Pearls 8-10
The Sacred and Secret Use and Power of Decrees for Creating Reality
The study of the 2nd Grand Secret teaches how to command energy by using decrees. Ascended Masters have known and used the power of speech for aeons. There is a reason each decree is spoken three times, just as there is a reason each decree has its specifically chosen cadence (rhythm), word choices, and focus.
In the beginning, many new students feel awkward or self conscious speaking decrees. There is little to be gained by owning those attitudes/emotions. Decrees must be spoken with a confidence and a knowing that they are the truth you are creating.
Once the moment comes that you eagerly engage in decrees and use the power of your word intentionally and with deep inner awareness that you are planting verbal/emotional seeds into the fertile atmosphere of Infinite Intelligence, you will be closer than ever to your own awakening.
Pearl 8
Owning unlimited truths grants me personal freedom.
2nd Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: Commanding Cosmic Energies, Lesson 2, Pearl 8
Blessings unto the heart and the mind of your beings. I AM Lady Master Natasha. There is great joy in the universe, within your teachers and guides and within the heart and mind of your own beings, when you think and perceive of the ways that you might be of service to not only the planet you currently call home, planet Earth, but the universe in which you, Gods-in-the-making and in-the-remembrance, are planning ways to be of service and to assist in the ushering of the beautiful energies of this New Age of Aquarius.
Note within the heart of your beings what matters to you in this moment, in this very moment. Not ten minutes ago, not ten minutes from now, but in this moment, what matters to the heart and mind of your being? Each of you owns a truth. You are that truth within yourself, which may be a truth which resonates with others likened unto your being, that is the same as the person who is sitting next to you, or it may be a truth that is different. It is still your truth.
Truth is an interesting word because on your planet, a duality planet, the word “truth” must imply “dishonesty” as its opposite. In other words, if there is a truth that exists, there is an untruth that exists. If there is a truth that you must follow because that is what makes you honest and upright, then there is also an untruth that can be followed which makes you dishonest and perhaps sleazy. You will choose your own cultural words and feelings to describe the energy you associate with the oaths, vows, and beliefs that you own and are giving your Self.
If you search your histories, you will find many words to describe some of these truths. For instance, the individual who holds his or her own truth and has no opening within his/her consciousness for the truths of others is often called a dictator, the one who is in control and whose truth, if that person be a leader, must be the only truth that is heard, spoken, or lived up to. Other truths could be communal. If you find yourself in a political world, perhaps it might be called socialism. In a communal world, it might be called a commune, for there are collectively agreed upon truths. In secret societies, there is an entrance required, or a vow, or an oath, so that which is secret remains secret.
All of these definitions and suggestions that have been offered for the moment may or may not apply to what is true for you in this very moment. Suppose we set aside the word “truth”. Suppose we use the word ‘owning’: owning a thought, owning a belief, owning an emotion. Each one of you can agree that you have owned many thoughts, beliefs, and emotions and that you have also disowned the same thoughts, beliefs and emotions. You held on to them and lived them as a truth until you discovered how they limited your being, and then in that moment, they were no longer your truth. You no longer owned them.
Your life as Spirit having a human experience is unlimited in the amount of truths that you can own and in the amount of beliefs that you can own. You are unlimited. You are not born onto a planet that said unto your being, “You are only allowed 10 beliefs. You are only allowed seven truths. You are only allowed three emotions”. Instead, you are born on a planet that gives you unlimited choices. It gives you unlimited truths. It gives you ownership of unlimited beliefs, and it gives you the experience of unlimited emotions until at some point in your awakening you choose with awareness that which you prefer to own in each given moment. In each given moment.
In this moment, each of you has that which you are owning as a truth you are living. When it is no longer acceptable to your being, you will discard it, and you will replace it with something else. You must choose in each moment of your awareness in life what you are going to own and experience in that moment.
In one moment, you can choose to be enlightened and awakened. In another moment, you can choose to be non-receptive. In another moment, you can choose to be asleep. In another moment, you can choose to be a channel through which incredible energy flows and moves out from your being to touch the lives, the hearts, the minds, and the emotions of those who share life with you on your planet, helping them move to the heart of their own being and awaken to the inner truth they have been seeking:
You also have the option to be at peace within your Self and to command the atoms and molecules of the being that make up your consciousness to be one with the All and All. You have the freedom to command the atoms and molecules of your consciousness to expand and to accept the thought forms of Ascended Master beings who wish to guide and direct you in the arena of peace, inner peace and outer peace. You have the choice that you can make about whether to sit within the self and own all energies of the moment for the self, directing them into consciousness, to expand and to become aware. You also have the right to direct your consciousness into the outer:
You are unlimited beings experiencing life in what appears to be a finite way. You seem to be held in place by a body and by rules and regulations. You live as though you are held in place by limits of life. If you think of these seeming restrictions in this moment, you can feel yourself compacting, slinking downward as gravity pulls upon you and holds you into a place of firmness, taking away the earlier freedom you felt when we talked of being unlimited and expansive.
