Being More than Human
Pearl 56
I always have what I need before I know I need it.
12th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: Going Soul, Lesson 2, Pearl 56
Scroll to page bottom for Pearls 58-60 or Click Here

This past week you have been surprising yourselves, as it were, with questions…thinking that perhaps you already knew and perhaps there is more to know OR realizing that you never really thought about it and there’s definitely more to know.
In this journey on planet Earth, there is much misinformation about Soul, what it is, what it is capable of, what it is not capable of, just as there is misinformation about what you call God, what it is, if it exists, how it works, is it a He, is it a She, is it an It, is it a power, and so on. We start this Lesson 2 off with a knowing that there is no separation between Soul and the God of the Self. No separation, just as there is no separation between the God of Self and All That Is.
In our discussion of Soul and God and Self, it is truly only on planets such as Earth where there is a separation, where you are not trained in the beginning of your Consciousness-in-Form how these interact with one another, what they are, and who you are.
Masters have left clues upon your planet, seeking to leave a mystery for those who are ready to unravel it. Many of you have heard “Where three or more are gathered, there so am I". Many of you have heard “Where two or more are gathered, there so am I". Many of you have heard “the Trinity” and many words have been given, way too many words, to spend time on how a Trinity has been described in many of your religions, words such as “Holy Spirit” being used to describe something that no one knows what it is. These words, Beloved, are best set aside for this course. It is best to set aside all definitions and all thoughts and all things you’ve read for the moment. You can always pick them up later. You can have them back at any time.
Let us begin, as it were, as though you were not on planet Earth, and you yourselves were being born on a planet that understands the natural bounty and blessing that is yours because YOU ARE SOUL:
"You are a Soul, Beloved One. You are Spirit, and you are Christ. It is these three aspects of your Self that work together to create the world you see around you, and though you may be small, though you may be a child still, you are no less powerful. For Soul, and Spirit, and the Christ Self have nothing to do with age, have nothing to do with weight, race, or a religion (if you ever read or hear about one). They have nothing to do with anything that is considered powerless and they have everything to do with your birthright for existence.
You see, Beloved little one, you have come to experience yourself in your grandeur. You have come to experience and know yourself as the creative aspect that lives in all of life, but you yourself are living in a form that you have chosen here on this planet. This form is what we will call the temple or the home of your Soul. The Soul is not something you have left behind. It is not somewhere out there; it is all in here, and your Soul is not alone. It has helpers. It has friends. It has allies.
Your Soul has your Consciousness, which is this magnificent aspect: your personality, your spiritual self, your nature.
You, dear one, have been born with a nature. There are many natures that you will discover on this planet. There are the:
Just about anything you can dream of, little one, exists in this world to which you have come.
You have come with another ally. You have come with what some might call a runner, or some might call the messenger, or some might call the power source, some might call the secretary or some might call the best friend. It can have many names, but its purpose, beloved one, is to act as a conduit for your spiritual nature, your spirit self personality, the heart of your being, to be a conduit for that being to be able to express itself and its needs and its desires to the Soul of your being, wherein the Soul of your being, in its innate wisdom and capacity has all that is required, in terms of knowing, to create that which you ask of it.
When you grow up, little one, you will hear stories of those who live on other planets who have forgotten their Soul. They have forgotten what it is and even how to reach it. Little one, you need not fear that, for here on this planet, every day of your life you will be trained in how to reach your Soul, for it is conscious as you are conscious. It is knowing as you are knowing. It is, you might say, the True Giver of Life, whereas you yourself that are listening are The Requester of Life. You get to request, and then this wonderful conduit that is there with you, this Christed Self of your being, delivers this request to The Giver, the Soul. The Giver accepts all of the manna, the energy, that you offer your request with, that it might use this energy to bring about the creation of that which you have requested.
Of course, Intelligent One, you heard did you not? You heard what was required for what you are asking to be made true. You heard “energy”. Yes, you understand that the conscious self must become the energy producer in order for the Christed Self, the conduit, to take the energy and the request to this higher wisdom, The Giver.
How does one go about becoming energy? Creating energy?
Ah Beloved One, when you took on the form you have, you were given all of the gifts that you needed, all of the gifts that were required for you to be successful in that endeavor. One of these gifts is a body called the emotional body, and oh you can have such fun with this body, for it brings a true dimension to your existence. It can bring ecstasy. It can bring joy. It can bring tranquility. It can bring peace. It can bring any form of emotion, which is of course an energy in motion. For you are in motion in life…you have taken on a form. You are not in the ethers where you are formless any more. You are here on this planet which recognizes the form you are was created by your own thoughts and desires, and it demonstrates already to us, who are sharing these teachings with you, your truth: what you have come here to manifest, who you have come to be. We will be able to watch you as you grow, and we will be able to see the thought forms and the feelings that you have within your being, for they will manifest in the physical form that you are.
You will see, looking now through your eyes, all of the lights that are around you and the colors that you see of the shapes and the forms, and those colors you will begin to learn their meanings. You will how to know what one is thinking and what one is feeling. You will know what energy you wish to participate with and what energy you will wish to remain away from, if indeed there ever is one.
Your training will continue, Beloved Light of Life that has taken on form in this magnificent part of the Universe where love is the energy that feeds all. This love, Beloved Ones, is an undercurrent. It is an undercurrent that gently flows into all things in life. It flows into the food that you will take when you wish to have more love within your being. It flows into the songs that you will sing and hear whenever you wish to have more love in your being. It flows into the events that you will create to participate whenever you wish to have more love flow into your being.
There are many that you will meet as you are growing who will have different ideas than you do, but you will find that because of this undercurrent of love, there will be a way for you to hear them, and they will be able to hear you, and you will be able to understand one another. You may not agree, but you will be able to understand. Where you are now living, there is diversity but there is agreement and a willingness to allow diversity to express itself. “Why?” Beloved One, you ask. Because there is a thread of love that journeys through all of it, and this is your manna. This is your anchor into this planet into which you have been born.
There are even more tools that you have been given Beloved One. You have been given a Mental body, and this mental body will help you dream up with great curiosity, great imagination, that which you would like to experiment with, that which you would like to create, that which you would like to share. It will be filled with ideas, and we will be training you and teaching you of all things that you might consider, for the best thing to know right now, Beloved One, is that there is no thing which is impossible. All is possible.
