This morning my husband went for a walk while I was still asleep. When I woke up, it was chilly enough to get into the hot tub. Our ‘think tank’. WHAT will be the two new things for today? My mind raced over all the possibilities I could think of. We had already been everywhere our finances allowed, gone into the places, parks, and stores that interested us. I knew the experiment was not about doing something you didn’t want to do just to ‘do something new and different’.
Then I saw my husband walking up the driveway, a smile on his face and a black puppy walking at his side. He met new neighbors that were planning to build and move here from San Antonio. As he shared what he had learned about these people he enjoyed, the puppy started playing with something….tossing it into the air then running to it and tossing it again….in total puppy happiness with its ‘new experience’.
The ‘thing’ turned out to be a dried out hummingbird. Hubby picked it up, we looked it over, and the puppy continued playing with it.
Lady Master Natasha had indeed orchestrated TWO NEW THINGS into our day.
- Hubby met new people and held a dried hummingbird
- I witnessed Hubby walking with a new dog and also saw a dried hummingbird
Would we have given these things much importance if we were not in the GAME-CHANGERS AWARENESS CHALLENGE? Not likely.
Recognizing these new experiences, we then went through the AWARENESS QUESTIONS.
- What did we feel?
- Seeing my husband with his walking companion and noting that our dog EZ was allowing it was a warm fuzzy feeling. So awesome that a neighbor allowed his dog to hang out with others instead of living on a chain!
- Amazement at seeing a hummingbird so close
- Gratitude that the puppy found the bird and brought it to our attention
- Sheer joy at watching the puppy enjoy her ‘new find’
- What did we think?
- The people moving out here were more like us than we thought
- This is becoming a place where the neighbors have talents that can help each other
- VIP: The first NEW THING challenge from yesterday which helped me release my fear of “Something Different always leading to something bad, or the loss of what I value” let me see today that the NEW NEIGHBORS could become real friends and value what we value----nature, privacy, joy, animal freedom---and that it had only been my fear that made me be so reclusive and made me ignore them with feelings of dislike and ‘go live somewhere else’.
I asked Hubby if he noticed the energy around us….what these two new things had created. As I described it, he agreed:
- The energy was LIGHTER whereas before there had been a heaviness we had not been so aware of
- We were more ‘inclusive’ and not ‘exclusive’
- Things felt more ‘heavenly’ or ‘higher dimension’ than the lower vibes of fear we hadn't been recognizing we were living in or emitting.
For the first time in ???? Hubby has been with me in the country house for a full week and been contentedly engaged every day in his projects, whereas before he wondered how long before he could return to our city home.
There is the vision of true possibility of this place here becoming a mecca of sorts….everyone loves their piece of the pie, and together we will become a joint heaven. BOTH of our attitudes towards who lives here have changed.
We have been here the ‘third longest’ of all who own out here, so the truth is that the vibrations of us and the other two have attracted who is here. And we thoroughly enjoy the ‘other two’, so what does that say about our future? IF WE LET IT, IT WILL BECOME A PLACE OF TRUE JOY AND PLEASURE, INTERACTING WITH PEOPLE WHO ARE JUST LIKE US ONLY DIFFERENT. The potential and possibility of our country abode has just opened wide, full of a much lovelier energy capable of attracting what the heart and mind of the god within us all desires.
Loyalty to Self and Self Truths