coalesce itself in a manner that sends things that will create more joy: events that will create more joy; opportunities that will create more joy, bringing you the multiplied expression of that which you have emitted from your being.
The same is true of the negative, or as we discussed in Lesson 1, the downward spiraling emotions. When the downward spiraling emotions are expressed from your being, the universe will take this emission and find a way to return into your life the same downward spiraling emotions:
This, Beloveds, is the Law of Attraction: that which you emit from the emotions of your being. If you are emitting judgement, you will receive those who will judge you.
Gratitude is very similar; thus we use the Law of Attraction as an example. Gratitude is that which, if the human being is still unawake and asleep and living by programming of cultural expectations, one will be very grateful for a situation and then, because of internal training, feel as though one must return the gift.
We are not suggesting unto the hearts and the minds of your beings that you may not have the feeling of, “I wish to return this (gifting to another)”, but it must be a wish, not programming, from inside of your being, and that is something you must discern each of you for yourselves,
For gratitude is not that which an infant feels when it is crying because it is hungry, and it cannot express in words, “The body needs feeding". So when it receives its food, that is not gratitude. That is satisfaction. That is the fulfilling of a need.
As we spoke of in Lesson 1:
There is a confusion at times in the consciousness of the human being to understand the difference between satisfaction, which often creates the feeling of gratitude, and gratitude itself, which is the sheer existence of almost a true joy or a bliss that lives within the self because All Is.
When you are praising God, as it were, and not a person who is called God, but the Creative Infinite Intelligence, the Creative Energy of the universe, that which is in all the atoms and molecules of life and the spaces in between and anything that you can conceive of that exists, there is this infinite energy waiting, as it were, to bring you that which you emit into it.
When you are in gratitude, and you are emitting, what does this glorious energy, this God, return unto the hearts and the minds of your being? More of what in your life experience will allow you this feeling of gratitude that you emitted. Beloveds, if your feeling of gratitude is attached to sensory satisfaction, then you will have opportunities for more sensory satisfaction that you will be grateful for. This is still a gratitude that is beneficial for the human self for it heals the body. It keeps the body working and functioning so that you have an earth suit that does not need to go to the mechanic, as it were.
There is another kind of gratitude, however, that is within you that has very little to do with your earth suit, very little to do with the satisfaction of your needs being met. You may call it esoteric. You may call it undefinable. You may call it the birthing of the self. You may call it the core essence of who you are. You may call it the heart song of your being. You may call it whatever name allows you to comprehend its magnitude. It is an attitude of being.
If you take the letters “gr” from the word “great” and you take the word “attitude” and you put them together, you have Great Attitude: gratitude, which is a way that the mental body can begin to understand what gratitude is. It is a Great Attitude. It is the realization:
This Great Attitude, this gratitude, when it wells up within your being, you know, Beloveds. You know beyond anything else that you are the Beloved of the universe. You are the energy. You are the speech. You are the song. You are the action. Without you there is no God. Without God there is no you. That is the Great Attitude. It is owning the truth within your being without any definition that tries to limit it, that tries to belittle it in any way; no definition that shortens its experiences or that in some way prohibits it from existing in your life because of some judgement you may have against yourself or against another.
You are this energy.
You are this Being:
In other words, regardless of your individuality.
You are this natural, ebullient, born-with-gratitude, the Great Attitude of Being.
It is when you master this Great Attitude of Being:
It is not as though you shed your form and all of a sudden you are in gratitude; although, that is a possibility and occurs to the many, who when they are free from the physical form, remember their likeness and remember their freedom. They are, of course, in instant gratitude, and when you can maintain the instant gratitude you graduate, as it were, to higher levels of existence because you are emitting an emotion and a frequency that is a melody that blends in with the heart songs of others, and you find the level where you vibrate. However, Beloveds, you need not wait until you drop your earth suit in order to have that experience.
“How?” you may ask yourselves.
1. It is first of all by desire, by desiring to live in the gratitude of which we speak. One must desire it first.
2. One must imagine what it looks like or sounds like. What it feels like or tastes like. What it smells like. One must imagine in all of the sensory manners possible what this truth might be. For what you are doing, Beloveds, is you are placing into these beloved atoms and molecules of infinite intelligence and creative awareness your intention, your desire.
You need not know how it is going to come about; you simply must create the end result of the recipe.
You may know that cookies take certain ingredients, but really what you know is how you want the cookie to turn out. You may be unaware that it needs a particular ingredient to have the taste you desire or the texture you desire. But in this kind of analogy, Beloveds, you need not know how it will manifest. You simply need to know and believe and live it in all of the thought forms that you are, that it will be true.
3. Expect it. This is one important time in your life when expectations work for you instead against you. It is the believing and the knowing, after you have created the mold so that Universe may fill it in, as it were.
It takes practice only because you have eyes and because you have ears and because you have fingers and because you have skin that feels, and all of these things take you back into the outer world, the lovely, wonderful outer world that you have come to experience.
You may be in gratitude for your experience here in the outer world. The more you hold gratitude for that experience, even if it is sensorial, the more you create the kind of life you wish to manifest. The more you create the kind of life that is for awakening, that is for love, that is for joy.
While it is entirely possible for humans to create all the things they desire sensorially so they can be in sensory gratitude, it is even more fulfilling for the spirit that you are, in human form, to create attitudes that you will be grateful for:
There is little within the self that it can judge itself for, as long as it does no harm. That is the caveat among the Ascended Masters, that is the caveat of the vibrational field and the heart song, for the higher levels of vibration that you may seek to achieve in your existence: do no harm.
Now “harm”, Beloveds, is for another lesson, perhaps another Pearl. For that is something that is an individual idea. What one person may think of as harmful, another person will think is joyful. That is not the discussion this evening.
You live within your truth, and you be grateful for your truth.
The heartsong you are, the energy that lives within it, the Great Attitude that you are, all are the building blocks for who you wish to become. While you are listening to these lessons, they are the soul/sole truth of your being.
Remember to express the desire: “I desire for life around me to unfold in such a manner that I experience the wellspring of gratitude that is my birthright and my natural state of being".
You see? It is not to go into a place of hopelessness within your thinking, “How do we do this? It sounds so easy, but it is hard in my life". Then, in that moment what have you done with the emotions of those thought forms? You have just told the universe that is listening to you always, please bring me more of what makes it hard for me to wake up and live life.
Use your speech, Beloveds. Use it wisely. Create that which you would experience. When you find yourself in a position, a life, an experience, an emotion not to your liking, use your speech. The human body was designed to be powerful, and its speech and its emotional content are extremely powerful in the world of creating.
Gratitude is that which wells up within the being, completely devoid of expectations from the outer world. When one is in gratitude, it is for all that is in the moment and perhaps the moments that one envisions increasing themselves and expanding themselves.
When something is given on your planet, there is also often the belief that something should be given in return or received for the giving. While there is the law of giving and receiving (the Law of Attraction), that also is misunderstood in the same way gratitude is misunderstood.