In addition to this body that you have, this mental body, you also have a Freedom body. This freedom body allows you to leave this form that you are in this moment and travel wherever you desire, and you will always be connected. You will not have to fear getting back to wherever you come from in this form, for it will always find its way back. It is like a homing pigeon with a homing device in its connection: always return. You can use this to travel to other planets. You can use this to travel to other dimensions, and do you know why this is possible for you, Beloved One?
“Because there is an undercurrent of love?”
Yes, you guessed it. There is an undercurrent of love in everything that you are doing, and it is that love that will help you find your way back home. It is your safety net.
Yes, Beloved One, life is safe because of love. Love creates the foundation. Love creates the anchor, and you are born into it.
There is one more body to share with you that you have, and it is like a translation body. This body takes the brilliant information that comes from Wisdom Everywhere and condenses it into formats that each of the bodies you are using can understand, so that one does not have to have or be born to or learn a particular language. All language is frequency. All language is vibration, and therefore, Beloved, you will have these vibrations translated into the vibrations you need or require.
Oh, you are in for a joy ride, Beloved Soul of light and life, for you are whole in your creation of self, and you are whole here upon this planet of love and light. In your wholeness will you journey to whatever this heart and mind of your being decides to create. That is why you are here, Beloved. You have come to create. You have come to learn how to create, and you have come to enjoy how to create, and even, Beloved Soul, you have come to increase the love on this planet.
Did you know, did they tell you before you came, that there is no limit to the amount of love that can be produced in life? That can be exuded from your being? That can be expanded to life everywhere? There is no limit to it.
You will discover there are planets. There is one called planet Earth, you will discover, Beautiful Soul, that planet Earth has been requesting for a long time, an overdose one might say, of love. It has been needing energy to help counteract some things on that planet that you will not encounter here, for you are living in an atmosphere where love is the thread and love is the foundation. Love is the anchor. Love is the food. Love is the manna. Love is the energy.
Dear one, this is your welcome to this planet. We are glad you are here and know that our love will surround you and follow you always, for you will always be taken care of. You will never lack unless you choose to have that experience."
In this journey on planet Earth, there is much misinformation about Soul, what it is, what it is capable of, what it is not capable of, just as there is misinformation about what you call God, what it is, if it exists, how it works, is it a He, is it a She, is it an It, is it a power, and so on. We start this Lesson 2 off with a knowing that there is no separation between Soul and the God of the Self. No separation, just as there is no separation between the God of Self and All That Is.
In our discussion of Soul and God and Self, it is truly only on planets such as Earth where there is a separation, where you are not trained in the beginning of your Consciousness-in-Form how these interact with one another, what they are, and who you are.
Masters have left clues upon your planet, seeking to leave a mystery for those who are ready to unravel it. Many of you have heard “Where three or more are gathered, there so am I". Many of you have heard “Where two or more are gathered, there so am I". Many of you have heard “the Trinity” and many words have been given, way too many words, to spend time on how a Trinity has been described in many of your religions, words such as “Holy Spirit” being used to describe something that no one knows what it is. These words, Beloved, are best set aside for this course. It is best to set aside all definitions and all thoughts and all things you’ve read for the moment. You can always pick them up later. You can have them back at any time.
Let us begin, as it were, as though you were not on planet Earth, and you yourselves were being born on a planet that understands the natural bounty and blessing that is yours because YOU ARE SOUL:
"You are a Soul, Beloved One. You are Spirit, and you are Christ. It is these three aspects of your Self that work together to create the world you see around you, and though you may be small, though you may be a child still, you are no less powerful. For Soul, and Spirit, and the Christ Self have nothing to do with age, have nothing to do with weight, race, or a religion (if you ever read or hear about one). They have nothing to do with anything that is considered powerless and they have everything to do with your birthright for existence.
You see, Beloved little one, you have come to experience yourself in your grandeur. You have come to experience and know yourself as the creative aspect that lives in all of life, but you yourself are living in a form that you have chosen here on this planet. This form is what we will call the temple or the home of your Soul. The Soul is not something you have left behind. It is not somewhere out there; it is all in here, and your Soul is not alone. It has helpers. It has friends. It has allies.
Your Soul has your Consciousness, which is this magnificent aspect: your personality, your spiritual self, your nature.
You, dear one, have been born with a nature. There are many natures that you will discover on this planet. There are the:
- Gentle natures
- The shy and quiet natures
- The bold and raucous natures
- The heavenly spiritual natures
- The creative natures
- The decisive natures.
Just about anything you can dream of, little one, exists in this world to which you have come.
You have come with another ally. You have come with what some might call a runner, or some might call the messenger, or some might call the power source, some might call the secretary or some might call the best friend. It can have many names, but its purpose, beloved one, is to act as a conduit for your spiritual nature, your spirit self personality, the heart of your being, to be a conduit for that being to be able to express itself and its needs and its desires to the Soul of your being, wherein the Soul of your being, in its innate wisdom and capacity has all that is required, in terms of knowing, to create that which you ask of it.
When you grow up, little one, you will hear stories of those who live on other planets who have forgotten their Soul. They have forgotten what it is and even how to reach it. Little one, you need not fear that, for here on this planet, every day of your life you will be trained in how to reach your Soul, for it is conscious as you are conscious. It is knowing as you are knowing. It is, you might say, the True Giver of Life, whereas you yourself that are listening are The Requester of Life. You get to request, and then this wonderful conduit that is there with you, this Christed Self of your being, delivers this request to The Giver, the Soul. The Giver accepts all of the manna, the energy, that you offer your request with, that it might use this energy to bring about the creation of that which you have requested.
Of course, Intelligent One, you heard did you not? You heard what was required for what you are asking to be made true. You heard “energy”. Yes, you understand that the conscious self must become the energy producer in order for the Christed Self, the conduit, to take the energy and the request to this higher wisdom, The Giver.
How does one go about becoming energy? Creating energy?
Ah Beloved One, when you took on the form you have, you were given all of the gifts that you needed, all of the gifts that were required for you to be successful in that endeavor. One of these gifts is a body called the emotional body, and oh you can have such fun with this body, for it brings a true dimension to your existence. It can bring ecstasy. It can bring joy. It can bring tranquility. It can bring peace. It can bring any form of emotion, which is of course an energy in motion. For you are in motion in life…you have taken on a form. You are not in the ethers where you are formless any more. You are here on this planet which recognizes the form you are was created by your own thoughts and desires, and it demonstrates already to us, who are sharing these teachings with you, your truth: what you have come here to manifest, who you have come to be. We will be able to watch you as you grow, and we will be able to see the thought forms and the feelings that you have within your being, for they will manifest in the physical form that you are.