The contrast between these two expressions and feelings reminds you that you live in duality consciousness in this moment when you feel yourself restricted in any way that limits the principles to which you have pledged your own consciousness in its search for the Divine Self that you are. Awaken to your beingness, Beloveds. Recognize the feeling of the energy as it moves around you and moves within you, as it supports you, as it uplifts you, as it hangs on your every word and feeling, as it follows your commands without you even realizing you are giving them.
Each moment is a moment that you are creating the reality you choose to live: what you are focusing on, what you are feeling. If you are afraid, you are attracting unto you magnetically that which you fear. If you are fearless, you are pushing out from your being that which will create around you an energy field to support your fearlessness.
All and all, Beloveds, the god of your being is all and all, for the word “all” is absolute, and within it is whatever you shall choose, for you are the consciousness deciding your experience, whether it be:
May your cup runneth over. May that which is required to fulfill your life come upon you and be within you, and may the excess be so abundant that you have more to pour upon the lives of others to bless, to uplift, to awaken, to support, and most of importantly in this moment, to savor and to enjoy. So be it.
In the commanding of your life and in the commanding of your energies, you are the captain of your ship. You are the one who is at the helm. You are also the one who is at the rudder, so you hold both the steering wheel and the directive energy in the palm of your hand, but also in the speech, in the thoughts, in the feelings, in the limitations, and the expansions.
So be it.
Note within the heart of your beings what matters to you in this moment, in this very moment. Not ten minutes ago, not ten minutes from now, but in this moment, what matters to the heart and mind of your being? Each of you owns a truth. You are that truth within yourself, which may be a truth which resonates with others likened unto your being, that is the same as the person who is sitting next to you, or it may be a truth that is different. It is still your truth.
Truth is an interesting word because on your planet, a duality planet, the word “truth” must imply “dishonesty” as its opposite. In other words, if there is a truth that exists, there is an untruth that exists. If there is a truth that you must follow because that is what makes you honest and upright, then there is also an untruth that can be followed which makes you dishonest and perhaps sleazy. You will choose your own cultural words and feelings to describe the energy you associate with the oaths, vows, and beliefs that you own and are giving your Self.
- Some are giving energy to their awakening that they might remember themselves as the god or goddess of their being, remember who they are and why they are here and from whence they have come.
- Some own a truth because it was told to them or taught to them by someone else, and so they accepted the truth of another. When this occurs, you form groups, or societies or communities, where those who have gathered together agree on common truths; they agree on things they will hold as a measuring stick against which their agreements will be matched, so that they are all in agreement with one another.
- Some will believe within themselves that truth is a singularity. There can only be an individual truth and there can never be a collective truth.
- Some will believe that truth can exist between two who see eye-to-eye, but there can be no truth that exists between those who are not 100% completely upon the same page.
If you search your histories, you will find many words to describe some of these truths. For instance, the individual who holds his or her own truth and has no opening within his/her consciousness for the truths of others is often called a dictator, the one who is in control and whose truth, if that person be a leader, must be the only truth that is heard, spoken, or lived up to. Other truths could be communal. If you find yourself in a political world, perhaps it might be called socialism. In a communal world, it might be called a commune, for there are collectively agreed upon truths. In secret societies, there is an entrance required, or a vow, or an oath, so that which is secret remains secret.
All of these definitions and suggestions that have been offered for the moment may or may not apply to what is true for you in this very moment. Suppose we set aside the word “truth”. Suppose we use the word ‘owning’: owning a thought, owning a belief, owning an emotion. Each one of you can agree that you have owned many thoughts, beliefs, and emotions and that you have also disowned the same thoughts, beliefs and emotions. You held on to them and lived them as a truth until you discovered how they limited your being, and then in that moment, they were no longer your truth. You no longer owned them.
Your life as Spirit having a human experience is unlimited in the amount of truths that you can own and in the amount of beliefs that you can own. You are unlimited. You are not born onto a planet that said unto your being, “You are only allowed 10 beliefs. You are only allowed seven truths. You are only allowed three emotions”. Instead, you are born on a planet that gives you unlimited choices. It gives you unlimited truths. It gives you ownership of unlimited beliefs, and it gives you the experience of unlimited emotions until at some point in your awakening you choose with awareness that which you prefer to own in each given moment. In each given moment.
In this moment, each of you has that which you are owning as a truth you are living. When it is no longer acceptable to your being, you will discard it, and you will replace it with something else. You must choose in each moment of your awareness in life what you are going to own and experience in that moment.
In one moment, you can choose to be enlightened and awakened. In another moment, you can choose to be non-receptive. In another moment, you can choose to be asleep. In another moment, you can choose to be a channel through which incredible energy flows and moves out from your being to touch the lives, the hearts, the minds, and the emotions of those who share life with you on your planet, helping them move to the heart of their own being and awaken to the inner truth they have been seeking:
- to lift them up out of darkness and into the light
- to bring forth that which lets the soul of their being recognize itself in human form and unite with itself
- to pour forth from your being the energy that helps to remove boulders that are in the way of a life being fully lived and fully understood.