In the Law of Attraction, giving and receiving, humans (because they are so delightfully human with their emotional selves and their mental selves and their other bodies), when they give—and also this is tied into your religious teachings when they give, they expect a return:
- I give you a great gift; you should give me a great gift.
- I give you a roof over your head; you should give me a warm meal.
- I give you an expensive education; you should give me security in my later years.
This is not what the Law of Attraction is about. It is not what gratitude is about. The Law of Attraction is scientific. Literally, what exudes from your being is that which will return. If what exudes from your being is joy, the universe will coalesce itself in a manner that sends things that will create more joy: events that will create more joy; opportunities that will create more joy, bringing you the multiplied expression of that which you have emitted from your being.
The same is true of the negative, or as we discussed in Lesson 1, the downward spiraling emotions. When the downward spiraling emotions are expressed from your being, the universe will take this emission and find a way to return into your life the same downward spiraling emotions:
- events that will create them
- people that will create them
- situations, opportunities that will create them.
This, Beloveds, is the Law of Attraction: that which you emit from the emotions of your being. If you are emitting judgement, you will receive those who will judge you.
Gratitude is very similar; thus we use the Law of Attraction as an example. Gratitude is that which, if the human being is still unawake and asleep and living by programming of cultural expectations, one will be very grateful for a situation and then, because of internal training, feel as though one must return the gift.
We are not suggesting unto the hearts and the minds of your beings that you may not have the feeling of, “I wish to return this (gifting to another)”, but it must be a wish, not programming, from inside of your being, and that is something you must discern each of you for yourselves,
- whether you use Kinesiology
- whether you use Meditation
- whether you use Thought Karate, as it were
- whether you use BodyTalk.
For gratitude is not that which an infant feels when it is crying because it is hungry, and it cannot express in words, “The body needs feeding". So when it receives its food, that is not gratitude. That is satisfaction. That is the fulfilling of a need.
As we spoke of in Lesson 1:
- because you are sensory creatures,
- because you live in a human body that has an emotional body attached as part of the package, one might say,
There is a confusion at times in the consciousness of the human being to understand the difference between satisfaction, which often creates the feeling of gratitude, and gratitude itself, which is the sheer existence of almost a true joy or a bliss that lives within the self because All Is.
When you are praising God, as it were, and not a person who is called God, but the Creative Infinite Intelligence, the Creative Energy of the universe, that which is in all the atoms and molecules of life and the spaces in between and anything that you can conceive of that exists, there is this infinite energy waiting, as it were, to bring you that which you emit into it.
When you are in gratitude, and you are emitting, what does this glorious energy, this God, return unto the hearts and the minds of your being? More of what in your life experience will allow you this feeling of gratitude that you emitted. Beloveds, if your feeling of gratitude is attached to sensory satisfaction, then you will have opportunities for more sensory satisfaction that you will be grateful for. This is still a gratitude that is beneficial for the human self for it heals the body. It keeps the body working and functioning so that you have an earth suit that does not need to go to the mechanic, as it were.
There is another kind of gratitude, however, that is within you that has very little to do with your earth suit, very little to do with the satisfaction of your needs being met. You may call it esoteric. You may call it undefinable. You may call it the birthing of the self. You may call it the core essence of who you are. You may call it the heart song of your being. You may call it whatever name allows you to comprehend its magnitude. It is an attitude of being.
If you take the letters “gr” from the word “great” and you take the word “attitude” and you put them together, you have Great Attitude: gratitude, which is a way that the mental body can begin to understand what gratitude is. It is a Great Attitude. It is the realization:
- that you are the supreme energy that is manifesting in physical form on a planet, in a life that you have helped create, and
- that you have carte blanche, as it were, to continue to create,
- that you are unlimited,
- that it is not the outer world that controls your life, that controls your being, that controls your truth, even though through your eyes you may perceive it so, even though through your feeling or your touching of the physical world, you may perceive it so.
This Great Attitude, this gratitude, when it wells up within your being, you know, Beloveds. You know beyond anything else that you are the Beloved of the universe. You are the energy. You are the speech. You are the song. You are the action. Without you there is no God. Without God there is no you. That is the Great Attitude. It is owning the truth within your being without any definition that tries to limit it, that tries to belittle it in any way; no definition that shortens its experiences or that in some way prohibits it from existing in your life because of some judgement you may have against yourself or against another.
You are this energy.
You are this Being:
- regardless of what you look like
- regardless of what you sound like
- regardless of what you eat
- regardless of what you wear
- regardless of the kind of life you have chosen for yourself.
In other words, regardless of your individuality.
You are this natural, ebullient, born-with-gratitude, the Great Attitude of Being.
It is when you master this Great Attitude of Being:
- when you are aware of it
- when you live it moment to moment
- when you live it day to day
- when you live night to night, month to month, year to year, in whatever way you wish to measure timelessness,
It is not as though you shed your form and all of a sudden you are in gratitude; although, that is a possibility and occurs to the many, who when they are free from the physical form, remember their likeness and remember their freedom. They are, of course, in instant gratitude, and when you can maintain the instant gratitude you graduate, as it were, to higher levels of existence because you are emitting an emotion and a frequency that is a melody that blends in with the heart songs of others, and you find the level where you vibrate. However, Beloveds, you need not wait until you drop your earth suit in order to have that experience.
“How?” you may ask yourselves.
1. It is first of all by desire, by desiring to live in the gratitude of which we speak. One must desire it first.
2. One must imagine what it looks like or sounds like. What it feels like or tastes like. What it smells like. One must imagine in all of the sensory manners possible what this truth might be. For what you are doing, Beloveds, is you are placing into these beloved atoms and molecules of infinite intelligence and creative awareness your intention, your desire.
You need not know how it is going to come about; you simply must create the end result of the recipe.
You may know that cookies take certain ingredients, but really what you know is how you want the cookie to turn out. You may be unaware that it needs a particular ingredient to have the taste you desire or the texture you desire. But in this kind of analogy, Beloveds, you need not know how it will manifest. You simply need to know and believe and live it in all of the thought forms that you are, that it will be true.
3. Expect it. This is one important time in your life when expectations work for you instead against you. It is the believing and the knowing, after you have created the mold so that Universe may fill it in, as it were.
It takes practice only because you have eyes and because you have ears and because you have fingers and because you have skin that feels, and all of these things take you back into the outer world, the lovely, wonderful outer world that you have come to experience.
You may be in gratitude for your experience here in the outer world. The more you hold gratitude for that experience, even if it is sensorial, the more you create the kind of life you wish to manifest. The more you create the kind of life that is for awakening, that is for love, that is for joy.
While it is entirely possible for humans to create all the things they desire sensorially so they can be in sensory gratitude, it is even more fulfilling for the spirit that you are, in human form, to create attitudes that you will be grateful for:
- the attitudes of loving the self
- the attitudes of loving life
- the attitudes of being grateful for opportunities to learn, to grow, to express, to create, to experience, to experiment
- to be grateful for that which seems like “time”, that you may have boundaries that you may live in; for when you are unlimited and when you live forever, which spirit is and does, then boundaries maybe a welcome experience.