You will see, looking now through your eyes, all of the lights that are around you and the colors that you see of the shapes and the forms, and those colors you will begin to learn their meanings. You will how to know what one is thinking and what one is feeling. You will know what energy you wish to participate with and what energy you will wish to remain away from, if indeed there ever is one.
Your training will continue, Beloved Light of Life that has taken on form in this magnificent part of the Universe where love is the energy that feeds all. This love, Beloved Ones, is an undercurrent. It is an undercurrent that gently flows into all things in life. It flows into the food that you will take when you wish to have more love within your being. It flows into the songs that you will sing and hear whenever you wish to have more love in your being. It flows into the events that you will create to participate whenever you wish to have more love flow into your being.
There are many that you will meet as you are growing who will have different ideas than you do, but you will find that because of this undercurrent of love, there will be a way for you to hear them, and they will be able to hear you, and you will be able to understand one another. You may not agree, but you will be able to understand. Where you are now living, there is diversity but there is agreement and a willingness to allow diversity to express itself. “Why?” Beloved One, you ask. Because there is a thread of love that journeys through all of it, and this is your manna. This is your anchor into this planet into which you have been born.
There are even more tools that you have been given Beloved One. You have been given a Mental body, and this mental body will help you dream up with great curiosity, great imagination, that which you would like to experiment with, that which you would like to create, that which you would like to share. It will be filled with ideas, and we will be training you and teaching you of all things that you might consider, for the best thing to know right now, Beloved One, is that there is no thing which is impossible. All is possible.
In addition to this body that you have, this mental body, you also have a Freedom body. This freedom body allows you to leave this form that you are in this moment and travel wherever you desire, and you will always be connected. You will not have to fear getting back to wherever you come from in this form, for it will always find its way back. It is like a homing pigeon with a homing device in its connection: always return. You can use this to travel to other planets. You can use this to travel to other dimensions, and do you know why this is possible for you, Beloved One?
“Because there is an undercurrent of love?”
Yes, you guessed it. There is an undercurrent of love in everything that you are doing, and it is that love that will help you find your way back home. It is your safety net.
Yes, Beloved One, life is safe because of love. Love creates the foundation. Love creates the anchor, and you are born into it.
There is one more body to share with you that you have, and it is like a translation body. This body takes the brilliant information that comes from Wisdom Everywhere and condenses it into formats that each of the bodies you are using can understand, so that one does not have to have or be born to or learn a particular language. All language is frequency. All language is vibration, and therefore, Beloved, you will have these vibrations translated into the vibrations you need or require.
Oh, you are in for a joy ride, Beloved Soul of light and life, for you are whole in your creation of self, and you are whole here upon this planet of love and light. In your wholeness will you journey to whatever this heart and mind of your being decides to create. That is why you are here, Beloved. You have come to create. You have come to learn how to create, and you have come to enjoy how to create, and even, Beloved Soul, you have come to increase the love on this planet.
Did you know, did they tell you before you came, that there is no limit to the amount of love that can be produced in life? That can be exuded from your being? That can be expanded to life everywhere? There is no limit to it.
You will discover there are planets. There is one called planet Earth, you will discover, Beautiful Soul, that planet Earth has been requesting for a long time, an overdose one might say, of love. It has been needing energy to help counteract some things on that planet that you will not encounter here, for you are living in an atmosphere where love is the thread and love is the foundation. Love is the anchor. Love is the food. Love is the manna. Love is the energy.
Dear one, this is your welcome to this planet. We are glad you are here and know that our love will surround you and follow you always, for you will always be taken care of. You will never lack unless you choose to have that experience."
Beloved Ones, this is what you would experience if you were on a planet whose anchored energy was love and not fear. Fear is indeed the energy that is still anchored on planet Earth, but each of you have been helping in your own way to give Mother Earth, shall we say, an overdose, an overdose of love.
This is the story that would be told to your Spirit were you on another planet, and you would understand the wholeness that you are. You would understand that the Soul is what fills your being, and you would understand that this Soul has tools.
You would understand that this Soul has allies.
You would understand that this Soul has friends. You truly may use whatever labels work for your understanding. There is no hard, fast, concrete label, and it is the labels on planet Earth that have caused the misunderstanding for the most part of what a Soul is.
Soul has been seen as something so distant when really you are living it. You are Soul in yourself. Soul is in you, so that when you look into your eyes in a mirror, you are seeing your Soul. That is why the poets have always said the eyes are the windows to the Soul, and if you will look into the eyes of anyone, you will be able to tell Beloveds just by looking if they are aware of themselves as Soul or not.
Who is the part that does the talking?
Who is the part that does the listening?
Who is the part that does the thinking?
Who is the part that does the feeling?
In this, it matters not, for all of it is YOU. You, Beloved, are Soul, seeking to be wide awake, seeking to remember that you are the generator of love, seeking to remember that you have no lack of access to that which IS. Call it God; call it power; call it love; call it what you desire. You have no lack. You are, and because you are, all that you think, all that you feel, all that you breathe, all that you imagine, all that you pretend, can be your truth. That is the most important part of this Lesson so far.
In Lesson 1, Pearl 55, it is “I AM ready to be more than just human”. Now we are creating Pearl 56: You Beloveds have all that is required to create that which others who are not ready to be more than just human would think impossible. You are on the initiation level, Beloveds, where you are knowing that impossible is going to be eradicated from your vocabulary.
Right now, the you that you are, can think of an infinite number of things where you could have conversation immediately with us and say, “Ah, but this is impossible, and I have tried this and this is impossible…and we are on this planet and how are we going to do this? This is impossible".
We do not speak of that which can be created just in third dimension.
We do not speak of that which could not be created on a planet of hatred or greed.
We speak of setting your consciousness and your subconscious and your superconscious, all parts of your Soul Self that you are, free from limitations that have convinced it that things are impossible.
This is why young children, when they are little, know they can fly, because they remember. They have lived on places where the Self they were in, the form they were in had the freedom of flight. They remember the freedom self and how it can move, but they have not learned how to contact within themselves this freedom self, and so they are confused that what they could do in their freedom self they think they could do in their physical self. This is where, you are understanding now, what might be possible on an etheric level may not be possible on a physical level. It might and it might not.
What might be possible when you are vibrating with a certain frequency would not be possible if you were vibrating at a different frequency. These are not the kinds of things we mean when we say taking impossible out of your vocabulary.