You also have the option to be at peace within your Self and to command the atoms and molecules of the being that make up your consciousness to be one with the All and All. You have the freedom to command the atoms and molecules of your consciousness to expand and to accept the thought forms of Ascended Master beings who wish to guide and direct you in the arena of peace, inner peace and outer peace. You have the choice that you can make about whether to sit within the self and own all energies of the moment for the self, directing them into consciousness, to expand and to become aware. You also have the right to direct your consciousness into the outer:
- to move the waters away from that which would be causing harm
- to move the winds to a place that allows them to be settled and not damaging
- to coax the green of Earth into abundant blossoming
- to cause the fruit from the tree to fall gently into the palm of your hand because you asked of it to do so.
You are unlimited beings experiencing life in what appears to be a finite way. You seem to be held in place by a body and by rules and regulations. You live as though you are held in place by limits of life. If you think of these seeming restrictions in this moment, you can feel yourself compacting, slinking downward as gravity pulls upon you and holds you into a place of firmness, taking away the earlier freedom you felt when we talked of being unlimited and expansive.
The contrast between these two expressions and feelings reminds you that you live in duality consciousness in this moment when you feel yourself restricted in any way that limits the principles to which you have pledged your own consciousness in its search for the Divine Self that you are. Awaken to your beingness, Beloveds. Recognize the feeling of the energy as it moves around you and moves within you, as it supports you, as it uplifts you, as it hangs on your every word and feeling, as it follows your commands without you even realizing you are giving them.
Each moment is a moment that you are creating the reality you choose to live: what you are focusing on, what you are feeling. If you are afraid, you are attracting unto you magnetically that which you fear. If you are fearless, you are pushing out from your being that which will create around you an energy field to support your fearlessness.
All and all, Beloveds, the god of your being is all and all, for the word “all” is absolute, and within it is whatever you shall choose, for you are the consciousness deciding your experience, whether it be:
- self and the inner world
- self and the outer world
- self and others
- self and many
- self and the universe
- self and masters or
- the Council of 8 or the Brotherhood of 9.
May your cup runneth over. May that which is required to fulfill your life come upon you and be within you, and may the excess be so abundant that you have more to pour upon the lives of others to bless, to uplift, to awaken, to support, and most of importantly in this moment, to savor and to enjoy. So be it.
In the commanding of your life and in the commanding of your energies, you are the captain of your ship. You are the one who is at the helm. You are also the one who is at the rudder, so you hold both the steering wheel and the directive energy in the palm of your hand, but also in the speech, in the thoughts, in the feelings, in the limitations, and the expansions.
So be it.
Pearl 9
To manifest my intention, it must be filled with
desire, imagination and belief.
2nd Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: Commanding Cosmic Energies, Lesson 3, Pearl 9
Commanding Cosmic Energies includes the world of the spoken (words and sound) and the world of emotion (feeling intent.) When you are preparing a decree for manifesting a reality or a truth you seek to bring into the physical, it requires not just the speaking of words but also the emotion and the intent behind those words. Intention is vision (symbol of what's desired) and knowing (that whatever is desired already exists) and vibration.
Your earthsuit consists of seven vehicles, each vehicle having its purpose. This lesson concentrates on the spoken word which comes from the physical vehicle, intention which comes from the vibrational as well as the emotional vehicles, and feeling that unites a visual and vibrational intention with the spoken word.
The Mechanics of Commanding Energy using Decrees
If you were to use simply words when saying a decree, they would sound and feel flat. Let us use, as an example, a decree from the first Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: “I am peaceful bliss in action”. If you hear or speak it as words-without-emotion, notice if there is any power. If it sounds and feels "rote" to you, then it is energy that is simply expressed and put into sound. It is like cooking a meal without any seasoning. It has a blandness to it. It is not much different than everyday casual ordinary speech spoken in conversation.
If you combine within your being the intent for the decree to be true to you and the rest of the world who wishes the same, then you will build an energy within that is desiring the peace, desiring the bliss, desiring whatever it means to be peaceful bliss in action. We know that decree does not mean "to be a flat energy" for to be “flat lined” in your culture is to be dead, is it not? It is the same with words that are spoken without energy or intent within them.
Words, as they leave your mouth, are like little buckets ready to catch life energy and bring the bucket to life, to spring it into form, to create a truth.
If you speak forth words with no intention and little emotion, the bucket form, the shape and form of the words, is empty and powerless. However, if you form inside yourself:
When I, Lady Master Natasha, fill the words with intent and energy, the words mean something to me.
They mean a truth that I hold and own; a truth that I know will bring me into exactly what I AM doing in this moment while speaking with you.
As I share these words with you, I AM perfect bliss IN ACTION. I am speaking with you, In Action, I am infusing your lives and your world experience with an energy to increase your capacity to understand; to upgrade your enlightenment.
When I say, “I AM PERFECT BLISS”, I AM in the space of love that is Divine, that is Godlike. I AM living and emitting the perfumed melody of God. I AM owning the inner peace that is my birthright as a Conscious Awareness of Divinity. I AM Infinite Intelligence in its creative form, in its most beautiful understanding of life and how to participate in the glory and the opportunity that is afforded me as a consciousness that is awakened and aware.
All of this is the intention behind what is spoken when I say the words “I AM PERFECT BLISS IN ACTION".