There is little within the self that it can judge itself for, as long as it does no harm. That is the caveat among the Ascended Masters, that is the caveat of the vibrational field and the heart song, for the higher levels of vibration that you may seek to achieve in your existence: do no harm.
Now “harm”, Beloveds, is for another lesson, perhaps another Pearl. For that is something that is an individual idea. What one person may think of as harmful, another person will think is joyful. That is not the discussion this evening.
You live within your truth, and you be grateful for your truth.
The heartsong you are, the energy that lives within it, the Great Attitude that you are, all are the building blocks for who you wish to become. While you are listening to these lessons, they are the soul/sole truth of your being.
Remember to express the desire: “I desire for life around me to unfold in such a manner that I experience the wellspring of gratitude that is my birthright and my natural state of being".
You see? It is not to go into a place of hopelessness within your thinking, “How do we do this? It sounds so easy, but it is hard in my life". Then, in that moment what have you done with the emotions of those thought forms? You have just told the universe that is listening to you always, please bring me more of what makes it hard for me to wake up and live life.
Use your speech, Beloveds. Use it wisely. Create that which you would experience. When you find yourself in a position, a life, an experience, an emotion not to your liking, use your speech. The human body was designed to be powerful, and its speech and its emotional content are extremely powerful in the world of creating.
Pearl 43
Gratitude, God, Infinite Creative Source of Heartsong Harmony is that up-welling Source of knowing-ness and being-ness and feeling-ness within that allows me to exist in physical form and to plac intention into the Universal Substance of Creation, that I might bring forth the grand, the great, or even the common place.
9th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: Gratitude, Lesson 3, Pearl 43
Blessings unto the heart and the mind of your beings. I am Lady Master Natasha. Beloveds it is with great joy that we greet you; that we reach out through the ethers, one might say in the connective manner that your brilliant intelligence on planet earth has brought forth in manifestation. That is what we speak of in this Lesson 3 of Gratitude, the 9th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries.
We speak of manifestation, for that is why you are here on planet Earth: to manifest that which the mind of your being can conceive, which the heart of your being can conceive, which the Soul and the spirit of your being can conceive.
Why is manifestation part of a lesson on gratitude? It is the gratitude of which you are created and constructed that is in all of the atoms and molecules of your being-ness that allows you this creation skill, this manifestation.
Gratitude, as we speak of it, we called it last week in Lesson 2 "The Great Attitude: Gratitude", you might also call it many different things. You might call it God. You might call it Infinite Creative Source of Heartsong Harmony. Gratitude as we speak of it in the 9th Secret is that up-welling source of knowing-ness and being-ness and feeling-ness within the self that allows you, the creator, to exist in physical form and allows you to place your thought forms into the Universal Substance of Creation, that you might being forth the grand, the great, or even the common place, as it were.
For you, Beloveds, are all about experience. You are here on planet earth to experience. Those who have bodies at this time on planet earth are here for the grand ascension symphony that Mother Earth herself is creating. You are here that you might harmonize with it. You are here that you might live through it and become, as it were, a part of the Universe’s history.
It is the gratitude for living, it is the gratitude for creation, it is the gratitude for loving, it is the gratitude for manifestation that moves through you and animates your being and helps in the life that you are living. We speak often in very large terminology, and yet it must always be able to be brought down into the now, to the points of the now, the small little every day points of your life as an existence in human form:
This is where the training comes in, Beloveds. You seek to know how to become aware of the God within the being that you are. You seek to understand the instant moment of how one can be aware constantly. You are the owner of the most magnificent computer in the universe. It is here in this self that you are. The memory capacity of this computer is unlimited. It is also a cause and effect computer. It keeps tabs on all causes and all effects, and you, Beloveds, until you are 100% in gratitude and aware of every moment of your existence, are run by this computer. It expects you to tell it the goals. It expects you to input the information you are seeking to be true for the reality you are living.
Humans often think and think and think, and because they often think and because they have been raised in the last Age, the Piscean Age, most particularly, to think and to be of the mental persuasion and the Will itself, there is the confused belief that all one needs to do is think something into reality; but thinking is 1/7 of the process, for you are made of seven different bodies. Just thinking alone is like a song without a tune…it is just the words. There is no melody; there is no rhythm; there is nothing to pull you into the words and their meanings.
The energy body, the emotional body that you have, is a creative energy source for taking that mental world and putting it into something that is fluidic and something that is able to fill the mold you have made mentally of your thought forms and your goals and assist in this creative process.
We simplify it, of course, because once you understand it, Beloveds, it is quite simple. It is not difficult, except when one tries to place it into physics, or one tries to place it into 1, 2, 3, black-and-white. It is such a natural organic process of your beings that once you realize you are doing it all of the time, programming your computer to create your reality, you may have a great laugh upon yourself.
You will begin to recognize that you are this creative collection of neuronal experiences, causes and effect, that cause you to feel the way you feel, do what you do, think what you think.
Where does gratitude, The Great Attitude, fit into this story of creation, the creation of the self and by the self? Gratitude, as you have been listening to it for the last two lessons, has become your goal. You have decided to own, deep within yourself, the truth of this gratitude, this Great Attitude that we say you were born with, that lives within all your being. It is not something you must re-own. It is not even something you must cultivate. It is something you must allow. It is something you must set as your goal simply because the computer requires it.
If you sit at your computer and try to interface with this evening, if your computer did have what it needed to make this interface, you would be unsuccessful in connecting. That is how it is within your being. If you have not given the inner being what it requires to create in the outer, you will be unconnected, as it were.
This Great Attitude, this gratitude, we hope you are creating your songs and are singing them to yourselves, for in the last two lessons we mentioned the importance of programming yourself and that music was one of the easiest ways. We bring this up again Beloveds because the goal at the moment is re-remembering, reliving, and re-focusing in on this Great Attitude that you are, this gratitude. Music is a way with words to program yourself into.
Let us speak for a moment, Beloveds, about goals, setting a goal. If living in this Great Attitude is the goal, you have no difficulty at this moment creating the vision of it or the feeling of it. You have been in the Lessons too long to not recognize it. What gets in the way, if anything does, and we are not saying anything must get in the way, but what gets in the way is what you might call life: the other programs you are living that take precedence in the moment and take your mind off the idea of the Great Attitude, the gratitude.
If you wish to advance most rapidly, notice one thing in your life. ONE thing: focus on your reactions. If you find yourself reacting to anything that takes you away from that inner source, The Great Attitude/gratitude, you have discovered a program in the computer that you own.
You understand, many of you, Pavlov’s response, you understand the psychology of training a dog habitually. Once a dog is trained, or any other creature is trained, it will do and reproduce the same habits over and over and over again. If you give your dog a treat in the morning, and the dog is accustomed to going outside of the house to receive the treat, the moment the dog hears the rustle of the package it run to the door and wait to go outside. The moment it sees the treat, it is programmed to the treat. The moment it recognizes it, the programming is activated, the action takes place, the behavior is ingrained, the dog or the creature runs to the door to go outside to get the treat.
This is what humans do. When something in your environment sets off a memory, the rest of you reacts as it did in the beginning when the memory was first established within your being. Therefore it is the simplest way to wake up: to recognize you have had a reaction.