We take impossible out of your vocabulary because you, on planet Earth, were trained to believe that you were dependent on the lies of this planet, that you were dependent on the falsehoods on this planet, and that you were dependent on things that would keep you locked into “less than” or “fear”.
This is where we lift you out of, for when we speak of “anything is possible”, you must have your freedom in all of your selves in order to begin the manifestations.
When Master Jesus came to planet Earth, he came to teach the possibility and the trueness and the ability to have conscious physical immortality. Prior to that, it had never been dreamed of or demonstrated from this planet before. That is why he came: to leave a trail, to leave a journey, to leave a knowing, to leave a path, to leave a teaching that you too can have conscious physical immortality. You can have physical immortality.
This is where we are when we say we will remove from our beings the impossible. The impossible is only that which has never been done because it has never been demonstrated. It has not been learned. It has not been shown.
The new freedom comes, and this is what we would bring to your selves, Beloveds, freedom is your truth, freedom from the impossible, freedom from the unknown, freedom from believing that just because you have not seen someone do it, or heard someone do it, or read about someone who did it, that it is not possible.
Freedom from that limitation.
Beloveds, now we ask you to return to the gentleness within your Soul, and as you do, to take a deep and gentle breath, to breathe in that which is gentle, for we bequeath you gentleness in your being:
This is the story that would be told to your Spirit were you on another planet, and you would understand the wholeness that you are. You would understand that the Soul is what fills your being, and you would understand that this Soul has tools.
You would understand that this Soul has allies.
You would understand that this Soul has friends. You truly may use whatever labels work for your understanding. There is no hard, fast, concrete label, and it is the labels on planet Earth that have caused the misunderstanding for the most part of what a Soul is.
Soul has been seen as something so distant when really you are living it. You are Soul in yourself. Soul is in you, so that when you look into your eyes in a mirror, you are seeing your Soul. That is why the poets have always said the eyes are the windows to the Soul, and if you will look into the eyes of anyone, you will be able to tell Beloveds just by looking if they are aware of themselves as Soul or not.
Who is the part that does the talking?
Who is the part that does the listening?
Who is the part that does the thinking?
Who is the part that does the feeling?
In this, it matters not, for all of it is YOU. You, Beloved, are Soul, seeking to be wide awake, seeking to remember that you are the generator of love, seeking to remember that you have no lack of access to that which IS. Call it God; call it power; call it love; call it what you desire. You have no lack. You are, and because you are, all that you think, all that you feel, all that you breathe, all that you imagine, all that you pretend, can be your truth. That is the most important part of this Lesson so far.
In Lesson 1, Pearl 55, it is “I AM ready to be more than just human”. Now we are creating Pearl 56: You Beloveds have all that is required to create that which others who are not ready to be more than just human would think impossible. You are on the initiation level, Beloveds, where you are knowing that impossible is going to be eradicated from your vocabulary.
Right now, the you that you are, can think of an infinite number of things where you could have conversation immediately with us and say, “Ah, but this is impossible, and I have tried this and this is impossible…and we are on this planet and how are we going to do this? This is impossible".
We do not speak of that which can be created just in third dimension.
We do not speak of that which could not be created on a planet of hatred or greed.
We speak of setting your consciousness and your subconscious and your superconscious, all parts of your Soul Self that you are, free from limitations that have convinced it that things are impossible.
This is why young children, when they are little, know they can fly, because they remember. They have lived on places where the Self they were in, the form they were in had the freedom of flight. They remember the freedom self and how it can move, but they have not learned how to contact within themselves this freedom self, and so they are confused that what they could do in their freedom self they think they could do in their physical self. This is where, you are understanding now, what might be possible on an etheric level may not be possible on a physical level. It might and it might not.
What might be possible when you are vibrating with a certain frequency would not be possible if you were vibrating at a different frequency. These are not the kinds of things we mean when we say taking impossible out of your vocabulary.
We take impossible out of your vocabulary because you, on planet Earth, were trained to believe that you were dependent on the lies of this planet, that you were dependent on the falsehoods on this planet, and that you were dependent on things that would keep you locked into “less than” or “fear”.
This is where we lift you out of, for when we speak of “anything is possible”, you must have your freedom in all of your selves in order to begin the manifestations.
When Master Jesus came to planet Earth, he came to teach the possibility and the trueness and the ability to have conscious physical immortality. Prior to that, it had never been dreamed of or demonstrated from this planet before. That is why he came: to leave a trail, to leave a journey, to leave a knowing, to leave a path, to leave a teaching that you too can have conscious physical immortality. You can have physical immortality.
This is where we are when we say we will remove from our beings the impossible. The impossible is only that which has never been done because it has never been demonstrated. It has not been learned. It has not been shown.
The new freedom comes, and this is what we would bring to your selves, Beloveds, freedom is your truth, freedom from the impossible, freedom from the unknown, freedom from believing that just because you have not seen someone do it, or heard someone do it, or read about someone who did it, that it is not possible.
Freedom from that limitation.
Beloveds, now we ask you to return to the gentleness within your Soul, and as you do, to take a deep and gentle breath, to breathe in that which is gentle, for we bequeath you gentleness in your being:
- gentleness with yourself
- the gentleness of loving the self
- the gentleness of caring for the self
- the gentleness of believing in the self
- the gentleness that comes from knowing you are connected…you are connected…you are connected.
Pearl 57
The Soul Language of Symbols that represent my intentions/desires/goals + the Breath of Life (deep, gentle breathing) + my awareness turned inward IS the power, IS the way I create.
I AM a Creator God.
The Soul Language of Symbols that represent my intentions/desires/goals + the Breath of Life (deep, gentle breathing) + my awareness turned inward IS the power, IS the way I create.
I AM a Creator God.
This lesson is a meditative experience, so set aside 35 minutes
where you will not be disturbed and will be comfortable.
where you will not be disturbed and will be comfortable.
12th Grand Secret of Spiritual Mysteries: Going Soul, Lesson 3, Pearl 57

It is with great joy that We, The Council of 8, interact with you in this manner, this being Lesson 3 of Going Soul.
Each one of you hearing these words tonight has already made agreement within your being to be participating in expanded consciousness that you have been seeking for some time, and you are finding that it becomes easier and easier to reach into that inner world where your truths live and to recognize that the outer world is a reflection of what could be called ‘the future of your past’.
For you are, each one of you, living your future in this moment. You have dreamed tonight and yesterday into reality, and you are in the process of dreaming your tomorrow.