All of your decreeing is thus, and you do this without even realizing, oftentimes, that you are doing it when you are in conversation with another, or when you are speaking on your own and are emphatic about some truth. Often, it is a truth that you would not wish to be true for you, and yet you pour your energy, emotions, and feelings into the words. Then you wonder, as a collective, why it is that your world becomes as it is: chaotic, disharmonious, disappointing, ineffective. YOU, the God Who Has Forgotten that He/She is a God, has used your power, in terms of speech, intention, and emotion, to command cosmic energies.
Commanding these energies is commanding God, which is in the Bible as: “Command me my hand”. One is commanding the atoms and molecules of life that make up Infinite Intelligence, that make up God Consciousness, that make up the glory of energy that permeates all of life, constantly listening as the genie of Aladdin’s lamp would be, for your very command to create that which you choose to do with the blank slate called life.
Questions from Students:
Student 1: How much energy does a word have on its own without adding additional energy? For example, if I were to say “I hate you” but I don’t really mean it and there’s no emotional truth from me behind that word, how damaging is the negative word ‘hate’ itself?
LMN: If you were saying, with a smile and laughter, something like “I hate you”, your intent and your emotion have more power than the words. A word itself has as much power as a collective consciousness has given it. If on your planet, there is a word such “God”, for instance, used by many religions as a fearful God or a loving God, it matters not but taught that “God” is omniscient, omnipotent, knows and can do all things, then the word “God” has a vibration to it that is power. Just by saying the word “God”, there is power present. Just because a word resonates with a power, which is an energy, does not mean that the energy knows what is expected of it, because energy must be told what to do. It must be directed. Energy is part of that direction; emotion is part of that direction; and other words are also part of that direction.
You would not use the words “I am hate” and think that you will be doing yourself a service simply because you did not put energy into the word hate because the words “I AM” are extremely powerful, even if you have not imbued them with your energy. They are still powerful because of the collective belief on your planet. Decrees are much like this. The more they have been used over what you count and call years or decades or millennia, the more power they have to create that which the words have strung together in sentence or command form.
Student 2: Is our group clear for “using voiced commands with intention”?
LMN: The only current limitation within this group that is present is an emotion called “hesitation”. There is a hesitancy in some of you present to speak forth that which you would have be true for you due to fear of saying it incorrectly or of having the wrong answer. This comes from elementary school where a hand was tentatively raised because one thought one had the right answer to the question the teacher asked, only to be ‘shot-down’ or made fun of. Fear sets in along with the thought, “I will not open my mouth again. I will just sit and listen,” or “I will pay attention, but I will not set myself up to be made fun of again". There is that memory, that hesitancy, within some of you present. It is, of course, easily altered and rectified. You have your ways of changing your realities, so you might discover these on your own and set yourself free.
There is a beauty to having a human form on Earth, and part of that beauty is the physical capacity to speak forth and command the atoms and molecules of existence into a livelihood, into a manifestation, into a creation. To be in full control of one’s emotions, speech and intentional nature is to walk towards the path of mastery. When one notices any form of limitation in any of those areas, these must be addressed in order for you to move forth competently in the world of Commanding Cosmic Energies.
Student 2: Thank you and for those who are not present?
LMN: They will also have their way to test themselves, if indeed those who are hearing this have already gone through the basics required to hear and understand this series of developmental lessons.
As you move forth in practicing Commanding Cosmic Energies, you will remember your intention. You will remember the feeling you are to put into it.
Let us say you cannot dredge up within yourself a feeling for the decree you wish to speak. In that case, you have a limitation that will not allow you the creation of what you are seeking. If there is no energy that flows with that which you are seeking for truth, you must hunt within yourself. You must be the detective and discover what is holding you back from this being your truth. The moment you can find the energy to infuse into that which you say, you are stepping into ownership of your life. You are becoming mastery of yourself, and you are beginning the understanding needed and required for ascension consciousness.
Your earthsuit consists of seven vehicles, each vehicle having its purpose. This lesson concentrates on the spoken word which comes from the physical vehicle, intention which comes from the vibrational as well as the emotional vehicles, and feeling that unites a visual and vibrational intention with the spoken word.
The Mechanics of Commanding Energy using Decrees
If you were to use simply words when saying a decree, they would sound and feel flat. Let us use, as an example, a decree from the first Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: “I am peaceful bliss in action”. If you hear or speak it as words-without-emotion, notice if there is any power. If it sounds and feels "rote" to you, then it is energy that is simply expressed and put into sound. It is like cooking a meal without any seasoning. It has a blandness to it. It is not much different than everyday casual ordinary speech spoken in conversation.
If you combine within your being the intent for the decree to be true to you and the rest of the world who wishes the same, then you will build an energy within that is desiring the peace, desiring the bliss, desiring whatever it means to be peaceful bliss in action. We know that decree does not mean "to be a flat energy" for to be “flat lined” in your culture is to be dead, is it not? It is the same with words that are spoken without energy or intent within them.
Words, as they leave your mouth, are like little buckets ready to catch life energy and bring the bucket to life, to spring it into form, to create a truth.