If you have a reaction, in your culture is a reaction not something the doctors in the medical field look for? They ask you to notice if you have had a reaction to food or to medicine. It is thought to be a dangerous thing, yes? Contact us quickly that we might help you, that we might get you off of this medicine and put you on something else. OR…so you will not be allergic to this food we will give you this food instead.
The reaction is what you are seeking because it is like an allergy, or is it like something dangerous, one could say.
It is oftentimes that which no longer serves the self.
If you find the reaction, however, serving you, keep it. No one says, Beloveds, that you must clear every cause/effect in order to achieve what is called upon your planet “Ascension Consciousness”.
The next question is, how does one change the reaction?
It is easy to do on your computer. You know how to delete. Where is your delete button?
There are many ways this can happen. For some who are visuals, they will look inside their mind and they will actually see and perceive the delete button. By pressing it, the subconscious within already understands, “Exit this program”.
You are required to put in the new program, and thus we are telling you of the new song of gratitude.
If you are seeking the quickest way to change your lives and to awaken, create your songs of gratitude and sing them often. Each time you have a reaction, find a way to delete it.
If you are not visual and have no delete button within your inner world, then immediately begin your song, and let the feeling of the song take over. Once the feeling has permeated your being, you have successfully altered the reactive programming that was in your computer banks.
Beloveds, there are many ways to shift and alter realities within yourself. If you have listened to any of the other Grand Secrets, you will have learned some of them. There are many that are not in this discussion and there are many that are not on the website. The glory of being on planet Earth, one of the many glories, is the variety that exists on your planet. You may already know of ways that work for you. Just because you have not heard The Council of 8 suggest them does not mean they are not functional.
You will know because you will feel and you will experience the shift and the change within yourself and your life. When you believe that you have made an alteration within your computer that has been interfering with a goal that you had, and let us say in this case the goal is this “maintained awareness of the gratitude, The Great Attitude”, if you, let us say ‘just forget’. Let us just say “all of a sudden whatever was being said I have forgotten it”. Forgetting is also a blessing because you are no longer focusing upon it. That alone can tell the subconscious “Not this; this is not my cause/effect any longer”.
It is a beautiful journey that you are on, Beloveds. Frustration is something that is rather rampant upon your planet because the Microwave Generation has become very used to and accustomed to having things instantly. To have an irritation within the self for the creation of a goal that has not yet manifested is to take your energies in a downward spiral and in so doing, affect a damage to the physical-ness of your being.
Microwave Generation, those of you who are listening, you already have what you need within you for quickness. You expect, it and expectation is part of the process. Being able to expect this shall occur rapidly and instantly for you is, as they say on your planet, “half the battle”.
We are wishing, the Council of 8, that those of you who put together songs might be wiling to record them and be willing to share and record the lyrics. If you are, you might contact the one through whom we speak that you might arrange a listening place and a listening manner for those who are having difficulty creating their songs of gratitude.
(as this is a spoken meditation, it is better heard than read for full effect)
Beloveds, we speak to you now in this moment from the Heartsong space. The Heartsong is not a song you sing with words. The Heartsong is a space, and all have it within them. It is the space of peace, harmony, unconditional love, and beauty that fills the soul; the space of compassion, of interaction with those with whom you might harmonize. It is the space within where the Great Attitude lives, undisturbed in its peacefulness, undisturbed in its grandeur.
Let yourself feel this space as we speak it, for the energy is expanding, expanding around your own field. Expanding and increasing as you let the harmony of your being expand into your environment, into the atoms and molecules of all around you that you have created. It is your space. It is your place, and fill it now with this gratitude, this Great Attitude of life, this love of the opportunity to be who you are now, and to be where you are now, and to be what you are now.
You are loved by so many, Beloved ones. There is a great deal of interest for those on planet Earth by those who are not in human form: a great deal of compassion, a great deal of love, and a great deal of assistance to help you all as you manifest that light within you that is your birthright, your truth and the animation of the spirit and the soul that you are.
Namaste, unto the heart and the mind of your being.
We speak of manifestation, for that is why you are here on planet Earth: to manifest that which the mind of your being can conceive, which the heart of your being can conceive, which the Soul and the spirit of your being can conceive.
Why is manifestation part of a lesson on gratitude? It is the gratitude of which you are created and constructed that is in all of the atoms and molecules of your being-ness that allows you this creation skill, this manifestation.
Gratitude, as we speak of it, we called it last week in Lesson 2 "The Great Attitude: Gratitude", you might also call it many different things. You might call it God. You might call it Infinite Creative Source of Heartsong Harmony. Gratitude as we speak of it in the 9th Secret is that up-welling source of knowing-ness and being-ness and feeling-ness within the self that allows you, the creator, to exist in physical form and allows you to place your thought forms into the Universal Substance of Creation, that you might being forth the grand, the great, or even the common place, as it were.
For you, Beloveds, are all about experience. You are here on planet earth to experience. Those who have bodies at this time on planet earth are here for the grand ascension symphony that Mother Earth herself is creating. You are here that you might harmonize with it. You are here that you might live through it and become, as it were, a part of the Universe’s history.
It is the gratitude for living, it is the gratitude for creation, it is the gratitude for loving, it is the gratitude for manifestation that moves through you and animates your being and helps in the life that you are living. We speak often in very large terminology, and yet it must always be able to be brought down into the now, to the points of the now, the small little every day points of your life as an existence in human form:
- to something as simple as brushing your teeth - in that moment, program yourself for that which you would have
- to something as simple as brushing your hair - in that moment, program yourself for what you would have
- for something as simple as washing a dish, or cooking a meal or putting your clothing on - program yourself in those moments for what you would have.
This is where the training comes in, Beloveds. You seek to know how to become aware of the God within the being that you are. You seek to understand the instant moment of how one can be aware constantly. You are the owner of the most magnificent computer in the universe. It is here in this self that you are. The memory capacity of this computer is unlimited. It is also a cause and effect computer. It keeps tabs on all causes and all effects, and you, Beloveds, until you are 100% in gratitude and aware of every moment of your existence, are run by this computer. It expects you to tell it the goals. It expects you to input the information you are seeking to be true for the reality you are living.
Humans often think and think and think, and because they often think and because they have been raised in the last Age, the Piscean Age, most particularly, to think and to be of the mental persuasion and the Will itself, there is the confused belief that all one needs to do is think something into reality; but thinking is 1/7 of the process, for you are made of seven different bodies. Just thinking alone is like a song without a tune…it is just the words. There is no melody; there is no rhythm; there is nothing to pull you into the words and their meanings.
The energy body, the emotional body that you have, is a creative energy source for taking that mental world and putting it into something that is fluidic and something that is able to fill the mold you have made mentally of your thought forms and your goals and assist in this creative process.
We simplify it, of course, because once you understand it, Beloveds, it is quite simple. It is not difficult, except when one tries to place it into physics, or one tries to place it into 1, 2, 3, black-and-white. It is such a natural organic process of your beings that once you realize you are doing it all of the time, programming your computer to create your reality, you may have a great laugh upon yourself.