Going Soul this evening is more of the mechanics rather than the explanation of how to Go Soul.
For the most part, humans on your planet are taught words. Even now, at (ages) two and three, entities across the face of your planet are reading books, books without pictures; books without symbols. They are adopting the word as the ‘currency’ for life on planet Earth. What is occurring on many cultures upon your planet, including your own, is that the word took precedence over pictures and symbols. When you were all young, you had picture books, and they spoke volumes to your young minds, and then you were trained that words were more important than pictures. Little by little, the books you were reading became picture-free books, and you were looked down upon by peers, perhaps, if you wanted to read books with pictures, for the grown up and the more astute student read words.
Then you had a plethora, as it were, of dyslexic entities being born, not that the entity is dyslexic but that it created its physical form in such a way to make reading the physical word difficult. These souls came on your planet to challenge the educational system that was training everyone to words and away from symbols. Symbols, you see Beloveds, and pictures are the power and the language for the Messenger part of your being, what we are calling the Secretary or the Messenger, what you have sometimes called the “subconscious” and what we are calling the Christed self. It speaks in symbols not words. When you command it with words, unless your words are accompanied with a visualization within your being, it is hearing “Greek” one might say. It is not receiving that which you require to be made manifest into your life.
This evening, we offer to each of you the idea that symbols have power and pictures have power and to re-adopt them into the computer banks of your I AM self, knowing they are more of the realm of angels, and more of the realms of saints, and more of the realm of miracle-producers than extensive vocabularies trained into the mind and drilled into the student so they might enter college levels and PhD levels and so on.
This evening, we begin the mechanics of symbols and pictures. We have spoken to you previously in other courses of the power of symbols, and in Game Changers when you practiced becoming aware, you practiced also developing symbols that represented your truth, so that in the breathing, the receiving and the giving of the breathing, you would be using symbols with your breath. These two, if you learn nothing else, Beloveds, these two are the keys that unlock your freedom: the breath and the symbol.
In Game Changers, you learned to breathe in a symbol that represented life, and you learned to practice a deep and gentle breath, which is the breath of life. Some of you became aware that you had been breathing the breath of death, and that is very common on planet Earth. Not because it is a format. Not because it is an incorrect way of breathing. Simply because it was the programming on this planet when you were born, and it geared the body towards death. In other words, the body itself was something that was expendable and the atmosphere that you came into helped to create that truth.
You are blossoming and flowering out of it, Beloveds. Not one among you hearing these words is holding on to the programming that this planet tried to inundate you with, tried to make your truth. You have risen beyond it. That makes you GOING SOUL.
Breathing life, not air mind you, but life, breathing in life and attaching it to a symbol is your beginning and your alpha and your omega as well.
Each one of you hearing these words tonight has already made agreement within your being to be participating in expanded consciousness that you have been seeking for some time, and you are finding that it becomes easier and easier to reach into that inner world where your truths live and to recognize that the outer world is a reflection of what could be called ‘the future of your past’.
For you are, each one of you, living your future in this moment. You have dreamed tonight and yesterday into reality, and you are in the process of dreaming your tomorrow.
Going Soul this evening is more of the mechanics rather than the explanation of how to Go Soul.
For the most part, humans on your planet are taught words. Even now, at (ages) two and three, entities across the face of your planet are reading books, books without pictures; books without symbols. They are adopting the word as the ‘currency’ for life on planet Earth. What is occurring on many cultures upon your planet, including your own, is that the word took precedence over pictures and symbols. When you were all young, you had picture books, and they spoke volumes to your young minds, and then you were trained that words were more important than pictures. Little by little, the books you were reading became picture-free books, and you were looked down upon by peers, perhaps, if you wanted to read books with pictures, for the grown up and the more astute student read words.
Then you had a plethora, as it were, of dyslexic entities being born, not that the entity is dyslexic but that it created its physical form in such a way to make reading the physical word difficult. These souls came on your planet to challenge the educational system that was training everyone to words and away from symbols. Symbols, you see Beloveds, and pictures are the power and the language for the Messenger part of your being, what we are calling the Secretary or the Messenger, what you have sometimes called the “subconscious” and what we are calling the Christed self. It speaks in symbols not words. When you command it with words, unless your words are accompanied with a visualization within your being, it is hearing “Greek” one might say. It is not receiving that which you require to be made manifest into your life.
This evening, we offer to each of you the idea that symbols have power and pictures have power and to re-adopt them into the computer banks of your I AM self, knowing they are more of the realm of angels, and more of the realms of saints, and more of the realm of miracle-producers than extensive vocabularies trained into the mind and drilled into the student so they might enter college levels and PhD levels and so on.
This evening, we begin the mechanics of symbols and pictures. We have spoken to you previously in other courses of the power of symbols, and in Game Changers when you practiced becoming aware, you practiced also developing symbols that represented your truth, so that in the breathing, the receiving and the giving of the breathing, you would be using symbols with your breath. These two, if you learn nothing else, Beloveds, these two are the keys that unlock your freedom: the breath and the symbol.
In Game Changers, you learned to breathe in a symbol that represented life, and you learned to practice a deep and gentle breath, which is the breath of life. Some of you became aware that you had been breathing the breath of death, and that is very common on planet Earth. Not because it is a format. Not because it is an incorrect way of breathing. Simply because it was the programming on this planet when you were born, and it geared the body towards death. In other words, the body itself was something that was expendable and the atmosphere that you came into helped to create that truth.
You are blossoming and flowering out of it, Beloveds. Not one among you hearing these words is holding on to the programming that this planet tried to inundate you with, tried to make your truth. You have risen beyond it. That makes you GOING SOUL.
Breathing life, not air mind you, but life, breathing in life and attaching it to a symbol is your beginning and your alpha and your omega as well.
This evening, we invite you in this moment to come up with three symbols for yourself. If you have not already created your symbol of life, we invite you to do that as well, which will be a total of four symbols.
The first symbol we ask you to create in your consciousness in this moment is the symbol for personal awakening and personal self-mastery.
Symbols can be anything, Beloveds. What you choose relates to you and your truth.
Your symbol can be the roaring ocean.
Your symbol can be the night sky, full of stars that twinkle like diamonds.
Your symbol can be a fist, as it were.
Your symbol can be colors that have no shape or form, but colors that matter to your being.
You are seeking for that which to you represents this personal mastery, this personal awakening of self. In creating this symbol, what you are doing, even as we speak, will tell the Conduit, the Messenger of your Soul self, what is required to take to the Soul self (The Giver) that it may be taken unto your being.