If you speak forth words with no intention and little emotion, the bucket form, the shape and form of the words, is empty and powerless. However, if you form inside yourself:
- the intention
- the desire
- the imagination
- the belief,
When I, Lady Master Natasha, fill the words with intent and energy, the words mean something to me.
They mean a truth that I hold and own; a truth that I know will bring me into exactly what I AM doing in this moment while speaking with you.
As I share these words with you, I AM perfect bliss IN ACTION. I am speaking with you, In Action, I am infusing your lives and your world experience with an energy to increase your capacity to understand; to upgrade your enlightenment.
When I say, “I AM PERFECT BLISS”, I AM in the space of love that is Divine, that is Godlike. I AM living and emitting the perfumed melody of God. I AM owning the inner peace that is my birthright as a Conscious Awareness of Divinity. I AM Infinite Intelligence in its creative form, in its most beautiful understanding of life and how to participate in the glory and the opportunity that is afforded me as a consciousness that is awakened and aware.
All of this is the intention behind what is spoken when I say the words “I AM PERFECT BLISS IN ACTION".
All of your decreeing is thus, and you do this without even realizing, oftentimes, that you are doing it when you are in conversation with another, or when you are speaking on your own and are emphatic about some truth. Often, it is a truth that you would not wish to be true for you, and yet you pour your energy, emotions, and feelings into the words. Then you wonder, as a collective, why it is that your world becomes as it is: chaotic, disharmonious, disappointing, ineffective. YOU, the God Who Has Forgotten that He/She is a God, has used your power, in terms of speech, intention, and emotion, to command cosmic energies.
Commanding these energies is commanding God, which is in the Bible as: “Command me my hand”. One is commanding the atoms and molecules of life that make up Infinite Intelligence, that make up God Consciousness, that make up the glory of energy that permeates all of life, constantly listening as the genie of Aladdin’s lamp would be, for your very command to create that which you choose to do with the blank slate called life.
Questions from Students:
Student 1: How much energy does a word have on its own without adding additional energy? For example, if I were to say “I hate you” but I don’t really mean it and there’s no emotional truth from me behind that word, how damaging is the negative word ‘hate’ itself?
LMN: If you were saying, with a smile and laughter, something like “I hate you”, your intent and your emotion have more power than the words. A word itself has as much power as a collective consciousness has given it. If on your planet, there is a word such “God”, for instance, used by many religions as a fearful God or a loving God, it matters not but taught that “God” is omniscient, omnipotent, knows and can do all things, then the word “God” has a vibration to it that is power. Just by saying the word “God”, there is power present. Just because a word resonates with a power, which is an energy, does not mean that the energy knows what is expected of it, because energy must be told what to do. It must be directed. Energy is part of that direction; emotion is part of that direction; and other words are also part of that direction.
You would not use the words “I am hate” and think that you will be doing yourself a service simply because you did not put energy into the word hate because the words “I AM” are extremely powerful, even if you have not imbued them with your energy. They are still powerful because of the collective belief on your planet. Decrees are much like this. The more they have been used over what you count and call years or decades or millennia, the more power they have to create that which the words have strung together in sentence or command form.
Student 2: Is our group clear for “using voiced commands with intention”?
LMN: The only current limitation within this group that is present is an emotion called “hesitation”. There is a hesitancy in some of you present to speak forth that which you would have be true for you due to fear of saying it incorrectly or of having the wrong answer. This comes from elementary school where a hand was tentatively raised because one thought one had the right answer to the question the teacher asked, only to be ‘shot-down’ or made fun of. Fear sets in along with the thought, “I will not open my mouth again. I will just sit and listen,” or “I will pay attention, but I will not set myself up to be made fun of again". There is that memory, that hesitancy, within some of you present. It is, of course, easily altered and rectified. You have your ways of changing your realities, so you might discover these on your own and set yourself free.
There is a beauty to having a human form on Earth, and part of that beauty is the physical capacity to speak forth and command the atoms and molecules of existence into a livelihood, into a manifestation, into a creation. To be in full control of one’s emotions, speech and intentional nature is to walk towards the path of mastery. When one notices any form of limitation in any of those areas, these must be addressed in order for you to move forth competently in the world of Commanding Cosmic Energies.
Student 2: Thank you and for those who are not present?
LMN: They will also have their way to test themselves, if indeed those who are hearing this have already gone through the basics required to hear and understand this series of developmental lessons.
As you move forth in practicing Commanding Cosmic Energies, you will remember your intention. You will remember the feeling you are to put into it.
Let us say you cannot dredge up within yourself a feeling for the decree you wish to speak. In that case, you have a limitation that will not allow you the creation of what you are seeking. If there is no energy that flows with that which you are seeking for truth, you must hunt within yourself. You must be the detective and discover what is holding you back from this being your truth. The moment you can find the energy to infuse into that which you say, you are stepping into ownership of your life. You are becoming mastery of yourself, and you are beginning the understanding needed and required for ascension consciousness.
Pearl 10
My persistence and dedication of focus on my intention
produces its achievement.
For every Spirit that moves into a human form on planet Earth, in the infancy of the human form there is the need to achieve self sufficiency using the body. There is a need to
The infant, the child, the toddler strives ceaselessly to achieve that which it witnesses in its world.