You will begin to recognize that you are this creative collection of neuronal experiences, causes and effect, that cause you to feel the way you feel, do what you do, think what you think.
Where does gratitude, The Great Attitude, fit into this story of creation, the creation of the self and by the self? Gratitude, as you have been listening to it for the last two lessons, has become your goal. You have decided to own, deep within yourself, the truth of this gratitude, this Great Attitude that we say you were born with, that lives within all your being. It is not something you must re-own. It is not even something you must cultivate. It is something you must allow. It is something you must set as your goal simply because the computer requires it.
If you sit at your computer and try to interface with this evening, if your computer did have what it needed to make this interface, you would be unsuccessful in connecting. That is how it is within your being. If you have not given the inner being what it requires to create in the outer, you will be unconnected, as it were.
This Great Attitude, this gratitude, we hope you are creating your songs and are singing them to yourselves, for in the last two lessons we mentioned the importance of programming yourself and that music was one of the easiest ways. We bring this up again Beloveds because the goal at the moment is re-remembering, reliving, and re-focusing in on this Great Attitude that you are, this gratitude. Music is a way with words to program yourself into.
Let us speak for a moment, Beloveds, about goals, setting a goal. If living in this Great Attitude is the goal, you have no difficulty at this moment creating the vision of it or the feeling of it. You have been in the Lessons too long to not recognize it. What gets in the way, if anything does, and we are not saying anything must get in the way, but what gets in the way is what you might call life: the other programs you are living that take precedence in the moment and take your mind off the idea of the Great Attitude, the gratitude.
If you wish to advance most rapidly, notice one thing in your life. ONE thing: focus on your reactions. If you find yourself reacting to anything that takes you away from that inner source, The Great Attitude/gratitude, you have discovered a program in the computer that you own.
You understand, many of you, Pavlov’s response, you understand the psychology of training a dog habitually. Once a dog is trained, or any other creature is trained, it will do and reproduce the same habits over and over and over again. If you give your dog a treat in the morning, and the dog is accustomed to going outside of the house to receive the treat, the moment the dog hears the rustle of the package it run to the door and wait to go outside. The moment it sees the treat, it is programmed to the treat. The moment it recognizes it, the programming is activated, the action takes place, the behavior is ingrained, the dog or the creature runs to the door to go outside to get the treat.
This is what humans do. When something in your environment sets off a memory, the rest of you reacts as it did in the beginning when the memory was first established within your being. Therefore it is the simplest way to wake up: to recognize you have had a reaction.
If you have a reaction, in your culture is a reaction not something the doctors in the medical field look for? They ask you to notice if you have had a reaction to food or to medicine. It is thought to be a dangerous thing, yes? Contact us quickly that we might help you, that we might get you off of this medicine and put you on something else. OR…so you will not be allergic to this food we will give you this food instead.
The reaction is what you are seeking because it is like an allergy, or is it like something dangerous, one could say.
It is oftentimes that which no longer serves the self.
If you find the reaction, however, serving you, keep it. No one says, Beloveds, that you must clear every cause/effect in order to achieve what is called upon your planet “Ascension Consciousness”.
The next question is, how does one change the reaction?
It is easy to do on your computer. You know how to delete. Where is your delete button?
There are many ways this can happen. For some who are visuals, they will look inside their mind and they will actually see and perceive the delete button. By pressing it, the subconscious within already understands, “Exit this program”.
You are required to put in the new program, and thus we are telling you of the new song of gratitude.
If you are seeking the quickest way to change your lives and to awaken, create your songs of gratitude and sing them often. Each time you have a reaction, find a way to delete it.
If you are not visual and have no delete button within your inner world, then immediately begin your song, and let the feeling of the song take over. Once the feeling has permeated your being, you have successfully altered the reactive programming that was in your computer banks.
Beloveds, there are many ways to shift and alter realities within yourself. If you have listened to any of the other Grand Secrets, you will have learned some of them. There are many that are not in this discussion and there are many that are not on the website. The glory of being on planet Earth, one of the many glories, is the variety that exists on your planet. You may already know of ways that work for you. Just because you have not heard The Council of 8 suggest them does not mean they are not functional.
You will know because you will feel and you will experience the shift and the change within yourself and your life. When you believe that you have made an alteration within your computer that has been interfering with a goal that you had, and let us say in this case the goal is this “maintained awareness of the gratitude, The Great Attitude”, if you, let us say ‘just forget’. Let us just say “all of a sudden whatever was being said I have forgotten it”. Forgetting is also a blessing because you are no longer focusing upon it. That alone can tell the subconscious “Not this; this is not my cause/effect any longer”.
It is a beautiful journey that you are on, Beloveds. Frustration is something that is rather rampant upon your planet because the Microwave Generation has become very used to and accustomed to having things instantly. To have an irritation within the self for the creation of a goal that has not yet manifested is to take your energies in a downward spiral and in so doing, affect a damage to the physical-ness of your being.
Microwave Generation, those of you who are listening, you already have what you need within you for quickness. You expect, it and expectation is part of the process. Being able to expect this shall occur rapidly and instantly for you is, as they say on your planet, “half the battle”.
We are wishing, the Council of 8, that those of you who put together songs might be wiling to record them and be willing to share and record the lyrics. If you are, you might contact the one through whom we speak that you might arrange a listening place and a listening manner for those who are having difficulty creating their songs of gratitude.
(as this is a spoken meditation, it is better heard than read for full effect)
Beloveds, we speak to you now in this moment from the Heartsong space. The Heartsong is not a song you sing with words. The Heartsong is a space, and all have it within them. It is the space of peace, harmony, unconditional love, and beauty that fills the soul; the space of compassion, of interaction with those with whom you might harmonize. It is the space within where the Great Attitude lives, undisturbed in its peacefulness, undisturbed in its grandeur.
Let yourself feel this space as we speak it, for the energy is expanding, expanding around your own field. Expanding and increasing as you let the harmony of your being expand into your environment, into the atoms and molecules of all around you that you have created. It is your space. It is your place, and fill it now with this gratitude, this Great Attitude of life, this love of the opportunity to be who you are now, and to be where you are now, and to be what you are now.
You are loved by so many, Beloved ones. There is a great deal of interest for those on planet Earth by those who are not in human form: a great deal of compassion, a great deal of love, and a great deal of assistance to help you all as you manifest that light within you that is your birthright, your truth and the animation of the spirit and the soul that you are.
Namaste, unto the heart and the mind of your being.
Pearl 44
As I awaken my consciousness, I leave a trail to help others do the same. I literally change the fabric of the universe.
9th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: Gratitude, Lesson 4
Beloveds Ones, it is with great joy that we, The Council of 8, gather with you in this moment to complete the course called the Ninth Grand Secret: Gratitude.
We begin by speaking of two things: one, that which you call “easy”, and two, that which you call “expectations”, for both of the Great Attitude, Gratitude.