Before we introduce ourselves to the next two symbols, we ask you to take a deep and gentle breath, and gentle is the key here, Beloveds. Deep and gentle.
You are exhaling when your lungs do not feel close to “majorly expanding and bursting”. It must be gentle. It is a gentle breath. Breathing in. Expansion and gently breathing out, and doing this again, for we wish this to be the breathing of your self in these moments. We do not count the breaths for you. We do not say hold them for a certain amount of time. We do not say, “Now exhale”, for you are each on your own perfect breathing inhalation and exhalation, as long as it is gentle.
Closing your eyes to breathe in gently the symbol that you have created or adopted or accepted for yourself and breathing out again. Simply breathing it in; not exhaling it yet, for we are not sending your symbol to the rest of the world, or the world even around you. We are breathing it in to the self that you are. Breathing it in, so that you are filling your being with this symbol, this picture of you, the mastery of you, the personal, even conscious ascension thought forms of you. Continue, Beloveds, breathing this in. Your focus is upon your symbol and your breath.
As you exhale, you breathe it in again, for breathing, Beloveds, creates energy. Breathing creates manna. Breathing gets the attention of your Messenger, the subconscious self, the Christ self, for its job has been to keep you breathing all of your life, and now you are taking conscious control of this breathing, gently breathing in your symbol and exhaling it.
We give you this moment to breathe in and practice your symbol, for this is what you will do when you are wishing to create your next level of spiritual initiation, your next level of spiritual awareness, your world of awakening. This is what you will do, and if you do this before you sleep tonight, Beloveds, and let yourself fall asleep with this vision in your mind, this symbol, as you breathe you are generating the energy required by the Christed self of your being to combine with the symbol and to lift it up to the Soul self, The Giver.
We say “lift it up” because that in itself is a symbol, the lifting up, for it tells the inner world what you are seeking.
You are seeking to lift the self up out of that which was limiting. You are seeking to lift the self up out of that which was restrictive. You are seeking to lift the self up into that which is expansive, and so even though to the conscious logical mind there is no “lifting out” and there is no “lifting to”, it is the symbolism. It is the feeling that you have within your being as you breathe in your symbol and you allow it to lift you energetically. You allow it to lift you with the breath. The feeling permeates into the symbol that you are using, and now you lift this into your self.
It is all your self, Beloveds. This is all your self. As we have spoken in the first two classes, the Soul of your being is attached, and never severed, to the conscious aware self, the Spirit of your being, and it is attached and never severed from the Christed self of your being, the subconscious, the brain self. They are united, and in this evening we are connecting them by breathing and using symbols. It is when your Christed self has sufficient energy that it can take this symbol you are giving it to this Soul consciousness of your being, and Soul understands, and the Soul generates using the energy offered. The Soul generates this truth back into your being.
This, Beloveds, with your eyes closed and your awareness turned inward and your breathing gentle and your use of a symbol IS the key, IS the power, IS a way that you create.
How will you know if what you have created and offered within your consciousness has been accepted by the Soul of your being and placed into creation?
You will know by the events of your tomorrow.
You will know by how the outer world forms itself around you.
You will know because you will experience it with the senses of your physical being.
Remember, Beloveds, you are here to create.
You are Creator Gods.
You are here to create, and in this Going Soul, we, The Council of 8, are not saying unto your beings that you must separate yourself in any way from life on planet Earth. We are not saying that you must look down upon the physical in any way. We are not saying that it is time for you to be as the eastern meditators are: cross legged and separating yourself from that which is of the world, unless that is your desire.
We are giving you tools to use that are the tools the masters themselves work with in all of the moments of their being, Beloveds.
Now we start. In our evening we are doing this, but eventually this will be your natural state of being. Not that we are saying you will live life with your eyes closed. Not that we are saying you will not participate in your outer world, but we are saying you will become aware of your power through breath and through symbols and the uniting of the two together.
If you will breathe in a simple gentle breath with no symbol attached. We are going to bring you a symbol now, the second symbol, and we are going to use it collectively as a group, consciously, for this will begin uniting your strength and your power to those who understand the direction your unity with self and with life and with ascension consciousness is taking.
We ask you to imagine. You might call it a wellspring; we will call it an upwelling of water that is coming as though it were a fountain bubbling up. It can be any color you desire, and it can be any height you desire and any width you desire, and it can be any strength you desire. It can be a few strands of crystal clear water sparkling that, because the sun is shining upon it, are coming up and dropping back down in the form of a fountain. It can be lights that change colors as though they were blue and then purple and then crystalline and then whatever colors you imagine, and they can swirl among each other rather than be straight lines of water. The can be in a vortex or a spiral, as it were, or you can have them so diamond-like you almost cannot bear to look at their brilliance and their beauty. The symbol is of the water coming like a fountain coming up but you personalize the symbol.
The meaning of this symbol is one that survived the ages, as it were, on planet Earth, for the upwelling and the uprising of a fountain of energy is the symbol for the Kundalini in the physical body. It is the symbol for consciousness rising from the lower levels to the higher levels. It is the symbol of self uniting with all of its highest wisdom. It is the symbol of consciousness knowing and understanding itself. It is the symbol of purity and perfection. It is the symbol of cleansing and aligning. It is a powerful symbol, Beloveds.
In these next few moments as you breathe it in, imagine it is coming up through your feet…
….and it is coming up through your body as you breathe it in…
….and it is coming up through the being and flowing out of the crown chakra but continuing into the ethers, as it were.
The first symbol we ask you to create in your consciousness in this moment is the symbol for personal awakening and personal self-mastery.
Symbols can be anything, Beloveds. What you choose relates to you and your truth.
Your symbol can be the roaring ocean.
Your symbol can be the night sky, full of stars that twinkle like diamonds.
Your symbol can be a fist, as it were.
Your symbol can be colors that have no shape or form, but colors that matter to your being.
You are seeking for that which to you represents this personal mastery, this personal awakening of self. In creating this symbol, what you are doing, even as we speak, will tell the Conduit, the Messenger of your Soul self, what is required to take to the Soul self (The Giver) that it may be taken unto your being.
Before we introduce ourselves to the next two symbols, we ask you to take a deep and gentle breath, and gentle is the key here, Beloveds. Deep and gentle.