As it observes the bipedal locomotion of its caregivers, it makes every effort to produce the same results. As infant Self struggles to walk, it does not give up, assuming its physical form is capable of walking, until the walking is achieved.
That is Visionary:
It is a perfect example of Visionary, and it does not stop there, for once there is locomotion or mobility, there is the desire to feed Self without assistance. There is the desire to eliminate without help. Even though Self has achieved mobility, it is still fine-tuning the sensory apparatus that is its new home called the body, or perhaps you might call it your earth suit. You, the Self, must learn how to make it work and function in order to enjoy the planet on which you find your Self.
To become Visionary is to have a goal or a vision along with the energy and dedication to pursue it. That, Beloveds, is what leads to Ascension Consciousness. If you have within your awareness the desire to achieve Ascension, and you keep that focus, that energy, that intent, then you must eventually be led to the information, whether you are led to it externally or internally, that will assist you in achieving your goal. In the development series you are currently undertaking, you have already understood that achieving Ascension is not exactly the same thing as learning how to put soup in a spoon and moving it to your mouth without spilling it.
Ascension Achievement, Awakening Awareness, Sleeping no Longer, Moving your Self out of Illusion, Understanding what Maya is, Awakening to the True Self within, by whatever name, it is a journey. You are all upon that journey or you would not be listening to/reading these words. The journey is a constant revelation; you are constantly understanding and awakening, just as the Spirit, who as a child has learned to make its body move and learns to discover what else it can do. It learns to stretch the body. How fast can it move? How high can it jump? How far can it swim? How long can it hold its breath? How easily can it overcome gravity? These are all examples of becoming Visionary, of setting a goal and persisting until you achieve the goal.
Your Truth Can Change
When you choose a profession on planet Earth, in your culture it is normally associated with a career and with that which brings income. When you choose to command to yourself "I AM equal to the best in my chosen profession”, you go beyond the concept of what you simply do with yourself from sunup to sundown to bring home a paycheck. That is visionary.
You may have a profession that is Awakening. Your profession may be anything in addition to what you do for a living. When you affirm that you are the best in your profession, you are affirming that whatever it is you have set your goal to be or to become or to experience, you will continue until that truth is no longer your truth. It may no longer be your truth because you have achieved it or because you have superseded it. You have awakened and realized that that which you were pursuing is no longer something that the soul of your being finds valuable. You let it go to move into a higher, perhaps, truth. A different truth. A different path perhaps.
When you are setting goals, Beloveds, they must be believable. They must be something that you believe you can realistically achieve. We are not going into the philosophy here about what is real and what is not, what is Maya and what is not. Rather we speak of what is achievable by the body that you wear as you are a human being on planet Earth. You know that at least at this time of this recording, humans do not have any role model of a physical form that can jump off a building and fly on its on, so to hold flying as a goal for your being without assistance from something mechanical or something that can counteract the way the body is built is unrealistic.
When you set a goal that is realistic, it is something that is achievable. We also do not mean to limit yourself to only that which has been deemed possible by science or by others who have come before you. We do not mean to hold possibility as the measuring stick for your vision. There are many examples on your planet now in your lifetime, many that will exist in your future, and many that exist in your past that show that what was once thought impossible is now possible, your internet being one of the examples. It is not just technology that allows one to move into the consideration of that which is called miraculous.
Stay Focused and Achieve
The most important point from this lesson is that when you pour your focus into something that you are desiring to achieve, stay with it. Unless, as we have said, a Higher Wisdom prevails at some point, and you realize it is wiser to shift your focus. By staying with a goal, whether it is one you pursue all the way to completion or whether it is one you pursue partway and then the Higher Wisdom of your being shifts the focus, you are still focused on a goal.
The point of this, Beloveds, is savoring life, to enjoy the fact that you are Spirit in a human form on a 3D planet, as you call it, living what cannot be experienced in two dimensional thinking or experience, what cannot be accomplished without a human form. You are the beauty and the glory of God Consciousness, even if you are asleep. You are still miraculous. What you can perceive, what you can discover, whether you are working singly, or in a pair, or in a group or even as a large collective called a nation, is only limited by your persistence and your dedication.
In the first 158 Pearls series called True Joy is That Which is Tranquil, you are taught about attachments and "not" attachments: things that you were attached to that kept you from growing and evolving, as well as things that you refused to do or would not do, your “not” attachments, and these also were areas that also kept you from growing. When we speak of being Visionary, you are going beyond the attachment and the not attachment.
We do not speak of aligning yourself and focusing your attention so diligently and dedicatedly and purposefully on achieving your goal that you become so attached to it that you cannot let go if necessary. There are many examples that you could come up with, where staying attached to something that was an unwise goal or something that limits your consciousness would be unwise to do.
By commanding yourself to "Be Visionary", you do what Master Jesus is reported to have said in the chronicles called your Bible, “Except ye be as little children, ye do not enter the kingdom of God.” A child never gives up in trying to achieve that which it is seeking, unless the outer world makes it so. A child is naturally visionary.