First of all we speak of “easy”. On your planet now there is that which is called the microwave generation, where all is fast, fast, fast, fast, quick, and easy. The days of creating a dinner that takes, perhaps an hour and a half or longer, are long behind you, as a generation. One wants everything done now, including Ascension Consciousness. Which, in and of itself, is a beautiful thing, Beloveds, for having the desire for something to occur quickly and rapidly keeps you focused and creates the energy for that which you are seeking.
However, there is within the mass consciousness of your culture, as well as within the consciousness of many of you who will hear or read these words, the concept that easy and quick is something not quite so wonderful.
Therefore, when you are seeking within your being for that which you have felt in the energetic world or that which you have understood in your physical being to be magnificent and glorious that you wish more of, you must search your inner computer, as we spoke of in your last lesson. You must search it for what is in there regarding “easy”.
Are you easy prey? Are you an easy person? Are you easily taken advantage of?
For many of you there will be none of this. There will simply be the idea that you, the God Self that you are, has every right to create that which is quick and simple and easy, as it were.
You will understand what to do with easy when you discover it, if it is not to your liking in terms of influence on your being. You will remember from the previous lesson the idea of the delete button in your consciousness, if the world of technology appeals to you and its symbology resonates with your being. Many of you have other systems that you can use to alter these limitations stored within your computer memory.
Tied in very closely with this, is the idea of expectations. Just as we spoke about “easy”, we speak of “expectations” that existed from cultures, cultural programming, even from your own parents, or from school, or from religion. Sometimes you might not understand that how you have been programmed came from somewhere you had no influence with because it lives within the ethers of where you have consciousness. You might call this holographic. You might call it mass consciousness. You might have another term for it, as it were. It is not always the visible within yourself, not always the traceable to another lifetime or to this one, but nevertheless the influence is still there.
Expectations, Beloveds, are an almost invisible influence within your being, because expectations often are hidden within a negative downward spiraling emotion. When you have an expectation, let us say you must go to a dentist. Even in your culture, though dentists try very, very hard, with great effort, to convince you it will be pain-free, there is still a memory within the self of a time that it was not. The emotion of pain is tied in with an expectation that a trip to something, someplace, somewhere, such as, a dentist will be painful and therefore the self puts it off as long as it can. Until the pain of needing to go is stronger than the pain memory of having gone previously. This is an important thing to recognize, Beloveds, for what it shows you is that emotion can override emotion. Imprint can override imprint. When the pain is more than the memory of the pain, you do something about it.
Expectations. When you think of a person who you were very close to, when things did not go well for you, you began to develop the expectation that whenever you are around this person things will not go well, so it is attached to a downward spiraling emotion.
You might find it the other way. You might find just the emotion itself. You might find yourself in worry, and then when you begin tracing where the worry may have come from, you discover the event (that produced it). You realize that the event is approaching and therefore you have an expectation that you will be feeling this emotion. Thus begins the downward unraveling of your DNA. It begins the negative effect on the physical body, and so the body becomes very easy to read on your planet. For truly the human physical self is a movie that is easy to read once you understand what you are looking at. You can read the emotions that are stored there. You can read the memories that are stored there. You can read hesitancy if it is stored there, or eagerness or any of the other attitudes that live within the self. You can read whether there is radical self-love or there is radical self-hate, as it were. The body is your mirror in this manner.
Expectations. Where do they come from? They come from more than just pain. They come from more than just a negative event. They also come, Beloveds, from imprinting, from observing.
When you are young, you are observing cause and effect, as it were. When you are observing, you feel, intuitively, the effect, even if it is not done upon your personage. You will feel the effect of it. Therefore, you will lodge within your being the idea, the concept that, “When X happens, Y will be the results and will produce this feeling, this experience, within my being.”
An expectation, unless it is full of joy and bliss and excitement and wonder, generally works in a negative sense on the physical self. An expectation can come from any age. It need not be just when you were little, when you were young and could barely speak and were hungry, and no one could understand your speech. As much as you tried with your beautiful babble, it did not register in the consciousness of your caretakers. Therefore, you developed the expectation that you are now living in a place where people do not listen, do not understand, are not intelligent, or perhaps stupid and do not get their needs met nor know how to meet the needs of others. You will grow up, as it were, with this expectation that humans, at large, are unintelligent. They are unable to respond to your needs, whatever those needs may be. It may not just be limited to feeding the self.
What will occur, Beloveds, is when you have formed this expectation at a young tender age, you view all of humanity with it. Not just those with certain colored hair. Not just those of a certain age. Not just those events that were like what you lived through. You have broadened the idea into a huge expectation for humanity and life on planet Earth, “This is what it is all about”. Therefore, you will attract to your being and into your life those who are not so intelligent, those who do not get their needs met, those who are not awakened enough to recognize the needs of others.
As you awaken yourself, Beloveds, you are changing the literal matter of what is called planet Earth. You are changing the interaction of atoms and molecules within your environment. You are leaving in the trail of your wanderings, rose petals, as it were, of awakening. You are leaving scents and harmonies in the atmosphere of your awakening. You are, as it were, destroying old expectations and setting into action new ones, where your new expectations have the upward spiraling emotion, and so the DNA is forming new realities, new imprints, new truths for not only your physical self but any other physical selves that come in contact with your truth.
You may hold the expectation, Beloveds, that, “Those who come into your environment, those who have interaction with your being, may benefit from that which you know; that the computer that you are, in its wisdom, can share through your words, your intonations, your body language. It can share that which you have learned as your truth, can offer these truths, even if the speech does not”.
If you hold this kind of expectation, Beloveds, then you are a living, walking gift, as it were, to the universe.
You are the silent teacher.
You are the mage who is within his or her power, living a strong, silent truth and emanating it from your being so those in your environment and those who pass through your energy field may benefit from:
When we say expectations often lead to emotions that often lead to the downward spiraling energies, we do not mean that is the only way it can occur. It can also occur in its polar opposite - the upward spiraling emotions.
This is not to say, Beloveds, that even upward spiraling emotions would not be programming, but you are here on Planet Earth, are you not? You are the creators of the program you wish to live. We bring to you the ideas of what are affecting some of your programs and then leave suggestions of how you might own new ones.
Your earth is changing rapidly. There are many upon your earth waking up in record time. You will notice in your own selves and your own lives how issues, that have been in your world, in your life, within your being, perhaps most of your life, reared their awareness to you every so often to let you know they were in existence. But you were not able, with your consciousness, to recognize them. What is occurring now, Beloveds, in this your year, 2018 as you measure time, is that which hinders the awakening of your true self is coming to the forefront very powerfully so you cannot ignore it, so that you must recognize it and then deal with it, neutralize it, and become a greater truth.
This you may not perceive as “easy”, but in truth, look at how quickly you are moving through it when you have had all of this lifetime, prior to the now, to move through it but have not. Here it is in your consciousness. You are recognizing it. You are neutralizing it. You are singing your way into the Great Attitude. You are creating the reality and the vibrational states of being that you desire. Where as, before, you were living in the program, not recognizing the program.
Beloveds, by consciously adopting the Great Attitude, Gratitude, you are just simply reminding yourself that it already lives within your being. It is already a part of who you are. You vibrate with its energy. You hold it as a blueprint and a pattern within your being. You might say that you were all born jewels, as it were, on Planet Earth, and you are simply cleansing the dirt off of the brilliance of the jewel that you are.