You are exhaling when your lungs do not feel close to “majorly expanding and bursting”. It must be gentle. It is a gentle breath. Breathing in. Expansion and gently breathing out, and doing this again, for we wish this to be the breathing of your self in these moments. We do not count the breaths for you. We do not say hold them for a certain amount of time. We do not say, “Now exhale”, for you are each on your own perfect breathing inhalation and exhalation, as long as it is gentle.
Closing your eyes to breathe in gently the symbol that you have created or adopted or accepted for yourself and breathing out again. Simply breathing it in; not exhaling it yet, for we are not sending your symbol to the rest of the world, or the world even around you. We are breathing it in to the self that you are. Breathing it in, so that you are filling your being with this symbol, this picture of you, the mastery of you, the personal, even conscious ascension thought forms of you. Continue, Beloveds, breathing this in. Your focus is upon your symbol and your breath.
As you exhale, you breathe it in again, for breathing, Beloveds, creates energy. Breathing creates manna. Breathing gets the attention of your Messenger, the subconscious self, the Christ self, for its job has been to keep you breathing all of your life, and now you are taking conscious control of this breathing, gently breathing in your symbol and exhaling it.
We give you this moment to breathe in and practice your symbol, for this is what you will do when you are wishing to create your next level of spiritual initiation, your next level of spiritual awareness, your world of awakening. This is what you will do, and if you do this before you sleep tonight, Beloveds, and let yourself fall asleep with this vision in your mind, this symbol, as you breathe you are generating the energy required by the Christed self of your being to combine with the symbol and to lift it up to the Soul self, The Giver.
We say “lift it up” because that in itself is a symbol, the lifting up, for it tells the inner world what you are seeking.
You are seeking to lift the self up out of that which was limiting. You are seeking to lift the self up out of that which was restrictive. You are seeking to lift the self up into that which is expansive, and so even though to the conscious logical mind there is no “lifting out” and there is no “lifting to”, it is the symbolism. It is the feeling that you have within your being as you breathe in your symbol and you allow it to lift you energetically. You allow it to lift you with the breath. The feeling permeates into the symbol that you are using, and now you lift this into your self.
It is all your self, Beloveds. This is all your self. As we have spoken in the first two classes, the Soul of your being is attached, and never severed, to the conscious aware self, the Spirit of your being, and it is attached and never severed from the Christed self of your being, the subconscious, the brain self. They are united, and in this evening we are connecting them by breathing and using symbols. It is when your Christed self has sufficient energy that it can take this symbol you are giving it to this Soul consciousness of your being, and Soul understands, and the Soul generates using the energy offered. The Soul generates this truth back into your being.
This, Beloveds, with your eyes closed and your awareness turned inward and your breathing gentle and your use of a symbol IS the key, IS the power, IS a way that you create.
How will you know if what you have created and offered within your consciousness has been accepted by the Soul of your being and placed into creation?
You will know by the events of your tomorrow.
You will know by how the outer world forms itself around you.
You will know because you will experience it with the senses of your physical being.
Remember, Beloveds, you are here to create.
You are Creator Gods.
You are here to create, and in this Going Soul, we, The Council of 8, are not saying unto your beings that you must separate yourself in any way from life on planet Earth. We are not saying that you must look down upon the physical in any way. We are not saying that it is time for you to be as the eastern meditators are: cross legged and separating yourself from that which is of the world, unless that is your desire.
We are giving you tools to use that are the tools the masters themselves work with in all of the moments of their being, Beloveds.
Now we start. In our evening we are doing this, but eventually this will be your natural state of being. Not that we are saying you will live life with your eyes closed. Not that we are saying you will not participate in your outer world, but we are saying you will become aware of your power through breath and through symbols and the uniting of the two together.
If you will breathe in a simple gentle breath with no symbol attached. We are going to bring you a symbol now, the second symbol, and we are going to use it collectively as a group, consciously, for this will begin uniting your strength and your power to those who understand the direction your unity with self and with life and with ascension consciousness is taking.
We ask you to imagine. You might call it a wellspring; we will call it an upwelling of water that is coming as though it were a fountain bubbling up. It can be any color you desire, and it can be any height you desire and any width you desire, and it can be any strength you desire. It can be a few strands of crystal clear water sparkling that, because the sun is shining upon it, are coming up and dropping back down in the form of a fountain. It can be lights that change colors as though they were blue and then purple and then crystalline and then whatever colors you imagine, and they can swirl among each other rather than be straight lines of water. The can be in a vortex or a spiral, as it were, or you can have them so diamond-like you almost cannot bear to look at their brilliance and their beauty. The symbol is of the water coming like a fountain coming up but you personalize the symbol.
The meaning of this symbol is one that survived the ages, as it were, on planet Earth, for the upwelling and the uprising of a fountain of energy is the symbol for the Kundalini in the physical body. It is the symbol for consciousness rising from the lower levels to the higher levels. It is the symbol of self uniting with all of its highest wisdom. It is the symbol of consciousness knowing and understanding itself. It is the symbol of purity and perfection. It is the symbol of cleansing and aligning. It is a powerful symbol, Beloveds.
In these next few moments as you breathe it in, imagine it is coming up through your feet…
….and it is coming up through your body as you breathe it in…
….and it is coming up through the being and flowing out of the crown chakra but continuing into the ethers, as it were.
It is not falling, as it were, back to Earth, and so with each breath you breathe in, you are breathing in this fountain of archetypal wisdom that is communicating to your being:
Continue doing your breathing, Beloveds, gently, allowing this symbol to move in and through your being, and in the process, attaching to this symbol the symbol you created just before this one. When you are breathing them in, you are breathing them in together, gently inhaling, gently watching...perceiving...feeling…knowing…and then exhaling and breathing it in again as you are filling yourself and your being with power and energy from your breath…
...and truth…
...and newness...
...and future with your symbols.
...continuing the breathing…
...focusing on the symbol…
...letting yourself be completely aware.
Remember, Beloveds, as we have said in Game Changers, without the practice of awareness, you will be lacking in the mastery you seek. So stay aware, Beloveds, in this moment.
Aware of your breath and what it feels like.
Aware of the symbols you are breathing in.
Aware of the breath as it exhales.
Aware of the symbols as they continue to fill your consciousness and your awareness, as they expand around you.
You are this awareness…and you are this knowing…and you are this symbol…and you are the breath…and you are life…and you are the wholeness…and you are the alignment…and you are the perfection…the awakened aware perfection…and you are the key.
You are holding it in your mind now…and you are breathing it gently now…and you know in this moment that you are connected with those of like mind…
...and those of likened energy…
...and with those of likened vision…
...and those of likened symbols...