When a child wants something from its mother, for example, or its father, it asks for it in a particular tone of voice with a particular rate of speech. If it is told, “No”, it asks again in a different tone of voice with a different rate of speech. And if denied, it asks again, and it continues to ask over and over until it hits the right combination of frequency and sound and energy that causes the entity who has been telling it, “No” to say, “Yes.”
You may have experienced this yourselves; you may have done this yourselves with your own caregivers. Observe it. It IS the persistence and dedication of the consciousness “except ye be as little children”. The child has not taken no for its answer, which most grown ups, most adults, have learned to do. They have been taught by stern task masters, in schools, by elders, by those in control, that “No” must be honored. The journey away from the goal begins by accepting the word “No”:
and then it occurs again, and again, and again, until the miracle that you were when you were small has been weighted down by so many limitations from its outer world that it sometimes can barely survive.
The Gift
It is all about finding something that lights your fire that you will pursue until you master it.
You have The Gift to pick and choose your goal and then direct your energy towards it.
You have The Gift to continue until you are successful.
You have The Gift.
You have always had The Gift.
It is given to you the moment you are a Soul.
The moment the Soul of your being was created, you had The Gift.
You are here, and one by one you are letting go of the things that have limited you in your understanding of life, and as you do, life gets fuller. Life becomes more fun. It becomes more enjoyable. You begin to realize that all along you have held the key to creation, but you believed the outer world when it told you “No”.
This evening, Beloveds, your Gift to yourself is to remove the memories within that say “No” is the final word.
Reverse it loved ones.
YES is the final word.
For every Spirit that moves into a human form on planet Earth, in the infancy of the human form there is the need to achieve self sufficiency using the body. There is a need to
- learn to walk
- learn to feed the Self
- learn to eliminate on one’s own
- become physically self-sufficient.
The infant, the child, the toddler strives ceaselessly to achieve that which it witnesses in its world.
As it observes the bipedal locomotion of its caregivers, it makes every effort to produce the same results. As infant Self struggles to walk, it does not give up, assuming its physical form is capable of walking, until the walking is achieved.
That is Visionary:
- There was a goal that was set
- There was an intention that was held on to
- And, there was persistence and dedication until the goal was achieved.
It is a perfect example of Visionary, and it does not stop there, for once there is locomotion or mobility, there is the desire to feed Self without assistance. There is the desire to eliminate without help. Even though Self has achieved mobility, it is still fine-tuning the sensory apparatus that is its new home called the body, or perhaps you might call it your earth suit. You, the Self, must learn how to make it work and function in order to enjoy the planet on which you find your Self.
To become Visionary is to have a goal or a vision along with the energy and dedication to pursue it. That, Beloveds, is what leads to Ascension Consciousness. If you have within your awareness the desire to achieve Ascension, and you keep that focus, that energy, that intent, then you must eventually be led to the information, whether you are led to it externally or internally, that will assist you in achieving your goal. In the development series you are currently undertaking, you have already understood that achieving Ascension is not exactly the same thing as learning how to put soup in a spoon and moving it to your mouth without spilling it.
Ascension Achievement, Awakening Awareness, Sleeping no Longer, Moving your Self out of Illusion, Understanding what Maya is, Awakening to the True Self within, by whatever name, it is a journey. You are all upon that journey or you would not be listening to/reading these words. The journey is a constant revelation; you are constantly understanding and awakening, just as the Spirit, who as a child has learned to make its body move and learns to discover what else it can do. It learns to stretch the body. How fast can it move? How high can it jump? How far can it swim? How long can it hold its breath? How easily can it overcome gravity? These are all examples of becoming Visionary, of setting a goal and persisting until you achieve the goal.
Your Truth Can Change
When you choose a profession on planet Earth, in your culture it is normally associated with a career and with that which brings income. When you choose to command to yourself "I AM equal to the best in my chosen profession”, you go beyond the concept of what you simply do with yourself from sunup to sundown to bring home a paycheck. That is visionary.
You may have a profession that is Awakening. Your profession may be anything in addition to what you do for a living. When you affirm that you are the best in your profession, you are affirming that whatever it is you have set your goal to be or to become or to experience, you will continue until that truth is no longer your truth. It may no longer be your truth because you have achieved it or because you have superseded it. You have awakened and realized that that which you were pursuing is no longer something that the soul of your being finds valuable. You let it go to move into a higher, perhaps, truth. A different truth. A different path perhaps.
When you are setting goals, Beloveds, they must be believable. They must be something that you believe you can realistically achieve. We are not going into the philosophy here about what is real and what is not, what is Maya and what is not. Rather we speak of what is achievable by the body that you wear as you are a human being on planet Earth. You know that at least at this time of this recording, humans do not have any role model of a physical form that can jump off a building and fly on its on, so to hold flying as a goal for your being without assistance from something mechanical or something that can counteract the way the body is built is unrealistic.
When you set a goal that is realistic, it is something that is achievable. We also do not mean to limit yourself to only that which has been deemed possible by science or by others who have come before you. We do not mean to hold possibility as the measuring stick for your vision. There are many examples on your planet now in your lifetime, many that will exist in your future, and many that exist in your past that show that what was once thought impossible is now possible, your internet being one of the examples. It is not just technology that allows one to move into the consideration of that which is called miraculous.