That is what the “easy” is. Easy is not something that you cannot hold as a truth for your being. It is simply something you would not wish to hold as a truth for your being if indeed it were associated with negativity in some way.
Beautiful and Beloved humans of Planet Earth, you are not human and yet you are, only because of the interesting formation of the earth suit that you wear that gives you such individuality, such uniqueness within the universe. This form that you live in is not unique to your planet, but it is unique in that not all consciousness manages to own a human form.
Not all consciousness manages to find a planet who chooses to ascend with the humans that are living upon her, and within her.
Not all consciousness takes a journey that is dangerous in terms of being trapped if one does not consciously remember one’s truth and work towards one’s enlightenment.
To be a human, to be humanity, especially in this moment, in the great Age of Aquarius, is indeed a gift and somewhat of a magical experience, once you understand the controls that are within you because you have such an earth suit.
In the month that you call February, we will begin the Tenth Grand Secret. It is: Humanity.
Until then live every moment in your Great Attitude, Gratitude, for you are loved and you are love.
So be it.
We begin by speaking of two things: one, that which you call “easy”, and two, that which you call “expectations”, for both of the Great Attitude, Gratitude.
First of all we speak of “easy”. On your planet now there is that which is called the microwave generation, where all is fast, fast, fast, fast, quick, and easy. The days of creating a dinner that takes, perhaps an hour and a half or longer, are long behind you, as a generation. One wants everything done now, including Ascension Consciousness. Which, in and of itself, is a beautiful thing, Beloveds, for having the desire for something to occur quickly and rapidly keeps you focused and creates the energy for that which you are seeking.
However, there is within the mass consciousness of your culture, as well as within the consciousness of many of you who will hear or read these words, the concept that easy and quick is something not quite so wonderful.
- There is the idea that easy and quick is quackery.
- There is the idea that easy must not be worth it, because there is the saying, No Pain, No Gain. If you make it happen immediately, you have not worked for it, and if you have not worked for it, you have not earned it. These are the thought forms that swirl in the cultures in which you participate.
- There is also the thought form on your planet that easy is that which might be looked upon as quite negative when referring to gender, when one is sexually easy, easy to get to, easy to overpower. These, in a previous culture, were not the kind of women or men that one brought home to one’s parents, as it were.
Therefore, when you are seeking within your being for that which you have felt in the energetic world or that which you have understood in your physical being to be magnificent and glorious that you wish more of, you must search your inner computer, as we spoke of in your last lesson. You must search it for what is in there regarding “easy”.
Are you easy prey? Are you an easy person? Are you easily taken advantage of?
For many of you there will be none of this. There will simply be the idea that you, the God Self that you are, has every right to create that which is quick and simple and easy, as it were.
You will understand what to do with easy when you discover it, if it is not to your liking in terms of influence on your being. You will remember from the previous lesson the idea of the delete button in your consciousness, if the world of technology appeals to you and its symbology resonates with your being. Many of you have other systems that you can use to alter these limitations stored within your computer memory.
Tied in very closely with this, is the idea of expectations. Just as we spoke about “easy”, we speak of “expectations” that existed from cultures, cultural programming, even from your own parents, or from school, or from religion. Sometimes you might not understand that how you have been programmed came from somewhere you had no influence with because it lives within the ethers of where you have consciousness. You might call this holographic. You might call it mass consciousness. You might have another term for it, as it were. It is not always the visible within yourself, not always the traceable to another lifetime or to this one, but nevertheless the influence is still there.
Expectations, Beloveds, are an almost invisible influence within your being, because expectations often are hidden within a negative downward spiraling emotion. When you have an expectation, let us say you must go to a dentist. Even in your culture, though dentists try very, very hard, with great effort, to convince you it will be pain-free, there is still a memory within the self of a time that it was not. The emotion of pain is tied in with an expectation that a trip to something, someplace, somewhere, such as, a dentist will be painful and therefore the self puts it off as long as it can. Until the pain of needing to go is stronger than the pain memory of having gone previously. This is an important thing to recognize, Beloveds, for what it shows you is that emotion can override emotion. Imprint can override imprint. When the pain is more than the memory of the pain, you do something about it.
Expectations. When you think of a person who you were very close to, when things did not go well for you, you began to develop the expectation that whenever you are around this person things will not go well, so it is attached to a downward spiraling emotion.
You might find it the other way. You might find just the emotion itself. You might find yourself in worry, and then when you begin tracing where the worry may have come from, you discover the event (that produced it). You realize that the event is approaching and therefore you have an expectation that you will be feeling this emotion. Thus begins the downward unraveling of your DNA. It begins the negative effect on the physical body, and so the body becomes very easy to read on your planet. For truly the human physical self is a movie that is easy to read once you understand what you are looking at. You can read the emotions that are stored there. You can read the memories that are stored there. You can read hesitancy if it is stored there, or eagerness or any of the other attitudes that live within the self. You can read whether there is radical self-love or there is radical self-hate, as it were. The body is your mirror in this manner.
Expectations. Where do they come from? They come from more than just pain. They come from more than just a negative event. They also come, Beloveds, from imprinting, from observing.
When you are young, you are observing cause and effect, as it were. When you are observing, you feel, intuitively, the effect, even if it is not done upon your personage. You will feel the effect of it. Therefore, you will lodge within your being the idea, the concept that, “When X happens, Y will be the results and will produce this feeling, this experience, within my being.”
An expectation, unless it is full of joy and bliss and excitement and wonder, generally works in a negative sense on the physical self. An expectation can come from any age. It need not be just when you were little, when you were young and could barely speak and were hungry, and no one could understand your speech. As much as you tried with your beautiful babble, it did not register in the consciousness of your caretakers. Therefore, you developed the expectation that you are now living in a place where people do not listen, do not understand, are not intelligent, or perhaps stupid and do not get their needs met nor know how to meet the needs of others. You will grow up, as it were, with this expectation that humans, at large, are unintelligent. They are unable to respond to your needs, whatever those needs may be. It may not just be limited to feeding the self.
What will occur, Beloveds, is when you have formed this expectation at a young tender age, you view all of humanity with it. Not just those with certain colored hair. Not just those of a certain age. Not just those events that were like what you lived through. You have broadened the idea into a huge expectation for humanity and life on planet Earth, “This is what it is all about”. Therefore, you will attract to your being and into your life those who are not so intelligent, those who do not get their needs met, those who are not awakened enough to recognize the needs of others.
As you awaken yourself, Beloveds, you are changing the literal matter of what is called planet Earth. You are changing the interaction of atoms and molecules within your environment. You are leaving in the trail of your wanderings, rose petals, as it were, of awakening. You are leaving scents and harmonies in the atmosphere of your awakening. You are, as it were, destroying old expectations and setting into action new ones, where your new expectations have the upward spiraling emotion, and so the DNA is forming new realities, new imprints, new truths for not only your physical self but any other physical selves that come in contact with your truth.