...and those of likened perfection
…and now you bring in, as it were, the third symbol, allowing first of all your fountain of perfection to dissipate with your last inhalation and exhalation so that you give yourself permission now to breathe in gently with no symbol at all, three breaths in succession...
Gently inhaling, creating your prana, and gently exhaling...
...and once you have allowed yourself these three gentle breaths, create for yourself your last symbol for this journey in this moment, and that symbol is the symbol of infinite love and infinite wisdom united.
Infinite love and infinite wisdom united.
Infinite love and infinite wisdom united.
Once again, it can be colors. It can be shapes and form. It can be memories. It can be people. It can be creatures. It can be spatial. It can be of the earth. It can be anything that is your symbol that speaks to your being of perfect love and perfect wisdom. For the concept of perfect is an abstract. There is no understanding of perfect, so you must create this symbol for you, that you recognize what it is you are striving for in your consciousness and your day to day engagements and endeavors of creation…the life you are participating in, whether it is here on planet Earth or whether it is on other dimensions as well, or not as well.
Beloveds, before we begin the breathing exercise of creating more manna and prana to give to your Soul being, practice in this moment uniting all of the symbols of which we have spoken:
As you feel them united in a way that you might breathe them in, not just through your nose but through your skin, breathe them in through the soles of your feet. Breathe them in from all of life around you, taking in your deep and gentle breathes, allowing them to fill you and feed you. Allowing them to move through your spine. Allowing them to move through all of the energy centers of your body, your earth suit, the self that is the temple, the being that you are.
Allowing these symbols, as you breathe them in, to move through all of the atoms and molecules that are your existence inside your physical form and outside it as though your physical form has disappeared or expanded or dissolved, and as you breathe in, you are breathing it in to all of the life that you are aware of that is around you. It can be the life where you are sitting. It can be the life where you are living. It can be the life of your culture. It can be the life of your country. It can be the life of your planet. It can be the life of your galaxy. It can be the life of your universe. It can be the life of every dimension that you call your Higher Wisdom to permeate.
You, Beloved, in this moment, the God consciousness of your being, the Soul of your being, has expanded itself with the symbols you are using and the energy you are generating into the manifestation of this request: Going Soul.
For you are each one Going Soul in the moment, and you are each one claiming your space in life to write in this moment what you, the Soul of your self, wish as a truth for this planet you are on, for this life you are living, and for the self you are when you are not in physical form.
In this wholeness, in this wellness, you are the power of Going Soul.
- that you are one with those who are awakening
- that you are one with those who are in alignment with the highest ideals of the heart and mind of God
- and you are this continued awakening.
Continue doing your breathing, Beloveds, gently, allowing this symbol to move in and through your being, and in the process, attaching to this symbol the symbol you created just before this one. When you are breathing them in, you are breathing them in together, gently inhaling, gently watching...perceiving...feeling…knowing…and then exhaling and breathing it in again as you are filling yourself and your being with power and energy from your breath…
...and truth…
...and newness...
...and future with your symbols.
...continuing the breathing…
...focusing on the symbol…
...letting yourself be completely aware.
Remember, Beloveds, as we have said in Game Changers, without the practice of awareness, you will be lacking in the mastery you seek. So stay aware, Beloveds, in this moment.
Aware of your breath and what it feels like.
Aware of the symbols you are breathing in.
Aware of the breath as it exhales.
Aware of the symbols as they continue to fill your consciousness and your awareness, as they expand around you.
You are this awareness…and you are this knowing…and you are this symbol…and you are the breath…and you are life…and you are the wholeness…and you are the alignment…and you are the perfection…the awakened aware perfection…and you are the key.
You are holding it in your mind now…and you are breathing it gently now…and you know in this moment that you are connected with those of like mind…
...and those of likened energy…
...and with those of likened vision…
...and those of likened symbols...
...and those of likened perfection
…and now you bring in, as it were, the third symbol, allowing first of all your fountain of perfection to dissipate with your last inhalation and exhalation so that you give yourself permission now to breathe in gently with no symbol at all, three breaths in succession...
Gently inhaling, creating your prana, and gently exhaling...
...and once you have allowed yourself these three gentle breaths, create for yourself your last symbol for this journey in this moment, and that symbol is the symbol of infinite love and infinite wisdom united.
Infinite love and infinite wisdom united.
Infinite love and infinite wisdom united.
Once again, it can be colors. It can be shapes and form. It can be memories. It can be people. It can be creatures. It can be spatial. It can be of the earth. It can be anything that is your symbol that speaks to your being of perfect love and perfect wisdom. For the concept of perfect is an abstract. There is no understanding of perfect, so you must create this symbol for you, that you recognize what it is you are striving for in your consciousness and your day to day engagements and endeavors of creation…the life you are participating in, whether it is here on planet Earth or whether it is on other dimensions as well, or not as well.
Beloveds, before we begin the breathing exercise of creating more manna and prana to give to your Soul being, practice in this moment uniting all of the symbols of which we have spoken:
- your breath of life symbol, your personal mastery symbol
- your infinite waters of awareness-perfection-of-life archetype symbol
- and your symbol of perfect love and perfect understanding, perfect will, perfect right-useness as you understand it.
As you feel them united in a way that you might breathe them in, not just through your nose but through your skin, breathe them in through the soles of your feet. Breathe them in from all of life around you, taking in your deep and gentle breathes, allowing them to fill you and feed you. Allowing them to move through your spine. Allowing them to move through all of the energy centers of your body, your earth suit, the self that is the temple, the being that you are.
Allowing these symbols, as you breathe them in, to move through all of the atoms and molecules that are your existence inside your physical form and outside it as though your physical form has disappeared or expanded or dissolved, and as you breathe in, you are breathing it in to all of the life that you are aware of that is around you. It can be the life where you are sitting. It can be the life where you are living. It can be the life of your culture. It can be the life of your country. It can be the life of your planet. It can be the life of your galaxy. It can be the life of your universe. It can be the life of every dimension that you call your Higher Wisdom to permeate.
You, Beloved, in this moment, the God consciousness of your being, the Soul of your being, has expanded itself with the symbols you are using and the energy you are generating into the manifestation of this request: Going Soul.
For you are each one Going Soul in the moment, and you are each one claiming your space in life to write in this moment what you, the Soul of your self, wish as a truth for this planet you are on, for this life you are living, and for the self you are when you are not in physical form.
In this wholeness, in this wellness, you are the power of Going Soul.