Stay Focused and Achieve
The most important point from this lesson is that when you pour your focus into something that you are desiring to achieve, stay with it. Unless, as we have said, a Higher Wisdom prevails at some point, and you realize it is wiser to shift your focus. By staying with a goal, whether it is one you pursue all the way to completion or whether it is one you pursue partway and then the Higher Wisdom of your being shifts the focus, you are still focused on a goal.
The point of this, Beloveds, is savoring life, to enjoy the fact that you are Spirit in a human form on a 3D planet, as you call it, living what cannot be experienced in two dimensional thinking or experience, what cannot be accomplished without a human form. You are the beauty and the glory of God Consciousness, even if you are asleep. You are still miraculous. What you can perceive, what you can discover, whether you are working singly, or in a pair, or in a group or even as a large collective called a nation, is only limited by your persistence and your dedication.
In the first 158 Pearls series called True Joy is That Which is Tranquil, you are taught about attachments and "not" attachments: things that you were attached to that kept you from growing and evolving, as well as things that you refused to do or would not do, your “not” attachments, and these also were areas that also kept you from growing. When we speak of being Visionary, you are going beyond the attachment and the not attachment.
We do not speak of aligning yourself and focusing your attention so diligently and dedicatedly and purposefully on achieving your goal that you become so attached to it that you cannot let go if necessary. There are many examples that you could come up with, where staying attached to something that was an unwise goal or something that limits your consciousness would be unwise to do.
By commanding yourself to "Be Visionary", you do what Master Jesus is reported to have said in the chronicles called your Bible, “Except ye be as little children, ye do not enter the kingdom of God.” A child never gives up in trying to achieve that which it is seeking, unless the outer world makes it so. A child is naturally visionary.
When a child wants something from its mother, for example, or its father, it asks for it in a particular tone of voice with a particular rate of speech. If it is told, “No”, it asks again in a different tone of voice with a different rate of speech. And if denied, it asks again, and it continues to ask over and over until it hits the right combination of frequency and sound and energy that causes the entity who has been telling it, “No” to say, “Yes.”
You may have experienced this yourselves; you may have done this yourselves with your own caregivers. Observe it. It IS the persistence and dedication of the consciousness “except ye be as little children”. The child has not taken no for its answer, which most grown ups, most adults, have learned to do. They have been taught by stern task masters, in schools, by elders, by those in control, that “No” must be honored. The journey away from the goal begins by accepting the word “No”:
- by being told something you desire you may not have
- you cannot achieve
- you may not strive for
and then it occurs again, and again, and again, until the miracle that you were when you were small has been weighted down by so many limitations from its outer world that it sometimes can barely survive.
The Gift
It is all about finding something that lights your fire that you will pursue until you master it.
You have The Gift to pick and choose your goal and then direct your energy towards it.
You have The Gift to continue until you are successful.
You have The Gift.
You have always had The Gift.
It is given to you the moment you are a Soul.
The moment the Soul of your being was created, you had The Gift.
You are here, and one by one you are letting go of the things that have limited you in your understanding of life, and as you do, life gets fuller. Life becomes more fun. It becomes more enjoyable. You begin to realize that all along you have held the key to creation, but you believed the outer world when it told you “No”.
This evening, Beloveds, your Gift to yourself is to remove the memories within that say “No” is the final word.
Reverse it loved ones.
YES is the final word.
Pearl 7: My energy and emotions, like boomerangs, return to me whatever I emanate.
Pearl 8: Owning Unlimited Truths grants me personal freedom.
Pearl 9: To manifest my intention, it must be filled with desire, imagination and belief.
Pearl 10: My persistence and dedication of focus on my intention produces its achievement.
Pearl 8: Owning Unlimited Truths grants me personal freedom.
Pearl 9: To manifest my intention, it must be filled with desire, imagination and belief.
Pearl 10: My persistence and dedication of focus on my intention produces its achievement.
Using Spiritual Decrees and Pearls of Enlightenment
GRATITUDE SHARING: You know how often LMN mentions governing our thoughts and the words we use. I’ve been very aware of this for at least 30 years. A patient at the time had been badly injured in a rescue mission 24 years previously and was still suffering severe physical challenges. I worked on this guy weekly for three months, each visit asking him if there was any improvement. "No, no, no" each week for three months. I was getting pretty exasperated. One week I asked him if he’d had any improvement even for a few hours. His response was that yes, as had become usual, (what???) he was great for a few days – "Unbelievable in fact mate, just unfreaking believable" – then went back to square one. Next week, the same response, and the next week. Then it hit me like a sledge hammer. The word "unbelievable" he used as an exclamation in the positive BUT, the subconscious is literal, so "unbelievable" within that sphere had to be made unbelievable regardless of the exclamation in the positive. Well, needless to say, once I pointed out to him that he was sabotaging his own recovery, I forbade him to say or even think that word ever again. Within the next three months, we’d completely rebuilt his upper torso, arms and neck to the point where he was pain free and could do anything.
You have completed the
When you are ready, the third Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries, Radical Self Love,
and its 5 Pearls of Enlightenment await you.
and its 5 Pearls of Enlightenment await you.