You may hold the expectation, Beloveds, that, “Those who come into your environment, those who have interaction with your being, may benefit from that which you know; that the computer that you are, in its wisdom, can share through your words, your intonations, your body language. It can share that which you have learned as your truth, can offer these truths, even if the speech does not”.
If you hold this kind of expectation, Beloveds, then you are a living, walking gift, as it were, to the universe.
You are the silent teacher.
You are the mage who is within his or her power, living a strong, silent truth and emanating it from your being so those in your environment and those who pass through your energy field may benefit from:
- that which you are learning
- that which you are knowing
- from the truths that become your realities that inspire the upward spiraling energies: the love, the joy, the wisdom, the truth, the beauty of life, the non-judgment, what we call the fruits of the spirit.
When we say expectations often lead to emotions that often lead to the downward spiraling energies, we do not mean that is the only way it can occur. It can also occur in its polar opposite - the upward spiraling emotions.
This is not to say, Beloveds, that even upward spiraling emotions would not be programming, but you are here on Planet Earth, are you not? You are the creators of the program you wish to live. We bring to you the ideas of what are affecting some of your programs and then leave suggestions of how you might own new ones.
Your earth is changing rapidly. There are many upon your earth waking up in record time. You will notice in your own selves and your own lives how issues, that have been in your world, in your life, within your being, perhaps most of your life, reared their awareness to you every so often to let you know they were in existence. But you were not able, with your consciousness, to recognize them. What is occurring now, Beloveds, in this your year, 2018 as you measure time, is that which hinders the awakening of your true self is coming to the forefront very powerfully so you cannot ignore it, so that you must recognize it and then deal with it, neutralize it, and become a greater truth.
This you may not perceive as “easy”, but in truth, look at how quickly you are moving through it when you have had all of this lifetime, prior to the now, to move through it but have not. Here it is in your consciousness. You are recognizing it. You are neutralizing it. You are singing your way into the Great Attitude. You are creating the reality and the vibrational states of being that you desire. Where as, before, you were living in the program, not recognizing the program.
Beloveds, by consciously adopting the Great Attitude, Gratitude, you are just simply reminding yourself that it already lives within your being. It is already a part of who you are. You vibrate with its energy. You hold it as a blueprint and a pattern within your being. You might say that you were all born jewels, as it were, on Planet Earth, and you are simply cleansing the dirt off of the brilliance of the jewel that you are.
That is what the “easy” is. Easy is not something that you cannot hold as a truth for your being. It is simply something you would not wish to hold as a truth for your being if indeed it were associated with negativity in some way.
Beautiful and Beloved humans of Planet Earth, you are not human and yet you are, only because of the interesting formation of the earth suit that you wear that gives you such individuality, such uniqueness within the universe. This form that you live in is not unique to your planet, but it is unique in that not all consciousness manages to own a human form.
Not all consciousness manages to find a planet who chooses to ascend with the humans that are living upon her, and within her.
Not all consciousness takes a journey that is dangerous in terms of being trapped if one does not consciously remember one’s truth and work towards one’s enlightenment.
To be a human, to be humanity, especially in this moment, in the great Age of Aquarius, is indeed a gift and somewhat of a magical experience, once you understand the controls that are within you because you have such an earth suit.
In the month that you call February, we will begin the Tenth Grand Secret. It is: Humanity.
Until then live every moment in your Great Attitude, Gratitude, for you are loved and you are love.
So be it.
The Gratitude Song
You are invited to write/sing/record your own songs of gratitude and share them on this site.
If you are of perfect pitch, please forgive the singing of this song and focus on the joy
with which it was created and shared.
If you are of perfect pitch, please forgive the singing of this song and focus on the joy
with which it was created and shared.
I am gratitude I am I am
The Great Attitude I am I am I’ve been gratitude right from the start It’s found its way right into my heart Every day I am Gratitude I sing from my spirit and my soul I am every way of Gratitude Gratitude’s my daily goal. I am gratitude, I am, I am Gratitude I am, I am, I am I am Gratitude every day I live Gratitude in every way Gratitude how I love you I am the Great Attitude of love I am Gratitude gratitude gratitude God I am Great Attitude and love I am gratitude, I am, I am Gratitude I am, I am, I am Each and every day in every way I am Gratitude all the way Gratitude I’m made of you You fill all the space in my life I am Gratitude gratitude gratitude I’m the Great attitude of life. |
I am gratitude, I am, I am
Gratitude I am, I am, I am I brought Gratitude to this earth Gratitude and I, we share our birth I am Great Attitude I am Gratitude in all that I do Gratitude lives in all of my being, How about for you? I am gratitude, I am, I am Gratitude I am, I am, I am I am filled with gratitude in my life For me now there is no strife I am filled with gratitude The Great Attitude of life I am all there is about gratitude Gratitude is my life. I am gratitude, I am, I am Gratitude I am, I am, I am I am Gratitude every day I live gratitude in every way Gratitude fills me Gratitude is my food Gratitude is my only One and only only mood. |
Congratulations! You have completed the Ninth Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: GRATITUDE
These Grand Secrets help create a new mindset for life. They build upon each other, so practice the decrees and review the courses. Memorize the Pearls. May you awaken fully to the miracle you are.
These Grand Secrets help create a new mindset for life. They build upon each other, so practice the decrees and review the courses. Memorize the Pearls. May you awaken fully to the miracle you are.
Adorn your life with the PEARLS of GRATITUDE
Use these decrees daily
Pearl 41: I must be the speech of the life I seek.
Pearl 42: Gratitude is the magnitude of my Great Attitude.
Pearl 43: Gratitude, God, Infinite Creative Source of Heartsong Harmony is that up-welling Source of knowing-ness and being-ness and feeling-ness within that allows me to exist in physical form and to place intention into the Universal Substance of Creation, that I might bring forth the grand, the great, or even the common place.
Pearl 44: As I awaken my consciousness, I leave a trail to help others do the same. I literally change the fabric of the universe for the better.
Pearl 42: Gratitude is the magnitude of my Great Attitude.
Pearl 43: Gratitude, God, Infinite Creative Source of Heartsong Harmony is that up-welling Source of knowing-ness and being-ness and feeling-ness within that allows me to exist in physical form and to place intention into the Universal Substance of Creation, that I might bring forth the grand, the great, or even the common place.
Pearl 44: As I awaken my consciousness, I leave a trail to help others do the same. I literally change the fabric of the universe for the better.
The 10th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries is Humanity.
Those who are incarnating on planet Earth are, for the most part “Old Souls”. An “Old Soul” is one that is not called “old” because of how long it has existed. It is called “old” because of the amount of experience it has acquired. You might be a young Soul in terms of ‘time frame’, but you might have acquired so much knowledge and wisdom through experience and through learning that you are often called an “Old Soul”.
Those who are incarnating on planet Earth are, for the most part “Old Souls”. An “Old Soul” is one that is not called “old” because of how long it has existed. It is called “old” because of the amount of experience it has acquired. You might be a young Soul in terms of ‘time frame’, but you might have acquired so much knowledge and wisdom through experience and through learning that you are often called an “Old Soul”.